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SHIP INN :ate and 318, High Stree Bangor. ju^ICxi A &-D TILLIPÁMS, PROPRIETOR, T*»EAK*AHTS. Luncheon. and Dinners, ar. H limy* rin'-iy. V:tor« to Bangot wwl U o la !IiCe at ¡""1.. iisinnenr/ W » ,J (J r s o N Back oi £ t. Gei»y^s Oroscant, L L A N U i: D N 0 xesl ^fpl^ ALL Kinds of INVALID CIIAIK3 ON HIRE. RAND BARROWtf FOR SALE OS LIKE. INVALID CHAIRS FOR SALE OR HIRB. 2192 \1 ,) ",Ii, f" ?i: vfc 17- .A-U D» Ironmongers, Plumbers, Decorators. S8«»'S tTSv. PAPKH'I ANr'i; SGS, OIL AND COLOUR W A R 2 II O IT ft s H í) U o R 1: P A X h 8 "LLOYD bTREET LLANLKJuNO. ctn.:1¡Js s3 RLLS Oft warra-nted to cure, la either sex, aii t1.Ç\t:.ued ur oca- agtutioDF61 Discharges from the Uriaary Organs, fmi Pains in the back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 30 years. In boxes 46. 6d. each, of all Chemiata and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or seat for sixty stamps by the makers, The Liacoia lbkd Wdl-d Counliea Drug Company. Tiinooln. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS COCOA. E PP SIS j WATEFUL-COMFORTINIG. I COCOA I FOR BRsAKFAST AND SUPPER. NO PRELIMINARY FEES CHARTED I MONEY LENT PRIVATELY To Farmers ITraleqmen, Lcdgiug-hvuee Keepers and others in HUIDS OF .£10 up TO X500 ON BORROWER'S OWN PROMISSORY NOTE lower ratetl than aeually charged. Repaymant, Arranged to meet Borrower's requirements. NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN Genuine and Extensive business done for 27 years put. Hundreds of Borrowers have given unsolic. i ted testimony to the Fait and Considerate Treat- umt received. Full particulars on application, by letter or per- aonoUy* to GEORGE PAYNE, Accountant, 3, Creacent Road, RH7L TO GARDENERS AND FLORISTS. IF yon want a finat-clafls Weekly Gardening Paper whaoh contains only sound, practical, and useful information on all subjects connected with the Gerden and its Management, and all our- rent Efe<rtieult.iira} read THE GARDENING WORLD, whtda ifl published every FRIDAY MORNING. j PRICE, Id. POST FREE, I ItUÐ BY ALL NEWSAGENTS. 17, CATHERINE-STREET, COVENT GARDEN, EC. j IMPORTANT TO LLANDUDN HOUSEHOLDERS. OWING to the nnmerona letters receive weekly desiring a LLANDUDNO DIREG• TORY 4- VISITOR forwarded, containing a List of APARTMENTS & FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET, we have decided to start a Column beaded, CQMFORTABJL.E QV ARTEIU3 AT LLANDUDNO and insert it in ProrainentPositiou in Directory •very week. Tnie will t roprietora of *B 0 A R D IN G ESTABLISHMENTS and LODGINGHOUSES a good opportunity of brining their AdvertisamMnto directly betoro the nctiCF of Intending Visitors to Llaudadno. We offar Specially Modarat* Terms or Residents tbua to advertise, as under 28 Words (five lines), the Season, fcr 25a. All the year round for 30a. Terms for one inaartion and upwards at usual rates. t — pp, JT hi f\ I' I h.u #0-TER9 for Auctioneers, Tradesmen, I Ba^ts.1*8. Sales of Work, Lectures, fnbtvo Meetings, Conoerts, Tea Meetings, ~vi £ &o., in. one, two or three ccloors. fcito-'ioueera* Catalogues and PartioQiars of ftViea, Trade^nsen'a Price Lists, Circulars, TVf.t'morMtdnros, Note Henda and Cards, Ooacert Programmes and Tickets Tickets cf Aim ssion to Bazaars, Sales of Work, Lectures, Entertainments, Public and Tea Meetings, Ball Prograr-imes, Menu Cards, imd every deanciptioc of tXTTEBPRESS PRINTING xzxoTrrxD WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH ISr AT TIn Lowest Possible Prices At IH» ,i-iandudno Directory PRINTiNG ESTABLISHMENT. C.LXTON HOUSE. HOSVTYN STREET LLANDUDNO I LLANDUDNO. f I j THE I I nD N CRAIGYDON f-di Boa, iig HOllse '.J: J?,_t: J; :r-:r C E). IODATIO"' FOR 70 VISITORS. KCCONY Fine Views of Bay and Great and Littlt) Ormes. TEF-ims. isses MiddlletiOi'i and Wood. -+ DEGANWV CASTLE HOTEL, Half way between Llandudno and the Junction, Directly facing Conway Castie and Bridges. The nearest Hotel to the celebrated Cai-narvonsbire Golf Links, and within easy distance of the North Wales Links. C NVi-NIENT IOii ALL COACHING AND RAILWAY EXCURSIONS. BOATING. BATHING, TENNIS, BILLIARDS, GOLF aood. Acoommodatior fw Cyclists. A RIFF ON APPLICATION TO MRS TEITTON", S PROPRIETRESS. PLAS MAWR, CONWAY i %Yi XL. J p IF Tupi OLD r7 0omjim* *1 aij 1 v- "1 ELIZABETHAN PALACE r.Y_YY-Y-Y Open Daily. —Mmgrawmrrnr mwrv t iiriTif.TffgiBinwnTrrnr«»inrmr~^— mma mm and SON, Ctlass, Chiiia, and Sartiienware M erchant, 91 k 145, MOsTYN-STRFEl1, ILANRDNO, l COMPLETE STOCK ip kept ot these EetabUebcjc-rits, eaitable for Furnishing from Sitohen i. Prawink, room. Speciaiitie ia now given to Toilet and Dinner Ware. ot every Desoription the Useful and OrnaKtsrUai, Prices qootef1 aid Samplee lapplied upon Application. —————————————"———————————————-——— SOLE AGENTS FCR THE 11 V OSI PORCELAIN E !•; A M. £ L E R 8 IN COLODU WITH TKE -\L}.JS or WAI.ES. TTMMa—tamaiWIHH' lllia—ML IBIW lliUMHIBIMMIIIil ■ MI I Vwro^imTm.' | The World's Best Bicycle. ¡ ¡ I £12 123. C 15 1 X21. I The Lozier-Brigham, Ltd., I 24, 25, 26, 27, Orchard Street, Oxford Street, London, W Local Agents MR J. DAVIES, DEGANWY. MESSRS JOSIAH HUGHES & CO, BANGOR. -451) LIVER. (9 Biliousness. Constipation. s 8 8 S 8 8 S S 8 S 8 S 8 S S S 5 S s s S G S ,5 a 5 S (9 VEGETABrm. 5 (9 SUGAR COATED. But be sure they are CARTER'S. S A Carter's "Little hirer Fills are sometimes counterfeited. It is not enouah A t»r "Little Liver rilU." » CARTER» is the important word, and M snould be observed on the outside wrapper, otherwise the Bills within A w cannot be genuine. W £ ^?h £ kar™l?jTxT&" "li"" P" <■■ "»>$ SMALL PILL, AYf R 9 SMALL DOSE, HffTlffiWBm^nmsuss, V 9 SMALL PRICE. Wfflnrf^Ba £ ;)| «BaBbksSSM MOON'S HOTEL, IIAHBUDJiO- Å i & ö.. J4,I 'v e 0 j o m CD 0 (D Q '0 PJ iL c.-t. ¡o.-I- (1) en o A (j,) I. ..>. ct" ü ro C œ I "0 .4 o t) WALh. FROM (3ENIBE OF PROMENADE AND STATICN potPcriiAR PIR I ATE er i 1 ITE MILLIARD AND RECREATION ROOMS." PUBLIC AN;) PEIYVTE RITTP;C; "ROOMS, ALSO NUM^R;0US ABR AND WELL-APPOINTED BEDROOMS. GOOD B, lO ONf. ACCOMMODATION FOR CYCLISTS. Charges Moderate. Wm Winch, Proprietor. kT _rvi" Poai-ding (Etf, Pension). OF GRAND PARADE. F'A_C r ¡G rf ,).. td i! 'ir ;r-; -r .Ÿ n, g H!' i. ^x- lj 1*J^L.D —M——wwwtafwigiaroi rww ■ ■■iuuwii>CT8Krvg^i»aTa.»yTfwmr rrvmr:%«» -.t.-t- « •> r-rnr mi ithji THE Llandudno Cocoa House & Temperance I-lotel) 66, i! DINNERS DAILY FROM 12 TO 3 o'clock Good Accommodation for Tourists and Cyclists Baths, œc PAmPI3E8 €ATi5BKW FO.f, 7532 REEVES-Mo U ■ .UI,,a"¡'X'r.¡L;caiiAn. HOLLY BANK, I L.å" L,};J r:; .JL I:L t: A 4/A.II .«. 1.. t- ';¡"' Boarding Establishment and ivVr.\uH tiolel, VA? «SS6AK Mid*ray etween the Railway Station and EepiaBs,i» («.)»» iuhvat*> whik from Parade. THIS Establishment has been builc with a 3w*3jal viak- ot enauyiqe tbu oo:afocS. of Vigors, to JL replete with all modern improvec&(>:utt, the Sanitary s.taug«i>ojent«! porr<»n», and h'8 just been much enlarred. A LIBERAL TABLE is runint-Amed, ?oDd good SMOKE-IiOirM proyifiad. FOR TARIFF, &c., APPLY TO vole* Mrs Samuel Roberts, Proprietress. FERMDALE;r '7-1 i Boarding Establishment, 3L,X.^ ;>T I3"CJ :03STO, NEAR STATION AND CENTRE OF PARADE. W PEARSON, Proprietor- 8115 ———MB—mmmm*mM—— —>o—»«»M_rrTm]g[BmTnM THE CLIFTON Private and Commercial Hotel, VAUGHAN STREET, LLANDUDNO, CLOSE TO STATION- ONE MINUTE FROM PARAD FITTED WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE Good Cuisine. Stock Rooms. EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION FOR CYLCISTS sis Mrs K. JONES, Proprietress.1 1- "imiininwn ii m hwwh ~-rjTfrrarwnit»narniinnwiaiiiiirTBKf—nnri—w—niommuu—■—t— WOOLLEY'S HOTEL, Llandudno. LLANDUDNO WOOLLETS Private and Commercial Hotel (LATE JACKSON'S), LLOYD S I-REF-T. —:— C.T.C. MODERATE TARIFF. BOOTS MEETS TRAINS. SEA VftW. ProprietressA, M. WOOLLEY, late of the Tower, Aberystwyth. 8137 THE WATERLOO HOTEL, BETTWS-Y-COED Close to the Waterloo Bridge and a few minutes' walk from the Railway Station ( ftm to the left at the top of Station Road). Excellent Stabling and Lock-up Coach Houses » Posting in all its branches. 4arge Lawn Tennis Grounds. COACHING to LLANBERIS AND BEDDGELERT DAILY in connection with the L. and N. W. Railway Co. GOLF I !—An excellent 9-hole Golf 'been opened in connection with this HOTEL, and is FREE TO Visitors B I L L I A R D S. Fot Tariff of Charges apply to r B. McCulloch, Proprietor I IA LEXAN 0 RA HOTEL LLANDUDNO, FIRST CLASS HOTEL FOR FAMILIES AND COM- MERCIAL GENTLEMEN. Centerly Situated, only Two Minutes trom Railway Station. and Post-Office. STOCK ROOIU. BOOTLS MEETS ALL TRAINS. MODERATE TARIFF. ENTIRELY Re-built Re-furnished, and Re-decorated, and will be tound to contain every modern 1 Comfort and Convenience. MISS RAINFORD Proprietress. <>MMMMJM^|IMU1gBMMMjjMimu[M:MMMPn:iMnrrrrMi mi i IHIIMI jiiaiw ':C:ID"- LLANDUDNO- V I IsTc E N T' S HIGH-CLASS PRIVATE AND FAMILY HOTEL, SITUATED in the centre of f "le MARINE and possesses the most Sea on the Parade; also an uninterrupted and com mandIng vIew of the CarnarTonshire MounAgins. Sitting Rooms the Seait LOF1'Y AND WELL-ARRANGED SMtOKfNO AND BILLIARD ROOMS. EXTENSIVE x'ARIFF (graduated aocording to the season of the year) on application to 7605Z JOHN VINCENT, Proprietor THE PROMENADE HOTEL AND ù .r .:L \l ..(.-1.. RESTAURANT, 15, SOUTH PARADE, LLANDUDNO :J [OPPOSITE THE PIER.] RS IDXOIE21XIDT [LATE OF BIRMINGHAM.] FIRST-CLASS REFRESHMENT, ..NC-lEON, DINING AND SUPPER RvOM WHERE Viands of the Finest Quality at most Moderate Prices, are Served at all houra Special Accommodation Provided for Visitors- ladles' C'olfee Aloom English and German CONFECTIONERY, ICES, CREAMS and JELLIES BALLS, DINNERS, PARTIES &c., Catered for at Moderate Cha JJ"- 11 -.I. MACHNO HOTEL, P™o- Near BETTWSYCOED. 3STo. 11 C O C TOURS. THE above Hotel is picturesquely situated in the Vale of Penmachno, about 4^ milea off Bettwayooed Siati First-class accommodation for Families aud Tourists.. Brakes will ba at Bettwaycoed Station from 9 the morning antil 6 at uight. The Vale of Penmachno abounds in objects of internet, comprising the w known Fairy Glen, Conway Falls, Pandy Mills, Old Roman Bridge, And the Traditional DEVIL'S CHAIR, nd magnificent Mountain Scenery. RIVER BEING FREE FOB TROUT FISHING. Tickets may be had at all Railway Stations. Fare fo the trip, 2a each from Bettws to tbe Hotel. Brak will return to meet trains for the coast L p repared at the Hotel. W. HAYDN DAV1ES, Proomtor Electric Lighting, Contraotem to Llandud** Pier 0* Ltd. Electric Transmission TWoimMM.0atLM. f x v_v «j A -B.'W OF POWER, Electric Motors, crai.id.Ltd. Electric rrelephones, ESTIMATBS »»4 Electric Bells' &e-. &e- Information free; I 3D O 3ST 3ST X S O 3ST, BARBER &C CO, ELECTRIC LIGHT ASDJPOWEE ENGINEERS, | 18, Mostyn St., LLANDUDNO. j Head Office and Works, MANCHESTER. j | '12 loll ;a- ,ømmrml"\ BAD SORES AND OLD WOUNDS. ? I This invaluable Oinlment readily ewes bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. 5 Any sort if treated by this celebratec- Ointment will promptly yield to its wonderful healing BL properties. Ilolloway's Pills should be ;iken to purify the blood. These famous medicines are IS known throughout the world for their unrivalled efficacy. j9 j RHEUMATIC PAINS. I For the «nre of gout ?r»d rheumatism or settled aches and pains it is most important t:»at this g| truly marvellous Ointment should be thoroughly rubbed over the complaining parts twice a day. g[ u s.°^ influence will soon be felt, and a cure will quickly follow if the Pilis be taken to lessen ff the inflammation and purify the blood. m ENLARGEMENT OF THE LEGS, GLANDULAR AND f I B OTHER SWELLINGS, | H In the reduction of 0.11 glandular swellings no remedy equals th's ;corap.^r-iMe Ointment; it ) f u prevents the formation of extraneous growths, and is an invaluable remedy Io cjteckiii^ all chronic || discharges; when diligently rubbed into 'hI;. parts affected, the wor-r. case will yield in a H q :omparatively short space of time. 1 COLDS AND SORE THROATS. | « For bronchitis, shortness of breath, cold, "nd sore throats. 111;" 0i:;tr.r;nt may V cor.&derec! S ■ as niarvellous if most eftVc:tu;illj^ rubbed intc- the suffering parts n:yht aud lak'n^ a/ *2 'I same time a few doses of Holloway's invaluable Pills. A ciuv is sure to afiend ii\;s "itatniont, g I SKIM DISFIASE S. I ■ This Ointment is a certain remedy i'.s all diseases of the .-Vu.. « rnr. ^[1^1^ S Scurvy, ringworffi, UcHies, pin>j>it's, and other cutaneous ui:0.f^, ai>: :v o,v. tr;idicat-.ci by this invaluable Ungtient. < Scurvy, ringworffi, UcHies, pjnFkS, and other cutaneous ui:0.f^, 0;" :v o,v. tr;idicat-.ci by this invaluable Ungtient. < l'h*. Ointment and T'i! 1^ are .x.»hl at X'uomas Hhj.u a 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (I.ATE 533, OXFOR!» 7 ONLO.V J; also by nearly c*T;y respectable Vcr.dor of Medicine, in Hox».s »*• >t«..it i >i., t.<. ( IW., 22s., and 33J. each 2s. 9a'. size contains 'iret: lijnos the .-•••i.-xisize fcv. the 4f. (id. size six; the IU. s>ize sixteen; the Z2s. ;irty-(h>ve ;vk1 ilio .-u>: t.'Iiy-two yj times the quantity of t!;e SiU-ru't-: yui* ;,ro "X-s. vj Full printed directions are oOixed to each lot 11- ontl iH: han in IJ,—Advice Gratia. »t uwe a&droca. drily. i-civn-M the ho'.rv li arid, i, or by inlictf. }; f fIt I