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Aiy To £ ? £ CUII .1 < NJ AJ EST APYOMRASNT TAE QOBKJ AND II. R. H. THE PRINCESS OF WALSS. "■_> R O W AS & C ° MEHCERS, CHESTER, AUT U MN IN MA1-TLE8, CAPES, SLLK:I, COAT AND SKIRTS, FUR*, DRESS FABRICS. LINENS, QUILTS, TOWELS. JACKETS AND FURS RSMODEU-EI). 14471 o a I^NA' 1 c E SUKVEY MAPS. SOLE AGENTS FOR NO ST 11 WALES, JABVIS & FOSTER, LORrrE ROUSE, B A Y, G 14770-3?S E~W V ETE H I NARY C OLLEG E, EDINBURGH. Affiliate of R C. V.y. by Koyal Sign Manual. The NEXT ESSION will Commence on the 6th October. Preliminary Educational Examination for intending Students takes place in Edinburgh September 30th. Full particulars on application to the Secretary, J15295 VIOLIN L MR FREDERICK JONES, from the GUILDHALL SCH C> L OF MTJSIC, LOII'IOD, GIVES LESSONS. ALDDRICSS CHAT;JAM HOUSE, UPPR BANGOR. 15.505r •j^ANCHfcafER (4KAMMAU SCHOOL. FEE. E4 4s Ort per Term. The TERM began TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH. Prospectuses, .forms of application, tec., may be had a5 the School. OWEN* W. COX. Receiver. N.33.—Ths BOARDING-HOUSE in connectiun with tho 'School is situated in Higher Broughton 15459u LLATDÚ VERY COLLEGE. MICHAELS A3 TEKM wiil begin on WEDNESDAY, -SEPTEMBER 22nd. Boarders return the Previous Day. One Year's! Successes include Nine Scholarships and ¡ Exhibitions at Oxford and Cambridge direct from School. Had the largest number of Distinctions gained by any •School in the Oxford and Cambridge Schools iixaminatian. particulars apply to the W ARDEN. College. Llan- DOTERY. 154S5wh EVERY VISITOR TO LLANDUDNO SHOULD BUY WILLIAMS' ILLU-STR ITKD XliLUSTBATED GUILE TO IJIJAIVDUDNO C05T,U r:S-G a history ard description f 0 ciwa.v Cast!? j th-i Vale of Conway, Liarirwst, Bettwsyroe Cap Curig, Swr.llow Waterfalls, and cthsr pla::e;i of iuturpsf. ;l the 8now>ni»n district; Colwyn Bay, Peiirawn ma w Llanfairfechan, bt-r, sc., wiv-li directions how to see theac at the leagi- possible expense and less of time. Tho new Edition contains 100 pages of reading matter r and gives much valuable information to the as we! at>.VÜlitGr such as the Autb-.Tlsad Hackney carriage, Boat, t, and Bat Iti.. g Fares, Fopfca) Information, Railway Pares, Rwn Porters' charges, li.e., Ac., Walks, (Brake D.rive, 1:t;ea1ftH!Ü coai-tmr-ieation, tv. Crown Svn., 100 pages, «!onS»ius < I of num ous THustr ari»ns. "Thaworkis very comprehensive A anniber of his torical facts uot generally *iio»u ajro i'ltio-.i.-oci. ai>u tu cue travellerwiH incrsaa* the interest he rnu:,t n&t.TiraUy take 111 Making at»ur«f tkis romantic neigh bcju L; erp(;i Mercury," "The bsvsk is full of a mass of really useful and prsrtics nfomiiatinn. There are directions tCI the to-irut where to .:0 a £ <i AvW I/O go at, tho least possible expense an r. ioss fttiiue. Liverpool Courier." Will be found aa useful AS it is cheap.—" LIVERPOOL CSU- Tost." To be bad (by post, 7 £ d), of the Pahlisbar, EVAN WILLIAMS, Market-place, Bangor, ana of ) BEAFC^J }f?Ya House and Estate Agerey Office. E8TABLIBHED 1851. J- & CO., AGENTS AND VALUERS, CENT 'AL CPA^BEHs, Cornsb OF MOSTYN AND LLOYD STREETS, LLLNDUDNO, HAVE ALWAY3 First Class FURNISHED RESIDENCES TO LET. First Class APAETMEN l'h, Also UNFURNISHED HOUSES TO LET and FOR SALE, SHOPS AND BUSINESS PREMISES in Variety FOR SALE AND TO LET. Also FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD LAND VALUERS FOR PROBATE, &c., Aa. MONEY PROCURED ON MORTGAGE at Law Rate of Iutero&t.. RENT CCILKGTCM, &0.. Ac. EO aL EZ« B ANItE ASSURANCE CORPORATION. (Established by Royal Charter, A.D. 1720). chief Office: Royal Exchange, London. Branch J, Dile Street, Liverpool. TSS AOCUMTJiATBD FOMCB E.\CBED3 £ 4,000 )00 Claims Paid ever £ 37,00^,000. FIRE. Every description ot F¡'e Irisaranoa traasacSo'. Losses occasioned by Lightning will bit paid whether tha property be set on fire or not. LIFE, The Corporation affordi3 security of the hijjfcaat otdor, and declares Bonuses exceeding the average distri^'itioti of Assurance companies. The Conditions of Assurance havs bean lately revised. A Prospeafiaa, Table of Bonua, and Balance Sheet Will be forwarded on application to Amlwch-Mr S. H. SMITH, Old Bank, Bangor-Kf JAMES SMITH, Carnarvon—Mr G. R. REES, Agent* PATRONISED BY THE Leading Auctioneers and Business-men la North "'ale8 and by t:1a Principal ^Theatrical Agents, c GRIFFITH-DAVIES, 23, Union Street, BANGOR. THE ORIGINAL BANGOR BILLPOSII R. ESTABLISHED 30 YIABS. Member of en., United Kingdom Billpotiws' Association. LIST of PRIVATE STATIONS in Bangor:— Glanadda, West End, Near the Railway Station, Hif?h-atreet, 3 on Glan'raton Hill, Market- place, 3 in Love-lane, 5 on Garth-road. Beaumaris: -Msrket Hall. Bethesda 1 at Railway Station and 2 in the Centre of the Village. All boards kept in good order and satisfaction guaranteed. Charges Moderate. Contracts under- taken to post the whole of the surrounding diatriot ef Anglesey, Ac. Conversant with both iangaages Welsh and English). N.B.— PLEASE NOTE ABOVE ADDRESS. I S W E,(q.r F fl. E,D'S j CliUROH OF ENGLAND public Day and Boarding School FOR GIRLS, BANGOR, N. WALES. via rt or THE LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR. PBOVOST REV. HENRY MEYNELL, M.A LADY WARDEN: MISS A. M. COLERIDGE. RON. CHAPLAIN: :I.3 VERY REV. THE DEAN OF BANGOR. HEADMISTRESS MIPS E. L. WELUOMAN, LL.A. THIS School offerg an Education preparatory to Cambridge Local, R.A.M., and South Kensing- toa Fxamiuations, with definite Church teaching. Terms for Boarders from 31 Guineas per aun. Day PujjiLs 9 Gi-,ijavas; Day Boarders, 15 Guineas. fl0458 FRIARS SCHOOL, BANGOR. HEADMASTER: W. GLYNN WILLIAMS, M.A. AitliTANT MASTEI18 E. W. I.OVEGROVE, M.A., foricerly Scbolar of j 2-ew ('c,t eee, Oxf. rd Fust Ciaaa Mothema- uchi Mocertinons, 1389, ana Finals, 1891. EL A. GARDNER, B.A., Wadbsm College. Ox- lord formerly Assistant Master in Truro Grammar rtoboo!. D TMOMAS, B 5c (Tr;term.), London. W. ii. G lUj: Fll H, Beitnca and Art Departmant. YJ"-OUi^ BOY" oilectly from this School, and two > 1..b.nre.it. p*ar<-a ;n tha First. Division of the | M itr'c.ii.j,. ion Ka..aiiuattou ot the University of ¡ Wai a iii Jaly last. II' THE SCHOOL WILL KE-OPEN AT NINE A.M. ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 23BD. Tnii>>n Fee., JE6 \>?r aunnm under, JEO over, the ftge of 13. Roirrting Fees fpendicg the erection of n»« bun-nogs} X30 p-r aarmin. 15583 ic OU-NTY I CliOOL -U'()R GIRLS, I COLLEGE-ROAD, UPPER. BANGOR. HEADHISTRESfi, MISS MASON, B. A. SCHOOL will he open for tbe Autumn -1 IVrracn 'LUh/Sl'AY, SEPIEMBEE 28th. An entrfur^ eisnuipatirn will hI) held at the School at loc)'cl,, ck OU MONDAY, SEPT EMBER 27: H. Thj h'esdmiKtre" will bs at the school to see parea a "n FKIDAY, 24IH 16JTPTEMEEB, from 2.30— 4 Fro^p-orn'ei and Ku.raiioe forma can be obtained irom J. GLYNNE JoNB^MasoDic Cbarab^rs, Bangu-. 15579 COUNTY SCHOOL FOR u-IRLS, BANGOR, c N. WALES.—BOARDERS received in the house where the Headmistress resides.—Teirms, apply Mrs Bailey, Bryn. Gwylad, Upper Bangor. 15596wth BALA COUNTY CRVOL. HFADMASTBB J. C. EVANS, M.A., Formerly Powis Exhibitioner and Scholar of Jesni College, Oxford, and late Assistant-master at Christ College, Brecon. Mathematical and Science Master: A. 1 1URNER, B.A. (London), Formerly Master of Slratford-on-Avon Grammar School and Bccheiter Mathercatioal School). Drawing, Book-keeping, &c. 0. R. OWEN (London University). N'EW BUILDINGS admirably fitted with every convenience for Boarders. Preparation for the Universities, Civil Services Preliminaries of the Law and Medicine, and the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations, and a fZood Commercial Course. Boys attend the place of v or ship selected hy 1QUflt BOARD and TUITION (incuaive charge), JE36 per annum. Recently Scholarships have been obtained DIBECT from School at the University Coileges, Lampeter I College, and Clifton College also there have been I several Mart Lion 2, including Two at London I University (in lat Division). DISTINCTIaNiJ IN OXFOKD LOCAL EXAMINATIONS. mong the SEqioas 2 Certificates of Exemption from Responsions (the First Examina ion at Oxford University 7 th place in all England in Englishe 2nd and 50th.. English. 5 3rd place Religious Knowledge. JUNIORS,^ 17 th, ISth and 24th Greek. „ 7th, 17th,30th and 58th in Latin. 11th,36th,32th,42nd&58th English 36th „ Mathematics 24th& 25th Keliglc sKnowld'ge. NEXT TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 21st, when lEntrance Bcarcing Scholarships ranging in value from XIO to £ 20 a year will be offered for competition by tte Headrraarer. For Particulars apply to Headmaster. THE TUB BROOK HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRL, LIVERPOOL. A MOST SUCCESSFUL BEARDING SCHOOL. WITH EVERY HOME CARE AND ATTEN- TION. COMBINED WITH A THOROUGH EDUCATION. LLST TE1R ont cf 35 pr.pils who entered for Public Exi'-minatio s 34 passed 3 Guined Prizes awttdd by I-reil Committees 1 a Silver Madal, end 7 received Honour Cut ficates. TERMS Very Mad, rA*.e. Apply tile PBIKCIPAL. 15477p ELiXjliiSMEiRiil COJjJbiilGE, SALOP. CHURCH PUBLIC SCHOOL. TERMS, 21 guineas per annum. Thirteen Resident Masters, Oxford Local Examiners.—For prospectus aloply to the Rev. P. Beviss Thompson, M.A., Head- master. 15517tw MOUNT HOUSE SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, UPPER BANGOR. PBINCIPAL 8 GIBBS (Assisted by Resident and visiting Teachers). THIS SCHOOL offers a Thorough Education to Girls and Junior Boys. Modern Methods. Certificated Teachers. Gymnasium. Tennis. School Library. KINDERGARTEN DEPARTMENT under a fully CERTIFICATED (Froebel) MISTRESS. Prospeotus on Application. 11733fw VIOLIN LESSONS. MISS ISABEL HEWITT, who haa studied under MB THBODOBB LAWSOB and HKBB ELLENBKBGKB (Pupil of JOACHIM), and MISS MARGARET HEWlrT (Pupil of Messrs THEODOEE LAWSON and JOHN SAUNDBBS) give LESSONS at Own or Pupil's Residence. Bt dafon,Upper Bangor. 14837i. MISS NIXOS (Member of the Incor Soc. of Mas.) givea LESSONS IN PIANO, SINGING, AND THEORY. And prepares Candidates for the Local Examinations. LLANDfJDNO and the Neighbourhood Visited. Bryn Hydd, Upper Bangor. GL;OBE FUR ISBING; COMPANY, COMPLETE HOUE FURNISHERS, Wholesale and Retail, 12,14,16, and 18, PEMBROKE-PLACE, LIVERPOOL. TjlURNISH FOR CASH OR ON THE X1 HIKE-PURCHASE SYSTEM AT CASH PRICES. The GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, the oldest established, and by far the most extensive Furnishers on the Hire-Purchase System in the Provinces, supply every requisite for the complete Furnishing of Cottage, Hotel,or Mansion, considerably o"cp) than the majority of those firms who sellfor cash only This we are able to do through having a very large capital at command.and being the bona fide manufacturers of the principal goods we sell. NO SECURITY REQUIRED, NO EXTRA EXfENSES, ON OUR HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM The fair and equitable manner in which our business i carried on, and our reasonable terms and low prices are so well known throughout the North of England and Wales as to reader further comment unnecessary. General terms, which however can be altered to suit the convenience of purchasers payment Weekly, Alonthly,or Quarterly. Amount of Purchase 910 Payment per Week 3s 6d P.20 „ 58 Od t' je50 „ 10s Od £100 17s 6d n E500 30s Od An inspection of our stock will at once satisfy intending purchasers that we give better value and offer easier pay- ments than any other house furnishers on the Hire-Pur- chase System in the Provinces. All goods are Delivered Free in our own or private vans j and no expenses of any kind are incurred by customers Furniture sent to any part of England or Wales. CAUTION.—As some firms adopt various means-such as copying our prospectuses, &c., -with the evident intention of inducing the public to believe they are con- ected with us, please note our address. FURNISH FOR CASH OR ON THE HIRE- PURCHASE SYSTEM. New Prospeotus, Large, Illustrated Catalogue, Press Opinions and Price List, sent post free on application. Please mention this paper. Business Hours,9 a.m. to 7 p.m.;Saturdays,9 a m. to 61hm. GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, 14,16, AND 18, PEMBROKE-PLACE, LIVERPOOL Railw ty Fares allowed to Country Customers. A. RICHARDSON'S WONDERFUL 1/- PARCEL OF MUSIC. 201- WORTH: FOR 1/ CHESTER lyjODEL IRON pIANOS BEST VALUE FOR MONEY, 21 Guineas Cash. By Instalments, 15s 2d per Month. THE POPULAR IRON PIANOS. 14 Guineas Cash. By Instal meets, 10s 6d per Month. THE POPULAR AMERICAN ORGANS, 12 Stops, 2 Knee Swells, Mirror Top, 12 Guineas Cash. By Instalments, 9s 4d per Month. rUNING and REPAIRING by Bett Workmen SINGLY or by YEARLY CONTRACT. THE WHOLE OF NORTH WALES VlttlTED. 43, Bridge Street-row, Chester, AND Central Arcade, Wrexliam. 2233rl434S MHE BANGOR AND ARVON PERMANENT X BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. REGISTERED OFFICII: 239, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. President ALDZBMAN JOHN EVAN ROBERTS.J-P .BANGOR LARGE RESERVE FUND INCREASING ANNUALLY. Paid-up Shares, £ 10 eacb. 1 Subscription Share, 5s and I Entrance Fee, upwards per month. j per share 2s 6d. Advances repayable (by Monthly Instalments) in 5, 10, 15, or 20 years on Leasehold and Free- hold Properties. ADVANTAGES: To Subscribers. 1. A convenient place for Investment, with Absolute Security and Good Interest. 2. Investments withdrawable AT ANY TIME by Notice or other arrangement. To Borrowers 1. Funds always available for advances. 2. Easy scale of Repayments. 3. Moderate Solicitor's Charges (by Special Arrangement). 4. Premium AIDED To, and not deducted FROM, advance. 5. Mortgage effected with the utmost Despatch and Secrecy. 6. Easy facilities for Redemption of Mortgages ANYTIME without any choree. Applications,<&3., to be addressed to the Secretary pro. tem., Mr ROBERT ItOBERTs, at the SOCIF>TJ'A offices, 239, High Street. 15059a AM LOft ATIi 0 ARG R AP HWAI I H A LLYFR-RWYMIAD EWCH AT Nixon a Jarvis GYFERBYN A'R CLOC BANGOR CYCLES! u i U ij u D CYCLES!! IMPORTANT NOTICE. IF you require a Bigh-clafe Maohino at a Low J. Price yon cannot do better than have a WARRILOW" as jonr mount for Season 1897. All Machines are thoroughly up-to-date and Guaranteed. We defy Competition. RIDE A WARRILOW. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET. JJLARGE DISCOUNTS FOR CASH. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SHUT POST FREE TO ANY ADDBKtS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. SPECIALITIES IN LADIES' SAFETIES. Accessories of all kinds at Lowest Prices. Any Machine taken in part Exchange. Don't delay but send at once for Catalogue, Free by Post,from W. R. WARRILOW, CYCLE MANUFACTURER, WESTOJN-SUPER MARE, ENGLAND. 2323 COLWYN BAY. ADVERTISERS will note that ont of 23 Posting A Stations in Colwjn Bay and Distriot, 17 ARE THE PRIVATE PROPERTY OF MORRIS, the Reliable Billposter, PONY AND TRAP KEPT. j EstabU shea 1807 ARTISTIC AND GENERAL rRINTINu Promptly and Neatly Executed at Reasonable Prides, at the NORTH WALES CHRONICLE Printing Works, Caxton House, High Street, BANGOR. FIFTY NEW FOUNTS of the Latest Faces have lately been added to the JOBBING DEPARTMENT, which makes it now one of the LARGEST PRINTING PLANTS IN WALES. All the Machinery ARE DRIVEN BY A Powerful" Otto" Gas Engine, Which have been adapted t. run at ] the Quickest Speed Possible. All Orders carefully attended to. Auctioneers' PRINTING Executed with Neatness and Despatch, — Particulars of SALE With or without Plans. POSTERS Of Concerts, Bazaars, Sales, &c., PLAIN OR IN COLOURS. Church and Chapel Printing oi every Description. Programmes 8f Tickets. In Memoriam Cards, Ball Programmes, Menus, &c. ELECTION ADDRESSES. PAMPHLETS Of Every Description in English or Welsh. ———— I Colour & Ornamental Printing Head Publishing Office. Jorth Wals Chronicle Office, .'( High StBangor. Branch Publishing Offices Directory Office Upper Mostyn Street, Llandudno. Clorianydd Office, Bridge St., Llangefni. Postal Address North Wales Ohronicle Office, Bangor. Telegraphic Address "L Chronicle," Bangor TELEPHONE No. 7 IACHAU D 1) A N 0 D I) I N DDISYMWTH GAN RTTftfHP P Alalia Bydredd. Rhwystxau eu ] JL>U 11 i. I JIV » tynu. Uwaveda rhag AnliuneddJ Symudir Neuralgic Heartaches a'r "\T iV S_( ~\7 i M tj' holl boenau gieuol craill sail Ban- J^'xi V j_j.\ 111 er's Nervine. Yrholl Iferyilvvyr, la He. Obcrwyda pvdreda e^nt; llieWn dan gilddant, dioddefaia bc-enau diniynol am ddau ddiwrnod. Cvmhellwyd ft i rodd: treial ar Bunter's Nervine. Gwnaethnm hyny. I fy mawr hyfrydweb, ciliodd y boen yn gyflym & llwyr, Ryth er hyny yr wyf Irachein a tiirachefu wedi derbyn yr esmwytbad mwyaf oedd yn boeibl oddiwrth boeu tost yn eagyrn y peri drwy gynmryd podwar nen bum' dyferyn (ar lurrp o aiwgr gwyn) o Banter's Nervine.Parch AOSHEY C. PKICE, 8.A. (diweddar Gvmrawd o'rColea NewyddjUhydychain). 1269u WANTED.—Oluan and respectable woaaaa or tt married couplw (DQ children) to live in Schoolhonse, Trcfartb-yn-Rhos. House rent frea with large garian and Goals in retnrn for cleaning school «»d attendance on Schoolmistress.—Apply by letter with references, to Hon. Mrs Brodriok, Coed Cocb, Abergeti-. 2439" AMERICAN LINE SOUTHAMPTON NEW YORK SERVICE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS SOUTHAMPTON TO NEW YORK DIRECT, Every SATURDAY. Highest Claaa of accommodation for Saloon, Second Cabin dteerage Pa3sotigeL8. Steerage Outfit Free. LIVERPOOL—PHILADELPHIA SERVICE. Every WEDNESDAY LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA Calling at Qnaenstown every Thursday. STBERAGE OUTFIT IntE. Passengers and o Goods at-H Sanded at Philadelphia on the Wha. of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad, which has tbe Shortest and most Direst Koute to ail places in the Western tates. Apply to RICHARDSON, & o* South- amptonor Liverpool; or to Local Agents:—Edward •Jonos, 173, Hiijii-street Bangor Hugh Hughes, 8, Market-row, Amiwch H. J. W)liiams, 50, High' H, Betheada; T.J.Williaots, Mnirion tt:ra.oe,Blaenau I PeaTiniog J. R. Srat-in, fstation-road, Colwyn Bay; VV. Jonas, Rose Hiil street, Conway 0. Jones, Old Poafi-offlctt. fenyKroea T. Evans and Co., Station Chambri3, Rhyl. 8136BJ »N_CANADA. • KLONDYKE. All who desire information respecting Klondyke and the GolfHidd.. of Ontario anil Itritisb ('OlltlltUill should write to ALLAN BROS. & CO., 19, James St., Liverpool, for their "lAPS and LEAFLETS reKardint; the above and the AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES Or CANADA, which are sent FREE. 0 0-' NI O F Y I R~TALIADTU~YN MLAENLLAW. BENTHYCA ART AN YN G Y PRINACHOL i Amaethwyr, Masnaobwyr, Llatly-yaiiwvr, HC eraill mewn symiau o lOp i fyr-y i 500p ar add&web y BenJhyciwr ei hun beb leichialon, ar delenu rbesymo). Trefnir yr ad-calidau i gylarfed ocolyn- on y benthvewvr. NI CHYMERTR DIM BILLS OF SALE. Mao husne r.wirioneddol a helaeth wedi ei wneud am y 25 njlyneod diweddaf. Mae canoedd o fectbycwyr wedi rhoddi tysitiolacth wiifcddol i'r modd te" a rhesymol yr ymwneir a hwv. Cfir manytioct wa wrtb ymofyn, trwy lythyr neu yu beraonoi, a GEORGE PAYNE, Accoontant^ 23C50n Creocent-r ad, Rhyl. To Gardeners ana jO'ions^. IF you &nt a first-claa s weekly pardon in p 9s ^uicii confeaine only no^nd, practice utieful information on all eubjecto connected witb the garden and its management, and all ourren horticultural news, read THE GARDENING WORLD whioh ia published overy Friday morning PRICE Id. POST FREE 1;d. SOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENT 17. CATHERINR-STREET, COVEN! GARDEN, E. O.


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