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ESTABLISHED OVER 25 YEARS. MR. EDWARDS, SURGEON DENTIST, HIGH STREET, RHYL. ATTENDANCES— HOLYWELL EVERY FRIDAY, At M18 Jonas, Waterloo House (Opposite the National Provincial Bank of England), Fsom 1.30 TILL 6.16 P.M. DENBIGH EVERY WEDNESDAY. 12, HIGH STRHBT (Over Dick's Boot Depet), FBO. 11.30 TILL 4.45 p.m. COLWYN BAY-DAILY Mr ROBBBTSOW, Manager at the General Post Offioe, (Private Entrance), Fao. 9.0 Am. TILL 7.0 p.m. PRESTATYN EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON, At Miss ED=Iis Tower Buildings, FaoJl 4.0 TILL 7.0 p.m. CONSULTATIONS FREE. WELSH SPOKEN. MRS. THOMAS, "REGISTRY OFFICE FOR SERVANTS, GWENFFRWDD HOUSE, MOLD. HAS several Cooks and General Servants; House- maids and Under-housemaids, Sewing-maids, and Norses on her Books. Great attention is given procure good Servants; alao, good Situations. MONEY^LOJEIOOOLLONEY A RETIRED GENTLEMEN haying a LARGE J\ SUM OF MONEY at bis disposal is willing 2J5vanoe the same AT LESS INTEREST THAN ANY LOAN OFFIOE IN ENGLAND to all respectable Householders, Tradespeople and others. Distance no object. No Fees. No Bondsmen. Special Inducements to Farmers. Transactions striotly private. Tenns to suit everybody. Apply and be convinced, or write to- W; WHITE, 2, North Terrace, Newtown," RHYL, MR. E. C. BRIGGS, Teacher of Music 6" Musical Instruments, (HIGHBBT DIPLOMA R.M.O.M.), Reed Organs, Harmoniums, Pianofortes, &c., Tuned and Repaired.—Terms moderate, 4. TITHE BARN PLACE, FLINT. Do you Oycle ? Do you Oycle P or YOU DO, CALL AT THB "OBSERVER'. OFFICE, HOLYWELL, Aim FDBOHASB OKB or THBIB SPBOAL 0 A. 3D HUE -A- IIPS PIN BBTOBB BTABTUTQ ON YOUB TOUB, MAPS OF HOLYWELL & DISTRICT JFCOTFTBD ON D. EAOH. OLOTH, U ■ MAPS OF NORTH WALES Strongly bound in oloth oovers, AOH with guide to all plaoes of K interest in North Wales. The Maps are made from the New Ordnance Survey, and the Main Roads are distinctly coloured. Davies & Oo.'s Speciality. For the Blood is the Life." c T.ARK PS B LOOI) MIXTURE c T.ARICF,'#S JgLOOD MIXTURE QLARKE'S JJLOOD MIXTURE THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER, Is warranted to cleanse the blood from all imparities from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Bosema, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Skin and Blood Diseases, Blaokheada. Pimples and Sores of all kinds, it cannot be too hi&hlj recommended. It is the only teal specific for Gtout and Rheumatio Pains, for it removes the came from the Blood and Bones. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS OF WONDERFUL CURES FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Mrs Amy Churcher writes:—" It is with earnest and heartfelt gragteuda that I write these few Unas to let you know tnaCt am at last completely cured of the dreadful disease called Eczema by taking your wonderful Blood Mixture. I commenced taking Clarke's Blood Mixture on June 8 last, and also used Clarke's Skin Lotion, which I found was of untold value in allaying the irritation. I was in such a fearful state thar" sheets in my bed had to be changed every day, .I.T. mw own linen, on account of the fearful discharge from the sores; my hands also were very bad, the backs of them being so dreadfully encrusted with yellow scab that one would think they were covered with rock brimstone. I never expected that they would resume their proper shape, but now I am able to do light house- hold duties, and I feel I am getting stronger every day; in fact, my husband, nurse, and myself, truly believe Clarke's Blood Mixture saved my life. I have much to be thankful for, and if you like to make use of my letter you are welcome to do so. as I am fully convinced I should never have been here if it had not been for Clarke's Blood Mixture. 2, Kynaston Road, Stoke, Newington, London, N., Dot, 23,1898.11 Ur WILLIAM J. TAYLOR, an Evangelist for the Hanley Chriatian Mission, writes:- When I was a boy, living in Hereford (I am now 36), a small, hard substance came in my throat, and my mother spent pounds in trying to get it removed, but failed. Years went by. and this hard substance, which was a tumour or wen, grew 80 that it was level with my ehin. It was the size of an orange, and began to give me nain. I obtained some darke a Blood alixture, and, after several bottles X was astonished one day to And that the tumour had completely disappeared, and I have never been troubled with it amce; also it removed some ugly pimples from my face and neck, I may mention Thaveheard of other cases where tort leg»&c., had been and the system renovated by Clarke's Blood rafton-øtreet, Hanley, Staffs, Jan. a, 1899." T-uxrt-.nt vice to all.—Cleanse the vitiated blood As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste and warranted ree from anything^ injurious .to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old age, Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to teas iw value. Sold in bottles, 2s 9d each, by all Chemists throughout he World, or sent for 33 stamps, by the propnetors, The Lincoln axi Midland Counties Drug Coy., Lincoln. ASK FOR c LARKE's JJLOOD m IXTURE. 'CLARKE'S JJLOOD MIXTURE. QLABKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE. and do not be perm take an imitation or substitute. PAINTING & DECORATING E, J, CATHERWOODP Painter Ak Decorator, CHAPEL-ST, HOLYWELL ALL CLASSES OF PAINTING AND DECORATING, PAPERHANGING, GLAZING, &o., UNDERTAKEN AT REASONABLE RATES, AND QUICK DESPATCH GUARANTEED < ESTIMATES GIVEN. HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. MISS FLORENCE DAKIN nBoø to announce that the has suooeeded to the LADIES & CHILDREN'S LINEN & GENERAL ESTABLISHMENT, For many years carried on at the above address by Mrs. Jones, and solioits an inspection of her ENTIRELY NEW STOCK. Every Department is now replete with the newest Goods from the best Markets, marked at the lowest possible prices. CHILDREN & LADIES' CLOTHING A SPECIALITY. NOTB THB ADDBBSS GW HIGH STREET, HOLY WELL, (Opposite the National Provinoial Bank). St. Winefride's High School WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. LOCAL CENTRE for Aberdeen University Exams. Looal Centre for Incorporated Society of Mnsioians Exam*. Art Class under Scienee and Ark Department; thorough English; Piano; Violin; Mandoline Singing Dancing Calitthenioe French, &o. A GENTS WANTED to push first-class A. Maohinery Oils. Liberal Commission.—Box 31, Post Offioe, Liverpool. ANTED IMMEDIATELY All classes of W SERVANTS, male and female, for England SEI 31, Post Offioe, Liverpool. kTJETANTED IMMEDIATELY All classes of W SERVANTS, male and female, for England and Wales; stamps for replies.—GBBHKHOUBB'B AopqroT, Water-street, Rhyl. Va fVRT.TftnT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG A. LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WIKBFEIDB'B COKTBKT, Well Street. Only a limited number ooei)Rd.-For Terms, apply to the SUPBBIOBBBS. V ALFRED MAYERS, 8 MIL FORD STREET ,MOLD. BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER —* THB BEST MEDICINE FOE BILE THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND, THE BEST MBDIOINE~FOB INDIGESTION. IS EADE'S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. They quickly remoyeth eirritation and f everish state of the STOMACH, correct the morbid condition of the LITBR believe the system of allimpurities,which, by circulatingia the blood,injuriously affect the action of the KIDNKTS andbyromoviugthecausesof so much discomfort restore thevitalenergiesofbodyand mind. J £ ADE»S ANTIBILIOU8 pILLS. Sold by allChemists.in Boxes. Is, lid. and d' or mailed free on receipt of remittance by GEORGE BADE 73I GOSWBLL BOAD, LoirDoir,E.C EADE'S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. CADE'S pOUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS SUFFERED AGONY POR THIRTY YEARS, TRADE'S DILLS. 80,Banda Street Bridge Boa Hi „ i Battersea .S.W., ■CADE' "DILLS. January 27th ,1892 i Hi AT Dear Sir,—I feel it my du "CADE'S DILLS, to write and giyeyougreatprai Hi for introducing such a yaluabl inedicineanyourgout Pillo. Having SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONY FOR 80 YEARS. I cantrulysay I have never had anything torelive pain so quickly as your Pills. I used to lay in bedfort or threemonthsat atime,butnow I not only gotrel GOUT in a few hours but am able to VX work in less than a week; y R R E U MAT I S II. complaint is the worst of U I" Gouts, called Chalk Gout. /10UT Yours truly <JT "W LITTLEJOHN: BHEUTM AT ISM .««Mx G.Eade." EADE'S (IOUT It RHEUMATIO pILLS Prepared only bv George Bade Tit.Goswell-road London E,C. SoldbyallGhemistrinBottles,Is. lid.andls.gdi BIB GOUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS t 0 N EY LENT PRIVATELY by the i\L OHARING-CROSS BANK (Registered 28 BEDFORD-STREET, OHARING CROSS LONDON. ESTABLISHED, 1870. Assets ..«•••••••• #»»«»»»« £ 512,475 18 2 Liabilities. 209,475 18 2 Capital and Reserve. £ 303,000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Note as follows Advance £ 25—12monthlyrepayment f o f £ 2 5 11 « 50 i 11 8 « 100 9 3 4 Large r a arountet h es am ei np r oportion. LOANS of 930 o A2,000 granted at a ew hour'suoticeinto-wn orcountry,maleorfemale on mort«age o f f urniture .trade and farm stock, plans crops, &o., without removal, and to assist person intobuøiness; also on deeds, pohClea, andreversiona, at 5 per cent. for one month to 14 years. Distanw no object. Easy repayments Strictly private Call or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask any tsolicitorIAuctioneer, &c., in England or Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find old you aretreating with an old established (1870) safe and bona 71ø. Bank* Having large capital we do business cheaper than others No good loan ever refused. TWO AND A-HALF PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balanoes of CUIt RENT ACCOUNTS when not drawn below r,,q Depositso :.610 and upwards received at 3 p-sr cent. per annum payable at 14 days' notice. Subj eotto 3 months'notio eof withdrawal £ 5 per cent 446 41 6 "12 7 Interest paid quarterly free from Inoome Tax. Depositors incur oo responsibility, and ate amply wand. Proepeotns free. A. WILLIAMS, MAKAOBB. A. WILLIAMS, MAKAOBB. '¡' STARTILING PICTURES. B O E A. 11 SAB ON I E' S (GOLD MEDAL,) OINEMATOGRAPH IS COMING TO THE Assembly Hall, Holywell, Tuesday & Wednesday, February 20th & 21st, ALSO, AT Mold Town Hall, Friday and Saturday, February 23rd and 24th, 1900. argains Bargains!! Bargains! -:0- A. N. ROBERTS' CjlSAEfia AWWITAIj SALS IS NOW ON. r -:0:- GREAT REDUCTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. :o:- Do not fail to call Early, and secure valuable Goods at greatly REDUCED PRICE. -0:- Note the Address:- A. N. A 0 B GENERAL DRAPER, ALBERT HOUSE, FLINT, I' GRIFFITH JONÉS, BILL POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, UPPER SUMMER HILL, HOLYWELL Thebet tPosting Station tint he District. All orders promptly and thoroughly oarried out. V h WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. BW* FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS SICK HEADACHE. WEAK STOMACH VIND. IMPAIRED DIGESTION. CONSTIPATION- LIVER COMPLAINT AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALS IN THE WORLD Beecham's Cough Fills, For COUGHS ASTHMA, and all OHEST AFFECTIONS. In Boxes, h. lid., and 2s. 9d: each. Beecham's Tooth Paste SEFFICACIOUS, ECONOMICAL, CLEANSES THE TEETH PERFUMES the BREATH, In Collapsible Tubes, Is. each. Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEEOHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire Solm BY ALL DEUQGISTS AND PATENT MbDIOINA DHALBBS B7KBTWHEBB. — A. SCHWARZ, ■ CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, WHITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL BEGS to announoethat after the ENLARGE- MENT OF HIS PREMISES, he has beet enabledtogreatlyincreasehisStook. ALL KINDS OF JEWELERY KEPT IN STOCK- Cloths a n d Watch tso fallJtscrtptto n a nhana HANDSOME SELECTION OF lDLEOTRO-PLATED ARTIOLBB RBPAIBSPROMPTLTEXECUTED ON THi PREMISES. L SPIEKDITASBOBTKBKIOF Guinea Gold Wedding and Keefei Rings Apresent givenwitb eaohring bought Aprivatc oomt oselectin DBALBB H LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMETER8 II SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in great jariety. ESTABLISHED, 1838. T. LLOYD AND SON (LAYB PIEBOE LLOYD & SON), Plumbers. Painters, Glaziers, Gas Fitters, Sign Writers, Paper Hangers, Hot Water, Sanitary, Heating, Electrical and General Engineers. (OPPOSITE TOWN BUILDINGS), 31, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, N.W., Always keep a large Stock of Landers, Gutters, Downspouts, Baths, W.C., Lavatories; Also, Brass Fittings for same. HIGH CLASS DECORATING A SPECIALITY. Contractors for all kinds of Electrical Work, Electric Lighting, Heating and Power, Electric Bells, Telephones, AND Lightning Conductors. The Best Selection and Largest Stock of Wall Papers, at Lowest Prices Experienced Workmen only kept. All Orders receive immediate and personal attention. Lists on application. Mantles 9d. each. ESTIMATES FBBB. Gas Fittings of all descriptions. Incandescent and Ordinary. Sole Agents for this Distriot for the Sunlight Inojndesoent Gas Light Co. V ON SAL E-POTATOES—A 'few Tons of Webb's Ashleaf; Duke of York, and Stour- bridge Glory Potatoes.-Apply,. W. < WILLIAKS, Bailiff, Saithaelwyd, Holywell. [PowelFs j Balsam e- | Aniseed 1 ^LSAM n fJ i J II C c 1 FOB 1 { Cou,irho | Asthma { | Bronchitis Influenza P AND ALL LungTroubles < See above Trade Mark on each Wraypflr. In Bottles, till, 2/3, 4/6 aad LL/O | POWELL' 3 IMILPERIBHT PLLXS.I/tHjil £ ESTABLISHED 1894.$f F Sold by diemlsts througboot thlWldl 1 laboratory: 1. Albion Pi-e. Loadmi6 CL. 5 THOMAS HUGHES, DECEASED. Pursuant to Statute 22nd and 23rd Victoria, Cap 35. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all persons having claims upon the estate of Thomas Hughes, late of the Union House, Holywell, in the county of Flint, Master of the Holywell Union Workhouse, deceased (who died on the 27th day of December, 1899, and whoee Will was proved in the St. Asaph District Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court cf Justice on the 30th day of January, 1900, by Sarah Ann Hughes and Mary Elizabeth Hughes, both of the Union House, Holywell, in the county of Flint, the Execotrioes therein named) are required to send particulars thereof to me, the undersigned, solicitor for the said Exeoutrioes, on or before the 7th day of MABCH, 1900, after which date the said Executrices will distribute the assets of the said deoeaied, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Dated this FIRST day of FBBBUARY, 1900, H. A. COPE, HOLYWBLL, Solicitor for the said Executrices. ROBERT JAMES JONES (DECEASED). Pursuant to Statute 22nd and 23rd, Viot. c. 36. ALL PERSONS having Claims upon the Estate of ROBERT JAMBS JONES, late of Bryn Afon, Bagillt, in the Countyof Flint, gentleman (who died on the Twenty-seventh day of March, One thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and whose Will was proved in the Principal Rejjietry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the Twenty-sixth of JANUABY, One thousand nine hundred, by GOODMAN PnICB EDWABDS, of the Boot, Bagillt, in the Coucty of Flint; ROBERT MITOBBIX, of Bryn Villa, Merllyn, Bagillt,afoieaaid, and ROBBBT THOMAS, of Bryn Offa, Holywell, in the County of Flint, the Executors therein named), are required to send particulars thfreof to us, the under- signed Solicitors for the said Executors, on or before the SEVBNTH DAY OF MABCH, One thousand nine hundred, after which date the said Executors will distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Dated this SECOND day of FBBBUABY, One thouisand nine hundred. H. A. COPE, BROMLEY & LLEWELLYN-JONES, HOLYWELL, £ Solicitors for the said Executors. RE EDWARD WILLIAMS, DECEASED ALL persons having any olaims or demands against the estate of EDWABD WILLIAMS, late of THB GBOft, HOLYWELL, but formerly of BBYN- HYFBYD, BABBLL, in the parish of Ysceifiog, in the county of Flint, gentleman, are required to send particulars of such olaims or demands to us, the undersigned, on or before the 15th day of FBBBUABY NEXT. Dated this 31st day of January, 1900, BROMLEY & LLEWELLYN-JONES, Of Bank Chambers, Holywell, Solicitors to the Trustees and Executors of the Will of the above-named deoeased. THt HALKYN DISTRICT MINES DRAINAGE COMPANY. lyQ* (Incorporated by Act of Parliament). OTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next l OBDIHABY GBNEBAL MBBTING of the Share- holders in this Company will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 16, Corn Exohange Chambers. in the City of Chester, on WEDNESDAY, the 14th day of FBBBUABY, at HALF-PAST TwBLVU O'CLOCK NOON, for the transaction of General Business. The Transfer Book of Shares will be closed on the 6th of February, and will not be re-opened until after the said Meeting. BY OBDEB, WAKEFIELD AND ENOCK, SICCENTAWM. 16, Corn Exchange Chambers, Chester, 30th January, 1900. A. A Real Musical Treat. ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL, Wednesday, Feb. 14th, 1900, AT 7-30 P.M., GRAND CONCERT BY THE ROYAL WELSH LADIES' CHOIR Under the special patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. Winners of the First Prize at the World's Fair, Chicago, and who have had the honour of appearing before Her Majesty the Queen and Royal Family; and also the honour of appearing before President and Mrs. McKinley. OONDUCTBBSS MADAME CLARA NOVELLO DAVIES, ACCOMPANIST AND PIANIST Miss MARIE NOVELLO WILLIAMS, (Erard Gold Medalist, 1899). Assisted by MISS BACKSHEEN WOOD, (SOLO VIOLINIST) The probable successor as a Violinist of Lady Halle. Reserved Seats, 3s. Front Seats, 2s. Back Seats, h. (limited number). Doors open to Ticket- holders at 7 Money will not be taken at the doors till 7.16 o'clock. Written applications (accompanied by remittance) will be promptly attended to, and Tioketa for the best unappropriated Seats stcared and forwarded. Plan of Hall may be seen and seats booked at Messrs Edwards and Lloyd, Compton House, Wbitford- street, Holywell. The Proceeds in aid of the Building Fund of Bethel Baptist Chapel. ^TF Y N N ONG EG Y W. A COMPETITIVE MEETING WnL BB HELD AT MORIAH, FFYNNONGROYW, ON WEDNESDAY, the gth of MAY, igoo. List of Subjects, Id., by post, ljd. SECBETABY E. LLOYD, GABTB, FFYWNONOEOYW, HOLYWELL. A N T E D-a GARDENER, at PYSTILL, YY Holywell. — VV7"ANTED—YOUTH for a MIXED BUSINESS, no W heavy work, comfortable home, half-day holiday every Wednesday.—Apply FRYEB EVANS, Chemist, Flint. N SALE.—About 30 TONS PEAT-MOSS U litter manure.-Apply LAHBSBT'S HOTBL, Holywell. ) I ,,< I WAR RELIEF FUND. I GRAND CONCERT I AT HALKYN SCHOOL, ON I SHROVE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 1900. PBINCIPAL VOCALIST MADAME MARY JENKINS. The following AHATEUBS (Vocal and Instrumental) j have kindly promised their assistance:- MISS WILLIAMS, NANNBBCH. I MISSES GRIFFITH-JONES, MosTYN VICAMAGN. I MISS FRANCIS, THB OLD HALL. MISS GARNER. V MISSES MORRIS, DESMOND HOUSH. CAPTAIN FEILDING. MR. F. V. CARMAN. MR. J. H. HAGUE. MR. EVAN HUGHES. MR. w. IA. REDFERN MALE VOICE CHOIR. Quartette and Solo byi MEMBERS OF THE HALKYN BAND. Accompanist: MISS JOHNSON JONES. Admission Reserved Seats (numbered), 3s.: second seats, 2s. third seats, 1«. Doors open at 7 p.m.; concert to commence at 7.30. Something entirely new ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL. A GRAND LECTURE-CONCERT BY DR. JOSEPH PARRY, (Chief Musician of Wales.), ASSISTED BY TALENTED ARTISTES, ON TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 27, 1900. QHATBMAN: J LLOYD-PRICE, ESQUIBE, J,P. (GLYN ABBOT). FOB FCTBTHEB PABTICULABS SBB PBOQBAUXBS AND POBTBBS. Admission: Reserved seats, 2s.; Firat seats, Is; Second seats (limited), 6d. The Novelty of the Season! VISIT MINSHALL'S THE UP-TO-DATE Boor AND SHOE MANUFACTURER, 16, WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. A great variety of Boots and Shoes of all descriptions kept in Stock or made to Order. V' REPAIRS Done up-to-date and style, with Best English Leather, on the shortest notice. Note the Address THOS- MINSHALL. 16, WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. CYCLES, CYCLES, BARGAINS, 1500, CYCLES! -^ree 10 any address, the most JBBK* interesting and complete list of 1,500 Machines POST FREE. Single Macbine at Wholesale Trade Price. New and Second hand MaohineB from 20s. each. 500 New, latest 1900, Gent's Pneumatio Safeties. Marvellous Prioes. 500 Ladies' New, latest, 1900 pattern—Single Machines at Wholesale Price. Write for large List. Post Free to anyone. Agents wanted. Marvellous Bargains. Send for List. WARRILOW & Co., Cycle Manufacturers, Weston-super-Mare. THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA A s. d. Total amount already subscribed 487 9 7 Subscriptions may be sent to the Holywell Branches of the NATIONAL PBOVINCIAL or Noam AND SOUTH WALBS BANES, respectively, or to H. W. JONES, 3, The Grove, Holywell, Hon. Secretary. February 8th, 1900. FFYNNONGROEW. £ s. d. Workmen at Point of Ayr Collieries, with 25 per cent. added by the Employers.. 6 4 9 BRYNFORD. Collection at Penypylle Chapel, per Mr John Totty, junr 0 10 6 Mr John Totty, j unr. 0 2 0 WHITFORD. WhitfordConcert 10 e 0 LIXWM. Berthen Chapel 1 0 0 f HALKYN. Amount already acknowledged.. 4 0 Rhosesmor War Relief Concert.. 7 0 Halkyn Mine Directors Z Halkyn Mine Employees L j? Rhosesmor O. M. Chapel St, Paul's Church and Sunday Sohools, Rhosesmor 4.1^ j Halkyn Mine Directors. 4 15 I Halkyn Mine Employees 3 Moriah Wesleyan Chapel (Halkyn) •••••• 2 St. Mary the Virgin's Churoh (Halky 0 6 North Hendre Mine Employees 14 10 East Halkyn Mine Employees • • 14 1 Halkyn School Collecting Bo* • • 1 6 6J Alderman Peter Jones, Halkyo 1 0 Mr H. Lester Smith, d°* 1 1 0 Rhesyoae Independent 100 Rhoseismor School Collecting 0 16 9 Mr Edward Redfern, 0 14 0 GrosvenOr Union Employee 0 13 0 C, M. Chapel 0 12 Pant v Goi Bapt"* Chapel (fcialkjn 011 0 MrRLloyd DarieMGrosvencr Stores).. 0 10 0 x>v sobool Collecting Box 0 8 94 M^W- Arobibald Redfern (Halkyn)' 0 4 6 MrEdwa^P*Xg| °ri? 0 4 6 Halkyn P»nah Hal1 Co"eotiDg Box. 0 4 4^ £66 2 i