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L A MBE R T'S FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. -:0: WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRit iEROHAHT. -:0: POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. -:0:- HE A. USE AND MOURNING CARRIAGES A.T BEl SON ABLE RATES. :o: —— OMNIBUSES MEET ALL TRAINS -:0: London and Itforth-Western Railway Parcels Agent. j J Stand Unrivalled top HONEST VALUE. | f' M'DrO-n btY hlwy Peahyt. ments Of 1719- foP Twelve Mont" -tted Vith ,any First Tyres, i Ladies' ILIXUM," Clean, Chic, Light, Easy Runuiaft 4 £ g io5. (or by Twelve Monthly Payments of 19s. 9d)« > Illustrated Catalogue Pott -Free from ] jfi.. W. damage, Ltd., Bolboru, Xjondon, B;G.X w Www Vw M"W lw lw w w www ww vlwlwlqwl% Notice.-A Graphic, Ac- «* curate, Ktid Carefully P?& pared Illustrated Narrative of the BOER WAR is now appearing in the New mg Serial Issue of BATTLES OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, JUST COMMENCED, Monthly, 7d. The Descriptions in this Work are written by Celebrated War Correspondents and other Authorities, and the ILLUSTRATIONS ate Furnished by LEADING ARTISTS. A Large Map in Colours of the Seat of the War is GIVEN AWAY with Part J. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, London i aNd all Booksellers. Now Publishing in I) r MONTHLY PARTS, price 14, TINY TOTS, A Magazine for the Very Little Ones. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, London; and all Booksellers. AN ALBUM OF MUSIC Will be presented with the JANUARY PART (ready Dec. 18, price 6d.) of LITTLE FOLKS. xjxlf"'V«^"S7 DeS co°tain theOffer of a Splendid BICYCLE and many other Prizes. ^CASSEL'L & COMPANY, L.MIXED) LONDON; AND?A Her Majesty the Queen 'has been pleased to accept a copy of "Sunday Chimes." Weekly, price tei., SUNDAY CHIMES, "A big budget of very pleasant reading for & Sunday afternoon, suitable for both young and okL"-Daily News. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, Londott and alf Booksellers. CHRISTMAS AND NEW ¡ YEAR'S GIFTS. TV A COMPLETE CATALOGUE of CASSELL & COMPANY'S PUBLICATIONS, containing a list of i upwards of 1,000 Volumes, sent post free on application to a CMRU. & COMPANY, Limited, Ludgatt Hill, >r London. MONEY MONEY!! MONEY!! I A WEALTH if FIRM ha ving spare Gash, mora ,V thamaqnirt*^ for thehr Buaiaess, and Peraona »5ttiaig fco> avoid the ,nBtial nn pleaaantnw of applying U i >an cfffoel- or professional moneylenders, are respectfully invited to apply to ue, and it will 8ue time and ooati. By applying to us yoar application will have our prompt attention. No bonds or sureties are required, simply a written promise to pay. Iaterest aboat eae-Mth ae ebargad by Offioes. Note our oaly Atldresa- The Cheshire Furnishing Company, 35, WATERGATE ROW, CHESTER. N.B.—No connection with any other Offloea. A NEW LIFE OF CHRIST. NOTICE-In the NEW VOLUME of THE QUIVER, Commencing with the NOVEMBER PART, price 6d., is inaugurated a Series of Unique Character and Standard Value on THE LIFE AND WORK OF THE REDEEMER, By the following Eminent Writers:— HIS GRACE the ARCHBISHOP of ARMAGH. PRINCIPAL FAIRBAIRN. D.D. THE DEAN OF GLOUCESTER. DR. JAMES STALKER. ¡ THE LORD BISHOP of RIPON. DR. ALEXANDER McLAREN. PROFESSOR HANDLEY MOULE, D.D. PROFESSOR MARCUS DODS, D.D. And other Special Authorities. Each Author will contribute one Chapter to the Work, which when completed will form the most comprehensive Life of Christ since the celebrated book by Dean Farrar; while the new mode of treatment will render it absolutely distinctive as the result of the combined thought and research of lead- ing writers and devout thinkers of the age, each dealing with ene special aspect of Our Lord's Life and Ministry. Among the Contents of the First Part of the New Volume of THE QUIVER may be men- tioned-St,ories of the Abbey Precincts," by AGNES GIBERNE; The Lady of the Manor, New Serial Story, by ISABEL BELLERBY; The Christian's Book of Days-November," by the Rev. A. R. BUCKLAND, MA; "The Crumpleton Cruets," by the Rev. P. B. POWER, MA.; "Nature's Illustrated Bible," by the Rev. HUGH MACMILLAN, D.D., LL.D., &C.&C.&C. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, London: <tnd til Eooksetters* The Grand Christmas Number OF CASSELL'S MAGAZINE Price IS. Forms the FIRST PART of a NEW VOLUME, and, both in regard to the interest of its Literary and Artistic Contents, is well in advance of any Number yet issued. It contains Complete Stories by OUIDA, S. R. CROCKETT, MAX PEMBER- TON, S. LEVETT-YEATS, A. T. QUIL- LER-COUCH, F. M. WffiTE. NOVEL y. "A Gay Con- sptracyt &c. w<th this P&ft is A MAf!- NIFlCENT LARGE REIVIBRANDT PKOTO- GRAVURE (on papcf measuring F x 14 inches), I and four other PHOTOGRAVXJRES of Pictures in the Royal Academy Exhibition of 1899. The Part contains splendid Articles by famous Writers, and Is magnificently IHurtiated by leading Artists. j KINOES HFj OTEL) .t ,i holywwll. 's' -:0: THE L E "D I N G i FAMILY & HAS BEEN RE-FDRNISHED i'AT.rFf arc VISED. -:0: 0- READQUARTER-S OF TS:E'YCi.ISTS UNION 'I' j, IS :0; },t HOTEL OMNIBUS MEETS THE AT HOLYWSLL >:TATiOlS "feAGGBTT'S NOURISHING STOUT GEORGE RAGGETT A31XSOtiS, LOUDON. 0: 'i}: This Stout is recommended by the majority ofwa Medieal Profession throughout the 0 Kingdom, as well as by many Continental Phteicians, as the finest procurable, and its supply to Her Majesty the Queen is initsflft eminent testimony of itequality t t -:0: RAGGETT'S NOURISHING STOUT AS SUPPl TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. L Its reputation has been maintained by a due, d to Quality, which is oonL-id,-red of greater benefit to the consumer than the fun of inferior goods at a less cost. :0: IMITATION OP TBI DE TITLE. The Public are cautioned that the word««NOXJMSHIN&' is being usea on the Labels of oheap Bottled Beers of very low quality. 1 'rau^ is intended it »e absolutely necess&vy to see that the 'POblAQE STAMP"—TRADE MARK, in*>e<|, appears upon every Label, as well as the signature. I a 'io: ym .■'r- .1' ■' ■, A Extract from a letter from the PurveyorttQ-ktr Majesty tne Queen, Balmoral, fr 4 "Her Majesty the Queen wishes for RAOOETT'S FC^ S.I3HINA SSOUT; mayjwe ask you to sen us a Case by Steamer leaving London for Aberde?4&& Wednesday next. SoieOoiuijneeiand Bottling Agentt for ;S::t;.tN D.&ABIGHSHIRE- BIRD A N D 9 0 WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PANTASAPH, Near HOLYWELL N.W. -:o:— Raggett's Nourishing Stout and Golden Hop Pale Ale. HALFOPIOTS 2S. (id. pill& DOZBN. :0:- Y -Delvertesby Cart iotihtn6 mtles, and Carriagco; 6 dozen Case, paid, by Rati X SOLID SILVER WATCH FOR ONE DAY'S WORK FREE. — 0: Our "Faithful Time-keeper Watch," priced zC2 in our Catalogue (free copy of which will bo sent on application), can be earned Free by anyone willing to do One Day's Work, as follows:— y».waloh). If you know of no one having the for sale, send th, 9d. to us. 2-You will then be entitled to purchase a Silver Watoh Oertificate, Price 3s. (Tbis Oertlfioate w1l1 have four 9d. Coupons attaehed for. you to soIl, thus getting your 313. back). Watoh tho^»me w"yf and'^y^iya eaoh pMohM^^o^i'fimte,°w6 *w»tch,SMd w1,. a ,t;, ™*xUet to compensate you tothe original 9d. you were oat of pocket. Tae Watoh xs Solid Silver, your ohoiee, Keyless or Key-wind, Ladies' or Gentlemen's size. NOTE. (a) (b) (c) (à) Should you not know anyone who has a Certificate from whom to purchase a Coupon, it will save time to remit the 3s. for a Certi- ficate together with the 9£1. On receipt of the 3s. 9d. the Certificate is lent ftTS.'StSiif a5'e '? ii8PMeo'«ny Coupon, yon oan yourself wm h.veia^ffl d,0.,h"btt,t if su" »' tte begm^/gyoi good Watoh fo" 0U">" Vb° ™'<° » No one is entitled to pnohu8 a Certificate without having first pwchased a Coupon. It you purchase a Certificate we can, if you like, advertise yot4 name in this paper, and that yoa have b^yiFUrcha^ *8 many 0ouP°n9. an^ therefore Oerti- Pntfnnn7i! ,es' ^nd a00n four Oertiticatea are purchased from Coupons belonging to any of his Certificates (whether these to his'wltAf?'\ P7 ft?1 °r by ftnyone else)- he will be entitled to his Watoh (and also thi return of his original Pi.). POINTS J— Price of Coupon, 9d. (returned with Watch). Price of Certificate, 3s. (containing four Coupons, which 100 may sell to others for 9d. each, whick money we afterwards return to eaoh of them with their Watobes). This done, you have been to no expense, and y.u have a'valuable Silver Watoh to show for your energy. If possible, before buying Coupon and Certificate, call and see tha Watch that you will earn. NOTE.-A Gold Watch can be obtained in a sitnilar way. Particulars on application. APfLY TO THE Watchmakers' Alliance Ltd., 184, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W. [Registered Copyright by the Watchmakers' AllianoeJ Ltd. LION HO TEL, HOLYWELL. :0 THOS. B. CORBETT, PROPRIETOR e Br'oktoith and Acookr ,i Wines and Spirits of Finest Quality direct from Bond. SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED GUY MANNERING OLD SCOTCH WHISKY. :0: Worthington's Pale and Burton Ales on Draught. -:0 Worthington and Bass' India Pale Ale and Guinness' Stout in Bottle. BEFORE PURCHASING YOUR WINTER CLOTHIlfp PAY A VISIT TO A a EARL,- CROSS STREET, If0 £ i1TWEC1L9 Who will be pleased to show you his large and varied Stock of Men, Youth, and Boys' Overcoats and Clothing, IN ALL THE NEW STYLES FOR THE COMING SEASON. -:0, INFANTS AND CHILDREN'S OUTFITTING, } IN CP EAT VARIETY. -:0:- ORDER 3D 3=1,:E> ,6L r-, rE M P, W -.r GENT'S OVERCOATS, FROM 30S. SUITS. FROM 35s -:0:- LADIES' COSTUMES, FROM 25s. UPWARDS. NOTE THE ADDRESS:- No 2, CROSS STREET, HOLYWELL. HEALTH FOR JLXjXJIII l Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, And are invaluable in COMPLAINTS incidental to FEMALES of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. Manufactured only at 78, Now Oxford Street, London, \nd sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. N.D.-Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between tha hours of 11 and 4. or by letter. BENSON'S ENGAGEMENT IN RINGS HALF-HOOP, MARQUISE, GIPSY, AND ALL OTHER DESIGNS, SET WITH BRILLIANTS, RUBIES, EMERALDS, PEARLS, SAPPHIRES, OPALS, TURQUOISE, ETC., ETC., ETC. 6,000 IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. PARCELS OF UNSET GEMS TO SELECT FROM- WEDDING RINGS AND KEEPERS. MERCHANTS NETT CASH CITY PRICES, SAVING ALL PROFITS. v SELECTIONS SENT TO THE COUNTRY ON APPROVAL. The FINEST, CHEAPEST, and LARGEST STOCK of RINCS in LONDON. Illustrated Book of Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Watches, Clocks, Plate, &c., at Reduced Prices, Post Free. SIZE CARDS SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. OLD JEWELLERY AND WATCHES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. j. w. BENSON, H J. the Queen's Jeweller, Steam Factory: 6S Su 64, LUDGATE HILL, AND AT 82, ROYAL EXCHANGE, E.C., and 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON.