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ALMANACKS, 1 8 9 2. WHITAKERS, Is., 2s. 6d. CHURCHMAN'S, MOORE'S, ZADKIEL'S, BAND OF HOPE. POCKET BOOKS. ALLEN'S, PAWSEY'S, RENSHAWS, &c. SCRIBBLING DIARIES. SMITH'S, PETTITT'S, BLACKWOOD'S, LETTS', &c. SHAKESPEARE CALENDAR, lis. AT THN "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL LIVERPOOL & MOSTYN. The last-Bailing steamer "SWIFTSUR E," ROBERT LOWE, Master; Fitted up speoially for the station, will ply between LIVERPOOL" MOSTYN, leaving North end of the Prinoe's Landing Stage, and Mostyn (weather and other i rcunutances permitting) with liberty to tow, aa under:- Goods received at Prince's Landing Stage an hour beforethetime of sailing. Bate of Freight, for anything under 2 tons, 4d.percwt. over S tons, 8 £ d. Measuremen Qoods, 2d. per G«bicfoot» Freight to be paid on delivery. The Steamer nott obe heldresponslblef o r non-sailings. Steamer notacoountablefordamageorinjuryto Horgft Carriages. Goods when landed areentirelyattherisk of he consignees. PARES-FORBCABIN le.6d. AFTER CABIN, 3s. Tickets not transferable. Children Four to Twelve Hal fare. Special arrangements forPie-nic .School parties, Ac Befreshments and Cigars on Board at moderate rates. For Time Bills and f ortherparticulars apply to CAPTAIH JOHN DAWSON, Warehouseman, Mostyn Quay Or to B. D. JONZS,28, Brunswick treet, Liverpool. NOTICE.—Delight! ulCheap Sea Excursions between LIVERPOOL AND MOSTYN. North Wales, allowing Parties from Two to Four hours on shore for visiting the Beautiful Waterfall8 and other places of interest. Saint Winefred's Well and Pantasaph Monastery are within easy distance. Splendid Bathing. Five minutes walk to and from Railway Station. Fares and time.of Sailing as above. Sailings arranged as near as practicable to Train timee from Mostyn for Cheater and Bangor way. Mr. J. Evans, Ffynnon Groew, will meltthe 13teamerdaill With conveyanoesto convoypassongersinall directions. ..1:L.11t1l1 Ike, Ike, ( Sbttmm» t* 8TH STATES & CAUDA Under contract with the Canadian Government of conveyance of the Canadian Mails.) FROM LIVERPOOL. *m°r and Baltimore.. Jan. 14 .For Halifax and Portland..Jan. 28 CIRCASSIAN..For Halifax and Portland.. Feb. 11 HON GOLI AN .For Halifax and Portland..Feb. 25 CIRCASSIAN..For Halifax and Portland.. Feb. 11 HON GOLI AN .For Halifax and Portland: Feb: 25 NTTMIDIAN. -For Halifax and Portland..Mar. 10 FARES FOR OCEAN PASSAGE: Saloon, 10 TO 18 GUna"Seooud Cabin, £6 68. Steerage at Lowest Rates. Through Tiekets to all Stations at Special Rates. Passengers are landed on the railroad wharf and transferred from ship to tram without any moon- venienoe and expense. The Compbny s speoial conductor acoompanies West-bound passengers. 4W NoTB.-Thia Line provides the cheapest and most convenient route to all parts of Y*n?\ > Manitoba, the North-west Provinces, Untis Columbia, and the Western States of America. To TOURISTS, SPORTSMEN, and otherg.- Round Trip TicketBcombiningExcursioneto Niagara Falls, the wonderful scenery and Sporting Districts of the Rooky Mountains and British Columbia, and other places of interest in United States and Canada. Programme of tours on application. British delegates new reports and all the latest maps and pamphlets free. Direct services from Glasgow to New York and Boston and Philadelphia all the year round. Full partioulars on application to ALLAN BROTHERS It CO., 19, JAIDIS STBBBT, LIVERPOOL. oa nox— THOMAS BALES, 4T, Ohe"-stud Flint. HOTYWELL^NGS BANK .I ESTABLISHED. JANUARY 30TH, 1818. FBHUDUTC: P. P. PENNANT, ESQUIBS. TBUSTKBS Tim Rjc$xT HoN. rim EARL OF DENBIGH. P. P. PENNANT, EoUiJiss. RIOHARD SANKEY, E-OTIBS. Rst. R. O. Wjt.T-TAIM j JAMES WILLIAMS, ESQUIBB. H. A. COPE, FAuvims. ADAM EYTON, ESQUIM. I ISAAC TAYLOR, ESQUIBB. Tsuimn: ,THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF DENBIGH. OFFICIAL AtrsrreBs: MBSBBB. D. AND 0. E. JONES, RUTHIK. ACTUARY: Ria. THOS. THOMAS, (AND 32 MANAGERS ATTENDING IN ROTATION-WEEKLY). GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE FUNDS OP THE INSTITUTION, for tbe Year ending NOYOKBSX 20th, 1891. The Truttaei of the Savin/t Bunk Bstnhlishei at 2rolywoll. Dss. CHARGE. £ fl< To Balance doe on the 20th November, 1890, as per last Statement. 20174 3 8 .To sums received from depositors within the year ending November 20th, 1891 1927 0 7 To sums transferred from Post Office Savings Bank within the said year 0 0 0 D.tto from other Saving* Banks within the said year 0 0 0 To Interest on Moneys invested with the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, viz. Receipt B, Dated 21st May, 1891 267 2 1 Reoeipt B, Dated 21st Nov., 1891 263 18 0 To Interest on sums drawn by the Trustees upon the Conmiseioners within the said year 3 16 4 To Interest on name transferred to Post Office Savings Bank within the said year. 0 0 0 Ditto ditto to other Savings Banks within the said year 0 9 0 To Interest per Treasurer's Bankers.. 5 4 9 To Sale of Books 0 8 2 To Inoome Tax returned, 0 5 2 432641 17 10 DISCHARGE. Ctes. 6 d. By sums aetually paid to Depositors in Money, inolnding Interest, within the year ending 20th November, 18 9 1. 3225 18 9 By sums transferred to Post Office Savings Bank within the said year. 0 0 0 Ditto to other Savings Banks within the said year 0 0 0 By sums actually paid for management within the add year 118 6 4 A a. d. By Balanee on the General Aocount invested with the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, including Interest on the 20th November, 1891. 19457 10 10 Less Cash due to the Earl of Denbigh, Treasurer- which fact is hereby certified by me, DKK- ziM, Trounrer,-Por the North and South Wales Bank, S. L. Revis, Manager 159 18 1 19297 12 9 122641 17 10 ToBalsnoe on the 20th November, 1891, brought down (and is oomposed as follows). 12 9 Due to £ a. d. 107 Depositors whose respective Balances on the 20th November, 1891, (inoluding Interest) did not exeeed Al each 17 IS 0 61 Ditto were above 061 and not exceeding 5 each 134 t 31 87 Ditto were above 6 and not exceeding 10 each. 263 0 3 22 Ditto were above 10 and not exceeding 16 each 268 11 10 < Ditto were above 16 and not exceeding 20 eaoh. 133 J6 10 32 Ditto were above 20 and not exceeding 30 each. 757 16 10 23 Ditto were above 30 and not exceeding 40 eaoh744 8 0 17 Ditto were above 40 and not exoeeding 60 each.. 767 8 9 30 Ditto were above 60 and not exoeeding 75 eaoh.. 1831 3 4 14 Ditto were above 75 and not exceeding 100 eaoh, 1204 13 7 12 Ditto were above 100 and not exoeeding 125 eaoh.•• 1856 0 4 11 Ditto were above 126 and net exceeding 150 each 1648 14 2 11 Ditto were above 160 and not exceeding 176 each. 1760 18 S 8 Ditto were above 175 and not exeeeding 280 each 1621 13 6 9 Ditto were exceeding 200 on aeoounts opened after 28th July, 1828.. 1834 6 6 392 Total number of Depositors, 14144 9 41 16 Charitable Societies 662 1 11* 17 Friendly Societies. 4392 6 8 424 Total number of Aoooonts. Total Balanoes, £ 19195 17 0 19198 17 1 Cash Surplus (after payment of all expenses).. 498 16 9 Amount reserved to meet current expenses, as directed per 26 and 27 Vio., e. 87 0. 29. j698 16 9 Witness our hands this THTBTEBNTH day of JARVABT, 1892. R. SANKEY, ) Two Trustees H. A. COPE, J of the said Savings Bank. Examined and oertified oorreotD. An 0. E. JONES, PUBLIC AOTITOBS. THOS. THOMAS, Aonusr. YT. A. LAMBERT. KING'S HEAD HOTEL, HOLYWELL. -:0: POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. -IOI" r Wedding Carriages, Hearse and Mourning Carriages. :o: THE ONLY RECOGNIZED HEADQUARTERS OF THE O.T.C. i to: OMNIBUS or other Conveyances meet all Trains, Mr. Lambert (as Parcels Agent fn* the L. & N.W.R. Co., for Holywell and the Distriot), HAVING THE SOLE MIGHT. C) T-7 FOR ALL III I HOLLOWAY"S OINTMENT- Is the most reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, SORES, ULCERS, and OLD WOUNDS. For Colds, Coughs, Sore Throats, Breachitis, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, Contracted and Stiff Joints, and all Skin Diseases it haa no equal. Manufactured only at 78, Oxford Street, Londoit, And Sold by aU Medicine Venim throughout the World. -b A "110, at the abets address, daily, fcotwooa the hm of 11 eM 4, w by letter. OOLEMAN'S £ £ Y I«FS all Wine Merchants and Druggists, and wholesale of COLEMAN & Co., Limited. Norwich and London. Stld by miss ELIZA. HUGHES, Confectioner, High arod, HolyuxU. N'DW RE-OPENED V THE, t'¡ CROSS KEYS HOTEL, (Family and Commercial), J XX 0 L Y W E X. L ,R4TED;P,GX:M:i1'. WlCE WINES AND SPIRITS, I BURTON BITTER AND MILD ALES, BOTTLED STOUT. i -:e: FIOUPS, CHOPS & STEAKS, TEA & COFFEE, AT ANY HOUR. ;>. :0:- flOOD STABLING, LOOSE BOX AND LOCK-UP COACH-HOUSE. r"" -:0: ki I W. A. HICKS, Proprietor. 0 M A S GRIFFITHS, FAMILY GROCER, TEA MERCHANT AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN. !} I SPECIALITY:— ^GRIFFITHS' BLENDED TEAS At Is. lOd. and 2s. 6d. per lb. TR WAYS. USED-J 4- „s- f ANTON HOUS-EG H OLY WELL. LOW JAUNDICE. mad the following unsolicited Testimonial Prince of Wales Inn, Greenfield, jr 29th November, 1890, 1 To KKOTT'S JAUNDICE POWDBB Co., I*' GBNTLBKEN,—From tbe middle of September llpt, I suffered from a severe attack of Yellow Jaondioe. Although under medical treatment I rtjpidly beoame worse, and ultimately even the naila eft my fingers and toes changed colour. I was so Vfry ill that I quite despaired of recovery. Early ig November a packet of your powders was presented £ by a friend, and having taken them aooording to printed directions I was in less than nine days ipletely restored to health. I shall be happy to tiply to any enquiries,-Yours gratefully, TBOJUB JOKES" KNOTT'S INDIAN -RT SPECIFIC Suaranteed pr the cure of Purely Vegetable. whey have been used in hundreds of cases during the M*t Fifty Years and have never failed to effect a Speear £ nd Permanent Cure. A Course of Powders sufficient for a Complete Cure, 8ent Free by post for 8/9 by the Sole Agent for Holywell and DiBtrict-JOHN OARMAN, ApoTmAnne HALL, HOLYWBLL THE BLOOD 13 TIM LWiry CLARKE'S I ..I iiiii (iKKAT 8LUUD FURUUKRAND RESTORER R CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from tf ALL IMPURITIES it cannot be too highly reoom- Otanded. For Scrofula, Scurvy. Eczema, Skin and Blood Disease Pimples and Sores of all kinds, it is a nerer-failing and permanent Cure. It Cutes Old Sores. OuteeSoreson the Neck. | CuresSore Legs. | OoresBlackheads,orPimplesontheFaoe. A oureoocurvy. 9 Cures Ulcers. s OntesBloodandSkinDiseaseB t Cure aglandula rawelling a m Olearsthe Bloodf rom a 1 limpur ejmatter 3 Prom whatever cause arisirg. AathiBiPixttireiBpleasanttothetaBtetandwarranted jBfee (rom any thingin jurious to the most delieattconsti- gtetioti of either sex, from infancy to old age, the Pro- prietors solicit sufrerers to give it a trial to test its lue. "if owmnjiscoy, Pontypool, Monmouth, Jan. 12,1890. "I About Midsummer of last year an alarming swelling set up in my nose, causing me great 1 pain and anxiety In a few weeks a small 2 pimple appeared on the left side of it. which soon developed into an unsightly cancerous- { looking wound. The local faculty having failed to do r me any good, by the aid of a few sympathetic friends I was sent to the Bristol aud Newport Hospitals, from both of which institutions, however, I returned unoured. The medical staff of both institutions, as -well as the local practitioners, all differed in opinion as to the nature of my complaint, ■j I tried several kinds of much-vaunted patent medi- M ernes, but ail to no purpose. I was fast losing all hope of ever being cured friends and physicians had done their best, but failed to do me any good, and I leaolvea to impoverish my family no longer by spend- • ing money on stuff which did me not the slightest j good. But a friend prevailed on me to try your ■. world-famed Clarke's Blood Mixture, and I am A happy to say that before the second bottle was I '( exhausted I saw unmistakable evidence of impeove. ment in my case. When the contents of the fifth ja bottle was done I was perfectly cured, and my face, as well as my pen, bear testimony to the efficacy of your pnceless medicine. I feel in duty bound to irive you this unsolicited testimonial. Yon are at perfect >V liberty to publish this. F Believe me to remain, yours very sincerely, CABY TURBBBVXLL*. Believe me to remain, yours very sincerely, CABY TURBBBVXLL*. j *'To Messrs. The Lincoln Drug Company." MidinBottlet2s .9d.,andl 1 s .each. By all CHEMISTS «B3 PATENT MEDICINE VENDOKS throughout the lSad.or sent f or!33 or 132jBtamps by THE LINCOLN AND ■ST AND COUNTIE8 DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln nSjDE MARK BLOOD MIXTURE;' itfor CLARKE'S BLOOD IOXTURE and do not be eeaadedtotake an imitation; 'for CLARKE'S BLOOD IOXTURE and do not be eeaadedtotake an imitation; SAPOR,ATION OFTHE CITY OF MANCHESTER CONCENTRATED MA URE Made from Excrement from Pail Closets, BLOOD, BONES, FISH, &c., From the City. Slaughter-houses and Markets, etc, analysing 3& to 4 per cent, of AMMONIA. 8J" 10 TMBASIC PHQSPTTATTC, Analysis Guaranteed Delivered in bags, carriage paid, at 43 per Ton. Special price over 150 miles. Sold by Analysis if written application be made Supply limited. Full particulars from HY. WHILEY, STJPKSXNTBNDKNT, OliBANSINO DlCPARTIfwwp^ TOWN HALL, MANCHBSTSB. 08 TO— B. ALDRED, OB TO— B. ALDRED, STAHTOBD ROAD, ALTBIVOHAIC. VA WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS A BE uniyersallyadmitted to be worth a GFIKKA A BOX „ '?r and Nervous Disorders, such as wind and "*a0in e Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness 55'Celling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath Costiveness,Beurvy) Blotcheson the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, Ac. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills,and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A QUINBA A BOX. Fogrf emaltoof allagenthesa Pills areinvaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all humours, and bring about all ttyt is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be fowd equal to Beecham's Pills for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If takenaccording tethedirectior sgivenwith each box, they willsoon restoref emales of all ages to sound and lobust health. Thishas beenproved by thousands whotiave tried them, and found the benefits whialt are ensured by their use. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digest ID, and allDi orde3, a of the Liver, they act like magic, and a few dose will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole musculai system,restore the long lost complexion, bring backthekeenedge of appetite,and arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guaranteesto the Nervousand Debilitated is,BEECHAM'iP PILLS havethe LargestSale of any Patent Medicine in world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronehid Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppressiouof the Chest, Wheezing. &c., these Pills stand unrivalled They are the best ever offered to the public and will speedilyromove thatsense of oppression ana difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Yet auy person give BEECHAM;S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent Cough will in a short time be removed. Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, Thos. Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, in boxes 9id., Is. lid. and Ss. 9d. each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers every Where. N.B.-ftll directions are given with each box. V MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S OBATEPUL—COMPOBTXBTG. COCOA Mims WITH BOGGG JrmZ. HE LEADING ENISH NOTE PAPER PURE WIRITF, SNOW FLAKE. Five Quires in handsome Box-One Shilling. 100 Court Shape Envelopes boxed to match One Shilling. SOLD AT THE "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. THOMAS HUGHES, JOINER, BUILDER AND WHEELWRIGHT* HOLYWELL. WORKSHOPS & TIMBER YABfts BACK OF NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BABE, HIGH STREET. ThefsttowiHg Timber aUoay* _fï' SPRUCE AND PINE BOABDI From half inch upwards; SPRUCE AND YELLOW PINE PLANES J ONE INCH SPRUCE FLOORING BOARDS s Three-quarters and One Inch SPRUCE AND RED DEAL MATCH BOARDS. Bireh and Oak Boards; Lancewoodand Ash beni Shcos; Felloes for Cart and Carriage WheeUi Dressed Oak Spokes for Carriage Wlaetl8 J Futchels, and Turned Naves; Turned ik io.0 2 in. and 3 in. Table Legs, etc. SLATING AND PLASTERING LATHS, CEMENT AND HAIR. New Wheels of every description made of the best well-seasoned Timbers. TRAPS, CARTS AND SHANDRIE8, UADK AND BBPAXBS9. ORDERS QUICKLY EXECUTED ON SALE.—A number of large good WATKB BARRELS. A. SCHWARZ, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER. WHITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL BEGS' to announce that after the ENLARGE* MENT OF HIS PREMISES, he has bee* enabled to greatly increase his Stock. ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY KEPT IN STOCK Clocks and Watches of all destripltons in hand HANDSOME SELECTION OF ELECTRO-PLATED ARTICLES REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED ON THJI PREMISES. Å maoa Gutnea Gold Wedding and Keeper Ring A present given with each ring bought. A private room to select in. DEALBB m LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMETERS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES In great variety. RUSSEL 9s. L ILLUSTRAT6D PAMPHLET FR £ £ ON APPLICATION WATCHáJEWELLERY REPAIRSPROMPT & REHABLJ A LADY, having a large spare Capital at hat command, is desirous of ADVANCING same in sums of JE5 to £ 1,000 to Farmers, Houseboldwei Tradesmen, and others, on their Promissory NOW alone, at a few hours' notice, and in etrict priYMf- Distance no object. Apply personally or by letter to- MRS. D. BEHRMAN, 27, CITY ROAD, CHESTER MONEY LENT PRIVATELY (with. out sureties) by the CHARING-CROSS BANK (Established, 1870). 28, BEDFORD-STREET, CIIARING CROSS, LONDON, W.C. Capital £ 300,000. Reserve Fund £ 100,000. ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE Upon approved Promissory Notes as follows, without bill of sale. Advance £ 25—12 monthly repayments of JM 6 10 « ii 100 9 8 4 Larger amounts in the same proportion. ADVANCES of £30 to 92,000 granted at a few boar e notICe In town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stook, plant, crops, &c., without removal, and to assist persons wnTir^8' on policies, and reversion, rn u UJi. Any one requiring money will do well before applying elsewhere, or paying fees, to think of tnis bin ely I can do better with a Bank having large capital at command and devoting themselves to this class of business that I can with so-called private money lenders or agents with small means. Good borrowers can obtain money here on reasonable terms, quickly, privately, and without deductions, repayable by easy instalments. Distance no objeots Call personally, or write. Special facilities to all requiring banking aocounts 3 per cent. interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received as under:— 4 per cent. per ann., subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal. 6" 6 U Ie 6 U 12 u Special terms for larger amounts. Interest win quarterly. Write or call for Prospectus. A. WILT JAMS, Mini jot.