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S. P. Q. R. -0: MOTTO :-SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS. -:0:- JONES 4sz; IDW RDS BEG to call the attention of their numerous Customers in HOLYWELL And surrounding Neighbourhood?, that they are now prepared to meet the Requirements of the COMING SEASON, with a CHOICE SELECTION OF JP R E N C H AND Jg N G L I S H JAILLINERY, RIBBONS AND G L 0 V E 8 MANTLES AND JACKETS. H 0 s I E R Y CORSETS. .,1 p RINTS AND DRESS MATERIALS. B 0 y s y OUTHS, AND M E N I S gUITS. B 0 y s YOUTHS, AND M EN's HATs. T> o Y S YOUTHS, AND jy £ EN'S CAP. GENTLEMEN'S Jg LACK AND COLOURED gCARFS. -:0:- AN EARLY CAL t IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. -:0:- JONES AND EDWARDS, BRITANNIA HOUSE. HEALTH FOR & n T-i I I I ■ ■TZiTVAiVjf ■! 11 s] Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. Hiey invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, And are invaluable in COMPLAINTS incidental to FEMALES Of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street, London, \nd sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. H.B.—AckriM Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by lotUr. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE. LIFE. ESTABLISHED 1824. CAPITAL, jQ 5,000,000. RJUD OFFICE: I BARTHOLOMEW LANE, LONDON. THE RIGHT HON. LORD ROTHSCHILD, Chairman; ROBERT LEWIS, Chief Secretary. LIVERPOOL BRANCH: 30, EXCHANGE STREET EAST. WM. ROBERTS, District Secretary. Prospectuses, Proposal Forms and other papers may be had on application. HEALTH, STRENGTH & ENERGY Are quickly obtained by simply taking a few doses of EPPS'S CURA-CENE (Wine of Ozone) The greatest purifier and enricher of the blood known, Its effects are almost immediate and the cure certain. EPPS'S CUBA-CENE (Wine of Ozone) A guaranteed cure for nervous physical and func- tional weakness, headache, and ringing noises in the head and ears, dimness of sight, and specks floating before the eyes, dizziness, failing appetite, pains and aches, heart disease with palpitation and fluttering, rising of food, and acidity of the stomach, vomiting, liver complaints, wind, wasting diseases, shortness of breath, kidney diseases, softening of the brain, and listlessness, coughs, asthma, and in the early stages of chest diseases, and decline, im- purity of the blood with pimples, blotches and erup- tions, flushing, trembling of the hands and limbs, exhaustion, melancholy and loss of memory, indi- gestion, biliousness, neuralgia, gout, and rheuma- tism, loss of energy, and unfitness for study, society or business, and there is not a disease but what this medicine will reach, and in all human probability eure as it has thousands of times before, even after every thingelse had been tried and failed IT GIVES STRENGTH AT ONCE and will give more strength in ten minutes than any other medioine will in as many weeks, and is extremely pleasant to take. IT PURIFIES THE BLOOD, rendering the skin clear and transparent, and removing all pimples, blotches, and eruptions. It produces new, rich and pure bload, and contains everything for forming muscle, flesh, bone, brain, &e. and contains the very elements of LIFE. IT NOURISHES THE BRAIN, sharpens the intellect, and removes excitement, oonfusion of ideas, dread, gloom, indecision, timidity, irritability, dullness of perception and all the symptoms of mental exhaustion or over- worked brain, supplying at the same time nerve, thought, and brain food, and giving a great in- orease in intellectual power. This Grand RESUSCITATING Elixir has been reocomtended by the moat illustrious Physicians of the age, including Sir Erasmus Wilson, Sir Charles Locock, Physician to the Queen, and Mr. Csesar Hawkins, Sergeant- Surgeon to the Queen, who have given their Testimonials unsolicited. Copies of which, together with opinions of the Press, will be sent to any one poit free. Sold in bottles at 2s. 6d. 4s. 6d. and I Ia., and most Chemisis keep it, but any not having it in stock will procure it without extra charge, and there is a great saving in buying the larger sizes. Should, however, any difficulty be found in getting it, the Proprietors will send it carriage free. EPPS & CO.. 366 ALBANY ROAD, CAMBER lfELL. LONDON. ,&. SCHWARZ, CLOCK AND WATCHfflAKER, WHITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL. ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY KEPT IN STOCK Clocks and Watches of all descriptions in hand. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECTTTED ON THE PREMISES. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Guinea Gold Wedding and Keeper Rings, A present given with each ring bought. A private room to select in. DBALBB IN LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMETERS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES In great variety. ALFRED MAYERS, BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER, 8, MILFORD STREET, MOLD. All orders promptly attended to either by post or fail. A Who suffer" irom NERVOUS DEBILITY -R» LOST VIGOUR, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, KIDWSY BOON DISEASES. &C. A Treatise explaining the re- nowned MARBTOX treatment, by local absorp- TO tion, the only positive cure without Stomach Medicines, will be sent In plam envelope, sealed MTTXT for three stamps. TH« MARSTOK REMKDY Ci ■Willi IN 249^ High Holborn, London. The stars were wont to Xhe ruling no»ori»no»» lanet J> ccPLANET" PENS. Eiiht kind*, comprising Mercury," Venn* World," Mart," Jupiter," Saturn," Uranw," Neptune." rHESB PKNH WARRANTED FOR EXCELLENCE. To be bad of all Stationers, or the Manufacturers, JOHNSON BROS., 7,8,« 9, GEOBOK ST., PARADB, BIRMINGHAM. Postage on 6d. boxes, Id.; Is. do., ljd.; gross boxes, 3d. extra. _~°Writ^oyMgmgl^d;box^«sorte^h^^inds^ REGISTERED TRADI j MaRK, ? AMERICAN LINSEED CAKE. This choice brand is uniform in shape, in quality, and in weight of package. Each bag contains 2801be. nett., so that eight bags weigh exactly 20 cwt. HENRY COX & CO., 3, Rumford Street, LIVERPOOL, Sole Importing Agents. PHffiNlX OIL MILL CO. LIMITED, LIVBEPOOI Manufaeturerg of Feeding Stuffe extensively used py the leading Pedigree Stock Owners. | n A T TP I *H(ENIX | vXlLj PURE pop I eii 17/61 MEAL I Delivered at any station. 1- '1' I I,.) 1<8,Mn LINSEED CAKE COTTON CAKE GREAT SUCCESS OF THE SALE AT THE* J VICTORIA; H 0 U B E :0: 11" SOME DEPARTMENTS CLEABEB OUT. j -.e.-i- FURTHER In the following GOODS, viz.:—Black Silks (Bonne If Btlle-wear guaranteed), the best and most reliable Silk manufactured, Brown ditto, -.Velvets, Ribbons, Laces, Prints, Stuffs, Sateens, Shawls, Umbrellas, Babies' Coats and Capes, Union, Wool and Cotton Shirtings Corsets (white and colored), Collars, Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Feathers and Flowers, Men's Hats, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Under Vests and Drawers, Braces, &c. Ladies and Children's Jackets, Ulsters and Dolmans, Heavy and Light. :0: All marked at prices that must clear them quickly* :0:- DO NOT MISS THE BARGAINS. ■ :0:- W. J. appeals to his many friends who have already visited the sale to say whether they have not secured some REAL BARGAINS. ECCLESIASTICAL PARISH OF ST. MARK'S. -'0' CONNAH'S QUAY BURIAL BOARD. -,1):- Statement oj Accounts for the Year ending March 25th, 1889. RECEIPTS. I EXPENDITURE. A s. d. I d. From Overseers in Year (Poor Rate) 160 0 4 Cath due to Bankers Year ending March, For Grave, Spaces, Grants, Digging and 1888. 3 6 Certificates 43 14 6 Intereston Mortgage-lAos Insome Tax 102 3 6 For Grass in Cemetery,, 117 6 Auditing past year's aoconiit 0 16 0 Clerk one year's Salary 6 9 10 0 Petty eash account in year 0 6 8 Rates and taxes 2 4 0 Rent of Room 1 1 0 Sexton 62 weeks'wages at lis. per week 39 0 0 f Balance at Bank 36 11 11 Cal 0 2 10 £19ó 12 4 £ 196 12 4 CHARLES DAVISON, CHAIRMAN. ARTHUR PATTEN, CLUBS TO THB BOABD. T. A.. LAMBERT, KING'S HEAD HOTEL, HOLYWELL. :oi ■■■-■ POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. ■' « 0: Wedding Carriages* Hearse and Mourning Carriages. :0:- THE ONLY RECOGNIZED HEADQUARTERS OF THE O.T.O. :o: —— OMNIBUS or other Conveyances meet all Trains, Mr. Lambert (a8 Parcels Agent for for the L. & N.W.R. Co., fur Holywell and the District), HAVING THE SOLE RIGHT. ESTABLISHED, 1812. -:0' PROCTOR TO R Y L A N D ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR ROOTS, CORN AND GRASS, ALSO, SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, :0:- Womm-CRESTER AND BIRMINGHAM. :0:- Revised List, with particulars of Prizes for Roots offered in 1889, post free. AGENTS:— Mr' wmtf^?!fellr<Brim8talre,,Birk^hea<?- Mr George Cross, Sandiway, Northwich. M?' w r Holnaes Chapel. Mr. William P Jones. Ironmonger, Mold. Mr' i „ Mr. A. H. Thompson, Sandbach w*' Parry J,lansamtffraid Corwen. Mr. William Jones, Nant Gwilym, Bodfari, Rhyl; Mr. JosephLloyd, Miller, St. Asaph. Mr. Robert Roberts, Tanrhiw, Groes, Denbigh. 5K" xir Vi ?.rn Merchant, Wrexham. Mr. John Hughes, Llewelyn Terrace, {Llanrwst. • Griffiths, Cross Keys, Chirk. Mr. N. H. Morris, Post office, Ysceiflog, Holywell. MANCHESTER CORPORATION CONCENTRATED MANURE, MADE FROM HUMAN ltxolmxz", BLOOD, BONES, FISH, &c. ANALYSINO ABOUT 38-66 per Cent, of ORGANIC MATTER, containing ) 3 60 of AMMONIA. T 6 68 of ALKALINE SALTS, COntaininir) 0-90 of POTASH. ) 8 -57 of TRIBASIC PHOSPHATE. 2 60 of SULPHATE OF LurK. Delivered in Bags at any Railway Station within 60 miles of Manchester in not less than Two Ton Lots, and within 160 miles in not less than Four Ton Lots.—Special quotations beyond 150 milea. 23 per Ton. Will be told by Analysis if written application be made. HY. WHILET, SUPERINTENDENT, Health Department, Town Hall, MANCHESTER Or to— BOLD ALDRED, j Stamford Road, ALTMNCHAM- 1 ROFT TOB TANYARD. JOHN HOLMES, GENERAL DEALER, WHITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL OE0S to thank the public for tko f pport he has J3 deceived since he has take-n o*er the above busing, and to intimate that liaving secured the freehold of the Tanyard, he is now in a position to pay the highest prices for HORSES, COWS, CALVES, SHEEP and DONKEYS, either dead or alive* which he will fetch from any distance up o TK1T MILES round Holywell. N./J.-Llttlf'f or Telegramt promptly attended to. DTE N T I 8 TRY. MR. LAMPLOUGH, L.D.S.,R.C.S., SURGEON DENTIST,] (By Examination), Lives in Holywell, and is at home EVERY DAY, AT 2, PANTON PLACE, J (OPPOSITE ALBERT HOUSE) HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! -:0: LATEST NOVELTIES, NEWEST STYLES IN FRENOH AND ENGLISH MILLINERY, DRESS MATERIALS, Mantles, Jackets, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, laces, Prints, Cambrics, Lace Striped Muslins. :0: MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS' SUITS, Shirts, Scarves, Collars, Hats and Caps, 4c. -:0:- A VISIT OF INSPECTION SOLICITED. H. S. REYNOLDS, LONDON HOUSE, HOLYWELL, THE LATEST NOVELTY. THE NEW WHITE WRITING INK, AND DARK-TINTED uMoonlight" Notepaper Sf Envelopes, TO BE HAD AT The "Observer" Office, Holywell. TO SHIPPERS OF GOODS. writ VAST SAILING HeBE" BTHAJTKB "SHAMROCK," T5. DENNIS, Master; WILL PLT (WEATHER PERMITTINO) BETWEEN LIVERPOOL AND HOLYWELL. 1889. 1889. APRIL. APRIL. Tuesdays and Friday. Mcmday/t and Thuridmyi. Fao. To Fao. Te 4 Liverpool.Holywell 1 Holywell Liverpool 6 Liverpool.. Lianerchymor 4 Holywelt. Liverpool 9 Liverpool.Llanerehymor 8 Llanerchymor..Liverpool 12 Liverpool.. Holywell 11 Llanerchymor..Liverpool 18 Liverpool.. Holvwell 15 Holywell Liverpool 2. Liverpool.Llanerehymor 221 Lianerchymor Liverpool 26 Liyerpool.Holywell 25 Llanerchymor..Liverpool 30 Liverpool.Holywell ? HolyweU Liverpool GOOD8 RECBIVED DAILY: From 8 a.m. till 5.80 p.m., exeept on Saturdays from Bm to 1 p.m, Goods should be down for shipment at North Side Chester Basin. Liverpool, on Tu»«DATS and FKIDATS, for delivery at HolyweU on WXIDNKSDAYS and SATURDAY* and at HolyweU and Llanerchymor Wharves on MONDAVS and THCBSBAYS, for delivery at Liverpool on TUESDAYS and FaIDA. YI. Times of sailings are regulated in accordance with Tide- time, and the time can be had on inquiiy either at Liverpool or Holywell and Llanerchymor Wharves. Goods of whatsoever kind or nature when landed are entirely at the risk of Senders or Consignees. Freight to bt paid on delivery. A eharge will be made on all empties, payable by Senders on delivery for Shipment, and all when landed will be at sole risk of Senders or Consignees. A limited number of Passengers carried. Steamer not accountable for non-sailings. For further particulars apply the Agent, Llanerehvmor 1 or to Mr. NEWTON, Worth Side Chester Basin, Liverpool, and Messrs. A. ErToN AN;) SON. Chester Wart, West Side, George's Dock and at Llanerchymor Lead Works. \AN Llli lltfKl Sat.8m 19 HUTED STATES & CANADA FROM LIVERPOOL. CIRCASSIAN..For Quebec and Montreal. Apr. 18 PARISIAN.For Quebec and Montreal.. Apr. 25 CASPIAN .For Halifax and Baltimore..Apr. 30 POLYNESIAN.For Quebec and Montreal May 2 CAR THAGINIAN For Quebec & Montreal Mav 10 PERUVIAN.For Halifax and Baltimore.. May 14 OCEAN RATES: Saloon, 10 TO 18 GUINEAS; Intermediate, Z6 6s. Steerage at Lowest Rates. Through tickets at special rates to Montreal Toronto, Chicago, St. Paul (Minn.) and to all parts of Canada, and the Western States. To TOURISTS, SPORTSMEN, and others.- Round Trip Tickets combining Excursions te Niagara Falls and other plaofcj of interest in United States and Canada, the wonderful scenery in the Rocky Mountains, and the Sporting Districts of British Columbia. fy NOTB.-The best, quickest and cheapert route for Manitoba the Great North West, and British Columbia is by the Mail Steamers of this Line. 1W Passengers for Florida should go by the Allan Steamers to Baltimore, whioh is the cheapest and most convenient route. 4T Passengers landing at Halifax, Portland, or Baltimore, and going inland are accompanied on the Railway by the Company's special con- ductors. P1 irPHT.KTSon Canada, Manitoba and tb e Western States free on application. Fall particulars from ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., /AKBB STREET, LIYBRPOOU OB TO- THOMAS BALES, 47. Chester-street, Flint. ESTABLISHED 1840. EDWARD PARRY, PRACTICAL SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, BRYNFORD STREET, HOLYWELL. COLLARS AND SADDLES MADE ON THX PBXMISBS, Perfect fit and eaay wear guaranteed. All kinds of new work rxeented with aeatneaa and despatch. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Girths, Head Collars, WhipF and Herae Cletkiag in Stock. OFOR THE BLOOD ItTflF tlTCT CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE' THE GKEAT BLO'JDPUK1HEH KfciSToUER FOR CLEANSING and CLEAKING the BLOOD from c ALL IMPURITIES it eannot be too kighly romm- mendid. For Scrofula, Scurvy. Eczema, Skia and Blood Diseases and Soreaof all kinds, It is a never-failing and permanent Cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neek. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples en the Face, Cures Scurry. Cures Ulccrs. Cures Blood and Skim Diseases. Cures Glandular 8welllngs. Clears the Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever cause ar sit- g. As this lPixtureil pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything iniurious to the most delicate consti- tution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit safferers te give it a trial to test its value. I feel duty bound to nform you of the wonderful effeeta of Clarke's Blood Mixture on me. I have had a- ffexint over two years of a severe nature. I first consulted the best medical aid I could possibly procure till mv means were run out, and with a sad heart I was eompelled to come into the workhouse hospital where I now am ihadioeen-ittereis months, and my legs gradually got worso. I began to think they would never get better, till I read of Clarke's Blood Mixture," and I determined that when I eoald raise the means I would try it; so I eommeneed to deprive myself ef little necessarieb till at lentfth I raised eleven shillings. I commenced to use the Blood Mixture on day, May dth. Ithen had five woui is en the left leg, on* very larye M the ankle bone, one on the thin about the siee at fcalf-a em, and three on the calf almost as large The right leg was somewhat similar, but there were three sores which I thought would break into one. All are perfect y healed up now at one small place on the left ankle about the sire of a abillinir. There are fifteen patients in the ward that I am in, and they were surprised to eee my legs what I had taken the llaiåUe a week, and there are three of them now nsing it I am very sorry, indeed, 'hat I cannot purchase another bettle, and if y JU would kindly send me a small quantity I should be abla to get it, anf I shall never forget it as long as I live. Yours faithfully, EDWAXD STATHKKS, No, 8, Ward. Analby Boad Workhouse Hospital, Hall, Junr IS, 18B8. LATEX. I write to let you know how I am getting on I reeeived the bottle of Mixture you sent me, and the woutdo are now completely heated up, I will be BUt of here in a few Sara aad get to work, which is already promised me. I am geing to reside at my sister's, Mrs. Bullmer, 16, Grimsby Ians, Market Place, Hull. If you wish to use this case for tie benefit of other poor sufferers de so The result of your Mixture it really wonderful-I remain your thankful servant, June 26,1888, EnwARP STATHEKI. Sold in Bottles >s.9d., and lis. each. By all CHEMISTS ind PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout tile 71 1 world, or sent for 33 or 132 stamps by THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, Lineeln. TRADE MARK, BI OOD MIXTURE Ask for CLA RK t:'S BLOOD MIXTURE and do not be pertinaded to take an imitation. ■KBH| TO POCKET MEDICAL iDTBB. For CAe .n-tM- jrwww md MMBCI JJISMRF FRF TIN jr-, W.th-P.Kft BY*T"HEIVKW LOCAL TREATMENT. IV "A TM to mil *mtHa* JBOA* A ncu- te phyd. 11M Tmunf rntmm Wm)j S a wmny wrfm ft" ■— TL<? ■f^/Clpn kii eaml mrnlf u>4 mmmr f* Kjf%1 fit rrm. w*k BBfJy m- JTO. **AGSCLULT I 4f P 0 R A N T This brochure gives intact The Guarantee* Treatmentas advocated by 400 distinguished medieeU and other authorities, and protected by Her Majesty'* Royal Letters Patent. of dates 1^7 and 1872. Sufferers should procure this handy Referee en Nervous Ailments, and thus avoid doctors' feae and bjectionable medicine.— Gazette. 3=3 WITH BOIUVO WATHL EPPS'S GX&TE: OMPOILTING. COCOA XAHS wrnL aOlLUiG KOA