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PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. A GRAND BAZAAR AND SALE OF FANCY WORK WILL BE HELD IN THE NEW ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL, During the first fortnight of the month of JUNE, 1884. The proceeds to be devoted to the purchase of the Freehold and the renovation of the ENGLISH CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL, Holywell. Contributions will be thankfully received by REV. OWEN THOMAS, M.A., PASTOR. MR. HENRY JUDD, TREASURER. MB. THOS. H. WATERHOUSE A !MB. P. HARDING ROBERTS HO SE03, Further particulars will shortly appear. h APRIL, 1884. LIVERPOOL & MOSTYN. The fast-sailing steamer "SWIFTS U R E," ROBERT LOWE, Master; Fitted up specially for the station, will ply between LIVERPOOL & MOSTYN, leaving North end of the Prince's Landing Stage, and Mostyn (weather permitting) with liberty to tow. as under DATE. From LIVERPOOL. From MOSTYN. 10 Thursday 8 0 a.m 11 30 a. m 11 Good Friday 9 Oam 130p.m. 12 Saturday 9 Oa.m .130pm. it £ fonday (B. Holiday) 9 Oa.m 2 30 p.m 15 Tuesday 9 0 a.m. 2 30 p.m 16 Wednesday 9 3'a.m 3 0 p.m 17 Thursday 10 30 a.m 3 30 p.m to f "day 11 30 a.m 4 30 p.m o? Saturday 2 30 p.m •1 Monday 5 30 p.m 8 0 p.m *2 Tuesday 8 30 a.m 23 Wednesday 4 30 p.m 24 Thursday 10 45 a.m "5 Friday 8 30 a.m, 12 0 noon 26 Saturday 8 30 a.m 12 45 p.m 28 Illon(lay 9 0 a in. 115p.m. 29 Tuesday 9 Oa.m 2 0 p.m 30 Wednesday. 1° OA.M 3 16 p.m EXCURSION S: Fore Cabin, 2s 6d.; After Cabin, 3s. *lst—Mostyn to Liverpool and Back—Fares—Fore Cabin, 2s.; Bridge Deck and Cabin, 3s. T, Heavy Goods received at Chester Basin, near St. George's Wths, for Mostyn Daily at S 30 to 10 0 a.m. and as under— April 5th, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.; 9th, 12 noon to 3 p.m. 15th, 12 noon to 3 p.m.; 18th, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 22nd, 11 a.m to p.m. 26th, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.; 30th, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. P £ £ 8-FOI!E CABIN, Is. Cd. AFTER CABIN, 2s. 6d. RETURN SAME DAY, 2s. Od. '< 3s. Od. Light Goods received at Prince's Landing Stage an hour before the time of sailing. The Steamer not to be held responsible for non-sailings. Steamer not accountable for damage or injury to Horses, Carriages, or any Live Stock. Goods when landed are entirely at the risk of the consignees. Passengers taken on board and landed at New Brighton on notice being given to the Pier Master there. Tickets not transferable. Children Six to Twelve, Half fare. Special arrangements for Pic-nic, School parties, &c. Refreshments on Board. lAikN L Ili 4e Bopal fttati Sttamtrø to UNITED STATES & CANADA. FROM LIVERPOOL. HANOVERIAN FOB HALIFAX & BALTIMORE Apr. 22 BARMATIAN FOR QUEBEC Apr. 24 AUSTRIAN FOR QUEBEC Apr. 24 PARISIAN FOR QUEBEC .May 1 MANITOBAN FOB QUEBEC May 1 CASPIAN. FOB HALIFAX & BALTIMORE.. May 6 SARDINIAN FOB QUEBEC May 8 OCEAN RATES: Saloon, 12 TO 21 GUINEAS Intermediate, £ 7 7s.; STEERAGE, £ 5 5s. 'pirough tickets at special rates to Chicago, "'(1 to all Points in the Western States and Canada. 8" NOTF,The best, quickest and cheapest T?*- • ^ANITOBA and the Great North West is by the Mail Steamers of this Line. Quebec to Winni- peg only £ 2 8s. by the New Ro-ute of the Canadian Pacific Railway. ASSISTED PASSAGES to QUEBEC are granted to W-BNEBAL LABOURERS, MECHANICS, &c., for £ 4, and o AGRICULTURISTS, AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS, and EiTA,LB DOMESTIC SERVANTS for £ 3 and Through ^AI1^ POMTS IN Canada at Special Rates. 1 PASSENGERS landing at Quebee, Halifax or ^N^AND are accompanied on the P2YNRL HE C°MPANY'8 special conductor, M Q, Canada and Manitoba and the Western States free on application. Full particulars from ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., JAHES STREET, LIVKKPOOI 1 OR TO— THOMAS BALES, Eyton Terrace Flint REDUCED FARES TO AMERICA. BEAVER LINE, Weekly Sailings from LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN STEERAGE FARE, £4 10s. Od. TO QUEBEC, BOSTON, OR NEW YORK. SALOON FARE TO QUEBEC OR MONTREAL, 210 10s. Od. '?" Assisted Passages to Canada, £ 3. Passengers booked to all parts of Canada and the United States at Low Rates. For further particulars, and to secure Berths, apply to R. W. ROBERTS, Manager, Canada Shipping Co., 21, Water Street, LIVERPOOL, Or to REYS, 8, Derby Place, Hook Road, 0HAPEL Terrace, Bagillt; RORTTD^R ? TS» 35, Vale Street, Denbigh; ROBERT JONES, « Visitor" Office, Aber^le. 7 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. I "TOWER OF CAMBRIA LODGE" No. 498, ORDER OF DRUIDS, HOLYWELL. THE ANNIVERSARY GALA DAY Will be held in a convenient Field in the Strand ON WHIT-MONDAY NEXT. Full particulars will shortly appear. Lodge-room, Cross Keys Inn, Holywell. A PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. COURT 11 LLOYD MOSTYN," No. 983, ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS, HOLYWELL. THE Members of the above Society intend .A. having a G- -A. L A. DAY ON WHIT-MONDAY NEXT. Full particulars, will appear shortly. — 1884* .—■ FLINT CASTLE LODGE, Independent Order of Odd-Fellows, M. U, FLINT. THE ABOVE SOCIETY WILL HOLD THEIR A N NIYE RSAR Y ON WHIT-TUESDAY NEXT, June 3rd, ATHLETIC SPORTS, &c., Will take place on a well-appointed course in the afternoon. Several valuable prizes will be offered for competition. Programmes may be had after the 20th MAY, from the SECRETARY, on receipt of I-Id. in postage stamps. JOHN FOULKES, SECRETARY, MOUNT STREET, FLINT. ANK HOLIDAY, 1884. MK HOLIDAY, 1884. THE ANNUAL GRAND GALA DAY OF THE LOYAL LORD MOSTYN LODGE, WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, AUGUST 4TH. Special attractions will be provided, of which due notice will be given. p. Ä WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are admitted by Thousands to be worth a Gri-TEIL A BOX for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heats, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be ackit >wledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all gross humours, open all obstruc- tions, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equa BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or ir- regularity of the system. If taken according to the direction* given with each box they will soon restore females of to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disordej of the liver, they act like "MAGIC," and a few doses will found to work wonders upon the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame— These are "FACTS" admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, difficulty of breathing, shortness of breath, tightness and oppressiou of the chest, wheezing. &c., these Pills stand unrivalled They speedily remove that sense of oppr ession and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be semoved. CAUTION.—The public are requested to notice that the words "BEECHAM'S PILLS, St. Helens,' are on the Govern- ment Stamp affixed to each box of the Pills. If not on, they are a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the pro- prietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, Lancashire, in boxes at Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d. each. Sent post free from the proprietor, for 15 or 36 stamps. Sold by all' Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers in Wales. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. ^HHE BLUE RIBBON LIFE, ACCIDENT, X MUTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL INSUR- ANCE COMPANY LIMITED.—" The Total a0™ Lif? TAssurance Co." requires Agents, Ordinary and Industrial. ADDIV to the Managing Director, Head Office, Co We Chambers Newhall street, Birmingham. ^s, FOR THE BLOOD ISTHE LIFE R K S WORLD FAMED TRADE MARK.—" BLOOD MIXTURE." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kin It is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever cause arising As this nuxture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delle ite constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial o test its value. T housands of Testimonials from all parts. old in Bottles 2s. Gd. each, and in Cases, containing six times f't' 'i i mtity, lis. etcli-stitiieieut, toeffect a permanent (ure in UJJgreat majority of long-standing cases throughout the world, or sent on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by TlJK LINCOLN & MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG CO Wholesa e All Patent Medicine HosneB. J E. HUGHES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, OLD ANTELOPE HOTEL WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. WINES AND SPIRITS, OF THE FINEST BRANDS, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES. AGENT FOR- WORTHINGTON'S UNEXCELLED BURTON ALES, D'ARCY'S DUBLIN STOUT, Which can be obtained in 9 gallon casks for the convenience of private families. BOTTLED ALES AND PORTER. t Immediate delivery of orders guaranteed. if^EBLK & LIMESTOKE QUARRY, PANTASAPH, NEAR HOLYWELL. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD STONES, GATE POSTS, WINDOW SILLS AND HEADS, STEPS, COPING, &c. MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, &c., In Granite and Foreign Marble. IMPERISHABLE METAL LETTERS. PRICES ON APPLICATION TO- A. LAN G D O.N ST. WINEFRIDE'S HOUSE, WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. I' G'S ARMS HOTEL STABLES, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. EM'S ARMS HOTEL STABLES, I HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION H FOR RE HORSES FOR THE SEASON. Sptou,s macadamised Yard and every convenience. JAS. AINSCOUGH, PBOPBIETOB. V.3RI T T OB T A-,N YARD. '<'¡1. r-afrnm- HOLMES, ¡ N 13 ft A L DEALEE, NVINTFORD STREET, HOLYWELL, TJE-CrS to thank the public for the support he has 11 received since he has taken over the above HNDTFIAAS and to intimate that he is still open to buy H(PSES, COWS, CALVES, SHEEP AND DCif?KEYS, either dead or alive, for which he will pa^full value, and will fetch them from any disfence up to TEN MILES round Holywell. 2f.2?.—Letters or Telegram promptly attended to. VF NOTICE, f *Mr. MAURICE, yURGEON DENTIST, T OF CHESTER, ft- WILL ATTEND IN FUTURB AT ko. 4, BANK PLACE, HOLYWELL, Sfeond and last Fridays of every month. Next VISC Fridayi the 25th of April. to \s ESTABLISH Ep 18 12. PROCTOR AN R Y L A N I), ORIGINAL MANUFA RERS OF PREPARED BON MANURES, FOR ROOTS, CORN D GRASS, ALSO, I SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, :o: j WORKS-CHESTER AND BIRMINGHAM. Detailed List, with particulars of Prizes forpoots offered in 1884, post free. AGENTS Mr. James Russell, Brimstage, Birkenhead. Mr.!&eorge Cross, Sandiway, Northwich. Mr. "William Lea, Cranage, Holmes Chapel. Mr^William P. Jones, Ironmonger, Mold. Mr. Henry Manley, Aston, Nantwich. Mr CPeter Jones, Corn Merchant, Halkyn, Holywell. Mr. J J. Bancroft, Ruthin. Mr ."A. H. Thompson, Sandbach. Mr. Godfrey Parry, Llansaintffraid, Corwen. Mr..i',rilliam Jones, Nant Gwilym, Bodfari, Rhyl. Mr, Joseph Lloyd, Miller, St. Asaph. Mea^ts J. and E. Jones, Brynsion, Caerwvs, Holywell. Mr. T. W. Davenport, Corn Merchant, Wrexham. MrJjRobert Roberts, Tanrhiw, Groes, Denbigh. Mr W. Griffiths, Cross Keys, Chirk. MryJ jhn Hughes, Llewelyn Terrace, Llanrwst. .1 V BEETROOT V. SKIN DI&SfSE IN DOGS. SPIR AT T 'S P A T E N T MEAT" FIBRINE" VEGETABLE DOG CAKES (WITH BEETROOT). SINCE WE REVOLUTIONISED the mode of DOG FEEDING over twenty yeara ago by introducing MEAT DOG BISCUITS we have been constantly experimenting with the view of still further improving our celebrated PATENT MEAT "FIBR LN E" DOG CAKES, More especially with the view of obviating the objection raised to all Meat Biscuits-viz., the want of sufficient vegetable matter in them. We found by frequent experi- ments with all kinds of vegetables, that beetroot was the only one which retained its vegetable properties under the great heat of biscuit baking. BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS! SEE EACH CAKE IS STAMPED "SFRATT'S PATENT" AND A "X." DOG MEDICINES AND DOG SOAP. Full List and Pamphlet on Dog Diseases, Post Free. SPRATT'S PATENT, BERMONDSEY, S.E. ^ONE OF THE BEST OF ALL ALCOHOLIC SUMHHHnV BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL" ON WHRlrF The under-mentioned Castle Grand" Whiskies have been selected ftOB W & A Gilbey's Stock of 10,000 Butts, as the choicest specimens of old Scotdl AM Irish Whiskies. 88AU Adifth Castle GRAND" SCOTCH WHISKY) BOTD.8 DOa8 Fine Highland Malt Whisky Very old ( 3/6 4aI 10 per cent under proof ) Cutlo GRAND" IpirH WHISKY ) Fine Dublin Malt Whir i v Very old 3/6 4V 10 pet; cent under proof i Bottle should bear W & A Gilbey's Gold Label- and Cap-ulc with | Seal on Cork as in margin, and Signature on side of C'>ri: thus— ( Q (/ /f ■ BE HTAKD FROM W & A GILBEV'S AGENTS l#EV £ BV T:V,i il THE UNITED KIHGHHt RENOWNED REMEDIES. HOLLOWAY!S 1, Lk 9 THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct al)^)isorclers of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated ConrtiiAions. and are invaluable ii. nil Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For Children and th.' nged they aie THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breast;, Old founds, Sor.s and L ie To". It is famous f..¡. Gout and Rheums ism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHES IT HAS 1.70 EQUAL. FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCi lITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rii and for contracted and stiff io'nts it acr- like a charm- n I Manufactured only at THOMAS Ho E>WAY'S Establishment, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (late 533, OXFORD S 1 REET), LONDON, And are sold at is. ibd., 2s. 9d., 4J. 6d., iu., 22s., and each Box or Pot, and may be had of all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. K.B,—Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, BETWEEN the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. ■ > COUNTY OF FLINT. Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878. CAERWYS FAIR, CAN BE HELD ON Tuesday, April 29th, 18841 (That is, if no Infectious Disease breaks out withiii Two Miles from the said Borough). PETIp. BROWN^i f <■: "i. 'nxgr 'I: .r&iPTVti. Chief Constable's Office, Rhyl, April 16th, 1884. 1 Mi. W. G. EVELEIG H L. Mus., T. C., L., HAVING been appointed Organist and Choir- jLl master to the Parish Church, Holywell, is prepared to take pupils in the town and neighbour- hood. Choral Societies and Choirs trained at moderate terms, which may be had at his residence, WELL STREET, Holywell. WINEFRIDE'S CONVENT, 4T ENT, WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for JD Young Ladies. Course of iiastruction:- Thorough English Instrumental Music Singing (Tonic Sol-fa taught thoroughly) Drawing Painting; Plain and Fancy Needlework. French, taught by Natives. German by Professor Junod. Dancing, Mrs. Edwards, of Chester (lessons every Friday). ESTABLISHED, 1854. EVANS, RICHARDS & QO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GENERAL DRAPERS, UPHOLSTERY, CARPET, & MANCHESTER WAREHOUSEMEN, LONDON ROAD, LIVERPOOL. MOURNING OUTFITS, FUNERAL UNDERTAKERS. IN consequence of their continually increasing Country Orders, both Wholesale and Retail, EVANS, RICHARDS & Co. have made special arrangements in order to more fully develop that department of their trade, and are now in a posi- tion to execute all Country Orders with economy, promptitude, and despatch. Orders amounting to ZCI and upwards, are forwarded, Carr iage Paid, to all parts of North Wales. TKBXS—CASH BEFORE DKUIVEBY. I ESTIMATES GIVEN, PATTERNS SENT POST I FREE ON APPLICATION. EVANS, RICHARDS, & Co., have much pleasure in announcing that they have, in view of the coming season, made very extensive CASH PURCHASES of all the leading Novelties from LONDON and PARIS, and the undermentioned Departments are replete with new and fashionable goods, offering decided and genuine bargains throughout:— SEALSKIN MANTLES, FUR-LINED CLOAKS, FUR CAPES, JACKETS, BONNETS, HATS, COSTUMES, SILKS, DRESS MATERIALS, FLANNELS, DRAPERY, BLANKETS, SHIRTS, LACES. SCARFS, RIBBONS, OUTFITTING, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, CARPETS. CURTAINS, BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, &c., &c., &c. EVANS, RICHARDS AND CO., LONDON ROAD, LIVERPOOL. rMPORTANT TO BUTTER MAKERS. SAVES TIME, LABOUR AND MONEY! TOMLINSON & CO'S BUTTER POWDER ) (ESTABLISHED 25 TEAKS.) FOR PRODUCING GOOD BUTTER ALL THE YEAR ROUND. THIS Powder produces superior Butter at all seasons of the year, Firmer, Sweeter, and in less time than by any other process. It entirely removes all unpleasant flavour of Cake, Turnips, Mangolds, Dead Leaves, Wild Garlic, &c. A little put into the Milk will greatly increase the yield of Cream. Brings Butter in a few Minutes at all Seasons. This Powder is perfectly harmless, and when it is used the Butter will keep twice the length of time than when made without it, or with any other preparation. Sold in Boxes, 6d., Is., 2s. 6d., and 7s. 6d. sample Boxes, the Is., 2s. 6d., and 7s. 6d. sizes sent, Parcels Post Paid, on receipt of amount in Stamps. Sole Manufacturers,— TOMLINSON & HAYWARD, LINCOLN. TESTIMONIAL. From Mrs. HACKETT, Hallgate's Farm, Cropston, Leicestershire. I have used Tomlinson & Co's Butter Powder in my Dairy fnr ?;v>re th;i 19 years, and have seldom been without a supply dm I'ifr C'la' period X always use it when Butter making, IlId S:- it •ntswer every p-irpose it is recommended for. It lon.tvj* all strong tastes i'roin the Butter caused by Cows eating Turnips. Cakes, Mangolds, Dead Leaves, or Bitter Herbs, it also greatly shortens the time of Churning, making It a pleasure when it would otherwise be a labour; and when this excellent Powder is used, I am assured the Butter is firmer, sweeter, and better than when made without it during all seasons of the year. In hot weather it is invaluable. X T! BRYANT MAY'S MATCHES i < tmmm—— ———— | i I HOLYWELL FAIft IN compliance with a Requisition Eumerouriy signed by Farmers and others, Notice is hereby given GKeatSAIR WILL BE HELD AT IRL 0 L "Y W ELL; On Friday, May the 2nd, 1884, AND ON THE FIRST FRIDAY IN XVERY MONTH, FOR THE SALE OF HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, PIGS, &c. By Order WILLIAM DAVIES, Clerk to the Holywell Local Board. "HOLYWELL UNION. APPOINTMENT OF POOR RATE COLLECTOR FOR THE PARISH OF FLINT. THE Guardians of the above Union will at their Meeting to be held on FRIDAY, the 2nd day of MAY, proceed to the Election of a competent person to the office of Poor Rate Collector for the parish of Flint, at an annual salary of £50 per annum. Security will be required for the due performance of the duties of the office. Applications in the candidates' handwriting with testimonials of recent date, must be sent to me on or before THURSDAY, the 1st day of MAY, 1884. The appointment will be subject to the approval of the Local Government Board. By Order: E. J. DAVIES, C. Board-room, 4th April, 1884. HOLYWELL SCHOOL BOARD. ASSISTANT MASTER WANTED. WANTED by the above-named School Board an Ex.-P.T. to act as Assistant Master, at the Bagillt Board Schools, for a term of one year only. Applications, stating terms, &c., to be sent 1 to the undersiguce. not later than SATURDAY, the 3rd day of MAY PROX. E. M. EVANS, CLERK. Board-room, Holywell, 7th April, 1884. PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY JL (T TVTTED), HOLBORN BARS, E. C. Every description of Life Assurance and Annuity Business transacted. -Reversions purchased. The amount of Claims paid exceeds Five Millions. The invested Asset- exceed Three and a half Millions. Whole World Licenses granted to Sea- men and others permanently engaged on board ship at an extra premium of i, I per cent. Limited Licenses for voyages not exceeding beyond 33 degrees north latitude, 10s. per cent. The last ANNUAL AND VALUATION REPORTS can be obtained on application to the Secretary AGEXTS WANTED Apply to the Superintendent for Flintshire and Denbigh. CHAS. B LACKMORE, 22, Edward Henry Street, Rhyl; or to GEO. PHILLIPS, 30, MumfortA-strect, Flint. THE LONDON AND WESTMINSTER SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, 4A, DEANE-STREET, LIVERPOOL. Beg to call attention to the GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF PROVISIONS. Owiw-" h +1;. D wnward tcudcucy of the mark"1,. ¡. bcrD enabinl to make AB;> DIN- i.-n iu every department. T\7INL DKr.rr::ENT. T T Special T.pigment of the CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNE "VIN DU SALON," At 30s. per Dozen Quarts. ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST JL ON APPLICATION. ARRIAGE RAII) CARRIAGE PAID ON ORDERS OF £ 2 AND UPWARDS. THE LONDON AND WESTMINSTER SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, 4A, DEANE-STREET, LIVERPOOL, Near St. John's Market. BENSON'S WORKMAN'S SILVER ENGLISH LEVER. £5 5s. OD. PECIALLY MADETOKEEP PERFECT O TIME. s TAND ROUGI-I WE-KR anl Y AST A LIFETIMK IN ALL SIZES. c c -i.FPED, JEWELLED, and ALL LATEST IMPROVEMENTS7, Delivered safe and free to all parts on receipt of £5 os. Od. BY J W Benson, THE STEAM FACTORY, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. Illustrated 1 of Watches from X2 2s., to S200 free. Agents, Secretaries of Societies, foremen, and )thers, required to establish Watch Clubs for the ibove.