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IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. In the HorsE OF 10R118, Feb. 25, Lord Carlingford, In reply to the Duke of R chmond, stated that the Ontario had arrived at Liverpool having on board 31 cattle and 7 sheep effected with toot-and-mouth disease. Those animals came among many others from Portland, in the United States, but there was reason to believe that the Ontario had brought the disease from Liverpool on an outward voyage. The diseased cattle and sheep which had come in her from Portland had been slaughtered at Liverpool; and among the other precautions tallen was that of prohibiting, for the present, the importation of animals from Portland. The Contagious Diseases (Animals) Bill, of which Lord Carlingford has charge was advanced a stage hy the receipt 01 the report of amendment*, and the Law of Evidence Amendment Bill, of which Lord Bramwell has charge, Went through Committee. The Bishop of Ely moved the second reading of the Mar- riages Legalisation (atopeley, Befordshire) Bill, the object of Which is to clear tip all doubt as to the legality of the mar- riages solemnized in the Stopsley church before it was con- secrated. After some observations from the Lord Chancellor, the Bill was read a second time. Their lordships adjourned at twenty-five minutes to five o'clock. In the HorSK OF COMMOKS, at the time cf private busi- ness, the Ennerdale Railway Bill again came on for conside- ration, and Mr. Bryce carried by 121 to 11 an instruction to the Committee to inquire whether the railway will interfere With the enjoyment of the visitors by injuriously affecting the scenery or otherwise. Quofitlon time extended to past six o clock, and som e 60 questions were addressed to the Treasury Bench—a third of them at least being put to Mr. Trevelyan. THE FALL OF SINKAT. -in-an-swer to Mr. Gibson, Lord E. Fitzmaurice Bald that CO women and children of the Sinkat garrison had reached Souakim; but as the soldiers carried their wives with them, it was conjectured that they wers killed. The fate of 4he children was more uncertain. Asked as to the date of this telegram, the noble lord could give no information. THE RETIREMENT OF THE SPEAKER. Mr. Gladstone, in proposing a vote of thanks to the re- 4MDg speaker for his distinguished services in the chair for more than 12 y ars. observed that the term., of hio resolu- tion acquired additional emphasis and significance from the circumstances under which they were employed. The busi- ness of the House was increasing, and the high functions Which the Speaker had been called upon to exercise had been exercised in a period < f difficulty previously unknown with skill, tact, flrmni ss, and admirable understanding. The House was deeply grateful for the work he had done on its behalf and of the country and as they looked back with gratitude, so they looked forwaid with warm desire to many years of public service and private happitss which they hoped the ritht hon. gentleman might enjoy. The Prime Minister concluded by moving—"That the thanks of this Howe be given to Mr. Speaker for his distinguished services In the Chair for more than twelve years that he be assured that this House fully appreciates the zeal and ability with Which he has discharged the duties of his high office through a period of unusual labour, difficulty, aud anxiety, and the judgment and firmness with which he has maintained its privileges and dignity; and that this House feels the strongest sense of his unremitting attention to the con- stantly-increating business of Parliament, and of his uniform urbanity, which have secured for him the respect and esteem of this House." SirS. Northcate, in seconding the motion, gave expression to the deep feelicg of regret universal on the Opposition Bench(s at the Speaker's retirement, and the high apprecia- tion of the value of his services, and added a few words ex- pressing his own individual gratitude for the wise counsel and generous assistance oittn received from the Speaker. Mr. Parnell, f peaking on behalf of the Irish members, said that while they were desirous of acknowledging the personal courtesy and consideration always extended to them by the Speaker, the conviet'on that his action had produced in- Justice and wrong and hardship to their country would compel them to say No to the motion. After some remaiks from Mr. O'Donnell, Lord H. Lennox, Mr. Newdegate, and Mr Gregory supported the motion, which was carried unanimously, with the exception of a few Noes from the Irish Benches. Members having taken off their hats, The Speaker, who was received with loud cheers, said The resolution which has now been moved and seconded and received by the Hons) iu a manner far beyond my deserts, obliges me to address a few words to ycu. Before I do so I am anxious to say a few words with regard to the criticisms which have fallen from the hon. member for the City of Cork (Mr. l'arneli) and the hon. member for Dun- gttvan (Vlr. O'Donnell). I do not doubt that both those on. members hare in the course they have thought fit to take been actuated throughout their ctlreer in the proceed- ings of this House by a sense of duty to their consti- tuents, and I am quite siire they will give iie credit for bavlnp, in my position as Speaker, acted on all these occa- sions to which they have referred as I always have, from a sense of duty. I am very sensible of my own thortcomings, and it has olfen been a subject of wonder oil my part how it Is that I have been lifted up to this high position. I believe that my elevation to this chair is mainly due to the simple -tact that ever since I entered this House, nearly 32 years ago, I have been animated and guided by a constant and abiding faith in this House as an instrument of good government, and have loyally woiked for the maintenance cf its high character. If in my tenure of this chair during a somewhat eventful period I have JJW to sustain the power and authority of this House, I Bf« have lived in vain. The rest of my ihlaol, i c^eert(l by pleasant memories of my career iu i anc* BmollS thosj pleasant memories the scene wuicn la now passing before us will hold a prominent place. X am unwilling to say farewell, for my heart will alwajs five with this House, to which I owe so much. I thank you heartily f< r the crowning act of this day in recog- nition of my services. Before I conclude I beg the Bouse willjiliow me to take this opportunity of thanking the Permanent officers of this House for the zealous and efficient support which I have received from them. From too clerks at the table of this House I have derived day by day constant and intelligent assistance. To the Clerk of Mis House my thanks are (specially due. He enjoys de servedly a world-wide reputation as an authority on Par- Uamentary procedure, and I have largely availed myself of his long experience and sound judgment in the conduct of the business of this House. Let me conclude with my best Wishes to one and all of those many members who have ever been introduced to me in this chair I wish them all happi- ness and prosperity, and I may be allowed to conclude with 'the prayer that the ideating of God may rtst upon this House 'for ever. Mr. Gladstone said I beg to move That the thanks of this House be given to Mr. Spt aker for what he has said this day to the House, and that the same be printed in the votes of this day and entered in the journals of this tiouge." The motion was agreed to. Mr. Gladstone I now beg to move the second resolution of Which I have given notice and which is in the hands of mem- berB-" That an hllmhleaddresg be presented to her Majesty praying her Majesay that she will be most eracious'y pleased to confer some signal mark of her Royal favour upon the Right honourable Sir Henry Bouverie William Brand, G C.B., Speaker of this House, for his eminent services during the ™Pprtant period in which he has, with such distinguished ability and dignity, presided in the chair of this House and to assure her Majesty that whatever expense Her Majesty Shall think proper to be incurred upon that account this House will make good the same." The motion was agreed to. THE SOUDAN. Mr. Labouchera then obtained leave to move the adjourn- ment of the House, in order to call attention to the position of the British army on the coast of the Red Sea, and asked forsome assurance from the Government that they repu- diated the bloodthirsty declarations to be found in the press, and Would confine their operations to defending Souakim. course of the discussion, the Marquis of Hartington ?J?8erved that one part of the policy of the Government wa» the defence of the Red Sóa ports. It appeared that a large and victorious body of the Arabs were in the neighbourhood f Souakim, and it might be necessary for the commander of British forces as a defensive measure to take the offensive against them ♦i^rr Gladftone pointed out the mischief that must ensue if House interfered with the action which the Executive, nnder a sense of duty and upon its responsibility, might think it necessary to take. further ^foraation^'but'^w^rned'them^'tha^6^111611' n'rt hfreqSnati0I1S thSn had J6t wSSo?«J The motion for adjournment was then negatived. THE STANDING COMMITTEES. The remander of the sitting was occupied by the adjourned debate on the motion of the Marquis of Hartington to revive the resolutions relating to the constitution aDd pro- ceedings of Standing Committees. A proposal by Jlr. Parnell for the creation of a Standing Committee of Itish members for the consideration of Irish Bills was opposed by Mr. Gladstone on the ground that the Standing Committees were purely an experiment, and that the proposal really was to refer a certain Class of measures to a commi ttee of experts. i ,» iDluc'1 discussion Mr. Parnell's proviso was negatived Lvelllnally the original motion was ac;retd to. The House adjourned at one o'clock.


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