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. 74vomin Constitutional Club.


74vomin Constitutional Club. JSQOLSJ*- EYESING AT ReTRIN 0ASTLE. .ih Stfarday la.t, in gloriously fine TPKaifcts. members of the Ruthin Con- mi:Z'.4.; > iXofr were invited by their Co! W. Oorriwaliiii West, u evening in the famous Ca&t!e A.HId to partake of his hospitality. at -1 o'clock, thoo present i-ri playing bowls on the fine jgmnsy,v"& during the evening over 40 oi irg aiembers took part in a sweep- r'e¡u't of which is appen -ed. 1.t.,u. evening Co; Wmi i\,ccived ft* -«4IL"IE% before the tournament co.L- xteattd, made a political speech to the jprrtgmi. lii was remarked that he had wmr.f«sir. n-aard to speak with greater fotm' 'sSoqnenee. After referr ng to ■J&ai/wfsi.'mg condition of the Cab, anu aNpnamg upon them to be prepared for »«GK*_VA which woul-i come at DO distant referred to the I'Dpcrbl Prt ss QkJes'vJ"i and drtw attention to the lack of proportion in the WJsh P if liauient, who were presaiug aps»Piime Minister such a eompara- though to a large section of ^vs-xwcsLaziKy such an extremely irrii^ting aesaaas. as the Welsh Disestablishment SS-i, *V.u the far great, qnesti n^ 01 Stejfc'jni unity anJ loperial defence were astaiSMtii .mu delll(!ndin6 earnest cou.i.'erii- Siec*. lecent Badgec was characterised m Socialistic of modern times, imi?- ir-.terly incomprehensible how mast %ki vhe P.iiAe Minister, Sir Eiward Mr Hildane could approve of it. Uh«r.;tJEV U/S of laud was unfair and on- as it pressed heavily acnasc fciu-wi property and allowed other %snprrty to go soot free. It was \Ih aai&t'- unprecedented and dangerous Bmit .Yati ever been proposed to *a lkti i -:&went. Mr Lloj d G orge 53 al»ru> and iriitate every 33^p>ts;fe.! b the country by proposals of a 1 chaiacter. The taxation it TBii j ro.jjc.rty even now seriously ham- jcRjA iiA, prosperity, bat not only were it?- land, great and small, to be -1 hi?- ened, but the impossible duty itig site values, irrespective of mil'n t1 :&acl, was cast on them, .4,- v, ;vo. e io wrong in their estimate VJwj- ttD be liable to heavy fines izzga&d. 07 Comaiissiontrs appointed by a ,1 f,,Dvpxu-nent without having any ecurt of law. He was wans'A.' ^ecsible part cl, tolle Welsh people ■mw £ )i OC\Lid6 the gross. tyranny and in- jvjfte jf this, and would not support a would affect every individual acre of land, and probably •mvhbkiletr jjoantry gentleuien. He (Col 164^>:j«f<^»4ed that the House of Commons i-qt.. the Budget, but, should it be aMMC V :e Upper House, he hoped the iJ:Ð,-lI'\)!}ld do their duty and unhtsita- imow it cut, in order that the t&gcrat.tj-s'i&iUxi have an opportunity of ftr#3i- a verdict upon it. Col West Jtmarked on the attempt made by a pdurm and pulpit speakers to beli:tle "ibfesifc^n^aace of a Territorial Army for itef«B.ce of the British Isles were with much enthusiasm. At ifce-conclusion of this must interesting O-uit T J Rouw moved a hearty latent- tks Lo Col West for his invita- 30&& the grounds and for his generous :<sj>reinarki;ig that such gaiberiugs jjù ■» yxat deal of good towardii the öi together of the pnrty. by Air C Aldrich and til tic i iiio us 1 y. 'p.n0 having responded, the bowling ^■S5W:«e lvbesAa» x.V, regrets. wete sent by several Ike-VYt ideiitd AEfrir me in lera of the club of c'o be present. 'Sayi.ttrt- -following sweepstake was played ii 0W: —. ^WStvWSOti ] in Mack Roberts T.5- ffc* >■ U W G Hodgson J 15 ¥' £ &» 1 ,0 G E Joues ) WflBMi J K Baech j 1 M Dxii& 113 Uiocklehurst 1 9 io'nas^ > ° JJ Mills j 9 fv H J Jones ?*ir&m»aA j) C Aldrich j l1ft E Rubles ? S, j L border j lc' i J5»"Urr«.> 113 K Rooerts ] 7 k .4 j- E Fo d j I '« feilus ( 5 B Mostyn ] lS»jia§t3t>rj H Fordcr f J l^n^zeva } v,. E Roberta ") i y K Wuiiauis j !0 ") -j o J L Rc berta A j1;i HMorg.n J 10 UUi ito ,9 A Prica > 3 JL Riaiirds j 13 3BC0:>D ROFD. JBrtvw fthheris 1 „ C F Jones <j W AJ ?di^oa | J Wihon J J Jones ") g > C Aldrich j „ J R Davies L &iiis S B Jacks 'IS ") 7 J Hump ireys |6 | j J Williams j J> 1<< > 7 A Price 4 ''Ui'.rö13 ) I J L Richards > Tlllr,D ROCD. 1 Bye A> Ei-. a&s? 9 7 C F Jones 4 D is J J Wilson ) S ( 4 H Di v i iy ) DG Jones J 3- £ ,II-FINAL. 8 ?*> V- E Royles 0GJ^ j° L Furder ) D,,B iVSiwi j' y FINAL. ) H Davies b Vv«t Vi '<d J" J D G Jones j }r_1&> te in the ev&ning whoa the p-*ffcy .1"¡i:ad after an enj jyable ani interest- igfttrefl jctiog great crouit ou and aearo :ary ( vie Jcjsilh .Winer/ a club whijh is doiug great to lie Conservative causa in the Ifc.'fJjjife.i 3 -ro-a^hs. ,,¡ Uo



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