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ANDREWS & CO., Wholesale & Family Wine & Spirits Merchants, Ale & Porter Dealers and Bottlers, ¡ DENBIGH. QUALITY, PURITY, STRENGTH f Finest Old Scotch & Irish Whiskies. Vintage Ports and Champagnes, &c. An immense Stock of the HIGHEST CLASS of Wines and Spirits to select from. Every article may be thoroughly relied upon as Genuine, and of the ^=- BEST MARKET VALUE. If I?r Private Families and the Trade Supplied. National Telephone, No. 48. HUGH WILLIAMS, Tailor and Draper, Hall Square, Denbigh, I begs to Intimate that he has just received a splendid seleotion Over Coatings, Suitings and Trouserings for the Season Choice Selection of Fancy Vestings in all the Latest Designs. HUGH WILLIAMS, Tailor and Draper, Hall Square, Denbigh. mOiAg Prices from Is. 4d., Is. 6d., and 2s. J Ask for mm CAMBRIAN TABLE WATERS. Manufactured direct from the only Artesian sparkling Spring at RUTHIN. EIOOIOOO worth of Furnishing Goods. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF Bedroom Suites, Drawing- Carpets, Linoleums, Room Suites, Dining-Room Floor-cloths, Rugs and Suites, Sideboards, Cabinets, Mats Curtains, and General Overmantels, Bookcases, Hall Furnishing Goods, Stands, and other Furniture. At the Lowest Prices inJEngland for Cash. Ray & Miles, 34 38, London Rd., Liverpool. Telegraphic Address FURNISHING," LIVERPOOL. Telephone No. 1214 Royal. 114jy24 JOHN ROBERTS, LADIES' COSTUMIER & GENTS' TAILOR, 1, CASTLE STREET, RUTHIN, Begs to inform his numerous Customers that he has received a very Choice Selection of Patterns suitable for Autumn and Winter, in latest designs, and Colours in Ladies' and Gents' Material. I Costumes to order from 50s. Suits to order from 50s. Fit and style guaranteed. Compare patterns and prices before giving your Winter order. Representative will call on receipb of post oacd. The Best House for Household I Linen Millinery. Dressmaking Hosieryi Gloves, Laces, etc. 107 BRATT, THE ONLY HIGH-CLASS UPHOLSTERER IN THE DISTRICT. Dining and Drawing Room Furniture re- upholstered equal to new, Bed and Mantel Draperies festumed in the latest Parisan designs, Hair and Spring Mattresses remade, Chesterfields, Btufi-overs, and Cosy-corners made up to Customers' orders, MODERATE CHARGES. ..80. Vale Streeti Denbigh. 9MMNVM tQSMBSB, [ESTABLISHED 1874.] HELSBY'S Photographic Studio, 30, Vale Street. Enlargements. Picture Framing HELSBY'S, DENBIGH. David Thomas, Plasisa, Ruthin, Licensed Valuer AND F Estate Agent. Valuations for Tenant right, Farms, Mortgage Piobate, Dilapidationp, Fire Loss and Furniture. Stock-taking and annual Valuations of FARMS and other CONCERNS undertaken for private and Income Tax purposes, and Balance Sheets prepared allowing Profit and Loss. INVENTORIES carefully prepared and UtIoJ."9,, I DENSONS, DENBIGH. I Special EXHIBITION I THROUGHOUT NEXT WEEK        Millinery, Costumes, Coats and f||*m §0F STYLISH Millinery, Costumes, Coats and f||*m Skirts; |§ 111; Blouses, etc. jii v We have prepared such an I Jfji) |fj^ attractive display of stylish J iu |jf Summer Wear as must be -I | J|| 0f considerable interest to | J HI ivery lady of discriminating || SH! ivery lady of discriminating || taatc. < Please Call and See our Windows. DENSONSTDENBIGH ARTIFICIAL TEETH. MR. T. THURGOOD, 70, Wellington Road, RHYL, attends personally at Miss Powell's, F'9.ny Dealer, 39, Vale Street, Denbigh, EVERY WEDNESDAY from 12 noon to 7 p.m. BRANCHES at :-PRESTATYN every Monday, 12.30 to 4 p.m.; ST. ASAPH every Tuesday, 11.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. ABERGELE and PENSARN every Saturday, 11 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.; also at MB. GIBBON, IVY HOUSE, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, every Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. m*14 «—-— — —• ———i T. R. RUTTER, Tailor and Outfitter, 25, High Street, Denbigh. w.- NEW GOODS FOR THE SEASON. Straw Hats, Felt Hats, Caps, Ties, &c. 1 T he New Olympic Shirts in Art Shades, with Collars to match. tella Shirts, &c., at Reasonable Prices. Agent fop Burberry's Famous Slip-ons," &c. BULLER'S MOTTO: "LIVE and LEARN." I BULLER S BIKES ARE THE BEST, namely:— Humbers, Singers, Enfields, Raleighs, Rovers, &c. From 5gs. up to 20gs. Motor Cycles and Cars to order. HIRE OR SALE. Trial Runs arranged for. BULLER, „ Portland Place, Denbigh. PURVEYORS TO H.M. THE KING AND H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. .í f ,J(7 '.I}¡- llllllt BY APPOINTMENT, BY APPOINTMENT. x5Y APPOINTMENT. GISTERO ELLIS'S DRY B §** ? BE* GINGER A-E I www "The Best in the Weric-o.99 R. ELLIS & SON, LTD., RUTHIN. NrOicm Telegrams— Kixis, hUTH!F," Telephone—No j, KMC • Liverpool Office -N>D Siores 23 arid 25, UAKRR ""TH¡:T u««; A ■.HI IT CANNOT BE DEiilEO THAT the bed m» Uiud ul iad; by making a special ebdeavoiL to suit the Customers by selling the Best Quality at the Lowest Possible Prices This has always been our motto, and we mean to adhere to it. Be wise in time and secure your Tea, Provisions, Flour, Corn, etc., at R. 0wena& Son, rhe T Peoples Grocers, STAR SHOP, 51 i 52. HIGH STREE1, DENBIGH. Warehouses DIAMOND BUILDINGS, H. MILL Eli, Opposite l. & S.W. Bank, 8, Vale St, DENBIGH. Agent for-Swift Cycles, from X6 10s. to £ 12 12s. Pre.rn.er and Iris Cycies; also New Hudson and Elswick Cycles, from £6 15s. to .£21. Cash 01 Hire. Manufacturer of the famous iioj al Central cyclex, from 15 cash; or Boys' £ 4 10s. cash, Mailcarts and Go-Carts for Sale or Hire. Numerous Second-hand Lauy's and Gent's Cycles for Sale or hiire. Brazing, Enamelling, and Vulcanizing. All kinds of Repairs don* to Motors and Cycle Mangle Rollern Turned AND Lawn Mowers Ground- Hand Brewery, 17, Woli Street, AUTalK it. JtooiiJbijuTss, "E.18i ana Wine and Spirit fä .t\,¡ n. isrewer juid Miiitv- tjogs to call too attention o;. tho tjreawj and Public to hie aekDrat-eci fiome-Breweo ALE* (pure Extract ot Mftic anct Hops), which may be supplied in (Jatks of 36, 18, and 9 gallons at the loilowinj, prices — 3b g»s. 18 gia. 9 XXXX (Mild! 50-s. 2&s. 12, 6a. XXX (do.) 4Zs. 21s. lOs. 6d. XX (do.) 36s 18.3. 9s. bd. B.B. (Bitter) 50s. 25s. 12s. 6d. P.A, (do.) 42s. 21s. 10s. 6d. Guiness's Extra Scout; Barclay and Perkins, London Stcut; and Bass & Co s Burton Ales in Cask and Bottles. Finest Scotch and liish Ahiskies and Ports, Sherries liEd Champugnta of well-known brands. St. Asaph New Meat Emporium. WILLIAM"tiUG i. E8 (BBID O-tJuXJN), | Purveyor of Meat, MOUJMT KOAD (Corner of Bron vvylfa bquare;. N olhing but the best Wt.ah Fed Aiiitu;il selected. PHIME WELSH ..iLTiON sent when desired to any j'art of Ei.^laiid hiid VV„ c. Trial Oiders nivi^ed. Popular Prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 552jel2 JOliN KELLET i, I Y AÙt 1lftriJUStk. Valuations ma it-, for Probate. Valuations of Land, Farming Stock, FurnitureJ &c., &c. PLAS .NT £ WY:UD, J.&J.li'/l £,; 1'1 iH: D.C., RUTHIN Sticherd Wsii-'j.rn" oe Maiiui -urv O -i-.t I J 1 de 'es Lo tl,,tjtk r,(I. fit,, T'lU'wO giM c fil'v ii) ? m> -i i- »>d <-■ L'i- >'11 KL U 1 I;V-• IVI yui'i.'ioas e.ii»3 in. ;,t. f r a ol All Orders w i" iec!ei v c his carefc.1 personal attention. Special Lines in Ladies' R.W. B^OTS & SHOES. 4/11, 5/11, 7/11, 8/11, 10/9, 12/9, &c. Special Lines in R.W. GENTS' BOOTS. 8/11, 10,9, 12/9. 13/9, 15/9, &c. IR.W. wishes to call attention to the FACT that he keeps in stock all kinds of Xiftdies' House Boots, Shoes and Slippers, at all prices, and guarantees the good Wear and Comfort of the same. A Trial Order will prove the good quality of all articles. GOLF, CRICKET, and TENNIS BOOTS and SHOES, being the PICK OF THE TRADE. No shoddy tra.h nitdc for appearance, but ARTICLES THAT MAY BE DEPENDED UPON, and those that are Up-to-date. All kinds of BOOTS made to measure. RE p AIR done no matter where bought. Andre-s— 35, High St., Rhyl, and (on Wh.DJsK6DAYS, 12 uoon to 6 p.m.) at the Royal Oak Temperance Hotel, DENBIGH. Piiic.ls sent i j Post Free oi Charge. Nat. Telephone 2yl 588j12 Try H D MILLER for all kinds of TOBACCO, frebh in weekly. Brands of Ogden'a, Wills', Lambert & Butler's, omifcliV Player's, SigueU Oigarettes, Tobacco, 9,1. t.)igara, Pipes, Pouches, Cigarett;o Oaees, Cigarette iiolders, to. V AÜ" ■c. l KKLT. D^MBXOH TEETH: TEETH: tlAKLON'.>, LTD,, Dovedale, King's Avenue, Wellington froau, Rh;d, ATTEND "!EØ\B.HUH, at Mr. ± £ Photograpncf, Vale Street. ever) vy iv., 12 k. o. L'fA.LLN, every t'bolf iJtijr u.ua diu Moua &, at Mr. Gee's, Ironmonger, OiWjd street. 12 to 4.30. OuttvVEN. First Friday jiuci iTairday, at Mir oi'i'.aei ^i.i »t. j2. SU U 6. E..Ki'HONft Nc 1VI4, 4. South Africa tloute fJiiion Castle Line. LONDON AND SOUTHAMPTON Cape Colony, Natal, Delagoa Bay, Beira, &c Oailing Frequently at:—Modulia, juks r.iJ.niua, XuncrifFe Amccji XUL. iich • ift, Lobito VVeckjy saiJifcgi;, >hj< •. ;v;- j. £ <M TO TU. 1 jqptfr to Ore armmntg-ywwrt ynrm ft Oft, tmnoit or1 to DoM IflHl i LLEWn JONES, Purveyor of Meat, The MARKET niiTiiiiy HALL, RUIHIW, AND Penywaen, Llanbedr. Velsh MUTTON and LAMB the BEST QUALITY and Ln. Possible Prio.s foi C«fh. A!- B :f •c' ALL ORDERS by P. I p'icked and carriage pud t Farm. Pi rase address H)I L-1: r- Penywaen, i n P. A w ORG' If* Si J SL; 1 J— -v- » v cV h~- i.- j'¡ :t hi»>. iouf' ltLe > :.S\ic r .it Ijvjf.-Sl t. v. I He h, pLS to compo 1. Ctiz-t any iuconveniei^ce CHu^td duiing tht c;,i>y n out of the alterations by the impn^ mi n I effected 606uc I T. DAVIKS Ii Â. BUTCHER, 2, Vale Street, L)eni> Supplies Best Quality Vale of Clwyd B-v! Mutton, Lamb, Yea), and Pork, at i.owest possible Market Prices. Careful Personal Htentiou given to every Branoh of the Business. :o: Welsh Mutton and Lamb a Speciality. Orders promptly attended to. (Shop Open n..1t,t. \OTt THE A!>DUKNN. 2. VALE STR (Corner of tlajJ Square; NOTICE. R I^HOMAS DAVIES bcgf, to intoruu hie JL Customers ard others who are or tbe National Telephone that they are u connected with the Service— No. 2x2 T. H. Roberts, Titilor HI ID F)rup< R U T i i I.. JL 1, +KAJS I) NEW STOCfi Of PATTE^S for the PRESENT SEASON in the Latest Desigitjs h Ladies' and Oents* Materiais. Pauerus and E.istlI11a,tes; UPON APPLICATION 8t Peter's Square J.. 'V. '1. ,{ <II. L,¡ Hntiilu H. PARRY JO^ES (•Successor to M u. I i ¡. L L }, Peuybryo, Crown Univ. I AND Coronation Building DENBIGH. a H.P.J. supplies only Home-Fed Meat ot I every description. A large sanction of Home Oured Haws and ligc '11 ulwa.y& iu Stock. B ;m3 Re-jdsr. d L.d. Too Finest Quality of S supplied when la season Prime WELSH MUTTON and Lkilli3 Speciality. Al; Orders sont, carriage paid and carefully packed, to all parts of Great Britain. Prices on Application. PLEASE NOTE ADDRESS. Penybryn, Crown Lana, and Coronation Buildings. -JI DENBIGH. 352110 SMOKE & SMILE' WITH W ? B6 BB O LOdWd Pipdi, Tobaccos, Cigars, and Oigarettes. (Trade Supplied). ii BULLER'S (The Old Spot j Poriiland Plac;^ 'N '¡: S 12770.