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---. IilD i BIN.


IilD i BIN. T-ie Drover's Arms, Rhewl. PETITION AGAINST THE LICENCE. FUNERAL DAYS AT RHEWL. INTERESTING CASE. At the Ruthin Just ices Court on Mon- day, the Rev Chancellor Bulkley Jones Presiding, Mr Aneurin U Evans, solicitor, Kuthiu and Denbigh, applied for the lull "fanstVr of the license of the Drover's Army Inn, Rhewl, from Mr Robert Roberts to Mr Wm Parry Hughes, late of the SWan Inn, Ruthin. Opposition to the application was raised by the Temperance P:irty in Llanynys and district, for Vi horn Mr Joseph Lloyd, nbyl, appeared. In the course of his opening remarks 1 r Evans said that he had just been in- clined that Mr Lloyd was present to ^Pp'ise the transfer. What the reason for this he was not aware at the pre- lIent moment. In answer to the Bench, the superin- tendent said he had no objection to make against the transfer. All the formalities having been oom- bed with, Mr Wm Parry Hughes was ^Ued upon as the appplicant to give evi- nce, He was he said the late tenant of the Swan Inn, Ruthin, a house belonging the Ruthin Charities, and he now pro- ceed tlie same testimonials which g%ve that license, and upon the faith that 8Q('h testimonials were correct with regard lo responsibility and character he hoped t Jey would stand him in good stead in re- ject of the Drover's Arms. These testi- monials were from Mr E Tegid Owen, patle Hotel, Mr John Owen, Penrhos ^rni, Mr John Roberts, Draper, Castle ^reet, Mr R Beech, Ironmonger,_Mr R H ?agh, BryD coch, and Mr O Thomas, Since he had been tenant of the Swan Inn there had never been any rnplalOt made against him- Cross-examined by Mr Lloyd There Jas a little land with the Drover's Arms, he had no other occupation other than tbat of licensed victualler, and would ^w-ays be there to look alter the place. Mere was no signed agreement with the ^idlord. Olt o you are there by verbal agreement on,ly?- Yes. What rent do yon pay ?—. £ 50 for the ^°Uae and land. Do you know what the rent of the use is alone ?— £ 20. I)o yon know what the rateable value of he house is ?—No, I don't yet.? Are you tied to anybody for beer ?-I et it from the Hand, sir. Mr Aneurin Evans No, he is not tied. Mr Lloyd Really, Mr Evans, you are in the box. Let him answer for ^self- Am I to understand that you get your only from the Hand ?—No, sir. &ut do you always intend to get it from Hand '-Yes. ■ to The Ciiairman Bat you are not bound get it from the Hand ?—N.q, -sir. There tte two front rooms open to the-public for Poking purposes. ) e-examined: When at the Swan Inn Was not tied to the Haod Brewery for neither were any of Mr Robert i Herts' houses. This he knew oecause had previously been in Mr Roberts' l^ploy. If customers asked for Burton they could have it. There was a very a'r trade indeed at the Drover's Arms, was used not only by people living °uod about but by people fiom distances i^ay. Improvements were also eon- ^plated in the property by the present I ner, Mr Robert Roberts, The Hand. In opening his case for the opposition t Joseph Lloyd said he wished it to be 4de quite clear as to what the powers of e magistrates were in such cases- They full power to deal with licences in just same way, not more so, that they had .hen dealing with oile application for a iieetice. He appeared, he said, on half of a large number of the parish- 4ers and ratepayers in the parish in >pch the Drover's Arms was situate— i^Jynys—and had in his hand a petition j^&ed by 57 ratepayers and 78 in- !jbitants who were not necessarily rate- l Jers, in opposition to the licence of the .°Use. No person under the age of 21 *8 had signed the petition. hMr Aneurin Evans, interrupting, re- cked that before the case proceeded Y further he should like to ask whether friend was entitled to put in any petition he might be allowed to ;6r to it, but some of those who signed be put in the box to be cross- ^Oiined about it. Advocate objected to petition being handed in. j.i Mr Lloyd said he was prepared to put petition in, and to put witnesses in the tl Who obtained and could speak as to lee signatures. At present he was only j-rcising the privilege that was allowed a ''citor iit commenting upon the evidence, 8t The Chairman thought advocate might It te generally the facts of the petition, then bring evidence to bear upon the toint. f ài Lloyd, continuing, said the names K persons signing the petition were ons of respectability, and he might °f responsibility in the parish. He witnesses who would formally put in e Petition and who would say that the Matures to it were fairly and properly ^innd, and it was for the Bench to say y it was right and proper that the t, es of those people who lived in that (,^§hbourhood should be respected, be- til uSe they would be able to show that by liv- greater majority of the people 109 there did not wish the Drover's to be licensed. Wk Chairman I think that this is fcjj. r opening up a national question. I you had better state the grounds Vv^,c^1 h°usfe 19 objected to. r Lloyd The first is that it is not i litSar^ ^or ne'8bbourhood. I HQ-* Evans The house is not for the ;gbbourhood only but for the public at e ijj Chairman [Is this the only house .*?»t neighbourhood ? Evans; Yes, Mr Lloyd said he was not arguing thai all houses should be closed, but he was arcruing that this house was not required, a,,d could not be required, because there was the petition signed by 57 ratepayers and 78 inhabitants who did not require it. What therefore was the house required for ? The Chairman It only says that in their opinion the house was not required. Mr Lloyd It shews their opinion of the matter. Mr Evans Yes, the opinion of teetotallers, sir. After further argument, Mr Lloyd continuing, said that evidence would be required to shew that the house was really necessary. The rateable value of the house was only R 12. It was only a small cottage with two little rooms open k> the public. There was no demand for the house by the parishioners, and al- though his friend might try to make it out to be so, it was not the class of house which wculd be required by visitors. He need not comment upon the class of house t was therefore their case was that it was not required in the neighbourhood. The Chairman I think we have. the absolute power to transfer the licence or 1 not Mr Lloyd Yes, sir. I don't think there is auy doubt about that. Mr Owen Pritchard Owen, of Pontilen, was the first witness called. The Chairman If you are going to call all the petitioners I am afraid we shall be here all day and all night (laughter). Witness, proceeding, said he lived in the neighbourhood of Drover's Arms,— about five minutes walk away. He formally put in Jthe petition dated 18th October, 1906, and signed by 57 rate- payers and 78 inhabitants, which reed thus We, the undersigned, being rate- payers and inhabitants in the parish of Llanynys, pray that the licence of the Drover's Arms, Rbewl, be refused as we consider such license is not necessary to meet the requirements of the neighbour- hood, and that it will be to the benefit of e parishiobers if the licence is taken way." In his opinion the license was not required. Mr Lloyd Is there any stabling attach- ed to the house ? Mr Evans (intsrposing) Yes, for 15 horses, and I will prove it, just now. Cross-examined witness said he did not live on the main road to Denbigh but on a side road. The house was made use of on Saturdays and Fair days. Mr Evans The house is frequently made use of.—I know that persons have been going along the roads at night and their conduct has sometimes been disgrace- ful. You are speaking of Saturday nights ? —And I may say fair days. You don't know during the day time how often this house is made use of ?-I don't know much about that. Are you a teetotaller ?—Yes, thorough. (laughter). A thorough teetotaller, and on that ground you object?—No sir, not on that ground. Is that one of the grounds ?-No sir, I I am not bigotted. But you are thorough,' you know. How long have you lived in the parish ?—4 years. So your experience of the requirements of the parish is not very efficient ?—That I is all my experience. Do you know that the Cemetory at Rhewl is the only nonconformist cemetery I say for Ruthin, Bontuchel, and round about, except the one at Ruthin ?-I don't know much about that. You know this much at least, that within recent years the burial ground at Rhewl has been extended twice ?-I don't know. Do you know that funerals at Rhewl are very frequent 1-1 never counted them. (laughter). I did not ask you if you counted them. Do you know they are frequent ?-I don't know. Here is one of those gentlemen who 11 don't know coming forward (laughter). I see that your name and Mrs Owen's name is down on the petition ?—Yes, one as a parishioner and the other as a ratepayer. And your daughter's name as well ?—■ Well she is over 21 years of age. As you are a thorough teetotaller I take it your wife is a thorough teetotaller and your daughter as well is thorough as you are ?—Well I can t deny that. And being all thorough teetotallers you all three sign in the same house ?- Yes. Did you take this petition around ?- Part of the parish.. Continuing, he said he took the first part or page of the petition around for signatures. b He went with a gentleman who knew the parish and the inhabitants well. Can you tell me how many names you can testify to ?-No. Take Glanclwyd. Is Mr Jones a tee- totaller ?-I don't know. And the children at Glanclwyd, they have signed it have they not ?—I don't know. You have just told me that you took the front page of the petition around. Can't you tell me whether the children of Glan- clwyd have signed ?-As I tell you I was with a gentleman who took the petition round. After questioning witness as to whether certain names were not those of people living out of the district, and eliciting the fact that he could not speak as to all the signatures, Mr Evans remarked :_61 I see the signature of G 0 Morris. Is that the new relieving officer ?" Witness I don't know. Not only you don't know, but you don't know the pecple at all who signed ?- Well I know a few of them, but Mr Roberts who had been living at Pontilen knew them all personally. You will excuse me telling you, but you have the wrong lUan in the box (laughter). You ought to have Mr Roberts in the box. Eventually the Bench, by a majority, granted the transfer.


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