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F,.&TLIIORL)INARY iSCKNES AT DENBIGH TOWN COUNCIL. i, meeting of the Denbigh Town Council was eld on Tuesday in the Council Chamber, ^hen the Mayor presided, and the other jtternbers present were Aldermen VV Keepfer, P .?urripbreys Roberts, R Owen, and NV I) W gfiffith, Councillors T A Wynne Edwards, oaz Jonoa, Roger Prrce, J Simon Roberts, R enry Roberts, John Davies, Griffith Jones, J Q.E6J JONES> J) H Davies, with the fvr^ P^rry Jones), the town clerk's clerk £ E Parrv), medical oLiicer (Dr Griffith W -vOfcsrtg), inspector (Mr Windsor), the collator the accountant (Mr E illiams), *j*>V?urveyor (Sir John Davi*}. A 'letter of apology for absooce was received W H Evans. GRIOUS COMPLAINTS AGAINST COUNCILLORS' ipj. PREMISES ^EATEHED REPORT TO JTHE LOCAI. GOVERN- MENT TiOAKD. A BANOE1. TO HEALTH. THE M £ fflc^ OFFICEK'H HEPOIIT. «e Medical Officer of Health read his L 0nthly report s follows :—" Seven deaths On n reSisteiv" during the past month, I ,at the Infirmary (a patient froiu Ruthin) v|?8 six for the borougiJ proper. Two of ^ths were infanta, and all the deaths 0p e /r°'n ordinary causes. Five deaths the Asylum. The number of births a>idSftereCl ^°r same Pen°d *3 21—13 males tk females—the above numbers give as 39 7 atlnual birth and death-rate per thousknd and H 22 respectively On account of *rjT r,;pouted complaints of the'offensive smells JroZar,0us localities in the town, emanating p the noxious trades carried on, I, in com- of .V With our Sanitary Inspector, paid a visit j £ 4 on the 14th of this mouth, to the j*^uan-sfereet Fellmongers' Yard, owner Mr W*rl Joue3 to Lenton-peol Fellmongers' ls rrl and lannery, owner M A Lloyd Jones °Wn ^e-ti»g House in Factory-place, exist^ Boaz ^0:ies- found nuisances to trad t*le ljr0ces3 °f carrying out the various th„f6w was very much surprised to find jn j, l^r Koaz Jones, at the Fellmongers'Yard ordettCt0r-V"plaCe> ^v8 wor^inS ^orlr' ever-v *Qdicatiou °f enlarging the .down there. I have since ascertained ^Hth r ^>oaz Jones has had no written Ittithoritv from the sanitary authority to 1^ such works. Therefore, he has rendered lisl?86'^ liable to a penalty of £ 50 in the estab- a rJnenk hereof. And, further, he is liable to c0nt;mlty ^or every da7 the works are hsrebv certify, under section Hut ° tha Publ,c Health Act of 1875, that the Pr*84-11068 fourV^ t° exist upon the respective r^ViSes are injurious to health. I have r rected the Inspector to send. copies of his fco the respective owners with the view *■ litigating the nuisances complained of." INSPECTOR'S RPPORT. The Sanitary Inspector (Mr Windsor) sub- mitted his monthlv report an follows Samtarv"Inspector's Office, Denbigh, Gentlemen.—I have pleasure in submitting niv monthly report. No cases of an infectious Mature have been reported to have occurred dur- ing the past month. The desire on the part of several owners to put their, property in a proper sanitary condition is evidenced by the fact that several works are in progress, and are being carried out without written notice from Ine, and includes the conversion of several Privies into water closets. An efficient code of bye-laws is urgently required so that ^°ntractors and others may know what the Sanitary Authority require in respecfc to house ramage, and submitting plans of the recon- duction of drainaw etc. Two cases of over- Pk^'n" ^ave been enquired into upon com- ,at» and notices served upon the persons JjOwsible for the nuisances. rPr, 0 Local Government Board require me to "r any offensive established within of the Sanit* 1 ithority, and any ha^cti °f nou-observance regulations. I haveuU rePol t the followi-M ofiensive trades on eTt en visited. and in my opinion are carried so as to be a nuisance or injurious st?*et •br Viz'' rhe TaLliner.v' t0P of Henllan" lenton-pool and Factory-place tan- tfenii me^ting house. a?~s^rs''f Tannery—Anonymous com- °fien*iyf> effluvia said to emanate from l^efi'erieS t'ie town. In company with ¡o¡ld ecal Ocr I visited this tannery and f <lesir C co"^ition of the premises much to js erl- Nearly the whole of the yard sur- nRavf ('- The portion paved has become f and uueven, >vhich allows accumulation i pS[e Jr etween the interstices. There is a f aPed of refuse—about 20 loads— » Whfu ^Je.yar'' surface and open to rain- i" in a rather dirty condition, with tij^o^01 ^me pits, solid waste, hair, flesh, ?*S8in ?eoayed bags, etc. There is a stream Pollut i Jar<i- This was found to i^ticles with 1lme in solution, hair, and animal matter. There are three r?u^U tl' anci ttxe Joints of th9 open pavement liff, Same permits the growth of veget- There is no auitoble channelling to *0 \^„ i surface water, with the resnlt that ^tfclv 'n Wet weather stagnates and ulti- l'e Soall3 away into the srround. There ^tter f 8ettiflg tanks to intercept foreign V6 fo<in ]°m discharging into the sewer this i t» ,t0 cotltain°a large quantity of spent tk8^ acC ^es *m'r' ari(^ ot^er refuse- fk Privv°,nmo^at:'on for the workpeople is of »r n^dden type, the floor being below Tn^Ptael There are no suitable con{?Sf.necessarv for the storing of refuse. f^1cha 'tl?n of tliese premises generally is 8 e as to be a nuisance or injurious f -^afc nn R*medy Recommended. ^Prvi 1 of the yard surface required » Porlv nS on the process of the business, be ^bWi f ^Ucreted, and made- smooth, with anriai fUld guttered to an efficient gully ain" That the water in pits be e^anged. That no washings or L ». m.atfcer be allowed to pollute the h? «>OrA,a,V,« through the yard, and that it cleansed. That'the large accu- l^ti^y refuse be removed, and to dis- 'ji practice of heaping up such a ^lvai,tity, and for that purpose air-tight .boxes ke provided to store scraps of Invert otl,er matter or refuse, and that it be Peri°dically. That the yard surface be that ?^riodically, and flashed with water, at to be the premises generally be kept so as Jw^iton pUl!^nce or injurious to health. aT^fces 00 Tannery. Visited these ^be Medical Officer of and ouu^ the yard surface un- from 8a'Be in a rather dirty eon- ,§olir) acGuniulation3 of debris from lime '^h!^SfttsW'lSke' 'ia,ir' bits of flesh, tails, and £ rC quantity of skinshave been the lime wash was found piled up Sh «P P'eteof wood, supported sufficient- :n e H. '°ugh from touching the ground. ft:u. tb" some the pits, som"Ci- £ > hme-wasu from same d'^stance -over the u:;paved yard, acco web and ofiensive. The It-4 ia an operi concainer a u-uv T,iter supply, and is said to be ih the.sy^em ofdriirwige. There is ^it,v^e,|iiv»^Sln^throHg)i yard which has Iw^'uice ap°i ?1me *8 Provi^ec^ 'h; frafcinS to intercept any foreign ;a P ,nta the same. L'ie portion of ^Uin foui sr'i[-c- a°d .lit at the th;\t °i lerme:.ration. It was iitu til t 1, there is 7. plentiful supply of ^OviHlts r f tHi t !!i '^f1 fre€?y r<> 8uPP1y "the »0r d- There HM R- receptacles -r=fuse or resid.>.e <in^S.!ai™Vu*e(1'—That v. cumulations Vll r'y «nd surface be kMl'l,:gvu, '/tWi nrt n>»de smooth with o 'ea ^•oUedtoan efficient 0 r»()f i^^s, 011 ^rft'n, the ^ratings or That v,1 ^Jan ^fte-eighths of an inch box^'u iWUKi,J:1fje supply of galvanised 'Ca^V er>, '?.V''0V!^d fof wraps, &c., and admS'j "Removed. Thatefficie.it r> of ;-hi t0 prevent the further s 'J* fciiaf p,an> through the e thoroughly cieansed. That f sMtnu a^d a on,rr*0^afci°n '*a nob c>t tk'l^fitrin closet, with of u an m< °tiv» is, is required «Si, p»°pin- Th»l digcn„s P neaps of bones or Continued, they become very offensive when kept, and it is recommended that they be frequently used up or removed. That a proper supply of water and hose be provided for flushing purpose- and that the premises generally be kept so as not to be a nuisance or injurious to health. Factory-place Tannery and Melting HyjUSfi.— Visited these premises with the Medical Officer of Health, and found ohe yard surface unpaved. There were iiiall heaps of residue here and there, INO proper receptacles are provided for scraps or litter composed of matters liable t, become decomposed. The boiling for fat, melting are provided with a hood an I shaft to arrest effluvia and vapour, and is carried to the chimney and allowed to escape into the external atmosphere, and are not passed through the furnace lire and destroyed. Ib was stated that the process of fat melting and extracting was carried out during the night time. No doubt during thf ecent hot weather many people made a practice of leav- ing their bedroom windows open. and the gases evolved would readily enter when the wind blew in a certain direction, hence the com- plaints. The floor of the melting house is paved with brick laid in cement, but the sur- roundings might be kept a little cleaner. I There are about five pits in connection witn the tannery two of the pits are of wood, which becomes impregnated with filth, and were strongly condemned one of slate and two of brickwork. The surface pavement in and about the tannery shed was fouud to be uneven and broken. A recess similar to an ashpit is the only receptacle in which wastes are de- posited, and is open to rainfall. No covers are provided. A primitive arrangement of a closet is composed of a vertical drain pipe with no seat, and no proper water supply. The in- terior side of the pipe was foul with soil and is stated to be direct with the drain. A catch- pit has recently been constructed of common brick 9-in thick, and a grating provided to arrest foreign matter flowing into the sewer. Remedy Recommended. -That offensive effluvia vapours, or gases generated in the process of fat melting or extracting shall be effectually destroyed. That the yard surface be properly concreted and made smooth with suitable fall, and guttered to an efficient gully trap or-traps on drains, the gratings, or bIWs, to be not less than three-eighths of an inch apart. That all wood work from the pits be removed stone, brick, or concrete to be used instead and ren- dered impervious. That an adequate supply of galvanised air-tight boxes be provided for scraps, etc., and periodically emptied or removed. That a proper supply of water and hose be provided for flushing purposes. That the existing closet accommodation is not sufficient for the workpeople, and a water closet with all necessary fittings and connections is required. That the existing catch-pit in outer yard be lined with cement and rendered impervious. That the refuse and offensive liquid in recess or ashpit be removed and bottom filled up level with surrounding ground and rendered impervious. That the premises I generally be kept so as not to be a nuisance or injurious to health. Mr Wynne Edwards proposed that the dis- cussion of the question be adjourned for a month. Some time ago complaints were made against Mr Jones owing to fat being boiled there, and he could say as a neighbour that immediately the complaint was made Mr Jones put an end to the nuisance, and they had never suffered from it since. Mr Jones, he was sure, was trying to carry out his business in a manner which was m accordance with the law, and he would propose that the Town Clerk write to Mr Boaz Jones asking him to meet their officers, and that they discuss the matter again in a month. Mr Boaz Jones said the officers visited the place when it was in an unfinished state. With regard to the other place, the lease would be up in February and he did not intend to renew it. The Medical Officer Then I must ask you not to grant a license. Mr Boaz Jones: I ha,ve a license in writing granted by this Council. The Medical Officer: Uuder those circum- stances I shall report the matter to the Local Government Board. Mr Humphreys Roberts I cannot see how we can deal with all these three questions together. I quite agree that the first question should be left over for a month, but the third question was a very different one as to how far Mr Boaz Jones has made himself liable to a serious and continuing penalty, and if we adopt Mr Wynne Edwards' suggestion we are confirming and relieving him of that responsi- bility. I remember the discussion at the time Mr Jones applied for the license to carry on a chandlery business, and at that time our Medical Officer was vexed with us because we consented to grant a license, because he felt that it could not be carried on without a nuis- ance to health. It was felt, however, that with the old establishments it was more than they could do to stop them altogether, so long as everything was done to carry on business as far as possible without being a nuisance. But are we going to allow a member of this Council to create a business of this kind when your Medical Officer tells you it is injurious to health, and that it cannot be carried on with- out being a nuisance and injurious to the public. Mr Lloyd Jones I am sorry I was not present when the report of the Sanitary In- spector was read but I mean to carry out all the suggestions he has mentioned to his satisfaction. Sir Wynne Edwards The Medical Officer says Mr Boaz Jones has nob a license; Mr Jones says he has and my recollection is bhab we granted him a license. The Medical Officer: I don't object to the chandlery. What I object to is having a feUmonger's place there. If you have already granted a license I will write to the Board above. I do not object to Henllan-street or to Lenton-pool, but I certainly object to having a felimonger's yard placed in the middle of the town. Mr John Davies: It is not in the middle of the town. Mr J Simon Roberts My impression is that it was distinctly explained that Mr Jones would only carry on the business of a chandler* and that no objectionable matter would be allowed to get into the drains. The Medical Officer: And more than that, sir, if you had listened to me at the time you would never have consented to him erecting a yard there. I was not then under the Local Government Board, but only your humble servant. Mr Howel Gee: I don't exactly like the tone of our Medical Officer of Health. He says some time ago he was our humble servant, and now I suppose —— The Medical Officer: I anr exactly in the same position now. Mr Howel Gee Some of us had foreseen the difficulty there would be in having our officers under the Local Government Board, and here we find nil exemplification tIc thM f, Tom surprised to hear our Medical Oiffcer speak in the way he does, at the attitude he takes up. and at his general demeanour. I am surprised he should do so. He can carry his point with- out making himself so dogmatic as he has done. I am very much surprised and as- tounded that an officer of this council, where we always try to do our duty in this matter (and I think we have done it fairly well), should talk in this way. Here is thf" case which the officer has reported, and he has only just brought in his report, and the Medical Officer snvs he will report to the Board above, without trivinc us time to do anything. Mr°W D W Griffith: I think that is the very thin £ T he should do. The Mayor What he says is this, If that is the case, I will l'-p'ut- it to the Local Government Board." Mr Gee We will wait to see who is correct. If it has been in existence for some years, surely it cannot be a matter of a month. If we were facing the summer it would be different, but having borne with it so long I think it is rather off when he tells us that unless we take immediate cognizance of it he will send to the BOH id above. The Town Clerk Mr Boaz Jones is mixing up the two businesses. There wa" a license granted, I remember very well, for the chandlery, but as to the other I could not have granted the licence without having the consent of the Board, and that consent I have never had. Mr Boaz Jones I applied at the time we were removing, I certainly woeld prefer to be under- the Local Government Board than under 'y friends at Denbigh. I would like to sco one of the Local Government Board In- I spectors coming down to know what this business is. The Medical Officer: You know perfectly well that when one of them came down he ordered you to do certain things, and ordered me to report to the Board. I did not do my duty. I never did report you, and you never did what they ordered of you. Mr lveepfer It is a very serious charge. The Medical Officer Complaints this year have been most numerous, not by one person, but by all individuals in your neighbourhood all over the town in fact as regards that. Mr Boaz Jones It is not'the fellmonger's business they complain about it is the smell of the melting. The Medical Officer Oh, no. Do you mean to tell me there is no nuisance. Mr Howel Gee I protest against our mem- bers being put through a cross-examination by our officer. I The Medical Officer Thank you. Mr Howel Gee I support Mr Wynne Edwards' motion, or if he likes, that the matter be referred to the Sanitary Committee to re- port to us. Mr Roger Pryce: This is a very serious question, and instead of voting for the proposal I will move an amendment. It would be a great loss to the working class of the town if this place was done away with, and if anything could be done to remedy the evil it is as well that it should be done. I propose that this matter be referred to a meeting of the Council in committee to be held this day week. It is too serious a matter to be left over for a month. Mr W D W Griffith: It would simplify the matter very much if you would separate the one case from the others. That is the serious charge of carrying on a fellmonger's business without a license. Mr R Henry Roberts: I think we should separate Mr Lloyd Jones' case from Mr Boaz Jones' case altogether, as he says he is prepared to do what is required. There is the end of the complaint against Mr Lloyd Jones. Mr Wynne Edwards proposed that the officer report again upon Mr Lloyd Jones' tannery iu two months. Mr Humphreys Roberts seconded, and it was carried. As to the tannery at the top of Henllan-street, it was agreed that Mr Boaz Jones should remove all accumulation within the next two months. Mr Howel Gee: Is not the amendment rather an aspersion upon the sanitary com- mittee. I think the sanitary committee might deal with this matter. I do not think that the nuisance need be perpetuated for even a month. Mr Boaz Jones' attention had been called to it, and no doubt he will endeavour to abate it at once. Mr Griffith Mr Gee seems to overlook the serious fact that Mr Jones has been carrying on this business for all these years without having a license. Mr Howel Gee: That is merely a matter of law and not of sanitation. Mr Griffith But it is really the important thing. Mr (Gee: As far as the matter of law is concerned it could easily be remedied, but I take it to be a matter of sanitation. The Town Clerk then read an extract from the minutes, which was to the effect that the Town Council had approved of the plans submitted for the erection of a chandlery, and also the resolution passed at the meeting of the Council consenting to his carrying on the trade of a tallow melter at the place in Factory- place. Mr Gee Is there any license besides that ? The Town Clerk No. Mr Wynne Edwards: The question of fell- mongers pits has been under discussion I am sure I am certain of that. I have been there myself and examined them as a member of the committee of this Council, and I believe the result of that committee was that Mr Boaz Jones had a license. Mr Howel Gee I am of the same impression. Mr Humphreys Roberts And that is why I agree with Mr Pryce's amendment. "Mr Gee moved an amendment that it be referred to the sanitary committee to report. He did not see why they should come there, specially o discuss the matter. Mr D li Davies seconded. The amendment was then put to the meeting, when only 3 voted for it, and Mr Pryce's resolution was carried. Upon the motion of Mr Humphreys Roberts, seconded by Mr W D W Griffith, it was then agreed that when the business upon the agenda has been transacted the Council should adjourn until a week that day to meet after the meeting of the Council in committee. SMITHFIELD RECEIPTS. The Borough Accountant reported that the receipts at the Smithfield for last fair were -022 13s 4d against LE25 12s 7d, a decrease of .£2 19s 3d. THE STEAM ROLLER. Mr Roger Pryce referred to complaints which he had heard about the steam roller being used in the vicinity of the Smithfield when cattle were being taken there. He suggested that it should be taken to some other part of the town on fair day. The Surveyor said he did not think this would occur again. HALF-YEARLY ESTIMATES. INCREASE IN, THE GENERAL DISTRICT RATE. In presenting the half-yearly estimates the Town Clerk said they had been carefully gone through by the finance committee that after- noon the figures put opposite each item had been carefully compared with those in the estimates for the corresponding half of last year, and with a few exceptions they would agree. The Borough Surveyor and the Borough Accountant had suggested to the committee that the sum of £ 900 should be put down for highway expenditure for the half- year; he would tell them exactly what was the charge before. For the first half-year of 1898 the amount of the estimate was .£410. and for the second half .£475, making a total for 1898 of .£885. But the actual cost amounted to R-1,200, so that there was too little put down in each estimate. The estimate for the first half-year of 1899 was £ 650, which was an increase of £ 200 upon the corresponding period for 1898, and the actual cost had been X%7. Mr Mills had informed him that jE900 would amount to a shilling in the pound for each half- year. Mr Humphreys Roberts What do we get from the County Council. The Clerk replied £ 475 per annum. He might also mention that upon this estimate there was JE860 balance due to the Treasurer, which would make the estimate heavier this time. This made a total of £ 1975 18s 2d against this there were receipts amounting to E497 10. Taking this from the total it left a balance to be provided of L1478 8s 2d, plus v.'hat ever they might pub down for highway expenditure. If they put down £ 900 thab would bring a total of* f2578, which would work out at 2s 4d in the £ as against Is 6d. Mr Lloyd Jones I propose that 4900 be put down for highway purposes. I don't see how we can help it, although I should be only too glad to have the rate reduced. Mr Boaz Jones proposed that the r_ be 2s. ) Mr Mills said such a rate would produce I £2100. Mr Gee remarked that with a rate of 2s they would be able to reduce their over draft considerably. I Mr John Davies proposed that they make a rate of Is 9d. I The Mayor: We can't pay our way with thàii. y I Mr John Davies Never mind I propose it whether we can pay it or not. I The Mayor Then I might propose a Is at t that rate (laughter). \Vith regard to the borough rate the total amount of expenditure was estimated at JE766 12s bd, but there were receipts including tolls, agricultural rates, advertising boards &c., I amounting to £ 147, which would reduce the amount to £ 619 12s 6d. This would work out at 4jd in the £ 4 I It was decided to make a borough rate for 1 this amount, and a general district rate of 2s.




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