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RUTHIN TOWN COUNCIL. I The monthly meeting of the Council was held on Monday evening, present the Deputy Mayor (Alderman R P Dovies) presiding, Aldermtn Earn Roberta and T P Roberts Coaaoillere Theodor* J Ronw, John Roberts, F Dowell, E T ifughei, E Tegid Owen, J Davies, T J Roberts, Titos Williams, and T H Roberts; with Mr Baldwin Griffith, dapmty town clerk Mr Price Morris, borough surveyor, and Mr John Morris, sanititry inspector. At the outset, the Ohairmliousaid he had to apologise for the absence of the Mayor, who had been called away on very im- portant business. Councillor Wm Jones was uaable to attend owing to being nnwell. Mr Baldwin Griffith said he had also to I apologise for the absence of the Town Clerk, who was away from home. THE COUNCIL INGAJCERJL. JL PROLONGED METIJftt AWD THZ MtMBLT. A meeting of the whole Council incom- mittee was held on November 30th, pre- sent the Mayor presiding, Aldermen R P Davies, Edward Roberts, Ezra Roberts, and T P Roberts Councillors Jehn Roberts, T H Roberts, Thomas Williams, F Dowell, T J Roberts, E Tegid Owen, Theodore Bouw and G F Byferd. The meeting commenced at ive oeJoei, and lasted till half-past eight. A large number of matters were dealt with, most of which were of no public importance-.as gathered from the report now preftnted. The following are the extracts from the minutes which appeared to be of interest to the general body of.inha.bitaab MEDICAL OOTICBRB* BJEJPOBT. Dr William Jones, the Medical Officer of Health for the borough, reported 8S follows:—During the months of October and November 11 births (fire males and six females) and eight deaths were registered. With one exception the deaths were the result ef ordinary causes* The txeeptional case was that of typhoid fever in Clwyd-street, whieb ended fatally. I visited and made a careful inspection of the premises, but foend nothing that Could account fer the case. The measures recommended to be adopted at the premises in Mwrog-street, where some fatal casea of diphtheria lately ooearred have been efficiently carried out, and it is to be hoped that the caase of the infection has been en- j tirely removed. j THIS PROPOSXD BEVHLOPMENT OF "fUll MAltKKT BALL. Proposed by Mr Ezra Roberts, Seconded hy Mr Theodore Rmtw, and resolved that it be a recommendation to the Council that a committee of seven members of the Council be appointed for the purpose of taking iato consideration the conversion of the Market Halt into an assembly room, etc., and to report, aad that sttch com- mittee be empowered, if they think proper .• to consult an arohitøt1 and to embody his opinion, rough plana, and estimate in the:, report, the following to be the committee The Mayor, Aldermen Ezra Roberts, Edward Roberts and T P Roberts, Councillors Thomas Williams, Theodoie Rouw, and William Jones. THE FINANCIAL POSITION OF' THE-tWUNCIL. Bills and claims were presented amount- ing to X435 Ii. 4d, of which bills amountiag to .£326 j. 2d were passed far payment, while bills amounting to J6109 129 2d were deferred for various reasons. The Treasurer reported that he had in hand the sum of .£170, which shows a defieit of zCI56 48 2d. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the accounts in the order fixed, as the rates, ete., eome in. These formed the more interesting part of the committee's long sitting, and The Chairman, as representing the Mayor, who was the chairman of the committee meeting, moved that the report be adopted by the Council. Mr Ezra Roberts seconded, and the various matters were then open for discussion in the Council, when the follow- i ing questions were oonsiderbd ;— all& CLEANING 017 THE STREETS AXD Tlt8 OBSTRUCTION THEREOF. Mr Rouw complained that there was a I difficulty resulting from their meeting in i committee in the manner now usual, in i that members were unable, after sualil committee meetings, to gire notice of any matters they wished to bring before the Council, as the reeult of what might be done at these committees. He wished to bring forward the question of the lighting of the Square. He supposed that this was the principal business part of the tow., and it was wretchedly lighted. He moved as an amendment to the report that it be an instruction to the Surveyor to report upon the lighting of St Peter's-square. Mr John Roberts said they all kfcew as well as the Surveyor how the Square was lighted. Would it not be better'to try to induce the (2as Company to give them better gas,? Mr T J Roberts said he would second the amendment by Mr Rouw, as he had be- fore called attention to this matter. Mr John Roberts suggested that the resolution should read that the Surveyor bo requested to report upon the best way of improving the lighting of the Square. Mr Rouw said he would agree to that, and would be glad to add, and the town generally." Mr f- R Roberts Y-es, barring Record- street, which is the best lighted street in thj town. Mr John Roberts What makes St Peter's-square so important ? Mr T H Roberts Well, h is the centre of the town, and the only square we possess. The propoeitioa was then carried. Mr Rouwsawl he had a act her matter to bring forward on consideration of the re- port. It was as to the cleanliness of the streets of the Wwn, mora particularly on the Sunday. The state of the streets on Sunday was- often a disgrace to the borough, and some means ought to be taken to prevail apon the people who were now in the habit of sweeping ail their sweepings into the streets of Butbin to adopt a more cleanly course (hear, hear). He thought that the Surveyor might be asked to report upon the best way of carry- ing out that business. He moved That the Surveyor be asked to report upon the best way of remedying the nnsafcisfactery state of the streets upon the Sundays." Mr John Robert If you will add that I be be asked also to report on the footpath obstructions I will second you. I -r Mr Bouw V eryweU I do so. Mr John Roberts Then I second that. I think we are putting too much work upon the back of the Surveyor, aud I think the mosc"peaitious,way of carrying out what we desire is by this Council meatiag to I formulate by-laws, aud when these bye- laweare made by determining to see that ] they are enforced. I second the aiuaad- ment with thai object. The motion was carried. PROCRASTmATtOK EXTRAORUIIQART. TBS aouSCIL RESOLVR TO BUCK UP 1" Mr Bouw asked when the Byelaws Com- mittee, the Volunteer Encampment Com- mittee, and the Recreation Ground committee were likely to meet. The Chairman That is more than I can tell V". Mr Rouw-stated.that at the last meeting a member of tiutt Council brought forward a request from, a Football Ckib in the town to ereet goal posts in the Recreation Ground, andtbo matter was referred to the committee, bat that committee had never met. Itwas &nw-that something was not dene in thfrmatter. The Chairman Any request you may man I will convey to the Mayor with pleasure. After farther discission, it Willi, unani- [ mously agreed to respectfully reqeest the l, Mayot to call meetings of the Committees named by Mr Rouw. THB AirWfcATlDNft "F THB 'PBOKBUTY ON THE tJIQ U ARB. It appeared that a wrong impression had been made as to the names of the members appointed on the committee lo consider the plaua -of the proposed alter- ations of the ahop on the- Square lately acquired hy, Mr-T H Roberts, clothier, and it wes pointed out that Mr T P Roberts, and sot Mr T H Roberts had been a mem- ber- -of that oommittee. The necessary correction was made in the minutes. MT John Roberts called for a report from the committee, who had been ap- pointed "with power to act. lIe said there appeared to be an impression in the Council that if a -committee were appointed with power to -act-tboy h.d no need to make a report, but that was not the case. Is every such tease, there should be a re- pert of what they did, if only for the purpose of recording it. Informally, of CMrae, he know what the committee had agreed to. Mr T P Roberts said the committee inspected the property, and examined the plana of the alterations proposed by the Denbigh man (Mr Hughes, the arohitect), with which t-feey quite concurred. For once they had a lucky man from Denbigh —which they seldom had (laughter). Mr Rouw said he quite agreed that record should be made for the protection both of Mr T P Rob.s and of the Council. Mr Ezra Reberts moved that the report of th* trommittee be confirmed, and that the plan* be approved. Mr T P Roberts, said- the alterations t would be a gzeat improvement to that I spot. Mr T H Egberts explained that the reason he had aot commenced the altera- tions was that one of the parties who had to sign the transfer deed was abroad. As soon as that -signatnre could be obtained the work would be commenced. The report of the oommittee as amended wed then unanimously agreed to. THR UXIVSftfilTT COLLEGE, BAKOOB. The Mayor was unanimously re-elected the representative of the Council upon the North Wales Court of the University CoNege, Bangor. THB lUTTHIif ITROORDS. A letter was received from the office of the Reeords in London, stating that the eopies of the documents relating to Ruthin at that office, might be searched for by any representative of the Council, and eopies might be obtained at certain scale charges. Mr Rouw said that the Record Office ihad evidently misunderstood the applica- tion. All they wanted was a schedule or list, of all the doeaments that were re- naoved from the town ef Ruthin some 10 years ago. He moved, therefore, that the Town Clerk be instructed again to apply to the Record Office for a schedule or list of all records in their possession relating to the town of Ruthin, if such could be obtained fsee of charge. Mr Ezra Roberts seconded. There were, no doebt, many secrets in the Record Office which might be ctremely interest- ing and possibly useful to the town, and, even if not of actual nae to the town of -Rathin, the action ef the Town Council of Ruthin might .øe the means of adding te the interesting historical information of Wales. Based upon theee very records, there had been recently issued a volume by tbeCymrodoriùn Society which was one of the most interesting in the history of WsW. (kear, hear). THE SANITATION OYBUTHIN. The following letter was read u Local Government Board,, Whitehall, Oct. 28th, 1898. Sir,—I am directed by the Local Govern- ment Board to advert to their letters of the th. June and 15th August last, relative to lirst the need of the systematic removal of refuse, and the aleansickg-ol ashpits and privies in the borough, and secondly the annoyance caused by pig-keeping and the advisability of making further tve-laws as to nuisaaces under section 44 of tho Public Health Act, 1875, and I am to request that the Board be informed without further delay of the result of the Town Council's consideration of these matters, and of any action which they have taken, or propose te take thereon.—I am, your Obedient servant, H. O. PROVIS, Assistant Secretary." Mr John Robert said he did not believe it had ever been alleged that there was any wholesale nuisance in the town in conse- quence of tbs keeping of pigs. They dealt with every case reported to them upon its merits, and he did not think it was right for the Local Government Bosrd to draw any inferenoe that there was any general nuisance existing in the borough in conse- quene. of keeping pir. There was nothing of the kind. Piga, if they had fair play, were quite as clean as, if not cleaner, than dogs (hear, hear). Mr Ronw said if they went through the report of the Inspector of Nuisances, he atould like to know how many eomplaints had been received as to the keeping of pigs. No doubt there-were-a few isolated cases, but where hundreds of pigs were kept the number of complaints was soarcely worth considering. The Deputy Town Clerk said that this question arose upon the report ef the Madioal Officer last year., Mr John Roberta Did he suggest the wholesale stopping of the keeping of pigs. The Deputy Town Clerk was understood to say-*Lat: thia was the case. Mr John Roberts: I should protest most strongly against any action of that kind being taken, and I shall fight it as long as I am here, so long as the pigs are kept clean. The Chairman said the bye-laws com- mittee, which comprised all the members of the Council, would consider the letter as well as the proposed bye-law. The proceedings then concluded.






