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EADHiS' PILLS, EADE'S PILLS All who goffer from GoutOt JDj Rheumatism should immedi EADE'S PILL8ATEIY HAVE recourse to EADE B PEDLS. Hundreds of Testi- EADE'S PILLS monials have been received from all sorts and conditions EADE'8 PILLS of men," testifying tc the p. wonderful power thecO Pills TTtADE'S PILLS bave in giving relief ia the very worst cast's. I base pill A nff'si PTT T S are purely ve?et.ibi- and per p ADE b fec|lJ e&te in tbe.t acUon. Instantly relieve and rapidly core the worst form of Gout, Rheumatism, Rheu- matic Scut, Pains in the Head, Face and Limbs. And have the oc Recommendation ever givvr, to any Patent Medicine of its e'^ss. GOUT SUFFERED AGONY FOU THIRTY JRHBUMATISM Battwrsee., 8.W., rL.vr.-i January 27th, 1892. vJUUi "DEARSIH,—I feei it my duty to wo X>TTT?TT*4 A TIAAF 8X111 give you great pruiss for introducing JSHEUMAllbM gudi a vtkloabii medicine as yonr oout RHEUMATISM tizBz » GOUT 1 1 g1 VXUUl months at »"mi^ur8) but am able to get Bhecmat I s« IFTVI ■» GOUT GST SteBUKAMW^r^ i=;«S, GOUT Little JOBN. fl«orge Bade, 72. GosweU Road, ^ondon. I EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PIUS Ate scia bf sJl Ctanists, mbcttUa. l».i« and 2s. M., « *mt by the Proprietor, GEORGE L^VE, 71 Goswell-road, E.G. Ask for, and be sun you obtain, «ATTT EADE'S GOD i AND KHE UMAX LC A .L j 1.. Á J t EADE'i? PILLS. Dr. Fox's Cough and Voice Wafers ■R~; INSTANTLY RELIEVE AND RAPIDLY CURE COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BKONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, HOABaNESS, LOSS Of VOICE, AND ALL BRONOHIAL AFFECTIONS. The greatest Remedy ever disic^red for all aifeo- ftione of the Chest and Lungs. Dr Fox's Cough and Voice Wafers I AM prepared from the choicest Herbs and Fruits ^Lelieve Phlegm, and are a real blessing to Asthmatic sufferers. Render tbp Voice highly melodious, and are not to Bu rp ssed for tb?use of Voealists, Clergymen, Actors, publio speakers, &c., &o. Dr Fox's I Cough and Voice Wafers. 9 PMXPAHBD ONLY BY GEORGE EADE, 72. GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON. And sold everywhere by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Veudors, in tins at la. lid. eaoh. Should there be any diffioulty in obtaining these valuable WafeTs, the proprietors will forward a Tin, post free, on receipt of StalDps br Postal Order. Dr Fox's fl- Cough and Voice Wafers. Eade's Anti-Bilious Pills Tha best medicine for BILE. Eade's illous Pills. Tbn best medicine for Eade's Ai»ti-Biliuus Pills. hps- medicine for DIGESTION Eade's Anti-Bilious rdb, T r,r medicine tr,e C,, riVENESS. fade's Pills. i he beat mediciaefor TELE BLOOD. Titf*s*> exeelw;nt Pills promote a due and healthy ■eru'r.n of Bile, restore the tone ot the Stomaoh, i r;.du'>j h healthy action of the Liver and Bo we! a. Eaue'rt Anti-BUiou Pills Quick!v remove th»- irritation and feverish state of tlife Storoarb, correct tbe mor^ii condition ot tne Liver, r- i-ve th* eynteai -of all impurities, whioh, by L-irculittin;, In the hieod, injnnon-'y affect the action of the Kidneys, and, l<? t»un» iw the causes of so much riiroomf'ort, restore the vi.al energies of fcodv and inin<i. Eade's Anti-Bilious Pills. „ ,j bv a] 1 Chemists and Medicine Vendors, in s 'tg ud. and 2s. 9d. Should any difficulty be experienced io S^O^rJSf Son, wUl forward th«n Post Free, on receipt remittance. *-k»n Eade's Anti-Bilious Pills Eade's Gout and Rheumatic Pills, The safer and moat effectual genuine testi- ng prove this requira nsither confinement of alteration o^d^ chemiat< Eade's Gout and Kkeuraatie Pins In use over a quarter of a century. Ilefiefin one hou,I,,Bpid cure. Eade's Gout and Rheumatic Pills Prenaied only by GEORGE EADE, 72, Goawell •p^jP London, •od sold by all Chemists and patent Medicine Vendors in bottles, leu 1 Jd. and 2s 6d. -== ^vwtptciAL ATTACKS on CHRISTIANITY Sfer&'SK Hr /rlUtBTB. 128, OOBWKLL ROAD. LONDON. i Express a t Deliver several times daily in all C. P. 4 Co. C, P, & CO. geoei!re^^MDBw'. Bo«gage for fielireiT *0 fi P £ flft, „ Oooeignments for transxnisaiOC to If. r. « UU< the World. 6 P & Co. GkK»d« and Private Effects to U> WINTER IN ALGItR^ j- GAlVAlH^Bje^Wto^l COEBTOATED OALVANTZED WIKE NETTINt- -ooomra — —^weWjTMUging WorV». U'AXSALL. DORi GALLERY. RETURN of the CELEBRATED PICTURES BY THK WO*LD-E»B*OW*ED AWW, QTISTAVE DOR^ Tb«e works a*e now at their old Tilting I^ndon -DQB^QAlJ^Y,35. ^»w BQTO a, V, j THE "DEHBIGHSMIBE FREE PRESS" it DE IS ONE OF THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS IN WALES. TEltiNIS:NIODERATE. liears from the Shell. SPRATTS PATENT CHICKEN MEAL. In Sealed Bags and Original Packets. Sample and Pamphlet on Chicken Bearing tost Free. Spratt's Patent, Limited, BERMOMDSEY. LONDON. 1413199 low DEARS 11 Jt SOAP MAKERS J3 Special Bppofntment TO HER MAJESTY The Queen. é I ti¡ THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY UsE. THE PILLS Purify thü Blond, correci all disorders of the internal organs and are invs;u8iutt ¿" all cotx:pia:nrs incidental to Females. THE OINTMENT t- the rnf Re ••ei4y t. Chest Tl^roat Affeotions, Qoui Rhet • iam, Stiff Did Wounds, Sores, Ulcers, and Ui p. 11 ) Pi3efx«es. us 73, New Oxford Street, Londonf ity *1J MfdicV.u.-jthi-oJisrhtnit the World. of 11 and 4. or L-3 tetter .J WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. 'AWN' N w mom I At it FOR ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, SUCH AS — Sick Headache, Constipation, Weak Stomach, Imired Digestion, Disordered Liver & Female Ailments. T, „AM st. Helens, Lancashire in Prepared only by the Proprietor, T^tiona.' Sold everywhere. 1«. IJd- and Ss. 'Jd eith. nitll full w -=- THE "Denbighshire Free Press" ¡ IS ONE OF THIS iBEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS IN WALES 1- Terins:-Moderate.