I'OIT.TO-POl!\T ltACES.-As ill bo seen on refer- IWl,,re will bo held on Friday, the 1st April. Oho winning field is situate within easy reach of tho A XVIVKH8AKY SERVICES. Anniversary services were held at Wabell a.M.) Cnayek, to- ,la v (yesterday) evening, au« win £ » ™nt'nu~ £ dnx The special preaeners were Rev. D. Maerdy, and Kev. JLemuel Jones, Uoppa, and tlic seivioes last night- were well attended, poweiful an 1 instructive sermons being pieaciied. .;X(!UBH CONGREGATIONAL (JUAREL-SPECIALSEI V„« were held at tne English Congregational LhapU on Sunday and Monday evening last, when iho Kev. I*rotessor Jones, B.A., B.D., urecon, preached elo- quent and inspiring sermons to crowacd eongre^ tions. Collections were made in aid of the ihuitli lands.. ROYAL MALK VOICE PARTY CONCERT.-A-S will be seen from our advertising columns the above-namea party are giving a high-ciass concert at the Assembly Rooms on Easter Tuesday evening. This choir, i, elk under the conduciorship of Mr. Wm. ihomas, Treorchy, has attained such phenomenal success is Luown throughout tho world as a lino musical com- hitnuion, and should draw a. crowded house. Tile tickets are being eagerly snapped up, and lntcnchng put chasers should lose no tirno m booking seats. The plan of tiie hall can be seen at Mr. E. Colby Evans, Guildhall-square. C A KMARTHKNHHIRB INFIRMARY.—The Secretary )„ respectfully to acknowledge the receipt of the following Periodicals from Mr. R. James, Bridge- street,; Miss Spurrell, King-stroot; Miss Lewis, Leign- toll House; Miss Latimer Jones, Parade; Mr J. -Grossman, Penllwyn Park; Mrs. Gwvnne-Hughes, Glancothv, and Lady Hills-Johncs: £ 1 15s. from the hon. secretary of the Carmarthen Irammg College R.K.C., proceeds of (Charity Football Match in Car- marthen Park, 12th March, 1910. I'EASQNAL.—News of Carmarthen. people conies from Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. A grand inter- national competitive concert was held there recently, in which Germans, Swedes, Italians, Kn-li<h, Scotch, and Welsh took part. The Welsh were the victors, and were represented by Mr. N.-sbitt and Mr. Treharne, the son-in-law and son respectively of Alderman George Treharne, Carmar- ^'c'utMARTHEN- WOMAN'S N ARROW KSCAPK.—Mrs. (1 rdViths, butcher, Water-street, Carmarthen, had a narrow escape from being badly injured, if not kliled, last jveek. It will be remembered that on the 4th De- cember last Mrs. Griffiths' husband, the lato Mr. William Griffiths, was killed through his horse and butcher's cart running away at Tumble, and it is a remarkable coincidence that while Mrs. Gritnrhs was on her rounds selling meat from the same cart, the horse, bolted over almost. the same ground as where her husband was fatally injured, and the trap over- turned near Cwirtmawr, throwmg Mrs. Griffiths out. She escaped injury, receiving only a severe snaking, but the trap was very much more damaged than on the occasion when Mr. Griffiths was killed. 1)RPARTURE OF MR. W. BURGESS.— HIS many friends will regret to hear of the departure from Carmarthen on Saturday last, of Mr. Walter Bur- son of Mr. J. Burgess, Nelson Hotel. Mr. Muni ess—"Wallie" as he was affectionately known — for Liverpool, oniiiis way to visi ting- some rela- tives and friends before sailing by the s.s. "( orstcau on the. 24th inst,, for Canada, lie was highly popu- far and greatly esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances in the town and neighbomlxxxl. angler, ho was often to be found on the bank* of the Towy and other famous trout streams, and hit. success in that capacity was we 1-known, whilst he was also a very good billard ptayen A larg. company assembled at the Nelson Hotel an Thursday evening last week, when a farewell dmm r in Mr Burgess' honour r was given. He leaves with _n, .I l,n'lIrll the hest wishes ot all ior a pru»i«;«ou.-< <2"" ""PI' career in Greater Britain. f1, {* \NTATA.—At Ebenezer Welsh Wesley an C -LI.ipel Sunday evening last,, the performance of tho cantata, "Only a. Gipsy," wlich was given with •Meat- succes on the 12th inst., was by special request repented. Mr. Rees Davies presided over a large mid appreciative audience. The pastor (the Rev. E. Godfrey Turner) was the reader, and also manipu- lated the lantern, by means of which the cantata illustrated, whilst Mrs. Turner accompanied in fine style. The conductor was Mr. Sam Thomas. The. chief parts were taken by the following-Miss Annie Thomas, Cha])el-street. (Dora); Miss Annie Davies Cambrian-nlace (Morren), and Master Bnn- ley Jones, Fountain Hall-terrace (Phil). A collec- tion was made to defray expenses. • 1) K \TH AN 1) Fu.NF.RAL.Ve have this week to chronicle the death of Mrs. Mary Davies, the wife of Mr. David Castle Davies, cabuiet-maker, 13, St. Catherine-street, Carmarthen, which took place early 0[1 Friday morning last. Deceased, who was in her 444:h year, was higlily esteemed and resjtected throughout tho town and district, bhc faith- ful member of St. David s Church, and her ucatii I ia- caused a great gap in tho various movemenla -ftf-titl(-.c-ted with the church. Deceased Jea\es a husband and three children (two sons and one daughter) to mourn her lQS6, with whom the deepest *vnipat-hy is felt. The funeral took oiace for St. David's Churchyard OIl Monday afternoon last, and was largely attended. The Rev. T. R. W altera, lt.D. (vicar),. and Canon Lloyd. Llanpump- snim, <withicted a. short. service at the house; whilst th.. Vicar and the Hmo. Owen Jones (curate) offici- ated ut. thp ehurch and graveside. Mr. R. B. Daviee, lay-reader, St. Peter's Church, was also present. ci^ef mounters were:—Mr. D. C. Daviea (lutshand); Messrs. W. T. and D. A. Davies (sonsj; Mr. John Griffiths and Miss Hannah Griffiths, Pen rlieol (brother and sister); Mr. and Airs. Thomafl •loties, Ffynonwen (sister and brother-in-law); Mr. and Sirs. Davies, Green Post, King street, Carmar- tlt"1I (sister and brother-in-law); Messrs. Willifun .aud Thomas Griffiths (brothers); Air. Tom Griffiths (nephew)'; Mr. David Griffiths, Bridgend (brother^; Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Wa-ungwrnws (sister am brother-in-law); Mr. and Afrs. John Thoma-s, 71, Caininas-street, Carmarthen (cousins); Air. Jobn '"avies, 1, St, David's-street, Carmarthen (cousin). TUE Eoo TRAIN.—Tho special train which h;is been arranged to run on the G.W. Railway in con- nection with the National Poultry Organisation Society, fur tho purpose of stimulating the egg lik- dustry in this part of the country will start on April 15th, and will roach this county soon after that date. The train will carry a lecturer on egg-production, who will address meetings at Carmartlken and other places. Depots for the collection of eggs and the. dispatching of them to the great markets will he established at various centres along the route of the train. PERJURY CHARGE WITTIDRAV.Tho county police have intimated to defendant's solicitor (Air. W. J. Wallis-Jones) that they do not propose to proceed any further with the prosecution of Air..John Thomas, Cilfrydyn, for peirjury. It will bo remem- bered that the defendant was charged at the Borough Police Court on the 14th inst. with having com- mitted perjury in proceedings for drunkenness taken against, him in February last at the Carmarthen county potty sessions, when the Bench dismissed the information, but at his request Supt. Jones was bound over under the Vexatious Indictments Act to prosecute at tho forthcoming assizes. FOOTBALL.-Tlie following arc the result, of first and twond-class -football matches played on Saturday last: -Fii glarid 14pts., Scotland 5pts.; Swansea llpts., Cardiff nil; Newport 3ptl, Gloucester 3pt:; London Welsh 8pts., Neath 6pts. Aberavon nil, Maesteg nil; Pontypool 3pts., Llanelly nil; Aloun- tain Ash 141ta, Bath nil; Cardiff Reserve* 14pis., Swansea Reserves nil; Pontardawe Reserves 15pts., Bryncoch ZptR.; Neath County School llpt-s.. Port Taibot County School lOpts.; Gilfach 5pt^ Ala<vsteg Rangers 3nts.; Llwynypia 3pts., Brdigend 3pts. Trctorky 3nts., Pontardawe nil. SOCIAL GATHERING.—Tho social gathering of tho members of tho Sunday Institute held in the English Wesleyan Schoolroom on Wednesday, tho 16th 111:-<1.. took tho form of a "Free and Easy." After the usual games, tho following short programme was gone through in excellent stylePianoforte and violin duet, "Orphee au enters," Miss Annie Thomas and Mr. D. R. Thomas; the pretty solo, "Three for Jack," Mr. T. H. Ellis; solo, "The Roll Call," Air. J. J. Williams, Carne Villa; pianoforte solo, "AJay Blossoms," Miss M. Williams; solo, "Sound of the Drum," Mr. F. H. Ellis. A most enjoyable evening was spent. LADY TJVEBTON'S PRESENTATION.—At a. MEETING of the Carmarthen Ladies' Conservative League, held at the Assembly Rooms on Friday evening last, and at which there was a large attendance, it was resolved that tho inaugural meeting for tho purpose of enrolling members for the League, be held at +11('" Ivy Bush Sale Room (by permission of Mr. D. K Williams} on Tue^ay, the 29'h instant, and that tho meeting take the form of a social, when refresh- ments and an attractive musical programme is being arranged. All ladies intending to join are invited to attend this social and to bring a friend with them. The social will start at 1 p.m., and the silver article. to be presented to Lady Tiverton by the ladies, will bo on view that evening. Further in- formation can be obtained from the hon. sec., Miss Gladys F-Ioyd, 12, Lammag-street; or from Air. Fred Humphreys, the Conservative agent, Carmarthen. PAI.M SUNDAY AT CARMARTHEN. The fiu", weather which prevailed on Sunday last was an extra induce- ment to the largo number of people who yearly visit the local burial-places on Palrn Sunday. The Cemetery (-stocially was crowded with visitors in the afternoon, and the well-kept appearance of the graves, on which a great number of wreaths were placed, did great credit to the nlace. An object of "special interest was the monument which has just been erected over the grave of the late Mr. C. W. Jones. It is an exceedingly handsome piece of work and attracted a large number of sightseers. St. David's. Llanllwch, and Llangunnor churchyards were also largely frequented, very many wreaths being seen at. each place of interment. SUNDAY INSTITUTE.-At, the meeting of the Situ- day Institute, held in tho English Wesleyan Chapel last Sunday afternoon, Professor M. OWBIl. B.A.. B.D.. of tho Presbyterian College, gave a highly in- teresting and instructive. address on "John Wesley's experience of Wales." In the course of his remarks Mr. Owen said that when John Wesley at the in- vitation of nome friends visited Wales for the first, time in 1739, there was already a reHgioivs move- ment going on headed by Howel Harris, who had been influenced by Whitfield. John Wesley soon found the Welsh people liked preaching, and he came repeatedly afterwards. Air. Owen had only time to touch on a few of the most interestinic in- cidents in some of Wesley's many visits to Wales, but as he did so he gave the impression that he him- self had an unbounded admiration for the subject, of his remarks, and as he told his hearers" of the wonderful effects of Wesley's preaching, and of the marvellous vigour and endurance of the Apostle of Methodism, who had been known in one v, IM1v to cover a district, extending from Cardiff to Holyhead, preaching twenty times, and getting wet to the skin three days out of six. tho deep-rooted reverence of his hearers for the founder of their sect became more and more evident. The particulars of Wes- ley's connection^ with Howel Harris; his first, visit to Carmarthen in 1763, when he preaohed on the (,'astlt, Gn-g-n, and his (Wesley's) remarks on the ex- citement, jumping:, twid trepj?tition -of verses < of hymns thirty or forty times over at Williams of Pantvoelvn's meetings, were all thoroughly enjoyed. In his concluding remarks, Mr. Owen ;;aid that Wesley did a k>t for the religious life of Wales. He gave it an impulse which made for generosity in religion and dignity of servioe, and whilst,Wes- ley was in Wales he proved himsolf to be a fine example of what the great God can work in a man's life. Air. Owen's services were much appreciated, and the members of the Sunday Institute are looking forward for a further instalment of Wesley in W FUNEKAL OF MR. W-NI. WA.TERS.-rho interment of the late Air. William Waters, foreman printer (whose death we recorded in our last weed's issue), took place on Thursday in last, week at tho family vault 'n Elim Chapel burial ground, near Carmarthen. The funeral, which was public for men only, was one of tho largest ever seen in Carmarthen." The Rev. I). J. Thomas, English Congregational Chapel, officiated at tho house, the chape), and the grave- side. The mourners were: Mrs. Waters (widow); Mr. Ernest Waters (son); Misses Floreneo and Agnes Waters (daughters); Mr. and Mrs. James Rees, Mertliyr (swter and brother-in-law'); Afr. and Mrs. James Bowen. Aberdare (sister and brother-in-law) THE LATE MR. WM. WATKKS. Amon;t tho-o prosont we noticed Air. Henry Howell., Mr. Walter Spurrell, J.P., Rûv. D. T. Alban (senior curate of St. l)ctAr' Church), Hey. D. Jones (ourate of Llanllwch), Rev. Joseph Harry, Mr. J. Crossrcan, Itfr. J. F. LJoyd. Mr. C. Finch, Mr. W. S. Morris, Bridge-street, etc. Two versos of "Lead, kindly Light*' were sung in the chapel; also that well-known hymn, "Bydd myrdd o Ryfeddodau," was tsung at the gravee5ide-two favourite hvrnns of deceased. There were also present, at tho funeral tho staff of Messrs. W. Spurrell and Son; members of tho Loyal Wayne Lodge of Oddfellows; members of /the local Recha- bito Tent; members aud deacons of tho English Congregational Chipol, etc. "Hoddwoh i'w hveh." —The funeral arrangements wero carried ut by Mr. David Harriett, undertaker, 5. Alorley-strcer, Carmarthen. "PHYSICAL C"1TT;RK ITS HISTOHY AND Dt-.vKr.Mi'- *KHT."—Tho above forms the title and subject, of un interesting and instructive monograph, tho first in- stalment. of whioh appears in the current issue of the Socith Wales Training College Magazine. It is from tho pen of M. George Martin-Heron. Physical Cultum lecturer and instructor at the College, and will bo oonti.nuod in succeeding numbers of the magar.irw. Mr Heron, who is well known through- out tho dirt-rid as eh athlete of no mean ability— dmia with hm Hnbject in an exhaustive and masterly manner. PttAFting from the earliest tilylo-s, ho pur- sued bui train of reasoning and tho thread of his history through aU the phases of activity and move- ment, and nhows how physical culture, or systems of .exerciso have always played a. great part in the hygienic, mligioois, military, and social lif., of Alan. The writer gives a very lucid and description of the various stages in. the development of national danctt. games, exercises, etc., of tho different agev and tmoee the\r influence on the lifo and nature of tho peoplrt by whom they were practised. Tho troatist-thn first part of which deals with the sub- ject. Uf) fia fall of Rome—is exceedingly well written, and ¡,hows signs of extensive., careful, and aystom&tui «tu iy on tho part of the author. It- should prove of the bi<rli«.wi educational value to all those who read it. esr^x-ialiy to'those intenvted irt the suh- ject. Mr. Heran is to be congratulated 011 hfs achievement, ami it is to be ho(ted that other articles wilt soon be iorthocnninjj. PASTOR'S SOCIAI..—The annual ''pastor's social ffatJwcing" was held at tho English Baptist, Oha.jKd Schoolroom on Thursday evening in la.,4t. week, when tho rrsfwetod minister (the Rev. Gwilym Davies, M.A.), n-Ai ttpi gue-1, of the members of the church ajid congregation. Refreshments wore tastefully 6er.d by tho iady members, after which all enter- taining' musktr»l programme was gone through tinder the presidency "f tho pastor. The event, marks t jio first annfverso.rv of Mr. Davies' ministry at Carmar- then. and i1 unite in wishing him a long ami useful cajT-er in tN\ CARMARTHEN BOROUGH EDUCATIOX COMMITT>:K. The usual monthly meeting of the Carmarthen Borough Education Committee was held at the Shire Hall on Tuesday evening last, the Rev- D. J. Thomas, chairman, presiding. There were also pre- sent: Mrs. John Lewis, and Messrs. E. V. Collier,; John Grossman, II. E. B. Richards, H. S. Holmes, G. Treharne, Walter Spurrell, and D. Samuel; to- gether with tho clerk lMr. Thomas Wahers).Tlw ijuestion arose as to the need of providing a fire-guard for a stove in the infants' department of the Model and Practising School, Mr. H. S. Holmes stating that a fireguard was a necessity. It was pointed out that they would be doing without fires very shortly, and it was decided to leave the matter in abeyance until the fires are re-started at the end of the summer.—A letter was received from the Board of Education stating that the attention of the Board had been called to a recent accident at a cookery centre, where a child's clothes caught fire, and she died from shock. The Board advised the provision of a woollen blanket to be used in cases of emergency.—Mr. H. E. B. Richards: These cookery classes are costing a lot of money, and are not of much use.—It was decided to procure a blan- ket, as suggested, at a cost of 2s. 6d.—The resigna- tion of Aliss Terry Thomas, a teacher at the infants, department of the Pentrepoth School, and of Miss Annie Ward, of the Priory-street School, were re- ceived and accepted, and it was decided to advertise for teachers to fill tho vacancies.—An application for an additional teacher at the girls' department of. the Pentrepoth School was reforred to the staffing com- iiilttee.-Ti-i(-, Welsh Department of the Board of Education sent a copy of Mr. Bancroft's (H.M. In- spector) report on the worK done at the St. Mary's R.C. School. The report stated that the school was conducted under considerable difficulties. jThe teaching was intelligent and in many respects in- teresting, and fairly satisfactory. A creditable effort had been made to provide good instruction in English.—A letter was received from the Town Clerk stating that he was instructed by tho Town Council to call the attention of tho Education Com- mittee to the bad attendance of the children at the public elementary schools, and the consequent loss in grants. Tho Town Council hoped that the com- mittee would tako steps to at once remedy this de- fect.—Air. II. E. B. Richards: We ought to take note of that. I would suggest that we a. a little more severely where children are away from school without legitimate reasons. We lost a couple of hundred pounds a year.—Mr. Holmes: It is £ 300— by the bad attendance. It is really a serious matter. —Air. Holmes: I move that the attendance com- mittee be abolished altogether for a start.'—Air. Richards: Does that mean that the parents and those who do not attend will be dealt with by the atten- dance officer? I am inclined to think that that would be better. At present he makes his complaint to the attendance committee, and too great leniency is shown with the result that parents are sent up to the magistrates on sucn rare occasions that tho magistrates, having regard to that, are far too lenient. If the attendance officer referred the mat- ter to the Clerk, and himself summoned tho parents, there would be more likelihood of them being severely dealt with by the magistrates. It is far too serious to overlook; we must get rid of this great Holmes gave notice of motion to rescind the resolution appointing tho attcndaion committee. He said that if he were sum- moned to attend before the attendance committee ho would not do so, becausc in the first plac., they had no power to com- pel him to go there, and secondly lie would have just as good a chanoe of getting off before the magistrates as before the attendance committee. The eommitteo had no legal powers and could not demand anyone s attendance.—Mr. Grossman asked whether tho attendance officer could not prosecute with tho permission of two members of that committer with- out going to the attendance committee at all?—The Clerk said that that was not, the rule of that com- mittee, but it could be done legally. It was done in the oounty. The chief attendance officer prosecuted on the signature of two members of the Education t ommiWee.-Mr. Holmes:When members sit on tho education Committee they only lec.ure people and a^ume magisterial powers which they have not got, hen the County Council took over the oontrol of education in the county, tho attendance went up with a. jump, because when a man, say from Conwil was summoned, ho went to'his oounty oouncillor and' -aid. What is this you arc doing?" and the coun- cillor could say that he had nothing to do with it that it was the jieople from St. Clears or Llaiiolly (laughter). The attendance committee is a farce If we are losing two or three hundred pounds a War it is of no use at all. I suggest holding a consulta- tion with tho head teachers of the town and tho attendance officer. The returns for St. Mary's R C N;hooI are 95 j>er cent, per month, while thos^ of tho other schools aro only 67 per oent. or 68 ner cent. If the St. Mary's School, situated as it is and .working under difficulties, can come up to that percentage, why cannot the other schools do sov Any parent whose child does not make an averaire yearly attendance of ninetv-five per cent ought to be prosecuted. The child earns 3Os. a year in grants, and if w k" get a eonvicticn aga-inst the parent he is onlv fined 6s. 6d. out of i Ir. Richards seconded Mr. liolmes proposition, which was carried tho confer- A ° £ >ril 19th'~Mr- John Crossman fkfVvr i ler Mllls were appointed mana- gers of the Model and Practising SohooJ, while Mr. f™, jv;ns "n, Jr\ Robert Jones were appointed the si Iw tf' n ^°° Mr John ^wis V th TT7 School-—Tho application of Mr. Srfifvi f ilcad-toacher °f the Priory-street ■rierV "^7^^ of ^lar>' was deferred to tho next nuettng.—This was all the business of interest

INTERESTING PORTSMOUTH WEDDING At tL.> Portsmouth Parish Church, on Saturday, the weddixig was solemnised of Mr. David Davies, of tne Capital and Counties Bank, Ltd., Jersey, and J vptcca, Golden Grove, to Miss Blanche Marv Hole, olde-r daughter of Mr. H. B. Hole, Admiraity-rohd I ortsea, and Secretary of Brickwood's, Limited, and Mrs Hole. The Vicar (the Rev. R. Med- licott) officiated. In tb. absence through indisposition of Mr. If. B. Hole, Sir John Brickwood gave away tho bride, who was attired in a white cloth coat and skirt and brown hat with ostrich feathers. The bridesmaid, Aliss Dorothy Hole (sister of the bride), wore a pale blue. c.^t-unie. with Jiat to match, and a gold wrist- h>t- wateh. the gife of the bridegroom. Mrs, Hole, the bride's mother, wore a heliotrope costume, and toque. Mrs. Finter (aunt of the bride), iieliotrojw ewtuine, Mrs. Wigginton a biscuit-colouird cost-ume, with a. cream hat and pink flowers. The bride's travelling costume was of brown cloth, with pointed fox furs. Tho gift of the bridegroom to the bride was a dvunond ring, and of the bride to tho bride- groom. a -gold ring. The duties, of best man were carried out by Mr. C. A. Newman, of the Capital and Counties Bank, Limited, Bath. Mr. R. H. Turner, presiding at the organ, played the wedding march from "Lohengrin. Later in. the day the happy ecuplo left, for London, where the hcaeymoon will be spent.. At the invitation of Mr. and Mrs H. B. Hole over 100 true^ts attended a reception and whist drive, held at tho "Esplanade" Hotel, where a very p"- sant e%ening was spent. During an interval, whih> rofreshn^^ts were served,. Sir John Briokwood re- f<»rred Tn sympathetic terms to the unfortunate cir- cumstance by which Mr. Hole (father c-f the bride) was prevented From attending both the coreenon-v at the ehurdt and tho reception, and expressed the hope that he would have a. speedy recovery to hoalui. FoUowuur this Sir John proposed the health of the bride and bridegroom. Mr. C. A. Newman very suitably^ responded on behalf of the bridegroom. Mr. C. Grimes promised the liealth of Mr. and Mrs. Hole, and Mr F. E. French. J.P.. repHeti on behalf of the tiost And hostess. The winners at .bi.. wereLadies1. Miss Linda Bull; 2, Mrs. Brad- uw: consolation, Mrs. Cockerell. (.Gentlemen: 1. Air. Arciti-bald Jones; 2. Mr. Good. Consola- tion: Mr. Reading. TIH' M.C's for the evening w<»re Miss D. irole and Mr. Finter, Mrs. Wiggingtert. Messrs. C. A. Newman. Sid Arnold, Arthur Davies (cousin of the bridegroom), and F. W. Pi. Evans. The wedding presents, which num- Ix-red over 140, wore very handsome. These were on vie# chinnc the. evening at tic hc-tel. and »v<-re much rr,

DISMISSAL OF A CONSTABLE I Thu Liac^iiy Star' for Saturday last relates the following stranire talo:—"An extraordinary story of a lost bag of n^.oney has culminated in the instant dismissal of 4(. 1,1,trwlty police constable. The inattetr is lxunu kent as quiet as i>ossible for obvious jea- )ion, but "Star" has been to obtain fnH jiarticulars showing that the dismissed offio>r victimised -t lady of good social position in the most heartless manner. It appears that Ai;-trt has been making himself very ngreev>!e to a namlvv of ladies in the town, and one of them was foolish enough to entrust to his keeping a iar^e sum of money amounting- to t, figure. I money lias been in his custody for pome yva-ti, and i, few da" ago he proceeded to Swansea, where she W<I. staying, with the ostensible object t re- turning it- to her. The money was in a. bag i..Id when the train left Landoif t,!w policeman rttoutd have chungi-d into tho Swans<vi- train. He said )iow<>v<>r. that ho fell asleep and when he woke < p Jw, found that the bag had Wn forc-d op'Mj and fill tJio money with the exceptior;. of a few 1:J.d., ahstr-.wteal. There were several discrepancies ut 110 told by tht. constabi* and inquiries mail • 1. tit" local confirmed their suspicions. t: "'M' discover.vl that. several C,5 notes included in the amount had changed iu local' lianks, :ti d t- At money had also boon spent in other direction*. The constable, as has already tat.(.t. has t is coal." and ;1: dep«»nds upon the ynur,^ lady 'S to wlMJlbt-r farther action will be tnkca.

Family Notices
DEATH. DA VI MS. —Maret. ISth. at 13, St. < 'atlierine-street, Clrm<tTr¡H.JI. Mary, the wife of Afr. David Castle Davi -i cabicet-maker, aged 4j years.

CABJHARTHENSHIRITI FOXHOUNDS On Monday, the 14th inst., the Carmarthenshire Foxhounds met at Cross Ishmael, at 11 a.m. Amongst those hunting were: The Master (Mr. R. H. Harries), Tom and PhJ, Mr. G. Protheroe- Beynon, Mr. Lewis Philipps, Mrs. Lewis Philipps, Mr. D. Prothcroe, Mr. E. t<. Protheroe, Dr. R. L. Thomas, Miss Morris (Brynmyrddin), and Mr. Jack Francis. It was unusual to see so few in so good a country. Pencraig was first drawn blank, but in no time hounds found at Trerhos, crossed Blaenwain road, down to Blaenoeily and Vron, on to Plas- panthoweU wood, short back over the hill to Pen- rhosgain, made towards Geilywen Cross Roads, a sharp turn to the right, ana crossed above Gelly- wen on to Corngafr, crossed the river Ginning, up the hill to Caeriieon, thence on to Rhydyceisaid, where hounds threw up their heads in a most sus- picious way. Two men were trimming a fence by tho road, and saw fox ana hounos aimost together. The Master carefully cast hounds all round, but not the slighter ttoucn was seen. ine pace through- out was very fast, so muui su was almost, 1111- possible to live with iiouin-.p. Our next araw was ijiiuaKih, where we soon imu nounus running, when it was found out we were nunung a vixen, so hounds wero stooped. At t o CIOCK ensant prouueeu a tox. After a tew turns rouau tne cover ne broso away practically the same line as this morning, viz., to Vron, but before rcacinug Piaspantnoweii wood, turned back througn retincnrniw, were there aro big oarths, but as tuii WOUIU nave it, on went the pack, and were again laaKaig iiietr way back lowarua Ciieant. As it was gtiuiig iate, and the hounos having had such a gooo run in the morning, the Master gave orders to try aiii stop them, but it was no good. Tney were Keen ior biood, and took their fox back to Biaenceiiy and C.isant. These two covers are, 1 shouiu aay, tne biggest ones we have in our hunt. There was a good scent, and hounds worked very hara. It was a pleasure to see thein drive through tho, ana to hear such beautiful cry, considering wnac tune of day it was. Reaily it was wonderful, livery now and then we could see our fox close in tiont ot hounds. After quite one hour in woodland it got too warm, and our galiani fox broke out over Uiancelly and made towards Trerhos; before crossing .he main road he turned to Pencraig, on to lrewen, and then to Biaenwauu. It was now getting dark and danger- ous to attempt jumping, so the road was made use of and after going on some a.Stance aimost to Wohsca-stle, we completely lost the hounds. In the meantime they had turned towards Aberdwfnant, and killed their fox between that and Llanfyrnach. It was then 7.45 p.m. From the time they left the cover, hounds were fairiy racing, and the oniy pity is that the run was not a few hours before, as the country was good going and sweet fences. After the bounds were got together a move was made to the Blaenwaun Inn, where man and horso were refreshed. I hear hounds did not get to kennels before 11.30. Returmn- with the pack were the Master, Tom and Phil, Miss Morris, and Mr. Jack Francis. The last few banks were jumped in almost complete darkness, and for the last half-hour by sound alone could roadwork get one anywhere near hounds. This season has produced many good runs-went of late has been good, bu toocassionally catchy. Foxes are plentiful too. The Master is at all times in the best of spirits, and carries along the knack of casting hounds with happy results. ECHO. The "Daily Telegraph" of Alarch 22nd alludes to the above run thus:—"Followers of the Carmar- thenshire Hounds had an unusual experience last week. Leaving kennels at 8.30 a.m., there was a walk of fourteen miles to the meet, and hounds found a fox immediately, they were put in cover. By four o'clock their third fox was qifoot; about six another was forced out into the open, and started off in the dusk, only to be bowled over at a quarter to eight. Huntsmen had to jump many banks in the dark, and sound alone directed them. When hounds were got together the Master, the hunt servants, and two followers, one a lady, alone remained. Hounds had sixteen miles to go, reach- ing kennels about 11.30 p.m. For hours hunting had been up and down steep ha vines.

DISTRICT COUNCIL ELECTIONS The following are the unopposed returns in the elections for district councils:— NEWCASTLE-EMLYN (RURAL). Bettws Evans — *Thomas Davies, J.P. Llan- dyfriog and Brongwyn-*Evan Davies, *John Rees. Llandyssul (St. David's Ward)—No nomination put in. old member unopposed, John Davies; (Pont- shan Ward)—No nomination put in, old members unopposed, David Lewis Jones. Llanfairorllwyn, Bangor and Henllan—Thomas Jones Jenkins, *John Jones. Llangranog—* Joshua Griffiths, *John Jones. LlangunHo—vDavid Jones. LAMPETER (RURAL). Gellan—The Kev. Thqmas Eli Evans. Llangybi- *The Rev. John Nathan Evans. Silian—*John George Marsden. Trefilan-The Rev. Thomas Charles Edmunds. Llanycrwys—*David Davies. Llanfihangel-rhosycorn-David Lloyd and Joshua Powell. Peocarreg- William Edwards. *Benjamin Thomas Lewis, and *David Williams. Bettws Bloorws- W. Inglis Jones. CARAIARTHEN (RURAL). Abomant-T. Davies. Laugharno Township—W. Towers Smith. Laugharne Parish—James Lewis, Llansadwjrn and Llandawke-*W. R. Rees. Llande- feilog—"Herbert Walters. Llanddowror—Jajnes Thomas. Llanfiha ngel -Abereowin -*Evan Williams. Ll=gain-David Thomas. Llanginning—Llewellyn MmWa,n. Llangunnor-*D. Phillips. Llanllawddog -Daniel Davies, Llanpumpgaint-T. Davies. Llan- stephan—*John Francis. Merthyr—*T. Davies. Newohuroh—*David Edwards. St. Ishmael-*John Jonee. 'l'relooh-*J. Sylvanus Williams and *D. G. Boweo. Llanwinio-Richard Lewis, Gilfachy- blawd. LLANDOVERY (RURAL). Llandingat (without')—*J. C. P. Vaughan-Pryse- Rioe. Llanwrda—* Judge John Bishop. Mothvey (two seat«)—*David Davies. Rhyblid, and *Thomas Morgan, Tynllwyn. Llanddausant. (two seats)—Wm. Evans, Cross Inn; David Jones, Acheth. Jones, Acheth (L.). LLANDILO-FAWR (RURAL). Brochfa.-W. Thomas, Abergoleu, farmer.. Llan- dyfeisant—'Walter Fitzunen Rice, M.P., Dynevor Castle, Llandilo-fawr (Glynamman Ward)-*D. W. wwis, stationer. South Ward—*Mrs. Mary Anno Jones, Manoravon; Mr. L. N. Powell, Carreg- cennen. Llanfihangel-Cilfargen—"Thomas Evans, farmer. To.lley-*Rev. J. Alban Davies, vicar; J. P. Griffiths, merchant. Quarter Bach No. 2 Ward— *Rec>s Powell, colliery manager. CARDIGAN (RURALl. Aberport,h-'l-l'hom Hughes.- LlangoedmoTü- Thomas Griffiths, *Col. Howell. Mount—W. Jen- kins. Verwig-T. Davies, Towyn. ST. DOGMAEL'S (RURAL). Bridell-*L. T. Williams. Llantood—"William Edwards. Llanfair Nantgwyn—*Coiby- I,lanfi hangel-fenbedw—B. L. Davies, Pantyrhaidd. Llan- ycbllwydog—*Rev. J. LI. Morris. Aleline—*E. Lewis, Rhosmaenfarw. Monington 'Thomas Jones. Moylgrovc—*Rev. Job Evans. Nevem (Alorfa Ward)—PL Lewis, Blaenmeini. Newport—*T. Lewis, *John Rowe, and *Rev. David Jones Evans. White- chw.roh-*Rcv. E. D. Evans, Croeallati. t NEWCASTLE EMLYN (RURAL). Llangeler (Drcfach 'Vard)-*Jobn Lewis, Aleiros Hall. LJangeler Ward—John Jones, Dcrw Afills; David Jones, Penrallt Farm. Penboyr (Rural)- ♦Daniel Lewis, Frondeg; *Henry Davies, Sychnant; 1 Henry Davits, Pankyl-hebog. Clydey (Rural)- James Thomas, llendrowilyiti; Nathaniel Davies, IV<nbank. Llanfyrnach (Rural)—Jamas Thomas, Bwlchsais; *Philip Nioholas, Blaiddbwll. West Cil- Hiedyn (Rural)—John Clarke, Dangribbin. Cil- rhodyn (East)—John Alorgans, Hendy; John Davies, Gt^ili. Llanfihangel-ar-Art.h- W. J. WallLs-Jones, l'onceider; Ben Roes, Alltwalis Factory; Evans, Crofs Hands; Daniel Jones, Nantygrajxen. Newcastle-Emlyn (Urban Area)^I. C. Jones. Tan- ner's Hall. LLANDOVERY. The following nro the unopposed returns in the Llandovery Union:—LLandingat (Without): *J. C. V. Price, Uwynybrain. Llanwrda; *Hl Honour Judge Bishop, Dolgarreg. Mothvev: *M:r- David Davies. Rhyblid; *Thonias Alorgan, Tynyllwyn. Llanddausant: Mr. Wmb. Evans. Inn: Mr. David Jones, Acheth. BOARD OF GUARDIANS. LAMPETER. Lampeter (Urban)—"The Rev. Rees Cribin .Jones, •John Charles Harford, and "Evan Davies. ABERYSTWYTII. Trefeirig—*John Richards, David James. Parcel canoi-Richard Thomas. Llangwyryfon—*E. J. Evans, Llanyrbaiarn-Daniel Llovd. Llanafall- "JOhll Bonner. Tirymynach ami Broncastellan— "Richard Thomas. Llanfihangel Lower — "John Davies. Llanfihangel t- Jones. T. Oliver Jones. Issayndre-The Rev. I). Aeron Jen- kins. Llanilar and Rhostie—"Isaac Jones, "-J)a,id Williams. Ceulanymaesmawr and J. Williams, "Rev. John Davies. Vacrior I-pper--EN-an L. Jones. Llanbadani Lower-David Jones. Alx^rystwyth—Ward No. 1, "Captain G. Fossett Rol.i.ort,g and R. Hugh Hughes. Ward No. 2. K. Ellis 1dorgau and Mrs. E. H. James. Ward No. 3, "William Thomas and Edward Llewellin. Ward No. 4, *Mr. J. T. Daries and C. P- Lloyd. LLAND1LO UNION. Llandilo Town—"Pritchtird Davies, plumber; .w. Hopkins, gentleman; "Airs. Edith Roberts. LAMPETER. The three retiring" members have been elected L unopposed for the Lampeter Urban parish, viz., Rev. R .C. Jones. Ogmore House; J. C. Harford, Falconadei, and Evan Davies, Bryngelcr. CONTESTED DISTRICT COUNCIL ELECTIONS. LLANDOVERY. Contests will take place in the following districts: Llanfairary bryn *Dl. Lewis, YnysvbordeI *Evan Davies, Dugoidydd; *Daniei Thomas, Ffynonoer; George Morgan, Ystradwaiter; R. Lewis, Bron- feiin; 'lhomas Thomas, Brollcwrt- Llansadwrn: "'H..ees Lewis, Brownhill; "Thomas Williams, Cwm- ilynfe-ucnaf; T. Jones, Davies, Bryndytan. (The latter has withdrawn so tno contest). Cilycwm: Lewis Koderick. Neuadd Arms; *Thomas Jones, Penrhyn; John Alorgan, Henilystawr. Llangadock: *W. Mabon Davies, Glansawdde; *David Griffiths, Brynmeilwch; *David Griffiths, Glanceidrych; Mor- gan Griffiths, Nantfforchog; Thomas James, Glan- towy; John Jones, Bryiicapel; W. Tudor Lewis, Post, Office; *E. P. Lloyd, Glanscvin. Caio: Thomas Evan. Abernant; "W m. Evans, Blaenau; David Lewis, Goilingoeducha; 'Isaac Williams, Llandre; W. J. Thomas, Nantgwynne. (David Lewis has since withdrawn so there will be no con- test). Llandingat Within (3 seats): *T. Wat-kins, Y Berllan; "T. Phillips, Picton Court; "Richaixi Thomas, Alafeking Villa; J. Prytherch, Windermere House. LLANDILO URBAN DISTRICT. Claud Ralph Davies, solicitor. Derwen; David Pritchard Davies. electrician. Ship House: John Edwards, innkeeper. Railway Tavern Hotel, Llandilo; Thomas Evans, mer- chant, Royal Stores, Rhosmaen-street, Llandilo; John Hampden Hughes, chemist and druggist, The Cottage. George Hiil, Llandilo; William ^avid Jenkins, architect and surveyor, George-street; Benjamin R. Jones, painter, 11. Bank-buildings; David Jones, licensed victualler, Black Ox Hotel; David Rees, cabinet-maker, Church-street; Edward Aneurin Roberts, licensed victualler, Railway Re- freshment Rooms; David Stephens, chemist and druggist, 9, Carmarthen-street; John Stephens, draper, London House, Llandilo. Five seats. Messrs. J. Edwards, T. Evans, J. H. Hughes, D. Jones, and D Rees, have since withdrawn. CARAIARTHEN UNION. Aberg.vili (two seats); David Davies, Brvnhawdd- gar. bootmaker; D. H. Davies, Werndrefi; John Williams, Hengil-uchaf; W. Williams Llwynplod. Conwil (two seats): John Davies, Nantyrhyddod; E. James, Panycerdin; B. Philips, Cappadocia; T. -c Howells. Blaencynlleth. Llanarthney (two seats): Henry Davies, schoolmaster, Gwynon Villa; D. F. Davies, coliierv manager; W. Harries, Dryslwyn- fawr. Llanddarog (one seat): Mrs. Alaria Morris, widow; J. W. Lewis, schoolmaster; J. G. Williams] auctioneer. Llandilo-Abercowin and Llangunnock (one -,cllat): J. Bowen, Brynglas; John Griffiths, Talbont. Llangendeirne (two seats): John Lewis, Pontantwn Farm; D. T. Gilbert, Preswylfa, Car- wav; Rev. I). Gor!ech Jones, Pontvates. Llan- winio (one seat): Richard Lewis, Gilfachvblawd. My- driin (one seat): Dd. Thomas, Lan: Alorris J. Evans, tailor. St. Clears (one seat): T. T. Lloyd, Green- park-terrace; D. John, Clantaf. St. Peter (six): T. Williams, Pontcarreg: J. T. Lewis, Magbele; Wni. Jones, 4, Fountain Hall-terrace: Rev. A. F. Mills- Thomas Thomas, Harddfan; Miss M. A. Thomas; J. Patagonia Lewis, Miss G. M. E. White. LLANDILO-FAWR RURAL. Bettws (three seats): Alorgan Wiliiams Jeffreys, butcher, Nam main, Uarnant; Daniel Jones, gentle- man, Giennurst, Glanamman; Alorgan Alorgan, col- iierv manager, Hawthorn Vina, Uarnant; David Morris, gemleman, Brynttiri, iiettws; John Phillips, postmaster, Cross Keys Viiia, tiianamman; Morgan Rees, coal m.ner, Sprmgfield-terrace, Garnant; 'Ihos 1 ho mas, postmaster. (Messrs. Jeffreys and Jones have withdrawn. Garnant Shop, Garnant. Llandebie, No. 1 (Llandebie) Ward (two eatsJ- Jacob Davies, farmer, Piodefach; Robert Alatthews, head teacher, Eryl, Llandebie; Arthur Williams, ironmonger, Geliytawnen. No. 2 (Blaenau) Ward (two seats): John Bevan, checkweigher, Darw House, Cwinfferws; David Davies, eoliierj agent and larmer, Cilrhedyn; William W illiams, schoolmaster, Arfryn, Waterloo-road, Penygroes. Llandilo-fawr No. 3 (North) Ward (three seats): Evan Davies* farmer, Pistiligwyn; William Griffiths, merchant, Lucennen House; Tom Rees Morgan, farmer, Coed- mawr; Rees Perkins, farmer, Dolaugleision, Llan- dilo; David Wat-kins, farmer ,Llwydcoed. Llan- egwad (three scats): Dan Davies, farmer, Bryn- Ivor Lloyd Davies, farmer, Derrimoilon; Nina Gwynne-Hughes, married woman, ( ncothy' Nantgaredig; William Edwin Richan school- master, Penycnwc. FeLngwm; Richaru Thomas, farmer, Twyn. Llanfihangel-Aberbythych (two seats): William John Evans, farmer, Wcrndolau* David Morris, farmer, New P • James Thomas Stephens, coal mine repairer, Tynewvdd; David Watkins, farmer .Gwndwngv.yn. Llanfynydd (two riiomas Griffiths, farmer, Cwmoellvfawr; William Lewis, farmer, Crachtv-uchaf; William Roberts, farmer, Penygoitre; David Thomas, far- Gibachglas. Llangathen (two seats): William Griffiths, farmer, Rhofawr; John Felingwmiad James, farmer, Llwyncelyn; William Lewis, farmer Ffrwdydrain. Llangathen; William Rees Thomas, farmer, Pentredayies. Llansawel (two seats): Lewis Bowen. farm bailiff, Edwinsford Lodge, Llansawel; Thomas Davies, farmer, Tynycwm; Thomas Daviee, farmer. Ynvsdyweli Farm, Llansawel. The latter has withdrawn. Quarter Bach (No. 1 W ard) (one seat): Gomer Harris, boot and shoe manufacturer, Penybont, Brvnamman; Thomas Howeils, shoemaker, Llandilo-road, Brvn- amman: John William Alorgan, innkeeper, Tregevb Arms, Brynamman; David David Rees, tea dealer, I wmnantgwme, Brynamman. AMMANFORD. The. following candidates have been nominated for election as urban District Councillors fpr the urban district of Ammanford, which takes place on Mon- day, April 4th:—James Darbyshire, colliery under- manager, Walters-road; Henry Davies, carpenter Quay-street; *John Davies, grocer and baker, Com- merce. House; "William Evans, builder, College- street; "Thomas Fletcher, rollerman, College-street; Ua\id John Jones, ironmonger, Quay-street; "John Evan Jones, colliery workman, High-street: William Nathaniel Jones, auctioneer, Dyffryn ;Thomas Gri- tfaths Lewis, grocer. Wind-street; and "George Rob- hngs colliery manager. Pantyffynnon-road. "Old members. It will thus be seen that there are ten candidates for the five vacant seats. LAMPETER. There will be contests in the following parishes viz.:—Lampeter Rural (one seat): Stephen H. Evans, AlaespwJI; John Jones, Cwmmvnach. Llanfair- clydogau (one seat): "Benjamin John Evans, Llan- fairfach; Thomas Griffiths. Blaenycwm. Llanweno0- (throe ^eats): J. T. Dhit'$, Crugywhcel; Walter DaMCs, Drefach Mill; David Evans, Maesvdderwen Morgan Evans. Vale of TeifT; "Thomas G. Williams, Gwarnant. Llanybyther (two seats): Rees LJewelyn Evans, Gelhgneuen; *Dr. Jones, Y Brvii; Thomas Jones. Gellygneuen. Llanllwni (two seata) Thomas Jones, Nmant; "Sir Court-ertty Alansel, flart.; John Thomas, Bryti Farm. NEWCASTLE-EMLYX (RURAL). A contest takes place in Conarth between the fol- lowing for two seats.—John Davies, Pontgarreg; Thorn is Davies, Carne, and David Evans, Gelliorlas. BOARD OF GUARDIANS. Ammanford (three seats): Henrv Herbert en-i- neer, Brynmarlaus; Robert. Leonard, coal miner, 12, Talbot-road, Ammanford; John Lewis, schoolmaster, 1 he Jx hools, Coliege-stred;, Ammanford; John Morgans, Congregational preacher, 30. Quay-street Ammanford.

BRYNAMMAN NOTES [BY "PARK LANE."] Patin Sunday was observed here in the customary calm and peaceful manner. Invited by the lovely weather that prevailed that day, a large number of people visited the various graveyards of the neighbourhood to admir<^ the lovely flowers with which they were adorned. Last Wednesday week the death occurred of Mr. Tom Thomas, Near Star, Cwm^orst*, at the, early age of 28. Deceased, who was a collier, was at work the week preceding his death, having only just re- sumed after suffering from an attack of bronchitis. But he had not- quite recovered, and pneumonia supervened. He leaves a young wjfo m despairing sorrow, and a 11 months* old baby. The deepest sympathy is felt with the younsr widow. Air. Rees Howeils, Cwmgarw-road. delivered an excellent lecture last Friday, before the Brynamman Alining Class. Mr. Howeils, who holds an undcr- manager's certificate, took as his subject "Tfio Sani-j tation of Alines." Last Friday, at the ago of 31. the death took place, with tragio suddenness, of Mr. Thomas Evans, ironmonger, etc., Park-street, Brynamman. Though for some time past not- ill the best of health. Air. Evans was on Thursday attending to his duties, and whilst fettling the horses late that night felt some- thing coming over him. Assistance was soon forth- coming, but when the doctor arrived it. was seen that Mr. Evans had been seized h., an apopletic fit, from the effects of which he did not. rally. De- ceased. who was greatly respected, leaves a. widow and throe little children, with whom much sym- pathy is felt. There, arc no less than seven candidates for the three ,eats on the Pontardawe District Council al- located for the Caegurwen Ward. The gentlemen nominated are:—John J. James. checkweigher, Cwmgorse; Thomas Howeils, draper, Cwmgorse: Morgan Daniel Williams, collier, TuÏrgwaith; Dd. Daniel Davies, checkweigher, Gwauncaegurwon; David Lewis, collier, Gwauncaegurwon; David J. X Thomae, colliery manager. Brynamman; Rees J. Alexander, checkweigher, Brynamman. To oootest for the one seat, in Ward No. 1. on the Quarter- bach District Council, the following from Upper lirynamman have been nominated:—Messrs. John Morgan, Irefreyb Arm? (coHiery mechanic); Thoa. J. Howeils, Parliament" (shoemakorf; D Rees > wT1Hou!TI,e m€rchant> -> Corner Harris, H V. I plivftofrAtr'V\v'nan ad^UCei a^' tho d(ath took v H in' inV l arn ?d^aLrds' n€ar Rtlo^mman. ■ t 11S had been a well-known Der- ^ir bant.l F?'S *7^! thlldr6n' on<" <lf H Air. Danwl Edwards, station-master at Gwys. i vi^^famOU\F'lsrrGrim- °^ra- Co. will nav us a H viMt during the Easter holiday nt, t, n occupy the Public Hall for tlKvwk H touring for the past ten year^-mostlv in Irek^ where their name is household word^«,is i H their first vis.t amongst us. Thev will ^ndoubLt ■ meet with a hearty welcome, -it be me so verv seWoX H famous operas. Glancin^ ''dovai tlf S performers we notice tV^ Y e n&rmes, o{ the H VU.itetaT1:1''1™ dcn„,V Mr ■ It Will be heardiv ne^ssarv £ ZTii *>te" etc' I ™ 1,"Ve ^.tty ™Xr,hthLnlhiB I

FERRYSIDE F I BRITISH AND FOREIGN SOCIFTV I on the 17th inst. Mr. R. A. NenU, The Rev. Cvnon Leowi:?, of SWlin.>ea, dehvered a most ad- dl"08B and appealed for funds on behalf of tneparent eubmitted the local balanw-sheet wh,ct?°ui I ,2, £ -E ■ JL F.c .TJATv—iTu' GeorBe Thomas, of Water-street <1 Forrvside. The is a popular one. Mr. Thomas has been a membN of the crew since his air3 e^. t! I ThrtnfW L m an efficient manner. Air Charles SSUFSTK I TriS.B'r' Elde?BShSn o? I Sms !Vr t' 7here-ere„» kr'" number ot ap- I fmSJtant dSj- t"i<>d f°r th" I raS.EBpKATI°^TMr- Edward Waters, of Eva-ter- I /f^'stoe. has severed his connection as mem- I ^rv°L^° L^-boat crew after the ■ very long and faithful service of 40 years. He has I R ST fStv11 th"°ft °f Khr r°SCue5 durin^ that Period. I n<rfc JLw w Such long a"d Suable service is ■ not recognised in some worthy manner by the I Royal Life-boat bociety, either by bestowing a medal for ^ng service or a parc.Tment acknow^edSent vLr^ ^e have several members of long ffl m.TT V • -Ve recentJy resigned without llfl any mark of appreciation of their services from the THE BRAVERY A,ND loin W Dy these, the succourors and helpers of thoso in dar^"T^n the deserve the highest praise. CONFIRMATION*.—On Sundav morning- the 13th vl r-rtt1of St. David s preached W St. Thomas Church, and the Rev. D. Williams I (curate-in-charge) read the service. In the afternoon | a oonfirmat on service was he'd, when a large num- I ber of candidates were presented to his lordship for I the laying on of hands. There was a largP wniri £ I 522 £ P,KHO^HELPFUL ADDRESS I BETHANIA C.A1. CHAPEL.—ITie members and enr«. I SSTwhb tb th° abOV° ctlmpc'1 have dt<1'^d to pro- I wed with the erection <vfa new chaoel. the present I m, ^Ing "u0 s,na"r° accommodate the large I befom'thl "°rStePerS' Th° Pr°Posal plaold I tx-tore the monthly meeting of the "corrth" la^t I approved of the scheme. Some of the I W s^l ar<' anx!ous io Tebuild on the existing site, I ^11 thlar^inKn'te-r 3re °p??0-:ed to il- and wish to I seU the old building to the oublic improvement I purix>seH °"f a PuWieP I ThIf?Kan er°?j a nf:w cha-nel on another site. I This .cht^me would supply Ferryside with a long-felt. I ? boin».n5,w no plate for the inhabitants I to resort to at night, or for the large number of I lndUrWSTrr.f l V,S'\ 1he wateri°S pJace to shelter Ufl of TK refreshments in wot. weather. With the ffil rr £ n landowners, etc., there would be no Sd^hape]!1 ng sufficient_ mODe? to purchase the |f I ^r-vfAY-— On Sunday last, the usual obssrv- I ance took place at St. Ishmael and the new ceme- I + n ^Tayf: hfd trimmed, and beautiful I floral tributes placod on them. I

PENTRECOURT I r^turdar ua matoh was Pla'ved oa I the W like s Head Grounds between the teams repne- I ^ntmg Pencader Grammar School and the Scarlet I Runnen, Mr. Sam Davies, Pentrecourt, nTr' Wa6: ^AR,0T RUNN^ 2

WHITLAND MUSICAL SrccEss.-A pupil of Miss May Daviee, A.L.C.M Alaggie M. Lewis, Llanfalfteg) has gained the local booK prize at tho examination, held t hnstmas last, obtaining the highest marks in the county. The examiner was Dr. KW ELECTIONS.—Three candidates are nominated n 4h°,tw? soats, V? ^ard 1—Messrs. Wm. Thomas, u. Kjchards, an<J Evans. ^h»t^'<VWe'iit Wales F(,deratl n of Evangelical Free Church Councils, held on Tuesdav and Wedne^v last week at Llandilo. the Rev. G. H: B A r a paper lin Enghsh) at the confcrenc^ on'"The'value of tho ordinary Services of the Church," also the Rev. Morgan Jones. B.A., was principal speaker at a public meeting in the evening. AffCM 'tL OF ¥R"t M^th1a-? JAME8.-The fuuc-ral of -Vlr. M. James took place on Saturdav last, uttoiided T an,d La- veri larSe number of fcvm- pathLsers; burial being at Zoar Cemetery. The *cir- re^rT^ Th °f iSly reported. There is widespread sympathy vith tho widow and her throe little children.

CAPiiL DEWI TEA PARTY AND CONCEBT.—TJIE annual partv in oonnection with th<- day and evening schools^ook place at the Council -School, Capel Dewt, J, vr^' ^1<? catering of Air. T- P Jones. Mount Pleasant. Nantgaredisr, l»eing excellent. Mre* who presided, conpratu" K° ead -mas^r (Mr. Arthur Al. h^alS on —had^attA^ school—<iav and evening d«ctiatMfUriMJ- H. Jones-Davies v,as the c^ Ctiarie-s Green, ^f V.rvu-v,lao. dj.^Wct^'i W LS ? g<"nt>rous b«»nefactor of the h«\^W i e 111 af^d esteem of all t has ta.kf'lJ much intvrest in the work of the school. mo iollowing programme was excellentlv soW through :-Song, Mn= Morgan. Hendrcfac-hl tion, Miriam Jonoa, ifynomldwi; soncr Frfi- wards, Capel Uclia: recitation, Alaster Peter Jonet Panthumphrey song Mr. Owen Thomas, Penvplo^; recitation. Master Elfryn Roberts, Penvffin ■" Lip. Mr. Rees Jones. Hendrefach: recitation. Alaster Tommy Williams, Pant teg; song. Miss Mary J Jones, Felinsych: recitotion, Mr. David Davies, New Cross; children s choir, "O let the kind Minstrx-1 reoitatwo Mr. VN. Roberts. Cwm; solo "O rrj. byddain haf o hyd," Air. W, Alorris; partv 1 Nant a r Blodeuyn." ]-d by Air. O. ThomaT- rec,tation Airs. Mo,g«, Hendrefach; (hildre^ choir, Merch Mwat, .v>]o. Air. Jerv-mv R«es C armarthen; duett. Air. Rees JO.K-S and Mr .\nW tioTM; nJiw n ISMwitosI: retito, SF'" d'uelt W Mrl <l'K^d Mam >'» cofleidio" tvlr. V- Morns and Jc-remv Rne« Carmit- "M^rckSS C»™arth^ Mr W. !Toms. Carrn ayth pn.

PENDINE WILL.—Mr. William Davies, of Shniv» tt. <hne, farmer, grocer and draper who January It, left estate of the arc'ss ,» w>th net personalty £ 11 643 n n?i i £ 1.575, dale May 18, lW ha,'bS-n'^ f. Mrs. Elizabeth Davies, Air T<>brf T t ? widow. ?winnfth-^ Merthrr'- Mathias. of Pendine. Tiie etv.t, r l r s upon _tnwt for his wife for remainder to his children widowhood, witL

TYCROES LKCTT rk,—On Fridav TKIK IPFU r^hapel, BrvnfferWs;^t}^th .1 Llandilo, delivered 7 *^°^'rx.s-Daviep. Nerth mterestuip- lecture on "Ow.r l^wi; DS?TNHAVSFT0R!UPIEJ B-Y MR thanks were 'passed Tho U8Ual vobw of the widow of of. from caad»dat^ 1 from caad»dat^ 1 {Missing a Scriptural • recently in r'h1 V* k £ ?'"nis,t'0 M»lhodi«« of ■'HOIIA^D BS'D MIL I; ,H IN « £ R

Carmarthenshire farmers are great 011 co-operation, mid yet they tell you they don't believe in Pro- taction. Mr. R. J. Loxdalo cf Castle Hill, Llanilar, who been made an alderman on the Cardiganshire < 'onncil Council, was only elected a member of the council in July last, when ho was returned an- 01 'posed. When his term expired this month Mr. I.oxdalo was again induced to stand, and out of the wry great respect in which he is held in the dis- tricf, ho was again returned unopposed. lie is a lingo landowner, his estate including properties in t 1H" parishes of Llanilar, Rhostie, and Llangwyryfon. He has also land in the adjoining parishes of Lam- peter and Tregaron, besides properties in Stafford- shiro and Montgomeryshire. Mrs. Loxdale is the daughter of the Jate Sir Pryse Pryso, Bart., Gogor- ddan, and they have one daughter, Miss Alyfanwy Lnxdale, who ia now fifteen years of age. Radical confidence in the people is very touching -D,I the assumption that the people will be content with lip-service. Hero is Mr. Churchill assuring 11S that a single. Chamber would have no terrors for him, because the stability of the country de- pends not upon its form of Government, but mainly upon "the intelligence, strong charaoter, and good principles of the British people." And Mr. Liro jllistn that no Second Chamber can be a bulwark acninst r<?volution; the only bulwark is "the good i temper, the good sense, the moderation, the some of justice and fairplay, the law-abiding character of the people themselves." But how docs this edifying trust in the people's virtues work out in practice? The whole idea of the Veto policy is to prevent any possible appeal t,, tho people's intelligent moderation and sense of fnil-play until tho mischief, Home Rule or what not. has been irrevocably done within the life- time or-a single Parliament." Good dog, nice dog, clever dog! come and be chained up, so that you- interfere with us until we have done the trick That is what the wheedling comes to. The Radical log-roller's attitude towards the people is no longer ono of trust tempered by prudence, but. of -ham trust transparently covering contemptuous fun I;. In connection with the return of the Welsh Regi- ment, after 19 years' foreign service, a great many 01 liii friends in the town and district will miss ilie advent of Pte. Aleo Rees. Mr. Rees, who was ..m of tho late Mr. David Recs, trumpeter to Quar- re, Sessions, would, in the ordinary course of events, iiik\ returned homo this week, but his untimely death in South Africa two years ago prevented it. ■Aier," as he was affectionately known, met with st fit at accident in a jumping competition, his horse Lilling on him. As a mark of their great esteem for hini, his comrades have erected a lovely headstone nver his grave.