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fHE JOURNAL, JUIA 30. 1909 TRADE DIRECTORY. CARMARTHEN AND DISTRICT. Auctioneers tobn Francis bad Sen, The Mount, Spilm an-street, Carmarthen. 11. Howell Thomas and Son, St. Mary-street, Car- marthen. Coal Merchant C. Bland Davies. Coal and Lime Merchant, Blue- street, and 8, Quay-street, Carmarthen. Ironmonger mm W. Phillips, Wholesale and Retail Furnishing I Ironmonger 4 and 5, Dark-gate, Carmarthen. Printers & Publishers ha JOURNAL Company, Ltd., Old Post Office, King- Itreet. Carmarthen. LLANDOVERY. Boot and Shee Manufacturers RITA, Style, Quality and Price are the beet Salesmen in the World. See them at Jenkins and Sons, Boot Manufacturers, Llandovery and Llandilo. TO ADVERTISERS Tbm JOCMUL is one of the best weekly newspapers in Wales, and is therefore one of the best medioms for all kindi of advertisements. It is read by all aliases-from landowners to labonrers, and therefore reaches all sections of the oommunity in West Walsa. The following is oar scale of pre-payment for ad- vertisement* of the "Wanted" class. Remittaooe ihould be made by postal order and accompany sa. order:- No. of One Three Six Words. Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. 20 1 0 2 3 2 6 28 1 6 2 6 4 6 i6 8 4 0 I 6 44 I 6 4 6 6 6 The London Offices of THE JOURNAL are at 28, SBO- LAX*, B.O. CUPISS'S CONSTITUTION BALLS. UflDQPlR For Grease, Swelled Legs, w I w ■ lv L'J bracked Heels? Coughs, Colds,_ Sore Throats, Disordered Liver, Broken Wind, fofluenza, Loss of Appetite, &c., &o. fjAI jl f For Hide-bound, Staring Coat, VII I I LiIm Hove or Blown Distemper, ■pidemic, Surfeit, Conditioning, Preserving Health, Scouring in Calves, &o. SHEEP For Rot or Fluke ,and for keeping in ting to get into Condition, Scouring in Lambe, fco. Prepared upwards of 50 years by the late FRANCIS CUPISS, M.R.C.V S., DISS, NORFOLK. Bold in packete 1/9 and 3/6 each, 7 small packets 18/6, or 7 large 21s., by Chemists and Medicine (Vendors, or from FRANCIS CUPPISS, Limited., The Wilderness, DISS, on receipt of amount. (482 TINS- 3d. 6d. I s. 'New Size Id. FLEAS BUGS BEETLES. MOTH (in Blanket-% Furs, e MOD ey THE OLD-ESTABLISHED PROVINCIAL UNION Bank continues to LEND immense MUSS daily, from 210 to 25,000 on "Note of Hand alone" or other security. No offioe inquiry charges whatever. Moderate interest. Easy instalments. BpeoiaJ rate for short periods. Largest and most honourably conducted business in the Kingdom. nousancli of our regular customers have expressed their entire satisfaction in repeated transactions with us. A gentleman from Bank will wait upon you at Mnee with Cash. Call, or write (in confidence) to Manager, STANLEY DOWDING, 1, Queen Square. ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS. SICKNESS, EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY. 8URGLARLY AND FIDELITY GUARANTEE RISKS. Insured against by the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE Co. Capital (fully subscribed), £ 1,000,000. • Claims paid, 25,600,000. 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. H. VIVIAN, Secretarf. F. LANGFOBD, G.W.R., Haverfordwest. C. S. READ, Llanelly. Agents required in unrepresented Distriots. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B4I PILLS~ « warranted to cure, in either sex, all acquired or constitutional Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel, and Pains in the back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 50 years. In boxes 4s. 6d. each, of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or sent for sixty stamps by the makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. i!orH a Guinea a Box. CAN%, BEECHAMsS PILLS — Hundreds and thousands of ailing men and women in every clime have found that i j Beecham's Pills' make life worth living.' J J They purify the Blood j | Cure Bilious & Nervous Disorders I j Give tone to the Nervous System j Cure Restlessness and Insomnia Insure Assimilation of Food Regulate the Secretions l Strengthen the Stomach ) | Arouse the torpid Liver | Dispel Bilious attacks. j | The genuine worth and never-failing } efficacy of BEECHAM'S PILLS have j been fully proved during a period of 1 sixty years, and they are recognised as ) the best safeguards against all I sixty years, and they are recognised as ) the best safeguards against all I Bilious and Nervous Attacks. sj The most satisfactory evidence of the universal esteem in which the renowned BEECHAM'S PILLS j ■' are held is found in the fact that the } SALE EXCEEDS 6,000,000 BOXES ANNUALLY. !:l Sold everywhere In boxes, H price 11\ (56 pills). ,—& and 2/9 (163 pills). I CLARKE'S s BLOOD MIXTURE *0RLD-FA«EDTBL00D PURIFIER. fOR cleansing mnd clearing the blood of all impurities from whatever cause arising, Clarke's Blood Mixture cannot be bettered. It has over 40 years' reputation, and is to-day more popular than ever. the*«ason being un- t doubtedly because it is recognised throughout the world to be the only safe, thorough and < lasting remedy for Eczema, Scrotula, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Abscesses. Boils, Pimples, Blotcbes, Spots, Sores, Eruptions of every kind, Blood Poison. Glandule Swellings, Rheumatism, Gout, otc. < Tmz EDJTO. OF MI -&"y Doctor says:- w W. have seen hosts of letters bearing testi- mony to the truly wonderful cures effected by Clarke's Blood Mixtnrv It is the finest Blood i Purifier that Science and Medical Skill have < brought to light, and WJ can withthe utmost oon- fideneo recommend it to OUT subscriben and the public generally." Hall Chemists Itoru. 2/9 per Bottle.^ H PERMANENTLY OURES j Skin & Blood Diseases C? fiKVERY DESCRIPTION, v Trade Addresses. FOR TOOTHACHE a n ism HEADACHE AND NEURALCIA TRY EAS £ E Z U M SINGLE DOSE 2d. PACKET OF 8, Is. Prepared only by D. KING MORGAN, M.P.S., CHEMIST AND OPTICIAN, 25, KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. LLANDILO. The Annual Grand Horse Races WILL BE HELD On BANK HOLIDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1909 LLANDILO TOWN STAKES.—OPEN GALLOPING. FIRST PRIZE, PW. OPEN TROTTING (HANDICAP). FIRST PRIZE, LIO, and SILVER OUP. OPEN TROTTING (HANDICAP) IN SULKIES. FIRST PRIZE, j38, and SILVER CUP* GOOD PRIZES FOR OTHER EVENTS. Entry Forms and all particulars may be obtained from Secretarim- 623) D. O. JONES AND D. moRC-AN, BEN JONES, (Formerly Manager of T. Jonee & Bona, Priory Foundry). AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AGENT Paxton House, 15, Priory Street, CARMARTHEN, Begs to inform Farmers and others that he has a Large Stock of MACHINERY AND HAY IMPLEMENTS AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. JL Also Plough Castings and Fittings, Chaff ft Knives for all makes of Machines in Stock. B i 4$%. Tomb Railings, &c. &Z Agent for the celebrated Frost & Wood V Co.'s Mowers and Reapers Old Machinery Bought and Sold. Repairs done on the premises. Hospital for Chaffoutters, Turnip Cutters, Threshing and Mowing Machines. &c. Fittings for W. A. WOOD and other mowers kept in stock. IIHJ||WThe Physician'# BhIIi irl *TH H 1 A Gore for Gout, H M ■ |L j! jk ja BWj MR W JB ^^8 ™ Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the c Stomach. Hcadache, Heartburn, Indigestion, -ea l- A Sour Eructations Bilious Affections! Effective^Apenent Regull-t Use. S DINNEFORD'S 61NNEFORDS mAuNESIA THORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE. A CONDIMENT FOR HORSES, COWS, CALVES, LAMBS, & PIGS. THORLEY'S FOOD should be used as a If you have never tried what j- *■ a.H a lit+io mivnrf with tho THORLEY'S FOOD will do for your condiment, and a little mixed with the Horses, Cows, Sheep, Pigs or Calves, regular food as a Tonic and Appetiser. that —THORijJcii o i? UOD one month 8 trial The actual province claimed for and we venture to think that the THORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE results will prove so satisfactory as to is that it enables animals to extract secure you as a regular customer. the whole nutritive properties of the WHO OFP nffv ™0SE bulkier food consumed, with the WHO ICEEP ONLY ONE Horse, least possible strain on the digestive Cow, Pig, or Calf as to those who organs-hence its value. have hundreds. Case containing 448 Packets 28/ 1 cwt. Bag 26/- I Case containing 112 Packets 7/6, i cwt. Bag ?/- 224 „ 14/6 i „ „ 13/6 | „ „ 56 „ 4/- JOSEPH THORLEY, Ltd., KING'S CROSS, LONDON, N. By Appointment to His Majesty the King. [508 The Carmarthen Bill-posting Company, 15, Bridge Street, Carmarthen BILLPOSTING and Advertising in all ita j JLF Branohea throughout the Coantte* of Car- marthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan. NATHANIEL THOMAS, FAMILY BUTCHER, 13a, KING STREET (Next door to the Probate Offioe*), M!W 1. ALL MOTOR CARS I STOP at D. E. JONES & Co., c LEADER' & MOTOR CYCLE WORES 51, KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. CARS FOR HIRE. THE LARGEST GARAGE IN WEST WALES. Agents for the well-known BELSIZE CARS also ALLDAYS and ONIONS, ROVERS, SIDDELEYS, AUSTIN, &c. LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SECOND-HAND CARS. RELIABLE CHAUFFEURS. IMMENSE SHOW OF CYCLES BY THE MOST RELIABLE MAKERS from P,4 4s. upwards. If ever you wish to know what is happening in any of the three Counties of Carmarthen, Cardigan, or Pembroke, read "THE JOURNAL As an impartial and accurate chronicle of current events in West Wales, it is unexcelled by any weekly newspaper in that district. It was ESTABLISHED IN 1810 And is therefore one of the OLDEST NEWS: PAPERS IN WALES. PUBLISHED AT 8, KING-ST., CARMARTHEN PRICE-ONE PENNY. Educational Announcements Carmarthen County Schools. THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Headmaster: E. S. ALLEN, M.A. (Cantab). COUNTY GIRLS' SCHOOL. Headmistress: Miss B. A. HOLME, M.A Late Open Scholar of Girton College, Cambridge. Fees Bl 8s. per term (3 terms in the year). Re duction for two or more members of thd tamo family. Boarders can be received at the Grammar School. HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CARMARTHEN. President of the Council: THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. Lady Prinoipal: Miss A. F. CLARK, B.A., London University. THE School gives excellent education on very moderate terms. Admirable accommodation for Boarders. Pupils prepared for LONDON MATRICULA. TION and other Publio Examinations. Boys as well as girle can be received in the Pre- paratory Class and the KINDERGARTEN DE- PARTMENT. For full Particulars, apply to the Lady Principal. ABBEY HOUSE SCHOOL, LLANDILO. HIGH-CLASS EDUCATION FOR GIRLS. Principals—THB MIssEs MACARTHUR. Assisted by Resident English and Musio Mistresses. Visiting Master for Violin-MR. VICTOR JONES, Carmarthen. General Education-Thorough and Modern. Special attention given to Music. Successful re- sults in the local Examinations. Painting-Oila and Water-Colours. Home Comforts.. Moderate Terms. COUNTY GIRLS' SCHOOL, LLANDOVERY. Headmistress—Miss M. E. PRICE, B.A., London. Fees, J62 10s. per term (including Stationery). Reduction for sisters. Next Term begins THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1909. Boarders can be received at the School. For terms apply to the Headmistress. D. SAUNDERS THOMAS, Clerk to the Local Managers, Belmont House, Llandovery, July 27, 1909. (645 UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINCHAM. FACULTY OF MEDICINE, Associated with the General and Queen's Hospitals for Clinical Teaching. SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY, Tn conjunction with the Birmingham Dental Hospital. The Winter Session opens October 4th, 1909. The University grants Degrees in Medicine, Sur- gery, and Publio Health, and a Diploma in Public Health; also Degrees and a Diploma in Dental Surgery. The Courses of Instruction are arrapged to meet the requirements of other Universities and Licensing Bodies. For Prospectus and further information apply to GILBERT BARLING, M.Sc., F.R.C.S., Dean. (636 AUSTRALIA by the ORIENT LINE Under Contract to oarry Hï. Mails. To FREMANlxk^ADELALD^I^LBOURNE SYDNEY, and BRISBANE, calling at GIBRALTAR, MARSEILLES NAPLES PORT SAID, COLOMBO. Through tickets to NEW ZEALAND and TASMANIA. Marseilles. Naples. Gsterley (tw. sa). 12129.Aug. 6.Aug. 13.. Au«- 15 Ophir (tw. sc.) 6,814.Aug. 20.Aug. 27.Aug. 29 RrmUZ ••• M65.Sept. 3.Sept. 10.Sept. 12 Orontes (tw. se.) 9223.Sept. 17.Sept. 24 Sept 26 Managere-F. GREEN & Co. and ANDERSON ANDERSON & Co. Head Offices, Fenchurch firm™"?' ^don ur ?asBa&e apply to the latter hrm at 5, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C.. or to Wast- t'1 TiriCCT C'ockspur Street, S.W, or J. VAUGHAN EVANS, 6, Cowell St., Llanellv. South Africa. Royal Mail Route, Union Castle Line London and Southampton. lo Lape Colony, Natal, Delagoa Bay, Beira, etc., calling frequently at Madeira, Las Palmas, Teneriffe, Asoension, St. nr 11 c Helena, and Lobito Bay. weekly Sailings, Fast Passages. Superior Accom- modation. Best route. For Rates of Passage Money, and all further in- rrTRRTT?* rnP JT *5 Managera-DONALD UUKRIE & Co., London, or to Local Agents. E7 READ THIS TO THE INHABITANTS OF LAMPETER, LLANYBYTHER, AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS. MESSRS. E. A. OWEN & CO. (The Renowned Bankrupt Stock Dealers) Are now paying a visit to thew districts with a Large Bankrupt Stock of DRAPERY Which has only to be seen, and buyers are tempted. The Goods consist of Welsh Cloths, Flannels, Blankets, Sheets, Quilts, Carriage Rugs, Dres« Materials, Skirts, Bid uses, Petticoats, Ladies' Cos- tumes, Uentlemen s Suitings, etc.. etc. It may be mentioned that this is the first visit of Messrs. E. A. Owen and Co., and intending cus- tomers should avail themselves of the great oppor- tunity of inspecting the goods when one of theii conveyances will call round. The above Company havs got an extensive con- nection throughout West Wales. (4967 CAPTAIN ERXALD EDWARD RICHARDSON" (Deceased). NOTICE IS HEREBY'GIVEN that all person, having any claims or demands against or upon the Estate of Captain Ernald Edward Richard- son, late of Glanbrydan Park, Manordilo, are re- quested to send to Mr. John Blewitt Jenkins, of No. 3, Cambrian Place. Swam-ea, particulars of such claims or demands. STRICK, BELLINGHAM & HANSON, 654) Solicitors to the Executors. THE UNITED COUNTIES' HUNTERS' SOCIETY THE ANNUAL SHOW of the above Society, which is to take place on THURSDAY, August 19th, will be held at YSTRAD, the field having been very kindly placed at the disposal of the Society by Major Evans, free of all cost. (648 WANTED. LLANDYSSUL COUNTY SCHOOL. WANTED, a MISTRESS duly qualified by Dip- TV loma, to teach Cookery and Laundry at the above School, for 6 hours during one day each week, ar a, yearly Salary of from £ 30 to J355, "according to qualifications. Applications, with testimonials, to be sent in to The undersigned on or before the 4th August next. AT LATEST. THOMAS THOMAS, 649) Clerk to the Governors. WANTED good General: must be able to do TV plain Cooking: age nor. under 23; good wages given; satisfactory reference required.—Mrs. Morgan, Swan Hotel, Ystalyfera. Swansea Valley. (4999p WANTED by 16th August, experienced General, TT age about 30, plain cooking.—Apply, with reference, Mrs. Jones, Post Office, Llandilo. (4989 TO LET. TO LET, the "STAG'S HEAD INN," Carmar- then, close to Provision Market; fully licensed; excellent stabling; possession 29th Sep- tember next.—Apply, Buckley's Brewery, Ltd., Car- marthen. (620 TO LET, from 12th to 31st August, 1909 (with option of extension), excellent Grouse Moor (nearly 1,000 acres in extent), in Carmarthenshire.— Apply, John Francis and Son, Estate Agents. Car- marthen. (62& TO LET. from Michaelmas next. "Velindre Farm, Llangendeirne, consisting of about 118 Acres of excellent Pasture and Arable Land. Apply to Messrs. J. Howell Thomas & Son. Estate Agents. Carmarthen. (646 TO LET, 29th September next, PANTEG FARM, in the Parish of Pencarreg, about 24 acree, good land; within easy access of Lam- peter and Llansawel. -Apply, Vicar, Llvwel, Tre- castle. (4988 TO LET, the PELICAN INN, Bridge Street, Carmarthen; fully licensed; stabling; imme- diate possession. Alo the GREEN DRAGON. Car- marthen; stabling: early possession.—Apply, Buck- ley's Brewery, Ltd., Carmarthen. (632 FOR SALE. ASPHALT made of the best Vale of Towy Mineral Sand for Sale.—Apply 10 W. Griffiths, Pant, Llangunnor. (4996 FOR SALE. TREBEDW Woollen Factory and Dwellin-9 House adjoining, known as TIVY VILLA, situate near Henllan Station. Apply for particulars to Picton Evans and Jones, Solicitors, Swansea. (619 FOR. SALE, Young "Sow, with a litter of ten, three weeks old; reasonable price.—Apply, J. Bowen. Llwyn Einon, Newcastle-Emlyn. (650 TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. "171 OR Special Quotations in Corn Flour, Barley JL Meal, Bran, Seeds, etc., apply on Saturday and Fair Days of JOHN DAVIES, Auctioneer and Merchant (of AHtwalis), at his office, 11, John Street, Carmarthen. Attendance 10 to 3 o'clock. (29788 FOR SALE. A WAGOXETTE. carry six. and Set of Har- A ness; both in excellent condiTion. -Apply, Rev. D. Francis, Llandvgwvdd Vicarage, Cardigan. (4998p Dunlop. Clincher. Palmer Tvres. Also> covers 3;6 each. Air tube?, 2 3 with Valves, Pedals, Free Wheels, Chains, baddies, etc. Lists sent on application. Makers' prices. W. A. Gorton, Manufacturer, Wolverhampton. (4997p MISCELLANEOUS S TRA YED to Pentwyn. Pentretygwyn, Llan- dovery, Mountain Yearling Ram; if not claimed in fourteen days will be sold.-J. Thomas. (4994p PRETTY unfurnished detached Cottage. 6 Rooms, Lawn, Garden, Church. Post, and Telegraph Office close: water convenient; healthy Seaside Re- sort on Cardigan Bay: rent cheap. -Delta, Jocyi- XAL Office, Carmarthen. (4995p BUILTH WELLS HISTORICAL PAGEANT To be held on the Beautiful and Historic Grounds of Llanelwedd Hall, on WEDNESDAY, Aucust 11th, 1909, at 2 p.m. EIGHT HISTORICAL EPISODES: 1. Scenes from Druidical Life. 2. The Coming of the Romans. 3. The Coming of the Christians. 4. A Norman Baron's Court. 5. Llewelyn's Last Ride to Builth. 6. Marriage Festivities at the Hall in Queen Eliza- beth's time. 7. The Quakers at a Bowling Green. 8. The Old Disserth Feast. 600 PERFORMERS. 100 HORSEMEN. SOUTH WALES BORDERERS BAND. THE BUILTH WELLS PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY (including the Choirs of the late Llew Buallt and Mr. A. P. Morgan, each of which separately has won the Chief Choral Prize at. the National Eisteddfod) will render the Choruses. Con- ductor, Mr. Sidney Phillips. Soloists: Madame Bessie Evans, R.A.M., and Meurig James, Esq., R.A.M. STATELY DANCES, GORGEOUS COSTUMES, &c. Seats: 10s., 7s. 6d.. 5s., 2s. 6d. Admission to Ground, outside barrier, Is. School Children, 3d. each. Secretan-ROGER WILLIAMS, Llanelwedd, Builth Wells. Telephone No.—P.O. 21. (614 The Favourite Nitro-Powdcr IN THE STUBBLE You will find your right and left hand guns using Empire Smokeless." WALKING OUT THE TURNIPS You will still find" Empire" rhe best for going-away" birds. BEATING UP A HEDGEROW The old cock pheasant comes readily down to reliable Empire." Empire Smokeless is supplied by all gun makers. MANUFACTURED BY NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES CO., LTD. I King-sway House, Kingsway, LONDON, W.C. n" ====& Trust the Finn behind the Boot. Est. ever Norwell's 100 years. 8i8i Perth" Boots stand the wear and tear of the wbolc family. We are v Lf? country shoe makers and know exactly the boots to J f make for hard wear. Ggt Our 1 — AM full Price List, No. 38 Ww will tell you all about as anc | 1 our happy footed customers. The' Perth' Market Farmer, 13/0 '& Our boots for boys and girls have S equaJ tot NORWELL'S^MrrN,^B.