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MONEY TO LEND. Movw T/KXT TRIVATELY (without sureties) UticUHAllW.-CKOSS BANK (U,tob- lished 1870). 28 BEDFORD ST., CKARIXG-CROSS, London, £ 000 000 Reserve Fund £ 100,000. vdyanVt.S0 IMMEDIATELY MADK Upon Approved Promissory Notes as follow., without 1 bill of sale Advance £ 25—12 monthly reiayiuunts of £ 2 o 10 50 4 1 5 wo tl *3 Lai-er amounts m tlie same proportion. ADVANCES of k30 to £ 2,000 granted at a few hours' notice in town or country, male or female, on mort<"ra",L> of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops" &c without removal, and to assist persons into business. ''Also on deed., policies, and reversions. AfnTTPF \uv one requiring money will do well blo^e nm.lving efsewhere, or paying fees to. think of this— Surely I can do better with a Lank having lar^e "apital at command and devoting_ themselves tothis class of business than I can with so-called private money lenders or agents with small means Good borrowers can obtain money here on reasonable terms, quickly, privately, and without deductions, repayable by easy instalments- Distance no object. Call pei- eonallv, or write. t Special facilities to all requiring banking account: 31)er cent, interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received as 4 per cent, per annum, subject to 3 months notice of withdrawal. 5 per cent. per annum, subject to 6 months' notice of withdrawal. (j pei cent. per annum, subject to 13 months notice of withdrawal. Special terms for larger amounts. Interest paid nnarterlv Write or call for Prospectus. 1558] A- WILLIAMS, Manager. PUBLIC NOTICES. ESTABLISHED 1S51. BIRKBECK BANK Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. THREE per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. T TWO per CENT, on iL'RLE^I ACCOLNI^, on minimum monthly balance when not drawn besTOOK0s; SHAKES, m.4 ACUITIES p°r- chased and sold. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank receives small sums on deposits, and allows Interest atthe rate of THREE PER CENT, per annum on each completed £ 1. The Interest is added to the principal on the 31st March annually. FRANCIS RAYENSCROFT, Manager. BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY, How to Purchase a House for Two Guineas per month. BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIEll, How to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shil- liTJLimbeck ALMANACK, with f»N f- ticaiP can bo <*«iwd port »"«. » L o l i ° FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from t ie Urinary Or-ans, in either sex (acquired oi consti- toil), Gravel, «4 Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in box^b, la. 6d each by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vento 'throughout the World; or sent to any address for sixty stamps l.Y the Makers, IHE Lincct.w AND Midland Counties Dkug Company, Lincoln. [1G6 THE PROVINCIAL ADVERTISING, PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICES, LYDNEY, GLO'STERSHIRE. ADVERTISERS should send for Prospectus to A the Provincial Advertising Offices, Lydney. Glo'&tershire. [1301 MR. C. K. WHEATLEY, PROFESSIONAL PIANOFORTE TUNER. PIANOS tuned singly or by the year. Special attention given to American Organs and Har- moniums. All kinds of instruments repaired. Note the Address— [13:?1 30, TERRACE ROAD, ABETIYSTWYTII. FOI5 THE BLOOD is rm urn:* IFFL fsSf i —BLOGD PURU- KMD RESTORER! Rllju ■iimnhi » iii "i nw—nrin ww Bin ii n in sfe-r.3 For cleansing and clearing tbp blood from all im- purities, it cannot be too highly rrcomm ended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Pimples, Skin and Blood Eiscases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular SweiUnus. Clears the Blood from till impure matter, From whatever cause arising. It is a real snecific for Gout and Rheumatic jmi-c. It removes the cause from the BUvxi and Hones. As this mixture is pleasant, to the taste, and I ranted free from anytliius: injurious to the in est delicate constitution of either fox, the Propi-tCi (r:< solicit sufferers tu give it P. trial to test its valuj. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS ( Prom all Parts of the World. i So'rt in Bottlos 2s. M., nnd in ci'.sep. contirnint six times the quantity, lis. each — s\itticie'>t to eifee m permanent cure in the proa c major;!v of 10rY cases, BY Aid. CTIKMISTS and PATENT X V1GNOORS THROUGHOUT THK Wl:RI,l>, or ,n for 3.1 or 1'2 stamps hy the Proprietor*. Tuf. I.inoi-i.n iSB Mhh.o-h Coo.Mits Pure Conni', Lincoln. ) 0<^TTpIOX.—AsV fnr Clarke's Mixture jiti;! do not be persuaded to take «n nation. IT CL'REl) MY COLD AT ONCE. Mr John Hwjh Jones, Cacathraw, Carnarvon. WHAT CUIlID ? RALSA^f of Horehound, a Safv. and -Lt Speedy Remedy for fonyi'^ l»n»ucl»iu.s &c. ttoLD EVKltYWHKUK, l'lan: Is. Prepared only by A. Hayman 5. Co., Loii(loii, -Ll: "KEATING'S Kills Flen. tTTTEATING'S POWDER." „ tl Kills Fion^, Bays, Beetles. K"EATING'S POWDBB." Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. « ITEATiNG'S POWDER. Kills Fleas, Buys, Moths. Beetles. "TTEATING'S POWDER." Kills Flcaa. Hn;r-, Moths. Beetles. J^Thia Pomter so ceJ«brate.i. i« perfectly imrfvnlled in destroying P^GS, FLKAS, MOTHS, UKhrLlj?. and all liisecls (ululst i>oi- 'ectly harmless foall ani'iri! life). All woollens and Ihvs slionld no "'ell sprinkled wilh the IV .v<ler before placing away. It is invnlaable take to the Seasi'te. T avoid (iisappointment insist upon having ..Ivoatinz's Powder." Noothei' l'owaei* is clTectual. Sold on/ in *?w*. Gd., 1b., and 2s. 6d. He\vare_ot_imiiation. Pon^! be deceived. WORMS IN CHILDREN, WORMS IN CHILDREN, surely, and wi»ht.r.rfeet safety sot rul «f "sine RATING'S WOUJl TA !>I. l.i s. 11 orm« T f an 11 t>. c tn.fi 6 c i< id egaot except oa worms). SoiJ by all Chemists, iu lius.la.l^l. [lMi CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS! T 1 V VTY(('( Q o -lit j. i J s n & a S"o"c of tli(' HAVANA. MEXICAN, MANILA, & mu rrSH CRJAiiS A t r Ji i c E$. SPECIALITK. 30,000 :\Ialli':t C¡lr". fnl! weight, and ill finH condition, toboSohtatthevcryIowpriceof 21). 10s. n-:i: 1(»0. Box of 500, £ '3 ISs. Go. CIGARETTES. TUn K I II, THE 0 T T O M A X A'ALA, <S.s. 100. EGYPTIAN. MELACHiilNO. I NESTOR (tIAXACLLS, from 6s. (.d. pyr 100. SPECIALITE. A Cigarette made on the Premises, from the very finest Virginia grown, and is cut especially for these Cigarettes. They are in two sizes, and sold at 8d. per 0; Many other Brands in Stock. TOR A COOS. Over (SO different s >rta kept in tftjok, and fresh weekly indudiug- ARCHERS, TADDYS, InLLS, LAMBERT AND BUTLERS, IIIGNETTS, COPES, PLAYERS, SMITHS, ETC PIPES BY ALL BEST 1UAKEUS. POUCHES. CIGAR AND CIGARETTE CASES. STICKS. .£very requisite for the Smoker kept iu Stock. MH. J. JENNINGS heèis to tab- this opportunity of informing the Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry of Car- marthen and District, that his FII'S'F CI,AS'S TOILET SALOON is NOW OPE, under the Management of an experienced WKST-EXiJ HAIR- DRESS KR. Private room for Lt(lies' r,.ii(i children. Ladies' own hair made up into any design. WIGS, ETC.. I'UOMI'TLY ATTENDED TO. 1 larye Assortment of Toilet Artic/cs kept in Stock. -— [1378 JAMES JENNINGS, TO VAC CO (C, CIGAR MERCHANT, 44, KING-STREET, CARMARTHEN. STIFF'S STARCH. NOTICE. s ST 1EE-8 STARCH is sold STIFF'S STARCH. in 41b." Hb.,ilb, -tiid ilb. htney Loxes, also in Paper Packe's containing about ^TIFF'S STARCH. r»ll»s. eac'n. Every l >ox or locket bears gTlFF S STAItCII. te aiidis W TIFF'S STARCH. 11 guarantee that the contents of the Box or Packet are -enuine. IFI1 S STARCH. A goo 1 deal of Starch is l-T i-old loo-u— that is, merely C TIFFS STARCH. v'"ral'ped in paper or enclosed JT1 paper bags. Starch ■supplied in tliij way may be ^TIFF'S STARCH, a cheap and very inferior tO of foreign ctapph manufacture, and of little o oi AhUH. for laundry purposes. Consumers, therefore, when STIFF'S STARCH, purchasing StifFJa Starch, should get it in Box or Packet, and note the Trade STIFF'S STARCH. Mark printed in Red Ink on outside. STIFF & CO.. 2',), REDCLJFF STREi:T, BRISTOL. [1521 SHIPPING NOTICES. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES. (Under contract with the Canadian Government for conveyance of the Canadian Mails) Saloon 10 to 18 Guineas, 2nd CalJill £G E4. CHEAPEST AND .MOST EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE to all parts of Canada, Manitoba, the North West Territory, British Columbia, and the Western States of America. Si ecial Emigrant and Tourist rates. Through Trains daily to the Pacific Coast, and Emigrant Sleeping Cars without extra charge. Western bound Emigrants accompanied by a special conductor. A substantial Government Bonus for fztn,ilc,; III, land i!l t,ic N,(,rtli West Territory, and British Columbia. Free Laud Grants of I 00 acres. Special handbooks of concise information, the British delegates' new reports and all the latest maps and pamphlets free. Apply to the owners, ]38!)J ALLAN BJ(<iTHERS& Co., Liverpool, or to WILLIAM FINCH, 1(5, Nott-squarc, Carmarthen. AMERICA. CUNARD LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. -¿f ?'¡:' ':=:t:f: -'7C- 4 "#¿ FROM LIVERPOOL VIA QUEEXSTOWN To NEW Yom; To BOSTON. ETKVKIA Sat., Aug. 1S Samuua. Thur, Aug. U Skuvi v Sat., Aug. 20 iCepiuloma, Thur. Au^ 18 GAI.i.ia .Tues, Aug. 23 SCYTHIA Thur., Aug. 25 SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at moderate fares for FIRST and SECOND Class Passengers; also through to CHINA, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND, and AUSTRALIA. STEERAGE PASSENGERS to all parts of America and Canada at Low Rates those by Boston Steemers booked to NEW YORK without extra ChaiULE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED, 8, Water-street, Liverpool. on TO THEIR AGENT- D. S. THOMAS, 1327] Schoolmaster, Llandovery. AM ERICA N LINE. UNIT E D S T A '1' E S 31A IL S T E A M E R S LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA, EVERY WEDNESDAY. First-class, full powered Iron Steamships. Accommodation for passengers, equal to any European Line. Passengers and goods landed at Philadelnhia on the Wharf of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Tins IS THE SHORTEST AND BEST ROUTE TO THE W est. ly to RICH ARDSON. SPENCE & CO., l:lJül 19 and 22. Water Street-, LIVERPOOL. -_u EUEAKFAST—uITFITIIi. E P P S S GRATEFUL-CCMORTIN COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK. THE G UILDlIr_TL I MUSIC AMD STATIONERY, C 16 M A fj rr iS 62 N E. COLBY EVANS' P I A. N' O E O R T E S BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS, At Cash Discounts, varying from 20 to 30 per cent. also on the 3 years' system, from 10s. 6d. per month. AN EXCELLENT TUNER KEPT. PIANOS TUNED FOR 3s. Gtl" OR XETT liN, TUNE BY THE YEAR FOR 14s. AM E RICAN Orga XS A KD H it R, I 0 N I U I S In great variety, always in Stock. DRUM AND" FIFE BAND S SUPPLIED AT LOWEST PRICES. Having successfully competed against other firms, E. C. E. has every confidence in the prices lie quotes. J ||| FF§^ A L A 11 G E A S S O 11T M E N T OF LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S HAND & TRAVELLING BAGS ALWAYSIS STOCK At Stores IPrices. STATIONERY IN GREAT VARIETY. A DISCOUNT 07 2d. IN THE Is. ALLOWED OFF ALL BOOKS. [1331 -+- ESTABLISHED 180G. HENRY CADLE, WHOLESALE AND NRTAIL WINE, SPIRIT, ALE, AND PORTER MERCIIA NT, H A L F MOO N H O T EL, DARK-GATE, AND BLUE-STREET, CARMARTHEN, AGENT i'OR BASS, A. AND OTHER ALES. A'I'N'-D OTIIEP, PORTERS, IN CASKS AND BOTTLES CASKS, FROM 9 GALLONS AND UPWARDS, ALWAYS IN STOCK. SAMPLES AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. SCHWEPPE'S CHAMPAGNE, GIXGERADE, LEMONADE, SODA WATER, AND BRIGHTON SELTZER WATER. WINES AND SPIRITS OF THE BEST QUALITY. PRICKS, fkom 203 TO 7s. PER BOTTLE. ALL SPIRITS OF MATURE AGE. [13-i1) AN O 11 D I N A 11 Y EVERY SATURDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK. MOUNT iiILL rJRSERIES, GTailARTHEN. JOSEPH COYSH. FOREST TREES FOREST TREES!! WHITE THORK QUICKS FOR HKDGES. CMOI T £ 8 SI S3 H A & Ejt t, I. L.A. -U n ERUIT TREKS AND ROSES, AND ALL KINDS OE NURSERY STOCK. WREATHS, CROSSES, AND BOUQUETS TO ORDER. PRICES ON APR LIGATION. [1308 HIGHEST AWARDED MEDAL, A>* LIVERPOOL, 1886. HIGHEST AWARDED ORDER. i °F MERIT' ADELAIDE, 1887. V* <! HIGHEST AWARDED ORDER OF !'] MERIT, MELBOURNE, 1889. • GOLD MEDAL, SYDNEY, 1888. FARMERS! SEND YOUR OWN WOOL TO BE MADE UP INTO CLOTH From Is. 3d. to 2s. 4d. per Yard Blankets, from Is. 2d. to 2sv 0d. per Yard • Flannels from 9d. to Is. Gd. per yard; Stocking Yarn, 9d. per lb. PATTERNS FOliWAIlUED TO SELECT FROM. CARRIAGE PAID TO (t, FROM 7-ill," MILLS ON ALL ORDERS OVER £2. TYLER~& CO., MAKSLLYN MILLS, LLANDYSSIL, S. WALES ,I ESTABLISHECL 1854. D. TITUS^ILLIAMS, B 0 0 IV 13 IN D JE I-t, 11 -4 ENGLISII WESLEYAN CHAPEL HOUSE, C A R ill A R T-Ii El N. BIBLES, MUSIC, ALBUMS, and OLD BOOKS BOUND and REPAIRED with the greatest care. SECOND-HAND BOOKS BOUGIIR, SOLD, OR EXCHANGED. [13UT>; EDUOATSONAL AKNOU^CSMENTS. LAMPETER. TJnTcOLLEGE SCJP 'OL. LAMPETHR. Head Master and Teacher of 7sV;/i Sat-jccU —Rev. T. j\L Evans,M. A., late Senior Scholar of ??t. David's College, aud Prizeman and Exhibitioner of Kind's College, C ani 1 jridge. Classics—J. -J. Jones, B.A., late Scholar of St. David's College. Mathematics and Modern LaiuiW'cs — A. Field, Esrj B.A., late Scholar of St. David's < 'dIIc'^c. Scic,,Icc AV. Hendhesov, M. A., St. Andrew's Uni- versity. Excellent intermediate education. Direct prepara- tion for the learned p;,ofe-ions tinder j .vliarly ad\;1Jl- tageous conditions. Thorough ])rejiar;tion for St. David's College and other places of higher educa- tion. Next term begins May 3rd. Voi apply to jl.Jli' CARMARTHEN. HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CARMARTHEN. j A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. I'kesident OF Council: THE LORD HIS HOP OF ST. DAVID'S. Lady Principal Miss JORDAN, L.L.A., St. Aiid».vs Uuivcivity, X.B. (CcrtiticatM in Honours «'suiibritljre lli^lier j Local Examination; First Class Colk-gv of ceptors). LADY ^Iatrox—MISS NOllTll. ASSISTANT TFACHEITS Miss K. S. Giles, Certificated Cambridge, Oxford, and Trinity College, London, and in Mat-hematic#, Mechanics. Chemistry, and Droning by Science and Art Department, South Kensington.—Miss Radford, j Certificated First by of Education; Certificated in Physiology, Magnetism, Electricity, Drawing, and Painting by the Sciencc and Art Department. 11, taken prizes in needlework, &c. Nox-Resident- -Miss Bucicley, Associate in Music, Trinity College, London Senior R.A.M. and Trinity College Certificates (Organ Piano, Theory) Society of Arts, 1st Class in Music Cambridge Higher Certificate. Drawing Master—Mr. W. JùXLS. Higher Certi- ficates South Kensington. Music Master—Mr. COOKE, Orgunist of Christ Church. Dancing Mistress—Miss AYLIXC. Three Entrance Exhibitions of Fifteen Pounds each, renewable at the will of tLo Council, will be offered to Candidates oi ten years and upwards, to be competed for on Tuesday, Sot: uiber 13th, 1S92, at 1.30 p it)., at the High School*. Next term will commence \cdno;-day, Soptetn- ber 14th, 1S02. I'or full particulars apply to the Lady Principal, GIRLS' CO L L E GIA T i) S CII0 OL, 10, QUAY STREET, CARMARTHEN. Principal: Mrs. W. MAPLES-THOMAS PUPII.S have passed tlie South Kensington Ait and Science First Class College of Preceptors Junior and Senior Society of Arts. Oxford and Cam- bridge Local Royal Academy of Music and Trinity College Examinations. First Class 1 tonours, Special Distinctions and Prizes, have been gained in the aoove Examinations. [10:.7 QUEEN ELIZABETH Git A MM A Li SCHOOL. Founded, ISTd. Recommended as an Intermed! tie School by the Joint Education Committee for Carmarthenshire, Chairman of Governors: Viscount Emlyn. Headmaster—E. S. Alli;n, M.A.. late open Scholar of S. Catharine's College, Cambridge, and late Mu- dernsi ie Mast«H" and Assistant Cln^sicul Master at Christ College, Brccon. J. Ceeidfkyn Thomas, R.Sc. (London) L.C.I' Mathematical and Science Master. A. II, Goodlu-fe, 13. A., lato Scholar St.. Catharine's College, Camlridgp, nd ClaEs Classical Tripos 1891. Music—C. Vjdeon Hakdino, Organist of Sf. Peter's. Drawing (in all its branches)—\X. Jones, Head- master of the School of Art, Carmarthen. rrUIE School prepares for Scholarships at Oxford _|_ ,-»nd Cambridge, the Welsh C lieges, Law and Medical Examinations, Banks, & Special Class for Loudon Matriculation and the Oxford and Cambridge School Certificate Examinations. Modern Side, a special feature of the School Classes for Science and Art Examinations, South Ken- sington. Large outhiy just made ir Scientific apparatus. RECEXT Four Scholarships, &c., Oxfjrd and Cambridge total value over £ 750. Three Open Medals, Edinburgh University. Three Proximo Accessit for Edinburgh Uni- versity. Largest number of First Classes (22) obtained from any "Welsh School in Oxford and Cambridge Lower Certificate Examination. lSPO. Three Candidates entered for U iuUn MrUrb-iiia- tion, January, 1891, and all appeared in the First Division. About ::00 Certificates Sc:s:vb and Am Examination, Souru Iyensinotox, &e., &c., &-c. OLD COLLEGE AND PARK-Y-VELYE1 I SCHOOLS, CARMAETH EX. Head M.V.M i:H—E VAX JOSIK. M.A. ( A ^SISTED JJY 3IK. W. ROBERTS & Mi** THOMAS j i y, pur ate Department for I' „„ and Tradt )f <)ii;t, o ] tll(- i!utu v, id be opened ii September u,°xt in connection with the above schools. The SvVftt* tmiftbt «r< — Spelling, Reading w'ritAnx. j^tfwc writing, Rook keeping, &c., am A*?/ CMCC <!■ KL'-L' v Senior gin>, 21s. ]>er tenn. ee& i'U jul)jnr I (is (id [K!3^ n L G.8 S T n E T -V I> E TnI I CAiniAUTHKN. i AiAsTM: Mi>- fi- T'-V- 1'ndergradn;. »te of Loudon I uivei>rcy 1 irst C iso Colle t of Preceptors exhibit one: of Uu University; First Prizeman in Classics and Math. ma tics at Trev College. Agisted r.v W. ii. Tilib.lAS, Undergraduate of first Advanced Ce, (Sc. 1Il AeO,¡"tll Li^lit and Heat. VI )*1 1"» 1 1 'J\' til'1 1-1 !'■• Strnh nt,^ may 0» P- l,„. Valiininavi, J)tin!)ni)natn>iiaJ i ('(j], MoGu-iii, J.c'-IK ;uiti ('v" r iivtT;.tv Preceptors and itrienlatioli ¡fl [ DjOS YSTRAD MKrRI' .¥' Ts T R A D 31 E URICi SO 1U) 1! L n, RECEXI SLCCi'.SSLS. Scholarship a*. Eton College; »- .Scholarship at St. David's i'o'iUge. 1.S90—Passes matics in the Oxford ainl Cambridge Certiiical Examination. 18U1— t30 Scholarship, te> rdjle at Oxford. P»s.-es i (jreek. Latin. Scripture, History, and Matliematiu elementary and additional, in the Oxford an i Cambridge Certificate Examination. | Fuuodati(jn Seholarshsps now vacant.- -App.% to [ Rev. The Hjjad Master. l1^ FUBLO EVOTiCEG. l'. \¿; ft fi1 F' f!) "r t A WMBIRMV BEECHAM'S PILLS RE universally almit- i. ted to be worth GUINEA A BOX for bilious and nervous dis- oi jji-c, i.icb as -wind and ""PA-TE.N'T pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, iulness and swelling after ——.—.— meals, dizziness and drow- siness, cold chills, flusb- :ngs of heat, loss of appe- tite, shortness of breath, costivencss, scurvy, blotches on the skin, dis- v.ii-bel sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous a .id trembling sensations, &c. The first dose give relief il twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of those Pills, and they v- iii lie acknowledged to be WORTH A GUiXEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invalu- able, as a few doses of them can v oj all humours, and bi-ing about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no Medicine to be found equal to Reocdiatn s Pills for removing any obstruction or irregularity of tiu system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and r:>bnst health. This has been provsd by thousands who have t¡Îe] tlVill, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the iong lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, aud arouse into action with the rose bud "f iie-iltli the whole physical energy of the human frame. These ::r" FACTS testified con- tinually by members of classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and oeoihiatt d is, REECIIAM'S PILLS have the largest sate of any patent medicine in the world. d BEJ^CIlArd'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in genera!, asthma, bronchial affections, hoarseness, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of the chest, wheezing, &c., these rills stand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public, and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing, which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cougii will in a short time be removed. Prep:!red only, and sold wholesale and retail, by the IVapnetor, Thomas Reecham, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in Boxes at Is. I ltd., and 28.9d. each. Seal by all Druggists aud Patent Medicine Deal- ers everywhere. ull directions arc given. with each box. L:15SG -A- -L.. _I! __I CONSTITUTION BALLS For Grea-e, Swelled Legs, Cracked FOR Heels, Coughs, < Hove or Blown, i>at'T3 Hide Bound, Loss of Appetite, Staring Coat, Di^tcnd.er, Epidenjie or Iniii;- en/.a, and for preserving Good Health X L \1 and getting into Prime Condition. CATTLE, TESTIMONIAL. SHEEP, TNrv, Nleiiii Bridge, Ai g esea, Aiay 2ord, 18S4. DEAn Siii,—Havingused your Consti- -TV- t-.tion Bails^for nearly thirty years to O*^ i-. iNLj Horses and Xent Cattle, it is only simple trilth and justice to say, a safer or more IN effieaci iUS Medicine for Horses So; Cattle cannot be purchased. It, euun.a be too CA L ES extensively known, for I am positive every persan that gives it a fair trial aie ai- will never discontinue using your Balls mo: infal- as occasion nu-.y re quire.-Yours truh-, iibie. Wji. EVANS. Prej.'ared upwards of oti years by the late Fk VNCIS CCPISS. M.U.C.V..S. Sold ill Packets 1. Vd, and 3s. (jd. each. 7 small 10s. 6d.. 7 large 21s., l Luge 30s., by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, or from Proprietor, The Wilderness, Diss, Norfolk, on receipt of amount. [133(; KOTJCg OE REMOVAL. Messrs. AlUHPliY &. IyOWLEY, SL"R«.iEOX DEXTf.STS, ABERYSTWYTH, [E T A J; L s II j, js 1 7. j ilau reinoN'cd to CO UN EE ur TEUUACE EOAD and CURPoJtATIoX STREET. Mu ROWLKV visits L an(I ihir-l Fi id.i.v in c.'u-h month, at Mr Evans, grocer, Moelfre House; ABERAYROX on the, mcond and fourth Wednesday in ea ii m-nth, at Mis .James, 15, Market-street. [1005 GALVAXIZKD COL?IIUGATED KOOFIXG SHEETS. Buy from trtu Manufacturers. SHEETS LOW AS Is. lll. EACH. 4r' PuicEs ox APPLICATION. CORRUGATED IROX Co., WO LYE RITAMPTON LARGEST MAKERS IN THE KINGDOM. [1440 /IID'MX on. MILL CO. ID. 1 L. I V J-2 l P O () L, a j F. C- l' l E l S OF • j IP.nseed Cake 1' I'ndecd. Cotton Cake Pi-re' Deed. Cotton Cake PP. Oil the Contract I'ii iiiii'v of The Royal Agriciil- I, of E;n! Puuh Calf Meal 4 i i re Linseed Oil CL, :u Lixseld (for Feeding) PRICiCS OX APPLICATION. s .ntAUTTON.—fJonnlDP CKLORODYNE. '-■Vi'.r To Men HFS- '-Are YOU broken in your rest 1 v aPick child puaerinc with the pain of cutting teeth! „f (J at once to a ehe-Pst and get a little at M.«. W.ns.oWs SocTUfNO Syult.. It ^hi reneve th« It 's periectly iiErmless sadMe^t to itprodacoB quiet sleep *>- -e1:-v'u- tl"» ohil 1 frc-m pain, -iuc-. the little cherub aw-PC "'a« hrfght as a button." it soothes the child, it Soften the gum*, allay? all para relieves wind, r- "-dates the bowels, isu is tho nest s.uov,u remedy i 'v dyaectc-v aud ciandeea, ■>yj\etb.«r arising from teeth» -.Iates bl),rri i- jVother'cAU.'Ws. V-ia^vvCs Soothi-g Syru» i-a-d hy Ifethciae itor-vhara n 1*. 1^4. Florjliss !-Foll TTTE Tfsth AXD BEWATH.—A. ior drops of ths liquid :Flodine" sprinkled on a wet tonth-brush produces a pleasant lather, which p- ttioro-ighly c".eai;aea \,L1 testh. from all polrasites or impurities, h&t'dciis tho guiJis, prevents tartar, stops d-ay, gives to the tee!-h e r-eccliar oearly-whitsneai, •rrl a .•l'fitful fragrarice ia" the breath. It romov* ur,i.*i-i- f±-~>Tn '*■! teeth Of ^•PPmakP Tip Fmgraut i'lon'ine," bepg com. 'd ia parr of Houev w>. 1 sv^eet i^rbs, « cleliciou. to :e r <■ r i>t ii ■very or the Iff*. u> "ei.Tc'f alt Chemists sr:i JVriTjraen. -Wboi^ I AP- irurbf4«»