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MONEY TO LEND. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY (without sureties) by the CHAKIXG-CROSS BANK (Estab- lished 1870). 28, BEDFORD ST., CIIARING-CROSS, London, W.C. Capital ±.'300.000. Reserve Fund £100,000. ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE Upon Approved Promissory Notes as follows, without bill of nale Advance £ 25—12 monthly rerayments of t2 5 10 „ 50 „ 4 11 8 „ 100 „ >. 9 3 4 Larger amounts in the same proportion. ADVANCES of 1:30 to £2,000 granted at a few hours' notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops. &c., without removal, and to assist persons into business. Also on deeds, policies, and reversions. NOTICE.—Any one requiring money will do well before applying elsewhere, or paying fees, to think of this-Surely I can do better with a Rank having large capital at command and devoting themselves to this class of business than I can with so-called private money lenders or agents with small means. Good borrowers can obtain money "here on reasonable terms, quickly, privately, and without deductions, repayable by easy instalments. Distance no object. Call per- sonally, or write. Special facilities to all requiring banking accounts. 3 per cent. interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of £10 and upwards received as under:- 4 per cent, per annum, subject to 3 months notice of withdrawal. 5 per cent. per annum, subject to 6 months' notice of withdrawal. 6 pel cent. per annum, subject to 12 months' notice of withdrawal. Special terms for larger amounts. Interest paid Quarterly. Write or call for Prospectus. 1558J A. WILLIAMS, Manager. PUBLIC NOTICES. ESTABLISHED 1851. BIRKBECK BANK Southampton Buildings, Chane-cry Lane, London. THREE per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. TWO per CENT. on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on minimum monthly balance when not drawn below JE100. STOCKS, SHARES, and ANNUITIES pur- chased and sold. SAVINGS DEPARTM ENT. For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank receives small sums on deposits, rind allows Interest, at the rate of THREE PER CENT. per annum, on each completed jgl. The Interest is udued to the principal on the 31st March annually. FRANCIS KAYENSCROFT, Manager. BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY, How to Purchase a Home for Two Guineas per month. BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY, How to purchase a Plot of Land for Five Shil- lings per month. The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full par- ticulars, can be obtained post frae, on application to [1317 FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discbarges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquired or consti- tutional), Gravel, and Pains in the Lack. Guaranteed free from Mereiirv. Sold in boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World; or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Makers, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DnuG COMPANY, Lincoln. [1526 THE PROVINCIAL ADVEllTISfNG. PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICES, LYDNEY, GLO'STERSHIRE. ADVERTISERS should send for Prospectus to A the Provincial Advertising Offices, Lydney. Glo'btershire. [1301 MR. C. K. WHEATLEY, PROFESSIONAL PIANOFORTE TUNER. PIANOS tuned singly or by the year. Special attention given to American Organs and Har- moniums. All kinds of instruments repaired. Note the Addrcss- [1321 30, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE UHF I a 9m GJOBLOGO PURIFIER! qjplANP RESTORER) For cleansing and clearing th. blood from all im- purities, it caunot be too highly rucomrnended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Fimplfes, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it ia a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Keek. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From ichatevcr cause arising. It is a real specific for Gout and Rheumatic pains. It removes the cause from the Blood and Bones. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted free from anything injurious to he most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS From all Parts of the World. Sold in Bottles 2s. Oil., nnd in cases, confn'.ninp six times the quantity, 11H. each — sufficient to clTcci :i permanent cure in the Rreat ma;orHy of Iniip. st!llir^I) £ r cases, BY ALI- OHhMISTg antl PATKNT MEI) iCI NK cases, BY ALI- OHhMISTg antl PATKNT MEI) iCI NK VKXDORS IHUOUGIIObT TITK WORI,U or *eut for 33 or 132 stamps by the Proprietor.. THE COL* I AFT> MIDLAND COOT.ES DKTTO COMPART. Lincoln. J CAUTION.—Aslc ^°r.^rlie'8 Blc»*l Mixture and | do not be persuaded to take Rn imuatl0„ < I [L.23 IT CURED MY COLD AT ONCE, Mr John Huyh Jones, Cau'thrat' Carnarvon. WHAT CURED HAYMAN S BALSAM of Hurehuund, a Safe and JCJL Speedy Remedy for Coughs, Bronchi &e. SOLD EVERY WHKHE, PHICE h. lid., 2". tld. Prepared only by A. Hayman & Co., London, J [1 :380 «TTEATING'S POWDER." ,LRTL Kills Fleas, li'iMotliS. Beetles. «^TFEATINA'S POWDER." Kills Fleas. Bugs, Mot,lis. Beetles. ATING B POWDER." ™ Kills Fleas, Btig, Moths, Beetles. «« IT EATING'S POWDER." Kills Fleas. Bugs, Moths, Beetles. « tTEATLNGr'S PpWDER." Kills Fleas. Bugs. Moths. Beetles. This Powder so "Perfectly unrlviilli'd in destroying BUGS FLI5AS, MOTII*. BEhTLbS, and nil lns«cts (whilst per- fectly harmless to all animal lite). All woollens anil tin s should he well Winkled with the IV.vderltefore placing away. It is invaluable to take to the h'uasidn. To avoid qisuppomlmrtit insist npou having *'Kentinz's Powt'er." Noothfcf 1 owder is efft.'ctunl. Sold only in tint, ed.. Is., (iiui 2a Cd. Beware of imitation. Don't. 1>R deceived. WORMS IN CHILDREN, WORMS IN CHILDREN, • rp m,nr Bii-elv nnd with rei'teet safety Rot. rid of hy min* JCKATJSii'SVVoinTTA11L12TS. Xevljr ..II jM.ihlmi ourf. r Iron. *SSs NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Messrs. MURPHY & ROWLEY, SURGEON DENTISTS, ABERYSTWYTH, [E S T A I! L I S H K I) Have removed to CORNER OF TERRACE ROAD AXD CORPORATION STREET. MK. ROWLEY visits LAMPETER on the jhst and third Friday in t.ach month, at Air Evans, grocer Moelfre House; AI5ERAYRON on the vcoitd and fourth, Wednesday in each month, at Mis James. 15 Market-street. [1005 GALVANIZED COUliUGATED ROOFING SHEETS. Buy from the Manufacturers. SHEETS LOW AS Is. Id. EACH. car PKICKS ox APPLICATION. CORRUGATED IRON Co., WOLVERHAMPTON LARGEST MAKERS IX THE KINGDOM. [1440 GTIFF'S STARCH STIFF'S STARCH STIFF'S STARCH STIFF'S STARCH STIFF'S STARCH k? (^TIFF'S STARCH GTIFF'S STARCH, (^TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH, STIFF'S STARCH. NOTICE. STIFF'S STARCH is sold in 41b., lib., -Jib., and Jib. fancy Boxes, also in Paper Pac-ke's containing about 51bs. eaeli. Everv Box or Packet bears the Ti,s Bess." This Trade Mark lias been ic^istered, and is a guarantee that the eon tents of the Box or Packet are genuine. A goo 1 deal of Starch is sold !oo<e—that is, merely wrapped ill paper or enclosed in paper bags. Starch supplied in tliis way may be a cheap and very inferior article, possibly of foreign manufacture, and of little use for laundry purposes. Consumers, therefore when purchasing Stilt's Starch, should get it in BOK or I'aeket, ana unto the Trade Mark printed in lied Ink on outside. STIFF & CO.. 2!1, IPEDCLIFF STREET, BRISTOL. [15J1 SHIPPING NOTICES. -¿Î ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES. (Lnder contract with the Canadian Ooverument for eonveyaiiee of the Canadian Mails) Saloon 10 to 18 Guineas, 2nd Cabin £ G (is., Steeraget-1. CHEAPEST AND MOST EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE to all parts of Canada. Manitoba, the North West Territory, British Columbia, and the Western States of America. Special Emigrant and Tourist rates. Throurh Trains daily to the Pacific Coast, and Emigrant Sleeping Cars without extra charge. Western bound Emigrants accompanied by a special conductor. A substantial Government Bonus for familes tal itig un laud in Manitoba, the North West TelTi tory, and British Columbia. Free Laud Grants of i GO acres, Special handbooks of concise information, the British delegates' new reports and all the latest maps and pamphlets free. App!y to the owners, 13S!)J ALLAN & Co., Liverpool, or to WILLIAM FINCH, 16, Nott-square, Carmarthen. AMERICA. CUNARD LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FROM LIVERPOOL viA QUEENSTOWN To NEW YOHK. To BOSTON. ETRUKIA .Sat., .July 2 PAVONIA. Tluir, June 30 AVKAXIA Sat., duly !>tli SAMAIUA Thur. July 7 LOTHXIA Tues, July 12 ICKI'HAI.OXIA Thur.,July 11 SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at moderate fares for FIRST and SECOND Class Passengers also through to CHINA, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND, and AUSTRALIA. STEERAGE PASSENGERS to all parts of America and Canada at Low Rates those by Boston Steemers booked to NEW YORK without extra charge. THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED, 8, Water-street, Liverpool. OR TO TlLEIU AGEKT- D. S. THOMAS, 1:327] Schoolmaster, Llandovery. AMERICAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA, EVERY WEDNESDAY. First-class, full powered Iron Steamships. Accommodation for passengers, equal to any European Line. Passengers and goods landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THIS IS THE SHOHTEST AXD BEST ROUTE TO THE WEST. Apply to RICHARDSON. SPENCE & CO., BOG] 10 and 22, Water Street. LIVRRPOOL. nc CM FMnpn MARGRAVE OF DLENDCU DDnTLlFDC UULllClfV C5r\U I HunO VYIil^riY LLA NELLY S00 Laneet _S,WALES EXCELSIOR Jv(u;ils if it d"s notsurjiass any brand before the See Britibh E\)x rt Juumal." "1^XCELS10R': JL^i An old and remarkably fine Spirit." See, Arthur Hill Hassall, M.D. (Loud.) EXCELSIOR" "Finest quality Whisky." — See. "Health Journal." I^XCELSIOR V'erv cheap at 44s. per doz.— 1,, See "London Oracle." XCELSIOR -A A rare success.—See "Trade." —— [l/í.!U MARGRAVE BROTHERS, LLANELLY. BKEAKFAST—SUPPER. E P P S S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK. THE GUILDHALL MUSIC AND STATIONERY, C A n M A II T II I X E. COLBY EVANS' PIAISTOFORTES BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS, At Cash Discounts, varying from 20 to 30 per cent.; also on the 3 years' system, from 10s. Gll. per month. AN EXCELLENT TUNER KEPT. PLLYOS TUNED FOR 38. 6(t., OR KEPT IN TUNE BY THE YEAR FOR 148. AMERICAN ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS In great variety, always in Stock. I) 11 U M 4=a*ESS3B^Sfe^ Atu) I FIFE BAND S. SUPPLIED AT LOWEST PRICES. Having successfully competed against other firms, E. C. E. has every confidence in the 0 y 0 prices lie quotes. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S HAND & TRAVELLING BAGS ALWAYS IN STOCK .xYt Stores Pl-ices. STATIONERY IN GREAT VARIETY. A DISCOUNT OY 2d. IN THE Is. ALLOWED OFF ALL BOOKS. 1331 "L ——————— ESTABLISHED 180G. HENRY CADLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, ALE, AND PORTE li MERCHANT, HALF MOO N II O T E L DARK-GATE, AND BLUE-STREET, CARMARTHEN, AGKNT POU UAS, ALLSOPJ^S, AND OTlIEH ALES. GUIN X E S S S AND O T JI E R I' O R T E R S, IN CA.SK.S AND 15 O T T L E S CASKS, FROM 9 GALLONS AND UPWARDS, ALWAYS IN STOCK. SAMPLES AND PRICKS ON APPLICATION. SCHWEPPE'S CHAMPAGNE, GINGERADIO, LEMONADE, SODA WATER, AND BRIGHTON SELTZElt WATER. WINES AND SPIRITS OF THE BEST QUALITY. PRICES, FROM 2S. TO 7S. PER BOTTLE. ALL SPIRITS OF MATURE AGE. AN O 11 D I N A11 Y EVERY SATURDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK. MOUNT HILL NURSERIES, CARMARTHEN. JOSEPH COYSH. FOREST TREES! FOREST TREES!! WHITE THORN QUICKS FOR HEDGES. CHOI € 12 T IS JE IS$A .Y Bl If at U J £ § FRUIT TREES AND ROSES, AND ALL KINDS OF NURSERY STOCK. WREATHS, CROSSES, AND BOUQUETS TO OR DEI}, PRICES ON APPLICATION. [1308 HIGHEST AWARDED MEDAL, LIVERPOOL, 1886. HIGHEST AWARDED ORDER OF MERIT, ADELAIDE, 1887. HIGHEST AWARDED ORDER OF MERIT, MELBOURNE, 1889. GOLD MEDAL, SYDNEY, 1888. FARMERS! SEND YOUR OWN WOOL TO BE MADE UP INTO CLOTH From Is. 3d. to 2s. 4d. per Yard; Blankets, from Is. 2d. to 2s. 6d. per Yard; Flannels, from 9d. to Is. Gd. per yard Stocking Yarn, from 9d. per lb. PATTERNS FOKWAIIDEI) TO SELECT FROM. CARRIAGE PAID lO & FROM THE MILLS ON ALL ORDERS OVER £2. TYLEI-t & CO., I MAESLLYN MILLS, LLANDYSSIL, S. WALES l.3 13 Established 854. D. TITUS WILLIAMS, BOOKBINDER, ENGLISH WESLEYAN CHAPEL HOUSE, CARMARTHEN. BIBLES, MUSIC, ALBUMS, and OLD BOOKS BOUND and REPAIRED with the greatest care. SECOND-HAND BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLD, OR EXCHANGED. [1309 | EDUCATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. L A }! PETER. THE COLLEGE SCHOOL, LAMPETER. Heeid Muster and Tcadter of E^iliah Sa'jjce/s ~Uw. T. M. EVANS,M. A., late Senior Scholar of St. David's College, and Prizeman and Exhibitioner of Kind's College, Cambridge. Classics—J. J. JOXES, C.A., late Scholar of t. David's College. Mathematics and Modern Lmv;ua;jes—A. TIELII. ESN. B. A., late Scholar of St. David's College. I SoiC'iLCC W. HKMIEHSO* M. A., 3t. UuU %-er,,ity. Excellent intermediate education. Direct pre;>:ira- tion for the learned (irofessions under peculiarly advan- tageons conditions. Thorough preparation for St. Da\id s College and other [>laces of higher educa- | tion. Next term begins May 3rd. For i»rospecturf,Arc., apply to TfEAnMASTER. 1131*1 C ARAJ A RTH EX. HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CARMARTHEN. A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. I'LTI.STDKXT OF COUNCIL THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID S. LADY PKINCIPAL MLs-. JORDAX. L.L.A., St. Andrews University, A.IJ, (OertificMtrfl in IIOIICHU' <'ainbtielge Higher Local Examination First Class College of Pre ceptors). LAPV -A-ll") NORTH. ASSISTANT THACHEKS .jiss K. S. GILES, Cer:ificatcd Cambridge, Oxford, and Trinity College, London, and in Mat hematics, Mooi-tanics", Chemistry, and Dr- wing by Science and Ai t Department-, South Kensington.—Mx.ss R.Droni>, Certificated Fiist. Class by Council of Education • Ceitifieatcd in Phyfioiopy. JMRgnctissn, | Electiiciiy, Di twing, and Painting Ly tLe Scicnce and Art Deput-tmout. ILii taken prizes in needler/ork, itc. NON-II.ESIUENT- -MISS DTCKLEV, Associate in Music, liinity College, London Senior It.A.M. aild i Trinity College Certificates (Organ. Piano, Thcurv) Society of Arts, 1st Class in Mask; Cambridge Higher Certificate. DRAWING MASTKH-MH. W. JONES. Higher Certi- ticates South Kensington. Music MASTEK-MK. COOKE, Organist OF Christ Church. DANCING MISTRESS-MISS AYLTNO. rnHE School gives an excellent H. location on very J. moderate terms. Admirable accommodation for Boarders. Pupils prepared for public Examination*. Next term will cuniiuv ICJ We lu-sdav, M :V 18'J2. 1 G I I' L S' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, 10, QUAY STREET, CARMARTHEN. PRINCIPAL MRS. W. MAll!,i;S T!IOM.VS p South Kensington AIT and J. Science Fir>t Class C>>lleg«- of Preceptors Junior and Senior Society of Arts. Oxford and Cam bridge Local Royal Academy of Music and Trinity R'"e Examinations. First'Ciass i Louours, Special Distincti(tns"A!:d havbeen gained in the ;I!KA-« I Examinations. [13(7 QUEEN ELIZABETH CllAMMAK SCHOOL. Fovsded, 157(5. Recommcndcd as an Intormedi ito School by the Joint Education Committee for Carm U: HEIISBIRE. j Chairman of Governors: WCOUNT Eirt.VV. lfeatl)jiast,E. G. ALLEX, Al. A., I S.h.>•!»• of S. dernti !O and Assistant Claf: ical ^L.^ITR ..t Christ College, lliecen. ASSISTANT MASTEKS. MATHEMATICS a,id CERIDFRYN THOMAS: B,Se. (Lotido-,i) L C.P. A. II. GOODLII'FK, B.A LI!O OPON SCHOLAR ST CATHARINE'S COLLEGE, CAMLRIDGE, CLASSICAL os 1801. JItLsic-C. VIDEO N of 81. Peter's. ° Drawing (in all its branches) — Yv. JUNKS, Head- roaster of the School of Art, Carman hen. THE School prepares for Scholarships at Oxford JL "nd Cambridge, the WELSH C LIEGES, La-v and Medical Examinat ions, Banks, «FCW Spfcial Class for London Y;¡ f riclIlat ion and tlv: Oxford AND Cambridge School Ccitificate Examinations. Modern Side, A special feature of the School CLASSES for Science and Art Kxnuiuations, South singtou. Large outlay just made i Scientific apparatus. RECENT DISTINCTIONS. FOUR SCHOLARSHIPS, &C., Oxford and Cambridge —total value over £ï50. THREE Oeeii Medals, Edinburgh Univer-ity. THREE Prosiuic Acccssit for Edinburgh Uni- versity. Largest number of First Classes (22) obtained from aiiy Wt-Isli School in Oxfovd and Cambiidgc Lower Certificate Examination, [DO. THREE Candidates entered for London Matricula- tion, January, 1S91, and ail appeared in the Fiist Division. About 200 CERTIFICATES SCIENCE AND ART EXAMINATION, SOURU KENSINGTON, oi. ic. OLD COLLEGE SCHOOL, CAHM All THEN. Haul Master—Y, .TONES, 1.A.. Assisted by Messrs. W. ROBERTS & E. GRIF- FITHS (UND ergraduatcs of the London University. SUCCESSES DUJIXG 1S01. 3 Loudon MATRICULA' ION. G RJ'HE VARIES THEOLOGICAL COLLEGES. 2 MEDICAL PRELIMINARY (IN G SUBJECTS'). 1 L. AND P. BANK. 2G MATHEMATICS (SCIENCE RAID ART) 10 ME( DIANICS (SCIENCE AND ART). 15 14 SHORTHAND (PITMAN\. 1 PHARMAEENTICAL EXAMINATION. £ 10 SCHOLARSHIP AT ABERYSTWITH ('OLLCGE. 1 SELECTED for E75 SCHOLARSHIP at the Hdyal VET. College, Loiidoii. YSTRAD MEUPIG. Y S T 11 A D M E U H I C S C H O 0 L. ITECENT SUCCESSKS. -it ].,t,)Il Scholarship a.t St. David s Coll. in Greek, Latin, Scripture, and Mathe- matics in the Oxford and Cambridge Certificate Examination. at Oxford. lVse> in Creek, Latin, Scripture, History, and Mathematics elementary and additional, in the Oxford and Call) Exaiiiiiittioli, Foundation Scholarshsps now vacant \nolv to the Rev. THE HEAD MASTKK. LL [L;^ I'l l! 1.1, v YH;I:T'\j;LL,J:f('('lj'l!:tr1liJe's. Will reolnce fniir. tu c to live lifeaes pov.ndsppr wc-k: nets on the .a S. P rood i:i tile sl..imu-li, pre- vciitiiiir its; 11111) A Botanic Medicine Co., 3, New Oxford-street, ,-<&• London, W.C. [153U w NOT,cES. I WINE I SPIRIT MERCHANT, j ALE & STOUT BOTTLER, CARMARTHEN. ——- ¡ AGENT FOLL THE | CUNARD, IXMAX. AI.I.AX, DOMINION UXIOX, & NEW ZEALAND STEAMSHIP COMPANIES AND THE C A N A 1) I A N PARCEL EX PRESS. h if or mat ion aw! I) ■< „f S.ti'/uj Fre>, oh A,ij)?ic tlio,t. [1379 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS r, H M vA rvPATENT U PILLS. £ 51 t6\, si ;el I'll 0 1)' VHE universally admit- ¿ 1L ted to be worth A GUINEA A Box for bilious and nervous di. orders, ?uCh as wind and i n in the stomach, sick headache, giddinesF, inineso and swelling aft-er meals, dizziness and drow- siness, cold chills, flush. gs of he-it, loss of appe- tite, shortness of breath, costivencss, scurvy, blotches on the skin, dis- turbed sleep, frightful aiearns, and all nervous auu trembling1 sensations, <tc. I lie first dose will gire relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of those Pills, and tllCY will be acknowledged to be WOUTII A GUINEA A ],,ox. For females of all ages these Pills invalu. able, as a few (I)ses of them carry oI all humours and faring about ail that is require 1. No female should be without them. There is no Medicine to be fouuJ e(l;i:l1 to Leeohain^ Pills for removino- any ob-true ho a or i.reguiai ity of tile system. If taken accoiding to the directions given with esh box, they wiii soon restore females of all ages to i s,ound a,'d 10busl heillh. This has been provad br thousands who have tticcl them, and found the benofits which are ensured by their use. a w,k stomach, impaired digestion, and all j disorders of the liver, they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the N'O.-t impoitant organs in the human m ichiue. — J hey strengthen the whole muscular system, record t:;e long lost complexion, bring back the K-6en edo- • j r'vrr.rj *vo."s? ,n,° (Ijo ,-or/ ou-l of he I,,h t,ie '.VUOL-.energy of the Ia,? FA,:rs te,"ifi,d eon- Oi .til cl-iasos of societv, anI one o .,m: u>*t gu-u-.vitees to t ho nervous an I debilitated ls. LLLCIIAM'.S VILLS have the' largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. "^s lv;U0f'y toi Co-ighs in jreneral, asthma, bronchial affections, hoarseness, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of the cheat, uhe.-zin^, <fcc., these Puis stand unrivaHed. They are the best py. r ohered c) he public, and wiU cpewlilv remove tuat sense of oj^pre-s-on and difHcultv of breathing wbich uigbtly deprive tho patient of "rest. Let any person give LEECliA^i'S COUGH PILLS II trhl, and thti most violent cough will in a short time be removed. Prepared only. and sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor. Thomas Beecham, 8,1. Helen's, Lancashire, in Boxes at 91 J., Is. I Id., and 2s. 9,1. each. iold by all Di-ugo'ists and Patent Medicine Deal. crs everywhere. lull directions are given with each box. e 15Sti CUPISS'S 1.10 J COXSTITUTIOX BALLS For Greasti, Swelled Le.s, Cracked For. Heels, Cou.Lji.s, t o'ds, Hove or Blown, IIDP^FS Loss of Appetite, Staring Coat, Dr-tcinier, Fjiidcmic or InHu- -v-Vi'i1 en^.i, and for preserving G.vkI Health INBAI a;iLl .^tting into 1'ritne Condition CATTLE, TESTIJIO.VIAL. SHEEP, Tyfry, Menai Bridge, AlJg'esecl, May :kd, 1884. AND DKAII SIK, Having used your Consti- tamu |?a.l< for neurit, thirty years to SCOL Horses and Neat Cattle, it is only simple tiuth and justice to say, a safer or more IN efficacious -Medicine for Horses & Cattle r T vv< cannot be purchased. It cannot be too L S extensively known, for I am positive thev are a!- i,er^n tliat Siv<3 ie a/«t> tru,l mo<t infal W UeVCr dHC0!ltmue your Balls as occasion nr-y re.pure.-Yours trul", lible. WM. EVANS. Prepared upwards of 50 years by the late I' ITANC1S CLTISS, M.U.C.V.S. S >ld in Pajket.- ls. !)d. and os. (J 1. each, 7 small 10s. 0d 7 large. 2Is., li lar-e 3Us., by Ch.'uiists and Mwlieiue Veil 1 .rs, 'or from Proprietor, The Wilderness, Di-s, Norfolk, on receipt of amount. [1:336 I M F 0 11 T A N T TO E A E M E 11 S. L'S TA HL IS il E b so YEA RS. —— THE O WE N DA V I ES) CELEBRATED SCYTHES. K YEK V SCYTHK /;1 .o/ /A' /<f >d', r', <, ,{$ J"- WABRANTED. These w ell-Know n Scytlie> arc acknowledged by ttio.-e to I-K. tile li F S T a n d CHEAPEST. l> t i '{■!( Farmers -liould give them a trial and prove it for themselves. OXCK TUiEK .V.\VS USED. Sold bv 1 I'ODill')])-! Si, 7 o -.1 c fi i) J 'keepers, and .Smiths ol" fr >111 the sole f iMpri' toi s ])A DA VIES, Llanidloes As a sifo, permanent, and warranted cure for I iin pies, Scrofula, Scurvy, Dld Legs, Skin ar.d Blood Oiscases, and Sores of all kinds, ire can with J confidence rocouiintiid CLAI;KE*S WOKLD-FAMKO l Mixxt'itE. Sold by thcui everywhere. loZbj