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.# SPECIAL CH EAP RATE FOR PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS, HOWSES TO BE LET I APARTMENTS WANTED HOUSES WANTED APARTMENTS TO BE LET SITUATIONS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED SITUATIONS VACANT ARTICLES LOST AND FOUND One Three Six Words. insertion. Insertions. Insertions. I s. d. s. d. a. d. 18 106 1 0,1 0 94 0 9 1 6 2 3 32 1 0 2 0 3 0 40 Ii 13 2 6 3 9 — Every addi- 3^ 6d. 9d. tional 8 Words. MONEY TO LEND. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY (without sureties) by the CHARING-CROSS BANK (Estab- lished 1870). 28, BEDFORD-ST., CHARING-CROSS, London, W.C. 1 Capital £ 300.000. Reserve Fund £ 100,000. „ ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE Upon Approved Promissory Notes as follows, without bill of sale. Advance 225-12 monthly repayments of £2 5 10 4 118 W Q 2 A „ 100 » t. 9 6 4 Larger amounts in the same proportion. ADVANCES of E30 to granted at a few hours' notice in town or country, male or female, on Mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops. &c., without removal, and to assist persons into business. Also on deeds, policies, and reversions. NOTICE.-Any one requiring money will do well before applying elsewhere, or paying fees, to_ think ot this-Surely 1 can do better with a Bank having large "apital at command and devoting themselves to tms <la88 of business than I can with so-called private jaoney lenders or agents with small means Good borrowers can obtain money here on reasonable terms, quickly, privately, and without deductions, repayable by easy instalments- Distance no object. Call per- IiOnally. or write. Special facilities to all requiring banking accounts. 3 oer cent interest allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received as Under:— 4 per cent. per annum, subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal. 5 per cent. per annum, subject to 6 months' notice of withdrawal. 0 pei cent, per annum, subject to 12 months' notice of withdrawal. Special terms for larger amounts. Interest paid quarterly. Write or call for Prospectus. 895] A. WILLIAMS. Manager. PUBLIC NOTICES. ESTABLISHED 1851. BIRKBECK BANK Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. THREE per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. TWO per CENT, on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on minimum monthly balance when not drawn below JE100. STOCKS, SHARES, aud ANNUITIES pur- chased and sold. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank receives small sums on deposit?, and allows Interest, at the rate of THREE PER CENT. per annum, on eah completed Xi. The Interest is added to the Principal on the 31st March annually. FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY, How to Purchase a House for Two Guineas per month. BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY, How to purchase a Plot of Land for Pive Shil- lings per month. The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full pr- tieulars, can be obtained post frae, on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT, Manager. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS 18 warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquired or consti- tutional), Gravel, and Pains in the Back, guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in boxes, 4s. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine vendors throughout the World; or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Makers, IHE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. 860 PROVINCIAL ADVERTISING, PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICES, LYDNEY, GLO'STERSHIRE. A DVERTISERS should send for Prospectus tc the Provincial Advertising Offices, Lydney. GIO ILtershire. [852 -_u MR. C. K. WHEATLEY, PROFESSIONAL PIANOFORTE TUNER PIANOS tuned singly or by the year. Special -L attention given to American Organs and Har- moniums. All kinds of instruments repaired. ^SO^TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH.' "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE Ui'jf I ICMRKElJjd. mmsEgls1 |D"P^ BLOOD PURIFIER! ESkAND RESTORER! and clearing th» blood from all im- For 'e t too highly recommended. purities, c fula> scurvy, Eczema, For SC an(J Blood Diseases, Pimple3' _u lands, it iB a never-failing and Sores oi and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Bores Cures Ulcerated Sore £ P on the Face> Cures Blackheads, or rw Cures Scurvy Cures Glandular Swellings- ure Inatter, Cleara the Blood from all unp From whatever cause arising- RheumRtic pains. It is a real specific for Gout ana d Bones. It removes the cause from the Bloca As this mixture is pleasant to 'ttic nicst ranted free from anything lnjuno proprietors delicate constitution of either vaiue. solicit sufferers to give it a trial to le T G THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIAL Prom aU Parts of the World. Sold in Bottles 2a. 9d., and in Misee. eoDtamiufc times the quantity, lis. each aiitviciciit to CJ • permanent cure in the great majority of long_staNp cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATE VI MRDICIM; VEXDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, or seiw for 33 or 132 stamps by the Proprietors. THB LIKCOLU AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPArrv. Lincoln. CAUTION.—Ask for Clarke's BlOo-.d Mixture ami do not be persuaded to take an imitation. £ T CURED MY COLD AT ONCE. Mr John Hugh Jones, Cacathraw, Carnarvon. WHAT CURED? HAYMAN'S BALSAM of Horehound, a Safe and Speedy Remedy for Coughs, Bronchitis, «rc. SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRICE 1B. lid., 2s. 9d. Prepared only by A. B:imaD & Co., Loudon, E.G. HE NEW ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION JL (LIMITED.) Capital £ 2,000,000. Subscribed and Paid-up £ 000,000. Board of Directors. J. C, SHAW, Esq., Chairman; Major General HEVILLE. C.B. JOHN A. FERGUSON, Esq Sir WM H. MARSH, K.C.M.G. P. W. G. SPENCE, Esq.; G. H. TOD-1IEATHLY. Esq. I West End O.tfice-25, Cockspur Street, S.W. ANGUS FRASER, Manager. Edinburgh—1!), St. Andrew Square. Sir DAVID F. OCHTEKF.ONY, BART., Manager. Dundec-ti, Paumure Street, W. J. DOUGLAS, Manager. Branches and Agc/tcics-Aden, Antananarivo, Badulla. Bombay Calcutta, Colombo. Galle, Hong Kong. Jaffna. Kandy, Kobe (Hiogo), Madras, Mauritius, Melbourne, Nagasaki, Newera Ellia, JSlew York, Paris, San Francisco, Seychelles, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tamatave, Yokohama, Zanzibar. Bankers—Bank of England, Bank of Scotland, and Union Bank of London, l.imited. Money remitted to any part of the world by Draft, Letter of Credit, or by Telegraph. Bills of Exchange, Interest Warrants and Coupons collected and Cashed. Circular Notes issued. Current Accounts opened. All Banking business connected with the Orient undertaken. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Subject to 3 Months' notice 3 per cent. per annum. Six 4 One Year's 4 Two or Three Year's 4 Five or Seven o Interest paid half-yearly. Interest at 2;1; per cent. per annum allowed on the 2 minimum balance of Current Account if not below t100 during the half-year. Pay and Pensions drawn at a commission of i per cent, except to widows and customers. Securities bought, sold and received for safe custody. Interest and dividends collected at a commission of per cent. The fullest information can be obtained at the Head Office. ROBERT TURNElt ROHDE, Chief Manager. 40, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON, E.C. [HSG GALVANIZED COHRUGATED ROOFING SHEETS. Buy from the Manufacturers. SHEETS LOW AS Is. Id. EACH. tW PRICES ON APPLICATION. CORRUGATED IRON Co., WOLVERHAMPTON LARGEST MAKERS IN THE KINGDOM. [1440 FREE GRANTS OF LAND IN CANADA. 160 ACRES IN MANITOBA AND THE NORTH WEST, AND MONEY BONUS TO SETTLERS. REPORTS OF THII, BRITISH T NAN T F A R M E R S' DELEGATES, 1890, And other newly-issued illustrated and authentic PAMPHLETS, MAPS. & FULL INFORMATION RESPECTING MANITOBA, Or any other part of Canada—its Resources, Trade, Demand for Labour, Wages paid, &c supplied Free on application to MR. JOHN DYKE, Canadian Government Agent, 15, WATER STREET, LIVERPOOL. [1473 ^TIFF'S STARCH. NOTICE. STIFF'S STARCH is sold STIFF'S STARCH. jn 411, lib., ^lb., and ilb. fancy Boxes, also in Paper Packets containing about TIFF S STARCH. 51bs. each. Every Box or Packet bears w < rrTTV'c cjhp A Dou the Trad* Mark, "Queen S SI ARCH. Bt,sg/> Thig Tra(]e Mark has been registered, and is TIFF'S STARCH. a guarantee that the contents of the Box or Packet are genuine. TIFF' STARCH. A good deal of Starch is sold loose that is, merely r i J/TT-U vp A r > n u wrapped in paper or enclosed S is I ARCH. iu 1']liap(.r Starch supilied in this wav may be TIFF'S STARCH. a cheap and very inferior article, possibly of foreign „ ,T1 manufacture, and of lit tie ^HFFS STARCH. use for laundry purposes. v j Consumers, therefore when TIFF'S STARCH, purchasmg Stiff's Starch. k-4 should get it in Box or Packet, ana note the Trade STIFF'S STARCH. Murk printed in Red Ink on outside. STIFF & CO., 29, REDCLIFF STREET, BRISTOL. SHIPPING NOTICES. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES. (Under contract with the Canadian Government for conveyance of the Canadian Mails) Saloon 10 to 18 Guineas, 2nd CtbinC6 6s., Steerage B4. CHEAPEST AND MOST EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE to all parts of Canada. Manitoba, the North West Territory, British Columbia, and the Western States of America. Special Emigrant and Tourist rates. Through Trains daily to the Pacific Coast, and Emigrant Sleeping Cars without extra charge. Western bound Emigrants accompanied by a special conductor. A substantial Government Bonus for familes taking np land in Manitoba, the North West Territory, and British Columbia. Free Land Grants of 60 acres. Special handbooks of concise information, the British delegates' new reports and all the latest maps and pamphlets free. Apply to the owners, ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., Liverpool, or to WILLIAM FINCH, 16, Nott-square, Carmarthen. AMERICA. CUNARD LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. f FROM LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENSTOWN To NEW YORK. J To BOSTON. SEBVIA Sat., April 2 SCYTHIA Thur. April 7 GALLIA Tues., Apr. 5 CATALONIA .Th., Apr. 14 SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION at moderate fares for FIRST and SECOXD (law Passengers also through tolitii^A, INJ^VV L.II'fi.u.i.v, also through tolitii^A, INJ^VV ^^u, and AUSTRALIA. STEERAGE PASSENGERS t> all parts of America and < "anada at Low Rates those by Boston Steemers booked to NEW YORK without extra CHATHE CUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED, 8, Water-street, Liverpool. OK TO THEIK AGEN^_g THOMAS, 5.54] Schoolmaster. Llaadi.very AMERICAN LINE. TTNTTTED STATES MAIL STEAMERS TIVEBPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA, EVERY WEDNESDAY. Fir«t-class. full powered Iron Steamships. Accommodation for passengers, equal to any hurope;llJ L4i'e- Qr,,i (roo(ls landed at Philadelphia on the Passengers aad gpoiui aNIa RAILROAD. Wharf ot the PLNi ROUTE TO THE THIS IS THE SHORTEST AND DM* IP* •» 1 THE GUILDHALL MUSIC AND STATIONERY, C A II i A II T Bl E N. I: E. COLBY EVANS' PI AN OPORTES BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS, At Cash Discounts, varying from 20 to 30 per cent.; also on the 3 years' system, from 10s. 6d. per month. AN EXCELLENT TUNER KEPT. PIANOS TUNED FOR 3s. Gd., OR KEPT 7A TUNE BY THE YEAR FOR 14s. AMERICAN ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS In great variety, always in Stock. -u All AND 15' -• A.. FIFE BANDS SUPPLIED AT LOWEST PRICES. Having successfully competed against other firms, E. C. E. has every confidence in the prices lie quotes. A L A It G E ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S HAND & TRAVELLING BAGS ALWAYS IN STOCK t Stores Prices. STATIONERY IN GREAT VARIETY. A DISCOUNT 07 2d. IN THE Is. ALLOWED OFF ALL BOOKS. [889 ESTABLISHED 1806. HENRY CADLE, 1VTTOLFSALE A VD RETAIL 1 VINE, SPIRIT, ALIi), A YD POUTEli MERCHANT, HALF MOON HOTEL, DARK-GATE, AND BLUE-STREET, CARMARTHEN, AGENT FOIZ BASS, ALLSOPP'S, AND OTHER ALES. GUINNESS'S AND OTHER PORTERS, IN CASKS AND BOTTLES CASKS, FROM 9 GALLONS AND UPWARDS, ALWAYS IX STOl K. SAMPLES AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. SCHWEPPE'S CHAMPAGSE, GINGERADE, LEMONADE, SODA WATER, AND BRIGHTON SELTZER WATER. WINES AND SPIRITS OF THE BEST QUALITY. PRICES, FROM 2s TO 7S. PER BOTTLE. ALL SPIRITS OF MATURE AGE. AN ORDINARY EVERY SATURDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK. MOUNT HILL NURSERIES, CARMARTHEN. JOSEPH COYSH. FOREST TREES! FOREST TREES!! WHITE THORN QUICKS FOR HEDGES. c it o s c t as as & a a b& FRUIT TREES AND ROSES, AND ALL KINDS OF XUUSEH Y STOCK. WREATHS, CROSSES, AND BOUQUETS TO OR DEll. I p It ICE S 0 -V A PP L 1 0 A TI O N, [8560 HIGHEST 1886, HIGHEST OHDER OF MERIT, 1887. A \V A RUED ORDER OF 'itNE, 1889. NIELBOT) GOLD MEDAL, SYDNEY, 1888. :F A SEND YOUR OWN WOOL TO BE MADE UP INTO CLOTH From Is. 3d. to 2s. 4d. per Yard, Blankets, from Is. 2d. to 2s. 6d. per Yard; Flannels, frolll 9d. to Is. 6d. I-er yard Stocking Yarn, from 9d. per lb. PATTERNS FORWARDED TO SELECT FROM. e: ARM AGE PAID 10 A PROAf 1 HE MILLS OX ALL ORDERS OVER L2. TYLER & CO.. MAESLLYN JILLS, LLANDYSSIL, S. WALES [86 < £ £ SALT ZEE FOR .A. Xj XJ H Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, ..a nd are invaluable in COM PLAINTS incidental to FElvi ■ LES o ages. For Children and the aged they are pr,cl-;s6. i Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street, Lonuon, An I soM by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. j H B—Adv.ce Grat a, at the above addrcM, daily, between the hours cf 11 and 4, or by Ictto EDUCATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. LAMPETER. THE COLLEGE SCHOOL, LAMPETER. Head Master and Tcachcr of Eiujiish Siiojccts—Tltv. T. M. EVANS,if. A., late Senior Scholar of St. David's College, and Prizeman and Exhibitioner of King's College, Cambridge. Classics—J. J. JONES, B.A., late Scholar of St. David's College. Mathematics and Modern. Languages-A. FIELD, Esq., B.A., late Scholar of St. David's 'Allege. 8cience W. HENDERSON, M.A., St. Andrew's Uni- versity. Excellent intermediate education. Direct prepara- tion for the learned professions under peculiarly advan- tageous conditions. Thorough preparation for St. David's College and other places of higher educa- tion. Next term begins May 3rd. Foi prospectus,&c., apply to HKADMASTEB. l60 CARMARTHEN. .I. HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CARMARTHEN. A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. LADY PRINCIPAL Miss JORDAN, L.L.A., St. Andrews University, N.B. (Certificated in Honours Cambridge Higher Local Examination; First Clas College of Pre- ceptors). LADY MATKOX— MISS TURPIN. ASSISTANT TEACHERS Miss K. S. GILES, Certificated Cambridge, Oxford, and Trinity College, London, and in Mat hematics, Mechanics. Chemistry, and Dra wing by Science and Art Department, Sou I h Kensington.—Miss RADFORD, Certificated First Class by Councii of Edt-catioii; Certificated in Physiology, Magnetism, Electricity, Drawing, and Painting by the Science and Art Department. Has taken prizes in needlework, &e. ^?^ESIIJEXT -Miss BTCKLEY, Associate in Music, Trillity College, London; Senior R. A. M. and Trinity College C'crtificatcs (Organ. Piano, Theory) Society of Arts, 1st Class in Music Cambridge Higher Certificate. DRAWING MASTER—MK. W. JONES, Higher Certi- ficates South Kensington. MesIc MASTER—MK. COOKE, Organist of Chris-t Church. DANCING MISTRESS—MISS AYLING. THE School gives an excellent wlucatiou on very 1.. moderate terms. Admirable accommodation for Boarders, under the superintendence of a Clergyman's widow. 9 Pupils prepared for public Examinations. Next term will commence Wednesday, Januarv 20th 1*12. 804* GIRLS' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, 10, QUAY STREET, CARMARTHEN. PRINCIPAL MRS. W. MARLES-THOMAS PUPILS have passed the South Kensington Ait and Science First Class College of Preceptors Junior and Senior Society of Arts. Oxford and Cam bridge Local Royal Academy of Music and Trinity College Examinations. First Class Honours, Special Distinctions and Prizes, have been gained in the above Examinations. [855 QUEEX ELIZABETH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. FOUNDED, 1576. Recommended as an Intermediate School by the Joint Education Committee for Carmarthenshire, Chairman of Governors: VISCOUNT EMLYN. Headmaster-3. J. LLOYD-WILLIAMS, M.A.. late Classical Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford. Mathematics and Scieizee-A. S. HENVVOOD, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge; 2nd Class Honours Mat hematical Tripos. Modern Subjects, Classics and Muthematics—W. D. WILLIAMS, B.A Christ College, Cambridge. Music—C. YIVEON HARDING, Organist of Sf. Peter's. Drawing (in all its branches)—W. JONES, Head- master of the School of Art, Carmarthen. THE School prepares for Scholarships at Oxford nnd Cambridge, the Welsh C> lieges, Law and Medical Examinations, Banks, &c. Special Class for London Matriculation and the Oxford and Cambridge School Certificate Examinations. Modern Side, a special feature of the School Classes for Science and Art Examinations, South Ken- sington. RECENT DISTINCTIONS. Foun SCHOLARSHIPS, &c., Oxford and Cambridge -total value over £ 750. THREE Open Medals, Edinburgh University. THREE Proximo Accessit for Edinburgh Uni- versity. Largest number of First. Classes (22) ob'ained from any Welsh School in Oxford and Cambridge Lower Certificate Examination. 1890. THREE Candidates entered for London Matricula- tion, January, 1891, and all appeared in the First Division. Over 14-0 CERTIFICATES SCIENCE AND ART EXAMINATION, SourR KENSINGTON, &e.&c., &c. Annual Sciiolaisnips to be competed for on April i 23rd and following days. New Boys examined on same day. Next terin begins on Thursday, January lith, 1892. For Syllabus of Subjects apply to HEAD- MASTER. [808 OLD COLLEGE SCHOOL, CARMARTHEN. Head Master—E JONES, M.A., Assisted by Messrs. W. ROBERTS & E. GRIF- FITHS (t ndergraduates of the London University. SUCCESSES DURING IS 91. 3 London Matriculation. li 'I he varies Theological Colleges. 2 Medical Preliminary (in G subjects). 1 L. and P. Bank. 2G Mathematics (Science and Art). 10 Mechanics (Science and Art). 15 Light. Heat and Sound (Science and Art). 14 Shorthand (Pitman). 1 Pharmaceutical Examination. £ 10 Scholarship at Aberystwith College. 1 selected for £í3 Scholarship at the Royal Vet. College, London. 1022 PARKYVELVET GRAMMAR AND SCIENCE SCHOOL, CARMARTHEN. Headmaster. J. CERRIDFBY.N THOMAS, B.Sc. (LONDON), L.C.I' Assisted by his brother, MR. J. B. THOMAS (an undergraduate of the London University. First Class College of Preceptors, and Exhibitioner of the University College, Cardiff). SUCCESSES FOR 1891. 1 Matriculation in Honours. No failures. 2 J heological Colleges. No failures. Medical preliminary, 1 obtaining 97 per cent. of full marks in Mechanics. No failures. 1< Mathematics (none of whom having obtained the same success in 1890 only 19 presented). 8 Mechanics, 50 per cent Firsts, 1 being y First in an advanced stage. No failures. 3 Light and Heat (advanced stage), 1 being 1 irst, a presented. 25 Chemistry, Physics^ &c._ 1 Pharmaceutical. No failures. 1 Queen's Scholarship (First Class). YSTRAD MEURIG. YSTIIAD SCIloOL. RECENT SUCCESSES. Scholarship at Eton College; Senior Scholarship at St. David's College. 1890—Passes in Greek, Latin, Scripture, and Mat be matics in the Oxford and Cambridge Certificate Examination. 1891— £ 50 Scholarship, tenable at Oxford. Passes'-in Greek. Latin, Scripture, History, and Mathematics, elementary and additional. in the Oxford and Cambridge Certificate Examination. The School will re-open on Tuesdav. January 2hth, at (I a.m. Foundation Scholarships now vaeaiit.-AI,I,INI to the Rev. THE HEAD MASTKR. —^ .J!UBUC NCT,CES. W. FIXCH, I WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, AIN I ALE & STOUT BOTTLER, CARMARTHEN. AGENT FOK THE CUNARD, INMAN, ALLAN, DOMINION UNION, & NEW ZEALAND STEAMSHIP COMPANIES AND THE I C A N A D I A N PARCEL EXPRESS. /tijbrmatton and Dates of Sai!inj < Free on Appliedion. CIGARS; C I G A I I S CIGARS: ( J. JEXXFNUS Holl!" a large Stocic of the leading Brands of HAVANA, MEXICAN. MANILA. & BRITISH CIGARS At$T 0 11 E '■ .S PRICES. SPECIALITE. 39,000 Manila Cigars, fall weight, and in fine condition, to be Sold at the very low price of 21). KACII. 166. PKU 100. Box or 500, k3 IN*. tiLl. CIGARETTES. T U R K ISH, T HE OTTO M A Xi -VALA, 8s. IOu. EGYPTIAN. MELACHRINO. NESTOR GIAXACLIS, from Cs. od. p.r lOll. SPKCIALITE. A Cigarette made 011 the Premises, from the very fine-t ir^ima grown, and is cut especial! v f,,r the-c Cigarettes. I hey are m two sizes, and sold at Sd. per oz. Many other Brands in Stock. | TOBACCOS. ditfi.i'ent tjorts kep; 111 St-tok, and weeklv ineIudiug- ARCHERS, TADDYS. WILLS, LAMBERT AND BUTLERS, HIGXETTS, COPES, PLAYERS, SMITHS, ETC PIPES BY ALL BEST MAKERS. P O U CUES. CIGAR AND CIGARETTE CLSES. S T I C K S Every requisite for the Smoker kept in Stock. f*V''• J..1 ENNIXGS begs to take this opportunitv o. informing the Nobility. Clergv, and Gentry of Car- T T" a11,1 District, that his FIRST CL\SS KHLLL SALVOX is NOW OPEN, under the °T,^n txpenenced WEST-END HAIK- hK Private room for Ladies' and children. own han- made up into any design. UJOS, ETC.. PROMPTLY ATTENDED Tt). A latge Assortment of Toilet A rticles kept in Stock. JAMES J E N XING S, TO n AC CO (C. CIGAR MERCHANT, 41, KING-STREET, CARMARTHEN. CUPISS'S CONSTITUTION BALLS TTFVr 19rea?e' Swelled Legs, Cracked FOB Heels, Loughs, Colds, Hove or Blown, UD"RSVS Jf1 i>oii2Ki, Lo^s of Appetite» Starine" Coat, Distember, E2>idemic <»r Infhi- XTFAT eUZia' for ITeatTving Good Health an(-' yetting into Prime Condition. CATTLE, TESTIMONIAL. SHEEP, Tyfry, Menai Bridge, Angiesea, May 23rd, 1884. DEAR Sll'HaN-iiig used your Consti- S-'OtU'ivr t^tion Palis for nearly thirty years to ,U U ivi X U Horses and N eat Cattle, it is only simple truth and justice to say, a safer or more IN efficacious Medicine for Horses & Cattle AT vu« cannot be purchased. It cannot be too tALV^ extensively known, for I am positive thev are al- eVuY tha-t gives trial mey ait. a. wlll uever discontinue using your Balls most infa!- ^oec^.on may require.-Yours traly, lible. Wii. EVANS. J' Prepared upwards of 50 years by the late ,Cuprss. M.R-C.v.s. Sold in Packets Is. 9d and 3s 6,1. eacli. 7 small 10s. Gel.. 7 large 21s., ItL large. 30s., by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, or from l roprietor, The Wilderness, Diss. Norfolk, on receipt of amount. 1 j J KARSLEY'S. Ask your Chemist for Kearslev's JLV Ladies' Companion. WID()W AVELrH S FEMALE J.V 1 1 LLJ? have a reputation of over 100 Years, and a-re the acknowledged remedy for Female complaints. i\ E PTT8TLEY 6 W1?J:AV WELCH'S FEMALE 7r!^ ^toi'e a healthy hue to the complexion, n p.a^c of the deathly pallor so distressing to witness. T\Ep?TSL £ YS WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE -HILLS contain no irritant drtie, and have tlio approval of the Medical Profession. KEARSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILI.S are wrapped in White P<t)>er, and havu the name "Kearsley 1*1 on the Government Stamp. No others are genuine. KEARSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH s FEMALJO PILLS can be obtained of all Chemists 'Id^ lwr box or by post 34 stamps, from SINGFF, 48H, Oxford Street. London. ADVICE TO MOTHERS !-Are vou broken in your rest by a sick child suffering with the pain of cutting teeth r °^,>e ? a Clje[nist and get a bottle of MRS. N 8 .00THIJ>G SYEUP. It will relieve th* poui snfierer immediately. It is perfectly harraless and pl>visant to taste, it produces natural, quiet sleep oy le^ieying the hiJd from pain, and the little chprub awaices a.s bngnt as a button." It soothes the child, it sotteu the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, a!ld is the best own remedy for dyseute'y and diarrh.p.L, whether arising from teeth. ing or otL Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup 18 sold by Medioin* d"laro everywlawv at it. l hottl*