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MONEY LENT, PRIVATELY AND CONFIDENTIALLY, AT A FEW HOURJS' NOTICE, At a MUCH LOWER rate of INTEREST THAN CHARGED BY OTHER OFFICES, BY A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, in sums of £10 to J22000, to male or female in town or country; distance no object, as repayments can be made by Post Office Order, Postal Order, or Cheque, upon NOTE OF HAND ALONE. Also upon furniture, pianos, jewellery, plate, diamonds, stock, plant, crops, farming implements, and every available security without removal, and also to assist persons into business. NO SURETIES OR FRIENDS REQUIRED TO GUARANTEE THE AMOUNT. Easy repayments arranged to suit the convenience of borrowers, and, providing the interest is paid monthly, quarterly, or half-yearly, the principal can remain. Responsible applicants can have the money WITHOUT HI LL OF SALE. Money also advanced upon freehold and leasehold property, railway and other stock and shares, life policies, reversions, wills, settlements, from one to fifteen years, at 4 PER CENT. INTEREST. Prompt and personal attention given to every application, whether for a large or small amount, and applicants may rest assured if they cannot get advances here they cannot elsewhere. The strictest secrecy observed in all transactions. Write or call for prospectus showing the advantages offered, or same will be sent post free. Mr. J. T. NICHOLLS (late Mr. A. H. DAVIS), SAVOY HOUSE, 115 & 11G. STRAND, LONDON. (Near Exeter Hall). Private entrance in Savoy V Street. N J3, Special terms and arrangements made for country and other loans if required. ESTABLISHED 1869. "ACTS LIKE A CHARM." JONES' RHEUMATICURO The Great South African Remedy. \\E.U\\t.G\1 i: ft.t ø (f4! LUMBAGO COUT SCIARICA RINUMATISM Never Fails toCureGout. Rheumatism, Rheuma- tic Gout., Lumbago; Sciatica, and Neuralgia. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. TESTIMONY FROM ENGLAND. 18, Pigou Street, Limehouse, London, July, 1886. DEAR SIR,- Many thanks for sending the RHEUMATICURO as ordered It has cured my wife, who has suffered for many years from Rheu- matism and Neuralgia of the head, etc. Having given and recommended it to all my friends, my stock is entirely gone. Would you kindly send me word where I can get it in London, as know many who would gladly use it if it were obtain. able in London. Kindly write per return. RHEUMATICURO once known here would be largely sold. I remain, yours truly, M. BABOT, Cbief Officer of the" Eratc." Prepared only by the Sole Proprietor, J, JONES, LoniStreet, Capetown SOLD EVERYWHERE. Wholesale London Agents—W. SUTTON & Co., 76, Chiswell Street. 171CZEMA and all other Skin Diseases speedily cured li by Dr. Wilson's Remedy. Send stamped address for sample to Dr. Wilson, llj, 1 ordhaui-street, Liver- s pool. ollks Smokeless & ( 'lean. Save 50 to 75 per cent, of Fuel. Bake l'ontinuouly. Hundreds in use: For Bakeries, Prisons, Colfee Taverns, Asy- lums, Institutions, S(.Ilool." &e. W. F. MASON, Engineer, Longsight, Manchester THE UNEMPLOYED IX EAST LONVON,At a time when much thought is been given to this I matter, a practical suggestion may be of service, Last year more than £ 300,000 worth of foreign matches were purchased by inconsiderate co.i- sumers in this country, to tho great injury of our own working people, so true is it that "evil is heart." If all consumers would ptn'char.e Bryant and May's matches, that lira, would be enabled to pay £ 1,000 a week more in wages. 13)kLSAM op A4 c 7r,A C) E M p, ft POWELL'S Balsam of Aniseed CURES A COUGH. This old and invaluable Medicine possesses the ex- traordinary property of immediately relieving Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Difficulty of Breathing,and Huskiness In the Throat, and by dissolving the congealed phlegm, promotes free expectoration. The unpleasant sensation of tickling in the throat, which deprives so many of rest during the night by the Incessant coughing it causes, is quickly removed by a dose of Powell's Balsam of Aniseed. Those who have not already given it a trial should do so at once. In palace and cottage alike, Powell's Balsam of Aniseed is the old and unexcelled COUGH REMEDY. Its large sale throughout the whole civilized world proclaims its great worth. 20,000 CHEMISTS SELL IT. BEE TRADE MARK AS ABOVK ON BACH WRAPPER Refuge Imitations. SstaJbllabed 182.. IT IS "WORTH i'J"EW'S EYE" FOR A COUGH. frlee 1/1\, 2/3, and Family Bottles. Prepared by THOMAS POWELL, 60 ALBIOV PLAOS. BLACX]RZIARB ROAD, LONDON. KEATING'S POWDER. Kills Fleas. BUIrB. Moths. Beetles, JTEATING'S POWDER. Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles, TTEATING'S POWDER: Kills Fleas. Bugs. Moths, Beetles. TTEATIUG'S POWDER. Kills Fleas. Bugs, Moths, Beetles. JTEATING'S POWDER. Kills Fleas, Bugs. Mofchs. Beetles. This Powder so celebrated, is perfectly unrivalled in destroying BUGS, FLEAS, MOTHS, BEETLES, and all ibisects (whilst per* fectly harmless JO all animal life). All woollens and furs should be well sprinkled with the L'owderhefore placing away. It is invaluable to take to the Seaside. To avoid disappointment insist upon having Keating s Powder." No other Powaer is effectual. Sold only in TON*. 6d., Is., and 2a. 6d. Beware of imitation. Don't he deceived. WORMS IN CHILDREN, WORMS IN CHILDREN, Are easily, surely, and with perfect safety eot rid of HY using XBATING'S WORM TABLETS. Nearly all children suffer FRO* Worms. If snspeeted, do not wait, you can with ease cure the child (KM no eflect except OU Worms). Sole1 by all chemists, iu Tics. Is. LFCL Moh. Cassell & Company's Magazines. SEW VOLUMES AW COMMENCING. The Quiver. For Sunday and General Reading. 80 Pages. Illustrated. Monthly. Price Oil. Cassell's Family Magazine. For every Household. Illustrated. Monthly, 7<i. Cassell's Saturday Journal. 24 Pages Weekly, id.; and Monthly, 6,1. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED SERIALS XOIF COMMENCING. The Picturesque Mediterranean. Monthly, 2s. t3ù, The Cabinet Portrait Gallery. Monthly, is. The Dore Gallery. lllnsti\-iti«ns hy lJOHÉ, Monthly, 74. The Family Physician. JloTlthly, ()d, 1)¡,o:'J'fd1l8C, off I if nbore pout free on application. C COMPANY. iiiii. THE GREAT REMEDY B_ w FOR GOUT, RHEUMA- I j I S TISM, SCIATICA, LUM- BAGO, and NEURALGIA The acute pain is quickly f ¥ T rgl relieved, and cured in a few V" -1 days by this celebrated Medicine. AND These Pills, wh',ch are perfectly harmless, require RHEUMATIC no restraint of diet during their use, and are certain • v f f £ 3 to prevent the disease at- I 1 Li ljvo, tacking any vital part. Sold by all Chemists at Is Inland 2s 9d per box T J" Suffering from Nervous Debility, V Hjrvjn Decline, Exhausted Vitality, Brain FOR and Kidney troubles. &c. Certain cure by the improved French method. VI AT HOW TO ACT ADVICE FREE. XTJL_LJ Sealed Book sent for three stamps. EDWIN PRICE, 7(;, Chancery Lane, London. HAVANNATI CIGARS. To buyers of large OT small (plant irs. I! yu want a really good Cigar at* Moderate Price, write tor sa.uol' s 4, or 5 different kindi for 1s. By po"t, 15. 2d. '111.- PicrAim.i.Y CIGAR STORES, 1, Piceidiliv. W. ~k BERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS frn-N i'> r'11-ri 'C N-nd Inscriptions accurate and beautiful. IWAMI Price's front"L. W. I. K( a K. Sc.L!pt..r, aUKKDEES. IRON EGJFLJL^S Mission Halls, 01o=s ami School Rooms, Cricket and Lawn Tennis Pavilions, Shooting boxes. Farni Buildj Intra, &c. Roofing, new and occoiid-lumd. Estimates an« AIAj I'AKTK I'I.AKS FRKR OX AIM'T-TCA I TF>>L TC> THE LONDON' Tl.'OX HI'ILiMMi ('?^'vnovTw BATTEKSR-V l'AI:K STATION. I.. "■ "■ ''V- -• HOWtoCUHE _N I., U, DEBILITY, n.n1 to regnill In",t 11i'Jrll. Hr,'11,t!'tll. :I1H1 YÙ;tnur. Free, I q., L221M PERAMBULATOR AGENT WANTED FOR I PATENT BASSINETTE. Dunkley, Patentee, Birmingham. CITY OF LONDON Established TEA COMPANY 1861. TUCQE TFAQ TRAVANCORE (Pure Indian) 21- a pound, '"tot It AO CEYLON (in Lead Packets) 2/- ARE FIRST RATE CONGOU I/8 » DELICIOUS. PEKOE CONGOU 1/4 » Samples and Terms to Agents on application to 1,2, & 3, Beer Lane, Great Tower St., London, E.C. IRON BUILDINGS Mission Halls, Class and School Itooms, ^ricket and Lawn Tennis Pavilions, Shooting Boxes. Farm BUild- tags, &c. Roofing, new and sexoml- iand. and ALL PARTICULARS POMP ANY THE LONDON IKON BUILDINtr COMPA«|, BATTKKSKA PAUK STATION. L. B. <V n. «- U> IIINDII-N, S.W. ABERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS A- from £ 5. enrrnpe mid. I'VJV1 ^'V^R''V"H F P N"\ Plans and Prices FROM J. L'S< L'R"' V I z-1Tu-o GIVES A BEAUTIFUL UNIFORM TINT. DOES NOT MIX WITH THE BUTTER MILK. I ASK FOR TOMLINSON'S. Manufactory-Lincolu I IMPERATRICE.-Perfect Table Water. SAINT-JEAN.-For the Stomach and Diffi- cult Digestion. 1- PRECIEUSE.-For Bile, the Liver, Gravel. In every f/ood Hotel, at every Chemists, I)rtt</r/>st's. and at Mineral I. ater Deate),s. O?tc l,ottle pe), DaV- All information at 4, Rue Greffulhe, Paris. I TOWLE'S PENNYROYAL AND STEEL PILLS FOR FEMALES quickly correct all irregularities and relieve the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. Boxes Is. I'd. and 2s. 9J., of aU Chemists. Sent anywhere for 15 or 34 Stamps, by the LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DItUG CO. LINCOLN. ADVICE TO MOTHERS!—Are vou broken in yolir rest by a sick child suffering with the pain of cutting teeth! Go at once to a chemist and get a bottle oi MRS. WIN-SLOYV'S SOOTHING Syltup. It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. It is perfectly harmless and pleasant to taste, it produces natural, quiet sleep Dy relieving the child from pain, an,! the little cherul) awakes as br'.zhfc as a 1 utton." I-. soothes the child, it sot ten the gums, allays ail pam relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for dysentery and diarrhc ?a, -.vhethnr rising from teeth- ing or other aases. M ',Viu?U><s Scotni-.g byrup is "sold by Medicine dealers everywhere at Is. l$d. per bottle. ALL INVESTORS SHOULD READ THE F I N, tal CO 0 TI M ES ABSOLUTELY TRUSTWORTH DAILY fd. SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPY FREE TELEGRAPH STREET, LONDON. HAIR COLOUR RENOVATOR. MSTOBES COLOUR TO GREY HAIR IN A WEBK. Larce Bottles. 3I. 84., Post Free. 9HAS. BOND & SON, 546, Oxford St., LONDON, W. WHITTINGTON LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. (Established 1855.) LIFE ASSURANCE. LOANS. REVERSIONS. ALFRED T. BOWSER, MANAGER. 58, Moorgate Sf reet. London. Agents WANTEDS IRON BUILDINGS and ROOFING. Now and Second-bmd Churches, Chpels, Mission and A BL School Rooms, Lawn Tennis, Y- Cricket Pavilions, Cottages, Cricket Pavilions, Cottages, Stables, Farm Buildings, &c. SM&Mt. Iron Buildings here on view. FTFFILLNBJISRXM HSFEKX I HI^^H 100 tons of Iron Roofing in jlBUftlHEKffl Stock. IARBROWS WORKS, South Bermondgey Station. London. SJ. PATTERNS of SPRtMC AMD SUMMER DRESS Free bll Post. • Frtt bii Post. H TO %S 60. TO 4s.6D, PEA YD. THE BEST THE WORLD PRODUCTS. MIDLAND DRAPERY STORES, BIRMINQHAM, |9 KENNETH WILSON & CO. ■■ CATAIMVZS and FASHIOB BOOKS free BR MRT. H| Ladies who wish to dress in the LA TEST STYLE at BH the LOWEST COST should possess these euldes. ■■ All Goods over £ 1 Carrlag* Paid. Mj THIS LOT 2*. lid. POST FREE—/ pair Kid O/ooM, B| tint tlzt, tent, blackt, and dark shades, tllk palntt, 4- buttons; 7 rich Indian Silk Square, eream, mhlte. crimson, and all shades; 1 hemmed White Irish Linen Handkerchief. MS BL £ R?€HWORTH POT/LTRR FARM COMPY, Barsley. etoucsatershire. Profusely and HeaiitifulVy illustrated Price JAst, Psgf frcp, One stamp. í J'"T: RS' 'I'! T'.vrsiif in ihoirrat- TANNiN-WI.ME. —M.thisi,. i:1 st11;I"IEL!IC exhaust Ion. ehlorosK, ;M;emia, aJld d1¡¡ HI'ili;I:"1;,I(d !\V ;!ie F;\I;l1:) IJ ;1('ll J„TSOIIS, young linirrie W!>I:I< 11. T'* "Jld LIV: i;■v;;i: <;F car.vti:FMiTS. To 11". 1 ) 1 1 I'■ V; 'V.- "■ ■■ —M~LWOTI~ ARZCA- NTTT"KOTI< PA¡""dr"" Ilgo SUBSTITUTE. SOI.D EVSAYWKAN. WOODS' Quinine, CANTH.-iridine. ;R><l Ker,eir.ary, willi or >vitho«t Crease, for StreiiRtliemiiK the Tl.IIR, AII<> preventing it f.illing oil, la. 6d. and 3s. fid., POST free. Wnnn»,V SOXS, rlii-nii?ts. 1'lynpuitb. /^IIWOA-LESH Vf.<>A 'j'KA. Vailiek. Absolutely without a llival. TIN- most Delicious Tea in th« World. One Pound believed EQUAL to ivii IMIUULS of other descrip- tions. Of Grocers In LEAD 1'aeWt ts on IS), 2/- and 'J 6 ppr I h. hole- Sale CTYLO (0.. :o. St. 1:1'III't 1'lae. 1111:1<111 :tt; w:lnitff. WHITTINGTOIT LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. (Er.trbl- 1S55 ) LIFE ASSUREITCS. IL .■ .r ■ laKS. "A"J.FF.. now~ri!. Mm .i-er. as. Moorgate Siree;, LOUD. NJ M'MA JWAI;T ;-L. „ IRON BUILDINGS Mission Halls, Class and School Rooms, Cricket and Lawn Tennis Pavilions, Shooting Boxes, Farm Build- Intrs &c- Roofing, new and second-hand. Estimates ana ALL PARTICULARS FREE ON APPLICATION TO THE LONDON IRON BUILDING COMPANl EM IOKAT j: <O mi. UNITED STATES-CANADA-AUSTRALIA. Best Steamers. Through Fares. Full information, apply to H. GAZE & SON, Shipping Agents, 142, Strand, London. SHEFFIELD CORPORATION j63 PER CENT. STOCK. Issue of .2371,320 at par. Forms of Prospectus, &c., and all information required, will be supplied by W. FISHER TASKER (Registrar). Borough Accountant's Office, Bridge Street, Sheffield. December, 1889. Should be used in every Dairy. CORRECTS ALL BAD TASTES. BRINGS BUTTER QUICKLY. INCREASES THE YIELD. Beware of Injurious Imitations. Our Trade Mark (Batter Making) is on every Box. OF ALL CHEMISTS AND GROCERS. TOMLINSON & HAYWARD, Mint Lane Works, LiINCOLNi TTNION LINE FOR THE SOUTH AFRI- U <N\ GOLD F1ELOS. The RO.val Mail FIND Interinediata sasttUK SE&SSM4 UNION STKAM. s.uy Co.. LIMTRKi, a u .K d, ^mth^i pton. and South Afnc.ui Honsr. :n t.> ,IR-1 OIT• MR, ft, I.onaon m m rtmr ri WEKKLY SERVICE from LONDON I. ft ft i juju FOR TI1K « GOLD FIELDS of SOUTH AFRICA. J3B JM j>iforviatio>i af-ply to the Managers, nnwAi n CURRIE & co london; "R TO T orr.1 H. SAVAGE'S RUBBER STAMPS Y'W 33, < tij:A 1'SUH:. JMXDOX, E.G. MONEY LE-NT PRIVATEIY. klo to IT 1 £ O OOO advanced by a private J-ront lenian to repponpiWeprrsons »t » fow"hours' notice on note ol hand alone, at reasonable interest. F*KT reDayment8. Capital can remain if required. No publicity. T)iKtince no ohject. Strictest privacy. To start in business, furnish your house, to pay your debt* or rent, or pay out an execution. L\o Arranged to produce a continuous supply of tho best Arranged to produce a continuous supply of tho best Vegetables all the year round, for Gardens of all sizes, 58.,78. GcL, ift. 6d., 15a., 21s., 42s., & 105s. each. WEBBS' BOXES OF FLORAL GEMS, Containing Seeds of Beautiful Flowers, easy of Culti- vation, for the Gardens of ladios and amateurs. 28. 6eL, 68., 78. 6d., 10s. 6d., 15s., & 21s. each. All Vegetable and Flower Seedi Delivered Free. Illustrated Catalogue, Is. Abridged Edition, Gratis. USEFUL HINTS TO BUTTER MAKEKS. — Use I TOJILINSOS & Co.'s Butter Colour, a pure vegetable oil, does not colour the Butter Milk. Bottles, Gd., Is, 2s (> 1, Mini 7s Gd. Mint Street Works, Lincoln. THROAT AFFECTIONS AND HOARSFNEss.-All suf- fering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness will be agreeably surprised at the almost immediate relief afforded by the use of Brown's Bronchial Troches." These famous lozenges are now sold by most respectable chemists in this country at Is. lid- per box. People troubled with a "hacking cough," a slight cold," or bronchial affections, cannot try. them too soon, as similar troubles, if allowed to pro- gress, result in serious Pulmonary and Asthmatic affec- tions.' See that the words Brown's Bronchial Troches" are on the Government Stamp around each bo.Prepared by JOHN 1. BROWN & SONS, Boston, U.S, European dep6t, 83. Fa.rringdon Road, Lomdow r.i r, i — Fok TIIF TKETII AND BKKATII.—-A of the li,-uid sprinkle-i on a v\t tooth-brtMh produces a pleasant latlier, which tV.twvr'-ily tU-.ui!»es the teeth from all parasites or i,ii;u-iis the g«nis, prevents tartar, stops ,l,av :;ivfs to Use teeth a peculiar pearly-whiteness, to tl,e It removes odour arising from ,_d teeth or f.> s-.miice. "Thi.' Fragrant Floriline/' heing com- p in pa rt of Uotiey and sweet Iserbs, is delicious to iii- ,1 rid the greatest toilet discovery of the age. 2s. t,' of all Chemists and Perfumers. VVholo- < .13, Farr;njfdon Road, London. VAI.UAiu.ii DISCOVKRY FOR TIIE HAH:- li^YOXA t'irn'nijj grey or white, or falling off. u e t tllS jl i-ixiUAN lliltt KK NEWER," for it ,nl[i>o.-tnvelv r, „• in every case Grey or White hair to its original ocli'Ur, vithout leaving the disagreeable Ptneil ot inost "'il.vt'o-^rs." It makes the hair chai-iiingly beautitul, as' woll ;i■' oroniotinir the growth of the b-.v.* on bald snoti, where the glands are not decayed. s. (d. a Oil to make the Hair soft, glossy, ar.d JUHl ri,,LTit, COLo(i,ii,, Vvp- Is. of d.U dealers. Wliole.sale depdt, 33, Farrn;l.>i! Boad, London. .'i' A' .1ffjirSiE1rlfRí)Wi I Lln D OJ! í'5.A, 'r- V4tl.!fJitf.J h. Tho best re-.ody for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Gout and Indigestion; and the safest aperient fcr delicate Constitutions, Ladies, Children and Infants. 190, EOND STREET, LONDON, and all Chemists. QAUTIOff.—See that DINNEFORD & Co." is en every Bottle and Label. HEALTH IF* Q !R< ALL!!? Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, And are invaluable in COMPLAINTS incidental to FEMALES of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street, London, And sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. N.B.—Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. TOMLINSONJS BUTTER POWDER. The only genuine powder for preventing bad and rancid tastes, increasing the yield and shorten- ing the time when churning Butter. At this season of the year this harmless preparation is invaluable. Beware of Injurious Imitations. IN USE 35 YEARS. In Boxes, 3d., 6d., li-, 2/6, and 7/6. Ask your Chemist or Grocer for it. Manufactory s ItlST COJJN> S:;J711;LD OSPOBATION }. 2..L:J _L\ J:J¿:1. _r :T -}7: CENT. STO "'K. -_J V .1. j. IN.TL".o of c:f371,320 at par. ."six f ;1]\,1 "iJ information required, W. KISIIKI! TASKER (lie-iistrar). Sheffield, Y.. MI !,r,\ S;| fTXIOXLIXE FOR RJ';[PI SOUTH AFRI- <"VN I'1! }•' I 1. ITM" i: > X- RI.I :111'1'11:('11 ate I :111 r. r'M] f tn tlii i«' -n rv K'-ni'W f r 1'(lfI, rMllMl- :11 1, s!N'I, M;i l-i. • T11' C;1 rT) j-1 l' l«1 S. \M' O the U'I"X ;1'1: siii'- (i'. r n >'1' i11. 'i h i :i i j »t on, r: n' I < irh \f w I" !!•>•■- ■' «f.o -ion CA ^• '<f', v.j \vi.^KL.1' ironi i.uNUON Li GOLD FIELDS (f SCUTE AFRICA. DQNAID C!i"R:F R V SVI'? OF ANISEED J- 'J(' 'vI: Cures Gour,:i2. ■IcZdr-, all Diseases of the i; .?i N. n'lil _s. DON. Ln:ldt)ll W'HFLCS'UI- I; — H \J:(,L\ Y' ;I:nl K!>WAIII)S carvers. xi 000 Worth.—250,000 'Xmas Cards ar, the n,, iiiniillilv )lIa'-1'D'ltJI. r-i!l d I'nzrs 01" Tain s Monthly Ðutnps nunollor." 'S>< woil-ass..riru in Im> /re. 2s. Each box roiunin? 1' ivird- n-un' 1sold ;u 4-i. r.irli. s at 8 at 2d^ Al-o a copy of the new book w, p:irtieu!:irs of :;o:i oih.T 'Xmas srius to its readers. 6]iocitm-n c-|<v of l.ook alone, post free, 14'1 prize- ever for asy tasks. ou are kindly :,sWe to sei^ for ranis enriv to AVOID a crush rinse T«» ^VNINS. AI^LRC M.. T. PAIN I'LNINIRI OR of J'li/.I'S." Oilenn Street. Folkost .oiK'F KEILT^ HAVRE-GRAND HOTEL FRASCATI, faeinn the Sea. Open all the year. Baths. ? ZUKICH. | « OTKTi BAUR AU LAC. First Class, I'.IERRNC t,i'hr, (INRDEN. Proprietor. C. KRACHT- 11) N'T. DO RE (AUVERGNE) FRANCE. .NhliAli iSPCIN<S K<uid for respiratory organs, chronic r< '»u< nml skin diso.'iM'S. C.'asino and theatre open :-islif. c.V)!!rMvjcc h da.r. Sanson from June 1st to • O M. ,I. CHADAUI) «?r?»ntpe1. X B—The establishment •• :-n;\ rf-i ivcii r»n<i improved I'V next vear. ?tKPtTUAL INVESTMENT BUILDING SOCIETY, Established 1851. Mii-'cy* recoil,d 011 Shares (11' Deposit. Withdrawable at three <1 ;• non r. Ailvnneps nuide 11]11\11 Houses and Lnnd l». ospcctus frcut on ?I jip! «*i t I«'U to. K. TKK.SIDT>KR, Secretary i(>, Now Bruise tst rcct. London, K.C. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. ? EPPSS I GRATEFTJX.—COMFOETING. COCOA MADE VHTIl BOILING MILK. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B J1 PILLS is warranted to ctirc all discharges from the Urinary Orpan?, in either fex (acquired or consti- tutional), Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Guarflntecd free from Mercury. Sold in box- p, 4s. Gd. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World; or sent to any address for sixty s-tamps by the Makers, TIIE LINCOLN AND MIDI AXU COUNTIES DiuG COMIMNY, Lincoln. C N THE Marvellous r.esforntive Powers of Mi.I)I(-AL ELECTRICITY 1,1-1) showing' how it gives Now Life, Health, Bodily Strength and Vital Energy. WE A K MEN write for full particulars at orice To be bad from ELE( TUC Jh:LT A(;r:cr, 6 Hollen Street, Soho Square, London, W. All who suffer from NERVOUS DEBT- WEAK LITY, LOST VIOOUL;, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, KIDNEY DISEASES, ETC. A 1\/TT?XT Treatise explaining the renowned M ai;- MilijN STON treatment, by local absorption, the only positive cure without Stomach MADE Medicines, will be sent in plain enve- lope sea,led for three stamps.—THE STRONG. MARSTON REMEDY CO., 2,11)21, High IIol- born, London. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIT :V ¿ ] WORLD- FAMED~~ THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESIUKER. For cleansing and clearing the blooo. fro, ii all iei, whether the result of Contagious Difcnse, or foul matter of any description, it cannot be too highly recomir.cnded. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, Eczema, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sor S. Cures Ulcerated Sores OD the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Faoo. Cures Scurvy Sores. ivures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate con- stitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Sold in Bottles 2s. 9d., and in cases, containing six times the quantity, lIs. each-sufficiciit to effect a per- manent cure in the great majority of long standing eases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and FAT K NT 51KDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, or sent for :i;, or ]:)2 Stamps by THE LINCOLN AIM MIDLAND COTNTIFS PKUQ COMPART, Lincoln. (Trade Mark—"BLOOD M ix-runn.") CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarke's Blooo. Mixture—see that, you get the genuine article. Worthless imitations are some- times palmed off by unprincipled vendor?. The wonls "Lincoln and Midland CountieB Drul" Company, Lincoln, England," are engraved on the Government Stamp, and Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture," blown in the Bottle, without which none are genuine. XT NICK TITXE FOT1 TH"E SOUTH A FRI- J CAN KLK1.1W. Tho lt-.YAL .MIL Inifrmc.liate STI-AM Siiir I,I st IT J" I', rv MI Ivnn.I, >I( H.impr<io« mn<L S.ILHLL Af -H-UI HON- '■>! t.. Iti-l||'«'t SI I.O' 1"» Or tc. the Local Agelit, W. FINCH, 15 and Hi, NOTT-SQLTAliE. E' Invaluable to Butter Makers. If used at time of churninar shortens labour and corrects bad tastes. PRESERVES MILK AND BUTTER. Boxes 3d., Gd., Is., and 2s. 6d. Sold everywhere. Manufactory—Lincoln. ASK FOR TOMLIN SON'S. IMMLIFAG '——————————*——— "——— Y PURELY VEGETABLE, Pcrfcctly Harmless. IVill reduct; from two to five SWY pounds per week; acts on the ac food in the stomach,preventing WltCw its convcrs'on iiit ^at* Ly ilt-1; Botanic Medicine Co., -I ) 3, New Oxford Street, l London, VAC. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS LRJ patent I P i LLS. /«; J- L A EE univcrsnlly admit* 1\ ted to b,) worth a GUINEA A Box for bilious and nervous dis. orders, such ;is wind and pain in the stomach, tick hcudnclic, si(idinoss, fnlness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drow- siness, cold cliilds., flush- ing's of beat, Joss of appc- tite, shortness of breath, cos T i voness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, dis- turbed sleep, friirhtful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, AC. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of those Tills, and they will be acknowledged to be WOliTJI A GUINEA A BOX. P or females of all AGES these Pills are invalu- able, .IS a FEW doses of them carry OU' all humours, AND bring about all that is required. No female should be without Hum. There is no Medicine to be touud equal to Beccham's Pills for removing | any ob.-t ruction or irregulni it y of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each b.ix, they will soon restore females of all A^ES to sound and robust health. This has been prov3d by thousands «ho have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. FIT a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all div iders of the liver, they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. '1 hey strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keeu edge of appetite, and aiouee into action with the rose- bed of health the whole physical energy of the HMNAN frame. These are FACTS testified con- tinually by members of all classcs of society, and one of the best guarantees to tbe nervous and debili- tated is, BLEGHAM'S PILLS have -the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. ° BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, I roncbial affections, hoarseness, shortnr-ss of breath, tightness and oppression of the chest, wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled. They are the best < \> L otic led to the public, and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed. Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail, bv the Proprietor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in Boxes at Is. ljd. and 2s. 9d. each. old by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Deal- ers everywhere. N.B..Full directions arc given with each box. t. EARSLEY'S iY WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS have a reputation of OVER 100 Years. KEARSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS are tho acknowledged remedy for Female com- plaints. KEAKSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS J restore a healthy hue te> tho completion, iu place of J the deathly pallor so distressing to witness. K' EA RS LEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS contain no irritant drug, and have the approval of the Medical Profession. r. EARSLEY'S iY WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS are wrapped in white paper, and have the name Kearsley on the Government Stamp. No others are genuine. KEARSLEY'S -——- iY WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS can be obtained of all Chemists, 2s. Od.per box; or by POST ;!L stamps, from SANGER & SONS, 489, OXTOID-streef, London F X. I i α- =I 1. I- I pATTTION.-OMinin* C II L OI{() DYNE. This well-known remedy for Diarrhoia-Dysenterv, Fever.ic. hears on the stamp the name of Inventor, Dr. J. Collis Browns. Q AXATORIUM, BADEN-BADEN. Altitude 6T ()r J,11; V?*Vm!i•'V!»'T:nder the ra^ical direction k' V' Vt o-itV U- GILBERT(Bnglithraini n't •> ,'i '-lo\i V\i vV N hydraulic lift. Prospectus M- I.T >1 AI VRTTK. TropriPtor. ]UORVV"AV._ PLANNING OF TOURS. ,„T 1' '"••YKirs TOI-1UPT OFPICK3 BERQEK X PHO-C F. Sottvenirg, CuriositigB. —IIIJDIKGS an.: HOOFING, New and SECOND-HM^ nurriu'>, ("hajivls, Mission and ± Lawn Tennis, Pavilions, VF STAI.LEP. Farm Buildings, &C. «>4K VL- •LRK JB F'UR IDINES herr on VIEW. of Iron Roofing in BA < woi;s. >011111 licniioiulaey Station, London. S.B. AS a safe, permanent, and warranted cure of F'I!U]iles, Scrofula, Scurvy, Pad Legs, Skin and Diseases, and Seres of all kinds, we can with (jonfidoncc reconmend OI.AKKE'S WOELD-PAMBD BLOOD MIXTUKK. fciold by <;] emists everywhere.