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LIFE! LIFE! LIFE! 1 SAVE YOU It CHILDREN FROM DEATH BY THAT TEHRIBLE DISEASE CROUP. j MANT THOUSANDS DIE ANNUALLY. ALL MAYBE SAVED j BY GIVING THF* M O It TIMER'S CliOUP & COUGH MIXTURE IN TDIE, Al 3o a valuable remedy for the Coug'i, Whoop- ing Cough, Co'ds, Influenza, So; e Throats, Hoarseness, Diptheria, Fever, and all Affections ot the Chest and Lungs. Croup is a disease that mostly attacks young children, and those who have once had it are more 8Qsceptible of it than before; but this gradurlly wears off as they grow older. It sometimes ter- minates fatally within twenty-four hours; although when death happens, it more commonly the fourth or fifth day. It commences usually with a slight cough, hoarseness, and sneezing, as in a common cold; but soon succeeds a peculiar shrill- ness. and singing of the voice, as if the sound were sent through a brazen tube; then conies the dread- ful and distressing hard singing, and crowing cougb. not unlike the barking of a dog. Whenthis is attended with difficulty of breathing, the case calls for immediate attention, and most active treat- ment. In this stage persons generally begin to get alarmed; but as it comes on mostly in the middle of the right, it often proves fatal, because of the delaj occasioned by waiting until tho morning will out medical aid. The Proprietor having found his Csoup MIXTURE so efficacious in his own family, and being blessed as a means of restoring his children repeatedly from this appalling disease, be thinks it his duty to parents to give it a greater publicity. lie has had already the heartfelt gratitude of many mothers for being the means of restoring their children, tha t were once given up. While we hear of so many deaths from Croup, what a comfort it must be to havo such a remedy ready at hand. What love cau that rnothei have towards her child that will not procure for herself what has been such n. blessing to others, when it can be obtained at such a trifling amount. The following are a few from THOUSANDS OF GENUINE TE >TM0SIALS. Llancerdiuan Farm, Conwil, Carmarthenshire. DEAI SIR,—I think it is my duty for the sake of Other children to inform you that Mortimer's Croup Miiture was the means of saving my child's life after the doctor had given him up. The first dose gave the child relief. He has bad a touch of Croup several times since, but the Croup Mixture given in time always prevents a serious attack. Yours respectfully, BENJAMIN THOMAS. 1G5, Richmond-road, Cardiff. Mr Francis. DEAR SIR,—Please forward per return post a bottle of Mortimer's Croup Mixture. Why do you not have an agent at Cardiff? I was obliged last night to send for a medical man to attend my child, who had an attack of Croup. Had I Mortimer's Croup Mixture in the house, medical aid would have been unnecessary, as I have always warded off a serious attack by giving the Croup Mixture in time. I have used it for many years, and never find it fail. Yours truly, JOHN AARON. Penrhos, Newham-road, Bedford. SIR,—-I received the three bottles of Mortimer's Croup and Whooping Cough Mixture. Ple.se send me twelve more bottles as my children have all got the whooping cough. I find it does them so much more good than anything else. Kindly send by return and oblige. Youra truly, A. IBES. Cobdeu Villa, Ferryside, Carmarthen. Mr Francis. DEAR SIR,—Please send mc another bottle of that valuable medicine for children: Mortimer's Croop and Cough Mixture. I never like to be with- out it in the house. From long experience I can truly say it is the best medicine I have used for croup, whooping cough, and all other coughs in children. A never failing remedy in an attack of croup. Yours faithfully, D. T. MOItRIS. CO, Miskiu-slreet, Cardiff. To Mr W. Francis, Chemist, Carmarthen. Dear Sir,—I have to acknowledge the receipt of the two bottles of Mortimer's Croup and Cough Mixture." I have found this preparation so very effective in cases of croup and severe colds that, during the cold season especially, I always like to have ft supply at hand. Wherever there arc children at all subject to croup, it is invaluable. I firmly believe that it hag on more than one occa- sion saved the lives of some of my children. I am by no means a believer or an advocate of the indis- criminate use of patent medicines, but my experience of "Mortimer's Croup Mixture" has been such that I feel impelled, from a sense of duty to other parents, to send yon this voluntary testimony. I am, dear Sir, very faithfully yours, U, (Y, EVANS. From the Rev. J. Thoma?, Baptist Minister, Taber- nacle Villa, Carmarthen. DEAn SIR,—I have great pleasure in testifying to the efficacy of Mortimer's Croup aud Cough Mixture. We always have it in the house and iind it most beneficial. Yours truly, J. THOMAS. 22, Francis Terrace, Carmarthen. DEAR SIR,—Kindly send me a bottie of Mortimer's Croup and Cough Mixture. I cannot understand why you do not give greater publicity to it. I have found it a most excellent remedy in cases of Croup, having given it to my children on several occasions, and have never found it fail. I always recommend it to my friends (having children) as a most valuable medicine to keep in the house in case of emergency, a rule I have always adopted myself since I had occasion to make use of it. Yours truly, CIU.. N. PHILLIPS. Mr W. Frauds. PATRONISED BY THE PUBLIC FOR OYER j 50 YEARS. Sold in Bottlep, Is. and 2s. 9d. each; sent by post to any address for 3d. extra. PREPARED ONLY BY THE PROPRIETOR— W. FRANC IS, A.P.S., (LATE D. LL. MORTIMER) CHEMIST, CARMARTHEN. Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. AMERICAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA, EVERY WEDNESDAY. First-ulass, full powered Iron Steamships. Accommodation for passengers, equal to any European Line. Passengers and goods landed at Philadelphia on the I Wharf of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THIS IS THE SHORTEST AND BEST ROUTE TO THE WEST. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE & CO., lu and 22, Water Street, LIVERPOOL. GALVANIZED IRON. < 4 DAPTED to all kinds of Buildings; it is cheap I aud can be immediately fixed by the most inex perience. A Large Stock is kept; also Tanks, Rick- Covers, &c., and] all'orders are immediately executed. c Prices on application. c CORRUGATED IRON COMPANY, I WOLVERHAMPTON. ] W. S. PHILLIPS, WINE, SPIRIT, ALE, AND PORTER MERCHANT, LATE QUEEX STREET, CARMARTHEN. W. S. P. lias always in stock a large variety of BRANDIES, SCOTCH, AND IRISH WHISKIES, LONDON (UN, RUMS PORT WINES, SHERRIES, CLARETS, & CHAMPAGNES. AGENT FOR BASS'S ALES AND GUINESS'S STOUT, AND OTHERS. SOLE AGENT run THE CELEBRATED STRETTON HILL'S MINERAL WATERS PLEASK OIWERVK THE ADDRESS- Xo. 7, KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. HENRY HARRIS, CABIN 1ST 'IT LIE: It A L> UP II 0 LT I R E R 41. KING-STREET, CARMARTHEN. (ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 10 YEARS). A LARGE STOCK OF WARDROBES, BOOK CASES, WRITING TABLES, CHAIRS, &c All made on the Premises by Experienced Workmen. INSPECTION INVITED. FEATHER BEDS DRESSED AND PURIFIED BY STEAM AND HOT AIR PRICES MODERATE—LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The SOLE AGENCY for Carmarthen of W. & A. GILBEY'S celebrated Wines & Spirits having been transferred to JAMES P. CARTER, GROCER AND WINE MERCHANT, I, GUILDHALL SQUARE, CARMARTHEN, Any of their 300 varieties of Wines and Spirits may from henceforth be obtained from him at their List Prices. A few Special Lines are :—Whiskey, la. 8J., 23. 3d., 2s. 8d" 38" 3s. 3d., 3s. Gd. per bottle; John Jameson's (6 years old), 3s. Gd, per bottle Gin, Is. 6d., 2s., 2s. 5d. per bottle Rum, la. 8d., 2s. 3d., 2s. 8d., 3s., 3s. 3d., 3s. 6d. per bottle; Brandy, 2s. 6d., 3s., 3s. 6d., 4s., 48, 6d., 5s. per bottle Port Wine, Is., Is. 3d., h, 6d., 18, lOd., 2s" 2s. 4d., 2s. lOct, per bottle: Sherry, Is., 3d., Is. Gd., 2s. per bottle; Claret, Is., li, 3d., Is. Gd., 2s. per bottle; Sautnur Champagnes, 2s. 3d., 2s. 8d. per bottle; Ackermans, 3s, 2d. per bottle; Champagne, 2s. Id., 2s. lOd., 4s., 5s., Gs., 6s. 6d. per bottle. For any of the leading celebrated Brands of Champagnes see Lists of Prices. A LA.1JGK ASSORTMENT Of Currants, Raisins, Muscatels, Almonds, French Plums, Crystallized Fruits, Nuts, &c. Stilton, Cheddar, Gorgonzola, and other cheese, and Fancy Goods for the Season, too numerous to mention in an advertisement. A PERSONAL CALL SOLICITED. | T. SMITH, 38. KIUST GSTREET. 38. Begs to inform his numerous Customer. that he has a very lARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS FRUITS Of all descriptions to offer, notably among which arc :— CumuiIs, 3d. per lb. Raisins, 3d. per lb. Sultanas, 3 Ad. Mixed Orange and Lemon Peel, 8d. per lb., Orange, Lemon, and Citron, 9d. per Muscatels, Jordan Almonds, French Plums in Bottles, Figs, Dates, Nuts, AC., all of the Finest Quality, and at very moderate prices. His Provision List consists of finest Wiltshire Smoked Bacon and Hams, finest Gorgunzola Cheese (ripe), finest Stilton, iinest Cheddars, Canadian Cheese, Tin Goods of all descriptions; Crosse and BlackwelFs Jams, Jellies, KC. Cakes of all descriptions made to order, and a large variety always in Stock. NOTE THE ADDRESS — :3t;, KING-STREET, CARMARTHEN. MOUNT HILL NURSERIES, CARMARTHEN. JOSEPH COYSH. FOREST TREES! FOREST TREES!! WHITE THORN QUICKS FOR HEDGES. (j II 0 IC 13 TREES AUD SHRUBS* FHUIT TRUES AND HOSES, AND ALL KINDS OF NUIISERY STOCK. ILVE1 FIR, ALDER, ASH, BEECH. BIRCH. ELM, SYCAMORE, POPLAR, HORNBEAN FOR lIEDU ES, &c. PRICES ON APPLICATION. FRANCIS'S BALSAM OF LINSEED AND HONEY THE GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, CONSUMPTION, lC., &c. -¡" HOW IT ACTS. FRANCIS'S BALSAM: OF LINSEKD AN D HOEY exercises a marvellously beneficial influence upon all of the above ailmcnt3. It causes free expectoration by removing the hardened phlegca, allays the unpleasant tickling in the throat which excites coughing, gives immediate ease in cases of difficulty of breathing, removes tightness and spasms from across the chest, and heals that unpleasant soreness felt after much coughing. It may be taken at any nge, by either sex, with perfect safety, ant* .from its pleasant taste and the small quantity given in each dose is admirably adapted for children. (Jas es of Bronchitis an-i Asthma of long standing have not only been relieved but permanently cured by the use of FRANCIS'S BALSAM. Aged persons and those who, night after night, ard prevented from 81ee ping will find imme- diate relief by taking one dose of this wonderful remedy. SOME HIGHLY GRATIFYING RESULTS. Rev. OWEN EVANS, D.D., London. THE EX-MAYOR OIl MAIDENHEAD, Having tried Francis's Balsam of Linseed and W. Lovointf, Esq. °a? with,^at pleasure and confidence j havo gQ d f v BalsaU) as AST a° oscolleut''omod,fo'-| or in other ° c words Asthma, that I do nofi like to be wlifihout it. THE MAYOR OF PWLLHELI, j JAMES SAUvlTS, of tteCarI Jtou Ed. Jones, Esq. OPERA. Oompiuiy. Your famous Balsam has cured a long standing j I have had occasion lately to use ovgh of my own, and has also cured my wife's Linseed and Honey for coughs and hoarseness, .and :ough. can assure you I havd found it venjr bmeJiciaL Sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers in Is, bottles. Special large size, 28., pd. Proprietors: FRANCIS & Co., WR3XHAM, NORTir WALES: THE ( TOWY POTATO MASHER. The most useful article ever invented. 'f DA VIES, TOWY WORKS9 Ani 109, La!nm \8 Street, Carinartlien. THE LARGEST STOCK OF GENERAL J THE Sold at Civil Service Stores Prices and Terms. LEA & PERRINS SAUCE. Purchasers should see that the Label on every bottle of the original Worcestershire Sauce bears their Signature, thus Sold wholesale by the PROPRIETORS, Worcester CROSS* & BLACKWELI, London; and Export Oilmen generally. RETAIL EVERTTWHEUE- ASK FOR LEA AND PERRINS' SATTCE. i ESTABLISHED 1854. THOMAS WILLIAMS, GENERAL BOO KBINDER, 10, CHAPEL STREET, CARMARTHEN (Opposite to the English Wesleyan Chapel) 0 Bibles, Music, Albums, and Old Books Bound and Repaired xvith the greatest care. SECOND-HAND BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLD, OR EXCHANGED AGENT FOR TAYLOR BROS, (LEEDS) CHIIOMO ¡ COLOURED CALENDARS. I __n Samples can be seen. THE COLLEGE SCHOOL, TAMPETKR. Ifead Master and Tcachcr of English Sttbjccts-Rev. T. M. EVANS,B. A., late.Senior Scholar of St. David's College, aud Prizeman and Exhibitioner of Kind's College, Cambridge. CÜcssics-Rev, E. J. DAVIES, B.A., late Scholar of St. David'3 College. Mathematics and Modern Languages-A, FIELD, Esq., B.A., late Scholar of St. David's College. Scicitee-A. THOMAS, Esq., B.A., late Scholar of St. David's College. Excellent intermediate education. Direct prepara- tion for the learned professions under peculiarly advan- tageous conditions. Thorough preparation for St. David's College and other places of higher educa- tion. For prospectus, &c., apply to HEADMASTER. HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CARMARTHEN. PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. I LADY PIUNCIPAL Miss ARTHY. M.R.C.P., Certificated in Honors, Cambridge University Certificated, 1st Class, by the Council of Education German Diploma. LADY SL'PERIXTENDENT Mas. ROBERTS. ASSISTANT RESIDENT TEACHERS Miss GILES (Certificated Cambridge, Oxford, and Trinity Col- lege).—Miss RANDALL, Certificated, 1st Class, by the Council of Education; Certificated in Botany, Hygiene Agriculture, and Drawing by the Science and Art Department; Kindergarten, Needlework, and Drill Certificates. NON-RESIDENT -MI:; BLCKLEV, Associate in Music, Trinity College, London; Senior R.A.M. and Trinity College Certificates (Piano, Organ, Theory) Society of Arts, 1st Class in Music; Cambridge Higher Certificate. ASSISTANT MASTEUS Mr. \V. JONES (Higher Certificates S. Kensington); Music, Mr. COOKE, Organist of Christ Church. DANCING MISTRESS—MISS AYLING. rpHE School gives an excellent education on very X moderate terms. Admirable accommodation for Boarders, under the superintendence of a Clergyman's widow. Pupils prepared for public Examinations. Half term will commence March 2nd. For full particulars apply to the Lady Principal; or to Rev. A. G. Edwards, Vicarage, Carmarthen. QUEEN ELIZABETH GRAMMAR SCHOOL, CARMARTHEN. FOUNDED, 1570. Chairman of Go*#ynor3 VISCOUNT EMLTN. Head lIfastet-J. J. LLOYD-WILLIAMS, M.A., Classi- cal Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford. ASSISTANT MASTERS. Mathematics -E. H. IIENSLET, M.A, Scholar of. St. John's College, Cambridge; Bell University Scholar; Twelfth Wrangler. Natural Sciences-J, F. IIARTIN, B.A., Scholar of Downing College, Cambridge; 2nd Class Science Tripos. Modem La)tg Itages -Ttugbt as a form subject. Master of Preparatory Scltool-C, J. HANIIETTE, Oxford and Cambridge Higher (Schools) Certifi- cate with distinction. Drawing-W, JONES, Higher Certificate, South Kensington. Music- C' VlDEON HARDING, Organist of St. Peter's. Drill—Sergeant-Major COOPER. I 1. Senior Department prepares for the Univer- sities and all Public Examinations. 11. Preparatory Department (for Boys between 8 and 14). Several Scholarships offered for competition on or about May 1st, 1880. Successes in year 188S:-X30 classical Exhibi- tion, Oxford; X50 Open Science Scholarship, Cam- bridge; Prosime Accessit for Powis (classical) Exhibition, .£60 per annum first-class London Matriculation two higher Oxford and Cambridge certificates; two distinctions, do.; History and Chemistry; four lower do.; 13 first classes, 53 first and second classes May examination Science and Art, South Kensington passes in Preliminary Law and Medicine; do. for National Provincial Bauk; Matriculation Trinity College, Dublin, and Lampeter. N.B.-In last lower certificate examination a boy from this school obtained highest number of first classes among Welsh candidates. Apply for terms- apdflltlject of next Scholarship examination, to Ileadii TRADE ANI) PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. [The charge for insertion in the following list is 2s 6d per quarter, paid in advance.] AUCTIONEERS. J. Howell Thomas and Co., Quay-street, Carmarthen. John Francis, Nott-square, Carmarthen. BOOKSELLER. STATIONER, &e. E. Colby Evans, Guildhall-square, Carmarthen. SOLICITORS. G. and R. Thomas, Ilall-strett, Carmarthen W. Morgan Griffiths, St. Mary-street, Carmarthen. R. Browne, Hall-street, Carmarthen INSURANCE AGENTS. William Francis, Nott-square (Sun Fire Office.) IRONMONGER. W, Phillips, Dark Gate, Carmarthen, AT HOME AND ABROAD. I ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS INSURED AGAINST BY THE Railway Passengers' Assurance Company 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. Hon, EVELYN ASHLEY Chairman. Annual Income, £ 248,000. Invested Capital and Reserve Fund, £ 275,000. COMPENSATION PAID FOR 126,000 ACCIDENTS ^2-600000. MODERATE PREMIUMS—FAVOURABLE CONDITIONS— NEW CONCESSIONS. I Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims. WEST END OFFICE 8, GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS, W.C Head Office:-6t. CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. KAY'S COMPOUND.—Asthma and Bronchitis are itumedin^'v relieved by it. Of all Chfinists.   ROYAL MAIL STEALERS i') CANADA AND UNITED STATES. SALOON, 10 to 18 GUINEAS INTERMEDIATE, ^6 6s. STEERAGE, JM. CHEAPEST AND MOST EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE to all parts of Canada, Manitoba, the North West Territory and British Columbia, also to the Western States of America. Special Emigrant and Tourist rates. Through trains daily "from "Ocean to Ocean," and Emigrant Sleeping Cars without extra charge. A liberal allowance of bur- goagc free, Western boond Emigrants accompanied by a Special Conductor. Prof. Fream's new report and all the latest maps and pamphlets free on application to ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., Liverpool. I HINTS ON RIFLE SHOOTING AND REGISTER DIAGRAMS. By CAPTAIN IICTCHINS, 1st V.B. The Welsh Regiment. In duplex stiff paper covers- -48 pages, lGmo, post- price Od. The same in all respects (except bind- ing) as the la. Edition. A HANDBOOK FOR YOUNG RIFLE SHOTS, Containing advice on Rifle Shooting, a description, of the Rifle from the Red Book," THE VERNIER," Illustrated with tables for its use, LIGHT, ELEVATION, REFRACTION THROUGH THE ATMOSPHERE THE BAR AS A WINDGUAGE, And DIAGRAMS for. recording particulars of th6 above with results of the shooting, At 200, 500, and 600 yardi. May be. had of Mr J. H. Steward, 406, Strand, Lon- don, W.C. Mr VV. Gregory, 51, Strand, London, W.C. Mr A. G. Parker, 69, Icknield Street," Bir- mingham, and of all Booksellers; or the Publisher Carmarthen Journal, Carmarthen. GIRLS' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, 10, QUAY STREET, CARMARTHEN. PKINCIPAL Mas. W. MARLES-THOMAS PUPILS have passed the South Kensington Ait and Science j I irst Class College of Preceptors Junior and Senior Oxford and Cambridge Junior and Senior Royal Academy of Music; Junior and Senior Trinity College Pianoforte Playing and Theory of Music Examinations, with first-class Honours. THE PROVINCIAL ADVERTISING, PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICES, LYDNEY, GLO'STERSHIRE. ADVERTISERS should send for Prospectus to A the Provincial Advertising Offices, Lydney. Glo'stersbire. I — CARD. LEWIS P. REES, M.R.C.V.S., LOND., VETERINARY SURUEON, 5, LAMMAS-STREET, CARMARTHEN. Attends Llandilo principal Markets and Fair Days. LLANDOVERY. PlnG CLEANING. For really first class Painting and Decorating go to GEO. EDWARPS, ii CASTLE STREET, LL4NPOVERY. ESTIMATES FOR TOWN ANlJCUUlfTRY WollK A VAU1ETV UF PAPEUIIANUINGS IN STOCK. ^po LET, No. 40, King-street, Carmarthen (formerly -L Inlaud Revenue Offices). Large and Commodious Premises, suitable for private residence or public offices, —Apply to Mr. ALBSKT HARRIES, Brecon Old Bank. Carmarthen. _1 YOU'LL never miss the Water till the Well runs dry," and you'll regret having missed this week's | !:5 bonus given with the best petmy weekly uf the day. "Trade, Finance, and Recreation, All Book- stalls and Newsagents, or l.Jd. by post.—35, Mark Lane, London. j CAEUWEDROS, NEAH NEW QUAY, CARDIGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD, Extensive Freehold Business Pre- mises, with Dwelling'house attached, where a successful gcceral country trade has been carried on for 18 years. Situate 2 miles from the sea. Lease expires next March. Price moderate. Apply, JOHN GRIFFITH, TJandilu, I BOUNTY Ais'D f'»»U\Ty F h UF CA u. ,s .NKi VI KY. iA'ruw. i;,<! nnual General Me*> '•<■> of he Gove' .i-rs u ;<l nbscribers o" the a'^ove I<i<tiMi- ;ion wiii ;.e l.ti-i Friday, the 12th d.ky of April lext, at the Shire-had, Carmarthen, at 2 p.m. Notice has been given, that Rule !) should read as &q ollows "That a House Committee, consisting of .wenty-one Governors shaH be fhosen every Annual le'ieral tf: be '• v. "'re-<¡, rii- t. c, -]fin 7 ,1:-0. J: Ph. h" •ur^iiiis iie ;si«:vr>- -i ino- iS ex-ojich <»f the !1oti»e t sc and appointed." Notice his ti.,o I)tie;; gi,6-ii nat the time is come when there shoiild be a ( ,iiiiiiittee Hpl)ointed for the revision of the Rules." By Order, February 28th, 1869. R. HOWELLS, Secretary. February 28th, 1860. SALE OF TIMBER. TO BE SOLD by TENDER about 16 to 18 acres of OAK TIMBER, sta xling and -trowing on the Farm of Drysgolgoch, pari-h of t'omvil. < "arniarthen- shire. suitable to ''hemicai Manufacturers and (,, lier. The tenant will how ,1, t j-rd give f;¡¡, particulars Tenders to S! to Mrs .«„i,es. 2 Picton ferrate. 'armortben. on or bef-re e 29th March instant The lowest or anv tei.der !lilt neces sarily accepted. LLANDOVERY. i TO BE SOLD, I GLANGWYDDERIG WOOLLEN FACTORY n' GLANGWYDDERIG WOOLLEN FACTORY and DWELLING-HOUSE, one mile from the Town of Llandovery, with i>ossession on the 25th March next. The factory comprises three engines, one self-acting Billy, 100 spingles. one jack with plenty of room for six weavers everything in good repair; ample supply of water in the driest season. Large Dwelling-house. Garden and Orchard. For further particulars apply to Mrs. EVANS, Galltygog, Llandovery. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. LLANGYFELACH FAIR. i ON MONDAY, MARCH 4th, a special train for SWANSEA will leave Llandyssil at 10.5 a.m., rencader 10 So, Llanpumpsaint 11.5, Conwil 11,15 Bronwydd Arms 11.30, and Carmarthen at 11.45 a.m. to return by any ordinary train having a through connection up to March 7th. ° HENRY LAMBERT, General Manager. PENCADER CHEMICAL WORKS, CAR- MARTHENSHIRE I MR-.IOHN FRANCIS is instructed to SELL by T) AUCTION (absolutely without reserve), at the Ivy Bush Hotel, Carmarthen, at 3 p.m., on Saturday, the 2nd of March, 1889, the above valuable and im- portant Chemical Works, situate near Pencader Station on the G. W. and M. • M. Railways, and comprising substantially and conveniently erected works, manager's house and offices, machinery, stock- in-trade, weighing-machine, and house all staudiug on about 3 acres of land, with a railway siding capable of accommodating 20 trucks at a time, held under a lease, of which 77 years are unexpired. Further particulars will duly appear, and in the meantime may be obtained of the Auctioneer, at his Office, Carmarthen. CARMARTHENSHIRE. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. PLASCERDIN, about four miles distant from St. Clears Railwau Station, on the Llanooidll Road. To TIMBER MERCHANTS COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, AND OTHERS. VERY IMPORTAT SALE OF A PLANTATION OF REMARKABLY WELL-GROWN LAHCH, MESSRS. J. HOWELL THOMAS & Co. will SELL BY AUCTION, next month, about seven acres ot fine Larch, suitable for Railway and Colliery purposes. Full particulars may be had of Messrs. J Howell Thomas & Co., Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Car- marthen. m j February 21st, 1889. S COUNTY OF BRECON. } I PARISH OF LLYWEL. PRELIMINARY NOT ICE. Important Sale of vtvjt J aluable Oak TiwJjev, sta-fidin/f and jtroii'iinj fin the Farm of << ell fain, distant about ■r> mdes from the tovn of Llaiuiorery, and adjoining the Turnpike Road to Trccastle. The Grove consists of about Seven Acres of very tine TIMBER and POLES of about eighty yeats growth. m jl/TESSRS. J. HOWELL THOMAS & Co. are 1T_L instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the North Western Hotel, Llandovery, on Tuesday, the 12th day of March, 1889, at half-past two o'clock in the afternoon. Full particulars of which may be had on application to Messrs. J. Howell Thomas & Co., Estate Agents, Carmarthen. February 21st, 1889. S EASTBOURNE HOUSE, LLANSTEPHAN. |TR, JOHN FRANCIS is instructed by Mr. Wil- 1>JL liain Lloyd to SELL by AUCTION, on the above premises, at 1 p m., on Thursday next, March 7th, 1889, the whole of the neat and modern Household Furniture, Carriages, Harness, Implements, and other Effects. I For particulars see posters.

[No title]