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j 1 J EKIIIIU DTION. £ Fr^E1fM^(HER,S WORLD-FAMED GALVANIC lii'iiiMTv i nin! of NEUVOUS EXHAUSTION and ♦ iio m. Testimonials from three Physicians 'H'sty the Queen and the lending Physicians of Nina ,fi, n 'l<>s],ital.s, iiicludiiii? Forty Members of the Royal Collkp of Physicians of London. V t?n?'s5r,ssi!>g symptoms of NERVOUS EXHAUSTION ana I>IvBII,ITY are speedily removed by means of PulVW- macner's World-famed Galvanic Belts, which are so avran^cl as to convey a continuous electric current direct to the attested parts, gradually stimulating and stren,-tllening "11 the nerves and muscles, and speedily arresting all symptoms of waste and decay. „ l>» II. A. ALLUI'TT, M.R.C.P., 24. Parle Square. T.eeds,-nritei, 0<t._ f alw ays recommend with confidence Mr.PIU« BK- SJAUHliR'S nRT.TS. Ladies recoverlTiK from illness incidental to their sex will llnd these J1EI.T.S of vast ln i<tonng lost nerve power." ,T Sill ("H.UILKS T.OCOCK, Barf.. M.D., riiy»l^»ntoH0.Ml,]esl,T( Mys: •' IT LV K11MACH UK'S BELTS are very f™ e in Nelir*lgia and nii.nmintie Affections, and 1 hare preacribyl them largely in iuy practice for ol lier similar ma'adlea, paralysis, JiC. Tor Full Price List and fse new Paa. phlet, OALVAOTS* t HATORE'S CHner RESTORER OF JJJjSffrom ENBROT." PULVERMACHER'S GALVANIC DEPOT, 194, Regent Street, London, W. ESTABLISHED OVER 40 YEARS. ENTIRELY SOLUBLE ana tiot~TrastXR^mrJ^^ MELLIN'S FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. I'RICELLOME^JGR Rich in 81004 and Bone- Per Bottle.. forming Elemtntfc FOR THE HEALTHFUL REARING UF HAND-FED CHILDREN, AND THE PRESERVATION OF INFANT LIFE. A sample sent post free on application to G. M ELLIN, Marlboro' Works, Peokham, 8.E. BERDEEN GRANITE MOMUJllESfS from £ 5, oirriage paid. Inscriptions accurate and bMmtlXBl. n»n> I'riceg from J. LgSSS. jggiptor. USEFUL NOTES FOB OCEU PASSEWBR J»of^etmie.] Pott/re*" by flTT ftOQTT, Si. NEW DISCOVERT, "E. W. CRONBRC'S RHEUMATIC Incredibly quick-acting remedy against ESSENCE. "4 Sold by CASSIE & CO.. 49, Newgate St.. London. E.C. =: .nrr\ f.1' (T-rr.t C"J- A"" G i'lANlTE MONUMENTS •• r, lu„t« «rriir*ie and beaviUfttU fi'otn +':» V..1), »MKI{I>KKN. yi.„n,il'n, ut. J<AUAx^b: V. A tl^se requiring New or Second-hand Tables Requisites, or Billiard work done, Q should, before going elsewliere sCTd for Ncw BROS *K REVERSI. A Oliver AND INTERESTING GAHI FOR THII CHESS-BOARD. Is., 2a. 6d., and 5s. To be hitd of all Toy dealers and Fancy Stationers. OYAL CHAMPAGNE for XMAS., 42s. per doz. Best Value in tlie World.—DEJiYER & CO.* y» Regent Street, London. fi.W. CAMPBELL'S Slweiality-Diamozids. i Diamond Rings from Xi Is. to £ 50; Bracelets, X4 48: to jENen barrings £ 2 is. to £ 75; Brooches, £ 3 34. to £ 15; Wedding Llinfc and Keepers from 10s. 6d to £ 3 Ss. each. Diamonds bought or Ucbiaesd. free MCHEAfStCB T OMIIOH lilt i I *TTi Tin 1 Tl i« nal- dcstroycahyuelnsOflc Bdxdt FIILI W U l~l » II Waterman » -<•«»» iw uiu i/ucssuosrd, 1/ KI" V £ HNl ,>,vu £ ftUl"aaey ?"*»■ 11W I. Dfvili'i »v*ijo:e £ ai" Jauues Soli. T^^vilton. UPWARDS OF 200,000 MOllE PARTS OF THE QUIVER have been sold during 188S tUnn last year. This llagaz,inc for Sunday and General Rending, which is now acknowledged to l>e unapproachable," eoiiiint nces a ew Volume with the November Part, containing 80 l'ltgC8 "lid Co!ourc,1 Plate, price Sixpence. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED; and all Dooksellers. NOW liEADY, PART 1, plicc 6d., of fJASSELL'S NEW — POPULAR EDUCATOR. NEW TEXT. NEW ILLUSTRATIONS. NKW SIZK. NKW MAPS IN COLOURS. NKW TYPE. NEW COLOURED PLATES. XVirh PAKT 1is issued a Inrge and striking PRKSKKTATI03T "I.AT mitW *• A Toputny Educator' of the Olden Time— Clinsidplier ('0111111"118..1111110., CÜI1.iJ of Salamanca." CASSKLL & COMPANY, LIMITED. Ludgate Hill. London. W RUPTURES! W White's Moc-Main Lever Truss, Manufactured only by J. White & Co., at 228, Piccadilly, Is the most comfortable effective Truss made. It has not any Steel Spring in the Band, and therefore does not gall and rub off the Skia, as a Spring Trull often does. It often succeeds whea other Trusses have failed tio afford any support. J. WHITE & 00. send the Trull free by post. Bend for Descriptive Circular, with Testimonials and Prices to J.NVHTTF & Co.. 22S. Piccadilly. London. W. Mellin's Food For Infants and Invalids. To be obtained from Chemists and 'i-rocers at 1/6 and 2/6. NATIONAL PROVIDBNT INSTITUTION FOB MUTUAL MTEASSUMSBE. Founded 183; Funds, CJaims Paid, £ 7,000,000.. Profits DeclarM, »l,000,Wf. BNDOWBEST AesuBANOtt on reiy folvourible terms. Beonomlcal Management; Liberal Conditions. LMee BcMMt. 48,0ORACECHURCH STREET. E.C., LONDON.. AGENTS WANTED WHERE NOT RIPRESBNTBP- Juft Published. Bartholomew's Illustrated Oulde to His Tarklsk and other Baths. Price 6d. Bartholomew's Medical Lecture on the Curative Action o< the Turkish and other Baths. Delivered be- fore tho Learned Societies, Westminster Hall, London. Price Sd. Sent post mo from his establishments in Bristol, Bath, Bir- mingham. Manchester, Worcester, and Leicester Square. I.ondoi. SPRING BLOSSOM Gc. Y L IIi itAs TKAGKANT AS THE FLOWEES OF SPRING. Of all GROCERS, CHEMISTS, &C. In AIR-TIGHT CANISTERS, 2/ 2/6, and 3/- per lb. N.B.—If any difficulty in obtaining this delicious Tea, Sample Packages will be sent post free on receipt of cash or Jostal order, with list of Agents Where obtainable, by CATS, OHNSON & Co., 8, Lime Street., London, E.C. The Only Lamp of the Future. Unprecedented Success. Public Appreciation is the Only True Teat. For Cleanliness, Economy, Simplicity, and Absolute Safety, use no other Lamps but those constructed with Postlethwaite's Patent Eiceteor Bingle or Double Wick Burners They neither boil the oil nor bake the wicks as many other burners do, hence the number of accidents. They keep the oil perfectly cool and arc therefor# absolutely safe and free from danger, they give nearly double tho light from the same amount of oil, or a* much light as any ordinary burner with about half the consumption of oil. The cost of the light given with three burner* it about one thirf the price of gas at 3s. per 1,000 ft. Manufactured only by THE EXCELSIOR PATENT LAMP & BURNER CO., Stanifortit Street, Bir"ogl#u.m. And Sold by all ltesyectabl* -Q»fer«r«. WOW TO ENSURE HEALTH." -A ■* medical worksivius: Prc^vii-tions ai.-l ftiv the Cure of all kinds of Debility; post-fi> c., i Address Dr. BARNES, 48, Lonsdale Souarc, Uarnshn'?- I_; JHOI^BX^LDINGS and HOOPING, New^and 6econd-haiid J ARB ROWA WORKS. SoiithBermomlscy STATIO^ JPPHY'S WALNUT P0MABB. 'ls l!Hir D''tl;ener. Not a dye. Restores wilh certainty and Gulden l youthful colour of OBEY HAIE. Four Colours- • Light Browu, Dark Erowu, and Black. Per pot, 1/6 and M HY'SORIENTATT^DEPILATORY ine the 1M>S ),im!l/e"K,'ve' 'Peedily, easily and effectually, all Hair disflgnr- e»r» 1 r ■irklt!l'!vc'lw^' Guaranteed harmless. Prepared with greet 'I'ell your Chemist or Hair Dresser to procur. M<)! I' V II |Y, JL! or send Postal Order to the Maker, CTOESi DIORIIIIY, lJa:r all.\ ak"' Specialist. 70, South Audley St.,Mayfair, London. UNILH LINE-FOR SOUTH AFRICAN COLD FIELDS. rpHE UNION S.S. Co.'a MAIL PACKETS fail from vrry 1 i/'2a Fri.lav o South Africa* md Madeira, lietnrn Tickets Issued, to iiie union Strum buip CompnnT, Oriental Place.Boutil* or II. Vendrnhsli. Rrre«.t., I,rmdon. MUSIC! MUSIC! I At Wlio!f'sale Price alld Post Free A;1Itc l::itest: Song. IIn4 1II.usic of all J'ubJi.her8. <1;. I"t, for $/-Copies post free for ]/ Catalogues gratis antl lost free. W. SAVILLE & CO., Tottenham, London. E THE GOODALL'S PLAYING CARDBABREST. SOLD BY ALL STATIONERS. HOPS! HOPS!! HOPS! WEBBS' VEGETABLE & FLOWER SEEDS BOXES OF VEGETABLE SEEDS, Containing Liberal assortments of the best kinds to prOdtlM a succession for Gardens of all Sizes, 5s., 7s. 6d., 12s. 6d., 21s., 31s. 6d., I 42s., 63s., and 105s. each. BOXES OF FLORAL GEMS For the Gardens of Ladies and Amateurs. 2/6, 5/ 7/6, 10/6, 15/ and 21/. each. 0 All Vegetable and Floiver Seeds Delivered Fru. Illustrated Catalogue, Is. AbTitfgtd Ediiion G"il. WEBB & SONS, By Soyal Warrants Beadsmen to ILK. THE QUBBN and H.K.H. TltX PBINC. 07 WALBB, WORDSLEY, STOURBRIDGE. CASTLE JLaians (For the GOLD FIELD. of SOUTH AFRICA). LONDON and DABTMOUTH to CAPIR COLONY, WATAIm XAUBITIU9, XADAOABCAR. and BAST UBICA. rpHt CASrLK COMPANY'S Royal Mail Steamers sail from IiOKnov-every alternate Wednesday, and from DABTVOUTm •n tho Friday followinif. Return Tick-rtt. Handbook for Passeasara eratll. Apply to DON ALU CURRIE c fCO., 3, Fencbureh StrCt 1,0Jl nON, R.C,; 40, St. Enoch Square, Gt-Asaow 23. CUtla StfMt! LlTSKFOOL; 15. Cross Street, MAIICHXGTNR. Amenta in allleadin8 Provincial Towns, tBLAMIlsTON'B INVERNESS CAPE. Best Make only. 2h, 3, and 3A Guineas Cash. Two measures only required, Cheat and Height. Forwarded, Carriage Paid, for remittance with orde* SF.ND roit PATIKUXS. HAMILTON & Co., Civil & Court Tailors, 21, Jtedford Street, Strand, Jjondon. KAID, Made up at 2/- per oz. by T. S. BROWN, I COMBINGS Hairdresser, 3, Leece Street, Liverpool. | "SPKCIALJURY" Cases 5 yrs. 7 yrs. lovrg. old. J WHISKEY i doz. i'i i>A Carriage p(L ilrtak and Scotch)* United Kingdom for C.ish with Order. • Presents. i'.o.o. to w..l.Jruyt Belfast. For CHRISTMAS ItKCOliAll(>NS. JJEIDENBRITE GOLD PAINT. Brilliant- Untarnishable. Sold everywhero from 6d. T. 1'AYITT & Soxs, Southampton How. London. W.C. A CCI I FRC' Excel all others niTCUT for Stockings, Under vesta, PATENT Petticoats, Pants, KNITTING Boys' Suits, Cardigaa MACHINES Jackets, &0, SELLERS' Practical Treatise on Knitting, Indispensable to all users of Knitting Machines, post free 103. SELLERS' Sewing Machines are the Most Durable and Reliable in the World for all purposes. SELLERS' New Patent Oscillating Shuttle Sowing Machine is the Fastest, Quietest, and Most Durable ever Invented. W. SELLERS & SONS, Airedale Works, Kcighley, England. A I rr 6d. of all Grocers. | KL Rich Fruity Flavour with — Chojjs. Stoaks. &c. S A II la F PETER TYREK, 70, Long Lane, ™ w ba Borough, London, S.E. MELODEONS Now Illustrated Price List, fre. CONCERTINAS 01, ,1,1)lication. ql.g.w. RESINING DRIVING BANDS 'rolt AT.H. I N z a Seat Quality, 1 nilisi Jiubber aii«1 Canvns, «o foet 43 inches, cndlcsf, dittin, co feet x 5 inches. 7.*»e. Oisli with order. CaiTiauo paid* 3Rrcry Beit icruarnntecd to vrvnr well and l>e of tlie best quality* T?. A. IjfSTfJft CO., Machine Hard MaTnifacttners, DURSIaKT. 1.011<1011 oirn e: ;A, I,It'In: VHTOKIA STUKKT. E.O. MORAXSITV9 the Zltr XRKZTZE8 or MAIfKIlfD, an4 SOCIAL PURITY, the \ari"us surtcviiijrs entailed ISyall viioi rausgvess Xiituiv'p la^ to u\ misery ami In e t"a IiajipT olil are. Kules and remedies given for tlie cure u! the various complaints 01, Birmingham. A ] erusnl of this w«rS; «i;l df»iio!ist»ate to the nervous auu Debilitated liow tiiey may bccome strong and healthy without quackery.^ CiiiOKET & CON L lUtiuiET OFFICE FOlt MATTKRS OP IXTRIGUK.-Missing frietlfl* —unelaimetT moneys at home or abroad. A staff ot Forelgnand liDglifh ex perl s always at command.for any service. Messi s^SCOTT <! VAUliKAf, Vigo Chamherg, 113, Regent Street. London, w. OOPJbJKS PLASTEKS, a safe and euro XV cure fur Coughs, Asthma, and Bronchitis. Of all CberaUt# and Patent Medicine prater*. rpHE SOUTHWARK LEAD & GLASS Co., W?ite SLea°d, OUS,' ^ur^VaJnish^"mvSj&tfvSE Work, Wrausht Iron Tubing, Kain "Water Castings, Ac. 8 Prices Current on application. r>TTgTTT? 6} I CJBNU for PATTERNS and BBLF-MKA- TBOUSitta S» SUREMPNT Form, post free, J Stamp* HAD* TO Wholesale Trousers KEASTTBJB from jt^rers. r.Z, 52W:SSTCS SCTTS. SCSJJC*. B/6 to 1Q/6 I Agents Want'-d i •> every tnOTtmlTillMtf. made with boHsINO water. P P S' S QBATBFUL—COXPOBTIHO. A BMtMMt > # "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE -S CLARRVQ' WORLD-FAMED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. For cieausinsf and clearing the blood from all impurities, whether the result of Contagious Disease, or foul matter of any description, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases. Eczema, and Sores 01 aU kinds, it xs a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Logs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the VMS, Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulce-S. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure mattef. From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate con* stitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its valuo. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Sold in Bottles 2s. M., and in cases, containing six times the quantity, lis. each-sufficient to effect a per- manent cure in the great majority of long standing cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICI NE VENDORS throughout the world, or sent for 33 or 133 stamps by THE LHTCOLIT AND MIDLAND COVNTIES Dura COMPANY, Lincoln. (Trade Mark—"BLOOD MIXTURE.") CAUTION. Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture—sec that yott get the genuine article. Worthless imitations are some- times palmed off by unprincipled vendors. The words Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, Kn<*lai\d," are engraved on the Government Stamp, and Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture," blown in the Bottle, without which none are genuine. Buttermakers' Friends. TO MLINSON& COo'S BUTTER POWDER TOMLINSON & CO.'S Corrects all bad tastes, brIngs Butter In a few TOMLINSON & CO.'S minutes at all seasons, improves tlie quality. T0MLINS0N & CO.'S In use 35 years. Boxes TOMLINSON & CO.'S Gd., Is., 2S' 6d., and 7s. 6d. TOMLINSON & CO.'S AT so TOMLINSON & CO.'S TOMLINSON & CO.'S TOMLINSON & CO. S BUTTER COLOUR. TOMLINSON & CO. S A pure oily vegetable MAWTTVANW St, GO'S PREPARATI°N» perfectly TOMLINbUXl & VV.O harmless, in Bottles, 6D., TOMLINSON & CO.'S ^UD 4S-6D- OF CHEMISTS AND GROCERS. Sample Box or Bottle Is., post free, for amount in Stamps. T0ML1HS0H & CO,, Miflt Lane, Lincoln. ODONTOBAPH. Is. & 2s. TOOTH PASTE, TOOTH POWDER, TOOTH BRUSH & MOUTH WASH. Madame ADELINA PATTI writes under date July 26tb, 1885. I have tried your ODONTOBAPH Tooth Paste, and find it much plensanter than other Tooth Pastes. (Signed) "ADELINA PATTL" Mrs. LANGTRY writes under date July 23rd, 1885: "I think the ODONTOBAPH is excellent and most pleasant to use. (Signed) "LILLIE LANGTRY." 67, Great Rusrell-street. Bloorosbnry-sqnare, Jjondon. "I consider that several millions of teeth which are lost annually might be saved by care, and the use of a good Dentifrice. Odontobaph preparations are refined and delicate. The Mouth Wash, Tooth Paste or Powder, Tooth Brush, are each a Dental Requisite, to promote a healthy condition of the mouth and preservation of the Teeth. (Signed) GEO. H. JONES, D.D.S., F.R.S.L., "Surgeon Dentist." Sold by all Chemists and Stores, and by John Bar- ker & Co., Shoolbred & Co., William Whiteley, &c. or direct on receipt of P.O. for Is. 2d. or 2s. 3d., from the Patentees, THE ODONTOBAPH CO 22, CANNON-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. HEALTH FOR ALL II! r- I PILLS 1 Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluablt in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. Manufactured only at TIIOM*s HOI.LOWAY'S Establishment, 78, NEW OXFORD STB SET (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON, and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the Worm. t W.B._Adtict Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by lsttMi DINNEFORD'J- yr it^2) QSZS1321SSZ3 The best remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Gout and Indigestion; and the safest aperient for delicate Constitutions, Ladies, Children and Infants. 180, BOND STREET, LONDON, and all Chemists. CAUTION.—See that DINNEFORD & Co." is on every Bottle and Label. Dr.-J COLLIS BROWNE'ST I^HJCELOBOME GHOXIK>^ Jufcatitution of any o&er than Collis COUOHS, TAIARRHCE A, BTBXirris Browne'sis adeliberate breach of f« £ th V-ToiaiS JLJ GENERAL BOARD of ^ALTIL, onthep»rt of the chemist to preacriber London, REPORT that it ACTS as* ftnd pitient alike.-We areSir. ffuth- \J A STEKA, CHARM."nedosetenerallysufficient, FUULYOURB( 8YMES & CO., Members of J\ TT>BOKOHZXIS. Dr. GIBBON, ArmyTgedicaf WE Harm. Society of Great Britain, Kt$ 1"» cutta,states:"2DOSKC6MPLETE" gxeellenarthe ViceroifsJJhemrsls. -■) Aifrvq'fl LY cfeRED ME of cOLL.IS"BE0WNK'S i J* COLLI8 BROWNE SFrom Sims ft CO.» I B ..jt Ationwn! is thu TRUX ■ 9 CHLOKODYNB. — DRT. J* Chemists, 5,1880. MJ AT.T.TATT VK in MOWNE (late Army Medical Staff) TE J. T. DAVENPORT, London. YT/IIT«R»TTO ATTCICR DISCOVERED ft REMEDY to denote DBAB congratulate yon, NPON T%XKPBALOIA, OOUT, OAJCBK. whioh he coined the word CHLORO-, JJJE widespread reputation tnis JAWLYI LJ TOOTHACHB,RMS VJHATIBH. DYNE.. Dr. Browne is the SOLE IN-I ESTEEMED medicina HAA .E*RN*^„FR J. COLLIS BROWNE'S VENTOR, and, as the composition ofj JTGELF all over the East. As a remedy I B OHLORODYNE is a liquid me- Chlorodyne cannot possibly be DISCO*! OJ GENERAL utihty, WE much question ^4 "P^JN of ■»ered by Analyris (organic.substances. AETHER » better is imported, and we LNL RE. defj-ing- elimination), and sincethe FORT SHAU BE glad to hear «F ita findmjra EVERY KINXK anorfliI a cairn, MUU h«nBrerb^pubU«hedit I«ETI-! PILAOETOETCIRAN^LO-INFIANHOME. The ^«%VIFIOKATES THET» dent that any statement_totheijlTecfe other brande, weerehaory to sar. are ACHR aad UN V lliUltA lie ine nei» that a compound is identical with Dr. SS«fieSS5a to lS» nS&T* ba £ ara. voua aygtem when exhoustol. Browntfs (Silorodyne mutt bt false, j .iJ jnilpn. fr^ip — fcawfyaa 3. OOIiI<IS BROW This Caution is necessary, as manyi their noiourn TH«M><URB« BNT eranew- I J> OHLORonYNK rapidlr outa PERSONS deceiTe purchasers by lalse re-L cent. We could MULMPIYTN*T»NE<» short all attacks of presentations. 1 inilniium of the extn^MinatTMsfll<*cj 1 ^PIIJEPSY, BP ASKS, COLIC, I-vtt T COI.LIS BROWNE D of DR. COLLIS BROWNE 8 JM. PALPITATION, HYSTERIA. ^durin*LO^TIMK!^IONS^ rariiul'Yo CARDEN & HORTICULTURAL GAZETTE. 1 Pnbllsbsd WMkly Pries ONX PENH*. | FOR ALL WHO HAVE GARDENS. OVER £ 100 A TEAR Given in Prizes for Articles Contributed by its Readers. OF ALL NEWS-AGENTS. PubU-hing Mace-M.POUNTAIN ST., MANCHESTER. HSilltf UlH' B'lX of FOMM nteuBtoKGEES" lhouldH^ndDf01*11 Hislrau-d Hard- IlMMtMvNwiSIMt send fur HinstrtHcd Hard- war. l.ist. G. CHKSTKH. St. l'assago. ■ WOOM- Quinine. Al.lfcii'jfe €ifcVliO!» I'la. Vnlheh. € v aSTlotrtrTithrtut a Birsl. Tho most Delicious Tea in the ^aiCTa^W'UKASSUKANOB COHPAKY. (XstabH.hed 18»B ) tin iMBKAHCI. LOANS. BlVfEIIOHS. ATTFHEI) T. XOWSKIt, MRIIUKRV. 5S. Moorgite Street, Londoii- Agent, waiitt FIRE INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES. JOSEPH LEWIS, CASTLE WHARF, NEWPORT, MON., A.GBNT TO— I The Provident Life Office.. | South British & National Insurance Companies. The Iron and Steel Trades Journal. Scottish Imperial Insurance Co. The Journal," Carmarthen, IMPORTANT TO BORROWERS. A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN having a spare capital to invest is willing to mako advances with- nutdelay UPON NOTE OF HAND alone, in sums valying from JB15 to 4:1,000 in London or Country or on furniture, live and dead stock without ro* moval also upon Reversions, Policies, or Deeds at 5 per cent and without Mortgage expenses. Advances made to Farmers upon the security of their Crops witk >ut any publicity. Write or call on Mr Fredk. Dunbar, Kent Villa, Harlesden, London. N.B.-Private houso and not connected with a snk or office. gEATTNQ-S COUGH LOZEÑGES. Oldest Best Remedr- y EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Oldest Best Oldest Best gEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Oldest Best Remedy. KEATINO-S COUGH LOZENGES. Oldest Best Remedy. gEATlNQ'S COUGH ^■t0tTS?!B«tE.m«ir. rEATING'S COUGH A Oldest &; Beat Rem_QT. Oldest & Best Reme4yo TTEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. Oldest Best Remsdr. «ATIN"<?;| COUGH LOZENUta. no better cSugh Medicine than HEATING'S LOZENGES. One gives relief; if you suffer from cough try them but once; they■ will cure and they will not injure your health; they contain only the purest drugs, skilfully com. bined. Sold everywhere in ISid. ting- — ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B tl PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquired or consti- t itional), Gravel, and Pains in th(i Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in boxes, 4s. GA each by nil Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors'throughout the World; or sent address for sixty stamps by the Makers, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRliG COMVANV, Lincoln. KAY's TIC PtLLS, specific in Neuralgia, Face- ache, Oid, taua 13i-d postage, Id. Of all Chemists, ][)ENT tfjfrFEARIi BENTIFBICSyj -AND ",7 ROWLANDS' ODONTO Known for sixty years to be the best and purest Tooth Powder. WHITI21VM THE TEKTII prevents and arrests decay, strengthens the gums, and gives a pleasing fragfance to the breath. The 6 genuine ODONTO is ROWLANDS' of 20, HATTON GARDEN, LONDON, SOLD BY CHEMISTS. V0"P'*R'3 WALNUT PVTADE. A1; S.iam. LU»*I lirowii.' D»»k l:r«wi»# Mid lU^ck. Per pot, 1 •«"«! If MORPHY'S OHIKNTAL DEPILATORY t I OWIIKII !>■■> .vr. <i-iry, wily All" eff«.tu»llr, .11 H»lr.li.(l»"!r. e lii*. IIAM.I.. «I.«L H.RIIILE. I RRJV^RR.1 WLTL* <>th»r Oi»n Xnirat'i. or »ml Ord.r •» tlie M*k«r, KI OENS MiiKrHV. H»lr .1 .Skin gt»ci»H.t. M. yontli AnUlry M.. Maytoir. London. UNIUM LIKE-FOB SOUTH AFRICAN COLD FIELOS. I TH* UNION S.S. Co. KAIi c-ACKBTS Mi' from 8<.t'III' -r.. R.»tli Africall „ fallinir nt I.isl.on sn.l Msdcira. Keturn tickets l»sued. i",to Uiiiim StoHiu Sl.ip Coiiipw.y, Oriental i'lace, Boulh- u»i>t<.» ,,r "• '.csdciilmll rnrc.-l, London. DR. ANDERSON'S TRUE SCOTS PILLS Hive been for more than a century, and still con- tinue to be faithfully prepared at the Original Warehouse for DICEY & Co.'s Medicines, No. 10, Bow Church Yard, London. r-|HEY are singularly efficacious in Bilious £ Flatulent, and Dropsical complaints, and in all disorders of the head, stomach, and bowels, promote digestion, create an appetite, remove obstructions in the ki'ineys. and consequently &re antidotes to the stone and gravel. # # Ask particularly for" DICEY & Co. s Aitd"- s's Scots Pills," and to prevent Cott ii terfeit s, observe that the words "DICEY & Co." are engraved on the stamp. Sold by W. SUTTON & Co. (late DICEY & SUTTON), 10 Bow Church Yard, London, at Is Hd per box. and by all the principal booksellers, Druggists, and medicine vendors. Of whom may also be had CARPENTER'S SPECIFIC for the HOOPING | COUGH. Price Is Hd the bottle. CARPENTER'S EMBROCATION for ditto (to be rubbed in over the pit of the stomach and chest), Is 9d the bottle. MARSHALL'S HEAL-ALL, a specific for Cuts, fresh wounds, &c. In bottles at Is ld and 2s 9d. Kky's COMPOUND.—Asthma and Bronchitis are I immediately relieved by it. Of all Chemists. ) CHLORo-LiNSEED Cough Lozenges, post froj I 7d. Of all Chemists. I A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS CH f$7 v\ /'¥PATENT y\i I5l PILLS. JgJ JjsJ RE universally admit- l\ ted to be worth a GUINEA A Box for bilious and nervous dis- orders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, "ick headache, giddiness, fulness nnd swelling after meals, dizziness and drow- siness, cold childs, flush- ings of heat, loss of appe- tite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, dis- turbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sensations, &e. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of those Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invalu- able, as a few doses of them carry off all humours, and bring about all that is required. No female ,,hoiild be without them. There is no Medicine to be found equal to Beecham's Pills for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all nges to sound and robust. health. This has been provad by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they net like magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rose. bod of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS testified con. tinually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and debili- tated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, bronchial affections, hoarseness, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of the chest, wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public, and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing, which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person gfve BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed. Prepared only, and sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, Thomas B,-ecliaui, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in Boxes al Is. I Id. and 2s. 9.i. each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Deal- ers everywhere. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. STIFF'S STARCH. Sold in lb. Picture Boxes. s Sold in 51b. Packets. Trade Mark Queen Bess. STIFF'S STARCH. Uniform Quality. s Warranted Pure. Most Economical. STIFF S STARCH. Jnjparts an Exquisite Gloss. Makes Linen Look like New STIFF'S STARCH. For Shirt Fronts. STIFF'S STARCH. For Neckties. s For Caps. JIFF'S STARCH. For Cuff s. For Linen. STIFF'S STARCH. For Muslins. For Curtains. For Table Cloths. STIFF S STARCH. Ask for Stiff's Starch. Note the Caution Label. Srr>TT?TT"« orr APfH Observe the Trade Mark. TIF* b blAKUtl. SeeI)r HassairsTestimonial Mark what Dr. Griffin says. TIFF'S STARCH. Read Pro. Herapath's Report Sold bv Grocers. ^TIFF'S STARCH. Sold bj Oamen!tS' Established 1818. Wholesale -Stiff and Co., Redcliff-street, Bristol. Who suffer from NERVOUS DEBT- A LITY, LOST VIGOUR, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, KIDXEY DISEASES, &C. A "DQQJJ Treatise explaining the renowned MAR- STON treatment, by local absorption, the only positive cure without Stomach Medicines, will be sent in plaiu enve- lope sealed for three stamps.—THE MARSTON REMEDY CO., 249-H High HolJ born, London. BUT NONE BUT ENGLISH WATCHES OF THE BEST LOXDON MAKE. BENSON'S PATENT g-PLATE ENGLISH LEVER ;r "LUDGATE" WATCH £5 5 0 in Silver Cases. £1sa 125 0 in Gold Cases. Is tlte Cheapest and Best Watch ever made. No Firm in England can equal it. BEST ENIGI,ISH LONDON LEVER. .J "8j "f +°' Highest AwardGold Medal, Inventions, 1885 and is double the strength and value ot mi> ^> atcli lnadf. Made in Four Sizes at the same pneo. Lame*. Gentle men and Youths (as illustrated). Working Men Kenerallj, mid Soeciallv large and strongfor jVImers aiul aj nun. In extra Strong Sterling Silver Crysfal, <» ass Cafes, £ 5 5s In 18-carat Gold Crystal Glass Cases, gentle- man a'size. £ 12 12s. Lady's size, £ 10 10s. WITH KEYLESS ACTION, Silver, £ 8 8s. £ 20" Sent free and safe at our risk to all l>avt;s orth(B woild on receipt of Cash, Draft, or P O O. paj able at O.l .O.f „ SPECIALLY NOTE that the Patent IXDGArK WATCH, can be obtained only from J. W. BLNOUA LrZch^Vsta^lT«s of the World wing-the "Lud- gate" Watch under very trying condition^ testify to its strictly accurate time-keeping. TjnfT; Mr. A. E. TUDOR, Queen^ Own Roya West KctKo- ment. Wady IlaUa. Soudan, writes I have hjd it^ tour montiis in the Soudan, where sand is continually blow inK about, and none has penetrated through joint., or any pai t of Watch. From the time I received it t he an:at ion h a. o<in about one minute. Its durability i^siinply v Write for Benson's New ILLLSIRA1 LI) lK)Oh exp ing the advantages of the w^ Jrhcs from LEVER over the ordinary Lever W atches. « aitches trom £ 2 2s to £ 250. Clocks ot all kinds, and btei l ng Electro-Plate. The largest.and most complete Catalotue published, free on application to J. W. BENSON, T»S, STEAM FACTORY, 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON. Also 28. Royal Exchange, E.G., & 25, Old Bond St., W. BENSON'S CLUBS, originated by the Firm ago, supply the best gpods on the most moderate terms. Applications for agencies invited. B L I it' s GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. i THE GREAT REMEDY FOR GOUT, RHEUMA- TISM, SCIATICA, LUM- BAGO, and NEURALGIA The acute pain is quickly relieved, and cured in a few days by this celebrated Medicine. These Pills, which are perfectly harmless, require no restraint of diet during their use, and are certain to prevent the disease at- tacking any vital part. Sold by all Chemists at Is 14d and 2s 9d per box. As a safe, permanent, and warranted cure of Pimples, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, we can with confidence recommend CLABKE'S WOELD-FAMED BLOOU MIXTUKE. Sold by cWuiists everywhere. KEARSLEY'S J. WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS have a reputation of over 100 Years. IT EARSLEY.S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS are the acknowledged remedy for Female complaints. KEARSLEY'S K WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS restore a healthy hue to the complexion, in place of the deathly pallor so distressing to witness. KEARSLEY'S WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS contain no irritant drug, and have the approval of the Medical Profession. KEARSLEY'S K WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS are 'wrapped in TI7; it' Puj>< r, and have the name .wl' Kearsley on the Government Stamp. No others are genuine. -r E A RSLEY'S K WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS can be obtained of all Chemists, 2s !ld per box or by post 34 stamps, from SAXGEU SONS, 4!1, Oxford Street, London. THE GREAT LONDON LIBERAL NEWSPAPER ONE PENNY WEEKLY. THE WEEKLY DISPATCH. ESTABLISHED 1801. SENT POST FREE. Three Mouths, Is. 8d.; Six Months, :"S. 3d; Twelve Months, Gs. 6d; SINGLE COPIES (Post Free), lid. Published at 20, Wine Office Court, Fleet-street, London, and to be had of aU Newsagents.


