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[ Y BYD CREFYDDOL. NODION ENWADOL! NODION ENWADOL!! NODION ENWADOL! ♦ Nid oes genym fel cenedl ar hyn o bfyd unrhyw gyhoeddiad sydd yn rhoddi crynhodeb teg a chyflawn o newyddion crefyddol y dydd. Tra mae gan bob Enwad ei bapur ei hun, :yn yr hwn y cofnodirmaterion o ddyddordeb i'r Enwad hwnw, ni eheir mewn unrhyw bapnr adlewyrchiad o farn a chofnodiad o symudiadau pob Enwad. Er gwneud y diffyg i fyny amcenir rhoddi CIPDREM ar y BYD CREFYDDOL yn y GENEDL GYMREIG o hyn allan o wythnos i wythnos. Yn yr adran newydd ceir cofnodiad o, a nodiad ar Beth mae'r Methodistiaid yn wneud! Beth mae'r Bedyddwyr yn wneud! Beth mae'r Wesleyaid yn wneud! Beth mae'r Anibynwyr yn wneud! Er mwyn gwneud perffaith chwareu teg a phob Enwad fel eu gilydd, yr ydys wedi trefnu i osod yr adran yma o dan ofal GOLYGWYR ENWADOL, pob un yn gofalu am ei enwad ei hun Mae ynlhy-frydweh genym hysbysu ein bod wedi sicrhau gwasanaeth PEDWAR o LENORION PROFIADOL, Yn ddynion y mae eu henwauj yn hollol adnabyddus trwy Gymru, ac yn meddu gwybodaeth drwyadl o holl fudiadau eu gwahanol Enwadau. Felly bydd NODIONj ENWADOL Y METHODISTIAID yn hollol dan oial Gblygydd Metbodistaidd NODION ENWADOL Y BEDYDDWYR yn hollol dan ofal Golygydd Bedyddiol. NODION ENWADOL Y WESLEYAID yn hollol dan ofal Golygydd Wesleyaidd. NODION ENWADOL I YR ANIBYNWYR yn hollol dan ofal Golygydd Anibynol Bydd y Nodion Enwadol hyn yn cynwys am bob Enwad ?' k CKYNHODEB 0 DDIGWYDDIADAU'R WYTHNOS, SYLWADAU AR BERSONAU A PHETHAU, I BARN A THEIMLAD Y OYHOEDD a'r oil wedi ei ysgrifenu mewn arddull boblogaidd fydd yn gwneud y Nodion Enwadol yn DDYDDOROL I BAWB. Hyderir felly y gellir gwneud yr adran hon o'r GENEDL GYMREIG yn foddion trwy yr hwn y gall pawb o'r darllenwyr, gan nad i ba Enwad y perthynant, gae .4 cipdrem bob wythnos ar Y BYD CREFYDDOL. Y BYD CREFYDDOL. Y BYD CREFYDDOL. Bwriedir dechreu yr adran newydd YR WYTHNOS RON. Mynwch weled Y u GENEDL GYMREIG,' YB WYTHNOS HON. ADDYSGOL. BRISTOL. KINGSDOWN HIGH SCHOOL for GIRLS. MAELBOEOVGH HOTXSE, KINGSDOWN PAEADH, BRISTOL. Established 1868. Principal: Mrs E. E. HOBBS. INCLUSIVE FEES for Board, English, French, Music, Harmony, Drawing, Book- keeping, and Shorthand, THIRTY GUINEAS PER ANNUM. Pupils prepared for all Examinations. 527 Certificates (147 Honours), obtained during the past 12 years. References and Prospectuses on application to the Principal. NEXT TERM begins Thursday, 15th SEPT MASNACHOL. Y CHARING CROSS BANK (Sefydl- wyd 1870), 28, Bedford street, Charing Cross, London, W.C. Cyfalaf 300,000p. Sawdd yn nghadw 100,000P. Caniateir tair punt y cant o log ar y cyfrifon cyffredin ar y lleiaf swm gweddill misol pan na syrth o dan 20 punt. Derbynir ar log symiau o lOp ac uchod fel a ganlyn:- 4 y cant y fhvyddyn, dan yr amocl o rybudd o 3 mis i w cocli. 5 6 Khoddir telerau arbenig am symiau mwy. Telir y llogau bob chwarter. Benthycir symiau o 30p i 5,000P, mewn tref neu wlad ar Promissory Notes, Mortgage ar Ddodrefn, Stoc Busnes neu Fferm, Yswirebau Bywydol, Reversions, Llestri Arian, Gemau, Stocks, Shares, seiddo Rhydd-ddaliadol, neu Brydlesol, &c., cymeradwy. Ysgrifener neu galwer am raglen. A. WILLIAMS, Goruchwyliwr. W. G. Eta,s STORES. OLD J ONDON "p^ O USE 299, HIGH STREET, BA N G 0 R DYMA YN DDIAU T LLE RHATAF YN NGHYMRU I TE, B COFFEE, GROCERIES, y CONFECTIONERY, I N BLAWD, A U PROVISIONS 0 BOB MATH Dylai siopwyr a phob dosbarth o brynwyr dalu ymweliad a ni. Tunelli o bethau i ddewis ohonynt. TELERAU Arian parod yn unig. w. G. E VANS'S s TORES, OLD TT ONDON JJOUSg;, 2 9 9, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. ^JLOBE J^UKNISHING QOMPANr Dodrefnwyr Tai Cyflawn, Cyfan-werthol, Man- werthol. 12, 14, 16, a 18, PEMBROKE PLACE, LERPWL. DODREFN AM ARIAN, NEU AR Y GYF- UNDREFN LOG-FENTHYCIOL AM BRISIAU ARIAN PAROD. CWMld DODREFNOL Y GLOBE yw yr hynaf a'r esangaf o'r rhai sydd yn dwyn ymlaen fasnach ar y gyfundrefn log-fenthyciol yn y talaethau y maent yn eyflenwi dodrefn i dai, gwestai, a phalasau, liawer iawn rhatach nag y gwua y mwyafrif o'r maanachdai sydd yn gwerthu am arian pitrod yn unig. Yr ydym yn alluog i wneyd hyn drwy fod genym gyfalaf mawr at ein galwad, ac hefyd drwy ein bod yn wneuthurwyr y prif nwyddau a werthwa. NID OES EISIEU SICRWYDD, a DIM TREULIAU YCHWANEGOL, AR EIN CYFUNDREPN LOG-FEN- THYCIOL. Y mae ein dull teg achyflawn o ddwyn e i masnach yn mIaen, a'n telerau rhesymol, a'n prisiau iael mor adnabyddus trwy Ogled Lloegr a Chymru, fel nad oes eisieu ychwaneg o sylwadau. Telerau cyffredinol, y rhai, fodd bynag, gellir eu newid i gyfarfod cyfleusderau ein cwsmeriaid. Taliadau wythnosol, misol a chwarterol: Swm y pryniant lOp, Taliad 0 3 6 yr 8nos » 20p, 0 5 t) „ SOp, 0 10 0 lOOp, 0 17 6 „ 500p, 4 0 0 Bydd i arcWiliad o'n Stoc roddi ar uHwaith foddhad i'r rhai sydd yn bwriadu pwrcaau, ein bod yn rhoddi gwell gwerth a thelerau bawdd- aeh o daliadau na'r un masnachdy cyffelyb yn y Talaethau. DODREFNIR AM ARIAN, NEU AR Y GYFUNDREFN LOG-FNNTHYCIOL. Anfonir Golygltni newyddion, Rhaglen Fawr Ddarlaniadol, Barn y Wasg, a'r Prif-restr drwy y llythyrdy ar archiad. Enwch y papyr hwn. GLOBE FURNISHING COMPANY, 12, 14, 16 a 18, PEMBROKE PIACE, LERPWL. EADE'S PILLS. EADE'S PILLS All. who suffer from Gout and Bheum&tism should imme- « I R\PJR» T>TT T ci difltely rssontsd t-) EADES PILLS BACK'S PILLS. Husdreds of Testimonials have been p i r»ri o T>rT r C! received from all sorts and JLtAUJli O rIJJIJO conditions of men, testifying to the wonderfut power tb..se 1? A T\T?'Q "DTT T C! Pi'ls have in giving relief ill HiiVUiii o rliiLo the very worst cases. These Pills are purely vegetable and perfectly safe in their action INSTANTLY RELIEVE AND RAPIDLY CURE THE WORST FORMg OF GOUT, RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATIC GOaT, PAINS IN THE HEAD FACE, AND LIMBS. And hare the largeat recommendation ever given to any Patent Medicine of its class REMARKABLETESTIMONY FROM WALES. COULD NOT SLEEP FOR PAIN. 2, Dewnton-terrace, Llwynpia, Rhondda Valldv, South Wale gll Dear Sir,—Your Gout and Rheumatic Pills are a famous remedy, and one of the best I ever came across. My wife has been troubled with Gout in hands for twalve years, and the pain was almost unbearable; some nights she oould not sleep for pain. I resolved to try a bottle of your pills, and to my surprise, after she took three doses, the pain left ber hands, They are a great boon to mankind, by the bless ing of God. You can make what use you like of this.—Yours truly, CHARLES WAKELIN. Mr George Eade, 72 Goswell-road, London, EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS Are sold by all Chemists, in Bottles Is If, and 2s 9d or eent post free for Postal Order by the Poprietor GEORGE EADE 72, Goswell-road, E.C. Ask for, and be sure you obtain EADE'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. EADE'S PILLS. MASNACHOL riWELLHAODD FY MACHGEN, odd! VJ wrth Beswch ofnadwy. Anfonwch ddwy botelaid gyda throad y post i'w roddi i gyfeillion gan fod y fferyllwyr yma y-i argymhell phyidg arall hollol wahanol i'r eiddoch chwi.—Mrt JohntUme, Belleek Station, Co., Fermanagh, BETH WELLHAODD ? rTAYMANS BALSAM of Horehonnd A-L meddyginiaeth anfiaeledig at Inflaena, Peswch, Caethdra, etc. Nid yn unig y mae r cymysgedd hwn yn gwellhau peswch ac auwyd, ond y mae yn foddion os cymerir ef mewn pryd, i'w cadw I ffwrdd. Gwertbir yn mhob man Is lie a 2s 9c. A. HAYMAN & Co., ALBKMAPLE ST., LONDOIT B.O O.WELLHAODD FY ANWYD AR UN- WAITH.—J. M. Jont*, Caeathmw, Car- Vcn. STANDARD DOMESnO "') Sold Everywhere in Bottles, 9d. "Acts like a charm on hard Water, softening it, and almost doing away with the need for Soap Curds, which mean a loss of Soap, are entirely prevented, and washing becomes a luxury '■ Clothes left to soak over night in water, with a little of this Ammonia added, can be cleansed more readily than if washed in the ordinary way. Woollens and Flannels need less rubbing and are not so liable to shrink. For removing grease and dirt from clothing, and all textile fabrics, it will be found much better and cheaper than soap. The colours in Carpets if sponged with it are made to look like new. Cleans Silver or Plated Goods like magic. Saves labour. Time and Soap STANDARD Domestic AMMONIA For Washing and Cleaning Everything. Wholesale from the Standard Ammonia Co., Ld., Old Ford, London, E. THE MIDLAiNJLi UOLUNTU&S WATCH COMPANY OF VYSE STREET, BIRMINGHAM. Wrf to our Manager, Mr A. PERCY, for our beau fol new Illustrated Catalogue, contain- ng Direr 1,000 unsolicited Testimoijialsi and over 1,000 fine Copper-plate engravings of Watcnes, Jewellery and Electro-plate, seat gratis and post free on application to any part of the World, I e -i -I x I 60!1 p c a I I lp Gentle- men's fine Silver Bat orjfstr.1 glass 35s, Ladies- fine Silver flat crystal fflass, highly fiaii Se'a m e v ement, 35s. Youth' s fine bflver flat crystal glass, 25s. Cheque! 5tL Post Office O »- dets mast be made pa ya bl e Mr A. PE BCY, o n receipt of which any Watch will be registe ed post free any part f the Uni te d Kingdom, a1)d for 2a 6d per Watch to any part World. LONDON OFFICE & SBOW ROOM-15 QUEEN VICTORIA-STREET, E.C YDDANODD A WELLHEIR AR DARAWIAD GAN dynu'r Danedd. A:r NERVINEDaliaBYdredd. Rhwys- -nosweithiau d i g w s g symuda vmaith Grur, Niw-Tk "TTATr 11 f ralgiay/y Pen, aphoenau K I I h,K gieuol. Ganfferyllwyr, 1/1J. ^11 1 JLill Dyoddefais boen dychr^illyd am ddyddiau mewn dau ddant mewn canlyniad I bydredd mawr. Cyn- fhorwyd fi i gymeryd NervineBunter. Gwnaetixum yny Er fy llawenydd peidiodd y boen yn eb- rwydd a hollol. Ar ol hyny cefais y rhyddhad mwyaf dichonadwy oddiwrth gur niwralgaidd mewn pen trwy gymeryd pedwar neu bump dyferyn o Nervine Bunter ar lwmpyn o siwgr gwjm."—Parch Aubrey C. Price, B.A., fdiweddax Gymrawd o'r Coleg Newydd, Rhydycham.) 7460 EVERY HEAD of a FAMILY should Jfjt send for Harper Twelvetrees' Illustrated Price List of Laundry Machinery, and Pamphlet entitled, How to Wash at Home," containing most valuable practical experience. Easy terms, from 2s 6d per week.—HAEPEB TWELVBTBKES Laundry Engineer, 8, City Road, Lonodn. TOHN E. DAVIE S, ° TEGID HOUSE, COLWYN BAY. Town-crier, Bill-poster, and distributor under the Local Board. Member of the U Kingdom Billposter ssociation. vmo intend to Marrj dZll THE MAGIC MIRROR. £ 1 F It may concern them. Important fll | n to ail in ill-heaith. Happineu ITIrSh»la assured by its bright reflections. A 5aieguud from evil to all wbo possm ft. Frsopwpod for two Stamps. ADDRESS: Messrs WILKIPROL ".3. SQMRE. SHEFFIELD. Iftt vity, f" POPULAR" BLACK LM i hi Id and 2d Packets. I E S. T, QUICKEST, AND BEST ■My ^nst..>mers win use no other."— E. A. Bail; orlucer. HailsUnDi. RV IN '«. ALF thft TIME and WITH HA L»F THE ^,5 LA HOIJlfvfljji can prouuee -.mm? polish r lY, with TWi) IVnay Packots oi the ■a abTN i than with HALF-DOZEN Prmiy Packets oi BItLek Lt-ti.ci. f- 4 A p 17 fl D O D B L B A V IV <3 RT T A R O H Ci{.ADE MARK. BEOISTEH PD. 'uiMiij.s .■stAiva, tjrtust. Borax, te. lieqvurea No Addition anti No Preparation. Timn. Labour, wn-i Uuwrtalnty, in It are ) toii-vl bi tlt;)ii- Proportions, Htarch, Giosa, •u l all other iiiKr«.iieat» necessary to produce :¡;FTIFUL WHITE GLOSSY LINEU. A 'MACK'S DOUBLE STARCH viU meet a 1(1117, fdt re'iuiivuicivt ami Rave 1)'1 in- -itaity of trouble; it ill -e.-mly hr iinmeciiate ti. i.tfout any othnr adilition or preparation. 11 the .ry simple directions fjivfin with each box are ji.rriod out the result is perfE"I.tioJl.L4DY's PIa- i'OKIAX. 3d per box, Alisolutely tree from Mercury. "NVI"ng, and ei other ingredients injurious to Silver and Plate. Saves an amount of time and labour and givew toiqbter polish than anything ebe. There is 11 preparation of which we know to equal its excel ience."—SNQBIBX WRBIW. Samples of the above "ihree articles for 813L Stumps, or of any One for Two Stamps (to cover postage). Name thia Paper. Ajulc your Grocer to get -them for you. O. CHANCELLOR 4c Co., LONDON, E.G., ^atmmmn WW. I»I «/• ,M MASNACHOL. It ONE FACT WORTH A THOUSAND OPmOKS. THE ENORMOUS DEMAND FOR -nr" l'%TlS FAMOUS TEAS Is exsitmg the wonenvy of all Dealars. The PUBLIC APPRECIATION and inero^ mg popularity of LIPTON'S DELICIOU3 TEAS among,t ali classes may bi judged by the fact taa LT Unquestionably pays mo e Dnty to Her Cosfcom-s for Toa sappliei direct to the Consnmflrs than any othe' B-m iu Great Britain or I,t- !.or]. This undoubtedly the STRONGEST POSSIBLE PROOF of the Extraordinary Ualue acd High-class Quality of LIPTON'S DELICIOUS TEAS I-VOTE THE PRICES:— MAGNIFICENT BLENDED TEA, Selected from the best Tea Growing Countries, (ruTI AND FBAGBANT. per Is. lb. SPECIALLY-SELECTED • CEYLON, INDIAN, AND C, :> A BLEND. Per IS. 4D. lb This quality is soli as the Highest-Class Tea by many of 'the'.Ieading Tea Merohaafe, and at double the price. EXTRA CHOICEST CEYLON AND INDIAN BLEND, per Is. 7D- lb- NO HIGHER PRICE. This is the M"t Delicious Tea the World can produce, and is equal, if not superior, to what is sold by most Tea Dealers and Grocers at 2s 6d to 3s 6d per lb. 5, 7, 10 and 20 lbs packed in patent fancy Air-Tight Canisters, without Extra Cha.rge. SPECIAX, NOTICE.—The above Teas will be forwarded Carriage Paid for an extra Id per lb. on the above prices, to any address in Great Britain, when not less than 5lbs is ordered. Samples sent to any address on application. Thp.se Teas have a more exquisite aroma and delicious flavour than any Tea ever introduced into JBritain. They have undoubtedly reached a pinnacle of success never before attained by any Tea in the World. I LIPTON'S CEYLON ESTATES The Ceylon Observer, commenting on the purchases of LMONS' Estates says: We need scarcely remind cur Ceylon Readers that tke Haputale of Estates is one of the most valuable, both for jTea and Coffee, in this Country. Being Sole Proprietor of several of the most famous Tea and Coffee Estates in Ceylon, including the celebrated Estates of Dambatenne, Laymastotte, Monerakande, Mahadambatenne, Mousakelle, Pooprassie, Hanag-alla, and Gigranella, which cover thousands of acres, of the best Tea land in Ceylon I am in a position to supply customers direct at Planter's prices, thus saving to consumers of the fragrant beverage all intermediate profits. LIPTON, TEA AND COFFEE PLASTER, CEYLON. THE LARGEST TEA, COFFEE, AND PROVISION DEALER IN THE WORLD. Tea and Coffee Shipping Warehouses: Maddema Mills, Cinnamon Gardens, Colombo. Ceylon Office: Upper Chatham Street, COLOMBO. Indian Office and Shipping Warehouses 5, Lyons Range, CALCUTTA. Tea and Coffee Sale Rooms: MINCING LANE, LONDON, E.C. Wholesale Tea Blending and Duty Paid Stores BATH STREET & CAYTON STREET, LONDON,E.C. Coffee Rotating, Blending Stores, and Essence Manufactory: OLD STREET, LONDON, E.C. General Offices: BATH STREET, CITY ROAD, E.C. LocAL BBAJTCHES.—Blaenau Festiniog—George E. Gratton, Chemist. Carnarvon-E. Hughes 8, Eastgate Street. Conway—W. G. Williams, Chemist, Castle Street. olyhead-R. H. Rowland, 39, Stanley Street. Llanfairfechan R. W. Hughes, The Bazaar, Wenroe Villa." Bangor-A. Williams, 364 High Street. BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS IN THE KINGDOM. OVER ONE MILTJOX PACKETS SOLD WEEKLY. MACKINTOSHES! MACKINTOSHES!! MACKINTOSHES! Y STOCIAU MWYAF, CDEETJ A RHATAF. Wecli eu gwarantu i ddal y g vlawogydd trymaf, newydd ddyfod adref i'r LEEDS HOUSE AIR DINORWIC HOUSE CAERA RFON. CADWALADR WILLIAMS. Dyma yn ddiddadl y Sho pa Goreu am FAOKtNIOSH dda a rhal. TO ^PRINTEES'' JOINERS, E NGINEERS, AND TYPE F OUNDERS. WANTED AT ONCE, Estimates for Supplying a Complete First-class Jobbing Plant, to include the following:— TWO WHARFEDALE DOUBLE DEMY MACHINES with Flyers. TWO FOOLSCAP FOLIO TREADLE MACHINES. 30 Inch GUILOTINE, with Steam Gear. IRON STANDING PRESS, 20 by 30 inch. 8 h.p. GAS or STEAM ENGINE. DOUBLE DEMY BOOK FOLDING MACHINE. HOT ROLLING MACHINE. WIRE STITCHING MACHINE. PERFORATING MACHINE. DOUBLE DEMY COLUMBIAN PRESS. DEMY FOLIO ALBION PRESS. IRON GALLEY PRESS. 3 IRON IMPOSING SURFACES, 28 by 80 inch. DEMY OR ROYAL FOLIO STEREO FOUNDRY. BOOK CHASES. BOOK and JOBBING FOUNTS. WOOD and METAL FURNITURE. RACKS, FRAMES, and CASES. Together with all the requisites of a Complete Jobbing and Publishing Office. Estimates for the whole, or any portion of the above, should be sent, with full particulars, to THE MANAGER, WELSH NATIONAL PRESS, Co., CARNARVON. TO LET, with immediate possession, Sea View, No. 8, St. David s Road, Carnarvon (close to Railway Station), Containing 4 bed rooms 2 Dressing-rooms, 2 Parlours, Kitchen, Scullery, and 2 W-C. Apply on the premises, or to B. G.E.. Genedl Office. MEILINYDD.—Yn Eisieu, Melinydd yn gy- .ill. farwydd a phob rhan o waith melin, Rollers a Meini. Rhaid iddo feddu cymeriad da. Ymofyner a Miller, Swyddfa y Genedl Gymreig, Caernarfon. 7438. UR BOA.—Lady must sell immediately Magnificent Real Alaska Tail Fur Boa, 10 ft. long, immensely bushy, especially round centre, rich dark Tail fur, equals X4 article, sacrifice for 19s 9d, can be seen by writing Maude," Office of this paper. 7418 rpY A SHOP gyfleus ar werth neu ar osod JL (Leasehold) yn Rhydwen, Anglesea.—Am fanylion anfonerat H, Edwards, 141, Spon street, Coventry. 7438 PENMORFA U.D. SCHOOL BOARD. WANTED immediately Temporary Master for the Prenteg Board School (average about 55). Salary at the rate of zC80 per annum. —Applicetions with Testimonials and qualifica- tions to be sent to JOHN JONES, Clerk, Glandwyfach, Garn, R S.O., Carnarvon. CARNARVON.—WANTED immediately, by Two Young Men, Parlour and bedroom.— Send terms and particulars to Typo, Express Office. 7450. TO BE LET or SOLD, immediate possession, small Farm of 10 acres, one mile' from Valley station Stock at valuation. For par- ticuleua rpi.Tb. Julm Hug-bos, Coal Merchant, Valley. 7462 I

[No title]



