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ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH, BRYNFORD. Anniversary Services. SUNDAY, JULY 11th 1909. S o a m Holy Communion (English), 10 o a.m. WelsA Se) vice. 3 0 p.nt English Service. 6 jo p.m. Welsh Service. TBII REV- JOSRPH DAVIES. B A. Vicar of Penycae, WILL PREACH AT ALL THE SERVICES. 7 P.M. MONDAY EVIXING, WKMH SBEVICK: THB REV. T- LLOYD. BA., VICAB OF BHYL, WILL PBBACH. The Offertories will be devoted to OhUTCh Expenses THB ANNIVERSARY TEA FESTIVAL ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 14TH, 1909. AT TUII NATIONAL SCHOOL- TEA on the Tables at 3 p.m.; SPORTS, &o., in the Rectory Field. A BAND WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE. ADMISSION :—To Tea and Field, Is.; Field only, 6d. ZION CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, NEAR HOLYWELL. EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL TEA PARTY AND GRAND CONOERT IN CARMEL COUNCIL SCHOOL, ON Wednesday, August Nth, 1909. THA FBOM 3 TO 5.30 P H.; COMOBBX AT 6.30. Amomoiq.-Tea and Concert, Is. j Concert only, 6d, PRELIMINARY NOTICE. A SALE OF WORK IN AID OF THB GWESPYR MISSION CHURCH, UNDEB DISTINGUISHED PATRON AOS, WILL BB HBLD AT TAN Y LAN, ON THE 4th OF AUGUST, 1909, By kind permission of Mr and Mra BAITEBS: Stained Glass AOBKTB FOB THB PATENT Giving the Beauty of Stained Glass at a Fraction of the Oost. Stock and Book of Designio open to inspection AT THE "Observer" Office, Holywell. HORSE AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY AND MARINE STORES, Whitford Street, Holywell JOHN HOLMES RESPECTFULLY intimates that be bas SUCCEEDED TO THE BUSINESS oairied on for many years by his late Father, and desires to soliait a continuance of the patronage hitherto given his deceased Parent. THE BUSINESS WILL BE arried on in every Department AS HITHERTO. Soutli Africa. Royal Mail Route UNION-CASTLE LINE. LONDON AND SOUTHAMPTON, TO Gape Oolony, Natal, Delagoa Bay, Beira 4c., oalling frequently at Madeira, Las Palmas, Teu ritfe, Asoension, St. Helena, and Lobito Bay Weekly Sailings. Fast Passages. Superior Accom- modation. Beat Route. For rates of passage money and all further aformation, apply to the Managers, DONALD OUBBIB US Co., London, or to Local Agents. CHLOBO-BISMU T h WHAT IS IT ——— An absolutely new and thoroughly reliable CUBE FOR INDIGESTION A departure in medical science. Its success exceeds al pectations. Cures all kinds of Indigestion in yo Per Bottle Is. 9d. of all Chemists, or 2B. Id. ipastfroo from iRUMEL & Co, ILXXTLB SUTTOK STREET, CLHBEBNWILT, LONDON, E.O. TEETH HANLON'S LTD., ATTENDS PERSONALLY, iiOLYWELL: AT MR HUGHES 42, HIGH STREET (OPPOSITB TO OLD ADDEKSS), NEXT TO NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK g V fi a r F .1 [ 0 d. F 1 TO 5.3O P.M. FLIIT:—Every FRIDAY MOBJIJIb 10.0 TO 10 P.M. AT MRS. ROGERS, CHURCH VILLAS, CnUROH STREET, FLINT. DOVEDALE, KING'S AVENUE, WLLINGTON ROAI), RHYL, TBIWHOSB No. 74Y Sales by Messrs W. Freeman 6f Co. TO-KOBBOW, Friday, June 25th, 1909, C'JMddNOING i-T 6 P.M. SHARP. EXTBAuBDINAfiY SALE OF NEW Ladies and Gent's Cycl s, Dlti&UT FROM: THE MANUFACTURERS, ALSO, QUANTITY OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Fail pa-ticulars, in Posters. ATTRAOTIV t; SALE OF LIVE AND DEAD STOCK AND SURPLUS HOUSEHO LD FURNITURE ON Wednesday, July 21st, 1909, AT MOUNTAIN VIEW, BRYNFORD, NEAR HOLYWELL, BY icstruotions fraoa Mrs P. tiuOHBS, who is ie^v tig. Fall particulars, in Posters. Early in July. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY AT C A E R W Y S Fall partioulars, later. FLISTSHJES FOOTBALL LEAGUE. APPLICATIONS invited for SENIOR AND A JUNIOR DIVISIONS of above, for which very valuable Cups, Gold & Silver Medals ra oife ed for competition. Applioations received up to JULY 10TH, 1909.-For fall partioulars apply, H. H. MILLAB, Shotton, Flintshire. O f BA,TS an<* found by Mr J t £ KJ Evans, of Blaenglyn, Brecon, tftf r usioif one I io. box of Harrison s Reliable Rat Poison. Equallr good for Mice, Moles a :d Beetles DngB aud Cats will not touch it. Pric-, 6d., Is ,2. 3d. and 3s. 8d. Postage 2d. G. W. HARRISON, C^emisfc, Reading. Sold by Obe«-ist<?. Akc-nt hr H;Iywell :-C. E. LtOYD, 35, Hi., b.stret; Fliot-0. W. J01(6?, Chemist; Ooonah's Quay:—T. O. LLOYD JOSMB Chemist, 51a Heal Hall. J. W. BENSON, Ltd. THIS NAME on a Watch is the HALL-MARK of RELIABILITY It means that the materials and work- manship used in its construction are the Best Obtainable regardless of cost; that the Watches carrying it are made by J. W. BENSON, Ltd* It appears only on BENSON'S WATCHES RENOWNED as the MOST RELIABLE IN THE WORLD. They are made in Gold and Silver, all patterns of Cases, for Ladies or Gentlemen. From £ 5 to £ 1,000. AT LOWEST CASHPRIC8. or on "tbt ClitRS,9 System of MONTHLY PAYMENTS. The Key-wind "LCDGATE" in Silver Cases, 95; 5; in 18-ct. Gold Cases, £ 12:12. The New Keyless English Lever for Ladies, In 18-ct. Gold Cases, £10. The Keyless "BANK" in Silver Cases, &5; in 18-ct. Gold Cases, 915. The Keyless LUDGATE" in Silver Cases, £ 8:8; in 18-ct. Gold Cases, £ 20. The World-Renowned "FIUD" In 18.ct. Gold Cases, £ 25. Many owners write us, are of INCOMPARABLE EXCELLENCE." OUR BOOKS fully Illustrated (the largest and most complete issued), are sent post free. No. J, of Watches, Chains and Jeweli. No, 2, of Clocks, "Empire" Plate, Sterling Silver for Household use, and pretty jet inexpensive Presents, Fitted Travelling Gases, do, Jo W. BENSON, Ltd. The Premier Watch & Clock Makers, Makers to the India and War Offloes, the Admiralty, &o., &C. 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL. LONDON. E.O. A MARY FRANCES SANKEY, DECEASED. PURSUANT to the Statute 22nd and 23rd Vic. JT Ob. 35 iotitoled "An Act to further amend tha Law of Ptopertv and to relieve Trastees." NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all Creditors and other persons having any debts, clutns or demand* at?ai4ia» the estate of Mary Frances Sankey, late of Forebridge Villa, Stafford, but formerly of The Vron, Holywell, North Wales, spinster (who died on the 20th day of May, 1909, and whose Will wa proved in the Prinoipal Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 16th day of June, 1909, by Trevor Eyton and Williaoa Srankbonae Holden, the Executors therein named), ARE HEREBY REQUIRED to send particulars in writing of their debts, clamM or demands to us, the undersigned, on or before the 27th day of July, 1909, after which date the said Exeontors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Testatrix amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the debts, claims and demands of whioh they shall then have had notice, and that they will not bs liable for the assets or any part thereof eo distributed to any person or persons of whose debt, claim or demand they shall not than have had notice. Datei this 18th day of June, 1909. CLEAVER, HOLDEN & Co., 26, North John Street, Liverpool. Solicitors for the said Executors. 'oJ HOLYWELL COUNTY SCHOOL. Clerk Wanted. APPLICATIONS are invited for the Office of CLERK to the Court o £ Governors of the Holywoll (Intermediate and Technical) County School, at a commencing salary of 935 a year. Preference will be given to a person having a know- ledge of the working of the Welsh Intermediate Education Act, and who is resident in the district of Holywell. A knowledge of the Welsh language is desirable. Applications with copies of three recent testimonials, to be sent in to me, at the Cottage, Holywell, endorsed Application for Clerkship," before SATURDAY, the 3rd of JULY, next. P. HARDING ROBERTS, Chairman of the Court of Governors. Jane 19kb, 190 9. A TESTIMONIAL- A T the BKYNPOBD CHURCH EASIBB VHSTB"Z held at the NATIONAL SCHOOL, APBIL 20TH, 1909, It was unanimously resolved that the long and faithful servioes of Mr RICHABD JOKSS, as Headmaster of the School, should be recognised by meane of a Testimonial." CHAIEMAM RBV, R. M. EDWARDS, RBCXOB. TBEASUBHB MB ROBERT JONES, HWYLFA. FEB. SKCBBTABV MB JOHN EDWARD JONES, GROOEB. TO L E T—"THS POPIABS," Halkyn-street, Holywell. Recently redecorated. Immediate possession.—Apply, LLOYD, Chemist, Holywell. MONEY LENT- je5 TO £ 1,000. IN T E R E S T 2s. 6d. in the A for agreed JL period. W. JAOKBON, 120, Brook Street, Chester.

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