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lXm B £ R T'S FAMILY) AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STSEET, HOLYWELL. -77-¿\)''I! WHOLESALE WINE m SPJftIT MERCHANT, POSTING m all its muNua Speoial and personal attention paid to this Department. t »:o?~—»—— HE A IMS AND MOUiitfitfO- GAIJUUJES AT SEASONABLE SATES :0:- London and or til-.tester £ t Railway Parcels Agent* THE CHARINB-,CROSS BANK Established, 1870. LIVERPOOL BRANCH :-8, DALE STREET HHAD OFFICES ■ 2 8 5 BEDFORD-STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C., AND 89, BlSHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN LONDON, E.C. Btuohes: Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, fco., .0. Aasets 41,607,949 0 0 Liabilities *1,236,871 0 0 Surplus .£371,078 0 0 LOANS of 430 to 42,000 granted at a few ho org' aotiee in Towu or Country, on per- sonal security, jewellery, precious stones, stocks, shares and faruitare without removal. Stocks and Shares bought and sold. TWO-AND-A-HALF em OiSa'T. allowed on CURRENT ACCOUNT BALANCES. DEPOSITS of 410 and upwards receivedas under lubjeot to 3 months' notice Of withdrawal 45 p.o p,a « 6 » £ 6 u 12 B « 7 Speoial tertni for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly. Owing to the nature of our investments, we are able pay rates of Interest on Deposits that will compare favourably with Dividends paid on almost any elass of skoak or shareholding insuring the safety of capital. We have been established for IV years, and our position in the Banking World to.day testifies to the success of our business methods, and to the satisfaction of our customers. Write or call for prospectus, A. WILLIAMS H. J, TALL. -=- &OAD MAPS MAPS OF NORTH WALES Strongly bound in cloth covers with guida to all ulacem of iateres in North Wales, AS ssa I Observer" Office, Holywell. CLEVEDON HOUSE (Opposite the N. P. Bank J t 49, HIGH STREET. HOLYWELL. A « X O IV £$■ EEG3 to iaform the Inhabitants of Holywell and neighbourhood that she has now on visw a GRAND SELECTION I 01 CHILDREN'S COSTUMES AMD MILLIERY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Ladies and Children's Underclothing A SPECIALITY. Ladies and Children's Gloves, Blouses, Skirts, &o, Ageat for Pullars's Perth, Cleaners end Dyers, by appointment to His Majesty the King. Compare Prices btfori punlmUg okewhero. > WILLIAMS, BROS., SLATERS PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PLASTERERS CEMENT WORKERS, ROOF AND FLOORING TILERS, PAPERHANGERS AND COLOURERS 4vrBB G.RAZBS AND R A A GIBS Fixed by Experienced Men. Mskmatm gins for all Muds of Work. WHOLESALE YARD FOR TIMBER, SLATING, PLASTERING, LATH a CEMENT, BRICKS, CHIMNEY POTS, PLASTER OF PARIS, And all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS always on hand, at reasonable sates. Au Orders promptly attended Co. YAM) The Old Timber Yard, HALKYN BOAD, HOLYWELL, I DON'T QBT DOWNHEARTED ■ When Doctors fait H H ■ to Cure Year EiV (fciESfiMjP H ■ but benefit by the experience of Mr. W. G. Hoare, :H H| who tells how he was permanently cured of the 'EH HH most severe attack of this Dread Disease. UH Bi «21, School-street, Stantonbury, sorea from one ear to the other. I could !«■ |Q|B Near Wolverton, Bucks. And myself getting better before I bad Kn ggjHgg "Gentlemen,—At the end of July. 1901,1 finished the first bottle, so 1 continued HM mflK had one of the most severe attaoks of Eczema with it until I_ had taken six bottles. I ;H| HH that any man, I should think, ever saw. I should have written you before this, but I Hhb ■HS" was under medical treatment for some time, wanted to be sure it was a permanent JHH HQK) and getting no better I began to be down- cure first, whiah I am thankful to say it is, BBIMb ER|> hearted, when a friend of mine persuaded as it is now more than 4 years since 1 was HBHW ■HI; me to try Cla.-ke's Blood 'fixture,' and I cured, and I bare not had the slightest rHHB BfljH am thankful to say that I tried it with good signs of any return.—Youre truly, HH results. My face was one mass of running (Signed) W. a. HOA&E." ■SSB WfS TUG OTJ A QOTSJ Clarke's Blood Mixture effects such wonderful euro* \MM IVCnjv/n Is because it Is the only medicine Which thoroughly /jmNm ■|1 drives out ail impurities from the blood. Remember, For the blood Is the life," flHI Ml 1 and Skin anci Blood Diseases, such as Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad tegs, Ulcers, |H ieM i Boils, Pimples, Sores, arid Eruptlonsof all kinds, Blood Poison, Glandular Swellings, SHgS Kg Rheumatism. Gout. &c can only be permanently cured by purifying the blood. H| IBl Clarke's Blood Mixture, which has stood the test of 40 years, fs to-<Jay In greater HH 1|1§ demand than eve", and the proprietors, with confidence, solicit eirYerei* to gMl mXhS II It a trial to test Its value. WHH B CLARKE'S I Aft ME& Emilmon B BLOOD MIXTURE I Hw Pleasant tc tile taste and guaranteed free from anything injurious to the most delicate SaHtl IB constitution oi either sex Of all Chemists and Stores, 2/9 per bottle, and in cases, coa- HimH Hw taining six times the quantity, 11/ or post tree on receipt of price direct from tto QM H proprietors. Refuse subst tutes. IMQM Ml SUFFERERS who sre doubtful about their case should write tons at once, fully «HH R1 dessribing their illness. We shall be pleased to give them, in confidence,'the best advloe j^B v. H| free of pharge. We will also send copies of inany additional testamonlwft Addrewi H *Xu s SisCKETART, as below. BSH Proprietors: THE LINCOLN & ttIDLAD COUNTIES IH{UC CO., LlNCOLJf. H Proprietors: THE LINCOLN KIDLAND COUNTIES IDRUC CO., UNCOLO. J &vim 'i' y, -< CROS 3 STREET, HOLYWELL. -:0: A EARL, TAILOR & GENERAL OUTFITTER, INVITES INSPECTION OF THE NEW GOODS HE HAS RECEIVED FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. -:0:- The Stock consists of well-selected Patterns in Scotch, West, and Yorkshire Woollens. .1—-I. :o: THE READY MADE DEPARTMENT Is well supplied, with Gentlemen s, Youths, and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps. Ties Shirts, Underclothing, Umbrellas, &c. Special Measure Suits procured, from 2SS.. Ladies' Costumes made to Order in all the Latest Styles. SIGHT TESTING FOR SPECTACLES. JJiIi If you have any doubt as to the condition of your eve,; as regards Spectacles-you should have your eyes tested by a qualified Optician, who would then advise whether Spectacles should be worn or not. Our siprht testing room is fitted up with the latest scientific appliances, and we make no charge for testing, whether Spectacles are required or not; L. Schwarz, D.B.O.A. (Qualified Optician), I has charge of the Opticial Department. -:0:- A. SCHWARZ, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN, ¿ -4>- TheORIGINALand ONLY GENUINE. m 0 TMB^t K»°~n for ||j Atoittol iythe Profession to H COUGHS, COLDS, MOST VALUABLE REMEDY ■ ■ ASTHMA, and Effectually' cuts short all h I M DDAMRUITLQ K^ORPO^AI ATTACKS OF SPASMS. H The only Palliative in Mm Acts Mm a Charm fn NEU RALCIA, TOOTHACHCf B diarrhoea, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, m CHOLERA, and Convincing Medical Testimony m dysentery, mmmssm accompanies esela bottle. I SOLD IS BOTTLES -BY ALL CHEMISTS, at ittit 219, and 418 each. ,¡. _w. A WORD TO LAI1!E^ T C^EY HA,R I ■■ IfaBU I w knURhv restored to its original colour by using Fe want a:a opportnnitj to convince you that UADDICnii'G hair decTADCD BLANCHARD'S HMUniaUIl 9colour IICq I UnClf APIOL if STEEL PILLS It is Dot a dye, but acts naturally, is quite harmless. 1 Supersede Pennyroyal, Pil Coehia & Bitter Apple. I n m PJ*ICE m' 3d- We will send yon sample free on receipt of two etampa for posted If U W H3TF1S0I1. M.r.h e ,T. nAfldlTIS. LESLIE MARTYN, Ltd.. Chemists, SpeciaUrt, tlcaum&1 LONDON, f^AslIK Wi D. HX7&HI39, 0H«IBW. HOLYWELL COUNry SCHOOL Obaibxav or thb Qotibhobb: P HARDING ROBERTS, ESQ. Vios-Obaxbican MRS fOHNSON JONES. Hiadxabibb J. MORGAN EDWARDS, M.A. Tbaohzvo Staff — 3. MORGAN EDWARDS, M.A. (Oxov). J. T. MORGAN, B.So. (Lokd.), Trained Certificated Master. R. 1- OWEN, B.A. (Walbs), Exhibitioner and PriaemaD of Dnirersity Oollecre of North Wales. HUGH G. MORRIS, Trained Certificated Master. J. R. HUGHES, M.A. (Walbs), Exhibitioner of University Collage of North Wales. Honours in Latin; Diploma in Freaoh. L. OWEN, B.A. WALBB), Honours in English Language and Literature. L. M. SMITH, B.A. (LoirDoa), Honours in French. Music (Instrumental): 0. LEWIS-J ONES, Mug. Bag., L.R.A.M. Woodwork :— F. A. ROBERTS. Cooxbby AIIrD Laukdbt :— HISS STORAR, First-class Diploma for Ooikety, Ltandry Work and Hmse^iftrf. For Prospectus, List of Saooessea, 1:0., apply to he Sbabxasibb, or to F. LLEWELLYN-JONES, Olerk to the Governors, Holywel BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK or STATIONERY NOW ON VIEW, AT THE OB8ERYER OFFICE, HOLYWELL. LETTEH OAHDS WITH VIEWS OF HOLy CHASTE Children's Party Invitations and Replies fi > IN FANCY BOXES. Papers TWO LONDON PARCELS DAILY NEWSPAPERS & PERIODIC • L All the Daily, Evening-and W Øfolr I Y N a, received and delivered Perh.dicl(," < t I published BQ itCa SE A V IN ttLKGAN'l teachers' bibles witli Goncordaiiui AND fiiaps coinbinba SUNDAY gCHOOL REWARD AND TEXT CAhDb Paul M THE PENNY WKAPPEK « MOST LSEFI L ■'ObSEBVEB" ()FFle t. HOLlWHrLi, — -r- yo- COALS. BettMeld Colliery PRICE LIST Best Home Coal Sid. per cwt. House JSTuts • -8d. r- Terms:-Cash at Weigh Cabin. TO PARTIES REMOVING. JOHN HOLMES, WHITFORD STREET, 31 OIL Y W E L L, BEG 8 to announce to the Pablio that he hell -D' now TWO LARGE VANS, aad it prepared to REMOVE FURNITURE on the most reason able terms, PAINTING & DECORATING E. J. CATHER WOOD, Painter Sf Decorator, OHAPEL-ST HOLYWELL ALL CLASSES OF PAINTING AND DECORATING, PAPERHANGING, GLAZING, &0 UNDERTAKEN AT REASONABLE &ATl±, 1..1) QOJCK DESPATCH GUARANTEED ESTIMATES GIVEN. CrOLK. Marvelloas sacrifice. Gents new 1907. Machine highest grade fitted with elineher tyers, crabbe roller lever rim brakes, back and frost, the very latest. Perrys 1907 ball bearing free wheel, plated rims, coloured centres, frame Nark and gold lined, madguarda, magnifioent ID8ChiDe not soiled, complete with gas lamp, bell, pnmp, spanner, etc. Great bargain, it 10.. od.. wotth doable. Will send on approval any distuft before fttmo-rMi, CHEAP LIBRARY PRESENTATION VOLUMES. AT ALL PRIOU. AT CI Observer" Office, Holywell. J DEFEND YOUR HEALTH by opposing to the invading t forces of disease the invigorating > i and strengthening properties of « Beecham's Pills. A box of these ► i pills embodies a simple, safe and 4 scientific method of preserving r the general health and fitness. > < The ability of any individual to > resist the onslaughts of disease i depends to a large extent upon » « the healthy state of the digestive i organs. When good digestion is ( obtained the whole body is pro. < perly nourished and consequently j fortified against attacks which in the contrary case often prove dis- r < astrous. Health and strength, in r the important matter of a sound > digestion, can always be secured > and maintained /(, < By Taking :13cbanrs I fiUa 4 Sold in boxes, Illi (S6 pills) & 2/9 (J68 pills) IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS. E VERT Mother who values the Health aad Cleanliness of her Child should one HAR2&I BONPS "RELIABLZI) NUSSENT P 0 MA DE. One sppMoation kills all Nits and Vermin, beantifies and iitrangthens the Hair. Is Tins, 4id. and 9d. Postage, Id. — Gao. W. flAEElsow, Chemilit, Reading.-&,eats for ri0 y. well :-D. HUOBSS, Hiirn ¡. trs't; Oo-»»n»h's QUAY :—K. LLOYD JOBBS, Medical St" Flillt:- O. W. JOHBS; SbottonPBIKC* ..Jq» CO. An Ohemiste. ¡"