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-=========- ESTABLISHED OVER 35 YEARS. I MA. EDWARDS, SURGEON DENTIST, HIGH STREET, RHYL. ATTENDANCES— HOLYWELL EVERY FRIDAY, At Mrs JONK8, Waterloo House (Opposite the National Provincial Bank of England), FEOS £ 1.30 TILL 5.15 P.M. DENBIGA EVERY WEDNESDAY. At 12, HIGH STRBBI (Over Dick's Boot Depot), Fitom 11.30 TILL 4.45 p.m. COLWYN BAY-DAILY Mr ROBEBTSON, Manager at the General Post Office, (Private Entrance), FBOM 9.0 A.M. TILL 7.0 P.M. PRESIATYN EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON, At Miss EDEN'S Tower Buildings, FBOM 4.0 TILL 7.0 P.M. CONSULTATIONS FREE. WELSH SPOKEN. MRS. T U 0 M A S, REGISTRY OFFICE FOR SERVANTS, GWENFFRWDD HOUSE, MOLD. HAS several Cooks and General Servants; House- L..l. maids and Under-housemaids, Sewing-maids, and Nurses on fcer Books. Great attention is given to procure good Servants; also, gool Situations. ST. W liNEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE-Engli,gb;Freneb; German; Drawing; Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics Music (Vocal and Instrumental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- ms in Music, &e. WEEKLY BOAEDEES BECBIVED. A SELECT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES ia now OPEN at ST. WINEFBIDB'b CONVENT, Well Street. Only a limited number eceived.-For Terms, apply to the SUPBBIOBBSS. MR. E. C. BRIGGS, Teacher of Music <2r» Musical Instruments, (HIGHBBT DIPLOMA R.M.O.M.), Reed Organs, Harmoniums, Pianofortes, &c., Tuned and Repaired.—Terms moderate, F. TITHE BARN PLACE, FLINT- SUN INSURANCE OFFICE FOUNDED 1710 Sum insured in 1897 exceeds £ 425,000,000> For all particulars apply to the following Agent HOLYWELL. ME. ROBERT THOMAS. MOLD. MESSRS KELLY, KEENE & 00 ST. ASAPH, ME. Ll. LLOYD. BUCKLEY MB. EDWARD ROBERTS MONEY Y,5 to 11;000 19019 A RETIRED GENTLEMEN having a LARGE SUM OF MONEY at his disposal is willing to dvance the same Ai' LESS INTEREST THAN ANY LOAN OFFICE IN ENGLAND to all espectable Householders, Tradespeople und others. Diastance no object No Fees. No Bondsmen. Special Inducements to Farmers. All Transactions trictly private. Terms to suit everybody. Apply and be convinced, or write to-: W; WHITE, 2, North Terrace, Newtown, RHYL, GRIFFITH JONES )F BILL POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, UPPER SUMMER HILL, HOLYWELL Theh estPosting Stationsinthe District. All orders promptly and thoroughly carried out. TO THE DEAF. A rioh lady, cured of her Deafness and Noises in Head by Dr. Nicholeon's Artificial Ear Drama, h sent £ 1,000 to his Institute, so that Deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them fre Apply by letter to :-û. Q. C. RLCHABDSOW, 8 Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Powell'* Balsam 08 Aniseed e.. ÃtSAp.f O)( tt'@ .r¡¡¡Q. FOB la ough$, Asthma Bronchitis Influenza AND ALL Lung Troubles. Set tbeva TracIo Mark on each wrapper.II In Bottles, VIi, 2/3.4/6, and 11/! I POWELL'S Mild APERIENT PILLS. I/LFTBOI BSTABLlSHBD t M bw Cfaeatfrt* throughout th* Wflril A MARVELLOUS GUINEA PARCEL A VA ,I (i 1. .T Efltab. over 100 Tears. Containing: I Pair White Witney Blankets, I lbs. weight, 2i long by It wide. 1 White Under Blanket, whipped both ends, 2t long by If wide. 1 Handsome Mosaic design Quilt, fast colours, 3 long by 21 wide. Pair Heavy Twill Sheets, 2} by 2. and 3 Cotton Pillow Cases, Full Size, Buttoned Ends. ST7PKBIOB QUALITY AND FINISH Stnt Carriage Paid on reaipC of P.O.O. MMXHRt) S. Market Sq.. STAFFIM Do you Cycle? Do you Cycle? IF YOU DO, CALL AT TUB "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL, AND FUBOHASB ONB OF THEIE SPECIAL ROÃD MAPS BBFOBB 8TAETINQ ON YOUB TOUB. MAPS OF HOLYWELL & DISTRICT 1I0USTBD ON /^>D. EACH. OLOTH, O MAPS OF NORTH WALES Strongly bound in oloth covers, — EACH with guide to all places of f-y interest in North Wales. The Maps are made from the New Ordnance Survey, and the Main Roads are distinctly coloured. Davies & Oo.'s Speciality. HAPPY HOMES AND HOW TO MAKE THEM I Important to Heads of Families, Lodging-house Keepers, and all whom it may concern. W. JACKSON'S FURNISHING STORES, BAGILLT ROAD, GREENFIELD, HOLYWELL, are the acknowledged friends of the people, being the largest, cheapest and best firm of complete Houee Furnishing in North Wales, for CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. We undertake to furnish thoroughly and completely every little requisite necessary to furnish a house or mansion, to make home bright, cheerful, comfortable and happy. WE FURNISH THE MASSES AND THE CLASSES. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Our reputation we study. We gladly exchange or retarn the purohase money for any purohase not approved of, there you have a good firm and a reasonable one. Our terms are the largest in North Wales. Our Furniture the beat. Kindly compare them and judge for yourself. v ALUB OF FUBOHASB — 95 wolth, 2s. Od. weekly, or 8i. monthly Lio 3s. 6d. » 148. A16 be. Od. 20,. .£20 6s. Od. 24s. X30 7s. 6d. II 30s. « Weekly, monthly or quarterly payments. We pay the return fare for all country customers. We sell the very best article, at the lowest possible price. If you want value for your money, don't forget that W. JACKSON'S FURNISaiNGSTORES are highly respectable people, and are always wiUing to assist any working-man to enjoy life, as it can only be enjoyed by having a comfortable heme. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. DO yon require your Oorn ground P Send it to FLINT MILL. The work oan be done quiokly and well. TO BE LET—A BEERHOUSE, in Bagillt; also a fully-licensed PUBLICHOUSE in Flint.—Apply to KKLSTBBTON BBBWBBY CO. 1m. For the Blood ia the IAte.Diuteronomy xii.) 23. Health and Vigor depend upon the quantity and quality of the Blood." —Hvmvmimrian. Keep the Blood pure and the Health of the System will follow." -Health. We have seen hosts of letters bearing testimony to the tl truly wonderful cures effected by Clarke's World-Famed Blood Mixture. It is the finest Blood Purifier that Science "and Medical Skill have brought to light, and we can with the utmost confidence recommend it to our subscribers and the public generally." -Family Doctor. cLARKES JJLOOD IXTUREI (i LARKE'S JGLOOD MIXTURE QLARKE'S JJLOOD JYJKTURE THIS WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER, For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples and Sores of all kinds, and for cleansing and clearing the Blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. It is the only real specific for Gltut and Rheumatic Pains, for it removes the cause from the Blood and Bones. II TOLD ME HE WOULD HAVE TO TAKE MY LIP OFF." I feel in duty bound to add m) testimonial in favour of Clarke's world-famed Blood Mixture. I have suffered for three years and six months with a dreadful sore on my upper lip and chin. I was forced to go to the Skin Hospital in Elm Bank-street; they did not do any good to it. Then I tried most of all the principal institutions in Glasgow, and laatly the Skin and Cancer Institution in St. Vincent-street, and paid one pound before receiving any advice, and the advice WM that he was afraid I would lose my upper lip I received treatment in this institution for one month, and received no benefit. Then he told me he would have to take the lip off, but I would not consent, and of which I am a proud man to-day. After this I went to the Western Infirmary, and was under a olever skin specialist. I received treatment for 13 weeks, and received a little benefit, and came out and commenced working again at my occupation, but I soon riot as bad as ever I then commenced with 'Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture,' and after taking five bottles was completely cured. But I still continued taking the Mixture till I had taken 13 bottles You can make use of my name in any way you please.—Yours truly, WILLIAM PATHESOH. "4, Greenfield-street, Govan, Glasgow, January. 5th, 1397." "TU1NED OUT OF HOSPITAL, AS I WOULD NOT CONSENT TO HAVE MY LEG OFF." I send you this testimonial, for I have derived a great benefit by taking Clarke's Blood Mixture, after two years of great suffering with a very bad leg. I have been in a Birmingham hospital IS months, and six months outpatient at another hospital at Birmingham. I was turned out in- curable, as I would not consent to have my leg taken off. I was told to try Clarke's Blood Mixture by a friend of mine so I sent for a large bottle, and by the time I had taken it I was able to go about on my orutches- I had another bottle, and by the time I had finished it my leg was quite well, and I am able to go to my work. I am a Birmingham man, but am working at present in Halifax, and I am willing to answer any questions that anyone may wish to ask, for I cannot speak too highly of it. I recommend it to all. You may make use of this if you like. E. TAYLOB, 2, Hanson Square, Fleet Street, Halifax, Yorks, "October 23rd, 1897." IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.-Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it ia foul—your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and the health of 'he system will follow. In bottles, 2s 9d each, by all Chemists throughout the World, or,s??'°r stamps, by the proprietors, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Coy., Lincoln. THOUSANDS OF TFBTIMONIAI S. CLARKE'S JGLOOD m IXTURE. CLARKE'S JJLOOD JYJTXTURE. CLARKE'S JGLOOD MIXTURE. not to bepersuaded to take an imitation or substitute. CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR. SPECIAL AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF ARTISTIC CARDS yoB CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR NOW ON VIEW AT flU h OBSERVER OFFICE, H 0 L Y W E L L. SPECIALLY-MADE CHRISTMAS CARDS WITH VARIOUS PHOTOGRAPIC VIEWS OF HOLYWELL, CHASTE B OOKLETS, JlLEGANT CALENDARS, QAPTIVATING fJlOY JgOOKS. — PUESEBTATIOH VOLUMES — AT ALL PRICES. THE t CHEAP LIBRARY POPULAR NOVELS Neatly Bound in Cloth at the low Price of ilid. EACH. AN IMMENSE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. CHURCH SERVICES IN ELEGANT BINDINGS. Teachers' Bibles with roicordance and Maps combined. SUNDAY QOHOOL JJEWARD AND rpEXT CARDB. Christmas Games AND Children's Presents. ALMANACKS., A DIARIES, CHRISTMAS XT IMUMBEKS, &c., NOW TO BB BAD AT THB OBSERVER OFFICE, HOLYWELL. Sales bJ) Mr. William Freeman. Sale of Old and Substantial Mahogany Furniture. MR. WK. FRI:EMAN WILL OFFER FOB SALB ON FRIDAY, THE 16TH OF DECEMBER, 1898, AT THB CROSS KEYS HOTEL, HOLYWELL, (whither they will be removed for oonvenienoo of Sale), A large mahogany-framed sofa, in hair oloth; six massive framed chairs; large square table on massive pillar; two mahogany dining tables; feather bed; ten first-class Glasgow Art Vnion engravings, &o SALB TO COMMENCE AT THBBE O'CLOCK. Auction Office: Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell Sale of excellent Farming Implements, Carts, Saddlery, four powerful young Cart Mares and Horses, yearling Colts, well-bred Boar- Pig, young Stores, Christmas Geese, Ducks and Fowls, about 26 tons of Giants and Magnum Potatoes, 60 Hobbets of Barley, 80 Hobbets of Garton Oats, 130 Hobbets of black Tartarian Oats and other Effects, at GRAtG ARTHUR Fi., RNP NEWMARKET, BY MR. WM. FREEMAN WHO is favoured with instructions from Mr tv DEAN, who is leaving the Farm for Pystill, on TUESDAY, THB 20TH OF DECEMBER, 1898. SALD AT TwBLVB O'CLOCK. Farther particulars in Posters, &a. Auction Office:- Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. LLANASA, FLINTSHIRE. Valuable Household Appointments of Dining Room, Drawing Room, Study, Four Bedrooms, Kitchen, Dairy, Pantry, Linen, &c. also, the Outside Effects, AT LLANASA VICARAGE, TO BB SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION ON WEDNESDAY, THB 21ST OF DECEMBER, 1898, and following day if neoessary. MR. WM. FREEMAN IS favoured with instructions from the Executors of the REV. WM. JONES, Deceased, to Sell the whole of the excellent HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS BBIBFLT I)EICBMED In ENTBANOB HALL, &c.—An antique braee-faoed grandfather's clock, in inlaid mahogany oase, oak hall table, umbrella stand, door mats and soraper, bracket lamp, stair and landing oarpets and rods. IN DINING Room:-A 12 feet 6 in. by 5 feet massive mahogany telescope dining table, table cover, highly polished 6 feet sideboard, with carved mounts and back, drawers and celleretts, butler's tray and stand, set of six heavy ohairs, in morocco leather, gent's new easy chair, poliahed birch tea hundsom* ouutai olook, in marble, small timepiece, oak framed couch, in leather, engravings, oil paintings and prints, duplex and circular-burner lamps, cait fender and steel fire-set, windows and door curtains, mahogany oornicepole, patent spring blinds, Kidderminster oarpet and rugs, sets of china breakfast and tea servioes, glass, jugs, table linen, &o. IN DBAWINQ ROOM:—Walnut-framed ooaob, in sateen, highly polished rotewood centre table, set of six rosewood ohairs, in damask, lady's easy chair, to match, gent's easy ohair, in repp, neat painted stools, sundry plants, birch and bamboo occasional tables, lamps, water colours, old china and other ornaments, a neat pattern nearly new Brussels oarpet, 14 feet 6 inoh by 10 feet 6 inoh, Axminster rug, steel-railed fender and fireset, coal box, a 10 feet and a 7 feet brass cornice poles, sets of lace and damask hangings, bay window cushions, feather pillows, &o., &c. IN STuzy:-An exceedingly well-made oak knee- holed desk, with lock-up drawera and oupboards, library folding-step ohair. birch and other chairs, a set of oak-fronted open nine-tier bookshelves, 9 feet 3 inoh by 3 feet 9 inoh, about 60 lots of books and periodicals, single-barrelled gun, revolver, engravings of five Bishops, &o. THE BBDBOOK EFFECTS, comprise Massive mahogany and birch jialf-tester bedsteads, with hangings, iron bedsteads, box spring and straw mattrasses, hair and wool ditto, goose feather beds, blankete, oounterpanes, sheets and other linen, a very beautifully mottled mahogany chest-of-drawers painted ditto, baywood and other dressing tables, marble-topped and other washstands, mohogany and birob dressing glasses, toilet services, towel rails, O.S. chairs, fender, carpets, oil cloths, piotures, window hangings, &o., &o. Also, all the useful KITCHEN, SCULLBBY and DAlBY REQUISITES, and other Household sundries, including: Large and small tables, ohairs, eight-day clock, dish covers, braps, tin and brown ware, dinner services and crockery. THB OUTSIDE EWECTS, include:— A recently repaired Alexander drag, oomplete, by Jackson," Wrexham, pony oart, sets of brass-mounted harness and shaft gears, wheelbarrow, one-horse plough, turnip pulper, ohafloutter, salting turnel, ladder, quantity of hay, eating and seed potatoes, parsnips, &o well-bred fowls, iron hurdles and wire fencing, and other miscellaneous effects. SALB TO OOMHBNOB AT ELBVEN O'CLOCK A.M. PBOMFT. Catalogues may be had a few days prior to Sale at the FBATHBB'S INN, HOLYWELL, and of the AUCTIONKBE. Auction Office Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. PEflDRJStf WESLBIAB CHURCH, IN CONNECTION WITH THB ABOVB CHURCH, A CHRISTMAS TREE WILL BE HBLD, AT THB ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL, ON MONDAY, THE 26Tu OF DECEMBER, 1898. Prooeeds in aid of the TBUST FuND. WILLIAM EDWARDS, WHEELWRIGHT, &c„ FI..INT, BEGS respeotfuly to return his sinoers thanka to his Customers for their kind patronage and support, and to inform them that he has OPENED A BRANCH OF HIS BUSINESS AT OATOH, HALKYN, For the better convenience of his Customers in that district, and hopes by strict attention to merit a continuance of their support. FUNERALS COMPLETELY FURNISHED Sales by .7Jfr. William Freeman. PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF SALE. TO WHEELWRIGHTS, CARPENTERS AND OTHERS. MR. Wm. FK.EEMAN IS favoured with instructions froji tbe Executors of Mr William Haghes, deceased, to Sell by PUBLIC AUOTION, at the CATCH, HALKTN, ON THURSDAY, THB 29TH OF DECEMBER, 1898, The whole of the very valuable Wheelwright's Stook-in-Trade, and the large assoxtment of Tools, &o. Further particulars in Posters. Aaotion Office:- Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywtll. In the County Court of Flintshire, holden at Holywell. R, James Smith, Deceased. Jane Lloyd and Others v. Edward Roberts. By order of Sir Horatio Lloyd, Judge. ELIGIBLE ^FREEHOLD COTTAGE PROPERTY, SITUATE AT W A L W E N in On the Main Road from Bagillt to Greenfield, in the Parish of Holywell, and County of Flint. MR. WM. YREEMAN HAS received instructions to Sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, on FRIDAY, THB 30TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1898, At the KING's HEAD HBAD, HOLYWELL, at Three o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions to be then produced and read, in one or two lots, as may be decided upon at time of Sale. LOT 1.—IF DIVIDED. All those Three newly-built MESSUAGES or COTTAGES and SHOP, with Bakehouse, Pigstyes, and Plots of Gardens at rear, with Appurtenances thereto belonging, all well-tenanted by Mersra Thos. Littler, Edward Joues, and Mrs Price, at weekly rentals of 48. 6d. and 2s. 9d. respectively. LOT 2. All those Six well-built COTTAGES or DWELLING-HOUSES, with the Plots of Gardens at rear, Pigstyes and Appurtenances thereto belong- ing, and adjoining Lot 1, generally let at 2s. 6d. weekly, two now tenanted by Messrs Jonah Lloyd and James Bloor. The whole of the above Freehold Property contains by admeasurement 1 rood and 36 psrobes, or there- abouts. The Minerals are reserved. For further particulars apply to Mr H. A. COPB, Registrar of tbo Holywell County Court; Messrs BBOMLEY AND LLBWHLLYN-JONES, Holywell; or to the AUOTIONBBB, Perthjterfyn Cottage, Holywell. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. A GRAND BAZAAR WILL BB HBLD IN GORSEDD SCHOOLROOM, EARLY IN M4¥, .1899, The proceeds of which will be given towards Church Expenses, and other purposes oonnected with, the parish. la-z DAI—BAZAAR i 2ND DAY—RUMMAGE SAIlE. Contributions will be tba ikfully reoeived bi- Mas. COPE, SAITHABLWYD, HOLYWELL, MBII. DAVIES, GOBBBDD V IOABAGB. i- POPULAR BAZA A K. A ■t A Z A A U WILL BB BKLD AT HOLY W ELL, EARLY IN JUNE, 1899, Towards the purchase of an ENGLISH PIPE ORGAN FOB HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, G REENFIELD. The Committee have every oonfidenoe that all lovers of the Church in and about Holywell, will rally round to the aid of a district which it eoole- siastioally and commercially united to the town of Holywell itself. Further particulars will follow. On behalf of the Committee.— JOHN PRYS EYTON, Eso,, J.P., Treasurer. (RBV.) W. ARTHUR MORRIS, Hon. Sec. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. A MEETING of the Holywell Ladies' Com- mittee was held at Mostyn Hall, on the 12th, Lady Mostyn presiding, when the Accounts were passed; J620 8s. lid. had been colleoted. The Inspector reported oases of neglect which are being supervised, and several cottages are greatly improved through the free circulation of Form XX, which papere warn the Parents against negleot and oruelty. J6 a. d. Feby. 1898. Colleoted by Miss Johnson Jones- Mrs Hughes-Jones 0 6 0 Miss Hughes, The Union 0 6 0 Mrs John son Jonel (sub) 1 1 0 Sums under 5a. 0 2 6 May Collected by Mrs Moulsdalt- Messrs Groavenor, Ohater and Co. (snb.) 1 0 0 J. K. Evans, Esq. (sub) 10 0 Mrs Roskell (don) 1 0 0 Sums under 5s 1 3 11 June Colleoted by Mrs William JQnel- W. Jones, Esq., J.P. 0 5 0 Mrs W. Jones 0 5 0 Sums under 6s 011 6 July Collected by Miss White— Mrs Laurence, Belmont, Edin- burgh.. 0 10 0 S. L. Revis, Esq 010 0 Rev Mother, Convent. 0 5 0 Mrs Brown, Boar's Head 0 5 0 Mr Earl 0 6 0 Mrs Dykins I 0 6 < Mr Lambert 0 6 0 Miss E. M. White 010 0 Dr. Williams 0 6 0 Mr Edward Jones, Chapel-street 0 5 0 Sums under 6s. 419 0 Nov. Collected by Miss Bromley- U. Bromley, Esq. 1 1 0 Sums under 6s 112 0 Mrs J. Lloyd-Price 1 1 0 Miss Hughes, Union 1 1 0 Dec. 12tb, Lady Mostyu 2 2 a j FLINTSHIRE DISPENSARY BALL. Paironir His Grace the Duke aod the Duohess of Westminster; The Right Hon. the Earl and the Countess of Denbigh and Desmond; The Right Hon. Lord and Lady Mostyn; Sir Pyers W Mostyn and Lady Mostyn H. R. Hughes, Esquire (Lord Lieutenant of Flintshire), and Lady Florentia Hughes M A Ralli, Esquire (High Sheriff of Flintshire); Sir George E. Cayley, Bart.; P. P. Pennant, Esquire (Constable of Flint Castle) and Mrs Pennant; J. Eldon Bankes, Esquire, and Mrs. Banket. THE FIRST CHARITY BA1. t. In oonneotion with the above Institntion, will be held at the TOWN HALL, HOLYWELL, ON THURSDAY, JANUARY jth, 1899. AN ENTERTAINMENT Will be given in a separate room in the TOWN HALL, and a varied Programme will be provided, including an EXHIBITION OF MR. EDISON'S LATEST PHONOGRAPH, TOGETHBB WITH VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, BALL Commm;m:- Chairman—Capt. J. B. Feilding; Mrs Johnson Jones, Mrs J. B. Feilding, Mrs H. A. Cope, Mrs J. Prys Eyton, Mr J. Lloyd-Ptioe, Mr J. Carman, Mr T. A. Lambert, Mr J. H. Hope, Mr Thos. Thomas, Mr W. F. Morris; Joint Hon. Sees.-Hit W. Garner, Dr. W. O. Evans; Hon. Treasurer— Mr J. H. Hague. THE BALL will commenoe at 8.30 p.m., and close at 3 a.m. TICKETS (including Refreshments): Ladies, 7s. 6d.; Gentlemen, 10s. 6d; Doable Ticket, 15s. Re the Rev, WILLIAM JONES, late of Llan- asa Vicarage, Deceased. AL L Persons having any Claims or Accounts against the Estate of the above-named Deoeased, are requested to send particulars of the same to me, the undersigned, as soon as possible. (Miss) MAGDALENE LEWIS, 0.0. 0. J. BATTBBS, ESQ, Tanylan, Mostyn. WANTED, a STRONG ACTIVE YOUTH, for a Livery Stable Yard. Good character indispensable.—Apply T. A. LAMBHBT, Holywell. TO LET—"OAKLANDS," BAOHLT-modern RESIDENCE. Stables, Vinery, Tennis Grounds, eto. Also, LAND, in suitable lots.- Apply to, Mr WILLIAK JONBS, Abbey View, Greenfield, Holywell. HOLYWELL UNION CONTRACTS FOR PROVISIONS, &c. ALL Persons desirous of Contracting with the Guardians of this Union, for supplying the Workhouse, for the Quarter ending at Lady-day, 1899, with Bread, Flour, Meat- (the meat must be delivered as follows: -Hind quarters only); Grocery, Cheese, Butter, Mice, Peas, Oatmeal, Soap, Candles, Coals, and othe* Articles named* in the Tender FortB are requested to deliver in sealed Tenders with samples of such Articles as can be given in plain paper, with the prices only marked on them at the Board-room in the Workhouse, near Holywell, on Friday Morning, the 23rd day of Deoember instant, between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clook, to the Clerk. And all persona desirous of Contracting with the Guardians for supplying Coffins, with letters or coffin plates, and Shrouds (to be delivered free of expense to the Union at such times and in such quantities as the Board may require) and also for supplying the Workhouse with Shoes and Clog*, as follows, viz.:— Men's Shoes, ditto Clogs. Women's Shoes, ditto Clogs. Children's Shoes, ditto Clogs from 1 to 8 years of age. Ditto Shoes, ditto Clogs from 8 to 12 years of age. Youths' (Male and Female), ditto Clogs from 12 to 16 years of age. are requested to deliver in sealed Tenders (with samples) as above stated. Ø" Unaccepted samples of Shoes and Clogs will be returned. Seourity may be required for the due performance of the Contracts. It is competent for any Perion to Tender for any of the Artioles separately; but the Guardians do not pledge themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. The Guardians will be prepared to pay the Butcher's Bill fortnightly-on the Board-day next following the date of the delivery of the Meat in the Workhouse, should the Contractor wish it for his convenience. Forms of Tender may be had on applying to me at the Board-room in the Workhouse. It is particularly requested that Tenders be sent in within the time specified above, as those sent in after TEN o'clock on FRIDAY MORNING will not be entertained. P. HARDING ROBERTS, OLBBX TO THB GUASDIANS, Board-room, Holywell, 12th December, 1898. Corporation of the City of Manchester CONCENTRATED MANURE Made from Slaughter-House and Market Refuse, Excrement from Pail Closets, BLOOD, BONES, FISH, &c- (Delivered in bags, carriage paid, in 2 Ton lots within 50 miles and 4 Ton lots within 100 miles, At R,3 Per Ton. Speeial price over 100 miles. Supply strictly limited. Orders should be given early in the season to prevent disappointment.—Full particulars from GEORGE PLANT, Superintendent, Cleansing Department, Town Hall, Manohosteir. Or to- BOLD ALDRED, Altrinobam.