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LAMB ERT'S FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. :o: WHOLESALE WINE ANa SPIRIr MERCHANT,! -:0: POSTING IN ALL ITS BLANCHES. :0:- HEARSE AND MOURNING, CARRIAGES AT REASONABLE RATES. -:0:- OMNIBTJSES MEET ALL TRAINS. :0 ■■■ London and North-Western Railway Parcels Agent. NORTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE BILLPOSTING COMPANY. ,ownerE:- The Wrexham District Advertising and illpostmgCo., Ltd HEAD OFFICES — 24, CHESTER STRF.ET, WREXHAM. BBANCHBS :— HOLRWMIL, BUOKLEY AND ELLESMERE Pioprietoss of best and most prominent Private Stations in Holywell District. Ordeis, Posters and Handbills, should be sent tc E. P. Lyotqs, Bi',l-oAter, Holywell. i\,i Jua^uy have carried out the largest Billposting Contracts last year ever given in Nor-ft Walts. JIANCHEST EE f X it 3 ASSURAriCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED, 1824 OArXTAli .IU i.oOO)oot). YR. BARHAM FOSTER, ESQ. ,CHAIRMAN: W. FURBRIDGtE, Esa., DBSUT* OSUBKAH OAIBF OFFIOB- 8, KING STREET MANCHESTER J. B. MOFFATT, MANAGES AND SECRETARY. BBANOH Orirxoz- .I.(a;ujUB CHAMBERS, 28, RfgGllNlr STREET WREXHAM :pt. PENDANT JONES, RESIDENT SBOBKTABT mwR nnMPANY transacts Fire Business only T »d "a Fu,ia" areavailabfe Fire Claims- are oiadeandiatesquotedfor aldeaorip- a's ofetieko free of charge. p,lioVAon for Agencies are invited. ALFRED MAYERS, 8, IfrLFOBD STBBET HOLD. BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER WORTH A GTJIUEA A BOX. Lb f_ 4A iiAtaa phs9 t'OR ALL BluiQXJU & NERVOUS DISORDERS iuca A8 SICK HEADACHE. WEAK STOMACH IMPAIRED DIGESTION. ;CONSTIPATION. LIVER COMPLAINT I AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Beecham's Cough rillt For OOUGHS ASTHMA,and a OHEST AFFECTIONS, I In Boxes, 9Jd., Is. lid., and 2s. 9d.each Seecliam's Tooth Paste EFFICACIOUS, ECONOMICAL, CLEANSES THE TEETH, PERFUMES the BREATHI In Collapsible Tubes, Is.each. Preparedonly by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEEOHAM, St. Helena, Lanoaohire S3LD BY ALL DBUGCUSTS AND PATBNT MEDICINE DBALBBSEVBBYWBBBB. c ir REI JT '? -A. T-i T-i i!! H O;L S;jÇ:01 E NT Is the most reliable remedy for 0 BAD LEGS. SORES, ULCERS, and OLD WOUNDS. For Colds Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings,' Contracted and Stiff Joints, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. Mnnnfirtured only at 78, New Oxford Street, Loudon, And sold by all Medicine Vendoor-S Armghoul the World. ■ H-Adri.. ffrrfthe .M» ttoxw, Mr. Www ft. tour, of 11 mi 4. ot bj I.u«, BENSON'S RINGS IN HALF-HOOP, MARQUISE, GIPSY, AND ALL OTHER DESIGNS, SET WITH BRILLIANTS, RUBIES, EMERALDS, PEARLS, SAPPHIRES, OPALS, TURQUOISE, ETC., ETC., ETC. 6,000 IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. PARCELS OF UNSET GEMS TO SELECT FROM. WEDDING RINGS AND KEEPERS. MERCHANTS NETT CASH CITY PRICES, SAVING ALL PROFITS. SELECTIONS SENT TO THE COUNTRY ON APPROVAL- C —-—— » The FINEST. CHEAPEST, and LARGEST STOCK of RINGS in LONDON. Illustrated Book of Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Watches, Clocks, Plate, &c., at Reduced Prices, Post Free. SIZE CARDS SENT FREE ON APPLIOATION. OLD JEWELLERY AND WATCHES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. v j. w. BENSON, H.M. the Queen's Jeweller, Steam Factory: aa &. 64, LUDGATE HILL, AND AT 82, ROYAL EXCHANGE, E.C., and 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON. KING'S HEAD HOTEL, BO L T W B L L. ■:ot— ■ ■ THE LEADING FAMILY & COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HAS BEEN RE-FURNISHED AND TARIFF REVISED. -:0:- HEADQUARTERS OF THE CYCLISTS' UNION. ■ ■:o: ■ — THE HOTEL OMNIBUS MEETS THE TRAINS AT HOLYWELL STATION A. SOHWARZ, CLOCK AND WATOS MAKER, WHITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL, BEGS to announce that after the ENLARGE _D MENT OF HIS PREMISES, be has been enabledtogreatlyincreasehieStook. ALL KINDS OF JEWELERY KEPT IN STOCK. Clocks and WaUhesofalldescrtpltonstnhand HANDSOME SELECTION OF HLBOTRO-PLATED ARTICLES REPAIRSPROMPTLYEXEOUTED ON THE PREMISES. A 8PLBNDID ASSORTMENT OF Gutnea Gold Wedding and Keeper RIngs. Apresent givenwith each ring bought. A privat r oomt o selectin. DEALER IR LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMETERf SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in greatvariety. A and Unique Magazine for the BTttltun. Messrs. CASSELL & COMPANY will publish. WEEKLY, price One Penny, The New Psnny Magazine. 64 LARGE PAGES, IN COVER. Profusely Illustrated. No. 1 ready OCT. 19, 1898. 1. PENNY maoasi::s advance in t! I)ut)iicition ( •••• u iuerature for the people. 2 -ivide an :in;ount of text and illustra- realer t, ,} has ever before been j J for a pemiy. 3. It will he the cheapest Magazine of its kind in the world. 4. It will be a Magazine for everybody, and will appeal to all tastes. 5. THE NEW TEN NY MAGAZINE will con- tain the best reading and the most attractive illustrat:ons. 6. F ich issue of this latest marvel in cheap litera- ture will consist of not fewer than 64 pages ilius forming a gigantic pennyworth. 7. it will contain anicles of exceptional Interest, siories of adventure, thrilling records of gal- lant deeds, vivid pages from history, anecdotal accounts of novelties, curiosities, and famous personages, graphic descriptions of Nature's most wonderful scenes, serial and complete stories, and other features of universal interest, CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, London; and till BoekstlUrt, "g=aea—»■ A Beautiful Reproduction in Colours of Mr. HOLM AN HUNT'S Celebrated Picture, THE FINDING OF THE SAVIOUR IN THE TEMPLE, will be presented with the NOVEMBER PART of The Quiver (Ready OCT. 25, price 6d.), commencing a NEW VOLUME. In the same Part will appear Two Coloured Plates by M. L. Gow, R.I., entitled "THE CAPTIVE MAID" and "ESTHER AND HAMAN," and the Opening Chapters of Two New Serial Stories by Katharine Tynan and E. S. Curry. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, London; and all Booksellers. An Entirely New and Original Work. Peril and ig 0 Patriotism. True Tales of Heroic Deeds and Startling Adventures. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED with Numerous Stirring Original Pictures. Part I ready Oct. 25, price 6d. Some Characteristics 1. Peril and Patriotism will be the most thrilling and intensely interesting publication of the day. 2. Peril and Patriotism will contain records of the latest deeds of heroism and gallantly ir- all parts of the world. 3. Peril and Patriotism will contain a collection of true stories of "recent moving incidents such as will be foui.J in no other Publication. CASSELL a COMPANY, LIMITED, London; and all I MttkttJltn. -'0"0" -7" £6 TO J6600. A WIDOW LADY, having a arger amount of SPARE 0A8H than she requires in her Business, would be pleased to make strictly PRIVATE ADVANCES to any respectable person, ON THEIR OWN NOTE OF HAND. Apply personally, or by letter to- MRS. D. BEHRMAN, FURNITURE DEALER, 16, OITY ROAD, CHESTER. THE !li0Sr NUTRITIC'.i. E P P S S GRATEFTT i—COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST AND SUPPER. Makes Boots and Harness waterproof as a duck's back V and soft as velvet. Addt. 1 '9^91^ree times to the wear and §|H £ '3MI E allows polishing. Col-D MEDAL 19 EXHIBITION D1 I • HIGHEST AWARDS. inniSi r^ns 2^» 6<*> is>an(*2s* ;l*s«Mrlbpll I of allBootmakerg. Saddlers. X -vi<'Cr ^Dera, so. if* — r, UIMNip QUAY. G()O:) "rIRE-CU'(R!HLDING BRICKS t,. 'i A; Tt" KS. 3' '.It — APPIi? 1\1 W J A M E T' RINCE, BRIO- WORE S., ArX'S QUAY. Jtest Cmnmencnd, Monthly, price 6d, The iiwqxrs of the Nineties. A Hictoi-y of the Warfare of the last Ten Years of the 19th Century. prOFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. With Numerous Stirring Battle Pictures, Portraits, Maps, Plans, &c. Ac. qV (To be completed in about 12 Parll.). CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITBD, London; and all Booksellers, Csssell's Popular Educator' is a School, an Acadecsy, and a University." -School Board Chronicle. Cher,p Serial Issue, in Weekly Parts, -just Commenced, price 6d. CASSELL'S Popular Educator. t A Complete Encyclopedia of Elementary arj Advanced Education. Each Weekly Part will consist of 96 page3, and the price of the Work will be only two-thirds of its present cost. The filloTving is selected from a vast number of testimonials which have reached the Publishev-s:- The, Managing Director of an important electrical engineering company writes: In 1868 01 1869 I was a poor lad serving my apprenticeship to a trade (the baking) which was to me the merest drudgery. A nufiiber of the I Popular Educator' fell into my hands. In I&7°> when my apprenticeship was com- pleted, I joined the Postal Telegraphs as a labourer, and within two years (with the help of the above volumes) 1 was a Railway Telegraph Inspector. I have never ceased to recommend your excellent works. The position I now hold is altogether due to them. When i tell you that I had (through home affliction) to leave school at ten years of age, you will readily believe what I tell you." Two Handsome Pictures n Colours are Given Away with he jpirat Part of the New F lutne OJ CHUMS (being the October Part, 80 Pages, price ad.). Amongst the special attractions of this Part are:— 10 WIN OR TO DEE. By GBORGE MANVILLE FENN. THE BOYS OF DORMITORY THREE: a Yarn of Mystery, Fun, and Frolic. By H. BARROW-NORTH. &c. &c. &c. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, London; and all Booksellers. -=- CasseU's Classified Catalogue, containing particulars of upwards of ONE THOUSAND VOLUMES published by Messrs. CASSELL & COMFANY, ranging in price from Threepence to Fifty Guineas, will be sent on request, poitfru, to any address. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITSD, Ludgate Hill, London. A. EARL, CROSS STREET, IIOIYWELL, Ladies, Gentlemen and Children's Outfitter, BEGS TO INVITE INSPECTION OF HIS STOCK OF NEW GOODS FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER 625 Will be GIVEN AWAY In 10,000 Presents, before Christmas, also SIOO IN FREE MONEY PRIZES, AS FOLLOWS- 1st Prize £ 50, 2nd Prize L 25, 3rd Prize £15, 4th Prize £10, NO ENTRANCE FEE WHATEVER. The above 10,000 presents (amounting at retail value to 1625) and jSlOO Free Oash prises will be given away as an advertisement amongst the competitors who can make out the oorreot names of six English stone fruits, which the following mixed letters will spell viz. RRHYEC, EEEGGGANR, CHEAP, LUMP. TAPIOCA, TARNICENE Send in your solution immediately, and we will inform you if correct, and give you full details of the Competition, with conditions and date of closing. If you cannot solve them all, do as many M possible, as there are four money prizes to compete for, as well as the 10,000 presents. No eolvtioB can be received after Deoember 19th, 1898.—Address-FINE ART OOKPY., »2a, Isledon Road. Holloway, London. RAGGETT'S NOURISHING STOUT GEuRGE RAGGETT AND SOA8, LONDON. "-0:- *sh ^1' rrcmimrernracr D7 tfcr raajnrity of Medical Profession throughout th« KingdoL'; -\s well aa by many Continental Physicians, as the finest procurable, and its supply to Her ltLJt) the Queen is in itaelf eminent testimony of its quality. 0: of I RAfiGEiTi, NOURISHING STOUT AS SUPPLIED TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEER. Its reputation has been maintained by a due regard to Quality, which is conridfjred of greats ).efit to the consumer than the use of inferior goods at a less cost. :0: IMITATION OF TRADE TITLE. The Public are cautioned that the word NOURISHING is beine used on th* I.OKAIM of cheap Bottled Beers of very low quality. To guard against the fraud that is intended, it is absolutely necessatv to see that the "POSTAGE STAMP"-TRADE MARK, in red, appears upon every Label, as weU as the signature. < :0:- ■t.i from a letter from the Purveyors to Her Majesty tne Queen, Balmoral, •'JDER .Y;*JC..y the Q.n wi-aes for RAGGETT'S NOURISHING STOUT; mayQwe ask you to aea us a Case by dteamer lesving London for Aberdeen on Wednesday next." .0: ■ Sole Consignees and Bottling Agetits for FLINTSHIRE AND^DEIsBIGHSHIRE— B £ E2> dHD SON, JVINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PANltASAPH, liear iiOLYWiSLL. N.W. -:0:- Raggett's flourishing Stout and Golden Hop Pan? Ale. HALT-I'INTS s. tid. Pzu DOZEN. -:0:- A. B -Deiive,-ies by Carl within 6 mIles, and Carriageoj 6 dozen Case, paid by Rati MONET LENT PRIVATELY by the OHARING-CBOSS BANK (Registered 28, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARING CROSS LONDON. ESTABLISHED, 1870. Assets. £ 512,475 18 2 Liabilities. 209,475 18 2 Capital and Reserve £ 303,000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Note as follows:— Advance £ 25—12 monthly repayment* o i £ 2 5 11 « 50 ill t < 100 9 3 4 Larger amountfeth es amei np roportion. LOANS of .£30 o £2,000 granted at a ew hour'snoticeir, town orcountry, male orf emale, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, PISLIZ crops, &c., without removal, and to assist person intobusinees; also on deeds, policies, andreversionB, at 5 per cent, for one month to 14years. Distance no object. Easy repayments Strictly private Call or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask any Solicitor, Auctioneer, &c., in England or Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find out you aret reatlng with an old established (1870) safe and bona fide Bank, Having large capital we .10 business cheaper than others No good loan ever refused. TWO-AND-A-HALF PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthlv balances of CUR- RENT ACCOt/NTS whou not drawn below £ :}0 Depositsof L 10 and upwards received at 3pjr cont. per annum payable at 14 days' notice. Subjectto 3 months' notic eof withdrawal £6 per cent ic 6 « 6 "12 7 Interest paid quarterly free from Income Tax Prospeotus free. A, WILLIAMS, Manager. I £ ADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS SUFFERED AGONY FOR THIRTY YEARS, TRADE'S piLLS. "30,Randa Street.BridjreRo* jjJADB'S piUS. EADE-S piLLS. t. „,?tf j»dr,Tre/SwSJfi medicine as your Gout pills. Having 8Uch valuaM SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONY FOR 80 YBAaI. I can truly say I have never had anything torillv* ■» punL ao quickly ae yonrPUU. I used to lay in bedfoit*# time,^utll0W 1 not only g«tr*»f Gr ln a,f.ew hours but am abl*t» n H F u M A HIT A 11 vrorkiu less than a week. My j^B £ V MA 7ISM comp'aint is the worst of aB ~,rTrr Gouts, called Chalk Gout.— GrOUT -.ouratrtdy O^HEUiMlATISM. "W LITTLBJOHK: "Mr O.E«d# J^ADE'S GOUT 4 JgHEUMATIOpILLB Prepared only bv GeorseBade 7a,Oo»weJJ- E,C. • Soldby alIChemihtfcinBottles,1 s. låd. and Ia. 9d. EADE'S GOUT RHEUMATIC pILLa E j THE BEST MEDICINE FOR BILB THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND, <• THE BEST MEDICINE FOR INDIGESTION, 18 E ADE'S ANTIBILIOUS pILL I. Theyqaickly renkoretheirritatioti and feveriisl. state of the STOMACH, correct the morbia oondition of the Livalt believe the symt.em.)f allimpuritieF3,which, b eirculatimpin he blood, i njuriouR Iy affect the action of the KIDMKTS md byremovirgthecauaeoof so much discomfort restora ihe vital energiesof body and mind. JTADE'B ANTIBILlOUS pILLS. Sold by all Chemists. in Boxes, Is: lid. and 28 M* or nailed free on receipt of remittance by GEOBGE BADE 2, GOSWELL EOAD, LONDON, E.C jgADE'S ^NTlFlLIOUS jpfLLS.