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ESTABLISHED OVER 25 YEARS. M R. EDWARDS, SURGEON DENTIST, HIGH STREET, RHYL. ATTENDANCES— HOLYWELL EVERY FRIDAY, At Mr* JUNES, Wat-r,o) Hou-e (Opposite the National Provincial Bank of England), FBOM 1.30 TILL 5.15 P M. DENBIGfl EVERY WEDNESDAY. At 12, HIGH STREET (Over Diok' Bojt Del-Ot,), FROM 11.30 TILL 4.45 p m. COLWYN BAY—DAILY Mr ROBERTSON, Manager at the GOller J Post Offiue, (Priva'e Entrance), FROM 9.0 A.M. TILL 7.0 P.M. PRESIATYN EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON, At Miss EDEN'S Tower Buildings, FBOM 4.0 TILL 7.0 P M. CONSULTATIONS FREE. WELSH SPOKEN. Mas. THOMAS, REGISTRY OFFICE FOR SERVANTS, GWENFFRWDD HOUSE, MOLD. HA.S several Co"fes and Geueral Servants; ftoase- loaidit and Under-housemaids, Snwing-maids. and Nujsei on t ec BOlJk. Great attention i given to procure good Servants; also, gooi Situations. ST. W INEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE-English; French; German; Drawing; Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Music (Vocal and Instrumental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- ms in Music, &o. WBEKLY BOAUDBRS BECRIVKD. 4 SELECT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WINKFKIDE'S CONVENT, Well Street. Only a limited number eoeived.—For Terms, apply to the SUPEBIORBSS. MR. E. C. BRIGGS, Teacher of Music & Musical Instruments, (HIGHEST DIPLOMA R.M.C.M.), Reed Organs, Harmoniums, Pianofortes, &c., Tuned and Repaired.-Terms moderate, 4. TITHE BARN PLACE, FLINT. TO FARMEKS AND OTHERS. DO you tequire your Corn ground? Send it to FLINT MILL. The work can be done quiokly and well. SUN INSURANCE OFFICE FOUNDED 1710 Sum insured in 1897 exceeds £ 425,000,000, For all particulars apply to the following Agent HOLYWELL M.R. ROBERT THOMAS. MOLD MESSES KELLY, KEENE & CO ST. ASAPH- MB. LL LLOYD. BUCKLEY MB. EDWARD ROBERTS MONEY 15 to 11;000 MON BY ABETIBED GENTLEMEN having a LARGE SUM OF MONEY AT his disposal is willing to dvaneetbe NAME AT LESS INTEREST THAN ANY LOAN OFFICE IN ENGLAND to all espeotable Huutleholdcr", Tradespeople and others. Diastance no object No Fees. No Bondsmen. Special Inducements to Farmers. All Transactions trictly private. Terms to suit everybody. Apply and be convinoed, or write to—J W. WHITE, 2, North Terraca, Newtown, RHYL, W. JACKSON'S FURNISHING AND CLOTHING STORES BAGILLT ROAD, GREENFIELD. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE for all kinds of Furnishing Gosds, Clothing and Drapery. My terms are well known, that I only require a small deposit when you seleot the goods, and the balance you can pay by easy instalments. Beds, Bedetedds, Mattrasses, Chests, Parlour Suites, Bedroom Furniture, cheaper than paying CASH down. MY TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is the cheapest in North Wales. SUITS, OVERCOATS & TROUSERS, Made to order, by paying a trifle down and the balance by Easy Instalments. Goods will be supplied to all respectable Householders, no matter where, Town or Country. If you can Lot call, please drop a line, and my Manager will wait upon you with a relection of patterns to ehoose from. MY DRAPERY DEPARTMENT Is now well stocked for the Winter with Blankets Sheets, Quilts, Dreps Materials, Table Covers, and all kinds of Household LinPD, and can be had cn my easy terms. NOTE THE ADDRESS- W. JACKSON'S FURNISHING AND CLOTHING STORES, BAGILLT ROAD, GREENFIELD. GRIFFITH ef ONES, BILL POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, UPPER SUMMER HILL, HOLYWELL ThebestPotting Stationsin the District. All orders promptly and thoroughly carried out. TO THE DEAF. A rich lady, ourei of her Deafness and Noises in Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drumll b sent £1,000 to his Institute, so that Deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them Ire Apply by letter to:-O. Q. C. RICHABDGOS, 8 Great Russell Street, London, W.O. A MARVELLOUS GUINEA PARCEL ,I Ii 'I TO I G H T -I Bstab. over I 100 Years. Containing: 1 Pair White Witney Blanket,% I lbs. weight, 2i long by Itwide- 1 White Under Blanket, whippflcl both ends, 2i long by If wide. 1 Handsome Mosaic design QUilt. fast colours, 3 long by 2t wide. Pair Heavy Twill Sheets, 2$by 2, and 8 Cotton Pillow Cases, Full Size, Buttoned Ends. SUPERIOR QUALITY AND ETNISSI O#nt Carriage Paid on rmipC of P.O.O. BODKFW'S i $I sq., STAFFORD I I_- -Oit Do you Cycle? Do you Cycle? IF YOU DO, tALL AT THE "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL, ANB PURCHASE ONE OF THEIR SPECIAL R O A. 3D ^/L A. 3? 3 _0" BEFORE STARTING ON YOUR TOUR. MAPS OF HOLYWELL & DISTRICT MOUNTED ON EACH. CLOTH, O MAPS OF NORTH WALES StroDgly bound in cloth covers, with guide to all places of interest in North Wales. The Maps are made from the New Ordnance Survey, and the Main Roads are distinctly coloured. Davies & Oo.'s Speciality. Til 0 M A S LLOYD (LATE P. LLOYD & SON), ESTABLISHED, 1838, Painter, Plumber, Gas Fitter, Bell Hanger Glazier, Paper Hanger, Hot and Cold Water Engineer. Electric Bells Fixed and Repaired. Shower Baths and Sprays Fixed and Repaired CASTUON LANDEIS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OILS, PAINTS AND COLOR, OFTHR BHBTDRIBORIPTIOI, &LWAYEXBPT. Estimatet given for all kindsof Work,ani Orders promptly executed on the shortell t notice EVERY VARIETY OF GLASSKEPTINSTOCK 1 rHE LARGESTSTOCK OF BRASS WORK &FITTIN AL AYS ON HAND. PICTURES FRAMED AND MOUNTED. HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, N,W. MONEY LENT ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT SURETIES. MR. W. JACKSON, 8, LIGHTFOOT-STREET, CHESTER, FROM £ 5 TO zC500, To Ladits and Gentlemen, Clergymen, Farmers, Cow keepers, Hotel Proprietors, Market Gitrdenerii, Shopkeepers, Mauallers, Clerks, aLd all others, ON THEIR OWN PROMISSORY NOTE, IN STRIOTEST CONFIDENCE. By oalling or writing, applicants will be convinced of the genuinemesa of tbis advertitement, as no respectable applicant is ever refused, or has never been refused for the last seven years, and that is ample proof of the bona fide manner in which my business is conducted. All transactions carried out at the shortest notioe. No matter how urgent or pressing the demand may be, you can apply in con- fidence, and it will hare my prompt attention. Any distance, town or oountry. Repayments arranged to suit the borrower's own convenience. Intending borrowers before applying elsewhere will do well to ascertain my terms. All information absolutely free either by personal interview or by letter. For the Blood is the Life.Deuteronomy XII., 28. Health and Vigor depend upon the quantity and quality of the Blood." -Huinanikrian. Keep the Blood pure and the Health of the System will follow." -Health, We have seen hosts of letters bearing testimony to the truly wonderful cures effected by Clarke's World-Famed Blood Mixture. It is the finest Blood Purifier that Science "and Medical Skill have brought to light, and we can with the utmost confidence recommend it to our subscribers and the public generally." -Family Doctor. cLARKHB JJLOOD M IXTURE ^JLARKE'S JGLOOD JYJIXTURE QLARKE'S B LOOI) I:KIRURE THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER, For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples and Sores of all kinds, and for cleansing and clearing the Blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. It is the only real specific for Gout and ltheumatic Pains, for it removes the cause from the Blood and Bones. TOLD ME HE WOULD HAVE TO TAKE MY LIP OFF." "I feel in duty bound to add m) testimonial in favour of Clarke's world-famed Blood Mixture. I have suffered for three years and six months with a dreadful sore on my upper lip and chin. I was forced to go to the blun Hospital in Elm Bank-street; they did not do any good to it. Then I tried most of all the principal institutions in Glasgow, and lastly the Skin and Cancer Institution in St. Vincent-street, and paid one pound before receiving any advice, and the advice wai that he was afraid I would lose my upper lip I received treatment in this institution for one month, and received no benefit. Then he told me he would have to take the lip off, but I would not consent, and of which I am a proud man to-day. After this I went to the Western Infirmary, and was under a clever skin specialist. I rsceived treatment for 13 weeks, and received a little benefit, and came out and cpmmenced working again at my occupation, but I soon glbt as bad as ever I then commenced with 'Clarke's Wbrld-famed Blood Mixture,' and after taking five bottles was completely cured. But I still continued taking the Mixture till I had taken 13 bottles You can make use of my name in any way you please.—Yours truly, WILLIAM PATERSON. "4, Greenfield-street, Govan, Glasgow, January. 5th, 1897." "TURNED OUT OF HOSPITAL, AS I WOULD NOT CONSENT TO HAVE MY LEG OFF." "Isend you this testimonial, for I have derived a great benefif by taking Clarke's Blood Mixture, after two years of great suffering with a very bad leg- I have been in a Birmingham hospital 18 months, and six months outpatient at another hospital at Birmingham. I was turned out in- curable, as I would not consent to have my leg taken off. I was told to try Clarke's Blood Mixture by a friend of mine, so I sent for a large bottle, and by the time I had taken it I was able to go about on my crutches. I had another bottle, and by the time I had finished it my leg was quite well, and I am able to go to my work. I am a Birmingham man, but am working at present in Halifax, and I am willing to answer any questions that anyone may wish to ask, for I cannot speak too highly of it. I recommend it to all. You may make use of this if you like. E. TAYLOR. 2, Uasson Square, Fleet Street, Halifax, Yorks, •• October 23id, 1897." IMPORTANT A DV I CE TO ALL.-Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the akin ia pi.nples, eruptions, and sores cleanse it when F(-01LK U A °T>su-ucted MD SLUKGISH iu the veins; cleanse I,™ U £ OUL—YOUR feelings will tell you when. Keep your DLOU'I VUII;, and the health of >KE system will follow. Wnrlfl ORIENT M E^H' BY FTL1 CHEMIATS throughout the WO™I BR the proprietors, The Lincoln ana Midland Counties Drug Coy., Lincoln. THOUSANDS OF TE8TIMONIAT S, BLOOD m IX IURE. BLOOD jyjIXTURE. c L A-L KS BLOOD lyjTXTURE. not o be persuaded to t^kj an imitation or substitute. CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR. SPECIAL AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF ARTISTIC CARDS FOB CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR NOW OX flEW AT m. 44 OBSERVER OFFICE, HOLYWELL. cHAST EBOOKLETS, E JLEGANTc ALENDARS, CAPTIVATING rjlOY JJOOKS. — PRESENTATION VOLUMES — AT ALL PRICES. THE CHEAP LIBRARY POPULAR NOVELS, j Neatly Bound in Cloth at the low Price of lliD. EACH. AN IMMENSE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. CHURCH SERVICES IN ELEGANT BINDINGS. Teachers' Bibles with Concordance and Maps combined. gUNDAY gOHOOL JJEWARD AND TEXT 0ARDS. Christmas Games AND Children's Presents. A LMANACKS, jLJL jQIARIES, CHRISTMAS \T i\ UMBERS, &c., NOW To BE HAD AT TH■ OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. Sales bp Mr. William Freeman. PRELIMINARY NOTIOE OF SALE AT BARN FARM, WHITFORD BBTWEBN PEN'RALLT AND NEWMARKET. MR. WM. FREEMAN IS favoured with instructions from the Exeoutori of Mr Robert Jones, Deceased, to Sell by PUBLIO AUCTION on TUESDAY, THB 6TH OF DECEMBER, 1898, The whole of the valuable livo and dead FARMING STOOK, 3 horses, 16 cattle, 14 sheep, pigs, geese and fowls, implements, farm produce, to., of oats, barley, hay, straw, swedes, mangolds and potatoes. Further partioulari in posters, &c. Auction Office:- Perihyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. Sale of excellent Farming Implements, Carts, Saddlery, four powerful young Cart Mares and Horses, yearling Colts, well-bred Boar- Pig, young Stores, Christmas Geese, Ducks and Fowls, about 26 tons of Giants and Magnum Potatoes, 60 Hobbets of Barley, 80 Hobbets of Garton Oats, 130 Hobbets of black Tartarian Oatsand other Effects, at GRAIG ARTHUR FARM, NEWMARKET, MB. WM. FREEMAN WHO is favoured with instructions from Mr TV DBAIf, who is leaving the Farm for Pystill, on TUESDAY, TBD 20Ta OF DECEMBER, 1898. SALB AT TWKLVB O'CLOCK Farther particulars in Posters, &o. Auction Office:- Pertbyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. AT LLANASA VICARAGE, ON WEDNESDAY, THH 218T OF DECEMBER, 1898, and following day if neoeesary. MR. WM. FREEMAN IS favoured with instructions from the Executors of the REV. WM. JONES, Deceased, to Sell the whole of the valuable Antique and Modern HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS, comprising: Old carved oair, walnut, and mahogany effects, of Entranoe Hall, Drawing Room, Dining Room. Massive ,telescope table, side-board and obaiis, in mahogany, ke., study furniture and books, the oontents of four bedrooms, linen, old and modern ohina, glass, kitchen and dairy atensils, a newly repaired Alexandra drag, pony cart, sets of harness and various effects, which will be fnlly described in Posters and Catalogues. Auction Office:- Pertbyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. PRELIMINARY NOTIOE., A GRAND BAZAAR WILL BB HBLD IN GORSEDD SCHOOLROOM, EARLY IN M4Y, 1899, The proceeds of which will be given towards Church Exense., and other purposes connected with the pamb. 1ST DAY—BAZAAR; 2ND DAY-RUMMAGE SALE. Contributions will be thankfully received by- MBS. COPE, SATEHABLWYD, HOLYWKLL. MBS. DAVIES, GOBSBDD YIOABAOS. POPULAR BAZAAR. A B A. ZA A R WILL BB HBLD AT HOLY lw ELL, EARLY IN JUNE, 1899, Towards the purchase of an ENGLISH PIPE ORGAN FOB HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, GREENFIELD. The Committee have every oonfidetioe that all lovers of the Church in and about Holywell, will rally round to the aid of a district which is eccle- siastically and commercially united to the town of Holywell itself. Further particulars will follow. On behalf of the Committee.— JOHN PRYS EYTON, ESQ., J.P., Treasurer. (RBv,) W. ARTHUR MORRIS, Hon. Sec. WILLIAM EDWARDS, WHEELWRIGHT, &c,, FLINT, BEGS respeotfuly to return his sincere thanks to JD his Customers for their kind patronage and support, and to inform them that he will OPEN a BRANOB of his business at PATCH, HALKYN, ON MONDAY NEXT, For the better convenience of his Customers in that distriot, and hopes by strict attention to merit a continuance of their support. FUNERALS COMPLETELY FURNISHED FOR SALE—A tame Nanny GOAT.—Apply, M." Offiae of this Paper. ON 8 ALB.—BUILDING MATERIALS, oon«isting of seoond hand Sash Windows and Frames; Doors and Frames, Flags, Tiles, Landers, Grates, &c., and from 8,000 to 10,000 various sizes of Slates, suitable for repairs.—Apply to EDWIN HUQHBB, Builder and Contractor. Whitford Street, Holywell. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. WANTED a resectable Youth as APPREN- TICE. Age 14 to 16; live in.—Apply, LBONABD JONBS, Holywell. ANTED A STRONG ACTIVE YOUTH, T F for a Livery Stable Yard. Good character indispeneab"e. -Apply, T. A. IAmitim, Holywell. TO BE LET—A BEERHOUSE, in Bagillt; also a fully-licensod PUBLICHOUSE in Flint.—Apply to KBLSXBBTON BBHWBBY Co., LD. TO BE SOLD, a WOODEN BUILDING in GOOD condition, 17 ftet long by 9 feet wide, and 6 feet 8 inobes high to eaves, inside measure. —Apply to T. Hueniiig, joiner and builder, Holywell. FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. QUEEN'S FERRY BRIDGE. PROMOTION OF A BILL IN PARLIAMENT. NOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Meeting of the Fliatshire County Cuunoil will be held at the TOWN HALL, in the Town of FLINT, on WBDNBSDAT, the 14th day of DBOBUUBB, 1898, at 10.30 o'clock in the Forenoon, for the purpose of con- sidering a Resolution of the Finance Committee, that an application be made to Parliament for powers enabling the County Couooil to borrow additional sums of money not exoeediog LIO,000 for the par- pose of constructing and completing the Biidge over the River Dse at Queen's Ferry, and the Works connected therewith, authorised by the Queen's I Ferry Bridge Act, 1894, and to adopt suuh Resolu- tion as lUay seem desirable thereon, and also to order that the costs and expenses of the Council in con- nection with such application and the obtaining of such additional po vers be charged to the County Fund. Dated tbia 29th day of NOVBKBBB, 1898. I THOS. T. KELLY, Clerk of the County Council. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNOEMENT. PKHDREF WESLEYAN CHURCH. IN CONNECTION WITH THIN ABOV. CHURCH, A CHRISTMAS TREE WILL BE HBLD, AT THB ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL, ON MONDAY, THE 26TH OF DECEMBER, 1898. Proceeds in aid of the TBUST FUND.

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