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MBS. THOMAS, v .REGISTRY OFFICE FOR SERVANTS, GWENFFRWDD HOUSE, MOLD. t T AS WNNL COOKS aai General Servasts; House- .1 t illaide and Undei-housemaids, S«winsr-naaids, and K-ki se-, on her B ,r.k.. Gr at «t ention i given to PROCURE g<rod SI N a »!s alil), g< O 1 Situct OBP. ST. W IN E FRI D E'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. r cOURSE-Engliab;.Frenob; German; Drawing; W VY Painting; Danoing; Calisthenics; Music (Vocal and lustramental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- atns in ilutsie, &c. WEEKLY BOABDKBK UECEIVRID. A CLASS For: INSTKUCTION* IN PAINTING IN OILS AND WATER COLOURS, COMMENCED AT ST. WINEFiilDE'S CONVENT, WELL STREET, ON THURSDAY, THE IOXK OF FEBRUARY, 1898 And will be continued till JI.n-I. For Terms, apply to THE SUPKBIOBESS. A DRESSMAKING CLASS WUL b, held oa MOSDAYS, at 6 p.m., COMMENCING FEBRUARY 7th. Fur torms, apply io the SUPBMOBBSS, ai atove. 4 SBLBCT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES ia NOW OPEN at ST. WINEFBIDK*6 CONVENT, Well Street. Ouly A limitod number eceived.—For Terms, apply to the SUPEBIOBEIJS. DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO BISHOP MOSTYN. THE r SONG OF ST. WINEFRIDE. MUSIC BY BRYGESON-TREHEARN. R C M-, The Word* by the Publisher, B. PABBY, Oxford STREET, Swansea. Cepias may be had o! the loial Ma RIISELL^RS. Pisica, 2a. NET. YMFUDIAETH I CANADA y TIR AM DDIM YN MANITOBA. TIR AM DDITF NEU AM BRIS ISEL GAN Y LLYWODFTAETH MEWN TALAETHAU BRA ILL. BEFYD, FFERMYDD DIWYLLIBDIG YN RHAD. Y Dolbarthiadari sydd Eigiela.-Perionau yn barod i :8. TO aria-) allan, rlsai gydag ychydigfuddiannau, Ffermwyr, Gwvr a Gwragedd, Dynion Dibrod owyily*gar i weithio fel Ll.furwyr Amaethydlol, a Gwyr I-naioc a ddyrannant ddysga ffarluiv. Dar- paria-tbaa nelidaol i Forwjni'SH. Y mil." Caaada yn sjyfeet IOGO anr amwnau eraill, oocl'l'lli(o&èd ma.wrio'), pyegodfey4d cynyrohio), llaw-weUh'A^edd pwysig, mwy o air ffrwythlon i'w gynyg i yafaiwyr nag an wlad arallyn y byd, ao y mae ei threfnid aeth a gwledjdd eraill yn mhob EAOSFFN o FASNANH yo nynd ar prynydd. GMlir EWD |a-np{ledaua mapiliu a phob hysbjat rwydd o bwys i ymfudwyr, AO am sefyllfa gwaith-, n.a nacb y Dre'edi/aeth, yn rhad dr*y anfon 10 Oruchwjliwr Llywodra-tiCataia yn Nghymru, as The Walk, Caerdjdd, sea oJdiwrth nnrbyw Ora- ch wyli W* i LYWODRMTH Car. A a yn y Deyrnas Gyfnnol. Gwahoddir gehebiaeth ten ymgomiad pfcraonol. JUNE SAILINGS. NORTH WALES AND BACK THE SAME DAY. The Cheapest and leant tedious Sea Trips out of Liverpool. BBST AND QUICKEST ROUTE TO HOLYWELL9 ST. WINEFRIDE'S WELL, PANT ASAPH, PRESTATYN AND RHYL THB PAST SALOON PADDLE STEAMER FLYING FALCON SINGLE FABEB RRTTTBN FABBS Deok Is. 6d Available for day of issue only Bridge. 2s. 6d. Deok 2E. Tiektts n«t Transferable. Bridge.. 3A. Tiektts n«t Transferable. Bridge. 3s. Children under Twelve halj-fare- Will sail from Prince'A Landing Stage and Moetyn (weather and other circumstance permitting) AS under:- LIVERPOOL TO MOSTYN AND BACK THE SAME DAY. Average PASSAGE 1 hour and 45 minutes. Giving passengers two to three hours ashore in one F of the prettiestspots in North Wales. LONG DAY TRIPS ABOUT 10 HOURS. SAILINGS :— MAY From LIVERPOOL. From MOSTYN. 28 Saturday 20 p.m 5 0 p.M 31 Tuesday 3 30 p.m 7 30 p.m JUNE 1 Wednesday 4 0 p.m 8 0 p.m .J Thursday 8 0 a.m ■ 7 30 p.m *3 Friday 9 0 a.m 7 30 p.m 4SaturJay 9 0 a.UI 12 0 noon 6 M>nday 10 0 a.m 1 0 pm 7 Tuesday 10 0 a.m 2 0 p.m 8 Wednesday 10 0am 3 0 p.m 9Thursday 11 0 a.m 40 p.m 10 Friday 11 Cam 5 0 p.m 11 Saturday 2 0 p.m 6 0 p.m 13 Monday. 3 0 p.m 7 0 p.m 14 Tuesday 4 0 p.m 7 30 p.m 816 Wedofe]av 7 45 a.m 10 0 a.m 0 6 30 p.m 8 0 p.m 16 Thursday 8 30 a.m 8 Op'M TO I 9 0 A*M • • 8 0 P-M 9 0 a.m ..120 noon 20 MONDAY 10 0 A M 1 Q 5J W H 10 0a.M 2 0 p.M »2 2 £ T*"7 10 0A-M •• 2 39 p.M 28 Thursiay L0 0 a.m 3 0 p.M 24 Fnday n 0 ».M 3 30 p.M 25 Saturday 12 30 p.m 4 0 p.M 27 Monday. 12 0 noon 5 30 p.m 28 Tuesday 2 0 p.m E 0 p.m 29 WEDNESDAY 2 30 p.m 6 30 p.m 1 30 Thursday 3 0 p.m 7 30 p.m LONG DAY TBIPS. Refreshments on Board at Moderate Charges For further PARTICULARS «pply Tulaphone No. 2334 FLYING FALCON STEAMSHIP Co LTD., 27, Water-street, Liverpool. f T 0 T H E- 0 E A Fo A rich 'ALY, FARE1 O' her Deaf.ies' and Noises in tho H al HY D NICF" 1 on's Artifi iial Ear Drums, has sent n:ofl to n s I"sHtu'e, so flat Deaf people unable to PR<->«TT e ti e H'AR DRAMS may have them J free. Apply bv lstte>- to:—O. Q. C. RICHABD80N, • 9, GREAT ciua«li Street, London, W.C. ^HOMAS JJUGrHES, JOINER, BUILDER, WHEELWRIGHT AND UNDERTAKER, — HOLYWELL. WORKSHOPS & TIMBER YARD BACK OF NORTH & SOUTH WALES BANK, HIGH STREET. The following Timber always kept in Stock: SPRUCE AND PINE BOARDS FROM HALF-IXCH UPWARDS; Si'RUCE AND YELLOW PINE PLANKS; Olill-Iarcu SPRUCE FLOORING BOARDS; TURKE-QCAMEBS AND ONB-INCH SPRUCE & RED DEAL MATCH BOARDS. Birch and Ok Boards; Lancewood and Ash bei t Shaft* Felloes for Cart aad Carriage Wheels; Dressed Oak Sp(,kes for Carriage Wl e li; Futch ls, and Turned Naves; Turned li in! h, 2 in h. aid 3 inoh Table Legs, &c. PAINTED SPRUCE FIELD GATES KEPT ON HAND. SLATING AND PLASTERING LATHS. CEMENT AND HAIR. NEW WHEELS of every description made of the beat well- seasoned Timbers. TRAPS, CARTS & SHANDRIES, MADE AND REPAIRED. RDERS QUICKLY EXECUTED. UVCtESI CYCLESl WILLIAM 1-1. HALDEN, 2, SEA VIldW TERRACE, HOLWAY, HOljYWEL-L. AGEN r NOT HETAILER. AS all who are ia the "KNOW" are aware, 50% discount off list price?, are the usual terms allowed by Manufacturers of Cycles to Retailers. As I am cot a Retailer, but an Agent for the Manufacturers, I aharge 10% as commission, and allow 40% t) Cus omerj. Suoh a large discount is not to be had from any other Agent, or Retailor, in Great Britain. PRICES TO SUIT ALL LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. The following are a few of the Cycles that may be h-id on above termis:-Paimer, James, Hobart, Trent, Engineer, Victoria, Wulfrana, White, Towuecd, Sbakeipeare, Optimus, Globe, Simplex, N ne, and a Hi st of others. SUM INSURANCE OFFICE, FOUNDED 1710 Sum injured is 1897 exceeds 9425,000,000. For all particulars apply to the following Agent, HOLY WELL. MB. ROBERT THOMAS. MOLD .MBSSBS KELLY, KEENE & CO ST. ASAPH MB. Ll. LLOYD. JjJfCKLEY .MB. EDWARD ROBERTS TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. DO you tequire your Corn ground P Send it to FLINT MILL. The work can be done quickly and well. "^Observer" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. QHABTE gOOKLETS, QAPTIVATING IJOY BOOKS — PHESEKTATION VOLUMES — AT ALL PRICES. THE CHEAP LIBRARY POPULAR NOVELS Neatly Bound in Cloth at the low Price of 11 il). EACH. AN IMMENSE STOCK TO SELECT FROM CHURCH SERVICES IN ELEGANT BINDINGS. Teachers' Bibles with Concordance and Maps combined. gUNDAY gCHOOL JJEWARD AND rj^EXT QARDS. '(yfcERVER' OFFICE, HOLYWELL. "GRIFFITH JONES, BILL POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, UPPER SUMMER HILL, HOLYWELL The boa t Posting Stations inthe District. Atly and thoroughly carried out w j t th* last 10 7eui for my ut UI«T BOW K*T« Beantifnl Golden HM( In p«t kkmuUMt," <MH T. M W A S S CYCL E DEPOT, F L I N r. OFFICIAL REPAIRER C.T.C. Agent for Flint and District for R. & P's Cycles and many other Leading Makers. MACHINES MADE TO ORDER. Firet and Second Class from JE8 10a. Od. First Class Maohioes for Second Class Prices, il I Ils Oall and inspect them. Eaoh machine guaranteed. All makes of Tyres fitted to suit Customers at Lowest Prices possible. Great Variety of Cycle Accessaries always on Stock. AGENT FOB— WHEELER AND WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES. CYCLES AND SEWING MACHINES Supplied on the Deferred System. EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM. T. M. WASS. .J Do you Cycle? Do you Oycle? IF YOU DO, CALL AT THE I 0 B S E R V E R OFFICE, HOLYWELL, AND PUBCHA8E ONE OF THEIB SPECIAL ROAD ma A IP BBFOBB STARTING ON YOUB TOTTB. MAPS OF HOLYWELL & DISTRICT MOUNTED ON OLOTH, O MAPS OF NORTH WALES Strongly bound in cloth oovers, EA.0H with guide to all places of 'm interest in North Wales. The Maps are made from the New Ordnance Survey, and the Main Roads are distinctly coloured. Davies & Oo.'s Speciality. /————— V LOCAL AGENT FOR THE SALE OF COLEMAN'S WINCARNIS, For which over 6,000 Testimonials have been received from Medioal Men:— e. Sold by- D. HUGHES, Chemist, High Street, Holywell. E. FOULKE3, Grooer, Well Street, Holywell. R. E. C. BRIGGS, Teacher oj Mustek* Musical Instruments, (HIGHEST DIPLOMA R.M.C.M.), Reed Organs, Harmoniums, Pianofortes, &c., Tuned and Repaired.-Terms moderate, 4. TITHE BARN PLACE, FLINT. nho BE LET—A BEERHOUSE, in Eaglllt; JL also a fully-licensed PUBLICHOUSE in Flint.—Apply to KBLSTBBTON BBBWBBY CO., LD. r the Blood is the Life."—Deuteronomy XII., 28, Health and Vigor depend upon the quantity and quality of the Blood." humanitarian. Keep the Blood pure and the Health of the System will follow." —Health. We have seen hosts of letters bearing testimony to the truly wonderful cures effected by Clarke s World-Famed Blood Mixture. It ia the finest Biood Purifier that Science "and Medical Skill have brought to light, and we can with the utmost confidence recommend it to our subscribers and the public generally." -.Family Doctor. QLARKE'S JGLOOD MIXTURE ^JLARKE'S JGLOOD J^IXTURE cL A-R K E'S BLOOD m IXTURE THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER, For Scrofula, Seurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Skin and Blood Diseases, pimples and Sores of all kinds, and for oleansing and clearing the Blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. It is the only real specific for Gout and Rheumstic rains, for it removes the cauot from the Blood and Bones. "TOLD ME HE WOULD HAVE TO TAKE MY LIP OFF." *'I feel in duty bound to add mj testimonial in favour of Clarke's world-famed Blood Mixture. I have suffered for three yeara and mix months with a dreadful sore on my upper lip and chin. I was forced to go to the Bkin Hospital in Elm Bank-street; they did not do any good to it. Then I tried most of all the principal institutions in Glasgow, and lastly the Skin and Cancer Institution in St. Vincent-street, and paid one Pound before receiving any advice, and the advice wa* that he was afraid I would lose my upper lip I received treatment in this institution for one month, and received no benefit Then he told me he would have to take the lip off, but i in this institution for one month, and received no benefit Then he told me he would have to take the lip off, but i would not consent, and of which I am a proud man to-day. After this I went to the Western Infirmary, and was under a olever skin specialist. I received treatment for 19 weeks, and received a little benefit, and came out and commenced working again at my occupation, but I soOn got as bad as ever I then commenced with • Clarke s World-famed Blood Mixture,' and after taking five bottl was completely cured. But I still continued taking the Mixture till I had taken 13 bottles You can make use of my name in any way you please.—Yours truly, '« WILLIAM PATERSON. "4, Greenfield-street, Govan, Glasgow, January. 5th, 1897," "TURNED OUT OF HOSPITAL, AS I WOULD NOT CONSENT TO HAVE MY LEG OFF." "I send you this testimonial, for I have derived a great benefit by taking Clarke's Blood Mixture, after two years of great suffering with a very bad leg. I have bten in a Birmingham hospital 18 months, and six months outpatient at another hospital at Birmingham. I was turned out in- curable, as I would not consent to have my leg taken off. I was told to try Clarke's Blood Mixture by a friend of mine, so I sent for a large bottle, and by the time I had taken it I was able to go about on my orutches. I had another bottle, and by the time I had finished it my leg was quite well, and I am able to go to my work. I am a Birmingham man, but am working at present in Halifax, and I am filling to answer any questions that anyone may wish to ask, for I cannot speak too highly of it. I recommend it to &11. You may make use of this if you like. E. Taylob. 2 Hanson Square, Fleet Street, Halifax, Yorks, "October 23rd, 1897." IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.—Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul-your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. In bottles, 2s 9d each, by all Chemists throughout the World, or sent for 33 stamps, by the proprietors, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Coy., Lincoln. THOUSANDS OF TE8TIMONIAI S. CLARKE'S J>I,OOD m IXTURE. IJLAKKE'S JJLOOD MIXTURE. CLARKE'S B LOOD JNLI IXTURE. Do not be persuaded to kV M imitation w substitute. Sales by Mr. William Freeman. SAMUEL WITHERS & CO., (Succcs era to tLe Ori,in-Al Firm of George Withors and Sons), Established 1343 at Park Works, Wett Brjrnwi"B, have instructed MR. WILLIAM F HE KM AN TO SELL BY AUCTION, AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL, ON FRIDAY, THE 24TH DAY OF JUNE, 1898, AT THBBE O'CLOCK PBOMPT, 15 Gold Medal Bent Steel Safes from 20 in. to 3 ft. high, with single and double doors, and fitted with patent onpiokable leve: lo KS, with duplicate leys, caeh drawers, loose shelve4, and all lat st improvement, tt.. Makerd to Her Majoty's BoarJ of Works; The Central Post Office Savings' Bank London Bank of Sootland, Motherwell; Munbter Bank of Ireland; Llojd'P Banking Compauy i Manx Bank, Isle of Man His Grace the Duke of Sutherland Baig and Co., Burton and Brauchea, aud most of the leading Railway Companies of the United Kingdom, etc., eto. Over 60 of these Safes supplied to Her Majesty's Post Offices since 1896, and to over 300 Parish Counoils. Catalogues now ready, and may be obtained from the AUCTIONBER, with testimonials and further references. Likewise a quantity of surplus Furniture, Ft atber Beds, mw China Services, &E. y V AT T H E ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL ON FRIDAY, THE 24TH DAY OF JUNE, 1898, Mii. WILLIAM FRIiEMAN WILL OFFER FOR SALE an afsemblage cf surplus FURNITURE, feather bedf, See, Also, an esHortment of new cbiaa and dtlph dinner, breakfast, t- a and toilet sorvicee, &c. Persons wishing to enter Goods for Sale can do so by applying to the AUCTIONBBB. SALE TO COMMENCE AT THBEE O'CLOCK. Auji ion Office: Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. V OAK LA liDS, B AGILLT, SITUATE MIDWAY BETWEEN HOLYWELL AND FLINT. Important Sale of about 50 valuable Oil Paintings (by Eminent Artists), Engrav- ings, Oleographs, Prints, &c., the modern Household Furniture of Entrance Hall, Dining and Drawing-rooms, Breakfast- room, Kitchen and Culinary Utensils, four Bedroom Requisites, various Outside Effects, &c., ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, THE 5TH AHD 6TH DAYS OF JULY, 1898. MR. WM. FREEMAN HAS received instructions from Mr WM. PIEBCB, (who is changing his residence,) to Sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the above-named Premise>, PUBLIC AUCTION, on the above-named Promise,, the whole of the once very costly HOUSEHOLD APPOIN TM EN TS, BRIEFLY COMPRISING ENTRANCE HALL, STAIRCASE, &C. :—Mahogany double seated fo top, four feet mahogany hf.t and umbrella ftand, bail chairs, eight large cases of stuffed two large STAG'S heads and antlers, ssverafpairs of horns, bronze figure, dagger, in an ver cas-, bronze shield, barometer, hall lamp, eleven valuable u-f-,imed ard framed oil paintings, en- gravings, &J., clock, "WITH PUII^D dial, door matn, mahogany and oth-r tables and CHABO, ETATR and L-indiog carpets, gent's mahogany wardrobe, eight- day grandfather's clock, by Winstanley, &a. DINING ROOM :—Mahogany telescope dining table, occasional side tables, &c., 7 ft. 4 in. pedestal side board, with lofty silvered glags back, drawers, oellaretts and sliding trays, 7 ft. 3 in. mahogany side- board, with raised back, cellaratte, drawers, &o., 7-octave cottage pianoforte, in rosewood casa, 6 ft. 6 in. by 6 ft. 4 in. chimney mirror, in gilt frame, mahogany framed couch, ditto frame I sofa, easy and single chairs, Bru sels carpet and hearth rug, fender and fire-itons, coal vase, plated good?, cutlery, plsttd caadls-stioks. lamps, orvarnent., various glass, decanteis, &c., twenty-two valuable oil paintings, by eminent artists, such as W. Marshall, J. S. Jackson, Pinx, Mulzaar, Little, Melzjr, Verko, one of the above by Pannini is said to be over 200 years old, ten various oleographs, epcrtng scene.8, &o. DRAWING ROOM Large Brussels carpet, band. some chimney mirror, 6ft by 5ft, in gilt frame, valuable mantel clock in ormolu and enamel under glats shade, and pair of gilt oandelabra Und,r shades, a 6ft oabinet inlaid with buhl and tortoise shell, with shaped glass do .r.J, valuable suite in ebonized and gilt frames and stuffed backs, comprising-settee, 6 single and 2 easy chnirs and dwarf ditto, eight occasional chairs in mother-of-pearl and enamel, walnut framed foir-setted O,toian, inlaid papier machie and oth, r occasional tables, beautifully carved marble figures, Ito., handsome china, giaua, and other ornaments, fender and fire irous, en- gravingti- Coronation and Wedding of Queen Yicto.ia and The Allied Fleets in the B"fjphorus,' water color, &c., marble medallions of Nelson and Wellington 10 circular gilt frames, window oornioes, &c. BBEAKFAST ROJM :—Flour linoleum, cast fender, mahogany tdeeco e tible, mahogany writing table with movable double desk, large chimney mirror in giit frame, handsome Chippendale book case with antique glazed fr,mt with escrtoire, drawer, under cupboard and lellaretta, Spanish mahogany oabinet with 48 pigeon holes and uiider-oupboard, 7ft by 2ft 7io, chtfiouiere, dwarf oak bookcase with glazed doors, two engravings doable-bnrrelled guns, large number of various well-bound bookp, 8KO. THE CONTENTS OF BiaDnooms, INCLUDE: -Mahogany half. tester bedsttad, with massive oarved foot board, iron Laif-tester and other bedsteads, box spring mat traces, feather beds, two very well-fitted up mahogany wardrobes, large old oak ditto, two sets of mahogany and walnut due hesse dressing tables and washstands baodtome toiltt services, pitcbpine pedestal oupboards, towel rails, C.S. and other ohairs, large oak linen chests, carpets, fenders and ir ns, engravings, prints, ornaments, window poles, hang- ings, &c. ALL THE USBFUL KITCHEN AND CULINARY REQUISITES, COMPRISING -Syoamore, oak and deal tablts, pait antique dinner service, copper, brass and tio ware, B.M. dish covers, and other effects. ALSO VARIOUS OUTSIDE EFFECTS op-Thrte iron- framed garden seats, two ditto chairs, iron balanced garden roller, four various sized lawn mowera, oil cake crusher, set of harrows, ploughs, chaff-cutter, <<ouffler, carts, two-wbeol trap, old phaeton, dog carts, ohurn, &c., &c., &o. BALE TO COMMENCE AT ELEVEN A.M. Ordtr of Sale will be shown in Catalogues which may be bad at OAKLANDS, and of the AUCTIONEER, a few days prior to Sale, with permission to view. Auction Offioe:— yfeitbyteifyn Cottage, Holywell. fFl O BE LET —with immediate possession— X "SA1THAELWYD COTTAGE," situate about One Mile from the Town of Holywell, and near to Pantasaph. The Honwe stands within it I own well-wooded grounds, with la1* u in front and gardens. It contai) R Dining, Drawing and Smoking Rooms two Kitnher.p, baek Kitchen and four Bed- rooma. Hplendid situation, overlooking Estuary of the River Dee. Stable and Coach-house contigvf —Apply, "OBSMBYEB" OFFICE, Holywell VS-ale by Mr Robert E. Hughes. 1 SEA VIEW, FFYNNONGROYW, j MOSTYN. I Sale of modern and antique HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, by direction of Mrs ROBERTS, who has sold the Residence. MR. ROBERT F. HUGHES WILL SELL BY AUCTION on the premises, TT as above, on MONDAY, THE 4TH DAY OF JULY, 1898, At 12.30 o'clock, the substantial FURNITURE, consisting of-Bras and iron bsdsteads, bedding, linen, chests-of-drawers, toilet tables, carpets, rngs and mats, mirrors, pier glasses, massive grandfather's clock (indicating seasons, in thorough going order), drawing-room and dining-room suites, dining tables, pictures, china, kitchen furniture, mangle, garden implements, out-houses and general effects. ON VIEW FROM TEN O'CLOCK MOBNING OF SALB. Auctioneer's Offices:- Auction and Estate Offices, Rhyl and Prestatyn, Where furthec information may be obtained. %0001 Sale by Messrs. Donnell and Haywood-Parry. Highly Important Sale of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs, at ONNEN-Y-BWLCH FIELD, RHES-Y-CAE, Within One Mile of Nancerch Station. MESSRS. DONNELL & HAYWOOD-PARRY WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ON MONDAY, THE 27TH DAY OF JUNE, 1898, At Twelve o'clock prompt, the following live and fat FARM STOCK. 8 Heavy Cart HORSES. 10 Harness and Saddle HORSES. 30 Head of CATTLE, Comprising several pure-bred Short-horned. 150 Head of SHEEP and LAMBS AND 15 PIGS. Also, several TRAPS, HARNESS, &c., &0. For further particulars, apply to the AUCTIONEERS, Brook Side, Nannerch, near Mold. N'- DISTRICT OF CONNAH'S QUAY. INFECTIOUS DISEASES (NOTIFICATION) ACT, 1889. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that the Urban Dietriot Council of Connah's Quay, at a Monthly Meeting held on the 1st day of June, instant, (properly convened and after due notioe given), passed the following resolution, viz. That this Council do hereby adopt the Infectious DiseaFes (NotificatioD) Act, 1889, the same to oome into operation on the 1st day of August, 1898." Dated this 16th day of June, 1898. THOMAS W. HUGHES, Council Offices, CLBIIIE. Cpenpah's Quay. %'f WHITFORD AND MOSTYN GARDEN SOCIETY FOB PBOMQTING THB CULTIVATION OF VEGETABLES, FRUITS, AND FLOWE RS, IN COTTAGE GARDENS, SITUATB IN THB DISTRICTS OF Whitford, Gorsedd, Holywell, Llanasa, Ffynnongroew and Mostyn. THE ANNUAL SHOW WILL BB HELD (By the kind permission of W. H. Tate, Esq.), IN DOWNING PARK, ON Wednesday, August 24th, 1898. m HBB DDUW, HEB DDIM: DUW A DIGON. Y GWIA YN EBBYN Y BYD. B A G I L L T THIRD ANNUAL EISTEDDFOD WILL BE HELD IN A SPACIOUS BUILDING (Capable of holding 1,000 people), On Saturday, the 17th of September, 1898. BRASS BAND CONTESTS. SICL]iCTIOZFIS: Pride of Wales" (W. and R). First prize, LS, and Silver Cup to the Bandmaster; Seoond prize, JM; Third prizj, 12 Fourth prize, ici. MABCH :-(Own choi.e)—Firet prize, One Guinea. COBNBT SOLO Ma Normandie." Prize, Gold Medal. SLIDE TiaomBoNjs: Rosy Morn."—Prize, Gold Medal. VIOIJM SOM :—Sveuden'a Bomanae (Opus 26). -Prize, a Carrodus Violio, bow and case, value f,10 10s. Od. MIXED OHOIR COMPETITION :-Choirs not less than 40. Test piece-" Bydd melus oofio y Cyfamod (Iealaw). Prize, X4 4s., and Silver Cup to Conductor. JUVENILE CHOIR CoxpxTITION: -Choirs not over 30 in number. Test Pieoe-" Y Deryn Pur" (D. Emlyn Evans), 92 2s., and Silver Cup to the Con- ductor. Numerous Competitions in Vocal and Instrumental Mutio, Literary and Miscellaneous Subjects. ADJUDIOATOBS. Music:— WILFRED JONES, ESQ., R.A.M., Wrexbam. HERBERT SCOT, ESQ., Oldham. (Champion Eupbonium Player). Feetry CAD VAN, Programmes Id. each, per pobt lid., may be had from the Secretaries— HUGH JONES, Sea View, Bagillt. EDW. ROBERTS, Dee Bank, Bagillt. PARLIAMENT DISSOLVES by effluxion of time, but Time's fliffht only adds to the power of disease if means are not taken to eradicate it. Indigestion, stomach and liver complaints especially require urgent treatment, and there are no medicines known which act upon these particular I ailments with such success as Holloway's Pills. These grand remedies ftrengthen the stomach, increase the appetite, and rouse the sluggish liver For bowel complaints they are invaluab e, as they remove every primary derangarnent. They may be used at nit tiroes and in all climates by persons affected by biliousness or nausea; for flatulency aad heart- burn they are specifics. Indeed, no ailment of the digestive organs can resist their purifying and wrcectiye pweis. DENBIGSHIRE AND FLINTSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S FIFTY-SIXTH ANNUAL SHOW WILL B8 HBLD IN ACTON PARK, WREXHAM, On Friday, July 22nd, 189 (The day after Shrewsbury Show) WHBN UPWABD8 OF l^AA I Will be awarded in Prizes for d&UWV_/ 1 Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Piga, Poultry Dogs, Butter, Cheese, Bread, &c. Entriel close July 1st, or with extra fee July 8th. If yon have not bad a Schedule, send a Pott Card to the Secretary, T. WELSBY, 5, WELLINGTON ROAD, RBYL. THE ROYAL NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD OF WALES, 1898, TO BE HBLD AT BLAENAU FESTINIOG, JULY 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, C3\R,A.lxr:D OONOERT EVERY EVENING, PBBFOBMANCH of the two WBLIH OBATOBIOS "YSTORM TIBERIA." (Stepbeo) and flTRAETIl Y LAFAN" (D. 0. Williams), also, the "ELIJAH" (Mendelssohn). EISTEDDFOD OHOIR number- ing 300 voices, supported by FULL ORCHESTRA. INTBBBBTINO PBOCUAKXH each day. ARTISTES (amongst others): MISS MAGGIE DAVIES, MADAME HANNAH JONES, MR. BEN. DAVIES, k AND MR. FFRANGCON DAVIES. CHEAP TRAINS FROM ALL PARTS. PBIOBS OF ADMISSION Reserved Seats (8 meetings), transferable, 25s.; Single Meeting or Concert, 4s. 1st class Season Ticket (8 meetings), 20s., not transferable Single Meeting or Conoert, 3s.; 2nd class Season Tickets (8 meetings), not transferable, 12s. 6d.; Single Meeting or Conoert, 2s.; 3rd class Single Meeting or Concert, I@. Saturday (Speoial Day), Uniform Prioe, Is. For further partioalars apply to the GBN. SBa., MR. H, ARIANDER HUGHES, BLABNAU FBSTINIOQ. TO B E SOL D-A compact FREEHOLD JL FARM (one mile from Caerwys Station, Flint shire), comprising Eleven acres of excellent Land- with good Farmhouse, Stabling, Buildings, &o.— Apply, JOSEPH SMITH, Legh Street, Warrington.


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