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LAMBERT'S FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STftEET, HOLYWELL. :o: —' WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, -:0:- POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. :0:- HEARSE AND MOURNING CAURLAGES AT REASONABLE RATES. :0:- OMNIBUSES MEET ALL TRAINS. :0 —-——- London and North-Western Railway Parcels Agent. W. JACKSON, 8, LIGHTFOOT STREET. CLUSTER. THE OLDEST AND MOST PRIVATE "MONEY LENDING OFFICE IN NORTH WALES. INTEREST REASONABLE. REPAYMENTS EASY CALL OR WRITE FOR TERMS. MANCHESTER FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED, 1824" OAPITAL.It& u.£9,000,000: IT. BARHAM FOSTER, ESQ..OHAIBMAN: W. FLTaElBIDGE, Esa., DBPTTC* GHAIBKAN I OHIBF OFFIOB- 98, KING STREET, MANCHESTEI J. B. MOFFATT, MANAGES AND SBCRBTABY. BBANOH OripioB- MANOHBSTHB OHAMBEBS, 28, RBGBNT STBBE WBBXHAK M. PENNANT JONES, RESIDENT SEOBETABI THE COMPANY transaote Fire Business onl; and all Resources »d Funds areayailabi or Fire Olaima. sarveyeare made and rate squoted for aldescrip tioas of risks free of charge. 8_- a -=- .J S7 ALFRED MAYERS, 8, iIILFORD STREET,MOLD. BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS BUOH AS SICK HEADACHE. WEAK STOMACH IMPAIRED DIGESTION. CONSTIPATION. LIVER COMPLAINT AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LAMEST SALE IN THE WORLD. 1 Beecham's Cough Pills, For COUGHS ASTHMA,and a CHEST AFFECTIONS. t SJIn Boxes, 91d., Is. lid., and 2s. 9d. each r Beecham's Tooth Paste, EFFICACIOUS, ECONOMICAL, CLEANSES f THE TEETH, PERFUMES the BREATH j 6 In Collapsible Tubes, Ie. each. Preparedonly by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens,Lancashire SOLD BY ALL DBUCMJISTB AND PATENT MEDICINE ¿, "(j'1- Application Tor a-tfouuius are invited, r, VnA6X WUMUB. FOR A- Mi n 1 11 HOLLOW" Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS, They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, And are invaluable in COMPLAINTS incidental to FEMALES of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. Manufactured only at 78, New.Oxford Street, London, Vnd sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. W.I.—Advioe Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. BNGtlSS^-THES S&SSS'J?! BENSON'S ENGLISH WATCHES. Guaranteed for Accuracy, Durability, Strength, and Value. Thousands of Testimonials have been received. L"r I s I: EN SON "a BENSON'S English Lever Keyless I-3xi^LzsIi Level* "LUDGATE" WATCH "BARK" WATCH. IN UsE ALL THs WowD OVER. In Silver Cases. In Silver Cases., in silver Cases A-&k, In 18-ot. Gold Cases. loll Selections of Watches Of Jewellery sent free on rcoeipt of reference. Illustrated Book Post Free. OLD W ATCliES AND JEWELLERY TAKEN IN EXCIIAINGE. Åll Goods Not Approved will be Exchanged. Cheapest, Strongest and most Durable London A pood Knockabout Watch for ronph wear at a BWde THREE-QUARTER PLATE ever sold. low price. Best London made, Three-Quarter Hate An English Lever, Jewelled with 13 Rubies, Chrono- English Lever Large, Chronometer Balance, Jewelled meter Balance, Patent Large Barrel, and Damp and Rubies, Strong Kovless Action. Dust Proof Ring.Band rrice f An Exact Timekeeper, and better value than any Keeps better timet.bag, <nM is draWe the'Strength Keyless vVateh sold for £ 10. Silver Cw with Strong Crystal Glass GhssC-^5' 'n Extra Stron=ab' Sterling Silver, Crystal Made in Four Sizes at one Price, £ 5 6S.NO. 1, Gentlemen & Youths fas illustrated); ha J .parking gENSON'S ENGAGEMENT RINGS, in Half- Men; No. 3, Railway Men and Miners No. 4. Ladies. Hoop, and' all other designs In massive 18-ct. Gold Cases, with < £ v»WL GJOSH, set with Brilliants, lluhie* Emeralds Pearls, Sap- Gentlemen's size, £ 12 12s. Lady a size, £ 10 10-. plures, Opals, Turquoise, &e., &e or in plain gold. ALL WATCHES AMD '-T' Md M *> a" I*«» of 0* World on receipt of Draft, Ca«h, or 1.0.0M payable citG.l O. SEND FOB BENSON'S BOOK of \YA'1CHES from £ 2 2*. to £ 500. CLOCKS CHAINS 0 ENGAGEMENT KINGS, BROOCHES, l'LATh, &■ S -nf post, fr-e on appUcr^ion to JW » WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER TO • MM. • JO Mid J^l 9 H.M. THE QUEEN and ROYAL FAMILY, f Steam Factory: So LD I>Orli.rX, £ 3 s.}f.TXdU, m !And 28, ROYAL EXHANG-E, E.C., and 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON. WATCH, &c., CLUBS.—Application? for agencies invited. Easy system, no risk. KING'S HEAD HOTEL, n 0 L y E L L THE LEADING FAMILY & COMMpCIAL HOTEL, HAS BEEN RE-FURNISHED YINNRRR -:0: h.- E HEADQUARTERS OF THXfCYCLIST'S UNION. THE HOTEL OMNIBUS MEETS THE TRJ|N3 AT HOLYWELL STATION k. SCHWARZ, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, WHITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL BEOS to announce that after the ENLARGE MENT OF HIS PREMISES, he has been enabledtogreatlyincrcasehisStock. ALL KINDS OF JEWELERY KEPT IN STOCK. Cloths and WaUhesofalldfserifitonstnhand HANDSOME SELEOTION OF IBLEOTRO-JPLATED ARTICLES REPAIRSPROMPTLYEXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. A SPLBNDID ASSORTMENT OF Gutnea Gold Wedding and Keeper Rings Apresent givenwith each ring bought. A privat roomto selectin. DEALBR I If LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMETERS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in great variety. r- .j A Handsome It Presentation Plate. (iI "Christ Blessing Little Children," FROM THE PICTURE BY HENRY LE JEUNE, A.R.A, Pdnted on FINK-ART PAPER, is issued wft THE Q UIVFAF-W- For MARCH, price 6d»f WHICH CONTAINS The opening chapters of an intensely lotcMtbl Serial Story, entitled The Squire s 99 bv ISABEL BELLERBY, Author of The Organist's Daughter," &c. Illustrated. AND AN ARTICLE ON The Queen's Favourite Authors, FULLY ILLUSTRATED, With many Authoritative Facts and Aneo. dotes, and numerous other Qvitributioni of exceptional interest. ———i Extraordinarily Cheap Edition, in MONTHLY PARTS, price 6d.9 of THE CELEBRATED FINE-ART WORK, n 0 0 Picturesque ) Europe. WITH NEARLY 1,000 Magnificent Illustrations and Sixty Plates beautifully litho- graphed from tb* Original Steel Engravings. (To be Completed in 82 Monthly Parts.) This remarkable Work, which in its cheapest form has hitherto been pub- lished in 61 Parts at Is., is now brought within universal reach by its issue at about ONE-FOURTH the price hitherto charged. 9 Notice. The MAGNIFICENT PICTURE (size 80 in. x 24 in.) of the THANKSGIVING SERVICE AT ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL on June 22, 1897, issued in connection with The DIAMOND JUBILEE EDITION of Cassell's Illustrated History of England, IS NOW READY FOR DELIVERY. See particulars in Part I, which can III obtained at all Booksellerl, price 0(1. 0 M The Timds says:- Excellent in every respect." The Scotsman says A library in itself." The Irish Times says :_fI A magnum opus." The Standard says: The most interesting, in. structive, and entertaining History of England." !Ii'" 11 jsuwpipwMpaweji igjj 11 iiii i | £ 5 TO £ 500. A ? p Yt> w ^7? laying » larger amo&n I OASH tham she reqaires in « woald bo ploMod to mitke stnotly PRIVATE ADVANCES to anr rMpeolaUe persoo. ON JTHEIR OWN NOTE O# MAND Atilt persoaally, or by letter to- D. BEHRMAW, I FURNITURE DEALBB, 17, If, Orff ROAD, CHESTER. ACONNAH'S QUAY. Gnj)o WIRECUT BUILDING BRICKS ALSO, PRESS BRICKS. A3?0.L- TO JAMES PRINCE, BRICK WORKS, OONNAH'S QUAY. fi-B MOlT 1'rV'r1U'1'IOVS. THE MOST ITVTBZTZOVS. p p s Is IFRVATEFUL—COMPORTING. 0, 0 C 0 A r f, 66 SCPPBB. v Dalee I COLD MEDAL. j Dubbin Hakes Boots and Harness waterproof as a duck's baok and soft as velvet, Mdt. three times to the wear and allows polishing, 19 EXHIBITION HIGHEST AWARDS. Tins 2d, 6d, Is, and 2s. 6d of allBootmakers, Saddlers. Leather sellers, fto. T in consequence of the great favour which has been accorded to the scheme ia connection with 5 calase,fils Saturday Journal for placing Fine Art Pictures at the disposal of the readers of that paper under conditions unique in the annaas of popular literature, the Publishers have now the pleasure to state that they have in preparation A New Series of Fine Art Plates. They will also offer to readers, in connection with a New Scheme, All Illustrated Work of Universal Interest. Farther particulars of the above two important announcements appear in No. 753, ready March 2, Price Id., of CASSELL'S SATURDAY JOURNAL, and the first of the Series of Coupons entitling readers to obtain the Pictures is printed in No. 753. I "• »"" III 'IIII I IT MAGAZINES and PRACTICAL ,< JOURNALS. Post Free to any Part of the World. For Six Months. Caswll's Magazine. MONTHLY, 6d. 4/6 The Quiver. MONTHLY, 6d. 4/- Xiittle Folks. MONTHLY, 6d. 4/- The Magazine of Art. MONTHLY, IS. 4d. 9/6 Chums. WEEKLY, idL 3/3 MONTHLY, 6d 4/- Gftssell's Saturday Journal. WEEKLY, id. 818 MONTHLY, 6d. 4/- Woik WEEKLY, id. 818 M MONTHLY, 6d. 4/- Building World. WREKLY, id.818 MONTHLY, 6d. 4/- Are You Feeling Out of Sorts ? ifUJ Ready, demy 8vo, 168 pages. 108. 6d. Cassell's Family Doctor. A. New and Original Work. f By A MEDICAL MAN. "A most invaluable help and counsellor in all time I of individual or family illness. The plan of the work is systematic, white the explanations are full and simple, and the prescriptions pular in style. No household need now be without guidance in the event of 3X& emergency, and the commoner ailments of life way be warded off without external aid. —The Qhristiatu Cassell's Classified Catalogue, containing ix»-ticulars of upwards of ONE THOUSAND VOLUMES pojalished by Messrs. CASSKLI. & COMPANY, ranging in prW* from < ThreopeocG to Fifty Guineas, t on request, Jostfove, to any addrttt. ¡ OMPANY, LUSTCD, Ludgatt Hill, Loofah RAGGETT'S NOURISHING STOUT GEORGE RAGGETT AND BOSS, LOBDOX. 0: Zlua stout ia rM0mm.nd«l bjr th. majority of Ihs lMiotl FfofMrioaMkMoAnt Ih. kingdom, •• well as by many Continental Physicians, as MS FINMT #MM3L »«4 ITS supply to Her ICajMty ths Queen ii in itsalf emiaant tostimony of it* fuaaty. :0: RAaQEirs NOURISHING STOUT AS SUPPLIED TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEER. U* reputation has been mamtaiiied by a due TPGVA TO wkiek it somijod of N SIS^BIR A*A tb» TN/W-WR FEOD* AT A bat ml.. ■■ ■■■ :0: ■ ■■ IMITATION OF TRADE TITLE. The Pablioare cautioned that the word "NOURISHING" is being used on ths Labels of oheap Bottled Beers of very low quaUty. To guard against the fraud THAT is intended, it is absolutely necessary to see that the "PObTAOE STAMP"—TRADE MARK, is ni..PPMI. nponTr^ UM. m JS5 as the signature. :0: Extract from a letter from the eyor, to Her Mafuty ths Quem, Balmoral, J "Her Majesty ths Queen wishes for RACKUVT'S NOUBISHHTQ STOUT; may we ask you to set us a Case by Steamer leaving London for Aberdeen on Wednesday next." ■' ■ '■ o: V Sole Consignees and BoWing Agent* for FLINTSHIRE AND DKbBIQHBHI&&— BIRD AND SON, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PAHTASAPH, Hear HOLT WELL N.W. « :0: ■" ■ Raggett's IToarisluiig Stout and Golden Hop Paio Ale. EUR.NM JTO. M. M DOaa. :0: A. B -Dobvew by Cart within 6 tmks, and Carriage oj 6 desen Cdst, pad by Rdol THE ST. ASAPH DIOCESAN CALENDAR FOR 18981 IS NOW MADY, PRICE on IBILLING. = ZAN AT UM "OBSERVER" OFFICB HOLYWELL. zoit-Ey X5 to xl) 000 11001 A Bfm £ Bo? hning > LAB01 MONEY at his disposal is willinc A iJv UT n5 Ttf" INTEBBST THAN 1 fi ^FIOE IN ENGLAND to al espeotable Householders, Tradeepsople and others. Diastonoe no object No Fees. No Bondsmen. Special Inducements to Farmers. All Transaotions trictly private. Terms to suit everybody. Apply and be oonvinoed, or write to- W: WHITE, 2, North Terrao Newtown, RHJTL, OCI- M ONE! LENT PRIVATELY by th< I OHARINO-OROSS BANK (Registere< 28, BEDFORD-STREET, OHARING 08081 LONDON. ESIASLZSHSD, 1870. Assets 4612,476 18 2 Liabilities 200147618 2 Capital and Reserve. £ 803,000 0 0 Advanoes made upon approved Promissory Not M follows Advance £ 25—12monthlyrepaymentsof £ 2 6 l 00 44 44 4 11 « 100 w «• 9 3 Larger amountathe a amei n p r oportlon. LOANS of A30 o A2,000 granted at a ei hour's noticei n town oroountry, male or female 0 mortgage of furniture, trade andf armstock, plan crops, &c., without removal, and to assist pcrsoi into business; also on deeds, policies, andreversioni at 5 per oent. for one month to 14 years. Distant no object. Easy repayments Striotly privat Call or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask no Solicitor, Auctioneer., fto., in England or Wal< knowing this Bank, and you will at once find 01 you are treating with an old established (1870) sal and bona itde Bank. Having large capital we d business oheaper than others No good loan evi refused. TWO-AND-A-HALF PER OENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balances of OUIi BENT AOOOlTNrS when not drawn below AM Depositsof AIO and upwards received at 3 pi: oent. per annum payable at 14 dave* notice. SubjeottoSmontns'notieeof withdrawal £ 4 psroei II 6 di II ( M 12 II 6 as Interest paid quarterly free from Income Taj Depositors have no liability whatever, and an pimply seouited, Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, Manager. V ø- LADIESI T ADIBB BEQTJIRINGf ASSISTANCE and UHT.TTXI J- JL all FEMALE AILMENTS. IRREGULARIS:* SUPPRBSSIONS, and OBSTRUCTIONS e^n obtS most valuable information whereby difficulties come, no Obstinate or £ ong-Standinir THI« EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE has roccew in THOUSANDS OF CASES after failed; Bead these extracts from TewtSSiiS- ™ Lothe,ffineON. Dow w»"«»'^ send by return one bottle J • J?our ""ixtuweni^dme after Tasn «pring. Hoping this will prove effectual, this 7fBB# *HAK TWKLYS TIHBS TOT WIUI HAVI CVBXD its,—Mrs GK CBESTX»'U-STU>T. Dear Madam!—I am pleased to say- your medicine has proved effectual again. Last time the suppi««eion was of PIn MOKTHS and this time -TBBH Moorran.-Yorin truly, llnW. The aboYGy &nd ThonuudB of HigiiUtr T#itwnQTkiftl> yuaraateed Genuine UKDER A PENALTY or £ 1#000 Abandon not hope: here rou will find a Genuine I^ECpALITY and CUBE. Failure impossible.' Bend addnggged enyelop* fot Dvucular*, A) DASHAIL Bos, 8§7, uSHmq B««e> ^sltMnltew, L4ad«a. NORTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE F BILLPOSTING COMPANY. Owners TheWra*ham District Advsrtising and Ulposftg 09, Z" HaAD Omaas:— 24, CHESTER STREET, WBUHJJf. r BnAvans:— V HOLYWELL, BUCKLEY AND ELLE8XBRK Proprietors of best and most prominent Private Stations in Holywell Distriot. • m Crdew. Posters and Handbills, shonld be seat tc E. P. LYONS, Billposter, Holywell. i n lf* JFhi# have carried out the largest f w-^ng llut year ever given ia Nortk t ———————-—-——————————————— THOMAS LLOYDI (LAM P. LLOYD 80.), ZOTAXWORAD, less, Painter, Plumber, Gas fitter, Bell Hanger Glaiter, Paper Hanger, Hot and Cold Water Snpneet. Eleotrio Bells fixed and Bepaired. Skover Bttthw and Spn/t Plaed and Ropabod CAST xaon LANDSBB OF 1TSRT DESCRIPTION r OILS, FAINIB AND COLOR, O VSHI B ASTOASEAZPTZOIIALWAYS nn. Estimates given forsll kinds of Work,and Orderspromptly exeonted on the shortest notice I NVERTVABIETTOFGLASSKEPTINNTOCX THE LARG1BTSTOCKOF BRASSWORK 4FITTlh€h ALWAYS oir Bin. PICTURES FRAMED AND MOUNTED. n — « HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. N H- 1 EA.DZIS QOUT ft JJHEUMATIO pILLS L BUFFERED AGONY IROB THIRTY YBABS, j ejm'b p" "Ist;™.sv.w,,Brl4'*R"* ;t EAl>r. p«x.. Dat "lf.J?. 0 EADK.B PN.13. 'R QIEDIOISE as your Ghost Pilla. Having valuable UNTOLD AGONY FOR 80 TSARS Q.OUT IN a few hows hat am .Me te g°™ GHBUMATIBH. LITTLAJOHH. T "Mr O.Eade." » EWB'S GOUT ft gHEUMATIO piLLB Prepared only bv Qeorge Bade J TS.GosweU-road London B.C. SoldbT oil lcheraistain Bottlesl s lid.&ndss.gd. l EA.DE'S Q.OTJT ft R HzuKATIO pILLS 1 THE BBBT MEDICINE yola BILK > THE BBBT MEDICINE FOB WIlm, THB BEST MEDICINE FOB INDIGESTION. > is E AD ANTIBILIOUS pILLS. Theyquicklyremovetheirritatioaand feverisbstateaf the STOMACH, correct the morbid condition of the uvaa> beUevetheaystem of allimpurities, which, byoireulktiB* ia the blood, injurloualy affect the action of the xxoirava. and byaemovingtheoauaeaof ao much discomfort raatorr the vital energies of body and mind. JTADE'B ANTIBILIOlUs piLLS. Sold by all Chemists, in Boxes, Is: L|d. and SA.Sd.. A* mailed free on receipt of remittance by QEORSTE BADE 78I GOFLWSIL ROAD, LOKDOS, E.C E"Blo.VTIBILIOUB JJtLUS. i