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OONNAH'S QUAY. PETTY SESSIONS: THURSDAY, -Before Messrs CharJed Davison, Jae. Reaey, and T. J. Humphreys. A NEGLIGENT PABBNT. Titus Williams, of Northop, charged William Parry, of Soughton, with not sending hii ohild to school. -Informant stated the ohild had not been to school this year.—Defendant was fined 6s. A LICENSE BNDOBSHD.-BUSACH OF THE SUNDAY CLOSING ACT. Supt. John Ivor Da vies, Mold, oharged Ann Rataiiffe, licensed victualler, living at the Swan, GolftyD, with selling daring prohibited hours, and keeping open her premises during prohibited hours. Mr J. B. Maraton, Mold, appeared for the defendant. -Police. constable McLaren stated that he was sent for to the Swan on the 8th instant, and a man named John Marston was reported to him by the defendant's husband for stealiag money from the till. He was oonvioted at Mold on the 9th instant. Marston lived aboat 600 yards from the hoalle.-M R. Beard, of Flint, stated that on Sunday, the 8th inst, he was riding his bicycle. and called at the Swan between twelve and one o'olook. He called for some beer, and had it. He left there about 2.30, leaving Marston there.-John Marston stated that on the 8th inst. he went to the Swan Inn. He had been to Flint. He went in the Swan about 2.30 to 3 p.m., and left about 6.30. He had a bottle of bear, and then had another bottle. He lived at Oonnah's Qua.v.-The defendant was fined X2 and costs, and her license was ordered to be endorsed. INTOXICATION. Sergeant Pagan, Connah's Quay, charged Peter Mnlligan, of Flint, with being drunk on Sunday, the 8th inst.—Defendant was find 6d., and oosts (7s. 6d.,) or seven days. HALKYN OASKS AT OONNAH'S QUAY. Inspector Blake Jones charged John Jones, of Halkyn, with cruelty to a boriie.-Poliae -constable R. Hughes stated that on the 11th inet. he saw defendant with a horse and cart at Halkyn. Witness took the horse into a stable, and asked him if there were any sores on the horse. Defendant said there was a little one. After he had taken the saddle off witness saw a wonnd three inohes wide; the same afternoon defendant brought the horse out with a load of stoaes.The Inspector stated he saw the horse in question, and saw the wound as described very much inflamed. Defendant was fined 28. 6d. and 83. 6d. cotits.-The same Inspector charged Riohard Roberts with a similar offence.— Polioe-oonstable Hughes stated that on the 16th inst. he met the defendant's man John Jones going to the Halkyn Mine with a load of coal. He asked the driver if there were any sores on the horse. He said I No.' Witness then took the saddle oif, and found two small wounds on the near side. Witness cautioned him not to work the horse.-The Inspector stated he saw the horse the following Saturday the wounds were healing. Defendant was ordered to pay 58. including costs. Ellen Bellis, of Catch, Halkyn, charged William Lloyd, a butoher, of the same plioe, with using threatening language towards her.—Mr Hughei, of Flint, appeared for the defendant.—Complainant stated that on Thnrsday last she went into the Royal Oak, Il.lky4.. defendant was there. Defendant said-' Here is one coming in. They who reoeive parish relief have the best of it.' He went out and came back again. He said he had not finished with her, and that she ought to be finished to the —— Complainant said she was afraid of him.—Cross- examined by Mr Hughes: She did not strike defendant with her hand.—Annie Jones, of Oatoh, Halkyn, was in the house at the time. She said complainant looked ill, and began to cry. She said she was afraid of going out. She heard defendant say complainant ought to be fiuished.-The oase was dismissed. Eliza Roberts, of Oat ah, Halkyn, charged the same defendant with an assault.—Com- plainant stated that on the 19th she was in her house and defendant came in. He had had some beer. He had some whiskey, and offered her some. He said he would give her a blow in the faoe. Defendant took hold of her by her arm, and straok her in the breast.-Riohard Roberta, of Halkyn, stated he was in the house when defendant came in; he had had some drink. Defendant called oomplainant by a nick name, and she answered him back. He offered her some whiskey; he did not see the defendant strike her.-The case was dismissed. LIVELY TIME FOB A WATOWUXBB. Ohas. Cohen, a watchmaker, of Connate Quay, oharg-ed Alfred Dew. of Oonnah's Quay, with using threatening language towards him.—Mr A. Wild, of Chester, appeared for the oomplainant, and Mr Hughes, of Flint, for the defendant—Complainant stated that on the 27th April defendant was coming along the road and passed his house and he oalled complainant to him, and aroused him of insulting his sister. Complainant denied it, and the defendant then oalled him a liar, and threatened to kiok and punish complainant, using most disgusting language. Defendant then walked away. Oomplainant con- sulted his soliaitor, and took out a sommons against the defendant, as be was afraid of him.—Defendant was boand over in his own rooogniaanoe of $5 to keep the peaoe for three months, and orderel to pay the costs (10s. 6d.) URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. The monthly meeting of the above Oounoil was held on Wednesday evening, when there were present: Messrs J. T. Humphreys (chair, man), Oliver Ellw V7 IT 7„Io;-3, J. Coppack John Hughes, liy. Jblane, If. E. Jones, H. Lloyd. Dr. Purdon; clerk, Mr T. W. Hughes; Medioal Offioer, Mr Kirkpatriok; Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector, Mr Hughes. THE LATH MR. GLADSTONE. The Chairman said before the commencement of the business of the meeting, they had a duty to perform which beoame them as a public body. He was sure everyone present regrettes the passing away of Mr Gladstone and they would all agree that the country had suffered an ir- reparable loss, for by his death they had lost the greatest man of this age. Although the loss had been great, yet the world was the richer today, for the memory of the life so nobly spent in the oause of his country and in the oause of the people to whom he was so devoted. He begged to propose, after that slight tribute to his memory, the following resolution-, -That this Council records its deep sense of the loss the nation has sustained by the death of the Eight Hon. W. E. Gladstone, and that we con- vey to Mrs Gladstone and her family our heart- felt sympathy and oondolenoe with them in their sad bereavement," and added that the Glerk be instructed to forward the resolution to Mrs Gladstone.—Mr W. H. Lloyd seconded the proposition, which was carried in silence. THB SMOKE NUISANCE. Replying to Mr Ellwood as to the smoke nuisance from Mr Prinoe's briokworks, the Surveyor stated that the smoke was much less than formerly, and he was informed unofficially, that Mr Prince had adopted patent smoke con- sumers.-A letter was also read from Mr Prinoe in which he stated that he expected he should be able to satisfy the Council in the matter.— On the proposition of Mr Ellwood, seoonded by Mr Lloyd, it was decided by five votes to four, to adjourn the matter for a month. HEALTH COMMITTEE. The above committee elected Dr 0. S. Purdon as chairman of the committee for the ensuing year. Two oases of diphtheria were reported; one came had been removed to Chester Infirmary All necessary precautions had been taken to pre- vent the spread of the disease. PLANS. A number of plans of alterations to existing buildings and of new buildings in contemplation were on the recommendation of the Health Oomittee, passed. HIGHWAY COMMITTEE AND PUBLIC LIGHTING. Mr W. H. Lloyd was elected Chairman of this Committee for the ensuing year. An estimate was received from the Gas Company, for the lighting of the public lamps during the ensuing season, at ii 9s. Sd. per lamp. The Committee recommended the adoption of the estimate.—The Gas Company tendered to provide four new standards and gas lamps, for JE14, provided that the Council would open the ground neessary for the laying of the mains-—-The Council con- firmed the recommendation of the committee to Woept the tender, GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTTE. Mr O. Ellwood was eleoted Chairman of the above Committee for the ensuing year. The estimates were submitted for Cemetery purposes amounting to X120, a precept for which was recommended to be issued.—The Clerk was re- quested to write to the Local Government Board enquiring whether the collection of the cemetery rate could not be made by the Collector to the Council.—-The recommendations were adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE. Mr H. Hughes was elected Chairman of the above Committee. The Committee recommended that irreooverable rates to the amount of £10 15s. be allowed on account of poverty. It was stated that the cost of the recent arbitration on the drainage expenses was L71 18s. Od. and that it was the duty of the Holywell Rural Oounoil to take up the award on payment of the fees. ADOPTION OF THE NOTIFICATION OF DISEASES ACT. Mr W. H. Lloyd, in accordance with notice given, moved that the Council adopt the Infeotious Diseases Notification Act, 1889, and he pointed out the necessity there was for the adoption of the Act in the interest of the public health. Owing to the rapid advance of the town, it was essential that the authority should proteot the health of the town, and the beat means to that end was by the adoption of this particular Aot. The expense that the adoption of the Act would naturally entail, would be amply compensated by the advantage of arresting an epidemic at its inception, whereas, under the present arrangements an epidemic might be raging in the town befor thee Council as a sanitary authority would become aware of it.—Mr H. Hughes, in seoonding the resolution said the adoption of the act should not be barred on a question of expense, but adopted in the interest of human life.—Mr Edward Blane, in supporting the resolution, said it was the third time of asking for the adoption of the act. It was not on account of any want of appreciation of the value of the aot, but that the time was not opportune for the adoption of the aot, that the Council had hitherto rejected it. The Council was now well advanced in the know- ledge of its affairs, and it was now possible to adopt the act-in fact, it was their duty to protect human life, and as a sanitary authority their work was the preservation of the health of the distriot. On those grounds he supported the resolution.—Mr Ellwood asked was it not necessary to rescind the previous motion before passing the present one.—The Chairman said the previous motion was rejected by the Oounoil, consequently there was no resolution on the books to require rescinding.—Mr John Hughes opposed the resolution, and was making some remarks upon the notifying of diseases, and the fees for the same paid to medical practitioners, when. Dr. Kirkpatriok interposed with an explanation.—Mr John Hughes: That man has never been before the electors of this constitu- ency, and therefore he is not entitled to take part in the debates of this Oounoil. Whatever he has to say, should, in my opinion, be submitted in writing. Instead of that, he attends the meetings and takes patt in the debates, and, in fact, seems to have more authority than the members of this Council.- The Chairman: The debate is, Notification Act or not. Kindly stick to the question.—Mr J. Hughes: I move that we do not adopt the aot. —The Chairman That is the same as before; it is not necessary. Vote against it if you like. —Dr. Purdon said he should not vote either way, lest it might appear he did so from personal motives. At the same time, he pointed out the advantages of the act in enabling an authority to arrest an epidemio ia its initial stages, and to trace its source.—The Chairman also strongly advocated its adoption.—The resolution was carried by five votes to four, and it was decided that iho o6 oomo into operation on the 1st of August next.—Dr. Kirkpatriok, at the close of the meeting, expressed his regret that the ex- planation he had desired to make had beeu received in such a spirit. RAILWAY FACILITIES. Mr W. H. Lloyd drew attention to the railway facilities for the travelling public to and from Connah's Quay, up and down the line. It was decided to petition the Railway Company for the stoppage of trains between ten and twelve o'olook in the morning, and between half-past one and four o'olook in the afternoon. It was decided to petition for additional warehouse accommodation, goods siding and crane, at the Oonnah's Quay Station. This motion was oarried on the initiation of Mr E. Blane, seoonded by Mr Ellwood. RAILWAY OBSTRUCTION. A petition was received from ratepayers at Wepre, complaining of the obstruction of the footpath over the embankment by the Railway Company, and requesting that the Council would take steps to have the same re-opened to the public.—The matter was after eome dis- cussion, referred to the Highway Committee for investigation.



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Family Notices