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HOLYWELL PARISH COUNCIL AS A. "FREE AND EASY." NEW TITLES FOR DISTRICT COUNCILLORS. At the Board Schools. Bagillt, on Tuesday evening last, Mr Robert Foulkes (chairman of the Holywell Parish Council) p-resided over the monthly meeting of the above Council. Thfra were also present-Messra Thomas Jones, Thoa. Hughes, Walter Milnes, Walter Horrobin, Bdwin Roberta, Aaron Thcipias, John Edwards, Wtn. Davies Samuel Lloyd, Thas. Humphreys; elerk-Mr John Marsden. OBJECTING TO THE MINUTES. Mr Thomas Hughes objected to the insertion upon the minute book of a resolution relating to the appointment of a committee to investigate the charities and to attend the proposed Joint Committee. His contention was that the pro- ceedings not having been legally correct put the Council in a very awkward position if the other authorities were to turn round upon them at the inquiry. Considerable discussion ensued in which an attempt was made by several mem- bers to explain the position of affairs, and the Chairman spent some time ic going through the minute book in search of the origin of the resolution.—Mr Samuel Lloyd I more that the nrinutes stand, Mr Hughes was not at the meeting.—Mr Hughes having explained how it was he had been absent, the Chairman said he should rule the motion in order and allow it to stand.—Mr Hughes said it was illegal according to their own standing orders, as no motion could be rescinded within a period of three months, and if it was allowed on the minute book any member could attend the inquiry and object. He called attention to the fact to safe- guard the position of the Council.—The Chair- man said Mr Hufhes' quoting the standing order 41, recalled the whole circumstances. They had suspended the standing orders accord- ing to order No. 49, and therefore they were quite in order.—Mr Hughes: That won't do.- The Chairman: 0, yes it will.-Mr Hughes But where is your minute to that effect.—The Chairman Well, that is an omission.-Tlae minutes were confirmed as read on the proposi- tion of Mr Samuel Lloyd, Mr Thos. Hughes remarking he hoped the Clerk would make a note of his objection. GREENFIELD PAROCHIAL COMMITTEE. A letter was receivad from the Holywell Rural District Council, in answer to the com- munication of the Parish Council dated the 5th June, in reference to the meeting of the Green- field Parochial Committee, and asking what were the matters for the consideration of the Committee.—Mr Wm, Davies Nothing. I beg to propose that the letter lie on the table. This was agreed to. BRYNOELYN BOAD. The Clerk to the District Council also wrote stating that the matter of the road leading kom Spring Bank to the Bryncelyn-road had come up for discussion. It was decided to call the attention of their Surveyor to the statement that the road had been disturbed by him, and if such was the ease, he would ba instructed to restore it to its otiginal State. I hey, however, could net repair the road, as it was not a public one-il reply they had made upon a previous ocoasion.-The Clerk (Mr John Marsden) suid he had seen the District Council Surveyor and he told him the matter was receiving their attention. THE POLLING DISTRICTS. The Clerk said there had been a Committee meeting of the County Council with regard to the Polling Districts and places, but they were DO affected as their polling places were the same as previously. THE AUDIT. STotice had been served upon the Council by Mr B. Morgan, district auditor, that the audit would be held at the Boardroom of the Guardians at Holywell on the 29th inst. A (fLAm FOR COMPENSATION. A letter was read from Mr T. Gratton Thomas (late clerk of the Bagillt Lighting Inspectors), referring to his compensation for loss of office. —Mr T. Hughes Is not that a matter for the Lighting Committee ?-The Clerk: It has been before the Lighting Committee, and referred back to the Conncil.—Upon the proposition of Mr W. Horrobin, the Clerk was instructed to reply to Mr Thomas that the matter could not be entertained. It was remarked that Mr Thomas had been paid up to the time of the transfer. BAD FEELING BETWEEN COUNCILS.— REMARKABLE DISCUSSION. Mr William Davies proposed with regard to the letters frow the District Council, that letter (a) referring to the Bryncelyn footpath, be left te lie upon the table, and that letter (b) be acknowledged by the Clerk sending them the best thanks of the Parish Council, because they have been right for once in three years.—The Clerk: Is this the way to create better feeling ? —The Chairman: Better feeling never while the condition of things exists in Holywell as at. present.—Mr Thomas Hughes: I beg to call attention to the fact that the District Council are a superior body to ourselves. The other day I saw a big dog, a superb mastiff, going along the roati Mr W. Davies: I beg to rise to a point of order. Is there an amend- ment ?—Mr Hughes: I am speaking upon an amendment. I propose that a courteous reply be sent to the District Council.—Mr W. Davies Is it Parish bueiuess ? I don't care for dogs, Newfoundlands, thoroughbreds or pups (laughter).—Mr Hughes having had the Chairman's permission to proceed—remarked that the Council was in the lowest position of all authorities in the land.—The Chairman: Don't say that.—Mr Hughes: Very well; I was speaking upon the dog story. But what I want is for Councillor Davies to send a courteous reply, and therefore I rise to ask that such a reply be sent; it will answer the same purpose. I do not want the Council or anyone to think we are low blackguards.—The Chairman If they think we are a set of blackguards they are a set of low cut threats (hear, hear).—There being no seconder to Mr Hughes' proposition to send a courteous reply, Mr Davies' proposition wai declared carried. CANTON COP. Mr Edwin Roberta said that this was a busy time of the year, and people were com- plaining very bitterly at having to go to the other end of the village, to cross the line for the purpose of plying their occupation. He wished the Parish Council to write asking when the London and North-Western Railway Company were going to put up a foot-bridge at the Flint end. He also wanted to elect a Committee for the purpose of inspecting all the footpaths in the parish.—With regard to the first part of the proposition it was pointed out that the London and North-Western Railway were going to do the work as soon as possible, and that the verbal communications of Mr Dawson has since been confirmed ia writing to the Holywell Rurnl; District Coun6il.-Mr Roberts: Then it is the District Council who should have given us information ?-r Humphreys thought it best to send to the District Council for information on the subject, a course that was agreed to.- As a Pootpath Committee, the whole Council was appointed, but Mr Thos. Hughes intimated that he would not act. THE COUNCIL AS A "FREE AND EASY." Mr Thomas Hughes said, in accordance with his notice of motion, and inasmuch as the Council bad permitted members to smoke whilst the Council sat, it was quite as necessary that the members be permitted to take intoxicating drinks, and therefore convert the meetings into a freq and easy at once-Mr Edwin Roberts: I rise to a point of order. Is it the business of the Council ?—Mr Thomas Hughes: Or that the Council withdraw the permission to amoke.The Chairman: There was no permission given to smoke. Wo cannot take hold of big men, who like to smoke, by the necks and chuck them out. You are quite wrong.—Mr Hughes: Evidently there is an expression of animosity against ail I have to say our do on this Council. I wish all members would leave their personal feelings outside as I do, and do all for the weR being of the Parish. Now a permission to smoke was acquired by members, and you gave them that permission. —The Chairman: I did not give anyone per- mission. You state facts and no one will say anything against you.—(Cries of "No permission was given.")—Mr Hughes You remember the statement made by the member (Mr Leigh Howell). He said "I am tired, and if I shall smoke I will stay here all night." You asked -The Chairman It is now nine o'clock and I shall vacate the cbair.-Several members enterad into explanations, asserting it was more of a jest, just because a member was taking up the time of the Council.—Mr Thomas Humphreys said he should not stay there to discuss such things. There was no smoking that he knew of.—Mr T. Hughes (having eventually got permission to proceed) said that there was smoking going on, and alao a great deal of "spitting and hoching" on the part of the general public present. Now, by Act of Parliament the elementary schools were to be kept clean, and how could they be kept cleai with all the smoke and spitting, &o., at about ten and half-past ten at night. The little children came to school in the morning, and owing to the lateness of their departure there was not time for the schools to be cleaned. Then again there was the moral influence to look a. If the Chairman would withdraw- The Chairman There is nothing to withdraw. No permission was given.—Mr Hughes Well, if you do not withdraw, it will be my duty in the interest of morality and in the interest of health and of order to call the attention of the Education Department to the matter, and you will be deprived of the use of the schools.—Mr Horrobin: We cannot be deprived of the schools.—Mr Thomas Humphreys said the school cleaners were always at their work night and morning and he could vouch for the cleanliness of the schools.—The Chairman: Does anyone second Mr Hughes—("No.")— then I shall proceed with the business. A VERY VAGUE MOTION." Mr Thos. Hughes called attention to the next matter on the agenda standing in the name of Mr Edwin Roberts, To call the attention of the Council to some remarks made at the District Council on the 28th of May." He con- sidered that it was very vague, and" ought not to be entertained until the remarks were submitted for the consideration of the members.—The Chairman ruled Mr Roberts in order.—Mr Edwin Roberts said on the 28th of May a cer- tain "pop gun shooter" remarked upon the olass of people living at Bagillt would not do certain things until they were obliged, and that they ought to be summoned. He read the newspaper report and also one of June I lth.- Mr Hughes; Please restriot yourself to May 28th, as upon the agenda.—Mr Roberts appealed to the ohairman. who ruled him out of order.— Upon this ruling it was suggested that the matter be brought for consideration at the next meeting,—Mr Thomas Jones: You will not see me here; it is a waste of time to listen to such things. It is not worth while.—Mr Humphreys: I should like to be clear upon these things, as I am certain, I for one have not expressed any- thing as a District Councillor.—Permission was given to reinstate the motion to consider the remarks made upon May 28th and June 11th. If APPLYING THB GAG." The Chairman said he had a new standing order to be insulted, "That no protest or expre3sion of dissent other than the members votes should be entered upon the minutes of the Council." He proposed it with a view of doing away with personal objections, as for instanoe one by Mr Hughes at the beginning of the meetiDg.—Mr John Edwards: I second the Chairman.—Mr Hughes: I am for liberty; true liberty. The proposition is quite con- trary to the Parish Council Act, which gives to the members of Parish Councils especially the power of expressing themselves freely. If such a motion was carried he would be sorry and grieved to see the Council going backwards instead of going forwards. The minute book would eventually beoome an historical book, but if tampered with in that manner it would be a useless book instead of a true record of the proceedings.—The newstanding order was agreed to, by Dice VOt8 against one.—Mr Hughes I mutt congratulate you.—The Clerk remarked it would facilitate matters if the Council would pay attention to the standing orders.












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