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CONNAH'S QUAY PORT SANITARY AUTHORITY. A meeting of the Chester Port Sanitary Authority was held on Thursday at the Hare and Hounds Hotel, Connah's Quay. Present:—Mr William Brown, J.P. (in the chair), Dr Stolterfoth, Mr Jas. Prince (Connah's Quay), Capt. John Vickers (inspector of nuisanoes), Dr J. Humphrey Williams (medical officer of health), and Mr By. Taylor (clerk).—The Medical Offider repoit3d that he had visited the different distriots, and found the ships and ports in a good sanitary state, the ventilation of ships being very good.—The Icspector of Nuisances stated that during the quarter ending June 30th, 221 vessels had entered and left the different porti, having crews numbering 665 men.- The Clerk stated that there were acoounts owing amounting to L3 17s. 6d., while they had received JE6 17s. 6d, being the moieties of the different authorities towards salaries of the authority officials. There was a sum of JE55 lis. 3d. in hand, but when the deduotion of current expenditure was made there remained a balanoe of X28 8s. 3d. The expenditure for the quarter ending September was estimated at j630, whioh would necessitate a similar oall to last year. Neoessary repairs were being carried out to hospital at Mostyn, inoluding the renovation of a portion of the interior, which it was estimated would entail an expenditure of JE20. The aocounts had been duly audited and passed.—Mr Prince stated had he been present at last meeting he would have volunteered to attend the congress to be held at Leeds dealing with port sanitary matters.—The Chairman, who had been appointed a delegate to attend the congress, expressed the hope that Mr Prinoe would be substituted for him eventually.— Mr Prinoe was appointed to attend the oongress, together with the chairman.—The Clerk stated that an inquiry was held at Chester on May 13th to make fresh apportionment respecting their authority, which was necessary on aocount of Oonnah's Quay receiving urban powers.—Dr Reece was appointed by the Local Government Board to attend and I reoeive all the information possible, and there were present at the enquiry representatives of the different authorities interested, but the report of the Local Government Board had not yet come to hand. -On the proposition of Dr Stolterfoth, seconded by Mr J. Prinoe, Capt. J. Yiokers was reappointed inspector of nuisanoes. URBAN OOUNOIL MEETING. The monthly meeting of the above Council was held at the Central Buildings, on Wednesday evening, when there were present: Metsrs J. T. Humphreys (chairman), Oliver Ellwood, W. H. Lloyd, Edw. Blane, John Coppaok, John Hughes, Hugh Hughes and Dr Pardon. Clerk—Mr T. W. Hughes. THB ADDBBSS TO TBB QUBEN. The draft of the congratulatory address drawn out by the Chairman and the Clerk by direction of the Oounoil, and forwarded to her Majesty the Queen, was read, also an acknowledgment of the receipt of the same. HIGHWAY AND LIGHTING. The Highway and Lighting Committee had under consideration the repair of the gas lamps for the ensuing season, and decided it be done by ooctraot, and tenders be invited. It was decided to obtain tenders for the prioe of lighting per lamp from the Connah's Quay and District Gas and Water Co.— Several highway matters were dealt with by the Committee.—The minutes of the oommittee were oonfirmed. HEALTH COMJKTTBB. The Health Committee approved of plans of several houses proposed to be ereoted, and ordered the production of plans of cottages, which were in course of erection at the brickworks.-It was stated by the Olerk that he had written to Mr John Williams, who was converting workshops into workmen's dwellings, and plans of the cottages had beed submitted, and were in the hands of the Surveyor, and would be submitted to the next meeting of the Oommittee.—A complaint of the keeping of pigs within the prescribed distance of dwelling houses was made, and the same ordered to be remedied. GENERAL PTOPOSBS COMMITTEE. The above oommitte inspected the footpaths leading to and along the river side, and from enquiries found that they had been in existence for a number of years and that the public had a right of way. The Clerk was directed to request Mr Cartwright to have the notice boards removed. The matter was further deferred.-The Committee appointed a sub-committee to report upon the state of the Cemetery. FINANCIAL. The Finance Oommittee recommended the payment of a number of aooounta, including j63 lis. eleotion expenses for the casual vaoanoy. APPOINTMENT. On the motion of Mr J. Coppaok, Mr O. Ellwood was appointed a member of the Highway, Health, and Finance Committees. THE ASSISTANT OVERSEERSHIP. The Clerk intimated that he had reoeived com- munications from the Local Government Board conferring on the Counoil the powers of the appoint- ment and revocation of Assistant Overseers.—Mr J. Coppaok Now we have the power, I propose that Mr W. E. Hughes, the collector, be appointed Assistant Overseer.—The Clerk You cannot do it. -Mr Coppaok According to the letter I have had from the Local Government Board we can elect one of our own choosing.—The Chairman: I suppose we must take the Clerk's ruling on that point.—Mr Coppaok: I am quite willing, but at the same time I don't think from the letter I had that we are forced to accept any particular person.—The Clerk: The present offioer was appointed before the Act came into force.—Mr Blane: You would have to com- pensate any officer for loss of office.-The Chairman: Do you accept the ruling ?—Mr Coppack: Yes, but this letter informs me we can remove the offioer and appoint our own.—The Clerk: I have had copies of the oorrespondenoe and I do not read it in that way. -Mr Ellwood: It is not a life appointment.—The Chairman: Would it not be better to let the matter stand over in view of the explanation we have bad? —The subject then dropped. THE DBAINAGB DEBT.—ALLEGED TJNFAIB SUPPBBSSION OF LETTEBS. Mr J. Hughes asked had any communication been received from the Holywell Rural District Council with reference to the claim against the Counoil for drainage expenses, and which had been referred back to the Rural District Council ?-The Clerk replied no communication whatever had been received from the Clerk to the Rural District Counoil or from tho Looal Government Board. He may tay, hQWeWj that he bad every reason to believe thai the Holywell District Council had discussed the matter onoe or twice at their meetings, and had received correspondence on the mattar either from the Local Government Board or other persoas. He was afraid that the Press, in the present case, bad really suppressed the discussion that had taken place. He considered that was unfair, and reflected upon the vaunted "freedom of the Press" of the present day. Why it should have bean suppressed he could not say. He knew that whatever took plaoe at their (the Connah's Quay) Council was fully reported and he did not see why the Holywell Rural Council should interfere with the liberties of the Press (hear, bear),—Mr J. Hughes: I quite agree with the Clerk; any discussion in regard to the drainage olaim should have been published.—Mr E. Blane: Holywell people were not afraid to Bend us the claim and I don't see why they should be afraid to let us hear what they have to say (hear, hear).





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