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LAMBERT'S FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, f HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. :0:- WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. :0:- POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. :0:- HEARSE AND MOURNING CARRIAGES AT REASONABLE RATES. :o; ——— OMNIBTJSES MEET ALL TRAINS. -:0: London and North-Western Railway Parcels Agent. BNGLI8H-THE BE8Ti BENSON'S IS HATCHES. Guaranteed for Accuracy, Durability, Strength, and Value. Thousands of Testimonial.-? have been reecu'i. BENSOM'S BEM BO N'S 61 English Level1 Heylssa ]E3zis £ Iisli Lover "LUDGATE" WATCH"BANK" WATCH. IN USE ALL THE WOULD OVER. JN ;;JIRER CA>-S. In Silver Cases. In Silver Cases In 18-ct. Guli Case, of Jnwellery,;oilt on receipt of i Illustrat,,d Post Free. A 0.1, D 117,k'f'CT All Goods will bo Exchanged. Cheapest, Strongest and most Durable London! A good Knockabout- "Watch for rough wear at a made THREE-QUARTER PLATE ever sold. low price. BrPt London made, Three-Quarter Plate An Lovor, Jowelled with 13 Iiubies, Ohrono- Lever. 1.1'e, Chronometer Balance, Jewelled meter Balance, Patent Large Barrel, and l)amp and in Rubies, Strong Keyless Action. Dust Proof Ring Band. Price 25 5s. An Exact Timekeeper, and better value than any Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength Keyless Watch sold for £ 10. and value of, any £ 5 5s. ^Vatch mado. Ln Sterling PrieojG1^ in Fxtra Strength Sterling Silver Orvstal Bilver Cases, with Strong Crystal Glas^. riV^r-fi' ^rennn, slenmg ouvor> oryBW1 Made in Four Sizes at one Price, £ 5 5s.No. 1, „„„„ Gentlemen & Youths (as illustrated.); Ka '1. Working |3ENS01i S ENGAGEMENT RINGS, m Half- Hen; No. 3, Railway Men and Miners No. •} La ties. Hoop. Marquise, Gipsev and all other designs, In massive 18-et. Gold Cases, with Crvstid Glass sat with Brilliants, Rubies, Emeralds, Pearls, Sap- Gentlemen's size, C12 12s. Lady's size, £ 10 10s. piiires, Opals, Turquoise, &c., &c., or in plain gold. ALL WATCHES AND JEWELLERY s!-Tit T'.t fr p. and at my risk, to all parts of tie World on receipt of Draft. Cash, or P.O.O., payahle at G.P O. SEND FOR BENSONS BOOK of WATCHES from £ 2 2. to £ 500. CLOCKS, CHAINS, ENGAGEMENT RINGS, BROOOHES, PLATE, Jko. S,-it fosi free on application to JW o WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER TO • We OUJK, II.BI. T:i2 QUEEN and ROYAL FAMILY. Steam Factory: 62 Sc S4Sr, isIIJL.I-, And 28, ROYAL EXHA.NG-E. E.G., end 2->, OL.*D B )XD STR-EET, W., LONDON. WATCH, &c., CLUBS.-Applications for agencies Invited. Easy system, no risk. OURB ZFOIR, ALL I I ,,HOLLOW "cr r- Is the most reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, SORES, ULCERS, and OLD WOUNDS. For Colds, Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, Contracted and Stiff Joints, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street, London, k And Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. W.I.-Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, b2-"n the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. A. SCIIWA-RZI CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, WHITFORI> STREET, HO] YWELL BEG3 to announce that after the ENLARGE MENT OF HIS PREMISES, lie has been eaabledto greatlyincrease hisStock. ALL KINDS OF JEWELLER KE Pl IN STOCK rCIOtRs and WatchesofalLUscrtpttonstn hann HANDSOME SELEC,RION OF JOLIBOT.RO-JPLATED ARTICLES REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF: Guinea Gold Wedding and Keeper RIngs. A present given with each ring bought. A privateroom to select in. r FKFTW DEALBB IN BOOKING CLASSES AND BAROMETERS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in great variety. I'FUVATH I ^^SUMFEOM £ 5x0 £ 1000 I STBIOTLT ADVANCES. I ,7°™*°*°0N E™ap' PBIVATK I TONALLY EASY TBEMS. | ADVANOBS. MRS. D.-B ohe9terad' XT AVINO a Large A TT Ji Capital is wishful to Lenda Uninvested £ 5 to £ 1000 to any RespectableKo'n iwT ° Female) on their own fer8°n (Male or NOTE OF HAND without delay, law costs, or any i Mportine'llinquiriei; at interest highly beneficial to Borrower, and on Deeds. FROM 5 PER CENT. TEREST. This advertisement being from a strictly private ■ontce, haMtual borro vera ar-rnnf apply. ohiS1° hPP'l'oat.ion is ever ■••jt *■' 1 ">«■ no n S ffeQt!'1fnan being sent direct from the uffioe tho ActualULp,!1i adva*1^3- Apply in confidence to MRS N »IER- 16. Cart KOAB, Chbstbe ( ".&t to R01&1ty Thestrc). V BREAKFAST—SUTPmL p p s s r GBATEPTTZr—OOKTOBTnrd. COCOA E ADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIO pILLS. SUFFERED AGONY FOR THIRTY YEARS, TjMDE'S pILLS. 30, Randal Street, Bridge Reai J-i Battersea, B.W., T? ADB'S 'DILLS. January 27th, 189t. Bear Sir,—I feel it my duty TRADE S IJILLS. to write and give you great nraise for introducing su«h a valuable medicine as your Gout Pills. Having SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONY FOR 30 YEARS. I can truly say I have never had anything to relive my pain so quickly as your Pills. I used to lay in bed for tw or three months at a time, but now I not only got relie rLOUT in a few hours but am able t VT work in less than a week. M RHEUMATISM, comp'aint is the worst of a H' Gouts, called Chalk Gout.— C\ OUT Yours truly U- "W. LITTLE JOHN: RHBUMATISM. „ „ „ "Mr. G.Eade." E ADE's GOUT & JjHEUMATIG pILLS Prepared only bv George Eade 72,Goswell-road London, E,C. Soldbv allChemintsin Bottles,1 s. lid. and 2a. 9d. EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS E I IR THE BEST MEDICINE FOR BILE. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND, THE BEST MEDICINE FOR INDIGESTION. is E ADE'S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. They quicklyremovethe irritation and feverish state e the STOMACH, correct the morbid condition of the MVRB, relieve the system of allimpurities, which, by circulating in the blood, injuriously affect the action of the KIDNEYS, and bY removing the cauaes of so much discomfort,restere he vital energies of body and mind. EADE'S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. mailed fVop^IiChemists, in Boxes, Is: I Jd. and 2s, 9d,; or by GEOEGE EADE EADE S A NTIBILIOUS p TLLS. KING'S HEAD HOTEL, V MOLT EL L -:0: vz- THE LEADING FAMILY & COMMfeMAl HOTEL, I < HAS BEEN RE-FURNIHED t'\ND TARIFF REVISED. o:— > ■ HEADQUARTERS OF THIS CYCLIST'S UNION. o:t. TH^EHOTEL OMNIBUS MEETS THE TWAINS AT HOLYWELL STATION -L L ARE INVALUABLE TO ALL 9H N B N* B** B B tsa Bt N B E' Br'* S'UFFERERS FROM INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS, SPASMS, ■ SICK HEADACHE, LIVER ^^PLAIKT, &G. 9 ION 1 I VjWV Rip CKEKBSTS, 1/1J & 2/9. ■ 2 ) POST FREE, for Price, from PAGR. fl/OODCOCK, LINCOLN. r j j. 'Ãs readable as a fairy tale." DAILY NEWS. NEW SERIAL ISSUE just commenced, in MONTHLY PARTS, price 6d., of The Story of Our Planet. By Prof. T. G. BONNEY, D.SC., LL.D., F.R.S., F.S.A., 1*G.S. With Coloured Plates and Maps, and numerous Illustrations. (To be com- pleted in 12 Parts.) w •* lift, =SL g Another extraordinary Gift to the Readers of CASS ELL'S MAGAZINE. IMPORTANT NOTICE. With the JUNE PART of 0 Gassell's Magazine (Ready May 25, price 6d.), commencing the New Volume, will be presented A Bealltiful Album of PiQiisres By FRANK DICKSEE, R.A., Consisting of Reproductions of this Artist's Cele- brated Drawings executed for" Romeo and Juliet." This Fine Art Allium will be uniform with the Character Sketches from Dickens, by FREDERICK BARNRRD, which proved so attractive a feature of the First Part of the t nlarged Series. .:== -=- igjflzsm* PRIZES to be Presented to Readers of L /TTLE FOLKS. A prdlminctry nof ice a/ p('ft rs in Little Polks for May, price 6Y/. MESSRS. CA^SELL & COMPANY will publish in 5 Farts, is. er.C'l, or in One Volume, handsomely btamd in Cloth, 7s. 6d., Royal Academy Pictures, 1897. PART 1 ready early in May, and the remaining Parts as scon thereafter as practicable. BO A Tj A CA n I M r PICTURKS forms the most perfect repreM ntatinn of the Academy ever placed within reach of the public. Not only is the best work of the year in painting and sculpture represented in the pnges of this unique Fine Art Work, but the upon which the pictures are produced, and thd manner in which they are rendered, give an idea of the originals such as can be gained from no other source. -< :=- Cheap E<li'ion na'ly shortly, price QO. THE v' Queen's Pictures. Iflustra!'nr the chief events of Her Majesty's Life (reproduced by Her Majesty's special permis- sion), with Descriptive Notes by RICHARD R. HOLMES, Esq., F.S.A., Librarian at Windsor Castle. Gasseii's Magazines* The Quiver. MONTHLY, fld. MONTHLY, 'IS. 4d. The Magazine of Art. WEEKLY, Id.; MONTHLY, 6d. Cassell's Saturday Journal. WEEKLY, Id.; MONTHLY, 6d. CHUMS: The Paper for Boys. WEEKLY, ld.: MONTHLY, fid. WORK: for all Mechanics. WEEKLY, Id.; MONTHLY, 6d. Building World. Cassell's Classified Catalogue, containing particulars of upwards of ONE THOUSAND VOLUMBS published by Messrs. CASSELL & COMPANY, ranging IN price from Threepence to Fifty Guineas, will be sent on request, posffrte, io any addrtss. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, Ludgate Hill, London, "1 —fr= ALFRED MAYERS, 8, MILFORD STREET, MOLD. BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER t A GOOD t MISSION ia that which has for its object a desire to afford relief to those suffering from NERVOUS TROUBLES, EXHAUSTION, DEBILITY; LIVER OR KIDNEY AFTECNOM, and all complaints of a weakening nature. l' I have teen restored to health, after many years' suffering, and will now gladly send the prescription which cured mo free to any sufferer forwarding aa addressed envelope. I send it with every confidence, knowing its virtue. V Name thia ? paper: ADDRESS W. H. BROWN, 14 CHKSHAM ROAD, BRIGHTON, SUSSEX. V ^eiikateii hLi permission to ittajtsig « CSttEEit Hitiorta. ifisSRS. CASSELL & COMPANY have pleasure in announcing the publication, t. In Monthly Paris, price 6d., of a new and important work of unique character and interest, under the title of The Queen's < j Empire. ,I.h.¡,t¡Q-C=t.:j- A pictorial recor- l in which the modes of govermnesit, rational institutions, forms of worship, methods of travel, shorts, recreaticns, occupations and home life of the inhabitants of the British Empire will be fithfully and vividly portrayed by me^ns of RTISTIC REPRODUCTIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS, large number of v/hich have been made socially for this work. ESSRS. CASSELL & COMPANY have been c engaged for several years in collecting the ppterials for The Queen's empire, which they intend tbt only as a f¡t"in nicmoiial of the sixtieth year of HOT Majesty's reign over her world-wide Empire, bit as a record of the condition of that Empire and I ilfpeoples of unequalled value and interest. fit is impossible in t^e limits of this announcement testate all the features of The Queen's Empire, each Monthly Part of which will consist of twenty-four l £ &c pho'ographic views, reproduced in the best style ft, and accompanied by suitable descriptive letter- {^»s from the pen of Jf: aa eminent writer and politician. pur-ose of the Publishers !tas been to bring tqfcher in the mfst sinking form a coilection of pnotographic j'ictures which will represent with al&olute acct'.ra<y |. the condition cf the British Empire at$e present moment. Th se have bee. gi06ere.i from all parts of the F.mpire, including the niMiemot>a and Ion Jy spots over \vh:rh the Royal Si^idarJ wives, and togetr.er they form a compre- hensive pic'oiial rceo d n. t In r ]y of the scenery, thj-.pub'ic build'ngs, an i the cities o! the Empire, the habits and modrs cf life ,( of^,people °f alf nationalities who own the sway 'grnc;"us ty. §Qaee;«'s Empire v ill l>e not.only a comprehen Lit ■" S) ,-te ..niic wo-k. Dealing w ith all those ( oi the n li'innl lile, here n d abroad, which eapMc o! being represented by art, it will present a panoramic view of the life of the Empire & s has never been attempt^ before. .ât' GARNER AND SON, HOLYWELL. :o ST. WINEFRIDE'S WELSH FLANNEL t." • IN .J WHITE, CREAM, 8 C A R L E T NATURAL AND CORAL. -— :0:- PRICES FROM 5tn. TO 2s. PER YARD. For Charitable and Household purposes. -:0:- PATTERNS POST FREE ON APPLICATION; RAGGETT'S NOURISHING STOUT GEoRGE RAGGETT AND SONS, LONDON. jo: by majority of the Medical Profession throughout the kf su^nlv trH^M7- mfaU^ CrtUlaQtal Phy8lciana. «« the finest procurable, and its supply to Her Majesty the Queen is m itself eminent testimony of its quality. -:0:- RAGGETT'S NOURISHING STOUT AS SUPPLIED TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Its reputation has been maintained by a due regard to Quality, which is considered of greater benefit to the consumer than tho use of inferior goods at a less cost. • :o: IMITATION OF TRADE TITLE. oUWptonW Crr„fdvS;'low 'uZiy.NOnRmiINO » >*>">8 °° ">e Ut»U J I3,,1°t^de.<1, ik is absolutely necessary to see that the as the^fgnfture m red' app6arS Up0Q M as the signature. t' .tJ.t. Extract from a letter from the Purveyors to Her Majesty the Queen, Balmoral. "Her Majesty the Queen withes for RAGGETT'S NOUBISHINO Srour may we aik you to lead us a Case by St^aaier leaving L^nlon for Aberdeen on Wednesday Dflxt." -.0:- Sole Consignees and Bottling Agents for FLINTSHIRE AND DENBIGHSBIRE- BIRD AND SON WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PANTASAPH, Near HOLYWELL N.W. -:0:- Raggett's Nourishing Sout and Golden Hop Pale Ale. HALF-riNTs 2s. (3d. PKB DOZEN. :o: N.B. Deitveties byCai-I within 6 miles, and Carriage of 6 dozen Case, paid by Rail PROCTOR&RYLAND-'S- PREPARED BONE MANURES, PREPARED BONE4 MANURES9 FOR ROOTS, CORN AND GRASS; ALSO, SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. -:0:- OFFICES:-CARR'S LANE, BIRMINGHAM. WORKS SALTNEY, CHESTER :0:- Revised List, with particulars of Prizes for Roots offered in 1897, post free. AGENTS: — Mr Robert Richards, Pensarn,#Llanbedr. I Mr W. Griffiths, Crosf Keys Chirk. Mr J. J. Bancroft, Glasfyrn, Ruthin. Mr William P. Jones, Ironmonger, Mold. Mr Godfrey Parry, Car rog, or wen. Mr Thos. Boff.-y, Brereton, Sandbach. Mr Joseph Lloyd, Miller, St. Asaph. t S WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. A PI,LLS WS FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDER SUCH AS SICK HEADACHE. WEAK STOMACH IMPAIRED DIGESTION. CONSTIPATION. LIVER COMPLAINT AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Beecham's Cough Pills For COUGHS ASTHMA, and a CHEST AFFECTIONS. Tin Boxes, old., Is. qd., and 2s, 9d.eaeK Beecham's Tooth Paste, EFFICACIOUS, ECONOMICAL, CLEANSES THE TEETH, PERFUMES the BREATH In Collapsible Tubes, is. eacb. Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECLIAN, St. Helens, Lancasbiie OLD BY ALL DBUGOIST8 AND PATENT MaDICINB DEALERS EVEBYWHERE. I 1\ f O N EY LENT PRIVATELY by th« IfX CHARING-CROSS BANK (Registered 18, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARING CROSS LONDON. ESTABLISHED, 1870. Assets £ 512,475 18 2 Liabilities 209,175 18 2 Capital and Reserve. £ 303,000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Not. as follows:- Advance £ 25—12 monthlj repayment* of £ 2 11 « 50 «« «« 4 11 8 100 9 3 4 Larger amounttthe saraein proportion. LOANS of 130 to dE2,000 granted at a few hour'gDoticf in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, &c., without removal. and to assist persona into business; also on deeds, policies, and REVMWMA, at 5 per cent, for one month to 14 TeafB' ^"1 no objec*. Easy repayments Strictly private. Call or write. NOTICE. -Before applying you^retreating with AN old established (1870) safe and bona fide Bank. Having large capual we do business cheaper than others. No good loan ever R T WO- A ND A HALF PER CENT. INTERE8T allowed on the minimum monthly balances of CUR. RENT ACCOUNTS when not drawn below i20 Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received at 3 per cent, per annum payable at 14 dayf* notice. SobjecttoS months'notir<ofwithdra< a! fipereetb 6 ft co 12 «« 6 Interesi paid quarterly free from^Income Tax Depositora have no liability whatever, and are amply stcured. Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, Manage