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JAM E SAY E R, GENERAL DRAPER AND OUTFITTER, VICTORIA HOUSE, HIGH S1REET, HOLYWELL. -10:- HIGH-CLASS MILLINERY A SPECIALITY. -¡o:- rør An inspection of the large and varied general Stock is respectfully invited. RICHARD JONES, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, AND GENERAL FUNERAL UNDERTAKER. ——:o: ———— RESIDENCE BLODWEN VILLA, BRYNFURD ROAD, HOLYWELL. BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS AND WORKSHOPS HOLYWELL-CROSS ROAD YARD; BAGILLT-PENTRE BUILDING YARD. SPECIAL, NOTICE. Funerals completely furnished and personally superintended. Vaults and Brick Graves neatly built. Coffins of all descriptions promptly supplied. Wreaths, Shades, Tablets, Crosses, &c., in stock. Plans, Specifications and Estimates prepared for all kinds of Buildings, including Drains and Sanitary matters generally. :0:- JOBBING WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. :0:- All orders at Bagillt will be immediately attended to by Ms. ARTsun JONBB, Gadlya Road Farm, Bsgillt. SAMUEL MORRIS, PLUMBER, GLAZIER, PAINTER, AND PAPERHANGER, GAS AND HOT WATER ENGINEER, BELL HANGER, WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. Water Closets, Cisterns, Water Supplies, Baths, and every description of Plumber's Work, fixed in the best manner, on the shortest notice. ALL SANITARY WORK CARRIED OUT WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. All work attended to personally. Estimates given. ST. WINEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE-English; French; German; Drawing; Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Music (Vocal and Instrumental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- ams in Music, &c. WBBKLY BOARDERS RECEIVED. Corporation of the City of Manchester. CONCENTRATED MANURE Made from Slaughter-House and Market Refused Excrement from Pail Closet-,4, BLOOD, BONES, FISH, &c., Delivered in bags, carriage paid, in 2 Ton lots within 60 milea and 4 Ton lots within 100 miles, at per Ton. Special price over 100 miles. Supply strictly limited. Orders should be given early in the season to prevent disappointment. Full particulars from R. D. CALLISON, Indoor Superintendent, Cleansing Department, Town Hall, Manchester. Or to- XB. BOLD ALDRED, Altrincbam, Manchester, JOHN JAMES HUGHES, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, BEGS to announcethat behassucceededto the basinessso longcsarried on by hie late Fathert John Hughes, at the above premises, and trust, that by prompt attention and moderate charges, combined with good workmanship, to merit a oontinuance of publicsupport. THE HOME-MADE DEPARTMENT Willoontinue to be a special feature of fchebusiness andgreatoarewillbe exercised to ensure the best materials only being used. STRONG BOOTS The best and cheapest Home-made Beotsin the Market. WOMEN AND MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES OF BVBBY DBSOBIPTION KBPT IN STOCK. YOTJTHB AND CIIILDRENIS BOOTS AND SLIPPEB OF BVERY VABIBTY OBDBBS PBOMPTLY ATTKNDHD TO. Repair sneatlyexecuted (JRRIFFITH JONES, BILL POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, UPPER SUMMER HILL, HOLYWELL The best Posting Stations in the District. All orders promptly and thoroughly carried out. c t%A I LIVI iG RAT ION, T 11" ALL THOSE: WHO DESIRE INFORMATION ABOUT The ABrricultupAl iiesourreH of Canarta., the SSrtEm't Territories, and British c2ftmbia, and of the «oid Fields in Ontario ar<! British Columbia, SHOULD wr'« jo ALLAN BROTHERS, 19, James Street, LIVERPOOL, FOR THEIR HANDBOOK AND PAM- PHLKTS, WHICH ARE SENT FREK. Makes Boots and Harness « waterproof es a duok's back I and soft as velvet. Adds I IVI B a** three times to the wear and ppwl 1 allows polishing. COLD MEDAL 19 EXHIBITION ■ 1 • HIGHEST AWARDS. I ll IIImIII Tins 2d, 6d, Is, and 2s. 6d, UlbJIvll I °f Bootmakers, Saddlers, Leathersellcrs, &c. Leatliersellers, &e,. MONEY Y,5 to Y,12000 MONEY A RETIRED GENTLEMEN" hating a LARGE SUM OF MONEY at his disposal is willing to dvanoe the same AT LESS INTEREST THAN ANY LOAN OFFICE IN ENGLAND to all espectable Householders, Tradespeople and others. Diastance no object. No Fees. No Bondsmen. Special Inducements to Farmers. All Transactions strictly private. Terms to suit everybody. Apply and be convinced, or write to- W; WHITE, 2, North Terrace, Newtown, RHYL, CONNAH'S QUAY. GOOD WIRE-CUT BUILDING BRICKS ALSO, PRESS BRICKS. APPLY TO JAMES PRINCE, BRIOK WORKS, CONNAH'S QUAY. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. CLARKE'S WOULD" BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED (CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. J FAMBD CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMBD CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER rjiHE GREAT ^ttOD PURIFIER. HP HE BLOOD Th^Bood is the source from which our systems are built up, and from which we rpHE BliOOD derive our mental as well as our physical -*■ capabilities. If the blood is diseased the rpHE BLOOD body is diseased and enfeebled. rpHE BLOOD Clarke's Blood Mixture is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities, rriHE BLOOD from whatever cause arising. In cases of -1 Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin rpHE BLOOD and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds its effects are marvellous. rpHE BLOOD Thousands of wonderful cures have been A effected by it. rpHE BLOOD A "Langley, Wiveliscombe, Somerset. O^HE BLOOD 23rd July, 1896." A Dear 6irs,—I beg to testify to the rpHE BLOOD efficacy of Clarke's Blood Mixture. For A some considerable time I was suffering rpHE BLOOD very badly from Eczema, the pain and J irritation at night being something dread- rpHE BLOOD ful. My neck was so bad I could not wear a collar. When first it came on I rpHE BLOOD attended a doctor; he gave me ointment, A lotion, and medicine, but all to no purpose, npHE BLOOD for I gradually got worse. I was reading A about a cure effected by Clarke's Blood rpHE BLOOD Mix ure, and thought I would try a bottle, A but with very litt e faith. After I had rpHE BLOOD one bottle the sores began to dry up and disappear, and when I had taken three rpiIE BLOOD bottles, 2s 9d. size, I was completely cured. I shall always recommend it to »T»HE BLOOD anyone I know suffering from A disease, as it is really a marvellous thing. rpHE BLOOD and deserves recommendation All I can A say is, that I am truly grateful for my THE BLOOD recovery,—I remain, yours faithfully, rpHE BLOOD "ALBERT TABLING." rpHE BLOOD I tried your Clarke's Blood Mixture -*■ for pimples, with which I have been much rpHE BLOOD troubled as far back as I can remember. A After I had taken six bottles there was rpHE BLOOD not a spot left on my face, and I am glad a to say the improvement has been kept rPHE BLOOD up since in addition to that my general health has much improved, and I feel THE BLOOD truly grateful to you for this splendid medicine.-Remaining, gentlemen, yours rpHE BLOOD faithfully, A "J. C. WATERHOU8E." f"pHE BLOOD •'Moorlands, Hampton Road, Teddington 6th September, 1894. rpHE BLOOD A THOUSANDS OP TESTIMONIALS. rpHE BLOOD For cleansing and clearing the blood THE BLOOD from all impurities, Clarke's Blood Mixture cannot be too highly recom- rpHE BLOOD mended. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, THE BLOOD and warranted free from anything injuri- ous to the most delicate constitution of rpHE BLOOD either sex, from infancy to old age, the A proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a rpHE BLOOD trial to test its value. rpHE BLOOD Sold in bottles 2s. 9d. each by all A Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors rpHE BLOOD throughout the World, or sent to any A address on receipt of 33 stamps by the rPHE BLOOD Proprietors, the Lincoln and Midland A Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMKD (CLARKE'S WORLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. c FAMED f^LARKE'S WORLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. It-) FAMED piLARKE'S WORLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. c FAMED WH £ N you ASK for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE don't be put off with some- thing else. Many retailers stock substitutes for all articles in large demand, and pay their assistants a commission on the sale of these imitations. This explains why different articles from the one asked for are 80 frequently rut before purchasers. DAVIES AND Co. BEG TO ANNOUNCH THAT THB NBW STOOX OF ART PUBLICATIONS IN BOOKLETS, LEAFLETS, AND CHILDREN'S TOY BOOKS. NEWEST GAMES AND NO VELTIES. PRETTILY BOUND STORY BOOKS AT ALL PBICES, BUITABLB FOB NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARDS. A OBOICB SELECTION OF Sunday School Illuminated Reward Gards. STOCK OF NIOELY BOUND PRAYERS AND HYMNS. HANDSOME Pocket and Presentation Bibles. NEW BOOKSI NEW B 0 0 K S I I CONDENSED CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS NOW IN STOCK AT THB "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. At Ss. 6d. In the Rooky Mountains Cruden's Concordance At 2s. 6d. Adventurous Boat Voyages Aiming Higher Arabian Nights Debtor and Creditor Helen's Babies Habits and Characteristics of Animals King of the Conjurors Lorimer Littlegood Little Mr Bouncer Making Haste to be Rich Manse Gal den Military Heroes of England Martin Rattler True to the Last The Country of the Dwarfs The Study of the Bible The Story of the Peninsular Wat Tfcfee Years in a Man Trap Robinson Crusoe Rising in the World Shakespeare Prince Charlie Parlour Pastimes Will Adams Milton's Poetioal Works Living for Appearanoes Take my Advice At 2s. Notable Workers in Humble Life 1 Arohie Digby Lost in tho Wilds of Canada Seed Time and Harvest Defoe's Journal of the Plague Scott's Poetical Works Confessions of a Horse Dealer Pilgrim's Progress Anecdotes of Birds, &o. Dr. Livingstone David Copperfield Dombey and Son Fifteen Months Among Kaffirs Heroes of the Battlefield Kenilworth Last Days of Pompei Mr Midshipman Easy The Cure of Baieson Retribution £ 200 Reward Robinson Crusoe Ministering Angel Oliver Twist Three Boots 1s. 6d. Sir Walter Raleigh Breakers Ahead Geological Gossip Goldeu Treasury Etching Words for the Weary Is. Geordie Stuart No Gains Without Pains Tom Cringle's Log Bewitohed Lamp Caught at Last REMARKABLE BARGAINS II A large Stock of beautifully bound STANDARD WORKS and NOVELS, AT Hid. each, 2 ORDINARY SELLING PRICE, 28. 0d. And numerous other Books to seleot from. COLOURED TOY BOOXS. J SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARDS,) &o., &a., at the OBSERVER OFFICE, HOLYWELL. TO BE LET—A BEERHOUSE, in Bagillt; also a fully-licensed PUBLICHOUSE, i» Flint.—Apply to KBLSTBBTON BRI WRBT 00. LD. HIGH S T IR. IE 2=5 T (Opposite the Kings Head Hotel), HOLYWELL. ESTABLISHED, 1866. W. OWEN (Successor to D. Williams), FAMILY B VTCHER MEAT (Prime Quality only), FRESH DAILY. A LARGE STOCK OF HOME-CURED HAMb AND BACON IN GRAND CONDITION. All Orders receive prompt and careful attention Sales by Mr. William Freeman. j GLANIP,AVON VILLA.), HALKIN STREET, FLINT. Valuable Stacks of Clover and Rye-Grass Hay, Alexandra Drag, Pony Oart, Harness, Chaff- Cutters, various Outside Effects, and a portion of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, to be Sold by PUBLIC AUOfION, on the above- named Premises, by Mil. WM. FREEMAN WHO is favoured with instructions from Mr. Y* WM. MINSHULL (who is ohanging his resi- dence to Rhyl, for the benefit of health), to dispose of on MONDAY, THB 26TH DAY OF APRIL, 1897, Two exceedingly well-harvested stacks of (ten to twelve tons each) first and seoond crops of clover, I rye grass and trefoil hay, a part staok of same, about 30 owt., six and a half oouple youualbole. two promising strong store pigs, useful I pony cart, with sideboards and thrippers, a well- made Alexandra drag, for oob, about 13l hands, complete, set of plated harness, two hand ohaff- cutters, twenty-one round ladder, various step- ladders, wheelbarrow, water tubs, a three-year-old black retriever house dog, ohain and kennel, gents' nearly new riding saddle, sundry tools,. garden frame, 8co. THS HOUSEHOLD FUENITUBB, OOMPBISES-A nearly new bookcase, with glazed doors, painted dresser, with drawers, a neat walnut suite, consisting of couch, four single and two easy chairs, spring seated in Utrecht velvet, corner whatnot, coal boxes, a birch hair* tester bedstead, with hangings and palliassee, three brass-mounted iron bedsteads and palliasses, stained toilet drawers and washstand, towel rail, dressing glass, hanging wardrobe, clothes chest, various pictures, and other miscellaneous effects, to be viewed on day of Sale. SALE TO COMMBNOB AT THBBB O'CLOCK P.M. Auction Office:- Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. Sale by Mr. Geo. N. Dixon. VALUABLE PROPERTY NEAR FLINT Two Milas from "Flint Railway Station. By Order e Trustees of the Will of Miss ANN A-01 ROBBBTS, deceased. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY MR. GEO. N. DIXON ON WEDNESDAY, THE 28TH APRIL, 1897, AT Two o'clook in the afternoon, at the CROSS FOXES HOTEL, FLINT, (subject to suoh conditions of sale as shall be then and there produoed) LOT 1. THE MESSUAGE AND FARM BUILDINGS, known by the name of Waen-y- balls," with the fields known by the names of Cae Qanol," "Y r Aoar," Cae Salisbury," "ErwViad," Rofft-y-wern," and Rofft-y«Pentre," contain- ing 11 aores, 1 rood and 9 perches, or thereabouts and also the field called Rofft-y-mynydd," con- taining 3 roods and 28 perohes, or thereabouts and also the field called Rofft-y-worn," containing I rood and 30 perohes, or thereabouts. The said messuage, fields, and premises, are now in the occupation of Mr Charles Lloyd, as a yearly tenant at the Rent of E40 a year. LOT 2.—THE CROFT OR PARCEL OF LAND (near to lot 1) known by the name of 11 Croft-y- castell," containing 1 acre and 10 perohes, or there- abouts, and the Allotment marked 54 in the award of the Commissioners, containing 25 perches, or thereabouts, together with the Throe Cottages erected upon the latter pieoe of land, and in the respective occupations of William Ellis, at Is. 7d. per week, Jane Bellis, at Is. 3d. per week, and Albert Reed, at 2s. lid. per week. LOT 3.-A PIECE OF LAND containing 1 rood and 20 perohes, or thereabouts, (near to lot 1) with the Three Cottages erected thereupon, and in the respective occupations of Josiah Garner, at Is. 4d. per week, John Williams, at Is. 2d. per week, and John Owens, at Is. 3d. per week. LOT 4.—A PIEOE OF LAND containing 18 perohes, or thereabouts, (near to lot 1) with the Cottage erected thereupon, and in the oooupation of Edward Bellis, at Is. lid. per week. For further particulars apply to MR. ARTHUR WEBSTER, SOLICITOR, 20, North John Street, Liverpool. BU Y BICYCLES from the makers. Gents' £ 8 10s. Od.; Ladies £ 9. Guaranteed.— LANBDOWNB CTCLB CO., Aberdeen Street, Birming- ham. FOR good sound reliable up-to-date CYCLES, —Apply, LANBDOWNB CTCLB CO., Aberdeen Street, Birmingham. FOUND—A young red BULLOCK. Can be had JC on paying expenses.—Apply, TBAVELLBB'S INN, Caerwys. WANTED — HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS by 30tb.—Apply, Mrs CBOTOAOB, Pendre House, Holywell. TO BE LET VBON HOUSB," MOSTYN, oontainiDg 12 rooms, out-buildings and gardens. —Apply to E. PABBY, Penymaes, Holywell. TO BE LET, with immediate possession, a large YARD, oooupying a good oentral position in Holywell, admirably adapted for the business of a coal dealer or general merchant.—Apply, THOXAe HUGHES, joiner and builder, Holywell. THE BEE HOTEL, ABERGELE, NORTH WALES, TO BE LET THE Yard, Stables and Coach-hooses—TO BE LET. No better accommodation in North Wales. An energetio person that understands coaching and touring business would find a grand opportunity of establishing a first-olass oonveyanoing trade, and a good paying concern in these old establishment premisea. -Apply, Miss OWEN, Bee Hotel, Abergele. A "SELECT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WINBFBIDB'B CONVHNT, Well Street. Only a limited number eoeived.—For Terms, apply to the SUPHBIOBBSB. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. DO you require your Corn ground ? Send it FLINT MILL. The work can be done quiokly and well. MANCHESTER FI"E ASbURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED, 1824 CAPITAL. £ 2,000,000. T. BARHAM FOSTER, ESQ., CHAIBMAN: 0. W. FURBRIDGE, ESQ., DEPUTY CHAIBMAN JHIEF OFFICE— v 98, KING STREET, MANCHESTER J. B. MOFFATT, MANAGER AND SECRETARY. BRANCH OFFICE— MANCHESTER CHAMBERS, 28, REGENT STREET, WBEXHAM. M. PENNANT JONES, RESIDENT SECRETARY THE COMPANY transacts Fire Business only and all Resources and Funds are available for Fire Claims. Surveys are made and lates quoted for all descrip ¡ tions of risks free of charge. Application for Agenoies are invited. THE j QUEEN'S DIAMOND JUBILEE AT a Publio Meeting held at the Assembly Hall, Holywell, on the 22nd day of Maroh, 1897, James Williams, Esq., Chairman of the aolywijIl Urban District Council, presiding, it was unani- mously resolved that TUESDAY, the 22nd day of JUNE next, be observed as a General Holiday within the Holywell Urban District and the Township of Greenfield, and that Subscriptions be invited for giving all Sohool Children and the aged Poor J within that district a treat in honor of the attain- ment of the sixtieth year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. Subsoriptions-for that objeot will be received at the National Provincial and North and South Wales Banks, at Holywell. The following subscriptions have already been promised :— £ s. d Mr J. Lloyd Priee, Mertyn Hall 10 10 0 Rev R. O. Williams, The Vicarage, liplywen 55 0 Dr James Williams, Castle Hill, HOLYWELL 5 6 0 Mr T. A. Lambert. Lambert's Hotel, Holywell. 5 5 0 Mr R. Sankey, Vron, Holywell. 55 0 Mrs KOSKELL. Stokyn 5 5 0 Dr J. 0, Jones. BODOWEN, HOLYWELL 2 2 0 Mr J, H. Hague, High-street, HOLYWELL lIe Mr A. Foster Williams, BRYNTIRION, HOLYWELL 110 Mr J. LI. WILLIAMS, BRYNTIRION, HOLYWELL 110 Mr 8. L. Revis North and South WALES Bank. 110 KEY W. A. MORRIS, GREENFIELD 1 1 0 Mr J. Armour, Tower Gardens, HOLYWELL 1 1 0 FOR FLINTSHIRE DISPENSARY IMPROVEMENT FUND. Mrs Johnson Jones, Pystill 10 0 0 S. L. REVIS, Honorary Treasurer, North and South Wales Bank Holywell. ROBBBT THOMAS, Honorary Secretary, Bryn Offa, Ilolywtll. CENTRAL HALL, BUCKLEY. ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27TH AND 28TH, 1897, THE REV. H, LUCAS, S.J., M.A., WILL DELIVBB TWO LECTURES ON (i).-MONKS AND NUNS; (2).-THE ROMAN CHURCH. ADMISSION-FREE. For particulars, see Posters and Handbills. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. SECOND ANNUAL "EBENEZER" EISTEDDFOD WILL BE HELD AT BAGILLT. SEPTEMBER 15TH, 1897. Further particulars will appear ehortly. NORTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE BILLPOSTING COMPANY. Owners:— The Wrexham District Advertising and Billposting Co., Ltd.) H V A T\ OFFIOES 24, CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM. BBANCHBS :— HOLMpCL, BUCKLEY AND ELLESMERE. P^PKtova of beat and most prominent Private Stations in Holywell District. Orders, Posters and Handbills, should be sent to E. P. LYON^juptw, Holywell. This Can1 have carried out tho largest Billpostiog Contracts last year ever given in North WaleB. THOMAS LLOYD, (LATB P. LLOYD & SON), ESTABLISHED. 1838, Painter, Plumber, Gas Fitter, Bell Hanger, Glazier, Paper Hanger, Hot and Cold Water Engineer. Electric Bells Fixed and Repaired. Shower Baths and Sprays Fixed and Repaired. CAST IRON LANDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OILS, PAINTS AND COLORS Of THB BBSTDBSCBIPTION ALWAYS KEPT. Estimates given for all kinds of Work, and Orders promptly executed on the shortest notice. EVERY VARIETY OF GLASS KEPT IN STOCK THE LARGEST STOCK OF BRASS WORK &FITTING ALWAY ON HAND PICTURES FRAMED AND MOUNTED. HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, N.W Mrs. Garner and Family gratefully acknowledge the kind sympathy and messages of con- dolence they have received in their recent bereavement. Cross Street, Holywell, April 21st, 1897.

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