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ELEMENTARY EDUCATION ACTS 1870 TO 1891. The School Board for the Parish of Holywell (Extra Municipal). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the School Board for the Parish of ^Holywell (Extra Municipal). in pursuanoe and exercise of the powers given them by the Elementary Education Acts 1870 to 1891 (in which Acts the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act 1816. and the Acts amending the tame are, with certain exceptions, incorporated), and of every other power enabling them in this behalf, propose to take all and every the piece of land and hereditaments the situation and dimensions whereof are given in the Schedule hereto, frr the purpose of erecting thereon a PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, that a plan edged with pink of the said Piece of Land may be seen at all reasonable hours at the Office of Mr. RIOHABD BBOHLRT, Solicitor, Oakland Chamberi, Holywell, aforesaid. SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO The following is in Greenfield. in the parish of Holywell, in the County of Flint:—A pieoe or parcel of Ltnd OIl the Greenfield Hall Park with treed and feuoea thereon, abutting on the publio r-jad from H>lywell to Greenfield, and situate on the north-west of the said publio road, oppoaite the Alpha Congregational Chapel, and bounded on the ftorth-east by the Greenfield Church, on the north- west by open fields, and p irtly on the south-west by a Plantation, the said Land being numbered 202 on the Ordnance Survey Map, Area about 3630 square 3 ards. E. M. EVANS, J Clerk to the said Board. RICHARD BROMLEY, Solicitor. Holywell, 6th November, 1891. FLINTSHIRE CONSTABULARY. TENDERS FOR CLOTHING, 1895. SEALED TENDERS FOR CLOTHING re- S quired for 1895. will be received to the 31st December, 1894, inclusive. Forms of tender may be obtained and sampl, s of each article seen, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., at the COUNTY OossrABULABT OmCB, MOLD, where Tenders are to be addiesaed, Tender for Police Clothing." The lowest or any other tender not neoessarily aooepted. JUST PUBLISHED. « THE CHURCH IN WALES," A Handbook of Welth Church Defence, BY THE BISHOP OF ST. ASAPH. A valuable and authoritative statement of the most essential facts and figures bearing upon the itl)o, iufiaenoe, and work of the Church in Wales, and its threatened disestablishment and diseadowment. PRICE le. BY POST 1.. ad.; FBOX THB 'OBSERVER' OFFICE, HOLYWELL. 8" The Christmas Number. THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. Contents for December, 1894. A WALKING DELEGATE. By Rudyard Kipling. LIFE OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Portraita and Pictures. By William M. Sloane. THE FIRST WORD. Deoorations by Leon Guipon. By George Parsons La'hrop. MARY: MOTHER AND PROPHETESS. Decorations bv Leon Guipon. By Julia Schayer. A CHRISTMAS GUEST. A Monologue. Illus- trated. By Ruth McEnery Stuart. FRANCESCO CRISPI. Portrait ani autograph. By W. J. Stillman. ANTHONY VAN DYCK. With engravings by the author. By Timothy Cols. THE ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS. A Christmas Picture. By P. A. J. Dagnan- Bonveret. A NEIGHBOUR'S LANDMARK. A story with a Christmas ending. Illustrated. By Sarah Orne Jewett. AN ERRANT WOOING. By Mrs. Barton Harrison. ONE WOMAN'S WAY. By George A. Hibbard. THE APPEARANCE TO THE SHEPHERDS. A Christmas Picture. By F. Von Uhde. THE FLOATING BETHEL. Luoy S. B urraan. OASA BRACCIO. Illustrated. By F. Marion Crawford. Topics of the Time-Open Letters—In Lighter Vein. Price la. 4d.; by post, Is. 7d. Per year, post free, 16. LONDON: T. FISHER UN WIN, Paternoster Square, E C. T>I3K LIMITED. PROFIT UNLIMITED. JtV SPE CULATION BY OPTIONS. Speculation by Options is of all methods of speculation the most pruden t rthur Cr-p (late FinaucW Editor of the Timu). Stock and Shn, -a, Large profits, averaging £88 IBs. for every Ell Ó. invested, have accrued Stock ExchanVe Time* ys In 17 days, each subscriber of £5 12s. 6d. received a profit of £44 7a. 6d. Messrs Smith and Beresford have an ample capital for the conduct of a very large business. The lirm is the largest in Option Dealing in England Birmingham Daily Gazette says: -11 Large profits, averaging £ 88 15a. for every Ell 5s. invested, haveaccured to thoee who have acted on their advice Capitalist saysMessrs Smith and Beresford give some rvery sensible advice about Options, which they recommend, .may be consulted to advantage." Stock Exchange says:-Meem. Smith and Beresford have been very fortunate in recent transactions." Financial World says Messrs. Smith and Beresford have a thorough grasp of the subject, and a careful pcrsual of their work will well repay ipeculators." Civil Service Gazette says:—" Our readers cannot do better than take Keøøn. Smith and Beresford as their financial guides, philosophers, and friends. Citizen says The only safe way of making money on the London Stock Exchange." NITED OPTIONS-Opened every Monday and LJ Thursday on the System advocated above. Any number of Shares at £ 6 12a, 6d. each, WITHOUT ANY PUKTHEB LIABILITY WHATEVER, may be secured by letter or telegram. SOLE CONTROL of all United Options taken on behalf of Subscribers, thereby securing a manifeatadvantage. Stamped contract forwarded Send for revised pamphlet and full particulars of our next United Option to SMITH & BERESFORD, Stock and Share Dealers, 63 and 54, Chancery Lane, London. ESTABLISHED 1888. Telegrams: Clerkship, London." Telephone: No. 258.. Agents wanted every where. THE INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT (WELSBACH SYSTEM) SAVES SO* IN GAS, SIX VALID REASONS FOR ITS ADOPTION. 1. It saves half your gas bill. 2. It gives you treble the present light. 3. It can be attached t) ex iting gas fittings. 4. The light is clean, coal, steady, and brilliant. 6. It does away with the impurities of gas. J 6. It is pleasant, simple, and economical. THE MOST PERFECT LIGHT. SUPERIOR TO ELECTRIC LIGHT, AT ONE-EIGHTH THE COST. Prices and full partioulars on application to the Alrents for— liOLYWELL-Parry and Morris, High-street, H»lywel. CONNAH'S QUAY—El ward Blane, Connoth's Quay, Flint. MOLD-WM. P. Jones, Wrtxham-street, Mold. F nONNAH'S QU AY.—GOOD WIRE-CUT 4 V/ BUILDING BRICKS, alao PRESS BRICKS. Apply to JIJIISTF PSINOB, Bjucx-Wojaiu, CoxtrAx*m QUAY. CHRISTMAS I CHRISTMAS!! DAVIES AND CO., Beg to announce that the New Season's Stock of CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS, is now ready, and respectfully solieit an inspection. D. & Co. are also prepared to show a oolleotion of ERNEST NISTE R'S ART PUBLICATIONS IN BOOKLETS LEAFLETS, AND CHILDREN'S TOY BOOKS. They have also laid in a Stock of NICELY BOUND PRAYERS & HYMNS. HANDSOXB Pocket and Presentation Bibles. PRETTILY BOUND STORY BOOKS AT ALL PBICBS, BVTCABLH FOB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARDS. A OBOIOS SELECTION OF Sunday School Illuminated Reward Cards. T VAUGHAN HUGHES Asiociate of the Royal School of Mines, (London.), F.I.G., F.C.S., Ac., CONSULTING AND PRACTISING General Technical Chemist and Analyst, Assayer, AND Electrical Engineer. The Electrical Transmission of Power and Electro, Metallurgy made a Speciality. GREENFIELD, FLINTSHIRE. Oft DRESSMAKING. WANTED-APPRENTICES at once Must be VV good sewers.-Apply, Miss W. ROBBBTS, 4, ton Place, Holywell. MO BE LET—THE ALKALI TAVERN, 1 JL FLINT, adjoining tb« Chemical Works.—Apply e KBLSTBBTON BBBWBBY Co., LTD. ^OUND-A HEIFER.—The Owner can have J? the same by payiog expenses.—Apply to A. HU^ET, Saithffynnon, Whit ford. V/ SPRING VALE ACADEMY^ WANTED a few PUPILS to join German and French Classes also, an additional ASSISTANT or Ex. P.T. to teaoh Kiddergarten. PlYlto CLABISSB GBBQOBT, Holywell. v BELFCT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG A LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WINBFBIDB'S CONVENT, Well Street. Only a limited number I^rotved.—For Terms, apply to the SUPBBIOBBSS. FPO BE SOLD—Twenty-two new OAST-IRON J_ PIPES, 9 feet long by 15 inoh diameter; one four horse-power ENGINE, all complete; one strong PONY CART and GEARS, to be Sold cheap.—Apply to M. CUDDY, Holywell. i-i E. P. LYONS, BILL POSTER & DELIVERER, ST. WINEFRIDE'S TERRACE, H 9L YIVBLL. bpeciallyreserved POSTING ST ATI OS Sin Town and Country Immediateattentioa given -CHAMBERS'S These Pillt are M RVXR -N ▼ T T E TOE choicest ever TONIC PILLS, compounded for strengthening the vital forces, and braoing up the whole system. They really impart new life and strength. Evely personsuffering from any form of weakness, &c., should send at once for a box 3s., post free. Recommended by Thousands. Thomas Chambers, 19, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, London. DEAFNESS AND HEAD-NOISES CURED. All sufferers from these distressing complaints may learn of a new simple remedy, which oured a GENTLEMAN after suffering 14 years. Has oured numerous other equally long oases, whioh were considered quite hopeless. Full particulars with testimonials and press notioes, post free. G. Clifton, 39, Albany Mansions, Viotoria Street, London. MEXICAN PILLS PO. LADIES ONLY. G These famous pills are well known in England, and are re- gularly taken by hun- I I dreds of Ladies. They are safe, effectual and speedy in their action. The most obstinate oases are quickly overcome. Particulars free, or a box of pills with full directions. sent post free 4S. 6d. Lady Manager, Room 101, Victoria Chambers, 19, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. FBERCa LOJION CURES DEAFNESS. This remarkable lotion just introduoed into this country is doing a deal of good in all cases of Deaf. ness, &o. Numerous testimonials and full parti- culars sent post free. Price is 2s. 9d. and 4a. 6d. per bottle. Chambers & Co., 19, Southampton Bnildings, Holborn, London.

THURSDAY, NOV. 29TH, 1894.