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CROSS KEYS HOTEL, HOLYWELL -'Ð:- P R V P R I E T 0 R- J. JE NNIN GS, -:0:- THIS HOTEL, WHICH HAS BEEN RE-ARRANGED AND DECORATED, IS t JV O W OPE A' For Com nercial Gentleman, who wifind every comfort and convenience. -:0:- MODERATE CHARGES. -:0:- NOTE.-The Ales, Wines and Spirits are pronounced by the Public to be the finest qualities ever supplied in Holywell. STBICTLY PBIVATE ADVANCES. ANY SUM FBOM £ 5 TO £ 1000 ADVANCES ON EXCEP- TIONALLY EASY TBUM3. STRICTLY PRIVATE ADVANCES. MRS. D. BEHRMAN, 16, CITY ROAD, CHESTER, A V I N G a Large Amount of Uninvoitted Capital is wishful to Lend same in sums of P,5 to F,1000 to any Respectable Person (Male or Fomale) on their own NOTE OF ..H AND:, without delay, law costs, orany impertinent inquiries at interest highly beneficial to Borrower, and on Deeds. FROM 5 PER CENT. INTEREST. This advertisement being from a strictly private source, haHtual borrowers are requested not to apply. No good ",pplioation is ever refused, and distance no object, a gentleman beiug sent direct from the offioe o carry out all advauoes. Apply in ooafidenoe to he Actual Londer. MRS. D. BEHRMAN, 16, CITY ROAD, CHEBTBE (Next to Royalty Theatre) fl.Tite best and cheapest Atlas ever produced in this country.—Tke TIMBS. POPULAR EDITION in 6d. Monthly Parts of The Universal Atlas. A New and Complete General Atlas of the World, containing II7 Pages of Maps, handsomely printed in Colours, and a Complete Index to about 125,000 Names. A full Prospectus ofj the Work will be sent post free on application to the Publishers. Now Beady, price 1d. The FIRST NUMBER of a NEW VOLUME of C HUMS: The Illustrated Paper for Boys. WITH WHICH IS PRESENTED A HANDSOME TINTED PICTURE, reproduced from the famous Painting by GEO. JOY, entitled "Wellington's First Encounter with the French." In this Number is commenced a New and Thrilling Serial Tale, entitled Tlte Queen's Scarlet; or, "By Your Right," by GEO. MANVILLE FENN. It will also contain the Opening Chapters of that World-famed Story, Treasure Island, by ROBERT LOUIS STEVEN- SON, with New and Original Illustrations. W A Grand List of Prizes is offered, includ- ing a Pneumatic-tired Safety Bicycle, Silver Watches, Silver Pencil-Cases, Bronze Medals, &c. &c. The New Volume is commenced with Part 24, price 6d., including <i Handsome Coloured, Plate and the Tinted Picture announced above. A New and Exciting Serial Story of Modern Life, entitled "In Shadow of Shame," by J. Fitzgerald Molloy, Author of "The Die of Destiny," is commenced in No. 573 of Cassell's Saturday Journal, price Id., forming the First Number of a New Volume; also in Part 133. tir FREE INSURANCE, JE1.000 Death, jC250 Disablement, by Rail or Steamboat, with each Number and Part of "CASSELL'S SATURDAY JOURNAL." Magazines for every Home. MONTHLY, ed, THE QUIVER. For Sunday and General Reading. J\fO;THLV, CASSELL'S MAGAZINE. Enlarged to Eighty Pages. MONTHLY, fid- "LITTLE FOLKS" MAGAZINE. MONTHLY, la. 4D THE MAGAZINE OF ART. 'Enlarged by tho addition of an Extra Plate. WORK. The Illustrated Weekly Journal for Mechanics. WEEKLY, id. MONTHLY, 6d. COTTAGE GARDENING. Edited by w. ROBINSON, F.L.S. Fully Illustrated. Weekly, |ci. Monthly, 3d. tzilil- NEW BOOKS for 1894-5. A List of Cassell tS Company's NEW a »<> ro li T if CO .1/ VOLUMES for the SA.I.SO.V 189-1-5 ivill be sent, post free, on a),Ptic,rti,n. CASSELL & COMTANY, LIMITED, Ludgate Hill, London, HAV3 YOU MADE YOUR WILL IF not buy one of HinJe' Will Forme, which contains clear, concise and legal instructions how to make your own Will, 0 PRICE, SIXPENCE OOLI) AT TIIE OBSERVER" OFFIOE. ST. IV INEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. CUURSE-English; French; German; Drawing; Painting; Dancing; Calisthenios; Music (Vocal and Instrumental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- ams in Music, &o. i WEEKLY B0ABDEB3 RECEIVED. EREAXF AST—SUPPER. E-W-= BMW& E-R, 0-% 1,82 amm s GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILS. MONEY LENT WITHOUT SURETIES by the CHARING-CROSS BANK (Registered 28, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARING CROSS. LONDON. ESTABLISHED. 1870. Capital £ 300,000. Reserve Fund £ 100,000. Advances made upon approved Promissory Note as follows: 4,dvance £ 25—12 monthly repayments of t.2 5 10 50 4 11 8 100 I 9 3 4 Larger amountsthe same in proportion. ADVANCES of j630 to ;C2,000 granted at a few hoar's notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, &o., without removal, and to assist persons into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, at 5 per cent. for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. Call or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask any Solicitor, Auctioneer, &c., in England or Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find out you are treating with an old established (1870) safe and bona fide Bank, Having large capital we do business cheaper than others. No good lone ever refused. CURRENT ACCOUNTS open according to the usual practice of other banks. No obarga for keep- ing apcounts. Interest at the rate of 3 per cent. allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of £10 and upwards received at 4 per cent. per annum payable at 14 days' notice. Subjeotto 3 montbs'noticeof withdrawals per. cnt 6 6 1o II II 7" Interest paid quarterly free of Income Tax. N.B.—The only Bank where Depositors can have their Principal and Interest paid out quarterly A. WILLIAMS Manager. j bi ùAN,l..l It. v oree Ana HSiHJ STATES & CAMAJUL Under contract with the Canadain Government for conveyance of the Canadian Mails) FROM LIVERPOOL NUMIDIAN.For Quebec and Montreal..Oct. 18 CARTHAGINIAN For St. John's and Halifax.. Oct. 23 PARISIAN .For Quebec and Montreal.. Oct. 26 MONGOLIAN For Quebec and Montreal, .Nov. 1 COREAN.For St. John's and Halifax Nov. 6 L AU RENT IAN. For Halifax and Portland.Nov. 15 FARES FOR OCEAN PASSAGE Siloon, 10 TO 18 GUINEAS. SECOND CABIN AND STEEBAGB, AT LOW RATES. Through Ti#kets to allitatione at SpecialRates. Passengers are landed on the railroad wharf and transferred from ship to train without any incon- venience and expense. The Company's special conductoraccompaiaiekWest-boundpaseengers, IIiJ" NOTIC.-This Line providesthecheapest and most convenient route to all parts of Canada, Manitoba, the North-west Provinces, British Columbia and the Western States of America. Che;\PP P Vnn^ t0 Anstralia and New Zealand ViaC.P K., Vancouver and Honolulu. Young Men desiring Agricultural Experience in Canada should in the first place coommunicate with the Allan Steamship Co. To TOURfSTS, SPORTSMEN, and others.— Round Trip Tickets to the wonderful scenery and Sporting Districts of the Rocky Mountains and British Columbia, and other placesof interest in United States and Canada. British delegates new reportsand allthe latest maps and pamphlets free. Direct services from Glasgow to New York 2nd Fogton and Philadelphia all the year round. Ful pariioulurson applicatiorto AN BROTHERS & CO. 19, JAMEBSTBEBT LIVERPOOL on FSOM — THOMAS BALES, 47, Chester-street, Vllnt. Z Liverpool, Sept. 27th, 1894. LAMBERT'S HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. -:0:- POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. -:0:- Wedding Carriages, Hearse and Mourning Carriages. -:0:- THE HEADQUARTERS OF THE C.T.C. -:0:- OMNIBUSES, or other Conveyances, meet all Trains. (Sole Parcels Agent for the L. & N. W. R. Co. for Holywell and the District). — :o: AN EXCELLENT WAITING ROOM FOR PASSENGERS FOR TRAINS -:0:- WHOLESALE WiffE AflO SPIRIT MERCHANT, -;0:- IERATED WATERS AND KOPS NON-ALCOHOLIC ALES, Both Wholesale and Retail. —— :o: BURTON MILD AND BITTER ALES AND LONDON STOUT IN 9 AND 18 GALLON CASKS. 33C IE3 .A. L T Z-3T FOR ALL! Purify the Blood, corrt-t;t all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, 0 And are invaluable in COMPLAINTS incidental to FEMALES of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceles a. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street, London, Vn l sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. If.13.Advice Grafs, at the above address, daily/between thA hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. I "4 School, an Academy, and a UniiversifV." SCHOOL BOARD CHRONICLE. New Serial Issue, in Monthly Parts, price 6d. CASSELL'S New Popular Educator. Amongst the subjects treated in CASSELL'S NEW POPULAR EDUCATOR are Acoustics. Algebra. Anthropology. Architecture. Arithmetic. Astronomy. Book-keeping. Betany. British Com- merce. Chemistry. Commercial Botany. Comparative Anatomy. Drawing. Electricity. Elementary Politics. Enzlish. English Litera- ture. French. Geography. Geology. Geometrical „ Perspective. Geometry. German. Greek. Heat. History. Human Physi- ology. Hydraulics. Italian. Latin. Light. Logarithms. Loein. Mechanics. Mensuration. Meteorology. Mineralogy. Music. Organs ofSense, Physical Geo- graphy- Plane Trigono- metry. Pneumatics. Political Econ. Reading and Elocution. Shorthand. Sketching. Spanish. Terms used in Commerce. Water-colour Drawing. With Part I is issued a large alldstriking Presentation Plate, suitable for framing. Prospectuses will be sent post free, on application, by the Publishers. r l ■- V Entirely New Work in MONTHLY PARTS, 6d. Cassell's Universal Portrait Gallery. Rich containing 24 Portraits of Celebrities, handsomely produced with Autograph and brief Descriptive Notice of each subject. Entirely New Work. In Monthly Farts, price 7d. The Story OF The Sea. Edited by Q, Author of Dead Maris Rpck," The Blue Pavilions," &c. With New and Original Illustrations by Leading Artists. V Part I includes LARGE PRESENTATION PLATE. =' Entirely lffw and Revised Edition, MONTHLY, price 7d. DR. BREWER'S DICTIONARY OF Phrase and Fable. Giving the Derivation, Source, or Origin of Common Phrases, AllusiQp 15 and Words that havt MANCHESTER FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED, 1824. CAPITAL £ 2,000,000. T. BARHAM FOSTER, ESQ., CHAIIINAN. 0. W. FURBRIDGE, EEQ., DEPUTY CHAIBMAN CHIEF OFFICE— 98, KING STREET, MANCHESTER J. B. MOFFATT, MANAGER AND SECRETARY. BBANCH OFFICE— MANCHBSTBB CHAMBEBS, 23, REGENT STBBET, WBEXHAM. If". PENNANT JONES, RESIDENT SECBBTARY. THE COMPANY transacts Fire Business only -*• Resources and Funds are available for Fire Claims. Surveys are made and rates quoted for all desorip- tions of risks free of charge. Applications for agencies are invited. ALFRED MAYERS, 8, MILFOBD STREET, MOLD. BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER E ADE'S G our & RHEUMATIC pILLS I SHOULD NOW BB ILL IN BED. APE'S TMLL8 103, Jubilee Terrace, Wolverhampton Road, FADE 8 T3ILLS Walsall, Nov. 22nd, 1892. "Dear Sir,—I write to think you for Jj^ADE S TJILL8 the great amount of benefit I have received from using your marvellous Gout and Rheumatic Pills I am glad to think I am able to write, as had it not been for your grand Pills I should have been unable to do so, and am quite certain I SHOULD NOW BE ILL IN BED. I am extremely thankful, as I can still keep at my work, I O.OUT shall use every endeavour to make your Pills more widely known. You may T) HEUJIATI9M use this how you think proper.-I remain, yours faithfully, rj.oux E. GUEST RHEUMATISM •ft Mr Q Eade," JgADE'S GOUT & JJHEUMATIC pILLS. E I Prepared only by George Eade, 72, Goswell Road, London, E. C. and Sold by all Chemists, in Bottles, Is I id, and 2s 9d. gADJS'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS. DR: F 0 x 1 3 COUGH AND VOIOE WAFERS. JrHE (tREAT ItEMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA HOARSENESS LOSS OF VOICE, AND ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST AND LUNGS These invaluable Wafers, being- prepared from Herbs and Fruits only, do not contain any deleterious ingredients, and may be taken with perfect safety-by old and young. R 0 x COUGH AND VOICE WAFERS. PREPARER GXLY BY GEORGE EADE, 72. GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON. And Sold Everywhere in Tins, Is- lid. each Post Free from th Proprietors on receipt of Stamps, or Postal Wer. KING'S HEAD HOTEL, HOLY WE L L. -;0:- THE LEADING FAMILY & COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HAS BEEN RE-FURNISHED AND TARIFF REVISED. :4J: HEADQUARTERS OF THE CYCLISTS' UNION. ■ :o: THE HOTEL OMNIBUS MEETS THE TRAINS AT HOLYWELL STATION T. J. HAYES. JOHN JAMES HUGHES, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, BEGS to announce that he has succeeded to tht J) business so long carried on by hie late Father, John Hughes, at the above premises, and trusts that by prompt attention and moderate charges, combined with good workmanship, to merit a continuance of public support. THE HOME-MADE DEPARTMENT Will continue to be a special feature of the busines8 and great care will be exercised to onsnre the best materials only being used. STRONG HARVEST BOOTS The best and cheapest Home-made Boots in the Market. WOMEN AND MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVEBY DESCBIPTION KEPT IN STOCK. YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SLIITEK OF EVEBY VARIETY 1BDBBS PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Repaire neatly executed. TRY GRIFFITHS' BEAUTIFUL TEA, at Is- IOd, per lb. GOOD FAMILY TEA, at Is. 4d. per lb. Best Brands of TINNED FRUITS. CANTON HOUSE, HOLYWELL firOR- THE, BLDWIXXW.,EUM[O. tSl WQRCqgEAMEq For cleansing and clearing the blood from all imparities it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds its effects are marvellous. It Cures Old Sores Cures Sores on the Neck Cures Sore Legs Cures Pimples on the Face Cures Scurvy Cures Eczema Cures Ulcers Cures Blood a.-id Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellingfi Clears the Blood from all impure Mattar, From whatever cause arising It is the only real specific for Gout a ad Rheumatic Pains. It removes the cause from the blood and bones, As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injuriousto the most delicate constitution of either sex. from infancy to old age, the Proprietorssolicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS "21, Orchard-street, Warrington, January 5th. 1894. "I am pleased to say that your Blood Mixture and Lotion, used as prescribed, has dune mv daughter Elizabeth, aged 16 years, a world of good. About eight months ago she was attacked with a se\eie skin disease. I tojk her to the hospital here, and she attended for six weel-s. I then took her to the Manchester Hospittd for four months, but neither of them did her a bit of good (I was obliged to take her from her woik). At last I was persuaded to try Clarkt's Blood Mixtures and I now thank God I have done so, for, I am happy to say, the disease has disappeared, and, I can safely say it, the medicine has worked a miracle in my daughter's case. Everyone that knows her says it is a wonderful thing1, she only having taken three bottles, to see the difference in her appearance now and a few weeks ago. This is quite unsolicited, and I send it hoping it will persuade other possib.e sufferers to try your valuable medicine. I remain, Gentlemen, yours gratefully. ELIZABRTII BOYLB." Witness; Charles Price, 4S, Battersly- ane, Warrington. "Just a few lines in reference t, a wonclerfu cure that Clarke's Blood Mixture has effected, I have been a sufferer fur over three years with a bad leg. I have had several doctors, and tried r dozens of receipts from people who professed to know what would do me good. but I never recei ed any relief until I tried Clarke's Blood Mixture. I should also add that I was recommended by one doctor t > go to the infirmary as he could do me no good, but a friend of mine asked me to try your blood mixture. I did so, and after using two lis. bottles my leg was completely cured. It wou'd be impossible to tell you how many wounds I had on my leg; it was eomiletely bluck up as ar as the knee. My friends were a'armed. and I though that I should lose my leg, but now it is all right you may use this letter as you please. Make it as public as you please for I shall recon inend your blood mixtuie wherever I go*. JES>.E SJUTH," "34, Jane street, Hetton Downs, County of Durham, Jan 16th, 1693. Sold in bottles 28. \1,1. each. and in cases containinpsi, times the quantity ,11s —sufficient to effect apermancnf "sure in the great majority of long-standing cases. By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VJ2NDOB throughout the World, or sent to any address on receipt o 33 or 132 stamps by the proprietors. THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIE DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN TRADE MARK—BLOOD MIT TUFE. A-Sic FOR CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTLRE, &A do not be pema^ed to take any imitation. .cf 4. 4¡ 4* QS LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. ELECTRIC LIGHTING Installations in Hotels, Mansions, Private Resi. dences, Shops, &c., and Repaired on the Shortest Notice. THOMAS LLOYD, (LATB P. LLOYD & SON), ESTABLISHED, 1838, Electrical Engineer, Painter, Plumber, Gas Fitter, Bell Hanger, Glazier, Paper Hanger, Hot and Cola Water Engineer Shower Baths and Sprays Fixed and Repaired. —— CAST IRON LANDERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OILS, PAINTS AND COLORS OF THS BEST DESCRIPTION ALWAYS KEPT. THE LARGEST STOCK OF BRASS WORK & FITTINGS ALWAYS ON HAND. Estimates given for all kinds of Work, an4 Orders promptly executed on the ehorteet notice. EVERY VARIETY OF GLASS KEPT IN STOCK Experienced Workmen only kept. HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, N.W. A. SCHWARZ, OL 0 CK AVD WAtOH MAKER, W-HITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL BEGS to announce that after the ENLARGE. D MENT OF HIS PREMISES, he haa betn <nabledto greatlj increase hit Stock. ILL KINDS OF JEWELLERY KEPT IN STOCK Clocks and Watchesof all descriptions m hand HANDSOME-SELECTION or SLiflOTRO-PLATED ARTIOLEB EPAIRSPROMPTLY EXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. A J PLKNDI 1 A.8SOB7MENT OF ("I"l/tea Gold Wedding and Keeper Kings A prescn f gi ve with each ring bought. A private room to select in. DEALEB IN LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMETERS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in great variety. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. A PILL*S FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS SUCR AS SICK HEADACHE. WEAK STOMACH- IMPAIRED DIGESTION- CONSTIPATION. LIVER COMPLAINT, AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD Beecham's Cough Pills. For COUGHS ASTHMA, and all CDEST AFFECTIONS. In Boxes, Vld" 1". lid., and 2 93. each. Beecham's Tooth Paste, EFFICACIOUS, ECONOMICAL, CLEANSES THE TEETH, PERFUMES the BREATH. In Collapsible Tubes, la. each. Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helena, Lancaehir SoLD BY ALL DEUGGIBTS AND PATENT MBDICIVB DBALEBS EvBBYVBKM.