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CROSS KEYS HOTEL, HOLYWELL -:0:- PR OPRIETOR- J. JENNINGS. /N -:0:- THIS HOTEL, WHICH HAS BEEN RE-ARRANGED AND DECORATED, IS NOW 0 Ml\/) For Commercial Gentleman, who wifincl every comfort and convenience. -:0:- MODERATE CHA R GES, -(0:- NOTE.—The Ales, Wines and Spirits are pronounced by the Public to be the finest qualities ever supplied in Holywell. STBIOTLY PEITATB ADVANCES. ADVANCES. ANY SUM FBOM £ 5 TO £ 1000 ADVANCED ON EXCEP- TIONALLY EASY TEEMS. STBICTLY PSIVATE ADVANCES. M R s. D. BF, H R M AN, 16, CITY ROAD, CHESTER, TT A V I N G a Largo Amount of Uninvested il Capital is -wishful to Lend same in sums of 25 to E1000 to any Respectable Person (Male or Female) on their own NOTE OF HAND, without delay, law costs, or any impertment inquiries at interest highly beneficial to Borrower, and on Deeds. FROM 5 PER CENT. INTEREST. This advertisement being from a strictly private source, haKtual borrowers are requested not to apply. No good application is ever refused, and distance no object, a gentleman being sent direct from the offioe o carry out all advances. Apply in confidence to he Aetual Lender. MRS. D. BEHRMAN, 16, CITY ROAD, CHESTER (Next to Royalty Theatre) "The best and cheapest a8 ever produced in this country.Zerc TIMES. POPULAR EDITION in 6d. Monthly Parts of The v Universal Atlas. A New and Complete General Atlas of the World, containing 117 Pages of Maps, handsomely printed in Colours, and a Complete Index to about 125,000 Names. A full Prospectus of the Ifoik -,uill be sent toyi" free OIl application to the Publishers. Now Beady, price Id. The FIRST NUMBER of a NEW VOLUME of C C r1 U M5: The Illustrated Paper for Boys. WITH WHICH IS PRESENTED HANDSOME TINTED PICTURE, reproduced from the famous Painting by GEO. TOY, entitled "Wellington's First Encounter with the French." In [1:5 Number is commenced a New and Thrilling Serial Tale, enlnled The Oapdi's Scarlet or, "By Your Right," by GEO. MANVILLE FENN. It will also contain the Opening Chapters of that World-famed Story, Tre-t it* el sla nd, by ROBERT LOUIS STEVEN- SON, with New and Original Illustrations. (:11"" A Grand List of Prizes is offered, includ- j, g a Pneumatic-tired Safety Bicycle, Silver V/ui, olios, Silver Pencil Cases, Bronze Medals, &e. &c. 'Xfir Volume is commenced with Part 24, price G-1.. jnclu<!in~ a Hand mine Coloured Plate and the liiiU-.t Picture announced above. ANc- a;tj E:citing Serial Story of Modern II Life, entitled "In Shadow of Shame," by J. Fitzgerald Molloy, Author of "The 1 h? of Destiny," is commenced in No 573 uf I Cassell's Saturday Journal, {■r:ce Id., forming the First Number of a N'e .v Volume also in Part 133. er FRE ■ •; iNDURANCE ..21,000 Death, < £ ••2- ? :;s Jbiement, by Rail or Steamboat, v. r) J Number anJ Palt of "CASSELL'S SA I'iiHL'AY JOURNAL." for every MONTIII.V, CO., V Fur Sunday and General ■* v' •v b' .rr)::T¡¡¡.V. ¡'UJiAZINE. Eiliar:;L'á tù Eighty i J m intiii.v. 6 c?. ITTLE TO'.FS" f-IAGAZINE. MDMTI.V, Is. 4D. T A CI-INi2 OF ART. Enlarged by the Of till Extra Plate. V, i> l K. TiiJ illustrated Weekly Journal Ft- K(:ii<«ic!5. WiKKl.Y, id.; MONTHLY, 6d. C '■r 'i f A0 h GARULNING. Edited by W. F.I,.S. l-'ully Illustrated. Weekly, V'. Moiitbly, 3d. =-=-=-=-= CT HZW "I I Co.W- -3 for 1394-5. J of Cass'tU, 4 Company's NEW r F inrncoinxG roi. u.irki for the O 1 ;"?,5 if ill be sent, post free, on r n. C £ <. AW, LIMITKL., Ludg.itc BiB, London. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR WILL IF not buy one of Hinie' Will Forms, which j contains clear, concise and legal instructions how to make your own Will. PRICE, SIXPENCE; SOLD AT THE OBSERVER" OFFICE. ST. W I N E F R I D E S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE-English; French; German; Drawing; Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Music (Vocal and Instrumental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- ams in Music, &c. WEEKLY BOAKDERS RECEIVED. ~T EBUAKFAST—SUPPER. E P P S S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA A SOILING W4TE& OR MILK. MONEY LENT WITHOUT SURETIES BY the CHARING-CROSS BANK (Registered 28, BEDFORD-STREET, OHARING CROSS. LONDON. ESTABLISHED. 1870. Capital £ 300,090. Reserve Fund £ 100,000. Advances made upon approved Promissory Note as follows — Advance £ 25—12 monthly repayments of £2 5 10 50 4 11 8 100 9 3 4 Larger amountsthe same in proportiod. ADVANCES of X30 to L2,000 granted at a few hoar's notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, &c., without removal, and to assist persons into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, at 5 per cent. for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. Can or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask any Solicitor, Auctioneer, &c., in England or Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find out you are treating with an old established (1870) safe and bona fide Bank, Having large capital we do business cheaper than others. No good lone ever refused. CURRENT ACCOUNTS open according to the usual practice of other banks. No charge far keep- ing accounts. Interest at the rate of 3 per cent. allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of £10 and upwards received at 4 per cent. per annum payable at 14 days' notice. Subjectto 3 months'noticeof withdrawal £ 5per.cnt 6 6 12 7 Interest paid quarterly free of Income Tax. N.B.—The only Bank where Depositors can have therincipal and Interest paid out quarterly J* A. WILLIAMS Manager. YA T JL a Nib t. 'f) ,j .,j 'I «. > A:4 st to VHTEB ITATES & CAIDA. Under contract with the Canadain Government for conveyance of the Canadian Maite), FROM LIVERPOOL COREAN.For St. John's and Halifax Sept: 25 MONGOLIAN For Quebec and MuLtreal.. Sept. 27 BUENOS AYREAN For Quabec and Montreal,. Oct. 4 SIBERIAN .For St. John's and Halifax..Oct. 9 LAURENTIAN. For Quebeo and Montreal.. Oct. 11 NUMIDIAN.For Quebec and Montreal. IOat. IS FARES FOR OCEAN PASSAGE Saloon, 10 TO 18 GUINEAS. SEOOND CABIN AND STEERAGE, AT LOW RATES. Through Tiskets to allStatioasatSpecialRates. Passengers are landed on the railroad wharf and transferred from ship to train without any incon- venience and expense. The Company's special oonductoraccompaniesWest-boundpassengers. ø- NOT]&Tliis Line providcstheeheapest and most convenient route to all parts of Canada, Manitoba, the North-west Provinces, British Uolumbia, and the Western States of America. • nVp°Uv rates to Australia and New Zealand via C.P.R., Vancouver and Honolulu. Young Men desiring Agricultural Experience in Canada should in the first place coommunicate with the Allan Steamship Co. To TOURfSTS, SPORTSMEN, and others.— Round Trip Tickets to the wonderful soenery and Sporting Districts of the Rooky Mountains and British Columbia, and other placesof interest in United States and Canada. British delegates new reporteand all the latest tuaps andpampbietfc free. Directservicesfrom Glasgow to New York ynd »ostonand Philadelphia all the year round. Ful particulanon applicaticdo ILL AN BROTHERS & CO. 19,JAMESSTESET GlvEBreor on JTBOM—• THOMAS BALES, 47, Chester-street, Vlint. Liverpool, Sept. 17th, 1894. r 7 LAMBERT'S HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. :o. —> POSTING IN AI4 ITS BRANCHES. -irtiiii H n' "'y.i- — Wedding Carriages, Hearsti and Mourning Carriages, :c- THE HEADQUARTERS OF THE C.T.C. U. ONKIBUSES, or other Conveyances, meet all Trains. (Solo Parcols Agent for the L. & N. W. R. Co. for Holywell and the District). -:C- AN EXCELLENT WAITING ROOM VOR PASSENGERS FOR TRAINS ——;o:— ■ WHOLESALE WINE Ati" SPIRIT MERCHANT, -;0: SEATED WATERS AND KOPS NON-ALCOHOLIC ALES, Both Wholesale and Retail. -:0:- BURTON MILD AND BITTER ALES AND LONDON STOUT IN 9 AND 18 GALLON CASKS. V -E-T !Ij -A ■T-X jU .L_j rn 331 0J- O A.rjIjIII Purity the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KiDKEYS, AND BOWELS. They in\ igorate and restore to heilth Debilitated Constitutions, And are invaluable in COMPLAIN. ^idental to FEMALES of all ages. For Children and th- th«y are priceless. Manufactured only at 78, Nev Oxford Street, London, Vni sold by all M cdicine V#id :rs throughout the WarId. N.B. Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between tha hours of 11 and 4, or by lottor. A %.7- ———— "A School, an Aiademy, and a University." SCHOOL BOARD CHRONICLL 1(,. Issue, in Monthly Parts, price 6d. CA8SELLS New Popular Educator. Amongst the subjects treated in CASSELL'S NEW PoruLAR EDUCATOR are Acoustics. Algebra. Anthropology. Architecture. Arithmetic. Astronomy. Eookkeoping. Botany. Britisli Com- merce. Chemistry Commercial Botany. Comparatwe Anatomy. Drawing. Electricity. Elementary Politics. InglisIf." English Litera- ture. French. Geography. Geology. Geometrical Perspective. Geometry. German- Greek. Heat. .History. Human Physi- ology. Hydraulics. Italian. Latin. Light. Logarithms. Logic. Mechanics. Mensuration. Meteorology. Mineralogy. Music. Organs of Sense. Physical Geo- graphy. Plane Trigono- metry. Pneumatics. Political Econ- omy. Reading and Elocution. Shorthand. Sketching. Spanish. Ter. Iused in Commerce. Water-colour Drawing. TVitlt Part I is issued a large and striking Presentation Plate, suitable for framing. Prospectuses will be sent post free, on application, by the Publishers. :==: =-=-=- Entirely New Work i;) MONTHLY PAKTS, CPd. Cassell's Universal Portrait Gallery. Each containing 24 Portraits of Celebrities, handsomely produced with Autograph and J brief Descriptive Notice of each subject. I Entirely New Work. In Monthly Parte, price 7d. The Story I OF j The Sea. t E, iilcd by 0, Aiidtor of Dead Man\ Rock The JJUte Pavilions £ -v. j With New and Original Illustrations j by Leading Artists. V Part 1 includes LARGE-PRESENTATION PLATE. | Entirely New find Revised JCdtUon, MONTHLY, price 7d. DR. BREWER'S DICTIONARY cF i Pkrase and FabJe.' l Givin the Derivation, Source, or Origin of Common Phrases, i Aliusjpns, and Words that have f aTale to Tell. MANCHESTER FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED, 1824. CAPITAL £ 2,000,000. T. BARHAM FOSTER, ESQ., CRAIRUhl;, C. W. FURBRIDGE, ESQ., DEPUTY CHAIEMAN I CHIEF OFFICE- oS, KING STREET, MANCHESTER J. B. MOFFATT, MANAQEB AND SECRIRTARY. BEANCH OFFICE- MANCHESTEB CHAMBERS, 28, REGENT STREET, WEEXHAM. laf. PENNANT JONES, RESIDENT SECEETABY. frHE COMPANY transacts Fire Business only .J. and all Resources and Funds are available fcr Fire Claims. t: Surveys are made and rates quoted for all desorip- tions of rir.¡ks free of charge. Applications for agencies are invited. JADE's QOUT & J^heumatkT^p IN A FEW IIOUR8 THEY GAVE ME RELIEF. V)APE'S piLLS West Street, Firgrove, A nv'a TVTITO Rochdale, Dec. 14th, 1889 gADL S piLLS "Dear Sir,—I have had the Gout N ANPIFL T->TTTO ln toe for 6 ye^1"8 on and off ia ijj JJ-UjLS spite of the numerous linimejts ,and pills I bought At length my brother iJ >'iS,i mj f-v J"0"1" Pfls So I sent for a small bottle, yood a ani ase to say nothing ever did me so much IN A FEW HOUKS THEY GAVE ME RELIEF da>"s 1 c°uld wear my boot and go to business The second bottle made me all right, nor 'lafi the pain since returned 1 will never be without your pills, and shall recommend them to all I know- Y ours ({OUT truly, £ >HEJTMATISM u A CHAD WICK Mr Q Eade," EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS. Prepared only by George Eade, 72, Goswell Road, London, E.C. and Sold by all Chemists, in Bottles, Is Id, and 2s 9d. jgADE'S GOUT & IlHEUMATIO pILLS. DR; p°x's COUGH AND VOIOE WAFERS. THE GREAT JJEMEDY 1:'OR COUGHS, COLDS, BllOXCHITIS, INFLUENZA HOARSENESS. LOSS OF VOICE AND ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE CHFST AND LUNGS These invaluable Wafers, being prepared from Herbs and \vmts only, do not contain any deleterious ingredients, and may be taken with perfect safety by old and young. PREPARED GN-I.Y BY GEORGE EADE, 72, GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON. And Sold Everywhere in Tins, Is- ljd. each '•laFost Free from the Proprietors on receipt of Stamps, or "ostal OriVr. I 11 jp O X s QOUGII AND VOICE WAFERS. T> LYON S .HiLL POSTER & DELIVERER ST. WINEFRIDB'S TERRACE, H JL YWElL. ( j&peciallyreserved POSTING STATIC) ^Sin jgWc audUouutry. ImmediateattentioiJ giyen KING'S HEAD HOTEL, HOLYWELL. -:CI;- THE LEADING fAMILIrHOTEL"?" HAS BfEN RE-FUBNISHED AND TARIFF REVISED. ■ :o:— HEADQUARTERS OF THE CYCIISTS' UNION. THE HOTEL OMNIBUS MEETS THE TRAINS AT HOLYWELL STATION A T. J. HAYES. r fItJ JOHN JAMES HUGHES, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, BEGS to announce that he has succeeded to the business so long carried on by his late Father, John Hughes, at the above premises, and trusts that by prompt attention aDd moderate charges, oombined with good workmanship, to merit a continuance of public suppoit. THE HOME-MADE DEPARTMENT Will continue to be a special feature of the busines8 and great care will be exercised to ensure the best materials only being used. STRONG HARVEST BOOTS The best and cheapest Home-made Boots in the Market. WOMEN AND .MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY DESCEIFTION KEPT IN STOCK. YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S LOOTS AND SLIITER OF EYERY VARIETY OBDKRS PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Repairs neatly executed. v TRY GRIFFITHS' BEAUTIFUL TEA, at Is. lOd. per lb. GOOD FAMILY TEA, at Is. 4d. per lb. Best Brands of TINNED FRUITS. CANTON HOUSE, HOLYWELL ..A_ OR THE. BLQQP'HuTHFCI EK~ WORLUfcEAMEn For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impuritie- For cleansin,- and clearing the blood from all it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases. Pimples, and Sores of all kinds its effects are marvellous. It Cures Old Sores Cures Sores on the Neck Cures Sore Legs Cures Pimples on the Face Cures Scurvy Cures Eczema Cures Ulcers Curci Blood aad Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings Clears the Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever cause arising It is the only real specific for Gout sad Rheumatic Pains. It removes the cause from the blood and bones. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injuriousto the most delicate constitution of either sex. from infuncy to old age, the Proprietorssolicit sufferers to give'ita trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS "21, Orchard-strect, Warring-ton, January 5th. 1SP4. I am p.eased fo s iv that your Blood .Mixture and Lotion, u"c.Ü as prescribed, has done my daughter Elizabeth, affed 16 years, a woild of good. About eight months ago she was attacked with a severe skin disease. I took her to the hospital here, and she attended for six weeks. I then took her to the .Vanclu'ster Hospital for four months, but neither of them did her a bit of good (I was obliged to lake her from her wok) At last I was persuaded to try Clarke's Blood Mixtures and I now thank God I have done so, for, I am happy to say, the disease has disappeared, and, I can sately say it, the medicine has worked a miracle in mv daughter's case. Everyone that knows her says it is a wonderful thing, she only having taken three bottles, to see the diifen-nce in her appeal an ce now and a few weeks ago, This is quite unsolicited, and I send it hoping it will persuade other possible sufferers to try vour valuable medicine.—I remain, Gentlemc-n. yours gratefully. "ELIZABETH BOYLE." Witness Charles Price, 4S, Battersly-'ane, Warrington. '•Just a few line* in retV-rcix'e t> h won.l.-rfu cure that (. lavke s Bk> >d M ixtuie has t tb cud. 1 have been a r i. ,r over throe Witt, a bad leg. 1 x'uyu had several doctors, and tried dozens of receipts from people who professed to know what would do me good, but 1 never recei 'ed any relief until I tried Clarke's Blood Mixture. I should also add that I was recommended by one doctor to go to the infirmary as he could co me no good, but a friend of mine ssked rue to try your blnod mixture. I did so, and after using two Its. bottles my leg was completely cured. It would be impossible to tell you how many wounds I had on my leg; it was completely bluek up as aras the knee. My friends were alarmed and I though that I should lose my leg, but now it is all right You may ue thi letter as you please. M-ako it 118 public as you please, for I shall reeon.mend your blood mixtuie wheit \ei I go: •' JKS-F. SMITH," Si, Jane street, Hetton Downs, County of Durham, Jan. lCth, 1893. Sold in bottles 2s. 9d. each, and in cases containing six times the quantity.lis afficie1, t ty elf. ci apermanenf "u)e in the great majority of long-standing cases. By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEMCINE VENDOR throughout the Woild, or sent to any address on receipt o 33 or 132 stamps by the proprietors. THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIE DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN TRADE MARK-BLOOD 11 If TUr E. ASK 1' OR CLARKE'S BLOOD MlXTTjliE. And do not be persuaded to any imitation. I —— ——————— *» -1 Si I:t¡ 4 LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. EIECTEIC LIGHTIH6 Installations in Hotels, Mansions, Private Reei- dences, Shops, &c-, and Repaired on the Shortefit Notice. r THOMAS LLOYD, (LATE P. LLOYD & SON), ESTABLISHED, 1838, Electrical Engineer, Paijiicr, Plumber, Gas Eillff, Bell Hanger, Glazier, Paper Hanger, Hot and Cola Water Engineer Shower Baths and Sprays Fixed and Repbired. CAST IRON LANDEKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION iOILS, PAINTS AND COLORS, OF THE BEET DESCRIPTION ALWAYS KEPT. THE LARGEST 8TOCK OF BRASS WORK & FITTINGS /L\\7_a.y' ON HA.KD. Estimates given for all kinds of Work, anel Orders promptly executed on the eLortefct notice. EVERY VARIETY OF GLASS KEPT IN STOCK Experienced Workmen only kept. HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, N.W. A. SCHWARZ, CLOCK AND WATCII MAKER, WHITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL BEGS to announce that after the ENLARGE- 13 MENT OF HIS PREMISES, he has been snabledto greatly increase hitStock. ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY KEPT IN STOCK Clocks and Watchcsof all descriptions in hand HANDSOME-SELECTION OF ELECTRO-PLATED ARTICLES REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. A3PLENDI1 A.SS0EN MI NT CF f ri/tea Gold Wedding and Keeper Pings A present give with each ring bought. A private room to select in. 3DEALER IN 'LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMETERS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in great variety. WORTH A GUIBEA A BOX. 'W!< 6a' FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS SDCII AS SICK HEADACHE. WEAK STOMACH- IMPAIRED DIGESTION- CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMPLAINT, AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD Beecham's Cough PiUs, For COUGHS ASTHMA, lid all CHEST AFFKCTIONS. In Box- 1-. ld., and 2? 03. cacb. Feecham's Tooth Taste, EFFICACIOUS, ECONOMICAL, C] KANFES THE TEETH, PERFUMES the RH FA 1 H, Iu Collsp^illt Tubes, h. each. Prej"ired only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECIIAM, St. Ilikns, I anca^ir SOLD BY ALL DBUOQISTK AND PATEKT MNDIClKZ DEALEEt ETESyWBLSE.