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A. SCHWARZ, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, WHITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL BEGS to announce that after the ENLARGE- MENT OF HIS PREMISES, he has been enabled to greatly increase his Stock. ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY KEPT IN STOCK Clacks and Watches of all descriptions in hand HANDSOME SELECTION OF ELBOTRO-PLATED ARTIOJjES REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. A SPIIBNDXD ASSOBTMBNT OF Guinea Gold Wedding and Keeper Ring A present given with each ring bought. A privateroom to selectin. DBALEB IN LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMBTERS1 SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES n great variety. ONEY LENT WITHOUT SURETIES by the OHARING-GROSS BANK (Registered 28, BEDFORD-STREET, OHARING CROSS LONDON. ESTABLISHED. 1870. Capital 1>300,000. Reserve Fund £ 100,000. Advanoes made upon approved Promissory Note Advance £ 25—12 monthly repayments of £ 2 5 10 << 50 n 8 <( 1^00 Larger amounts the same in proportion. ADVANCES of J630 to £2,000 granted at a few hoar's notice in town or oountry, male or female, on mortjrajre of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, k. crops, &c., without removal, and to assist persons i nto business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, at 5 per oent. for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. Call or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask any Solioitor, Auctioneer, &o., in England or Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at onoe find out you are treating with an old established (1870) safe and bona tide Bank. Having large capital we do business oheaper than others. No good lone ever refused. CURRENT ACCOUNTS open according to the usual praotioe of other banks. No oharge for keep- ing aeoounts. Interest at the rate of 3 per cent. allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of £10 and upwards received at 4 per oent. per annum payable at 14 days' notice. Subieotto 3 months' notioeof withdrawal £ 5per.ont ',» g 12 7 Interest paid quarterly free of Income Tax. N.B.—The only Bank where Depositors can have their Principal and Interest paid out quarterly A. WILLIAMS Manager. JMA AST-SUPPRIL E P P S S /OEATEPUI—COMPOBTIN G. COCOA KAfT-mrn WATBB OR «XLK> "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." !rw WORLD FAMED spiia IDK>^LOOD PURIFIER! RESTORCR) For oleansingr and clearing the blood from al impurities cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds it is « never failing and permanent Cure. It; Cures Old Sores Cares Sores on the Neck Ourell Sore Legll Cures Pimples on the Face) Cures Scurvy I Cures Eczema I Cures Ulcers I Cures Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Diseases' Cures Glandular Swellings Clears the Blood from all impure Hatter I From whatever cause arising It is the only real specific for Gout and Rheumatic Pains. It removes the cause from the blood and bones. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OrnSTIMONIALB "CI. A RUTH'S BLOOD MIXTtJMl i« mtirely free from any poison or metallic impregnation, does not contain any injurious ingredients, and is a good, safe, and useful medicine."—ALFBKD SWAIN TAYLOR, M.D., P.R.G., Lecturer on Medica Jurisprudence and Toxicology "357, St. George's-road, Hull, Jan. 12,1892. I thought it was my duty to let you know what Clarke's Blood Mixture has done for me. After suffering for three years with abscesses on my arm and leg, and the doctors not being able to do me any good, I am thankful to say, after taking a few bottles of your Clarke's Blood Mixture. I am re- stored to perfect health again, and would have the whole world know of your wonderful medicine,— Yours truly, Miss HOUGHTON." 7 Canonbury-park, North London, N., Jan. 13, 1892 I had a very bad arm for eight or nine months, and had medical advice, which did not benefit m much. I met a gentleman at the Crystal Palace and he told me a friend of his had a carbuncle on his lesr, and that your Blood Mixture cured him right out. He advised me to try it, whieh I did and after taking four 2a. 9d. bottles, lam glad tot tell you the place healed quite up, and I have no felt anything of it since. I have no objection to your publishing this cure. Yoursfaithfully, A. BONNER." IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.—Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the ■kin in pimples, eruptions, and sores cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins cleanse it when it is f oul—youi*eelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pore, and the health of the system will follow. Sold in bottles 2s. 9d. each, and in cases containing six tiones the quantity, 1 Is —sufficient to effect a permanent cure n the great majority of long-standing cases. By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the World, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 or 132 stamps by the proprietors. THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN. TRADE MARK—BLOOD MIXTURE. ASK FOR CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, Ad do not be. persuaded to taks annt itat V- A,1 I. Q> I::r fIQ.. $A? IS' -4, & ci o? W V £ LIGHTNING "CONDUCTORS. ELECTRIC-LIGHTING Installations in Hotels, Mansions, Private Res- ciences, Shops, &c., and Repaired on the Shortest Notioe. THOMAS LLOYD, (LATH P. LLOYD & SON), ESTABLISHED, 1838, Electrical Engineer, Painter, Plumber, Gas Fitter, Bell Hanger, Glazier, Paper Hantr, Hot and Cold Water Engineer Shower Baths and Sprays Fixed and Repaired. CAST IRON LANDERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OILS, PAINTS AND COLORS OF THE BEST DESOBIPTION ALWAYS KBPT. THE LARGEST STOCK OF BRASS WORK & FITTINGS CALWAYS ON HAND. EVERY VARIETY OF GLASS KEPT IN STOCK Experienced Workmen only kept. Estimates given for all kinds of Work, and Orders promptly executed on the shortest notice. HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, N.W. I J7 0 L U M E just commenced. The NOVEMBER PART, price Cd., of The Quiver forms the First Part of a New Volume, and coiiiLiins:— THE CAPTURE OF THE SLAVER. By the Rev. D. GATH WHITLEY. Illustrated from Photographs. DAVID'S BIBLE. By the Rev. Canon GIRDLESTONE, M.A. IN CHICAGO'S SLUMS. By G. E. MORGAN, M.A. Illustrated. MY LORD." A Complete Story. Illustrated by W. RAINEY, R.I. THE WORKING MEN OF THE BIBLE. By SARAH WILSON. Illustrated. HYMN FOR OUR LORD'S NATIVITY. Music by E. J. HOI'KINS, MUS.D. HOW JESUS WAS RECOGNISED AT THE SEA OF TIBERIAS. By the Rev. Professor W. GARDEN BLAIKIS, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E. "AWAY TO THE WEST." By F. M. HOLMES. Illustrated. THE WORK OF THE GREAT FLOOD. By MARY HAMPDEN. TEACHING THE TEACHERS. A Sketch of a Model Lesson. Illustrated. THE COUNTRY PARSON'S LIFE. A Talk with Dr. Jessopp. By RAYMOND BLATHWAYT. Illustrated from Photographs. "THE BACK" AND "THE FACE." By the Rev. P. B. POWER, M.A. SHORT ARROWS. Notes of Christian Life and Work, New Books, &c. SERIAL STORIES. POOR PRIDE. By ISABEL BELLERBY. Illustrated by C. M. DEMAIN HAMMOND. GARTH GARRICKSON—WORKMAN. A Story of a Lancashire Lad. With Illustrations by W. H. MARGETSON. "THE QUIVER is an amazing sixpennyworth; the illustrations are so good and the style is so fresh and attractive, combining solid instruction with much that is entertaining and bright,The Rock. An Additional Plate is given Monthly in THE Magazine of Art Commencing with the November Issue, price 1s. 4d., which forms the First Part of a New Volume, and contains the following Plales.- 1. Photogravure: "Veronica. Veronese." By D. G. ROSSETTI. 2. Etching: "The Alhambra." By H. MACBETH-RAEBURN. 3. Wood Engraving: "The Harbour I of Refuge." By FRED WALKER. Complete in Three Parts, Is. each or I Vol., cloth, 5s. European Pictures of the Year. fith Reproductions of One Hundred and Fifty Continental Pictures of 1893. New Issue in Weekly Numbers, d., and Monthly Parts, 3d., of ii The Dor6 Bible. With Two 'Hundred Full page Illustrations by GUSTAVE DORÉ. II Messrs. Cassell announce a new serial issue of GUSTAVE DORIS'S ILLUSTRATED BIBLE, in Weekly Numbers, at the price of One Halfpenny -?ach—which may be regarded as the cheapest enterprise yet undertaken by that popular flrm.Acadcmy. Prospectuses are now ready and will be sent, in any quantity desired for distribution, post fret on Application to the Publishers. JUST COMMENCED, MONTHLY, price 7d. Cassell's Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland. Being a Complete Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom. With numerous Illustra- tions and Sixty Maps in Colours. ts issued, free of charge, a larne Map of THE JtRITISH ISLICS, handsomely d i,t Coloti)-s. "CASSELL'S GAZETTEER OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRE- LAND L» very comprehensive, full of varied and accurate information, profusely illustrated, and plentifully supplied with Tt'1_. LINTSHIRE INTERMEDIATE EDUCA- TION SCHEME. COPIES of the proposed Scheme as now sub- mitted to the Committee of Council on Education, and just published, may be ob- tained at the II OBSERVEB" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. PRICE 6D, As the number is limited, early application should be made. A B !A R L CLOfHIER, I CROSS STRET, HOLYWELL. -¡'fOl.. c..C CONTINUATION 0F SALE. •; SPECIAL GOODS -FOR THIS WEEK OVERCOATS AND MEN'S SUITS, SPECIALLY REDUCED IN PRICES. :o: i— ALL OTHER GOODS EQUALLY LOW. -:0'- CLUBS SUPPLIED AT REDUCED PRICES. F' 0 A. LAMBEKT, KING'S HEAD HOTEL, HOLYWELL. -0:- POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. -):- Wedding Carriages, Hearse and Mourning Carriages, ^:o: THE ONLY RECOGNIZED HEADQUARTERS OF THE C.T.C. -:0:- OMNIBUS, or other Conveyances, meet all Trains, Mr. Lambert (as Parcels Agent for the L. & N. W. R. Co. for Holywell and the District), HAYING THE SOLE RIGHT. J- o "IT REF 0 BJ A JIj L I I I Is the most reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, SORES, ULCERS, and OLD WOUNDS. For Colds, Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, Contracted and Stiff Joints, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street, London, And Hold by all Medicinc Venders throughout the World. -Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hotirs of 11 and 4, or by letter, Ti LADY, retired from business, and having a J\ considerable sum of uninvested money at he* Disposal, will LEND the same to any respectable person in any part of England and Wales, in sums of £ 5 to J6500, ON BORROWER'S OWN PROMISSORY NOTE, at a low and reasonable rate of interest for short or long periods. As this advertisement emanates from a bona-fide private lady she requests habitual borrowers will not apply. For terms and particulars apply to the actual lender, Mas, D. BEHRMAN, 16, Oity-road, Chester. ORTH A GUINEA A BOX. FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS sucli AS SICK HEADACHE. WEAK STOMACH- IMPAIRED DIGESTION. I CONSTIPATION. LIVER COMPLAINT, I AND FEMALE AILMENTS. ( LARGSST SALE IN THE WORLD. Beecham's Cough Pills, I For COUGHS ASTHMA, and all CHEST AFFECTIONS. In Boxes, 91d., Is. lid., and 29. 9d. each. Beecham's Tooth Paste, EFFICACIOUS, ECONOMIC AL, CLEANSES THE TEETH, PERFUMES the BREATH. In Collapsible Tubes, Is. eaoh. Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEEOHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire SOLD BY ALL DBUOGHSTS AND PATBNT MEDICINE DBALBBS EVEBYWHEBE. — PRESERVING SEASON! VEGETABLE PARCHMENT, PRESERVE COVERS. Six Dozen Covers for 21b. Jars, price, 9d. Three Dozen ditto, for 1 lb. Jars, 3d. Jam Labels, ready gummed, td. per sheet. ,.1 I" OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. Fkk- h SOWSao IfWTEB IT A TEl A CANADA. Under contract with the Canadian Government for conveyance of the Canadian Mails), FROM LIVERPOOL MONGOLIAN For Halifax and Portland.. Nov. 30 COREAN For St. John's. N.F. and Halifax.. Dec. 5 LAURENTIAN Fcr Halifax and Portland,Deo. 14 CARTHAGINIAN For St. John's N.F. and Halifax.. Dec. 19 NUMIDIAN. For Halifax and Portland.. Dec. 28 FARES FOR OCEAN PASSAGE: Saloon, 10 TO 18 Guiz;EAs.-Second Cabin, L7 7s. STEEBAOB, ie5 5B Through Tiakets to all Station F, at Special Rates. Passengers are landed on the railroad wharf and transferred from ship to train without any incon- venience and expense. The Company's special oonduotoraccompanie swest- bound passengers, IW NOTE.—This Line provides the cheapest and most convenient route to all parts of Canada, Manitoba, the North-west Provinces, British Columbia, and the Western States of America. Cheap through rates to Australia and New Zealand via C.P.R., Vancouver and Honolulu. $ 10 Bonus to Settlers and Homestead Certificates relating to the Government Free Grant Lands of 160 acres. To TOURISTS, SPORTSMEN, and others.— Round Tri p TicketR oom binin g Excursion IS t oNiagara Falls, the wonderfulscenery and Sporting Districts of the Rooky Mountains and British Columbia and otherplacesof interest in United Stateeand Canada. Programme of tours on application. British delegates new reports and all the latest maps andpamphletfcfree. Direotservices from Glasgow to New York Pad Boston and Philadelphia all the year round. Fullpartioulareon application to ALLAN BROTHERS & 00., 19, JAHBBSTBBET TIVRRPOOL OB FROM- T'TOMiS BALKS, 47, Ohester-street, Flint. Liverpool Nov. 21st, 1893 v/CRINKLED TISSUB^PTPEB," IN various colours for making Lamp Shade Candle Shades, FaDs, Hand Scrr-'ng, Doll' Dresses, and an endless variety of Fancy Articles Sold in Rolls 20 inch wide and about 7 feet long Price, 9d ditto White, 7d. I" OBSERVER OFFICE, HOLYWELL. r ——— WALTER OWEN, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, TEA B ANK, FLINT, FAMILY GROCER, AND PROVISION MERCHANT. AGENT FOR ~VEN VA TEA THE TEA r i GRAND TEAS AT 2s. AND Is. 4d. PER LB. CURRANT AND SEED BREAD. MADEIRA CAKES, TEA CAKES, &c. ALWAYS FRESH. PRO VISIONS OF THE FINEST QUALITY ONLY, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE. po WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CELEBRATED HOLYWELL HOME-MADE SAUSAGES. /Oobl Tea Parties, &c., catered for WATOHES. WATCHES. SAME PRICES AS AT LIVERPOOL. DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURER TO WEARER. ASavingof30 percent. if you want Fine- class Work IF YOU WISH FOR RUBBISH DON'T GO THERE. The same applies to DIAMONDS. And especially to RINGS and Fine JEWELLERY. RUSSELL'S GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, their own pure English manufacture, with all Russell's latest patented improvements, range in price from L3 to je235. They are handsome, strong, and perfect timekeepers represent the largest stock and best value in England, there being no intermediate profit between the manu- facturer and the wearer. Sent free everywhere at Russell's risk and cost on receipt of draft or post order. ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. P.S.—Beware of imitations, and people who pro- fess to sell at less than the makers. No watch is genuine unless marked- T. R. RUSSELL, "IS," CSURCH-ST., LIVERPOOL. W A T OR AND J EWE L L E R Y i BKPAIBS PEOJTPT AND PEEFEOT. Estimates given and cost of carriage taken. RUSSELL'S. T. R, RUSSELL, MAKER TO THB QVEBN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH-ST., LIVERPOOL WELSH BBANOH f LLOYD-STREET, LLANDUDNO. v., Worth ten times its cost.DAILY CHRONICLE. An Entirely New and Enlarged Edition, In Monthly Parts, price 7d., of THE Family Physician. A Manual of Domestic Medicine by Physicians and Surgeons of the Principal London Hospitals. This New Edition will present the following Features I— Additional Subjects. Revised Throughout. Additional Illustrations. Articles Re-Written. Re-Set in Clear, Bold Type. Greatly Enlarged. Cheaper in Price. With Part 1 is presented a Wall Sheet of Medical, Surgical, and Sanitary Hints. o:==-;=;=-=.=:=:=:===-==-=-=: An Original Novel by S I ANLKV WEY.MAN A Magnificent Coloured Plate entitled Don'tTdl," Ly A. G. ELSLEY Two Handsome Coloured Pictures Four Tinted Plates, rimed sepirttely An Original Carol with Music, by Prof. STANFORD; A Comedy in Miniature, by G. MANVILLE FENN and a Set of Ingenious Puzzles, &c., will appear in "Yule Tide," ,893. Price One Sh illhig. The DECEMBER PART of Cassell's Magazine, price 7d., forms the FIRST PART of a NEW VOLUME. "CASSELL'S MAGAZINE ought to be in every household."— The Queen. "The stories in CASSELL'S FAIILV MAGAZINE are good, the pictures are clever, the selection of subjects is strikingly varied; it contains a variety of useful information, and altogether a glance through the pages shows that their contents are un- usually attractive."—The Times. A Prospectus of the NEW VOLUME will be sent post free on application. NEW VOLUJJLE Just commenced. CHUMS. Weekly, Id.; Monthly, price ad. "CHVMS is a capital Aligiziiie; the stories and sketches will certainly fascinate every healthy hay. "-¡Jlandus!cr Examiner. CHUMS Xearly Volume for 1803 is now on Sale, price 7s. 6d. zeilooo for Id. A Passenger who lost his life in a recent Railway accident, having taken the precaution cf purchasing a Copy of Cassell's Saturday Journal, his family has thereby become possessed of the sum of 1,OOO. All Railway and Stc.unbolt ti-av-llers, by speudi-g a penny cn CASSELL S SA 1 I., [<I)AV j OI" RNAL. can thus ir.Mire th^ir lives. The November Part, forming the First Part of a New Volume, is now on Sale, price 6d. The Heir of Hampton Wold," by THOMAS KEYWORTIT, appears in Cassell's Illustrated Almanac and Companion for 1894. Price 6d. U" NEW STORIES BY POPULAR AUTHORS. Fully Illustrated. Monthly. price ld. Cassell's Penny Illustrated Stories. This style of publication is what has been long i.iu'red ir. cheap literature. Instedd of the vicious trash th-it is swamping the market, we find thoroughly sound. wholes tmeread- ing. The illustrations are noticeable tor good drawn»), Public Opinion. A List of upwards cr forty Stories already published will be sent post free on appiiotti<"r. -=-==:- :-=+_.=- Cassell's Classified Catalogue, con- taining particulars of upwards of ONE THOUSAND VOLUMES, will bt: sent, post free, tu any a.ddrtsa 6 CASS £ LL & COMPANY, LIMITED, Lud^ate Hifl, London. T Y S T E B MR. I. ROBERTS (Mynyddwr) TREFFYNNON. DYMUNWN alw eich sylw mewn modd neilldno at ein oyfaill Mynyddwr," JT hwn irdd yn adnabyddus iawn i ni. Ganwyd a magwyd of yn yr ardal hoo, ao y mae wedi bod, yn ol ei alia, yn un o'r dynion mwyaf gwasanaethgar i Lenyddi. aeth a Chrefydd am fwy na chwartef canrif. Rhoddodd help gaooedd o weitbiau i wabanol gym. deithasau 80 eglwyei gweiniad o bob eowad fei beirniad, arweinydd a chadeirydd mewa oyfarfodydd Uenyddol a ebyngherddau, heb dderbyn fawr til am ei waitb. Mae wedi gwasanaetbu Undeb Tsgolion Sabbothol yr Anibynwyr yn y cylch hwn yn ddifwlch er ya mwy Dag ugain mlynedd. Byddai yn myned i'r cyfarfodydd drwy bob tywydd ar ei draul ei hun, ao yn llanw ei gylch bob ameer yn y modd mwyaf cymeradwy. Nid oes ganddo ddim ond llafur ei ddwylaw i ddibynn arno. Gwyddom i fesur ei amgylchiadas teuluaidd a obymdeitbasol, ac am y trallodion eithr. iadol a'i cyfarfu yn ddiweddar, ao oddiar eia hadnabyddiaeth o'r amgylchiadau, yr ydym yn apelio atoch yn daer, i'n vnorthwyo i estyn anrhef iddo a fydd yn foddion i sirioli fi deimladau, ao i ysgafnhau ei galon yn wyneb y trallodioD preienol. Cvchwynwyd y eymudiad yn nghyfarfod Undeh yr Yegolion Sabbothol, ac yr ydym ni tydd an henwau iaod, cynrychiolwyr pob ysgol yn yr Undeb, yn taer erfyn am eich oydwritbrediad yn y sym- udiad, ao yn barod i dderbyn yr hyn a welooh yn dda gyfranu. Cadeirydd John Pabbt, Seion. PWYLLGOE. F. Jones, Fflint. Peter Hughes, Penypyllan. T. Williams, Bagillt. E. Pan Jonee, Mostyn. Richard Boghes, (Jonnah's Quay. Peter Williame, Greenfield, Trysorydd. TSGRIFEKTDDIOIf. Ezrah Johnson, Weat View, Chester. Edward Parry, Brynoelyn, HolyweU. TANSGRIFIADAU. £ s. d Rhodd o Drysorfar Undeb 3 3 Ezrah John-on, Carr 3 0 0 JjVA.DE'8 QOUT & JJHEUMATIC pILL8. IN A FEW HOURS THEY GAVE ME RELIEF. TRADE'S "DILLS Wett Street, Firgrore, Rochdale, Dec. 14th, 1889 EADE'S pILLS" Dear Sir,—I have had the Gout in my big toe for 6 year* on and off in EADE'S pILLS spite of the nuiLerotts linimejte and — pills I bought At length my brother a Tjlled me to try your pills So I sent for a small bottle. Is lid, and am pleased to say nothing ever did me so much good IN A FEW HOUHS THEY GAVE ME RELIEF and in 4 days I could wear my boot and go to business The Q-OUr second bottle n,aae me all right, nor has the pain since returned 1 will |> HEUMATISM never be without your pills, and shall recommend them to all 1 know—i' ours (-OUT truly, 1J HEUMATISM A CHADTTICK Ai' Mr G Eade," gADE'S GOUT & JJHEUMATIC pILLS Prepared only by George Bade, 72, Goswell Road, London, E.C.; and Sold by all Chemists, in Bottles, is lid, and 3s 9d. EAD£'S GOUT & IlHEUMATIO pILLI. jy R: F 0 x COUGH AND VOIOE WAFERS. rjpHE (tREAT ItEMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, HOARSENESS. LOSS OF VOICE, AND ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST AND LUNGS These invaluable Wafers, being prepared from Herbe and Fruits only, do not contain any deleteri"us ingredients, and may be taken with perfect safety by old and young. PREPARE" GXLT BY GEORGE EADE, 72. GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON. And Sold Everywhere in Tins, is- lid. each. Post Free from the Proprietors on receipt of Stamps, or Postal Order. DR. pOX'S QOUGH AND VOICE WAFERS. ros COUGBS II!. 6LSAM 0,. .4 q,Ofc. ;:0. t If AD E' M XP-f" POWELS LL BALSAB or ANISEED For ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, NICHT COUCH, INFLUENZA, HOARSENESS, AND ALL LUNG TROUBLES. SAFE AND RELIABLE. Established 70 Years. See Trade Mark on Wrappers. Beware of Imitations SOLD BY CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. In Bottles, 1/li, 2/3, 4,6, and IV- THE LEADING ENGLISH NOTE PAPER PURE W[JITE SNC)W FLAKE. — Five QuireHn handsome Box—OneShilliEg. 100 Court Shape Envelopes boxed to match, One Shilling. SOLD AT THE « o n s E R v E rr O F F T C E