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-#■ FLINT.


-#■ FLINT. CONFIRMATION.—The Bishop of the Diocese visited the ancient County Town last Friday, and held a confirmation at St. Mary's Parish Church, at eleven a.m. In spite of the very cold and wet weather, the Church was well fillei, and the number presented for confirmation was 713-35 males and 41 females, all from the parish of Fliut. Mr. Robert Jones, Biadford Home, and Mr. R. W. Bowen, Chester- street, rendered valuable assistance in saating the large congregation. The preface was read by the Rector (Rev. W. Ll. Nicholas. M.A.,) while the Revs. T. Enoch, B.A., and W. Williams, B.A., were also present. The Bishop expressed himself as much pleased with all the arrangements made. AN INTEBBSTING RELic.-When Mr. Ellis Eyton, M.P., presented the tuneful peal of bells to St. Mary's Church, the old bell, which had summoned so many generations of Flintonians to worship, was taken down 2nd placed iu the basement of the tower. There was a talk of selling the bell, but it is satis- factory to know that its voice" will once more be heard, as it is to be placed in position over the main entrance to the National School. The following inscription is on the bell:—" S.B. Flint' Made by Phillip Wightman, 1750." When the old Church was pulled down to make place for the present edi- fice, the Chureh services were held in the Town Hall, and the bell was hung under the arch over the window looking down on Churoh-street, as some of the older inhabitants still remember. It is sad sometimes to see tliiugs which have been con- nected with a sacred cause desecrated to base uses, but in this case it is pleasant to think that the old Church bell will remain true to its Church character, and will summon, we hope, many generations of young Flintonians to a school where the Bible will always remain a valued book for the instruction of the young. PRIMROSE LEAGUE ANNUAL MEETING.—The annual meeting of the knights, dames and associates, of the Flint Habitation of the Primrose League, was held at the Conservative Club Room, on Friday evening last. The Ruling Councillor (Capt. Thos. Bate) pre- siding over a large attendance. Miss Goode, secretary, submitted her annual report which stated that the number of members on the books was 568, an increase of 38 on the corresponding period of last year. Since the last annual meeting a General Election had taken place in which numbers of the Habitation bad rendered much assistance individually to the Unionist Candidate. The financial statement Was produced by the treasurer, Miss Hughes (Coleshill), from which it appears that there is a balance remaining in favour of the Habitation of Y-16 118. 9d. On the proposition of Mr. T. W. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Hy. Edwards, Captain Bate was re-elected president, and he thanked the members for their continued confidence. The Secretary (MiM Lizzie Groode) and Treasurer (Miss Hughes, Oolesbill), were re-etecled on the proposition of Captain Bate, seconded by Mr. John Foulkes. The Executive Council were re-elected with the substitution of Mr. Lord, Oakenholt, for Miss Edwards. The auditors were re-olected-Rev. T. Enoch and Mr. John Foulkes. It was decided to hold a Soiree on Primrose Day (April 19th), and request the presence of Mr. P. P. Pennant, and Mr. Finchan, provincial secretary for North Wales.—The President delivered a speech upon the policy of the present Government as affecting Wales in the Suspensory Bill and strongly condemned it. PBOFESSOB DR. ALFRED W. HUGHES. The Council of the University College of South Wales and Monmouth, have appointed Dr. Alf W. Hughes (late of Flint) to the chair of anatony of the Medical School of the College. Dr. Hughes, who is a Welshman, and 31 yeans of age, has already dis- tinguished himself. As an undergraduate in the University of Edinburgh he gained amongst other honours a medal in the Senior Class of Anatomy. In July, 1885, he graduated as Bachelor of Medicine and Master in Surgery (M.B. and C.M,) in the University of Edinburgh, and obtained the member's diploma of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (M.R.C.S.). During the same summer he was of- fered the post of Senior Demonstrator of Anatomy at Surgeons' Hall, and held the position for two yeors. After leaving Edinburgh in 1887, he entered private practice at Flint. In May, 1889, at the invitation of the Executive Committee of the School of Medicine, Surgeon i,Fqu are, he returned to Edin- burgh to undertake the lectureship of anatomy in that school, a position which he still holds. In the autumn of 1889, he was elected a Fellow of the ^°yal College of Surgeonsof Edinburgh (F.R.C.S.E) and after a test examination received the recognition that College as a lecturer in anatomy. ln "Jay, 1891. he was elected a Fellow of the **oyal College of Surgeons of England (F.R.C.S. tllg.), having, during the spring of that year, studied surgical anatomy and operative surgery In the University College, London. During March and April of the present year he carried out an extensive investigation bearing on the Jpiatomy of the human vertebral column in the j°P?8raphical Department of the anatomical Bra *n Leipzig, under the late Professor pren De" • **as had considerable experience in the arrantf^011 °* anatomical specimens and in the the worfc1^ anatomical rooms, and generally in departmetitTO*Ve(* *n or8ai"a*n8> a new anatomical GAS AND WATER COMPANY ANNUAL MEETING. TJI? Seventeenth ordinary general r3 ted was hew >8 and Water Company, Ll^nre'seTthe folio Jhe Hall, when the?e were present ^efoHowiag directorjj f h 0 -MrT ^Muspratt' M?*?*15 Mr" Thon.aAato. Mr. J- h. M«8Pratt, Mr. I8aac T Mr H Taylor solicitor^to the Compan/. j F J accountant, Mr. nuSn Uwen. secretarv The pi,«lor.rep»rt »a,Bab»u ed to ,h=™'Sa m it was stated —ine gas suppiled h b B' in quantity aud of h.gh illuminating £ £ ang° water supply has also been satisfactorily maintained but to provide against any increased demand water which might arise throug an Unexpected drought it will be necessary to F £ °yide increased storage and filtering capacity- *V i e, however, due regard is being paid t > the nece-si y for aa efficient supply every care is being exercised to economise expenditure both on the water and gas accounts.—On reference to the summary of aocounts it will be seen that there is a balance of £797 Os. ld. available for dividend, and the Directors recommend the payment thereout of a dividend in respect of the year ended 31st December, 1892, as follows, viz of 9s. 9d. per share on the fully paid up shares of the Company, and of 7s. per share on the 149 shares of jE5 paid, being at the rate of i7 per cent. per annum, free of Iucome Tax, such being made pay- able on or after the 24th day of March.—The Chair- man moved the adoption of the report and the statement of accounts, which was seconded by Mr Muspratt and carried. The Chairman moved the declaration of the dividend of 7 per cent, which was passed. The retiring directors, Messrs. Thos. Bate and 0. E. Dyson, were re-elected on the motion of Mr. Taylor, and the retiring auditor, Mr. p, Bibby Was also re-eleceed on the proposition of the Chair- man. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks o the Chairman.




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Family Notices

----....... ----THE FLINT…