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A. SCHWARZ, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, WHITFORD STREET, HOLYWELL BEGS to announce that after the ENLARGE- MENT OF HIS PREMISES, he has been enabled to greatly increase his Stock. ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY KEPT IN STOCK Clocks and Watches of all descriptIons in hand HANDSOME SELECTION OF El LEC)TRO-PLATED ARTICLES REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Guinea Gold Wedding and Keeper Ring A present given with each ring bought. A privateroom to selectin. DEALER IN LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMETERS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES In great variety. W LIVERPOOL & MOSTYN. T:a; The fast-sailing steamer "SWIFTSURE," ROBERT LOWE, Master; Fitted up speoially for the station, will ply between LIVERPOOL and MOSTYN, leaving Prince's Landing Stage, and Mostyn (weather and other cirumstances permitting)) Goods received at Prince'8 Landing Stage an hour beforethetime ofsailing. Rateof Freights or anythingunder 2 tons, 4d. perewt. over 2 tons,3 £ d. Measuremen Goods.2d. per Cubicfoot. Freightto be paid ondelivery. The Steamer nottod e heldresponsiblefo raon-sailingb. Steamer xiot iccountablef ordamageor injury to Horse* Harriaees. Goods whenlandedarejntirelyatthsriskof ?»„ £ *»«. fares. F A R E 8 FORE CABIN Is. 6d. AFTER CABIN, 2@; 6d. Return same day do. 2s. Od. Do: do. 3s. Od. Tickets not transferable. Children Four to Twelve Half fare. dpecial, aangements f or?ic-nic,Schoolparties,&c RefreshmentsaJld Cigars onBoard at moderate rates. For Time Bills and furtherparticular s apply to CAPTAIN JOHN DAWSON, Warehouseman, Mostyn Quay Or to R, &D. JONES,28,Brunswick troot, Liverpool. NOTICE.—DelightfulCheapSeaExcursionsbetween LIVERPOOL AKI> -XOSTYN, North Wales, allowing darties from Two to Four hours on shore for visiting the distance..Splendid Bathing. Five minutes walk to and from LtailwaySLation. Faresand time of Sailing as above. Sailings arranged as near as practicable to Train time from Mostyn for Chester and Hangor way; Mil. J. EVANS, Ffynnongroew, will meet the Steamer daily with conveyances to convey passengers in all direction. -4e Hqpci #gad Steam is VKTEB STATES & CANAJUL Under contract with the Canadian Government for conveyance of the Canadian Mails). FROM LIVERPOOL. CARTHAGINIAN For Halifax and Por'land.Jan. 26 MONGOLIAN For Halifax and Portland.Feb. 9 NUMIDlAN.For Halifax and Portland.Feb. 23 LAURENTIAN For Halifax and Portland. Mar. 9 CARTHAGINIAN.For Halifax (direct)..Mar. 16 FARES FOR OCEAN PASSAGE: Saloon, 10 TO 18 GUIlf.EAS.-Second Cabin, f7 7s. STEEBAGE, Y,5 5s. Through Tiakets to all Stations at Special Rates. Passengers are landed on the railroad wharf and transferred from ship to train without any incon- venience and expense. The Company's special conductor accompanies West-bound passengers, IW NOTE. -This Line provides the cheapest and most convenient route to all parts of Canada, Manitoba, the North-west Provinces, British Columbia, and the Western States of America. A substantial Government Bonus for families taking up land in Manitoba, the North-West Territory, and British Columbia. Fre Land Grants of 160 acres. To TOURISTS, SPORTSMEN, and others.- Round Tup i vcketscombiningExcursionsto Niagara f Wmi f -°enery Sporting Districts of the Rocky Mountains and British Columbia, and other places of interests United Statesand Canada. Programme of tours on application. 11 British delegates new reports and all the latest maps and pamphlets free. Direct services from Glasgow to New York pad Boston and Philadelphia all the year round. Full particulars on application to 1LLAN BROTHERS & Co., 19, Jamks STREET, Livebpooi. OB FILOX- TSOMAS BALES, 47, Ohestar-Mtreet, Flint. ALFRED ^MAYERS, 8, MILFORD STREET, MOLD. BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER THE LEADING ENGLISH NOTE PAPER PURE WHITE SNOW FLAKE. Five Quiresin handsome BOX-One Shilling. 100 Court Shape Envelopes boxed to match One Shilling. SOLD AT TIIE "OBSERVER" OFFICE. A. REDFERN, • WHOLESALE & RETAIL IB XT T a HIGH-ST., HOLYWELL, AND CONNAH'S QUAY, BEGS to inform the Inhabitants of Holywell JD and Connah's Quay and neighbourhood generally that he has bought a large number of BEASTS, SHEEP AND LAMBS, of the primest quality obtainable at the beet Cattle Markets of the district, and which he is prepared to SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Whilst thanking the public for the past favour extended towards him in his business, he hopes to merit their continued patronage. Prime Home-fed Meat only Supplied. A. R. would call particular attention to the new business premises he has opened, sitaate in THE CENTRE OF CONNAH'S QUAY, Recently in the occupation of the late Capt. Jcnes. WALTER OWEN, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, TEA BANK, F L I IW T) FAMILY GROCER, AND PROVISION MERCHANT. AGENT FOR VENOYA TEA., THE TEA OF ALL TEAS, GRAND TEAS AT 2s. 4d„ 2a., in. 8d. AND Is. 4d. PER LB. CURRANT AND SEED BREAD. MADEIRA CAKES, TEA CAKES, &c. ALWAYS FRESH. PROVISIONS OF THE FINEST QUALITY ONLY, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE. ( £ r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL- W. Hughes and Son's Celebrated Bangor SAUSAGE AND BRAWN. Tea Parties, Ac., catered for. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS! MANCHESTER CORPORATION CONCENTRATED MANURE, Made from Blood, Bones, Fish, and Dried Animal Matter, etc., from the City Slaughter-Houses, Markets, etc., Contains from 37f to 4 per cent. AMMONIA and 8% to 10 per cent. BONE PHOS- PHATES. AXAL3BIS GUARANTEED. 13 per Ton. Delivered at the nearest Railway I *■ Station, carriage paid, in 4-ton lots, within 150 miles. Supply strictly limited. For Samples, Testimonials, &o., apply to— H. WHILEY, SUPERINTENDENT, CLEANSING DEPARTMENT, TOWN HALL, MANCHESTER. OR TO MR. BOLD ALDRED, STAMFORD ROAD, ALTRINCHAM. MONEY LENT WITHOUT SURETIES BY the CIIARING-CROSS BANK (Registered), 28, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. ESTABLISHED. 1870. Capital £ 300,000. Reserve Fund £ 100,000. Advanoes made upon approved Promissory Notes as follows: Advance L25-12 monthly repayments of L2 b 10 44 50 4 11 8 100 14 9 3 4 Larger amounts the same in proportion. ADVANCES of JESO to t2,000 granted at a few hour's notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, &c., without removal, and to assist persons into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, at 5 per cent. for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Stricter private. Call or write. NOTICE.-Befoi;e applying elsewhere ask any Solicitor, Auctioneer, &c., in England or Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find out you are treating with an old established (1870) safe and bona fide Bank. Having large capital we do business cheaper than others. No good lone ever refused. CURRENT ACCOUNTS open according to the usual practice of other banks. No charge for keep- ing accounts. Interest at the rate of 3 per cent. allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of £10 and upwards received at 1 per cent, per annum payable at 14 days' notice. Subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal £ 5 per. eat 6 G « 12 <« 7 14 Interest pai(j quarterly free of Income Tax. 6 only Bank where Depositors can have their I nncipal and Interest paid out quarterly. A. WILLIAMS Manager. "E.'?7'LYONS7 BILL POSTER & DELIVERER, 8T. TERRACE, HOLYWELL. Speciallyreserved POSTING STATIONS in I Town and Oountry. Immediate attention given I NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK, LIMITED. -;0:- ■ BALANCE SHEET, AT 31ST DECEMBER, 1892. LIABILITIES. £ s. d. Deposits, Current Account Bal. ances, &a 7,420,005 17 8 Notes in Circulation. 39,260 0 0 Drafts, not exceeding 21 days' date 11,471 15 5 Acceptances, and Credits under issue I 148,28012 4 Other Items 73,755 11 9 Total Liabilities to Public £ 7,092,773 17 2 NOTE.—This Statement does Dot include the Bank's liability under the Baring guarantee. CAPITAL Total Subsaribsd, £ 2,400,000 0 0 Of which in i reserve liability.. 1,800,000 0 0 Paidup. 600.000 0 0 Reserve Fund. 400,000 0 0 Undivided Profits 20,102 7 7 1,020,102 7 7 £ 8,712,876 4 9 ASSETS. £ d. Cash in hand, at call or three days' notice 1,936,725 9 0 LS88,152 8s. lOd, 2ï% Consols at 95 843,744 16 5 India Stock at 95, and Preference Sbcks of first. class English Rail- ways at. cost 430,976 6 6 Bills of Exchange 1,928,790 5 5 Advances to Customers, tem- porary Loans on Railway and other Shares, &c 3,122,803 8 6 Acceptances, and Credits unac- cepted per contra 148,280 12 4 Bank Buildings—Head Office and Branches 132,413 7 7 Sams in transitu with Branches and Agents, and other items 169,141 19 0 I (, £849 We certify that the above Balance Sheet, in our opinion, is a full and fair Balance Sheet properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the statj of the Company's affairs, as shewn by the Books of the Company, and that the Profits as stated in the Profit and Lots Account, have been fully and fairly earned. HARMOOD BANNER & SON, CHABTEBKD ACCOUNTANTS. Liverpool, 16th January, 1893. T. A.. LA M BERT. XING'S HEAD HOTEL, HOLYWELL. -:0:- POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. ■ :o: Wedding Carriages, Hearse and Mourning Carriages- -:0:- THE ONLY RECOGNIZED HEADQUARTERS OF THE O.T.O. -:0:- OMNIBUS or other Conveyances meet all Trains, Mr. Lambert (as Parcels Agent for he L. & N.W.R. Co., for Holywell and the District), HAVING THE SOLE RIGHT. ■4 C 1.T lJE :B O.J A LL I I NTMENTit Is the most reliable remedy for AD LEGS, SORES, ULOSRi, and OLD WOUNDS. FonGaleis, Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swelliisigs^ Contracted and Stiff Joints, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street, London, 1* And Sold by all Medieine Vendor* throughout the World. Advice Gratis, at the above address, dailz, betwiea the howa of 11 ad 4, or by letter. "fO "E BLOOD IS THE LIFE." CL4v, ID- feigOfglD RESTORER! For cleans»mg and clearing the blood from all impurities, cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases. Pimples, and Sores of all kinds it is a never failing and permanent Cuse. It Cures Old Sores Cures Sores on the Neck Cures Sore Legs tures Pimples on the Face CMes Scurvy Cares Eczema Cuses Ulters Cllre, Blood aad Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings wears the Blood from all impure Matter. From whatever cause arising It is the only real specific for Gout RAd Rheumatic Pains. It removes the cause from the blood and bones. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and wanunfced free from anything injurious to the most constitution of either sex. from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a toil to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. "CLARK.S BLOOD MIXTURE is entirely free from any poison or metallic impregnation, does not contain any injurious ingredients, and is a good, safe, and useful medicine. 'I-AT.FRED FEWAIX TATLOH, M.D.. F.R.S.. Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology "257, St. Geor^e's-road, Hull, Jan. 12, 1892. I thought it was my duty to let you know what Clarke s Blood Mixture has done for me. After suffering for three years with abscesses on my arm and leg, and the doctors not being able to do me any good, I am thankfut to say, after taking a few bottles of your Clarke's Blood Mixture, I am re- stored to peafect health again, and would have the wksle world know of your wonderful medicine.— Totii'S truly, "MISS HOUGHTON. f, Canonbury-park, North London, N., Jan 13, 1892 I had a very bad arm for eight or nine months, and had meiical advice, which did not benefit me mueh. I met a gentleman at the Crystal Palace' and be told me a friend of his had a carbuncle on his leg, and that your Blood Mixture cured him Bight out. He advised me to try it. whieh I did and after taking four 2s. 9d. bottles, I am glad to, tell you the place healed quite up, and I have not felt anything of it since. I have no objection to your publishing this ewe. Yours faithfully, A. BONNER." IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.-Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting throuph the skin in pimples, eruptiens, and sores cleanse it when you And it obstruetrd and slugwsh in the veins cleanse it when it is f«ul—your«feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Sold ia bottles 915. 9d. eaeh, and in cases containing six times the quantity, lis -slifficiflut to effect a permanent euro in the great majority of long-standing cases. By aN CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the World, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 or 132 stamns bv the proprietors. THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DBCTG COMPANY, LINCOLN. TRADE MARK—BLOOD MIXTURE. ASK FOR CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, And do not be persuaded te take an mitation. DECORTICATED COTTONSEED CAKE "PHFFINIX PURE" BRAND. FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES APPLY TO THE MAKERS, The Ptoix Oil Mill Co. Limited, LIVERPOOL. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS A RE universalljadmittedto be wortha GUIXEA a B02 ior Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as windand Pain in the Stomach,Sick Headache,Giddiness,Fulnesi and Swellingafter Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness,Seurvy, Blotcheson the Sliin,Disturbed Sleep,FrightfulDreams ,and all Nervous and Tremblin* Sensations,&c The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one boxof these Pills,andtheywillbeackk.Awledgedto be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. FotfemaleEofallagesthesePillsareinvaluable.asa jew doses of them carry off all humours, and bring about ill that is required. No female should be without them There is no medicine to be fo.d equal to Beecham's Pills for removing any obstruction ourregularity of the system. Iftakenaccordingtothedirectiorsgivenwitheach box, theywillsoonrestorefemalesof all ages to sound and robust health. Thishas beenproved by thousand owho-have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured b* their use. » For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digest ta, and all D ordels of the Liver, they act like magic, and a few dose will be found to work wonders on the mostimportant rjgansin the human machine. They strengthenth e whole museula i system, restore te lg lost complexion bring backthekeenedge of appetite,and arouse intoactien with the rosebud of health tne whole physical energy of the human frame. These are F AOTS testified continually bv members of all classes of society, and one of the beat ^uaranteesto theNervousandDebilitatedis,BEECHAM'P PILLS havethe LargeslSale of any PatentMedieine in the world. BEECHAM' MAGIC CO PILLS. As aremedyfor Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchid Affections .Hoarseness, Shortnessof Breath, Tighfcneseand Oppressiouof the Chest, Wheezing. &c.,these Pills stand unrivalled Theyarethebesteverofferedtothepublicand willspeedilyremovethatsense of oppression and difficulty ofbreathingwhicbnightlydepfivethepatientofrest. Let any person ?ive BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial,and the most violent Cough will in a short time be removed. Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail bytt-e Proprietor Thos. Beecham, St. Helens,Lancashire in boxes9id., Is. lid. and 2s 9d. each. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medic in e Dealersevery «here. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. CBJMLED TISSUE PAPER IN various colours for making Lamp Shade. JL Candle Shades, Fans, Hand Screens, Doll's Dresses, and an endless variety of Fancy Articles. Sold in R'111s 20} inch wide and about 7 feet long1, 2 Price, &d ditto White, 7d. "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. HOLYWELL TECHNICAL CLASSES. SESSION 1892-93. GOREU ARF, ARF DYSG. The Classes will be held as follows during the present Se"on SHORTHAND: MONDAYS FROM 7.15 to 8.30 p.m., COMMENCING MONDAY, the 10th day of OCTOBER, 1892, IN THB SPRING GARDENS INFANT SCHOOL (By the kind permission of the Holywell School Board). TEACIIEB- REV. WALTER LANCELEY, C.M., P.S., M.P.S., M.N.P.S. Fee for he Course of Twenty-eight Lessons 3s. 6d. ARTIZAN'S COOKERY: TUESDAYS FROM 4.15 p.m., COMMENDING TUESDA Y, the LLFA day of OCTOBER, 1892, AT THB DRILL HALL, BEISPORD STREET, (By the kind permission of Capt. J. Lloyd Price). TiucHitit- MISS B. J. KEENE, Of the Liverpool School of Cookery. Fee for the Course of Twenty Lessons, including Practice, 2s. 6d. HON. SEC. :-MISS PUGH. DRAWI N~G CLASS: THURSDAYS FROM 6.30 to 8.0 p.m., COMMENCING THURSDAY, the 13th day of OCTOBER, 1892, IN THE SPRING GARDENS INFANT SCHOOL TUCHEB- MR. W. E. PARKINSON, Of the Chester School of Art. Fee for the Coarse of Twenty-eight Lessons, 3s. 6d. CHAIRMAN OF THE LOCAL COMMUTES MR. EVAN BRYAN. HON. SEC. OF THE LOCAL COMMITTEE MR. RICHARD BROMLEY. Persons intending to join the Classes should send in their names at once to Mr. RICHARD BROMLEY, Solioitor, Well Street, Holywell, and as to the Cookery Class, to the Hou. Secretary-MIes PUGH. JOHN JAMES HUGHES, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, r,- HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL BEGS to announce that he has succeeded to thE JD business so long carried on by hie late Father John Hughes, at the above premises, and trust., that by prompt attention and moderate charges, combined with good workmanship, to merit a continuance of public support. THE HOME-MADE DEPARTMENT Will continue to be a special feature of the business and great care will be exercised to ensure the best materials only being used. STRONG HARVEST BOOTS The best and cheapest Home-made Boots in the Market. WOMEN AND MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES OF BVERY DEBCBIPTION KEPT IN STOCK. YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND 8LIPPEBS OF BVBRY VABIETY. OBDBBS PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Repairs neatly executed. JgADE'S QOUT 4 JJHEUMATIC piLLS. THE FIRST TWO PILLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAY. TRADE'S PILLS. 2, College-park-villas, Kensall-green, London, W.. May, 1891. JADE'S PILLST Dear Sir,—I feel it my duty to tell you I had Rheumatic Gout twice, and had TRADE'S PILLS, to stop at home for three weeks. I cannot describe the pain I suffered. I read your advertisement, and looked upon it as all others. A brother signalman said, Try them." I did so. THE FIRST TWO PTLLS TOOK THE PAIN AWAY in a few hours, and I was able to resume my work. No on Q-OUT need be frightened to take them. I have recommended them to all whom RHEUMATISM. I have heard complaining of Rheu- matiijm, Gout, Lumbagj, Neuralgia- rj.OUT Stc. I hope no one will doubt my state, ment. RHEUMATISM Yours sincerelv, ■" JAS. PETTELGALL. Mr. G. Eade. E ADE? s GOUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS. JLj \J JH< JL Prepared only by George Eade, 72, Goswell-road,(London, E.C.; Sold by all Chemists in Bottles, la. I id. and 2s. 9d. JjlADE'S GOUT & jgHEUMATIC piLLS. E ADE'S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. j THE BEST MF.PIDIXE FOR BILE I TilE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND THE BRST MEDICINE FOR INDIGESTION 18 E ADE'S ^NTIBILIOUS pILLS These excellent Pills promote a due and healthy secretion of BILE, restore the tone of the STOMACH, and produce a healthy action of the LIVE It and BOWELS. £ ADE'S A IBILlOUS pILLS. Quickly remove the irritation and feverish state of the STOMACH, correct the morbid condition of the LIVER, relieve the system of all impurities, which, bv circulating in the blood, injuriously affect the action of the KIDNu YS, and by removing the causes of so much discomfort, restore the vital energies of body and mind. J £ ADE'S ^NTIBILIOUS pILLS. Are sold by all Chemists in Boxes Is. ljd. and 2s. 0d. • Dr mailed free on receipt of remittance by GEORGP V i rn? 72 GOSWELL. ROAD, LONDON. E O. J £ ADE'3 A NTIBILlOUS pILLS. 11\ DYDD GWYL DEWT, 1893. ki hi 0 EISTEDDFODTREFFYNNON EN T R I E S:- The Compot-itions (9, 10 and 11) close FKBEUABY 1st, 1893. All other Entries to rra-h the Secretaries on or before February 8th, 1S93. The Articles in the Miscellaneous portion of Programme (12, 13, 14. 15. 16 };nd 17), to reach the Adjudicators on or beloie FUBBUABY 20th, 1893. Fir Programmes and further particulars, apply SAMUEL JONES, CHEMIST, HOLYWELL. • EDWARD PARRY, STOEES, HOLYWELL. DYDD GWYL DEWI, 1893. ST, DAVID'S DAY Dl"'IvIER AT THE KING'S HEAD HOTEL, HOLYWELL. WEDNESDAY, MARCH ist, iSgj. Fall particulars will be duly given. ALMANACKS. WHITAKER'S ALMANACKS, 2, Ga. and Is. Editions. SMITH'S, PETTITS' AND BLACKWOOD'S SCRIBBLING DIARIES. CHURCHMAN'S ALMANACK. POOR RICHARD'S ALMANACK- BAND OF HOPE ALMANACK. BRITISH WORKMAN'S ALMANACK. "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. J. J. CLARKE, BILLPOSTER, NEWSAGENT, OUTSIDE PORTER TO L. & N.W.R 9, EVANS STREET, FLIT. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES JD COTJBSE OF INSTRUCTION :-TllO!"OTJ!!}¡ English Instrumental and VocaiMnsif Drawing; Paint- ing French and German, by resideiit. Gove rnes^es plain aud fancy Needlework. i'beWeeklT DANC- ING CLASS will be resumed the 1st week in January. Ladies wishing to join will please jnve in their names in December, -Lid for particulars; apply t.cthe SUPKBIOEESS. at tnt Convent, Holy will. k? 6,; >• io* jb vfv" /• c? J?"' LIGHTNING CO-NDUCTOIZS- ELECTRIC LIGHTOG Installations in Hotels, Mansions, Private Res dences, Shops, &c and Repain d on the Shortes I Notice. THOMAS LLOYD, (LATE P. LLOYD & SON), t EgTABLIS-HED, 1838, Electrical Engineer, Painter, Phnrbcr, Gas Fitter, Bell Hanger, Glazicr, Paper Hanger, Hot and Cold Water Engineer I Sbowtr Baths and Sprays Fixed aid Repaired. CAST IRON LANDEKS OF EYLRY DE:5( BIPTlON OILS, PAINTS AND COLORS, OF THE DEbT DEFCBIPTIOK ALWAYS KEPr. THE LARGEST STOCK OF KEASS WORK & FITTING t ALWAYS ON HAND. I EVERY VARIETY OF GLASS KEPTL>"ST0CK Experienced Workmen only kept. Estimates given for all of Work, annl Orders promptly executed on ihe bbCrlut Lttice. HIGH STREFT, f BREAKFAST SUPPB*. E P P S S GBATEPUL"~COMPOaTIM'G. COCOA BOILING- WATER o- HAVE: YOU VADE YOUR WILL TF not buy one of Hinde s Will |"°L -L contains clear, concise and lo^a. to. how to make your o» u ^1- PRICE, SIXPENCE. SOLD AT THE -V L k, 1 4 O 13 S E B V E n (> F F C E J, HOLYWGLL,