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I * .Holywell Petty Sessions


Family Notices

Ticketing for Ores at THE…


To flie Editor of the Flintshire…


To flie Editor of the Flintshire Observer." Siit,-In my former letter, to which you gave a place, I offered some suggestions to the Improvement Commissioners of Holywell, relative to the proposed Market Hall and Well Improvements. With your permission I will now add a few words on drainage and supply of water,—these two objects, though coming last, are by no means least as respects the com- fort and general well being of the inhabitants. I have heard a large sum mentioned as the necessary cost of sewering the town, at first sight this would app -ax to be a great exaggeration, foy Holywell appears to be singularly well situated for obtaining sufficient drainage, for a very moderate outlay. I say sufficient drainage, for in a town of such moderate size, little more is needed (provided proper conveniences in back premises arc constructed,) than ready outfalls for surface water, including that used for domestic purposes. I gather from reports occasionally appear- ing in your pages, that back premises have been and perhaps still are sadly neglected:—this should be amended, but more sewers will not much amend it, without at the same time creating such a nuisance at their out-fall, as would probably cause a great out- cry from parties affected by it. Possibly the Commis- sioners are acquainted with a mode of dealing with this part of the subject which is carried out in the town of Hyde, in Cheshire, and, I believe, in other parts of the manufacturing districts. A pamphlet costing only two pence giving details of the plan followed may be had at the publishers', Ncwhall's Buildings, Manchester;— from which publication much useful information may be obtained, whether the proposed system be adopted, or not. I will content myself with an extract from a written document, signed by 188 occupiers of property, at llyde. ihe back premises of numerous blocks of houses were disgusting to the sight, and nauseous to the smell. Frequent sickness was the result, especially in summer time, when the exhalations became past endurance.. The change effected is beyond anything "we ever expected to witness." In providing a supply of water for a town of small population, many of whom could ill-bear the imposition of a water tax," simple means only should be resorted to. Steam engines and other costly machinery should be avoided. I am told there is an abundant supply of good water running to waste, except in dry weather, from the lands above the town-a quantity amply sufficient, if caught in reservoirs, to supply the whole town. From such reservoirs the water might pa^s through simply constructed filter beds, to hydrants placed in convenient situations in the streets and courts of the Town. As things are at present, there certainly is but little inducement for well to do strangers to come and dwell among us. Nature has done much to make us admire the locality, and man has done much to spoil it. One of the most deterring features of Holywell and its neighbourhood in the eyes of strangers is the untidy appearance of much of the house property,—more-par- ticularly the cottages, which for the most part are of very imperfect construction, aed many of them in wretched condition. It it> unfort^mjitp that many of these skirt the sides of the prhvipal thoroughfare by which visitors approach the Town. The road from the Railway station to Holywell, through Greenfield, was originally but a lane leading to the shore, while now, there are probably ten times as many passengers alone- it, as go to the town by_ any other road, "which as respects first impressions, is untormnate, for along its whole length many oi the eoi-tagos are in wretched pli,ht,-iinsiipp,,)rted,-nnl)ainted, iiLs,,wered,-soiiie of them, I am told, without the commonest means of preserving decency,—whose only outlet is to the pnplic highway, which is thus, almost of necessity, made to serve the purpose of a common sewrer. Not only does this condition of things obtrude on the eye of the visitor on his appioach to the Town, but to the top of the new road whicn is almost in the midst of it,—nay, bevo^d this, for if he is directed to ascend Penyball, from which there is an almost unrivalled panoramic view,— he has to pass through a mass of deserted decaying dwellings, and of squalid cottages,—and, though he may adnure, and justly admire the beautiful scenery, he w iu be deterred from becoming an inhabitant. This state of things is not only deterring to visitors, but it 18 a standing grevianee to that portion of the inhabitants whose position is at all raised above poverty. I know perfectly well that where numbers of working people are congregated together, it is useless to expect every thing in and around their dwellings to be in neat and orderly array,—but when in addition to what may be called the inevitable disorder of a poor population, is added the neglect of their dwellings by those who own them, a sad state of things must ensue,—not only physically, but morally for how can you expect the moial senses to be cultivated and refined, when the physical ones are subject to such degradation. In this land of freedom, people may almost literally do what they will with their own—perhaps in. no country in the world' are the rights of property so jealously guarded as in this,—the law very properly allows of no invasion,—that which a man possesses he may use, (I had almost said and abuse) as he likes. But in proportion as the public law thus jealously guards the rights of the Owners of Property, it does in my opinion, impose upon them the moral responsibility of using it with a due regard to the comfort and con- venience of those who occupy it, or who aro surrounded by it,-the largeness of a rent roll" Cannot bring with it dignity or the consideration of hns if its contri- butions are from property, w is left in the condition which I have describec It may be thought that I have -ligressed from the subject I started with, bv tain the Local Board of Holywell can do b. the way of real beneficial improvement, unl( j are liberally and wisely seconded by the principal ers of property —and on this account they should cor ite and win them over to their views, instead of ge' to logger- heads with them, which they appear likely to do. Your obedient servant, A. B.

-0-To the Editor of the 11…

[No title]
