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¡> PREPAID SCALE. TURKS SIX 1 WO-K338. 0 CTB- TIMK8. CTMF.a. 1 14 Woros. OS 13 2 0 j„ — ■■ J 22 Word3 0 9 1 9 2 9 30 Words. 1 0 2 3 3 6 ff&jIZTT 0 6 0 9 _J The above charges secure the insertion of Small i-Zeertisementa inhotJi the Daily NBWIS and SooTn ECHO. These charges apply only to the of Advertisements sped/led below, and are iiricily confined to those which are ordered for consecutive insertion, and paid for previous to .isertion if either of these conditions is not com- plied with, the advertisement will he charged by j £ e Easiness Scale :—Apartments s Situations Vacant or Wanted, To be Let or Sold, Lost Fonnd. and Jiiscellanecux )Vants. Notices of Births, Harviuries, timl Deatha Is each n each paper, if not exceeding V0 wovds, and 6d 4er additional 10 words. • £ 1 FECIAL Notice.—Applicants „enUing replies to Adver tisernents addresaea to initials or fictitious names, his Office, are requested not send original testimonials »>th their applications, bv.t to enctosa copies of testi- monials {,¡v personal. NOTICE to Pawnbrokers, Music Dealers, and Others. -£1 reward will be paid to acy person giving infor- mation that will lead to the recover? of Soprano Cornet No. 10785, maker A. H. Gisbourae stolen from Unionist Cluh and Institute.—Address Bandmaster, Unionist Club, Barry Dock. 467n OMOlSi Arcner's "Golden Returns." Sweetes' 'rj Tobacco manufactured, 1135 Gentleman who too £ overcoat in error in 3 30 train from Merthyr to Pontypridd Sent- 24th, coiu- Oiunicate with Williams, Ddyhewyd, Llantwit var.lre. a 'L' Jtatntmsmal. Man (Z), with means, desires Correspondedoe X smart Youog Lady; vijw matrimony; enclose 3!J9n ^aitueralnp. PABiNERSBIP{A.:tjVe¡ wanted in Cardiff, Ship- Jt. broking and Coa I Exporting reasonable capital; >xvt«eaced investigation required.—P 834, ECHO, Oardhi. 3-5'in .IIUDical. Avajancy for an Apprentice at Morgan W. James i Chemist. Llanslly premium moderate, 9312 €imcaiioual. CERTIFICATED Teacher wanted, English and Music or Painting, also Kindergarten, daily.—Q 338, New. Cardiff. 53Sn pvANCING.—Queen's Hall, in Queen-sf-reet Arcade, B I- Caratf, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays: superior mnsio by Messrs Bases' well-known baud; admission 6d. 773n Learners' Class; private lessons.—Particulars, S7 OVF.RNESSES, Mothers' Helps, and Ladies ratiuir- VJ"'na t;iezn, apply South Wales Governess Agency, 5, Church-street, Cardiff. No charge to principals. 52Qn Church-street, Cardiff. No charge to principals. 52Qn OU'x'H Wales XutoriaT~ciasses, Centra Chambers, Working-street. Cardiff.—Messrs Meyrick and Stowe. Coach for University, Professional and Government axazniaaUons, 1 tions, &o.—French, Spanish, Italian, German, Com- mercial correspondence. Candidates prepared for Pre- iimmary Law, Medical, Cn&rteratl Accouasauts, Ci^il erviee, Queen's HchoJarsliiDP. TeleKraphs, and Kxaoainatsons. Private Tuition, Classes, and through post. Arithmetic, Book-ksepinj;. and Shorthand; 9tner subjects by .specia! arrangement. Pi'OL-ippcias on tDplication.—Jdr W. Haiues, Pn^iio Xrausiatov, 25, Park- .tre&U^ardig .JEt-tabUsbed 16H). 892_ ANTBJ,\ M.C. to start good Dancing Class.—Apply Y Gwaelody Garth Hotel, Walnut Tree. 329n May- VV street); established 18 years English,French, ^atin, Ac. ■ 726n lost nub jfountr. 'lyiOI ND at Llanbradach, roiiRh Whippet Dog; unless JtJ claimed will be sold.— Joseph Thomas, 19, Coedy Brain, Lianlii attach. VISii FOUND, a Walking StioU owner can have it by pay- ? ing expenses,—No. 26, Hewell-straet, Lower ForTND, Cross-breù Cjliie Bitch not claimed within JC 3 days will sell.—Xamplin. Abercwmboi. 691n 0 0 ND October 5th, Bay ilave Pony, mane cropped 1 close, short tail, white spot on right shoulder, about Treforest. ¥24711 Al>"X'!i Umbrella lost at Empire, Friday afternoon; ) initials on handle A.A.P.—Kindly return to 16, St. John's-square. !>3en OST from 53, Adelaide-street, Docks, October 4th, }°ough Irish Terrier, named Coy, marked on tail; Snder rewarded, detainer pr03ecuteÙ. 86511 OST »u Penatih on or about 2 £ >tu September. Gold Fancy Curb Padlock Bracelet.—Finder returning name to Plasnewydd, Penarth. will be rewarded. 871n OSTfrom tne person of a yountr iady on Thursday JLj night at Cardiff, or between Cardiff Station and iilwynynla by 11 pm. train, a La.-Iy's 13-carat Gold Key- less Watch vnumbe'- 54D. 4) and Chain with small heart attached to ohaiu.—Any person returning same to Police, Xonypaudy, will recaiva Zls reward. 823n OSTlroiu Slaaghter-house, dark brown Cow, three scissors mark UetweelJ rump ø.nd Dln- bona right side; tiader rewarded.—liosaor, iiutchcr, lferndale. 71911 LOST Oclcher 1st. YoarK ëõii¡;-J3i¡h(;iOis): finder JLj leip-rded detainer prosscuted.—20. Albany-toad.n OSX, October 2nd. Fox Terrter, btown ears, scar on hack, stump tail; detainer prosecuted, 3nder rea.ràed.-Mea.C1en. H. Graig-terrace. Bedlincg.n OSt7October 4th, Gold iJiocch, wishing bone with Hegard, between High-street and Castle-road finder OST from GoldenLion inn, Nansyalo, Welsh Terrlev, JLt one ]oy ear.—Anyone resuming same rewarded, this notice nolder will be prosecuted. 6C5n L-ÖS-I\t PenvKraig Septeaiber 28th, Blackdheen JLt Bitch, white collar: tinder rew;wded if will be piosecuted.—Jolm Evsvas, Pearhys Farm, Ponty- ^fwaith. 571n LOSX near TonyrefBll, small I;re1 Sheep PoK,i'aEie JLJ Scot; finder rewarded.—Itomas, Llanlled, iony- .'efail. 500n LOST from Cwmbar^osd Uonntaln, September 19th, dark br6wIl IVJare, hands, lame In left. kDee; finder l6IVarded.-W. Jones. i Caeha,rris, Powlals. 9n fpETtEIER Pup !o <t: brown patch on sIde; tinder J rewaraed, -3, }i¡h-gtree. 662n ISontfisiic J^erfaauts- strong GirTwanted as General.—Apply 7, Berthwin- street. Cathedral road. 835n A General Servant, able to cook—Mrs Harris, 62, Oftk- flald-street, Caidiff. 888n ABespectebl3 Girl U7-ld~for general housework.— .fL Apply lJO, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 761n A Girl wanted at ones sieey out.—Apply 10, Denton- road, Canton. u A Clean To'iog General wanted: good wages; no 1V'Ml1iDg.-APplY e7ening¡¡ 15, Pembroke-terrace, u Good General wanted two in family.—Applv Mr* Han ley, Penrhiw. Raciyr. 796n » clean Young Girl wanSed for liousework, mornings i\.oniy Ayr'y after 6 o'clock. 154, Newport-road. 6l<8u A- goodštëidY Girl wanted for housework; m(\\i A. family good home reference required.—Write P 599 Eclu), Cardiff. 59:)n Good General wanted one load of children pre- lerred.—24, iiankintosh-plaoe. 435n A competent~Cook:-General wanted; good wages.— Apply to Mrs Jenkins, Rushbrook, Whircharch, near Cardiff; 10 minutes' walk from JLlandaff Station. 179a N~Experienced Cook-General wanted immediately A family 3: good home.—Write G 757, Kcho, Cardiff, n COMFORTABLE sltuaticn and home for good Girl. 16 17 2 in family.—12, Ban go r-road. Roa sh Park^a rdi ff.n 0MF"11XABLE Situation and Home for sood reliable Girl.—Apply, with references, 31, The Parade. 258n ClOOK and Housemaid wanted at the X.M C A.. CardilT. j piY1Hm!Onal1y (or by leterl to the Matron. 681n C" lOOJiB woaiad. £ 20 to £ 15; House-Parlourmaids, J HdiUSfcivaids, Nurses, 50 Generals, Gardeners, Coachman, &c.—Morgan Morgan's, 45, Charles-street, Car dill 67511 (lOOKs', House-Parlourmaids, Nurses, Generals, and </Kltchenmaids, immediately,—Castle Registry, Duke- street, Cardiff. 58to XPERIENCKD Genf-ral wanted; small family — Apply Mrs Phillips, 7, Ed ward-terrace, Cardiff. 678n i i KSKiVAL Servants. CodSB, Housemaids, 4c,—I<adies VX requiring servajits and experiencing difficulty in intainiiiff same should communicate with The National Domestic Association, 27 and 29. Brooi,-sfrre"t. Hanover- square, London. W. The iargeet and best office in the fingdoui, XMa.-Ass^siatioo been very successful la obtaining servants for ladies in London, suburbs, and the country, and. bavinglt ¡a;t¡{e number of servants uoon thelrJbooks reshtenli and requivinR situations in the country, can obtain servants for any part 01 EDg. land. Branch Officei; will bo opened in large towns during the uext few months. S196 Gt UNKRAL Servant requiredimttiedlatly; Kood wages; f comfortablo home.—Mackenzie, 31. i'aiiey-street, 'i'on, Pentre. 9C6n GENERAXTservaot wanted at once 3 in family re- farenooB required.—28, Ricbmoad-road, Cardlff.881n farenooB required.—28, Ricbmoad-road, Cardlff.881n /^rtiNKHAL Hervant wanted family 2; plain cooking VJT and washing; references Con- naught-road. 701n ENEP.AL SeivaTiT waiited.—Aypiy Mrs Jones. The Square, \bercavn. 701n l fcjStitiij, aibo Plain Cook. easy, quiet, happy U home.—Registry, 47. Queen-street. Cardiff. 683a GENERAL Servant wanted.—Apply 200, Buts-road. 510n GENERAL Servant; small family; plain cooking, washinf.—Apply, stating wages, reference from last situation, to Mrs £ aw. Post Office, Cwmtiilery. 530u GENElVAIi Servant, aze about 18.—Aouly 9, Xiepooch- Streaf. £ 54n EMER \LiS woniin, me" amua.tioits in London, small VJT families, good wages, fares paid, apply 127, Donald- street, Roath Park, Cardiff. Nothing to pay. 487n i ENBRAIi wanted one whõna!i been OUG before.—17, U GlaraorKan-street. Bt'ynmawr. 245n 15NERAL Servant.—Apply, statini; all particulars, ta Mrs Griffiths, West Court, Bridgend. 247n G1 KUKUAL and Housemaid wanted: from country f preierred; good referenea required.—124, New- vort-ioad. 201n j <■ KNKKAL Servant wanted at once good references. —Apply GrlfHths. 15, Cardiff-road, Xreforest, *193n {"i ENKRAL wanted, iO to 30 years of age; good wages \JT uo washing; uiuat bo reipsctabie.—Mr# uowen, lihos-Wenalit Hotel, Aheruaut. Aberdare. i 11BL, 13 or 14; good iiome small f&mil^; orphan preierred. -Z 301. Echo OJo"" Gardltl. IIl VS"oOl> Geaerai wanted—Apply Richards, Pork VJT Hut^hsr, 49, Crwys-road, Cardiff. 982n OOU General for istdyT on washing; small Uouae Ur gas iitovei all rooms; little corajjaiiykept; quiet, oomfortabie.—71. Rltor-rottd, Ktsbopstow. i>to.. i: OOD Plain Cock and H'juse-Piirlouruiaid for lady And daughter in Clifton jSiiO servlWd stayed far y..r.-71, fiitou-road. lilahopston, Bristol. wim jri OOOGn I as gentral^Apply 14, Major-road, Cantor, XW after 5. B'°" OQl> Oenerrri wanted by 17th Ooiober 3 in famiiy.— "Pfty Cathedral-road. Cardiif. General; plain cookjnK; no washing: early VJ fI ,cr; hou&emaid kopt.—9^. xVewport-rd,, CnrdW. n a > OOX> Ueutral wa-utod; suiaa family plain cooking. \X Apply with rsfereuce, JUra Nicholls. Caeijias, :;cwun. 7C8a j < (.' £ >!> (JooH^H-ueral; also ijipertenoed llouscmald.— < X A*i;piy Mr# Lewis, 169, Newport-road, Cardiff. 563n I 10ul> General wanted as once; rd"rt:n¡;e.Ms U Griffiths, Apple Tree Bhop, Dtnae. Rhondda. 496n Servant required; good references; trllftl eoimtry pxeferred.—44. System-street, Ctrdtn-n -G:-1-ówUffieiaîer" wanted 2 in family good Ur wages to eiperienced girl.—Apply after 6, Grove "toase. Somerwt-Blftce. ilerthyr. x22& a Genera1 wanted by 17th October; 2 in family. I —Apply 88, Cathedral-road. Cardiff. 474n /S OOD c7eneral vrauted small family plain cooking; | nJT comfortable home.—Thomas, Rrynonen Archer- road, Penarth. o25n road, Penarth. 325n G^rooD- General wanted.—Apply 4 and 6, Broadway, r Roath. HOUSE-Parlourmsud immediately.—Apply Mrs Fid- JJL dian, 3, Tho Walk, CardilT. Sires snit.ed with servants Situations secured for s^rvant3 fee Is. -Waiters, Page-street-, Swansea, in V5 RS Stevens requires the services ot a good General, J.9J1 able to <lo simple eooiclng t;ood home and wages. —Apply Tcscar Eoase^l^, Newport-road, Cardiff. 80-m > EHPECTABLK Girl, about 15, wauted at once for lli r}Jout 2 monvhs.—Apply personally 5Q, Upper Kincraig-strecS, RoRth^CarailT. TSliKPECTABJjK GIrl wanted. about 14 yeara of a%'e.— XV Apply 103, Dogfield-street, RESPECTABLK Girl wanted for general housework.— JK. Mrs Denharn, West-road. Roatit Park Lake. 83311 BfJSPECTAIiLR_Girl as general servant or general ijeip.—Apply Post Ofticg. The Dunns. Mumbles, 49Bn UTXED i'roe.—Wanted, Generals, .Cook-Gencrala, !-) bu siness and private. Housemaids,—S3, Ca.stte-toad. Cardiff. a'nn TRONG Girl wanted at once for Kstinc-hou?e one used to business xjreferred.—Apply Mrs Busch, 3 Bridge-strec. 50'?n W sree, Riverside, Cardiff. 901n WANTED, a clean respectable Girl.—Apply 119. Coin- ?V merciai-street, Newport. x275n WANTED, a srood General.—Apply 31, Teilo-streeti Cathsdral-road. 842n ANTE?.1 immediately, Cook-General; 2 in family; housemaid kept.-Apply between 5 and 7,183. N ewport-road. 88-aa \757 ANTED, strong respectable Girl, not under 17; no 11 children sleep out.—27. Ruthin-ga'-dens. BaZn Girl to Ms-st. housework; W good references age 15-15.—59. Shakespc^re-st. n Vlf ANTED, strocg Glri, about 16 sieep <u.—Apply 117, » V Tewbesbury-stveet, Caihsye, Cardiff. JoSn Girl assist daily with a chilctren.— Mrs Yoga, 17, Tudor-ro 'd. Cardiff. 9002 vvt/.NTKD. respectable General Servant, age 10-18, I T Cardiff.n ANTED, good Cook General: housemaid kept.— Apply Mrs Aitken, Northwood, A berthaw-ten ace. W ANTED, General, able to —ash and do plain coo it- j T V ing,—Dr. Paterson. 100. Crwys-road. Mil ANTED, strong active Woman (30-40) for general housework and cooking: small family. Apply by letter only Housekeeper, cars of Wia. Da.wson and Hons, Ltd., CarOilT. Y'lTAN^E7),KOOuGTuer!U Servant; comfortable home good girl; refereaces.-25, Glynrhondda- street, > > .> ANTED at onca. strong Giri as General.—Mr& Raft, V* 3, Coaohliouse-sSreet, )'ontypr:dd. ^25vu \XTANTEJ>ra clean-mart General Servant; wages 6s I" weekly: n0 washing. -9, Park-pla.ce. Sisa I \\fAWrViO, a clean sham Young Woman about 20 to; v ? daily work.—9, Park-pl-ice.. good General Servant for Caerphilly,— YY APJHV Mrs Duke-street, Cardig. 75:tn a General Servant.—Apply immediately 1, EitzhamoD-ainbankmant. nOn WANTED, respectable Girl about 15 for housework sleepnome.—Apply 3. Edwards-place. 747r. ANTE!), clean respectable Hirl; good homo to I trustworthy; country preferred.—18, Dumfries- place, Cardiff. 7<hP im ANTED, Cook (£45¡, Cook 1 \£10),1, Generate ( £ 5 to £ 20). -Mrs Coster. Eegiatry. Gloucester. Servants salted tree. VS7 ANTED, a General Servant, cot under 16.-A1)ply 't'1' 2m, Bute-road. ^/a eiperieoeed Cook-General YY must he cook another f-iri lvept; comfortable home; good wages references,—Mrs Griffith, Massy- coed, Abercynou, Glam. 74Qn I W~ ANTED, a strong Young Woman, used to plain cooking, make herself generally useful; sleep out. .-Apply D'Arc's WaAWoriis, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, n VET ANTED, ooil Plain Cook or experienced Cook- YY General; small family.—Apply evemugs y.l^cli- mond-terrace, Park-placs, I VfJ ANTED, good General, able to wash andiron.— YY Apply Gresn Meadow Farm. Pontypridd. x254n 'iA"AIn TED, Housemaid-General, also Coos-Gciieral; I" housemaid kept.—Apply Broad, >53, Albany-road. Cardiff. ANTRD, a good General Servant.—Apply Mrs Morgan, Castrefle, Campbell-ter, Mountain Ash, u ~ANYKD,respectable Girl about I Apuly personally to 46, Moy-voad. Roath. 679o Ul ANTED, good General Servant.—Apply 16, Wind- YY sor-place, Cardiff. GOOn WaNTKD at once, (tIll about i5, mornings.—App'>y 19, Dogo-street, Cathodral road, Card'fT. 635n ANTIUD, good Cook-General; two other ms,:ds kept.—Apply Edwards, Oldwell, Penylan-road, Cardiff. 631,11 \< ANTED at once, good General Servant; no wash- YY ing; references required.—Apply 68, Wyndham- ctescent. 658n ANTED at once, General about 17 3 in fa.mily.- 1'V Apply 8, Coldstreani-torrai-e, Canton. 628n ANTED at once, a Young Nursemaid; good refer- ence.—8, Oakfield-streat. Roath. 06^ WANTED by end of October, General Servant.— W Appiv with reference, stating wages required, to Mrs Gwyn, Solicitor, Cow bridge. 624a if' ANTED, a clean, respectable Girl tci housework 3 YY or 4 mornings a week.—Appiy Mrs 'i\ Davies. Cnamist. Portii. 615n \\l ANTED, good eiperiencsd General Servant.—Apply YY Mrs Thomas, 90, Brecon-road. Merthyr. x243n rV7 ANTED, staid woman as General is lodging-house. —Apply lirown. Upper Tag-street, Merthyr. i244n W"ANTED, kind, usefnl, clean Girl to wait on invalid ladv.—39, Richmond-road, Roath^ S8?n_ YY son. The Elms, XAJANTED, lesi-ec'.ahle i'oung Girl for light house- YY Newport-roafl. _="" \7ANTED, a i'oung Girl to assist in housework; YY another kept.—Apply 231. Newport-road. 559n 1 WANTEDTior uio-nings oriiy, clean respectable Girl. —Apply 161, Malefant-street, Cathays. 557n VV^ANTKD, K-Tper.enoed General, small family, with I YT tefereiices, by 15ih ahio Nur3e immediately.— Apply 14, Ricltmoufl-road. Cardiff, between 5 and 4. 55m ijtTAN'JCiSt' at once, good General.—5, b^go-rtreet, Cardiff. 5l9n \ANTEdT icspeetabie Girl for light housework and W look after 007 FFL.—»6, CowhrlCige-roacl. Sain ANTED, a strong Girl about 16, fond of children.— 89, Alfred-street. Roath. 573n \St7ANTED. clean resxisctn.ble Girl about 17 for house- YY work.—Appiy 43, Niniau-road, Cardiff. 572n VV^ ANU Ei^ immediately, a. good General Servant; Y Y only 2 la family desirable place.—Apply with full particulars, references. Recto? of Penderyii, Aherdaic. n AN'l'ED. good Geiiei al Servan:; anothur j £ cyt; small family.—3, Marine Parade. Penarth. 481n ANTED, respp.ciable Girl, about 16, as nurse.— Mrs Ragley, Oak-street, Abcrtillery, Mon. 4SSn "ilT AN rgD, good 1J1 am Cook; small family.—Apply 1" Miaa Thouias,Oakmkre, North-road, Cardiff. 45011 SX7 ANTED, experienced General; 1. in family.—Appiy Y » after 5 p.m., 23, Coiinaught-road, 464u 'W1 ANTED. General Servant, understands plain eook- YY ing.—Mrs Cohen, 18, King's road, Canton, Cardig.n %\l ANTED immediately, Yoang Girl as Genaval, able YY to cook andwa'h; three in family.—Apply to, Conna.nqht-road. q25n ANTKI^good Plain Cook.—Apply Mrs Hibbert W Penylan, Cardiff^ :i2An VST^NTEdT cleanGirt as general servant.—Apply Mrs YY Wiiliams, Chemist, Mountain Ash. 365n ANTED, gcod General, not under 20; 2 in family YY goodhomc.—CaaiertonHou3e.Gorse-lane,Swaiisea.n —Sntki>, General Servant; 2 in family.—Apply 205, Richmond-road. Cardiif. 3}in \X7ANTEDlit once, thorong)d7 experienced House- YY Parlourmaid gentioman's family good salary.— Address C 323, Echo. Cardiff. 323n W1 ANTED, good Girl as General; wagt-3 £ 1.—Apply YY 30, StaMoa-street. Barry Dock. 3c213;i X7V ANTED, Sewing Maids, Useful Maid, Child's Sfaid; YY liberal wage3.—Morgan's. 45, Charles-st.. Cardiff.n « 1 ANTED, a good General.—Apply 2, Gordon-road. Y V Cardiff. 296n ANTED, General Servant.—Apply Mrs Powell. 5, YY Windsor-place. Merthyr Vale. 27jn VxtXnted. respectable Giri for housowork sleep YY out; references; 5a week,—Apply 8, Park-place, Cardiff. 290n \X7 ANTl-.D, t-cspeotable staid Woman as Housekeeper YY for working man, 5 children, youngest 6; state a"3 and watres River-row. Rhiw- Biackwood. 278u ANTED, Experienced Nnrse-Honsemnld family of three, one child; good wages.-68, Plymouth- road, Pen'irth. W ANT^iT immmediately. strong General Servant, accustomed plain cooking—Apply Miss Isaac, VY accustomed plain cooking—Apply Miss Isaac, Grocer, Abemare. 2n ANTED, good General, with^elerences.—ApplyiMrs King, The Grove. immediately, a good General Servant: t, references required.—Apply Lewis, Believing Officer, New Tredegar. 241n ITS7 ANTED, experienced General; no ohildlren.—Apply W with reference. Mrs Edwards, London Honse, istrad, Rhondda, 192n rif ANTED, good General at once; good wages.— Y 1 Apply after 6 06, Penylan-road. 178n Vi^ANTEDrgood General 20 to 22; cooking, washing, YY ironing.—Evans, Temple of Fashion, Treorky. 213n ANTED, good General; comfortable home refer- t? ence required.—Apply acõ, Carporation-road. Grangetown. 174n \VANTRd7 good Cook-General.—Apply YY in evening, 69, Newport-road. 122n fpIiiTBb, a good Experienced General.—Apply VI Poole, Butcher, Commercial-street, Newport, xu ANTED, a capable General Servant; wages VT to a good girl.—Apply Mr3 Duckham, King's vole, Cardifl-rcau, Newport. 3C20^n ANTED, clean Girl about 13 to assist another in houseworii.—144, Castle-road, Cardiff. 96n W'ANXE1>, a thoroughly experienced Cook; must have good references small family good wages. —Mrs Morel, Penarth House, Penarth. 107u ANTED, Young Girl as General Servant, able to do W ulain cooking: 2 in family.—12, Grove-place, Penarta. ANTED, General, abie to do washing, ironing, plain cooldng,-70, Merthyr-road, Pontypridd. 71n ELSH preferred.—General Servant wanted at once early riser.—4. 'l'ho Parade, Cardiff. 279n V\1 ORSING Hou3ekeejjer for Business House; a YY reliable and competent person.—Apply, giving full particulars. to J. T. Krost,Draper,Hclton-rd.,Barry.n WORKMAN will Adopt Girl any age above 12 as care far house.—Write D. Davies, .223, Marine-street, Talistown, Mon. 12611 YOONO Person roquired to do the housework and IL occasionally help in waiting in Pontcanna branch shop.—Manageress, Stevens, Confectioner, Pontcanna. n Y'O"0N<t General wanted as Betweenmaid, able to do JL IllliUle washing aud ironing.—Mrs Morel, Penarth llotil ^erbauts. SHottT^Iid iSsmail go/d reference sunder- A stands a little Welsh wait if neceasary.-Address A. L. J., Glyn .Hote), Ewell, :-iurro. 73711 ARMAJD-Waitress for restaurant; must ha'« references.—Apply fevvriiriga, C. Eawaru-teirace. liaOu BOOTsTequired.—Royal"Clarence Terroperance Hotel, < IRL wanted to assisTun- kitchon; sleep out.-Apply VX Central Hotel. L_ |OUSEMAJD requlrtd atonco.—Royal noreJ, CardIff. 1n N" lGHT Porter (head) required.-Apply to Manager, Royal Hotel, Oardlfy. M__ OEGI3TER, Register.—Wanted. Jfamiaids (superior), iv Cbamfce.nu»ids, Housemaids, Pantrya.>U3t Waitresses, Kitchsnm^ids, Generals, also Hall Porter, Waitresses, Kltc11snm..ids, Generals, also Hall Porter, Stockroom Porter, Kitchen Porters, Junior Barmen, Waiters, Pa«e BoyB, numbers wanted immediately. Marks's Hotel Registry. Castle Arcade. \K! ANTED iinmeciiaialy.good reliableioriri,as barmaid. \K! ANTED iinmeciiaialy.good reliableioriri,as barmaid. T| —Apply personally Mi j Aarelius,Navigation Jiotei. Treharris: &1n \\J ANTED, a rcspoctaijiy iouugGirl asNurge.pply 11 Oxford Hotel, Cardiff. 8Zln ANTED, a Lad about 10 for sKl'tie' alley and make I himself useful in the house indoors.—Al'piy Draper, pivmoutl; iI(>t,i, !"dl:ntlt, 821n T*n»N"Xlii\ Cock.Gtneiail~rcnab'e woman with good Yv rclereuoes; age A-30.—Cambrian Hotel, i'oci: f Swansea. 704n immediately, Voting GIrl, about 17, as Y f waitress, must also be able to assist in housework references; good wages,—G. Davies, Xynewydd Hotel, j Xreberbert. «82n J UT ANTED, a good General Servant, not under 25: YY good wages given,—Aurelius, Navigation, Tre- harris. 697" WANTBD. situation as Barmaid; experienced re- ferences.—Apply M. C., Echo. Pontypridd. x241n ANTED, experienced General Sor-.ant; no wash- ing; good wages; references required.—Apply Mackintosh Hoiel, Cathays. 182n XTSTANTED, General at Clydach Vale Hotel, Ciydach Y Vale, Rhondda. 67n Y- OUNG Lady peeks re-engagameno in good hotel; ex- perienced—Apply Miss Wcbb.Pilning,near Bi'i^tol.n ituations Vacant. smart, energetic vcung person wanted.—04, Albany- .l.1. road, Roath Parlr. SSln A Public Analyst has a vacancy for an AriicledlPupil: premium required.—Analyst. Daily News, Swcnsea-n "a JuniorA°slstant for wholesale hosiery and out- .1:). /itting.—Apply, stating, age, experience, and salary, D 733, Daily News, Cazdilt. 73liu A few good Men wanted for planting and hoeing.— xSw Apoly the Nurseries, Rnmney. 725a B'iAKEHS.-WI1"Jæd, a youth (16), able to mould.— JD Apply 45, Cliftou-strcet, Cardiff. 75811 BAKERS —Wanted"strong Youth as Apprentice or JD Improver.-Apply, stating wages, &C., x. E, Jones. Confectioner. iKEP.S, Confectioners.—Second Hand; must he good worker state age, wages.-C 490,Maws,Caru^ff.n AKlJit.—Respectable Man to assist and deliver v;ith horse avid cart; abstaijiec preferred; reference and wages refjuirsd,—Coate, Milford Haven. 2n iTAKERS.'—Wanted7~Xouth to assist jn b.ikehouse Jstateiullparticaiars.—Phillius,Maesyft"rwd,'Xreoiky.n ILLMliN and Bill ijoy.i wanted.—Apply Tuesday JL) morning, 8.30, Bombay Tea Co.. High-st. Newport-n OOOKSELLING and .Stationerv.—Wanted, Youth .O about 15 as Apprentice.—Apply Scholastic Trading 556n It OOKSELlilNG and Stationery.—Wanted,Lady Assis- > tant.—V,rrite, ata'ing experience, salary, and giving references, Manager, 7, St. BOOT Repairing.—Wanted, steady Young Man for JL? bene'—Thomas, O, Chnrcii-street, Blauia. 853n U >X Trade.—Wanted, good i;uiek Repairer, soli&r, at once.— Apply Jarv's. Morgan Arcade, Cardiff. 808u BOOT Trade.—Wanted,respectableYoang Man on rivet or sewn -Carvnte¡"s, Bridge-street. Cardiff. 743n a) OOT Trade.—Wanted iinmediateiy. good Renoh- JlJ man. able to make good rivet boats.— «PE»y Davies, Brecon-road Boot Factory. Merthyr. Labourers,—Wanted, a few good > Hod Carriers.—New Otphaii&ge, Portskewett.x261n eTckYaRO Haiids.— Wanted, a few good bzawers A) and Setters, ased to Hoaman kiln.—Write M COO, Dally News. Cardi.'T. 500u BUTCHERS.—Lad wanted as apprentice to the butchering indoors good home.—K 547, Echo, Cardiff. 3*7n BCICHEDS.—Wanted, Strong Young Man, about ZO, ab!e to kill and sheep and used to shop work. -\1,JP:Y Liew. Hunkin, Neath. 251n 1ARTMAN.—Young Man warned must be steady aai \j reliable.—Bvan3 Bros., Morristo. 3S7n 4 lARPENTjSRS and Joiners are requested to lfeep Away from Barry anu district; strike on. xalOn Excise, J Customs oSees vacancies now open to all. aged 1&-23; experlcnc? unnecessary; special explanatory pamphlet free.—Secretary. Civil Service isureau, Albert llall, Edinburgh. 661 n George, j Llauddeusaat. Llangadoc!r: Carmai-thenshire. 243ri C""—~OACH Viceman wanted constant job for a steady, quick man wages 2Ss per week.—Chft's Exccl^ior Carriage Works, Wellington. Salop. 712n C-^OSS ProsT, The Cardiff Ironmonuers, have vacancy j for respectable Youth as apprentice ffim,t be tall and of good address.—Apply 3 and 4, St. Mary-street.207n DR l'EH.Y. -Wa,¡¡ieè, experienced Saleswoman; Welsh; reference and salary.—Lewis and Son, X r e b a (r i s. 89ita RAPERY.—Wanted, a Young Lady Improver to serve through.—Appiy with reference, &c., Llewelyn and Son, Glasgow House. New K.VPERY.—Experienced Young Lady for general drapery.—Harapath, Post Office, '.I'oayrefail. VOGn rTPERyT— Richard~Lewis, 3 Had 9, Kigh-street, IJ Swansea, has vacancy for a. Young Lady in the I ÜU1CV department; Y{e311. s220n RAVERY.—'Wanted, 2 Junior Young Men, also Young Lady Apprentices for millinery and fanoy drapery.—Appiy Davies Bros.. Cowbiidge-road, Cardiif.u BATEIVyT-Wanted immediately, stylish Milliner, serve through,—J. Thom.t". Carlisle-street, Cardifl. n ^ESSMAKING.—Apprentices wauled it'so Im- provors; no premium.—Misses Parsons, 6, East- grove, Cardiff. 309;1 RESSMAKING.—Wanted. Apprentices to the dres-, and mantis making-5, Despenser-st, Riverside, n DBESSMAKBItS.—Urgently wanted, first-class Hand live oa;; good wage? pitid none but experienced hands enierte med.—Apply, references and wages, D. D. Lewis.Sla. Beaufort-street, Brynmawr. 468n X^LECTRIC Light Wiremen wanted immediately.— filjApply, stating age, experience, 4c.. W. A. Baker and Co,, Ltd., Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. x273n I~?RRAND Boy.—Wanted at once, Smart L2.d.- 14 Chappie and Kemp,-Printers. Ncville-st., Cardiff, n 4 "1 OOD Stableman wanted, able to drive single or Tiair; \X a steady, reliable man.—Apply Medoalie, Porting Stables, Brecon. 65n XiOCERY.—Wanted, a Carter, fill time in warehouse tX" permanent joh-.op.es, GIa.d"oneHous<>Por&h.n G HOGERY, Provisions.—A good Improver orJlmior I v.auted at once, well up in soliciting; outdoors full particulars first letter.—A. Evans, Carmarthen Stores, Blaenclydach. 872n ROCERY and Provisions.—Wanted, a smart Junior, well up at both counters.—Appiy OrifSths and Co., 152, Clare-road. 751 n ( ROGERS' fiaulier.—Wanted immediately, a 6Kiarfc r Young Man as Under-Haulier must be a careful driver state age, salary, and references.—Daniel and Son, Pontypool. 759n ROCERY.—Wanted, Improver or Junior; indoors \3r state experience, references, wages.—James and Son, Brecon. 826u ROCER'i.—Wanted, strong Youth to drive out and assist in warehousc.-J. David Blaenrhondda. 739n ipTBOCERY.—'Wanted, ail-roand Assistant, used to VX booking afid soliciting also smart Junior, about 18 to 20. and an Apprentice.—W. Francis, Glebeland, Merthyr. x252n /ritOCER Wanted, smart experienced Man to \X'solioi:; orders one accustomed to tho work able to spsab Welsh; assist indoors Saturdays only state full )>art;cularf», wages, and references- Waiitca alJQ. strong Malt as haulier.—Apyly Grocer, Daily News, Neath. 11 GROCiiRif.—Wanted, an Apprentice, age ebout 15. 'Uf able to speak Welsh also an '[mi.rover indoors aU found,—Appiy J. H. Jonas Grocer, Llwynypia. 7C3n /I itOCERY.— Wanted, expeuienced Assistant; also VX Youpg Man, able to serve and assist haulier; state wugas._D;„vid Jones, Liverpool Stores. Pont'-ottyn. 729n ¡ i ROCERS' Hauliers.—Thomas and Evans, I'orth, have Xvacanov for experienced man; outdoors: wages £ 7s.g 7S itnCKRi".—Wanted, Juuior, well up provisions also \Xa Young Man, abont 18, as haulier.—VuH particulars first letter,"Thomas, Household Stores, Brit-onfrerry.?17n ROCERY.—Wauted, a. good Haulier, used to horses VXand delivering; mnat have good reference.—Kinsey, Shears jJd Co" onypandy. 727a i iiOCElii.—Smart Assistant, also Juoior aud Isn- vX prover immediatoly.—Phillips and Co,, Grocers, Biaenilecba, Eerndale. 625n ROCERY.—improver and H.«uiier; trustworthy, obliging; state wages first letter. -Thomas, Com- mercial-street, Maesteg. 62611 ROCERY and Provisions-—Assistant wanted, also VX Junior or Improver.—A. Daniel. Troadyrhiw. &l7u /^ROCERY^and Provision 'Xrade.—IV anted, good VC Weisli Junior Hands, weli up at solwlting; must have good references.—Apply, stating wages required and all particulars, to Win. Pegler, Grocer. I'ontypool. n Haulier.—Wauted. a steady Man; VX etate reference and salary; indoors.—W. Thomas, Yuysybw'. 5C211 /O^HOOi'lRY and Provisions.—Good Junior Assistant wanted to mr.nage small branch shop reference and particulars.—David Price, New 'iredegar. 3SEu /TilOCERY and Provisions.—Wanted, smart Junior.— \X Apply, statirg age, experience, Beran and Lloyd, Bridgend. 3On oniy men used to the wnrfe neod pply. N. Jon63, AbertUlery. 324u 5 ROCERiV-Wanted at once, aharp Improver VX doors.—W. H. Black, Cole ford, 0108. 28311 GTii)CERY.—Wanted I\& smart Improver; tjf Welsh indoors.—Apply. Mating full particulars, Morgan, Crown Stores. New Tredegar. ?lCn__ /VROCERY.—Wanted, Man to deliver and assist be- \X hind counter; accustomed to boolö:1.ug trade; Welh; reference required; good wagea to suitable mat. outdoors.—Griffiths, Apple Tree Shop, Diua3, Rhondda. 253 u Y"i ROCERY.—Wanted at once, a Yonng Man to look VX after horse and assist in M. Williams, Dewinton Field, Tonypandy. 217n V 1 BdcEBSr-Wanua immediately a Young Man to look after one horse aud deliver: also a good Improver.-Apply Williams, Central Stores,Troedyrhiw.n G' ROCERS.—Young Man wanted to assist, solicit, de- liver state reference and wage required.—Coates, Milford Haven. GROOM wanted immediately for single gentleman; good wages —Apply 7, Queen-street Arcade,Cardiu.n ROOM.—Wanted, a Young Man. about 18 years, to assist in stable and help in house.—Apply D&Uy News Office, ]05. St. Marr-streat, Cardiff. 9268 82611 TJARDWARE Trade.—Wanted, smart Lad as As«i*- JLX tant.—Apply Fox, 3, Hope-street, Cardiff. 539n [NSPECTORS wanted, raspectable men.—Tuesday morning, 8 30, Bombay Tea Co RON MON GERY.—Junior wanted immediately; active jL and not xtraid of work; indoers.—AP>>iy, with references and salary, to W. B. Uarrison, Abertillery. n JAMES Rowell and Co.. The Cardiff Drapers, have vacancies for respectable Youths as porters. Apply personally. 867n "III AN !LES7—Wai::ed7experlenced Alteration Hands, iyx —Heraus and Co. 85, Queen-street, Cardiff. 176n M* EN. Youths,"ail classes, requiring any Employment write at onoe Situation Guide free busy time thousands suited.—Tanner and Co. (late of Newington Oaasewiiy), lios: 54. 81, Alvey-street, Surrey-souare, London, S.B. Men lata Army. Navy, also write. 113n iLK~Carrler.—Wanted, s;:v.\rt Man for Can Round); 1 refnreuce veanired.—Apply between 9 aud 12 a.m.. Kdwoort Dairy Co., 1,II:.mrolaJ-J;t..Newport.xn wanted for Bargoed Relief Line; wages 6d hour.— T. W. Daviea, Bargosd Station. 791n TtTAVVJES.—Wanted, good Navvies; sub daily.— G.W.R. WidenioK. Penygraig to Xonyrefall. 75;n Dale, Milford Haven.—Apply by letter to George Courtney, Manager. West Block House Fort Dale, or Geen and Linton, Contractors, Newport, !>o:<. :i231n a First-class Man; must be a good window dresser and salesman; none but competent men need apply.—Write, sta-ting experience and references, also salary expeoted indoors, to N 8^8, Echo Oiiice, Cardiff. i^n [JTFIT'XJNG.—Sharp Janior outdoors good sales- man and window dresser best reference! required. man and window dresser best reference! required. -Bence. Abertillery. UXFITTING.—Steady Juniors wanted Immediately indoors; liberal salary and premiums flrst-oUss berth, also good chance for drapery hand with slight knowledge of outfits.—Write for and Jones, The Bon Marche, Abertillery..On PAINTEIi wan ted,-Apply Davies, Caerau-road, Maesteg. lmn T>ORK Butcher wanted, one used to making op small XI goods references; live in.—Apply at. once, Poole, 75, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. '■ign POgK Butcher;—Wanted, fitst-class Man to kiil ¡\Y.¡¡1 J. make smalls alto Young Mron, about- 18, for shop, with gcod knowledge of trade.—Jones, Sausage ^.anu- iac'.urer, 4i, Albany-road, Cardiff.. PORTEU.—Wanted-immediately, a strong Lad.— jL Apply l. Robertv, 30. I hike-street. 801n mNXING.—A Cropnel- Machine Lftd wanted.—Apply JL South Wales Printing Works, Wesleate-streot, Cardiff. n EXPECTABLE Girls wanted.—Clements, Printers, 53, Queen-street. ^97° SANITARY Inspectorships.—Salaries £]00 to £250; o nuraerocis vacancies; Postal Course of Lessons for Bristol and Cardiff exams, now commencing. Had over £ <30 successful candidates;previous oxtorience unncces- stwy open to all; ladies eligible.—Apply R. Mus:ie:is, Science Teacher, Sander'.and. SlsVERAL good Jobbing Masons aod Labourers ■wanted.—D. Jones,116.LieweUyn.st,Pentre4thondd8un SKIRT Ironers.—Wanted, experienced Hauds also strong Youug Girls as learners; good prica* paid o strong Youug Girls !loR learners; good prica* paid; iars'c, healthy workrooms,—Apply Cheddar alley Mann factoring Comptmy, Cheddar. Somerset. 5*31 MART Foolinan wanted, geullcn.an's entabliih- =' went; several Pariouruiaids.—Morgan Morgan's Agencyi 45, Chariea-atreot. Cardiff. 676n MART Youth, to deliver bread and goods.—Glamor gan Co-operative Stores, Wellington-street. mm MVRX' Young Man wanted for Grocery Baetness to make himself pensrally useful; abie to drive put. —GriliUlis and (;0, 1W, Cjare-ro.td. i"' TABLE BOY wanted, under Coachman, for thc coun- o try; wagesI4s.-Aduies3 by Diaua-streeti Cardiff, ¡r.j"1 I TAILORESSES.-First-class Hands wanted on Coats.— JL 19, Duke-street, Cardiff. I\03n A. stant work DO tIa.mps.- Jones Bros., Brideml.720n rrilNMAiN wanted; constant employ.—Apply to D. X Morgan, 44. Wind-street. Neath. 59Zn fTlO GrocerZ^Wanted, Younb Man, about 17, to de- X liver and as.?ist.—Jones, Grocer, Pontycyxnmer.6l'8n mOoHtfittew^Wanled.smart Young Man to ontfit- mOoHtfittew^Wanled.smart Young Man to ontfit- L tine all-round—Apply with references, Outfitting, Daily News. Swansea. x<.7Jn rrio Xailcrs.—Wanted, a good General Hand at onco.— 3 j. IC. Recs, Llandovery. 64'n mo TailoFs.—Wanted, good Coat Hands.—W. G. Rees, X 36. Castle-roHd. 408n faiO Tailors.—Wanted immediately, 2 first-class Coat i Makers none but experienced steady jnon need apply.— Lovett and Co., Mresteg. t,541l- UpriOLSTERERS.—Wanted, 2 immediately, used to leather cloth work highest wages piiid. -Apply Cambrian Furniture Manuraoturing Co., St. Helens- I1oVel1Ue, 8w?»nsea. £ 2lSr\ "vkjANTED, yenng Girl to learn confeotionery huai- YY nests —Apply -6, ANTED immediately. resp«ctaWe Lad. living in Roath.—Wesleyan Book Depot, Castle Arcade, Cardiff. p51n WANTED, smart respectable Youth, 1H or 20, good TT references, board steamers on arrival Cardih. Pe^J-thDocks forhrm of merchants who ore wellkno wn. —Avrite T 862, News. Cardiff. ^S-u "T ANTSD, iropro-vers to the tailcring, also Appren- YY tices.—Apply Canton Tailoring Establishment, iS3, Cowbridge-road. \^ANTED^immediateiy, smar Lad. age 16, as rorter. r f —Griffiths and Hons, The Kayea. 89ln alter pony YY and 3 cows; duties light.—Particulars, ETOn- Danybrvn, Caerphilly. 78wi AVXEUr Carter, experienced, 2 horses.—Apply, with ••oierences, A. F. Williams, Ironmonger, with ••oierences, A. F. Williams, Ironmonger, PontrpTidd. x2wn 1JFAN-7t:rCaYcung Man, 18 to 20. one aecustomed to YY horses, able to klli lambs, blasts, and able to make small3.—Apply A. B. Bull, Butcher. 17, victoria- street. lJíerthyr. 263n W~ANTED, Person resident in Aberdare to Manage f Bazaar in Market, Saturdays; references reiuiTed.—V/riteLongstafLQueen-street Arcade,Card iff o Pipe Coverers good Y Y wages constant experienced men.—M 805, Dally News, Cardiff. 805n \HJ ANTED, good Navvies; ton wages paid to good TT men; ub daily.—Great1 Western Railway Widening Works, Pontycymmer to Blaengarw. 75Sn A>-TED, resDectable i .ad as Annrantico by first- oia-s tailormg firm Curdiff.—H 76S, Echo, Cardiff. 766:1 \7i7ANTED, smartLatUo sell and deliver newspapers ? < —Apply Milner, High-street, ANXED. several food steady Men as Drivers for Mineral Water Xrade; roust be good salesmen —Only those used to the trade need apply to Manager, 61, Clare-road, card iff. .u- 7- ANTED, Man and Wife as Caietakers to Christ Ciiurcii Congregational, Penarth.—Appiy by letter only, giving reference *nd particulars Griffiths, Biynawel, Plymouth-road, Penarth. 754n X7t' A Nil ED, a L«d to take charge of pony and cart and ? Y solicit orders,—Apply Frozen Meat Stores, High- street, Giifach Goch. 8'n for BilUng, V Flanagan,6, Arcade Chambers, St. John"sq. n V57 ANTED, strong Lad as Errand Boy.—Apply iinited Yv Welsh Mills, Hayes Buildings, Cardiff. 829n l.STANTED, a Van Salesman for mineral water fac- YY tory gooil references reauired.—Apply Williams Bond Co., Hodney Wharf, Ne\7DQr, MOil. x258n VS7 ANTED, a refined Young Woman as attendant, Y Y make herself generally useful; sleep out.—Apply D'Arc's Waxworks, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 78511 ANTED immediate!y7Young Lady for small ccu- 1" fectionery and refreshment business.—Lewis, Blackwood, Mon. :n vi»7ANTED at- once, respectable woman for washing YY Mondays.—HaslandHoi'se.Vlctorla-road,PenarthJi VSfANTED. respectable reliable I.d as apprentice VY to the general fnrni3hing aud shipping ironmoog- er v.—Apply J. P. Haadford, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. 7G90, the Shoeing and Jobbing; » « good naiier on; indoors state terms.—X. Edwards, R.&VS., Tredegar. ■VVTANTED, smart"Young 51 an for Shop; experienced Yw good refoiences required; wages 25s weekly- Full particulars in confidence to A 668, E -ho,Cardiff uoi>n SiTEU, a I,ad about 15 of 15 years o £ i?.ge must be 1'V strong.-Apply Hong Kong Grocery Store. ,)1\, I Montherinoi-rond. Catl1aVë. 68'¡:¡ ¡ WAN'-OEl), Experienced Carpenter, used to fixing corn;gated roofing,—V 6'0, Echo, Cardiff. 640n good Caipsnters and Glaziers.— Yv Apply Bevan, Builder, Blaenavon. 659n 2 smart Lad= ;_ontdoors.-T. Davies and Y t-'ons. So»p and Candle Works. Llwynypia. 622n i':7 AT!;}, Firewood Bundlers at per 100 constant I v* to suitable hands.—The wood Co., 75, Ferry-road, Grange. 607n WANTED, a respectable Married Couple without encumbrance as Caretakers for the Treharris Public Hali. Applicants to state age, salary expected, and send copies of 2 recent testimonials schedule of duties to perform can be seen with the Secretary, W. H. W'OQjyatt, Hrynteg-terrace, Treharris — Applications to be sSlt to the Secretary on or before October 20th. 8.an A NT E I>7 a noxperi e n c e d Young Man for the Scotch ? Y drapery fade.—Apply W. Grant, Brynmawr, jnin \^7 ANTEb, a good Brush Hand.—Apply E. 3ones. t, Painter, Pontypridd. ztcWn ANTED, an intelligent Man to take cir-rge of a milk round one used to driving required Rood characiar from last piace,—Appiy pei'sonnlly, Cardiff Milk Supply Co., Castle-road. Cardiff. 537n WANTED immediately, experienced Mail for fresh l' men#; smart salesman avid weli used to cutting up one used to grocery trade preferred state age, salary, and references outdoors.—Manager, Co-opera- tive Society, Abertiilery. 594n W'ANTED, Young Man to look after cows, milk, and sell milk.—Thomas, Tirfercbgryno, Brlthdlr.564« WANTED, Cowman; good milker house and garden found.—H E. Morgan. Woodland House, Penarth.n V\' ANTED, smart Boy for Newspaper Trade.—Apply YY P03S Office, Black weir. IXTaNTED, A smart Boy for the Newspaper Trade.— YY Apply Gill, 103. Donald-street. Cardiff. 545n W] ANThiD immediately, smart Potter, about IS, used YY to horses.—Griffiths and Son, The IJayes. 53Gn^ W"ANTED for funeral work, steady reliable Man as coai-hinan,—George, Undertaker, Aberdare. 504n *"57 ANHTEl), competent Sbabieman, accustomed chaft- Y V catting, mixing feed, also cerlein oxpeivence ho»v to traat hor[!()s.-Ap))Jv, statU. ae, exoerionce, rder- ences, and wages, by Tuesday next, Co-operative Soeieiy. Pit-street, Aberaman, 44il V5s'AN'i'EI), Man, Manchester departnient; Y V Welsh.—Apply D. Jones, Draper, Forth. 463n Vst7ANXEl>, f it experienced Hay Cutter, WitllgoOd y V references,—Apply J. Bowden, Neath. zZddn +-_o WANTED, a Young Woman as Dvers' Ironsr, experi- YT enced.—Apply Hobbs. Penarth-road. CttrJjff. 403n Girl about 14 as Apprentice to Yv Hairdressiug.—R.JOane^A Pake-street. Cardiff, n W ANTED immediately. Young Man lor clothing and pool, trade. -Freedrnan, Pcnyuarren, Merthyr. B \3t7ANTKD, a Butcher to slaughter and take sole Y f charge of a shop 111 Newport district.—Apply with references, J. 358, Daily News. Cardiff. 358n to brewery work.—Webb YY Bros., Aberbeeg, R :<?_24_- W ANTED, a slrotig Young Man, about 20, accus- f V tomed to horses abie to speak Welsh perferred to solicit and deliver state wages, indoors reference required.—Apply E John, Beer Deal- r,Ystr«d-P>-hondda,n 7 ANTED, resueoUble Cbarwow»an mnso be able to V? iron.—Apply Towler, Sailors'Home, Cardiff. 203n ~J ANTED, Wheelwright, accustomed to 1ightani Y V heavy work; wages nd ller hour; COIl03tant em- ployment to suitable man.—Ccoksley, Wheelwright Shop, Kbbw Vale. SOOn I T\7 ANTED, Haulier.—Apply Brewery, BIMua. t 122n \*7ANTED,Baker's "Vanman, Christian, abstainer, Y» abous ?0; charge of two horses.—Terms and reference to Hughes end Macey, Glamoigan-sirect, Barry. "fj57AN5CE1), Man for the Furniture Business.—Apply Yt Cohen, Femdale, or 9>1, Woodvilie-road, Cardiff, n 1 Cohen, Femdale, or 94, Woodvilie-road, Cardiff, Il \VTaTCHMAKERS.—Improver wanted, vacancy for Y Y Young Man. 18 to 20 good opportunity to improve in pivotting and new pafts.—John Samuel, Certificated VVatchiuakcr, En ling, London, W. 9279 \\] H1SELWRIGHT Smith wauted; must bo steady.- Yv T. Jaints and Sons, Llantrisant. 5S4n '\7 0UX'iI wanted for a shop must be sharp and of I good character.—127, Clifton-street, Cardiff. 8D3n OUTH ivanted~for-Garden Work !is week and OUTH ivanted~for-Garden Work 58 week and Y dinner.—Write, stating age, Sc., J 769, South Wales Echo, Cardiff 769n 35s weekly and commission X regular work: splendid opening.—Ccxnpo Work". Farnworth. ]On 6 k 2s 6d weekly.—A salary of 7s 6d to 22s 6d offered to faj either sex (who can write), for their spare moments work may be dona evcDings.—For particulars send ad. dressed envelopeco M. Truscott & Co.. 203.. Glendower, Torquay. 386:1 Q2 Weekly (extra income) for Either Sex without can- 30 vassing. Send addressed envelope for particulars, or 3d stamps (returnable if desired), for the valuable initiatory Sample, &c., complete, and guaranteed by Evans. Watt1; and Co. (IT 131), Globe Warehouse, Bir- mingham. (This is genuine.) 399n "O30 a month can be nTaae"wlth £ 10.—For particulars 3w address Canad, 154, Leadenhall-street. London. 231 íhuûiøns ManteD. BAKERS.—W anted, Situation by a respectable Married J[) Man; well up all round; steam, hot air. or Crown ovens -151, Treharris-street, Card iff. 76Sn B" AKERS and Confectioners.—Situation wanted by jO reliable all-round Hand good referencei.—Baker, 3, Jessamine Cottages. Sto'ney Hill, Bristol. AlKERb. Contoctioners. YoungMan seeks .situation, well up in bread, cake, and smalls, as First, Single good reference.—Raker, 0.0. It. L. Di-y. Whitchurcb, near Cardiff. 226n BOOT Trade.—Wanted, Situation ftsHeadAssistan.; J) good salesman: 7 yearb' good experience; can speak Welsil; a<e 23.—Apply W. Morgan, 2, Stepney- road, Pwjl. Dauelly. CiOACH Painter wants good constant Situation; j steady reliable man; good liner a.nd fluisher.— J 526, Echo. Cardiff.^ 526n ¡-;0I!EcÚiolEï. seeks situation; can make brignt U gums, creams; all leading lines.—Write B 711, Dady News, Cardiff. 711n ("SoNFEC'riONEK.-i.—Permanency wanted, Second or j Single well up cakes, pastry, smalls, icine, and piping good references; abstainer.—Croft House, Trc- narne-road, Caerau, Maesteg. 7ln C_ "lONFEO fiONEB.— Soiin^ Man requires Situation. j Second or Single good class shop well up good references.—Apply 42, Hill View-road, Osney. Oxiord. 11 AlLTTWork wanted at Penarth by respectable young woinsLn.—Wvit-p. C 716, Kcho, ISENGAGRD.Expariencecl Cook and House-Keeper Highest references,economical, trustworthy.—^Gray, 8, Queen.street, Cardiff. 687n RESSmTkiNG. — Wanted, Daily Engagements; AJ' Costumes, evening drcsst s, renovating, children's, — Write 27, Ulenroy-street, Roath. 105u F'- ÄnM1:Ii;s Daughter seeks Morning Housework q* Cardiit. 51311 7S LOUCBSTERSHIRE Farmer's Dauehtar requires VX pos'ticnas housekeeper to Christian gentleman, whore help is given; 12 excellent references.—Q 191n MAN and Wile tiii-engagcd ;,used hoi3CS, willing to be I jli useful: references.—S 2,6¿, Echo, Cardiff. 26211 *I"TAS'tERBaiTers.—Situation wanted. Hipgle Hand: l, bread, cake, smalls.—W.M., Echo Oftloe, Nonport-n ^T CRSlTdi^engaged fond of cbiidren, needlewoman, lN tall; references.—City Registry, 47, Queen-st.ree-, Cardiff. 683n LAIN Cook, £ 20; House-Parlourmaid. £ 18; Cardiff distriot preferred.—(tray, 8. Queen-street. Cardiff, n VST ANTED bv respectable Person, Daily Work, wash- YY tng or cleaning—24, Cycle-street, Kuath, Cardiff, n ANTElTby staid, domesticated parson, situation I' TE^' liy respectable Married Woman, oflico YY efer.n/ng or daily work.—Q 603, News, Cardiff. 603n Work, scrubbing or cleaning, by a i-ezoectable young woman.—Apply M. Sanded, b5, TJarelly-id-reet, Ea-st Moors, ^>°n ~1 ANTED. Situation as Ivlillwiight: t a'i give two and II a bait yeaiV references.—anply, staiing wages, 1o23, Newerne-st-reet.Newerne.Lyaney.Gloii cestershire.n ~T ANTED, Situation by Experienced Business Lady, i V c.ny capacity of responsibility.—G 512, Echo, Cardiff. S12n "VTE/ANTED by expeiienced person, situation House- YY keeper; suiali family, cr gentleman or companion. — D 497, Echo. Cardiff. f f keeper; suiali family, cr gentleman or companion. D 497, Echo. Cardiff. VSf ANTED, Situation as improver in ani Outfitting Establishment; goo A references.—C 94, Echo, Cardiff. 94n Cardiff. 94n VS.7 ANTED, situation as Improver to the saddlery.— f If Write A 77, Daily New3, Cardiff. 77n YOUNG Man, married, abstainer, seeks Re-engage- ment as Manager or First Hand for Clothing 11 years' experience first-class referexices.-B 670. Echo, Cardiff. 670a €hrk%, Jlatiagirs, &t. Youth, ago 14, about to leave school, want3 sltnat-ion in a first-class office at Docks.—Address J. A. H.. Da.ily News, C:,rdiff. n LEUK.—Young Man to assist at de3« state full par- ticular.—Phillips, Grocer, Merthyr. x?.72n SLERK.—YouCG Man wanted, bcok-keeper (grocery); j stittesalsry; indoors.—W.Uewellyn.Tynewdd, Og- nicreVaio. 892n_ CLERK required; shorthand, typist preferred.— Appiy, with particulars of age and experience, to Manager, Royal Hotel, Cardiff. 63Æ>¡¡ TC1EMALE Clerk for wholesale warehouse, Bristol A? quick at figures and gcod writer.—Apply with full particulars, !< Daily News, Carditi'. :c27on of Soiicitora inXardi^: and District has Vacancy j for Articled Clerk; moderate premium for intelli- gent youth.-E 977. Echo. Cardiff. 9"<7TI FFICB Boy. fair knowledge shorthand.—Apply letter 0 only, own handwriting, Seward, Architect, Queen's Chambers. aOOn J,inlor wanted-immediately for tinplate 0 works in Port Talbot district; knowledge of short- hand rite K 0301. Daily News, Cardiff. 9301 POST Office Telegraph Learners (Male).—Classes now p commencing for next examination. At last ex- amination Mr Skerry's pupils secured 4 out of 5 vacancies In Cardiff, ifrst place included. Full informa- tion.-Skerry's Civil College, 23. St. M ary-st, Cardiif. 613n P~OST Office Ielegraph~ £ ear»er3 (Female >—Next ex- amination, December. Vacancies ill Cardiff. Special classes now commencing.—Skerry's Civil Ser- vice College. Cardiff. 1 "GJIOST OffiCQ Cierk wanted, take charge A.B.C. instru- P ment, counter, and accounts, also assist book-keep- ing.—Post Office, Llanharran, flgii \,V,r ANTED. a sharp Office Boy state full particulars | VY and wages required.—V B65, Echo, Cardiff. 86Jji -_u I r ANTED, Clerkin Ship Repairer's Oface; shorthand, YY knowledge of trade preferred.—R 415, Echo, Cardiff. 41bn YOtiN(il L-,tdy disengagetlc-veiiinr,voiild like employ- JL ment of any description good writer and under- stands book-keeping.—Address Q S36. Echo,_Car<hn.jS56n ^weuciea. &t. vacancy occurs in Cardiif and district for Lady Canvasser to handle an agency for tha most pro- gressive company in its particular line every encour- agement will be offered to ensure tiuccess-Y 666, Echo, Cardiff. «6Su A smart Man is required to canvass Cardiif with some- thing In demand a gentlemen of good address and unquestionable references can secure a decent perinau- ency.—Z 067, Echo. Cardiff. 687n A Leading Firm is prepared to anpoiut one man in every Colliery and Works in South Wales and Mon- mouthshire to take ordei s for a variety of goods on easy te,ms o £ payment: no experience necessary no risk exceptional terms and every possible assistance and encouragment-will be given.—Write K 527, Daily News, Cardiff. i 5c7n AGENTS wanied. caavastlng Shops Glamorgan. Mon- mouthshire. Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire; £ 4 weekly.—Messrs Pamphllon, Co.'igieton. Cheshire. 387n A GENXS-\vanted to sell Choice Christmas Cigars A. (Havana and Foreign Brands), from 2s 6d per 100 upwards; profits 50 per cenl; illustrated price list. free. —Hamburg Cigar Manufacturing Company, Hamoiirg, German1', ^-jn AGMNTS wanted in Soutl1 Wales to sell Nelson's Wllfwsl Pension Tea £ 35,000 per annum paid to widows of our customers good commission and help to feet connection given.—Apply bv letters only Nelson afid Co., 35, Lower Cathedral-road, Cardiff. IsSn GENTS.—Old-established London Firm wants a few Energetic Men to Sell Goods Whole-rale in Indus- trial and agricultural districts permanent, profitable einplovment for whole or spare time high commis- sion: no risk.—Address Position, 19, Pitchford-street, Stratford, London. 120n RlilVER and Spirit Merchant requires a really s-mirt Man as Traveller in Cardiif; innst have a sound connection among publlc-ho ises, to add to existing one; state age, sabry, reference, and turnover; replies treated strictly confidential if necessary.—E 749, Kcho, Cardiff. 74!!n COMMERCIAL Traveller required to :ak up addi- tional agency would not interfere with present duties.—Address Tact, Box 649. News. Cardiff. 649n ONDON, Edinburgh. Glasgow Insurance.— £ 7 Hook JL) for Sale; a bargain.—James, Superintendent, Cynwier, Porth. 2811 ROfTXABLE Goods to Sell; every kind methods S- for begiunera wholesale book free.-Write Henry May, Merchant, 535, Birmingham. 236a C-I,MAR'I! CauvaEser wanted by Public Company, with O small salary and commission— C 690, Bcho, Cacdiftn ANTED, a smart, intelligent, and active Man re- W siding at Pontypridd to undertake the canvassing for and delivering our noted tea.g,-Apply Globe er. Co., L-ancaiach Cottage. Nelson. 536n \\J ANTED immediately, a thoroughly energetic and W trustworthy Man as collector-salesman in the dis- trict of Aberystwyth must be able to speaic both Eng- lish and Welsh salary, commission, and extra pay to suitable man.—Apply by letter to tha Singer Manufac- turing Co., 83, Queen-street, Cardiff, or Terrace-road, Aberystwyth —Goad man also wanted for the thriving district of Ironbrldge. Salop. 581n ANTED, a Foreign Traveller; only a gentleman of extensive experience in the coal trade and a good linguist need apply; prefercnco will bj given to one who has a knowledge ot foreign coal depots good refer- ences indispensable.—Apply by letter 'only, stating salary required, Cory Bros, and Co., Ltd., Colliery Pro- prietory Cardiff. 9215 TJJT;ood Debit Iree full benefits; splendid oppor- OCJ tuniiy for good man; collected In ona day (,'arLliff.-Vi rite M 5^5, Echo Office, Cardiff. 535n loggings, Jvpartmcuts, &r. APARTMENTS.—Front Sitting-room, 2 or.) Bedrooms: A bath, piano; D1oderate.-59, Fitzhamon-embank- ment. 78011 APARTMENtS, comfortably furnished every con- venience near trams terms moderate.—102, Crwys- road, Cardiff. ^8u A PARTMENTS, very comfortable, for I or 2 gentlc- men; every conver.ience.-72, Neville-st, Cardiff, n PAivTMENTtj (comfortable) for one lady or gentle- A. man.—64, Beau champ-street, Riverside. n OARl>Residence for young gentlemen moderate.— 98, Ryder-street, Canton. Every convenience no ciiildrel). 895n OARlJ-Lodgi ngs, thoroughly comfortable; good references; large sitting, 2 bedrooms,—42, cow- bridgo-road. Cardiff. I0°n /RDIFF.-Wanted immediately. Sitting and Bed- Kjroom terms strictly moderate fnll particnlars.—H., Echo, Newport. '_L_ OMFORTABLE Furnished Apirtmi^its toreapeci- able married couple moderate.—17, Prince Leopold- street off Constellation-treet, 909n COMFORTABLE Beard-Lodging for yonnggentleman; <L' terms moderate.-57, Talbot-street, Canton. 89n O)IFC)RTABLELotigii;gs, I or 2 young ladies en- ) gaged during day —10. Beda-ror.d, Cauton. 790n "1 uMFOUTABLE ApartaientsT 1 or 2 gsntletneu; j moderate terms.—59, Bangor-road. 771n 4 "OITTADI,E Lodglugs for a young lady in busl- -1 OAII U ness bnth.-ALPly 27. Glenroy street. Roath. 839n C" COMFORTABLE I,cdgings for young man with cieait I quiot couple.—21, MDnlnouth-stiree; Clare-roiict.40511 I^XTRNKHED" Apartments. Si,,ting aiidbedrooms.- F 41, Neville-street, Riverside. Cardiff. 816n "(71 URNlSHED_SUtlng, 1 or ^Bedrooms piano, bath no children cenBra1.,—1), Coldstream-terrace. 133211 TjVURNISHKD Apartments, suit gentienian or two jij friends; no children 'bus passes.—3, Sneyd-st. n 71QRNISHED Apartments,"snit"gentleman or married J couple every convenience Newport-rood.—R SS, News, Cardiif. "OSr* 4'( ENTLIOM AN requires Bedroom and Sitting-i oom. V'Jf neighbourhood Piasturlon-gardens, Newport-road, Mandnn, or Penarth.—Write, stating inclusive terms, A 1,7G, D,ity New. Corliff. 8?6n "fi' A1)Y engaged during day wants a Home or Apart- Xi ment,a with thoroughly respectable family in l.oalh Newport-road preferred.—Write L 602, Echo, Cardiff. £ l«n_ LODGINGS, 1 ol- 2; hon-cold bath no children,—115, Clare-road, Graugetown. 838n OJKilNGS for 1 or 2 young men; bath; moderate.— 1 75, Upper George-street, Cathays._ 69511 "%T ICE Apartments, suit gentlemen or friends terras moderate hot ba'h.—107, Diana-street,, lioath. 615n CICELY Furnished Front Apartments; every on- j_'l venience, piano terms moderate.—136, Richniond- road. Cardiff. 302n_ PENARTH— Lansdowne Private Hotel, Boarding Residence, opposite railway station; extensive jL Residence, opposite railway station; extensive Channel view; winter terms. 227n RESPECTABLE Lodgings for a youpg lady or 2 friends, engaged during the day, with a young widow and fa.mlly.-Apply 43, St. Fagans-street, close to Gardens, Grangetown, 5?5n_ SITTING and liedroom to Let for one or two young men.—64,Bertv-road. Pontvpridd. x215n OLet, Unturnished Rooms.—Apply 91, Bridge-street, corner Pembroke-terrace, Cardiff. 878n rpo Let, KitchenTisiTHng-room.and Bedroom: rent 5s X no children.—17, Moira-terrace. 653n fi\0 Let, comfortable Furnished Sitting and Bedroom. X —16. Kincraig-street, Cardiff. 205n f J10 Let, comfortable Apartments, to suit 1 or 2 gentle- X men.—41, Cowtiridge-road, Cardiff. 191n mcTlTet/Xwo Unfurnished Booms, front or back bed- 8 rsom.—23, Lead-street, Roath. 566n T WO Rooms to Let to 1 gentleman 7s per week in- clusive,—26, Miskin-street. 911n rff^WO very comfortable Rooms, Unfurnished; use ot X kitchen and bath.—80, Wyndham-crescent. Canton, n f gl WO Front Rooms to Let, Dogfleld-street; bath; suit X young couple.—R 840, Echo, Cardiff. tYiWl Y7NFURNISHED Rooms to Let; hot-aold baths; every VJ convenience.—68, Diana-street, Roath Park. 897n -L)rNr,URNltiHF,D Bed and Sitting-room in select ) holise; kitchen range near Sneyd-sfreet; 4S weekly suit lady husband at sea.-D 103, Echo, Cardiff,n ANTED, Furnished Apartments by bachelor.- 1" Address 8 860. Daily News. Cardiff. 860n V*7 ANTED, 2 nice Rooms for gentleman quiet, couple Y ? preferred, with no children near Cathedral-road, Wordsworth-avenue, or ;.Itni-hen.-Y 869.Echo.Cardil'.n W" ANTED, Apartments ~by young married couple state if a piano and lowest possible terms win and without board wife home all day doing needle- work.—F 752, Echo. CardIff. 752n V47 ANTED, a Paying Guest: share sittiug-ro' ni, vY separate bedroom.— 2, VVellfitdd-place. j^o^hdAf^ go be 3tet.-1iø1tStS. 'Jfanlr, &t. PPLY Co-operative Stores, North-road, ea.rdifi.- A Several Five-roomea Houses; good order; rentals5°. PPLY to J. £ Saunders. Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 29, St. Mary-street. Cardiff, following Pro- parties to Let12, Hereford-street, 6s 6d; 89, Clare-road. Ils6d; 3,'tlare-street.f.Os 125,Tudor-road, 13s 40, George- street, cathays, 9s 6d; 45, Cradriock-street, 9s; also liousebto Let II) Klng's-road. Lansdowne-road, Nesta- road, l?rftswylfa-Ktreet, Daisy-street; Corcwall-road, and 90 and 92, Olare-road 10s 6d, <Sc. 7148 119c TLAti-ror,,d, (!tntoa*, goodcondition; large rooms 1%. hot bath; reduced rent.-20, Albany-road. 516n €1ONVENlKN T Honso to Let, No. 9, Dunraven-sircet. ) Barry hot. nd cold water bath and good garden at back.—Inquire No. 19. Sixm -"UCY,S.-42, Loudpun-square, 9 rooms; moderate JL -r rent,-Apuly Knapp. House Agent, Docks. 44211 B^oiTFURNISIiED and UNFURNISHED Residences JL? Cardiff and Penarth, see Messrs S. Hern and Pert. wee's St. Mary-street.Cardiff. 10 '9 OUSE, 7 apartments, hot and cold bath, rent Us 6d. —Apply 14, Nevilie-Btrect. g37n g MMEDIATE poTsecsIon.—Danypr.rk House to Let, Xuear Pantyfyuon Station,—Apply Mrs Davie3, Clifton, vinmanford. 60Su ITaNI SH l!N.—Seml-dotach e 'T Villa well situated; two reception rooms, four bedrooms, boxroom, large garden: rent £ 35.—^Gunstone,Avondale.Llanl3hen.il O^Jl'd EI-TMER-roadTNo. 19.—Superior Villa double 31 bays; every convenlenoe.-Howell. Galston-place, Aoamsdown. E1511 rjENNi; Bridge,—ToLet, Carti-etT,V-roomed house, h. & o I.-Apply Miss Aaron Seuny Bridge, Brecon. 6745 rj IO Let7uoubl&-frontsd House, 12, Snipe-street, oifOak- X ileld-street.—69, Oakfleld street. 8l2i> ";ce HoLise, 'Iew.-sebury-streeb IL & o. bath X 10s.—Knapp, West Uutfc-strect. 762p I r*rio Let, 128, Splolit-road; excellent condition: h.c. X bath; double bay side entrance. 806n mo Let, 15.1'.IciTanl^enaoeRoath good condition I lis clear.—Key Next Door. 63In f210 l>c Let or Sold, Country Villa, near stativii; low rent and price: every convenience: immediate possession good neighbourhood.— W 654, Echo.Curdiff.n r () Let or;,icli, St,. Itadig,,ndo. Itadyt*; a charming X country residence, dellgntlully situated, standing in 10;, own grouuda of 2 acres, close to T.V.H. Station, und within 5 miles of Cardiff; house contains 3 reception looms tvei hall, 7 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, w.o.'s, kitchens, larder, and other usualdomesticoffices, stable, eoach-housy. greenhouse, kitchen and flower gardens, &o.; additional land at a merely nominal rent could be obtaiued if required.—For permission to view apply to the Caretaker oa premises and for terms of tenanoy or I sale to William P,Anuear,MouuWtuisrtsquareCardlg.n rpO Let. 6a, Arran-street, small Villa, with bath.— I Apply H. Rose. Castle Arcade. 2S4n rrio Let7Pri:nrose Villa, 22, St. John's-crescent, Can- X ton pleasantly situated front and side entrances modem conveniences.—Webb, 31, Lower Cathedral-rd. n rFI WO Desirable Residences, Lower Cathedral-road 4 X bedrooms rent low.- Appiy 118. King's-road. llOn ^Maria-street, Dock- 7 rooms, yard, side eutrance rent moderate.—Apply No. 2. 857ii 75, Constellation-street, rent 9s; 26, Moira-street, 4 room«, 5s Co.-20, Gordon-road. F86n 4" Tharir7aJi-st reet, Docks 7 rooms, cellar, good yard, domestic offices, and store, which can be leu separ- ately.—Key No. 6. 631,11 O7, 'Credelar-street.—House, would make capital ware- & house premises.—Thomas, 42, Macklntosh-plc.ce, Cardiff. 46n 15, Craddocit-str^et; rent 8s clear convenient house, newly papered.—Harris, 5, P.»rk-strest. 523u 13, Richmond-crescent, House to Let.—Apply 41, The Walk, Tredegarviile. 02, Miskin-st-reet; h, & c. bath; 8 minutes from O Queen-s,reet-wiiiiaius. ,5. royal Areade. 433nm 4l7i7uby77ree7, -itQath7"_6s.—Apply Mr John Jenkins, 10, W estimate-street. 330n B2, Tnrner-road, Canton rent 7s 6d h. «Ss c. bath.— Apply 70, Plasturtcn-avenue. 289n Woodland-place, Wordsworth-avenue; rent £ ?.c.— O. Apply i3, The Walk. 64n 1jonSts. &U. Mmttfft. W TAN TED, Piece of Ground in any thickly populated Y V part of the town must be 60 feet by 70 suitable tor auction vans.-Apply Pearson, Auction Vans, Cathays. 4?9n YJU ANTED to buy. Equities or Small Property must Wf be cheap.—Address N 183. Echo, Cardiff. 185n_ iffia Viet. flr^mises. &t. ■"OTOUSE and Shop, corner Craddock and Telford- B~» streets, in good condition h. and c. bath, gas; rent 13s inclusive.—Apply 68a. Craddoclc-street. Bin II OCK-up Shop to Let; rent £ 20 top of Sevem-road.- XJ X 454, Echo, Cardiff. 154n ON l'BEItAIE"! -road.- Shop and Dwelling-house ex e 1' cellent position for grocer.-Howell, Galston- place, Adamsdovvn. 314n OFFICES to Let on third floor of Caledonian Cham- bers, 104. St. Mary-Street.—Apply SoutliWales Daily T,,ei-s Office. Cardiff. AIL WA H. Sdir)g.-Yaxd, near centre of Cardiff, to be tu Let with siding; suit coal merchautorcolliery store mei-chau.H 256, Echo, Cardiff. 131n SHOP to Let, 3, Iligii-streei, Card'ff, centre of town.— Apply 47. Park-place. 433n 110,1 and House to Let, close to Taff Vale Station.- S Pearce, 212, Newport-road. 15511 FsiO i.et with immediate po^st-ssiou. House and Shop X at Cross Inn Station, Llantrissant, aud close by Torycoed ColUeries.-Apply gibbon, Butchers Ar mu. Cowbridgc. 574n rrio Butchers.—24, Castle-road, io Let, with immediate X possession first-class shop and house with 9 rooms, 2stabling anti loft; present tenant 20 years. —Apply Dinnin, 32. Wellfield-road, Cardiff. 470n mo Let, with immediate Dossessicn, Shop andPre- X raises, No. 57, Queen-street; best position in Cardiff. —Heard, Son and Clogg, 24, Trinity-street, Cardiff. 8858 rjno Let, Chepstow, Double-fronted Shop and Dwelling- X house,main thoroughfare: business of grocer, baker, cot,fecljioiier, &c., carried on for over 50 years; good opening; immediate possession. Kingsford, Auc- tioneer. Chepstow. 48En f 110 Let, House and General Shop; Business for Sale.— X 30, Bridge-street. Newport. xll4n 6- 3, S;-v-n-röäd;Siïop- good Bakehouse, stable: also O 61, fitted with marble slab, counter, suitable for butcher or milk vendor; stablef-63. Wyndham-cres- cent, Cardiff. _?g°a_ ^NSIIWSA ^R^MISCA MANTEL. ANTED, suitable"Premises for carrying on bottling business must be central and have stabling for 2 to 3 horses.—E 3>5. News. Cardiff. S3511 Jor alt.1!.hJusez. ICAN&, XiTgaXnT—30lind"32,Coi'naught-r.oad,Roath Park, for Sale every convenience; entraucc hall 5ft. wide. Appi y No. 32. 447u BO vcu ovvn a'houseT-Jf not, why not ?—Appiv, men- tioning this paper, to Manager. 72, Uistiopsgate- strc-et Without. London, E.G., for illustrated booklet How to Live Rent. Free. f53 1" .TOR Saie74 small Villas in Canton, cheap.—Watchorn, 11 House Agent, 31. Kine's-road. 465.1 flTlOR Sale, 2 small Villa?, near Albany-road well let, a' —Watchorn, 31, King's-road 465n S710H Sale, a charming iitcle Freehold Country Resi- _fij dence in Herefordshire, easy distance four market towns, with about 7 acrt.s of orchards, Ac.: will be sold a bargain to i, vinediate purchaser; present owner going abroad; can be viewed by appointment.—For turther particulars apply Panott, 57. LlanCair-road. 33911 ivfo Rent7—One haif-'penny- siient on a post-card will 1YI save vou many pounds.—Send card, mentioning this paper, to Manager. 72, Btshopsgate-street Without, London. E.C.. for illustrated booklet giving particulars as to Hew to Ltve Rent Free. 656 EN ARTH,—House in Lower Plassey-street, in good repair.—Address K 158, Echo, Cardiff. 15in BOPERTIESfor Sale, some real bargains; list sent on application.—J. X. Saunders, Auctioneer, 29, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 858nig fflREALAW. Rhondda —For Sale, No. 103 and under, i Miskin-road, Willi land adjoining unexpired lease 75 years total rents 4258s; let to respectable tenants. Apply D. Thomas, 250, Cemetery-road. 328n rai WQ Houses for Sale cheap, Castleland-street, Barry X Dook.-N 377, Echo. Cardiff. i7,n SGITSINESJSES for DISPOSAL, AKING Business for Sa !e, doing-15 sacks per weeK horse, trap, and utensils good ovens aud position. Write J 3q5, Li cho, Cart] iff. 3,15]1 BAKERS.—Bakehouse for immediate Disposal, going concern; good position.—Lewis.Grocer,Ei.i.iotstown.n jjioR lmmeuiate Disposal, Wall Paper and Decorator's F Supply Business, in centre o Cardiff, well fitted tor wholesale and retail trades: excellent oppor- tunity low rent.—T 629, Daily News, Cardiil. 629n IjTRIED Fish and-Chipped Potato Business for Dls X) posal.—Apply 114, Clare-road, Cardiff. 295n 1~i1RUIT and Greengrocery Business for Disposal, situ- ated in main thoroughfare doing good business satisfactory reason for retiring.—Write X 206, Echo, Cardiff. 266u LINUINI-, Old,,Btabll.ii.(i Hauling Business for Jf Jnimechate i>isposc.l.—X 663, 663n NXCJOljY Fitted S"eet Buslr-ess for Sale lock-tip shOLl; ingoing low Boath-K 786, Echo. Car(liff.ii OLD-established Grocery mid Provision Business for Sale, goiug concern in same hands over 25 years. —Address Commerce, Daily News, Swansea. x219n RINTIKG BusmessTfor immediate Disposal, capable JS. greitu extension by energetic man establisilel 3 years only printer In important colliery district; satis. factory re&Kons given XiSCO.—O. A. Evans, Accountant, Mountain Ash. 78/n f SflOJsACCONIS'lJ and Coritoetioiier's Business for Sale; X low ingoing must sell; rent free till February, 1901.—Mrs Finch, 49, Winiisor-road, Penarth. 671n mo Let as Going Concern, Hairdressing and Shaving X Business at Cwmpark; splendid opportunity.— Apply E. Joues, 140, P.rk-road, C wmpark.cearjreorky. n rino LetTwo genuine Shops and Stock, and House at X Caldlcott Cross.— Write Powell, Caldlcott. xoln TO Painters and Decorators.—For Sale on easy terms, X a good Painter and Decors tor's Business, with work- shops, show-room, and dwelling-house, in » populous paw of Swansea the only business of its kind in the nftighbonrhood^—A^ £ v^^Y^Echo. Swansea. x204n SEAUTFTJ. ECOITA' tnted. to hear of good opening. South Wales.—S f ttblic Ions us. BERDARE.—Immediate ptiBseiision, Free Double- lioenspd Hotel; good position satisfactory lease doing over 6 barrels weeKly.-Apply D. Williams, Hotel Valuer, Aberdare. x2(iiii OADS1DK Inn, full licensed, no opposition £ 110; splendid living here.—mUrnan.Skiimer-st.Newport.n OAl>Sli)E Public and General, close large town, easy distnnco cf London rent £ 25 splendid trade, proved by books good bar, parlour, 7 other rooms o-art'en paddock and gaideu; same hands 11 years; i'nruitare, fixtures, &c„ £ 300.—ROES, 161.Eustor.-ioad London. f aio Let, the Gordon Hotel, Carmarthen prominent X position in Main-street: tully licensed early posses- sion. Also the Ccacli and Horses, Fiog-street, Tenby; fully licensed early possession tenant leaving owing to I I-ADI)lv liuciley's, Lliiielly. 9217 fjTy Let, with immediate possession, the Cornish Arms. X Neath single licence.—Apply Buckley's Brewery, Ltd., Licnelly. 9233 607n rlnO Let, one of the best Free Double-Licensed Public- X Houses in a busy market town in Carmarthen;,hire satisfactory reason given for disposal.-Write X 298, South Wales Daily News, Cardiff. ?9i)n jT»500 cash will secure possession of Commercial Hotel; 9Q and Posting House in the principal street of im-; portant town in colliery district; applicant must be experienced.—Address Proprietor, c.o. John Metcaif, Chartered Accountant, 17, Bank Buildings, Cardiff. 495n V*80-—Beerhouse, close large works, do.ug good trade very homely only wants seeing; every proof several others,—Hillmari, Skinner-street, Newport.x206n jltuBical. BANJO (zither), magnificent, £ 6 6s concert: sacrifice 40s approval Anywhere.—B., 9. Rusaell-st. Brixton.n ClHAPliL Harmonium, equal new cost £ 50, price £ 15. J —Mr Barker, Caerphilly. ''92n Ci OMICSlngers, Reciters.—Somehitug worth knowing. J big sucoess; particulars, stamp.-Charlie Sparrow Rumsbury, Wilts. 369n ERAJID Hani foTsale, solendid tone, bargain.-Apply 70, Albany-road, Cardiff. 760n TOIPERIENCED Master gives two Lessons weekly, .1 iiPlanoforte,American Organ, Violin,Theory students prepared for examinations if desired; 5s 3d monthly.— ii 4E0, Echo, Cardiff. gjUNE Old Violinrproperty of deceased Violinist; rare JL; bargain with bow and all accessories, in black brass-mounted onse: only lis 6d, worth ZZ apl,&Gval.- Violinist. 2, Claylands-road. Londop, S.W. 287n rfli FEAT Bargain, Selling Off. Removing.—Handsome VX Piano, only igio.-Woodriff. 41. Castle-rd., Cardt..ii ST ALLAN AUBdoTiiiT genuine Sistema di Megllo X (name inside); rich tone 19 ribbed Inlaid real rose. wood, fitted In saddler-mado case extra strings and oicks; worth £ 5, immediate cash 16s 6d approtal will- ingly.—Address Meglio, 31. Clsphom-road,London. S.W.n L'ARGE ilandsome^Muaical Box, plays 10 latest tunes, bell accompaniments, ti»ke 45s, worth £ 10; approval —Miss Radge, 30, Kensington-place, London, W. 581n Ttf ANDOLLN. Guitar, Clarionet, Banjo, and Theory.— liXGeorge Sinclair, L-L.c.M, 9. Clare-gardens. Cardiff.n M1SU Aatle, after 15 very successful years in Cardiff has much pleasure iu announcing that she con- til"14PBgjvlrtgl,e,uonsoti the Pianoforte and Singing. PenarthvisRed iwIce weekly. Lessons given at theresi- dences of pupils, or at 20, Pecibrokc-terrace,Cardiff,close to Talf Vale and Rhvmncv Stations. Terms moderate. RS Mather, 17, Station-terrace, Teacher of Pianoiort e and Theory from 7s 6d quarter. 335n IANOFORTF, Tuning.—U. f7~W ebb (late with Heath Jt. and Sons); terms. Cardiff 3a 5d; instruments ic- paired; estimates given.—Address8,Clare-3treet,Cardiff.n 4^7 ANTED for" jférthyr VóÚlõteel: Band, Two good T V Cornet and other Instrument Players must be good readers.—Apply E. B. Nash, Fernwood, Merthyr. xn Bicycles.$ct. Gent's Rudge-VVhitworth Bioyclo for Sale, almost new.—Apply 19, castle Arcade, Cardiff. eion_ A" "s'i'OUNDING Bargain7— Gent's Pneumatic Safety. splendid order, all accessories, Including lis lamp, .A. splendid order, all accessories, Including lis lamp, only £ 3 12s 6d; approval.—Holloway, 24, All Saiiits- road, West London. 579n AHGAJN.—Ma;,77h7c77.t Geut's Semi-Racer, quite new, clincher best t> res, gold-plated rims, guaranteed as new, ah accessories, wonderful bargain, £ 5 ICs 6-r approval baforo c«sh sent —V/. James, Willow Cottage, Weston-'i"Pet-Mare. mCYCLE, Lady's, also Gent's, £ 5; Sewing Machine, J) £ 3 havgr-iiis; wor' h double; seen any time; instalments taken.—Write Y 299. News. Cardiff. 289n >YCLES72S 6d w&ekly, any liioko. carriage paid, new or second-hand; agents wanted. —Darehain-road c or second-hand; agents ivantecl.-I)erehain-roa(i Cycle Company- Norwioli. 544)1 ORRIS Bros., Cycle Works, Pontypridd.—Three Ciishious, 50s;4 Pneumatic3, £ 4; Lady's Safety. £ 3. Send 5d stamps for Hoad Map and Lisca, with Hints, Tips, lueords, &e post 'ree. kit go tc Morris Bros.. Pontypridd. No job too too swall. Don't forget. n O AFExW, TTent's, uoted make. )»ated rims, free □ wheel and brake, rira br-ikc, £ '.—L j31, Echo, Cardiff. \)6T ANTED, a good Second-hand Tricycle.—Apply A. YY Elliott. 11, SallBhury-road^Cardiff. 5i<8n 6 Cycles, ladies. ^«rits, boyv, from £ 2 10s fcargslns.— Haines, 105, Pages-street, Grangetown. 849n Carriages nnb ¡Ttbidt5. A good Trap for sale, price £ 5.—W. Davies, Hendre- denny Hall. Penyhoel. 724n Bargain.—Light Spring TrucK, nearly new, suit butche. baker, grocer.—91, Stacey-road. 648u A New Wagonette seat 9, Second-hand seat 6, 4 New Stylish Ralli Carts from £ 16 10s, dozen Dog and Rustic Carts from £ 1410s,several Business Traps, ehearr. inspection invited.—Avery, Coachbuilder,Newport x214n A Grand Selection of Traps, all sizes, shapes, and prices; suit all business and plea-sure purposes 6 Trucks, 6 Chaff Machines; all to be sold cheap.- Witchell, 42, Tilm-street. B'TVRGAINS.—EFLotsE^CartsTHaulinB Carts, Spring JL) Carts, Batchers', Grocers" Traps, Pleasure Traps, 20 Sets Harness, 12 Saddles and Bridles sell cheap.- Model Mews, Ilereford-st., off Chepstow-rd., Newport, xn BROUGHAM, in excellent conditiou BrouRham- JLt Wagonette: Strong Dog Cart, Governess Car, Rustic Cart.—Perry and Co., Carriage Manufactory, 44, Freder- ick-street, Cardiff, CARRIAGE Lamps, Shop I,amps. Street Lamps., best in the market; lamps repaired.—(lurnsey's Lamp Works, 43, Marchant-street, Bristol. BViOR Sale. Farmer's Waggon, in good condition, equal to '3 .fij to new.— Ho.vland, Railway-street. Cardiff. 890n RriOl; Sale. Square-fronted Brougham, fitted with pole -Ij bar and shafts painted green, fine line yellow.— Lewis, Carriage Huilder, 2, Clare-st.. Cardiff. 693?—i09n_ tTIOR Sale, Cob-size Four-wheel Dog Cart, fitted with ri brake, lamps, green cloth cushions: very stylish and equal to new by Lucas, Londoii.-Apply W. Lewis, Coachbuilder, 2, Clars-street, Cardiff. 17041 8107-28211 IjlOR Sale. Second-hand Wagoaeite, pvith pole, bar, • aud shafts painted dark green, fine lined light green; in thorough good condition; the property of a gentlezuau.-Apply Lewis, 2, Coachbuilder, Clare-street, Cardiff. 171*2 8108-283n HARNESS, Harness. Harness.—30 Sets, all sizes and X-IL prices; 50 Pairs Lamps, eoll prices. new and second- liaiid cheap.—42, Elm-street. 99n SALE, Cart, suit greengrocer or hawker no further use cheap.—44, Scott-street, Cardiff. 859n WANTED, 2 or 3 Road Traction Waggons, in good condition.—Full particulars, Davies and Griffiths, Contractors. King William-street, Pembroke Dock, n 40 Business and Pleasure Traps, all kinds and sizes 50 Sets Harness, new and second-hand, any sizes 50 pairs Lamps, Saddles, and Bridles at lowest prices.- H, tlavcloclc-itreet, Tempormneetowii, Cardilf. 22in liorsts anil ICitru fl1dt. A good fast Donkey and Harness for Sale Cart if required; no vice.—Thomas, China Dealer, 21, Little Stoughton-street, Saltmead. 781n A Pretty Bay Mare, 15 hand:i, good trotter, suit mil k cart or crank-ax.e, £ 7 10s also handsome thickset Pony, 6 year suit governess car, cheap trial, warranty with both.-83. Church-road, Baroardtown, Newport, xn A Bargain.—Black Welsh Pony, 13 hands, 6 years also her Flat Cart and Harness cheap.—Apply 62, Caerleon-road, corner of Bishop-street, Newport. x263n A Thick-set Cob, Flat Cart, and Harness, price £ 9 10s also Trap suit»same, price £ 6.-19, Albert-street Canton, Cardiff. 540n A pony, Flat Cart, and Harness, lot £ 7,—Spicer, Har- ness Maker, Leckwith-road, Canton. 540n A strong built Welsh llorse, 6 years, sound, good worker, with splendid Crank-axle Cart, and Harness: lot £18 or seU separately cause of disposal, work slack. -Edenholrne, 33, Clare-street, Riverside, Cardiff. 221n A thickset Horse, 15 hands, 5 years, stauncli worker, with sound Spring Tip-cart, and Harness lot £ 16 or sell apart very cheap.—14, Havelock-street, off St. Mary, street, Cardiff. 22m powerful, aoldve, good working Cart Horse. IG hands, 7 years, with Hauling Tip-can,aud Harness, equal new; iCI5 takes the lot or sell separately; also sound good working Cart Mare, J6 hands, 6 years, cheap; £12; must sell, no work.-l, Green-street, off Canton Bridge, Cardiff. tl in A Thick-set pretty Cob, 13 hands. 6 years, warranted sjund and quiet to ride and drive, bargain, £ 6; also good Flat Cart and Harness if reouired, cheap.— Blacksmith Shop, Tavistock-st-reet, off Castle-road, Roatli, Cardiff. 166n A honest good Pony, iiat Cart, and Harness, E7 10s; I JL*. bargain trial giver-83, Church-road, Baroard- town, Newport. A. Lil(,ië of::ïtJt Ponlcs au"~d"Cobs, 5 to 7 years 12 to 15 A hands, prices L5 to £ 11. suitable for grocers, bakers milkmen, or general tradesmen where strength and speed are required; trial and warranty given with each; also their Traps, Gig, Spring Cart, and Harness cheap. —Apply 83,Church-road,Maindee,Newport. Trams pass.n Sound active light-legged Cart Mare. Ity hands, ptr fectly quiet aud good worker in every respect cheap, £ i4 owuer must Sell,-AI)piy Lewis, 40, Bedford eij, Roath, Cardiff. 16511 A Strong Cob, 14 hands, with Spring Cart and Har.iess, «. suitable for coalman or greengrocer, £ 12.—Apply 93, Clifton-street, Roath, Cardiff. 86n A Bargain.—a reliable Horses and Ponies, 12 to 15 hands, guaranteed quiet in all harness and free from vice; Traps and Harness to suit same if required. —42, Elm-street. 99n A Contractor's Horse, heavy, sound, willing, useful, 17 il hands, 7 yars.-124, Albany-road. 140n A CTIVE Cart Horso, 16 hands, 0 years, warranted il a good worker in shafts and chains; price £ 18; cause 01 selling overstocked.—Apply Manager Brewery Stables, Church-road. Canton, Cardiff. 540n ACTIVE Cart Mare, 6 years, 16 hands, master 2 tons, warranted staunch worker shafts or chains, price £13; also Tip Cart and Harness; Chaff Machine trial, warranty given -83, Church-road, Alondee, Newport. xn AN excellent Hunler for disposal, peacock brown gelding, 16 hands, 7 years, up to 14 stone been regularly hunted the past 2 seasons; sound and quiet in all kinds of harness; price 425; cause of disposal, owner remaining abroad.-Apply Mr Card, 21, Lower Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 353n AN honest pretty Cob, 14 hands, 6 years, sound, bar- gain £ 8; can be seen working any time.—Pleydell, Butcher, 17. Wood-street, Cardiff. 22ln BARGAIN.—Thickset Cob, 6 years, 14 hands, with good Business Trap and Harness Jot £ 18; warranted every respect; trial given. Also smart Pony, £9-48, Hereford-street, off Chepstow-road. Newport. x277n BARGAIN.—Two smart Horses, between 15 and 16 hands, 7 years, 12 miles hour, warranted sound, good single or double harness, £9 and kil, trial given.— Model Mews, Heretord-s1i.,otf (;hepstow-rd.. Newport, xu BARGAIN.—Choice of Two Welsh Ponies. 5.6 years, both warranted perfectly sound and quiet, £ 8- £ 9 also their Carts and Harness If required, cheap.— Blacksmith Shop, back Railway Station. Newport. x233n BARGAIN.—Coal Turnout, active horse, 15 hands, 7 years, good worker, strong good coal cart, and bar- ness; lot complete £ 12 5s bargain dealers need not apply.-16, Piantagenet-street, Riverside, Cardiff. 221n good Ilony, splendid li Flat Cart, Harness; lot LB 10s.-0sborne, Itishnionger, Llantrisant. 901>n OR S le. Pony, Harness, and Goveruesa Car. com- 3 plete, cheap.—Apply 61. Conway-road, Canton. 77511 ¥710R Sale, strong hard-working Pony, 13 hands, cheap. X —Snook and Rons, Albany-road. 269n ijlOR t3ale. thickset Welsh Cob. 6 years, warranted good worker, with Business Can, and Harness, in st)udd t;ood order loli £ io or pell apart; no dea.lers.-16, Pian- f,r.enet-stre:t, Riverside, Cardiff. 221ri I-j'"Au..JEîvS;-¡;;Ut.-Hre, 7 years, 16 hands, with with Tip-cart and Ha.rness: lot 41ti; warranted sound and. samnch workerl; trial allowed sell separate also good Trollay.—18, Hereford-street, Chepstow-road, Newport. x276n HEAVY Cart Horse S-trl)-ng Cart for Sale, cheap.— JuL Apply 36, Kiekards-street, Pontypridd. 621n HONEST sound Pony, new Flat Cart, and liarness; .1 tot £ 9.-14, Havelock-street, Tomperancetowil, Cardiff. 221n SALE, active Horse, 6 years, with good Coal Cart and Harness: lot £ 14; trial and warranty given.— Model Mews, Hereiord-st., off Chepstow-rd., Newport, xn SALE, Fast Cob. 14 hands, 7 years, with nearly new 0 Flat Cart and Harness, lot £ 8 lOa.-Blacksmith Shop, back Railway Station, Newport. x2Ð1n Coo. too small owner saen working £ 3 S nod"(c-rs.-14,Ctarc-road, Cardiff. 804n r sAO Coalmen.—Coal Turnout, strong built, active, good X working horse, splendid long cart, harness, scales, weights, "and baskets corrplete; lot £15 or sell apait.— Apply 3J, Clare-street, Riverside, Cardiff. 221n rjno Farmers, Hauliers and Others.—Powerful Cart X Mare, 16 hands, 6 years, in foal by Cyfarthfa Dray- man, staunch worker in shafts or chains, price £ 15 war- ranty given.-Apply 83, Church-road, Maindee.Newport.n rg 10 Greengrocers and Others.—Thickset,honest, sound X Pony, excellent Fiftt Cart, and Harness, lot £ 7 10s.— No. 1, Green-street, off Canton Bridge, Cardiff. 221 u r flio-Hauliers. Others—Choice of Two Cart Horses X 35-16 hands, '0' years, both warranted sound, good in all harness, £u-£8; warranty, trial given.-George and Dragon: back Railway StatioiyNewport. x232n f |^0 Trad«snifcti.—Thickset WjSlsh Cob, sound, 6 years, X good mover, with sound spring Business Cart and Harness, suit baker, grocer, or butcher lot cheaD, £ 20, or sell separately dealers need not apply.-AI)pky Cox, Baker, 37, Lower Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 221 n USEFUL roan Mare, 15 hands, quiet; can be seen at work any day price £ 10.—Crown Stores, Cadoxton -Harry. 1107n ANTED, good strong sound Horse, suit builder s T » spring cart, about 15 hands.—Stffte age,particulars, and price to Jenkins, Saw Mills, Merthyr. x224n ^poultry & 38tr&». NY Quantity of Somerset Pullets and Dack3 for Sale.—O'Neill, 3, Penypeel-rOad, Canton. 815n LIBY L'arrot. red tail, vvarranted certain talker, 30s o month's free trial at my risk.—Restaurant Torris- holme, Morecambe. 280n ANDSOME Young Hartz Mountain Cock Canaries, JLJL singing. 5s ea(-,b.-RCllards, 4, Fountain-street, Mountain Ash. 6230 INN ETS.—Cocks, is selected for show and muling, JU Is "-dordou hiclucas, H. Pansygraigiven, Ponty- pridd. M25311 ^lVE Geese.—Now is the time for tine birds.— J Sanders, 135, Commercial-road. Newport. x221n 500 Soleci/ed Large White Geese, specially reared tor fattening; also Ducks and Cardiganshire March hatched Pullets; will sell per couple ot dozen prloes sent free.—O'Neill, 3, Penypeel-road, Canton. 80 Fowls for Sale.—For particulars address\V.Griffiths, Foreman Platelayer, Southerndown-road Htation- n Jfauuiitw*. A Secoml-haad Suite forSale, cheap.—Webber, ^Pboi- £ sterer, 10, Albapy-road, a "^v n<mnhi v iuiuituro oc IrnOcbniGD's A^UR^LUFSK'SHTFOI 74°""Wo^dvi»e-road. Cardiff, Furniture Dealer and Auc- tioneer. "'>'n INll^G-Rooin Suites; great reductions; selling oil; leaving premises; most clear.—Woodruff. 41, Castle-road. Cardiff- 41211 NEE-Holo- Writing \j¡;j1 Pedestals and ijL drawers: also -Large Mirror.-5. 3,Oira-W6ai3e.115n ECOND-Hand Furniture, Old Chica, Paintings. En- O gravings. Bedsteads. Bedding; must be cleared; no relIoso nable offer refused.—1. Woodruff, 41,Ca3tle.,road, Roath, Cardiff- 41in ELLING Off, Mufct Clear, Previous Removing o Stock. Second-hand iurniture.—Woodruff, 41 C.stle-roiLd, Cl%lrdiff- 412zj OLl}) Sideboards,. C ('iloliiers, & great bargains; (3 selling off leaving premises.—Woodruff, 41, Castle- road, Cardiff. 41211 Donustic Àttidts. G( REAT Bargain, Selling Off, Removing.—Handsome f Cabinet Xreadle Sewing Machine (Singer's), un- soded, latest improvements, £ 510s, cost £ i0 5s,—Wood- ,,Itl, 41. Castle -road, Cardiff. 412n íu AU. Carts and Perambulators.—The Largest Stock iiJL in the United Kingdom.—Spencer's iiaby Carriage Warehouse, St. John's Church-srjuare. Cardiff. 7138 lli-n SUPERIOR stylish convertible single or double Mail p Cas t; latesii design new condition cost £ 5, take 453 carriage paid approval.—X 867.. Echo, Caruiff, 867n f S"iHF, Best- Selection of Summer Shades for Mail Carts X and Perambulators at Spencer's Baby Carriage Warehouse, St. John's Cbuich-sauare. Cardiff. 118n Warehouse, St. John's Cbuich-sauare. Cardiff. 118n -.u "1Ii "'IV U BEefi-off (Klotliing. RSRobins,Comiuercial-road, Newport, Purchaser of Cast-off Clothing; packages sent receive uauie- d a-.e attention. x280n^_ MXts 7io7ui7n7"i3 and 15, Brkige-stieet, Cardiff, old established Wardrobe Buyer, Furniture, Dress Suits, Boots, &c. Ladles waited on by appointment.444n M" RS" Haaser, 31. Bridge-street. Cardiff. Purchaser of Ladies, Gentlemen, aud Children's Wardrobes best prices guaranteed; orders punctually attended. Established 18WI. 26n -w-_ jJt1utlltr! A~ BargainT—Gent's 18 carat gold-eased centre seconds chronograph Stop Watch; beautifully finished; jewelled movement; correct, timekeeper; 10 years wai- anty sacrifice 10s 6d; approval before paymen*- Uavis, Pawnbroker, Boilney-road. Lo:iclon.S^o "lljTrgain^Gent's real 18 carat rolled gold Curb Albert, stamped and guaranteed,sacrifice 8:i6d, another, heavier, Doublo Albert, 10s 6d aypro^i willingly.—Davis, Pawnbroker, Walworth, London. »» A Bargain.—Lady's handsome 18ct. gold-eased Keyles^ Geneva Watch, beautifully enamelled dial, war. ranted 10 years Facrif.ce 13s 6d approval before pay- ment. —Oavis, Pawnbroker, Walworth London. 5t8 A Bargain.—Elegant marquise Ring, solid gold stamped set 16 pearls and turquoise ;sacriUce 7s 6d approval.—Davis: Pawnbroker, Walworth. London. 538 A Bargain.—Curb Chain Bracelet, real 10 carat rolled gold stamped, padlock aud safety chain, in Morocco case sacrifice 7s 6d ditto, heavier, 10s 6d: approval be- approval.—Davis: Pawnbroker, Walworth. London. 538 A Bargain.—Curb Chain Bracelet, real 10 carat rolled gold stamped, padlock aud safety chain, in Morocco case sacrifice 7s 6d ditto, heavier, 10s 6d: approval be- fora pa.ymeut.-Davis, Pawnbroker, Walworth, London. 4 Bargain.—Gent's 18 csrat gold-cased keyless, non- .1. magnetic Lever Watch, fnliy jewelled sacrifice 10s Gd 10 years' warranty: approval before payment.-Davis, St. Johu's-road. Brixton, London. 854S 7A Bargain —Gent's Double Albert, fashionable pattern. XJL genuine 18 carat rol'ed gold (stamped), with seal attached maker's guarantee attached; grett, bargain, 12s Gd approval willingly.—Davis. 16, St. John's-roaa, Brixton. London. 8547 LADV'S Lovely four-guinea 14c. Solid Gold Keyless Watch never worn perfect timekeeper accept 3'Js Sd: approval willingly.—Dean, Pawnbroker, 265, Granville-road, Sheffield. List ot bargains post free. 957 LADY'S handsome 18 carat gold-cased Keyless Geneva Watch, beautifully enamelled dial, 10 years'war- ranty, sacrifice 13s 6d also L tdy's LOll" Neclc or Watch Guard, solid 18 carat rolled gold, stamped and guar- anteed, great sacrifice, 10s Cd approval belore payment. vis. Pawnbroker. Walworth. London. 538 iADY'S Solid 18-earafRolled Gold Bracelet in Moroeac i case, price 9s 6d, worth treble approval.—Hollo- way, 2VAhJjiurvts.road, London, W. 580n LADY'S 9-carat Real Gold Kevless Watcb, Morocco L case, Albert and Chain, 27 Cd, worth double; approval. ~MissRudge,30,Kensington-place,London,W.u KEAL IS carat, rolled gold Long Necl Chain, stampep \¡ and guaranteed, exquisite.pattern.Morocco case sacrifice 12s 6d; approval before payment.—Davis, Pawnbroker. Walworth, London. 538 C1HEAPEST ia Cardiff.—Fligelsione, 22, Castle-road, ^Cardiff. Registered the Popular Cardiff Pawnbroker. CHEAPEST in Cardiff.—Fhgelstone, Castle-road.—22ct Guinea Gold Wedding Ringy, new, 10s, 15s, 20s. 30* (CHEAPEST in Cardiff.—Fligolstone, Castle-road.— J Lady's lSct. Gold 5 stone Diamond Riug. only 30s. CHEAPEST in Cardiff —Fiiyelstene, Castle-road, for bargains.—Hall-marked Gold Keeper Rings from 3s HEAP ES'l' in Cardiff.—Fiigelstone, Ca tie-roaci.- V Lady's handsome long Gold Chain, only 3 guineas. CCHEAPEST ill Ca.rdiff.-Fligelstone. Castle-road.- ) Superior Electro-plated 6-bottle Cruet. only 5s lid. CHEAPEST iu Cardiff.—Fiige'.stoue, Castle-road, for Table Knives, Forks, Spoons, by Haywood, Sheffield. CHEAPEST in Cardiff.—Fiigelstone, Castle-roa(I.- Hall-marked Ladies' Gold Dress Rings, from 3s 6d. fik]APEST in CarCti-ff.-FiJgelstone, Castle-road, for C bargains.—Silver Watches, warranted, from 6s. CHEAPEST in Cardiff —Fiigelstone, Castle-road.— V^Gent's 9ct. Hall-marked heavy Curb Albert, only 50s. CCHEAPEST in Cardiff.—Fiigelstone, Castle-road.— ^Lady's handsome 18ct. Gold Watch, cost £ 5, only 60s. CTHEAPESI' in Cardiff.—Fiigelstone, Castle-road, far ./Ladles' Silver Watches from 6s 6d,bilver Alberts,3s Sd. IREAPEST in Cardiff.—Fiigelstone, Castle-road,for C- bargains.—Gents' heavy Silver Curb Alberts, 5s. CHEAPEST in Cardiff.—Fiigelstone, Castle-road.— Gents' Gold Alberts from 30s; Ladies'Gold Mberts,15s. /CHEAPEST in Cardiff.—Fiigelstone, Castle-road.— V>Lady's handsome Silver Watch, cost 45s, only 10s 6cL C1HEAPEST in Cardiff.— Fiigelstone, Castle-road, for ) Watches.—Lady's Gold Watch and Albert. 50s. CHEAPEST in Cardiff.—Fiigelstone, Castle-road.— Nickel Clocks, Is 6a Alarms, Is lHd; hundreds sold. ClHEAPESX in Cardiff.—Fiigelstone. Castle-road, for > bargains.—Ladies' Gold Bangles from 6s 6d. C1HEAPFST in Cardiff.—Fiigelstone, Castle-road.— ^Ladies' Gold Brooches from 5s silver Brooches, Is, C1HEAPEST of all Advertisers, FJigelstone, Castle- /road.EuglisliLeversfrom 15s; SilverLeversfromlOs.il n.i — CuUei\T « Cljina. C<HINAand Eur! henwara Seconds, china cups,saucers, /bowls, plates, jugs. Ac., all gold decoration. Is Id per doz. handsome toilet, dinner, tea, and breakfast sets in great variety; hawkers' large cheap crate, contain- ing about 1,000 articles,42s 6d. Write for free illustrated lists. See beginners' crate with free tea set.-Arthur J, Hull, King-street Pottery, Longton, Staffs. 436n C1UTLERY 'sterling silver Hall-inariseu, mounted).—. J Unsoiled 10-guinea Service, 25s 6d; 12 large, 12 small Snives, Carvers, and Steal, massive ivory balanoed kindles, heavily silver-mounted; approval.—Miss 55, IlandforLki-road, London, S.W. 237u ITVLECTEtO-piate.—Cruets, Jeliv Dishes. Cake Baskets, 'Tea and Coffee Sets, Ac., &c., in all the latest de, ■signs, at lowest possible prices.—Send direct to Manu. facturer for illustrated sheet. Full trade discount to ironmongers, jewellers, merchants, aild geaeral dealers. —C. F. Heckford, George-street, Parade. Birmingham, n IMPORTANT.—Table '>nives, 5-guinea Set, 12 large, 12 JL s'wall Meat Carvers and Steel, with massive real ivory handles, accept 10s 9d approval free.-Miss Carl- ton, 31, Claphani-road, London. S. NV 2C7n OILVER-ulated Al quality ftpoons ana Forks. 8-guinea OSorvice for 29s6d 12 each table,dessert spoons.forka, also teaspoons 160 piece3). silver-plated on nickel silver, stamped maker's initials; unsoiled; upproval.—E., 2, Claylands-road. London. S.W 28711 jJUtaral iUmeiius. CURE for Piles.—Perfect Care guaranteed In most stubborn cases post free 2a 9d, 4s 6d.—La Trobe, Cnemlst, St. Michael's Hill, Bristol. 633n CURE for Asthma.—No case should be given up as in- ourable until this remedy has been tried. A trial will convince the most sceptical of its undoubted effi- cacy. Post free 3s.—Martyn Hughes, Pharmaceutical Chemist, St. David's. Pern. 953 Mago its aitfc OtoUítty fUquisiies. CCOLLIERY Sleepers, Cogwood, Pitwood, Dunnagf j Boards, Scantling, Firewood,—Shapland and Sons, West Dock, Cardiff. 590n OOD Second-hand Coal Waggons wanted for cash, or VX replaced by new ones.—Cardiff Rolling Stock Co., East Moors, Cardiff. 8452 T>AILWAY Waggon's built for cash or deferred pav- Xwmants; materials and workmanship guaranteed; It new waggons in course of construction to G.W.R. speci- fication for prompt delivery inquiries invilecl-John Mills. Railway l oundry, Llanidloes, North Wales. 9153 KALLWAY WAOONH for Hire or Sale. Cash ct deferred payments.—The Midland Railway Car riage and Wagon Company, Limited, Midland Work Birmingnam. 1982 J&acbiiwrij, &t. A largo Horizontal Engine, 20 h.p.; 1 Cornish Boiler 22ft. long by 5Jft. diameter, With fire-bars, funnel, and all mountings complete: New and Second-hand Vertical Boilers, 2 Portable Engines, 1 Screwing Machine, 2 Circe irSaw Benches, 28in. and 38in. saws, 2 Steam Haiume *s 3 Vertical Doublecyliuder Engines, 5in. by Sin., with. Ik motion, I High Speed Engine 7in. by 9in. L y Iii) der, 4 bars Staffordshire Iron, ]6ft. by 5in. by IiJn.: 6 tons Swedisn Bar Iron, assorted, 5 tons nOUntl Bar Steel, 3 tons small Angle and Bar Iron, Second-hand Tanks, 1 Steam Steeriug Gear.-Apply to Barrett and Co., Engineers, Cardiff. 7165-120n IilOR Sale, Locomotive, recently almost entirely re. } newed, cylinders 10in.. stroke 15in.; saddle tank, wheels coupled, diameter 2ft. 4in„ outside cylinders; can be seen at the Cetrv Iron Works, Cafn, neat Brldg. end.—Further particulars ou application, 9318— 644n J7TOR Sale, 22 14in. Cast Iron Flange Pipes an iBenii; fl quantity 9ln. ditto Steam and Hand Cranes, Lan- cashire, Cornish, Loco type and Vertical Boilers Under- types and Portables, 541b Flange Rails, &c.-Geo. V, Perry. Neath, South Wales. n OCOMOTIVE Tank Engines new 14in. by 2Gln.; 4-wheel and 6-wheel: equal to main line engines, —Avonside Engine Co.. Bristol. 687 PORTAIILE Engine and 6ft. Pan Mill; capital busi- J. ness lot; cash or purchase-hire.—Write Atlantic Engineering Co., Newport x256n 'AN'rP'D Itack Saw Bench on log frame statti W maker, siae of saw, length of rack, and pri"R 604, Dally News, Cardiff. 604u ANTED. Small Vertical Boilee and Engine, about w 14 or 2 b.p.-NVrite W 271. Echo, Cardiff. 271n pUAfiliKii 1)^" pHILUPiJ ENGINEER. IRONFOUNDEE, MACHINERY MERCHANT, &c.. NE WPORT, MON. Home of my Specialities ENGINES and BOILERS of Every Description. MACHINE TOOLS and all Engineers', Collieries,'and Ironworks requirements. LOCOMOT) VES, PORTABLE ENGINES, and all ÃiJld of MACHINERY LET on HIRE or PURCHASE-HIRE on Favourable Terms. „ ELECTRICAL PLANT and FITTINGS Of EVKHY DESCRIPTION Agent for w BCANER AND QO„ WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. 117' I yjor SfaU.IUac £ UaiW0ua. BABY'S Long Clothes.—Complete Set of 50 article? very choice unused will accept 21s approval.— Mrs Max, The Chase, Nottingham. °"_ CiHEf,lIST'S Fixture3, Fittings, and Utensils for Sale; J excellent and complete outfit for chemist's shop. —Apply Jones, British Coal Co., Cardiff. 841n 0UNTERS t'Tta18ft^Living Van, Benches. Stoves Ladders, Trucks, Wheels. Showcases, Sheds, Garden Frames. &e.-Blake. Cathays. Cardiff. 114n CiYCLE Shed, large size, corrugated roof; bargain to j immediate purchaser.—16, St, Mary-street. 8S4n I? LEGANT sable Mink Necklet, with bushy Russian 1J tails, also handsome sable Mink Muff, mateiiing, perfectly new together 125 td. worth 4 guineas; greai bargain approval.—Beatrice,31,Clapham-road.London.g. i,"UELD, Marine, or Race Glass, 25 miles range astrcr ? Domical lenses, solid leather sling case cost 85s u» soiled; accept 7s rid approval free.—Miss P.. Pool's, 25, Bouverie-street, E.C. 5*579 IjllELD, Race, or Marine Glasses, 8 powerful binocula' achromatic lenses, 25 mile range, fitted eyeshadea wonderfully clear, in leather sling case handsome 4 guinea pair, quite new, for 9s 6d approval willingly.— Davis, 6. Grafton-snuare, Clapnam Common. Londoner IillREWOOD, Firewood, Firewood.—Hard and Soft J Blocks.—Shapland and Sons, West Dock. Cardiff, n "17ioFsale, the Contents and Utensils of a lodging house the House to Let if required.—Apply IriN King-street- Brynmawr. 236n "VTOH7}a77cheap, Greenhouse Heating Apparatus, No. £ 2 Loughborough Boiler, with 39ft. of 4in. Piping.— Apply 51, Conway-road, Canton. *b"n OR Sale, L%rke size HaflstMnd. lowl House, Fowls, j bargain.—B 92, Echo Office, Cardiff- 92n i~710R Sale, smalT-iet Roundabonts sood cheap no use.—Vincent, Trehafod-road, Xrehafod, Rhondda Valley. 6iln ■710R Sale, Pitcholne Lous, 16ft, and 20fc. lengths. lOin. Jj to 12in. square, and Spruce Battens in 4ft. leuglns, 61n„ 7in., and 3in. x 2ln-; only used oncc,-Prices quoted on application to James Allan, Contractor, Woodvllle- road, Cardiff. ^-ln J"7il'7R_Sale.Io7oCO strong Cabbase PJaiTts, Wieeier's.— j Apply Phillips, Filter Beds, Llanlshen. Cardiff. 91F/ nRTKD I'7sh Stove, almost new, wilt sell to immediate I buyer cheap-—O 134. Echo. Cardiff. 184n LADY has new style Black Thibet Neck Fur for Sales, vfiry bright, curly accept 2s 6d, carriage paid.— Radford. 7, Albion-street, Nottingham. 366n ADY wishes to Sell Parcel of Baby's First Clothes? superior quality: pever worn; very cheap.— Whltby-road. Faliowheld, ester. '^iln OVELY Tsilka. Satins, Brocades, or Velvets, new, 100 ij lnrge pieces, Is 6d small, 6,1; prints (large), Is; Large Mixeu Bundle Remnants aud Pieces (including Liberty AI t Materials), 2s 6d carriage [-aid; unsatis- factory, money 3i, Ciarcmont road, Spark brook, Hiimi nu in rn. '72n MILK.—For .Sale daily, 25 iraUons rich pure freak .Carmarthenshire.—Evans.Penlonewen,Lianay8Sil.n M" ""Tsra'ae-ntloniMTNavy.Wue Serjre Jacket Suit, 36iin. breast. 321 n. inside leg; worth two aumeas; never worn; accept approval.—C, •- Jliiordt School-road. Moteley. -Pirniiighai,i. 52en P^ £ MS~FSTi8.~liidia*rubbors ior Sale; speoimea Plants suitable tor mcloor or conseryaiovy decora, tion • mu»t be cleared before winter.-F. Speed, Bui'dec Penarth. *9in I PARSNIPS, 3s 3d cwt.; Carrots. 2s cwt.; Syroats. 3t JL Bduot' pots, Is: ba^s, 2d extra, returnable; L-esf Tomatuej, Hd lb.-Johns. 31, Avon-street, Evesham 774c ,Aj,K 20~000~Savoys, lit; 2 Sows and Pigs and 9 Stores^ O -HI 11 ijvtrrner. W hue h n reh S19n EALSKIN Jacket, only £ 6 15s, importuut harKain.— Lady offers real Sealskin Jacket, three-quarter lenath fashionable, richly lined, perfectly new, iniuiedi. ate cash £ 5 10s, worth £ 25 approval.—Dorothy,-i Clapham-road, London. 1'mnoo Cabbage Plants for Sale; Wheeler's Imperial, I Enfield, Market, Nonpareil, and Offhams 5s per 1.000-—Mrs S. Bayhs, Pliilcg Gardens, Whitchurch, Cardiff- 533n iTiis 6d -(i enteiiie,i, lor this price we make a splerdid di Black Coat and Vest in Serge or Vicuna, stitched with silk and beautifully made; regular price 35s. Patterns and particulars post free.—The Woo'Jen Co., Bradford. 189,1 610,000ft. Dunnage Boards, Scantlings, Dea,s, Piuwoud, fit Cogwood, Grain Bags and Mats of all kinds.—Sha». and and Sons, East Iond Wes; Docks. CwWTt loft