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PREPAID BCALE. wnRDO n?nf THJ6HE SIX WORDS. ONCN. TIMES. TntES 14 Words. 06 13 20 4 22 Words. 09 19 29 t „ -I. 30 Words. 10 23 36 Eachextr?l ? y ?c ?n 8 Words 03 0609 T?e <t&ope cAa?es s?c?re <?? t?M<r<<OH o/* 'S'M<tH sive?-tisoumats ttt botl& the DAILY LNrws «M<! SOUTH ?ALEa ECHO. T/«.M C??-?€? <!Pp?y 0"? ? ?C <!<Maes o/ ?ld?er<tNe7!M!?? j<?ect/?c<t M?OM. a? are 20-ictly conlincil to those lohich <tfc ordered /or tlJfi8ec..tive mill paid /01' previous to 7%sertiou t/ eithe¡' 0ttlezc conditions t< Hot e<M)t- ,plied tM(/t, t/'e adve2-tisament MtH be cA<t! yed by the J?usiness Scale :-2_part?itenU, Situations Vacant or Wantecl. l'o t.J Let Ct' Sc,,Zd, LOlt, Fomkl, and xiwe"neous IV (Uûs. Notices o/ Births, .Ilai-rim7es, and Detlths 2< each t« each pttrer, if not exceeding 20 irords, (mi 6<< /or each aaditional 1,9 ioords. C'PJECIAJL. Notice.—Appiicants sending repttae to Attver. s addresseù 100 01: fictlWous nAmes, "i thia 0<Hce, arereqaesteftnottosendoriginaltestimonTala tttth their appiieation'<. but to enotote ooptea of teati- onlV, ltrZona1. ir ADIES.—The New Atltaoin Costume CtotiM h&ve JtJ ?rrtved: they <n.e a.bso;utely tho very ane?t r&nge order from JM 3. made by men tailcrs only at the West JAnd Tailors in D'lke-street. Ctn-dia.2417 ??OK-KArcher's"Golden Hetarns." ?weeteat !? Tobt?cco m?nafactarad. _IMS nMBE'Xonug Geatiemiui from C:u'dtfF who met & Young JL lAdy from HaJUa.x at the Zooto?icsLt Gturdens. MMt- chester, on Moadity. September 4th, n desired to tumlsh Mr with hta addressas she wishes to communicate with "ma.—Please write N as' Ech" OfHce. cardlit. 891n J.'taltíntouíal. A respectable worKtng nMui. aJ&atatner. with 3 chtt- .C1dren. desires to Correspond Willi a )r snittMe person, &bout 50. view of marna.se.—W. J.. Scho. Newpcrt- n TX7IDOWEB, young, deslrca CorrespondeBoe with re- ?V aaed youns Widow —Write M&x. 910. Echo OfBce. TMdtC. 9Mh ,Ittbical. ?TAXTED. Dispenser. Dresser. <:e.; indoors. co!Hery tV districts-Apply, ai&ticg terms. V 426. Daiiy Xews. Car dirt, 426n (BbucatioKaL A Yonns La,dv. eerttncatect. t3 stintinf! &C)Msfor A. P&intins Md Drawing P-untlfg in aU i)i8 brMMea tM[f!ht.—Wrtte M 806. Echo. CtrdiS. 806n ACME?Sh&rthMd &nd Typewriting Academy, 142. A Bute.street.-V&CMCles tor Pupils, D&y Md ??en- ?e CiMses 'ihree months' ttution f?r 2 gnineas Evea- hiS CI&sse? <heid a.t Richmond-road 2 evenmgs weekiy). tOsMperqa&rter. Book-keeptag ta?nt. ApprenUoes w&ntad stMll preminm.?"h %-N CIN (-Ilu,en-s tree L Hall (,Iuly liceassd). Mon- JL?d&ya. Wednesdays, a.ud Saturdays. Sucerlor mualc. AdrntMion M.?"? -T?ANCMG.-Trilby HttU. Ca.nton.-f riva.teQMdnUe JL?C!&ss Mondays, Wednesdttya. a.nd S&turdaya. 445n TtONOCS8 Gradu:l.ws (Cambcidge, London) —Experi- JTL encedTeacaers Drepare by Con-espondencefor 'Mhol&rahips ?t U niTersitiea and Coheres Ij.L.A. teen's Sehotarshlps Civil aervics &c.-Fot pMtica. \ars a.ppIyQ3ol. Dstiiy News. Cardiff. &3Ln TtfiaS Bott. ofCfu-d:n. h&a resumed her asna! Pointing JM.CtMsat SenghenyddHonseSccoot. CMrphiHy.-For terms. &c., apply BUss ThomM. PriE.cipaJ 548n C30BTRAHi) (Pitman's) Tanght by poetfreainvfew O of recommendations: r&md proficiency guara.n- teed- easy method; pMHca:M? tree.-O. HenMh, CtMton-on-Sea.J?'? C'MART tmd Co.'s Aca.demY is unrtval'ed for tndiYidua! O M)dsv<itema.ttc..aition; Shorthand. TypewriMng, Book-keeprng. H,,tnlwriting, Arithmetic. BNsmeM TrMnins. Fi-ench. German. Spanish. JEc.; compteMOU for tt nxed fee; no Unilt bo lesachs. MMk this Msertion, Pronciecev Gaa.r&uteed. We rLever ha.ve amateur teachera in onr Academy, and al! p!acea where theyuo thMUd be avcided, M '.t is not only waste ot money, bnt 9S of the student's time. We a,rc the oldest estaollsbed Km of Proiessioual Commercia.1 Educators in tha tung- tom. rrospectm free. Academy opendatty_—&ma:t Mtd Co., Tower ChMibers. Church-street. Carc3il. n ?OUTH W&Ies Tatorial Classes.—Prepara.tion for 0 Utuvei'sity, Profeasioaai. a'td CtvH Service Samina.tions.-Appty Wm. Arthar Meyrick. 121, Kics's. -oad. Cardii!°'L- tJURVEXOBS' LnstiKtion. Municip&t and County 0 Engineers'?nd Sa.nitarv tnstitnte Exa.mlna.tions.— Lessons given personaiiy 01: by Correspondence.—Apply jhWh-Jones, C.E. &c.. Tytnawr-road, Liand&ff. 9371a M10 b?dents. Candidates for frofeMioMi JBx&m'ua JL tioms. ?c.—Pranch. Sp?ush. )[<i<?Han. aermM, Corn 'mereia.I correspondence. Candidates prepMed for Pre- fttauttu-y Law, Nedieal, CharM-red AocoantMts. Civil Servtce. Queen' Schollushlps, Tetegraphs. and porters' PriTMe TaiMon. CtMsMh and ,AnroughL!ieposL Artthmetic. Book-keeping, and Short- hMd-other subjects by speoi" arraN?tneiit. Pro.pec- tason education My W. &ines. Pubhc Tranaiator. 25. Fark-strcet. Cttrdiff. Eat«.b]ished 13?0. -?tT-ANTED. 5 Assistants (Art. 50). 2 for Itrge girls ?W achoo!. S!t'a.ry JE50 per ftn?um aad one for mfaBts. Mttarr -E45 per annum; *bie to t&ach tonlc-soi-t?—Appty t?ttestimonis.is 0. Wuuatns. Cwma.von. Port lalbot. n 'tTtTHITE Ladies' Schooi. Weston.—Boys. Girls (separ- ?' ate): borders ft term-Dr. and Mi!se< Tornkma. KiDd home. 720 J;ult anH Ifioititb. TmoUTSD Spamet Dog: if not c!)tdmed in 5 days wUt be J so!d. Mpenses.-34. HemQao-d?a-e?. Ynysybwi. abercynf-n. X952-n H?OOT<!I>. Collie Do?.whUie feet and Mil; not cLaImed B 3 days win be sold to defray ej?enat?—al. Ijowet <thedral.roAd. Carùiff. 81In TTilOOND, !M6weM*l'onyrefaii and &iifach.GentIeman's 1C MttcMstoah.—Owner can baTe same y applyilg at WaunrhyA,-I-road. Tor-yr-foAl. 799n ElOC?D, "ij?k* Chestnut Mare. about 14.2; if not t' oiaimcd within three days will be sold to defray expenses.-Apply The Me-?, Penarth.??_ f OST"?biue Bedlin?ton Temef Do? Satorday &ftef- tJnoon under rewu.rded.—116. LiMtd?n-road. CMdtG.n 'iToST. September ?nd, betWeea Llanda? aQdB*dy, JU CMTia? Cushion ander rswM'dea.—HO. Cathedrat- K)ad. 2n <r OST depMmbar 13th. rough Terrier Dog at Han i? harrv BMn" aoriug; ncder wUl be weU rewarded.- Wred Phelpi:l, 5'), Tvnty la-road, Ystrad Hhondda.. 24n V'OST'from'Qreat WeateM S-tatiOD. CèÙ1Cätn insli., JU Irish Terrier Bitch; finler rewarded.—Parcels DBice, Great Western, Cardln. 992n -r OST. red and white Cow: detainer proMC?to?-Mra ?J DaviM. 48. Cwmciydaeh. Ciyd?cn V?e? 95on nsT Sect a)th. in A:!M.ny-road. B'bte and Hymn JL ?Mk'-?'in?r rewarded on letarmn)! to JSdmoad. ?07.Atba.ny-road?_ _?L? -rOS'Tcu?Vednesday mom? Gold Sleeve Lmk. set L withpearls.-5a reward i: retarnedtoMra&r?, M. Conway-roi?d. Cu-nton.?'" t 08T on Sanciay?K.?. 17th. between Caatle-road and M. Conway-road, Canton. mn t 08T on Sanciay?K.?. 17th. between Caatle-road and IjF?za.!an.iace, Lady's Goici Cliain and Si?r <Vatch.. -Finder rewarded on returning same to Centra.1 PoUce MaUon. 5n fO?T on Sept. 9th. Biack Whippet DoR. white spot on tj chest and pieoe out of side; nnder rewarded.— Chomas PennT. No.2, LIandavei. CWID. 461n -<0e Reward.-Missile trom his home, HenUys Coart jL ?arm, Kewport. since i?ptember llth. Arthnr amos powlinK. age 17. heiKht about 5ft. 2in.. dark complexion, brown eyes, adl: ha.)r wearinf; dark piaid coat, brown waistcoat, cord'-n-oy tronseM. Oxford shirt, watertight soota. fawn cap: mark (through cut) on point of nose. -The above reward wi)' be given to anyone forwarding tBiermation ?hich may lead to the discovery of his .hereabouts to above address, or to Kvans.l3,HiU-str<?t, Newport. Mon. 1Ðonttstic tdtRtttS. "*—M&in Cook and Houae-Parlourmaid wanted; small A. family.-NicnoHs, 16. Plymoath.road. Penn.rth.394n Ttood Generai waatod immediately.—Appiy 75, A. Ctaude-road.Roath.52?_ 'AN?perieNced General: ?ood wages.—Appty even. A. ?sH5..Albany-road. opposite?h?Claude Hotel, n C- ÕHPETENT General Servants wanted &t onoe.- !J Apply Mrs Akers, 127. King's-road, Cardii!. :93a < ?OCX?Geaeral wante?t immediately no washing ?J nurse-housemaid kept.—Writa ?ynom, Barry Isla" an OOK wanted; otdiady and daughter; g dl)laee; el plenty liberty.-Gray,10. Queen-street. 960n OOK-(ienexal wANted for elderly lady; pt&inoook- el ing; no washing.—Gray. 10. Qaeen-etMet. 960h ??K?auted?good?re?erencea tpdispensable; ex- tj paiienced commercial Boom Waitress. wHltngto ?? waiting; also ? Chamberm?d.-? M?D?iy eW8, Cardiff. 9428 ??XPEBiE?CEDCook-GeBerat wanted trncne?ttetv; i? also Youn?CHrlformornlBSwoM—'M.BtctHBond- M?.CardIn?_ ?_? ?? ? .? ??u GjNEliAL wauwd for widow ladv, no family; good G wagea comfortable.-Gray, 10. Qaeen-street. 960n GENERAL Servant wanted, age 18 to 20. in small &famiIy-Mrs Morgan. Fentonvilie. Uandaff. 782h ir??ERAL Servants wanted; .vagos JE6 to ?.—Mra <J)' Coster..Hesisiiry, d:oucester. bervants sultea free-n ?i ENERAL Servant wanted: also Yonng Girl for chil- %3t' dren;—Appiy 45. PiMturtof-avenue.E;7n ?ENERAJLwantedTcLondoa): easy p)ace; tare pa.? ?y state ase. waces.-417?Coworidgt:-road. Cardin.572n ENEjl" w&uua, over SO. clean and respectable. br comfortable situation.-Foreman. 25. in1an-ro&d' 140n ??o???p??C.B?ugbt.ro?d. R?th: lar 265n <? R?EJB.Il..rw't.iQ?oo(rrefetence. at once f&mHvtwo. UT —17.W\ndso?p?*ce.Ca.rd?_M4n ? OOD Gener?t Sarv?t; t?o Nurse Gi? (16). ooNNtry Urureterred.-L.. 149, Ca'.hedrai-ro&d. Caj-dLtf. 956m ?ToOD General SarvMtt ?tmtfd, &bont 16 to 18.— ? App?y 18. Windsor-orescent?Newpott. x916a GODGeneraLiond ol children; smtlllMtmy; com- Tfortable home.—Bees. 12.Wordsworth-&YenQe. i!21n (Jr???S??uo??? 1?'??W?Xohnreh. CiM-dt&n iiooD Cook-Gei:et)tt a urse- ouse wanted by rjr 1st October; tear m fa=ly; washing pat ntù.- .Vrite.fuUD&rUcUlws, MT3 Anthony, The Creeii, Lian taft. 304n TTTOUSEMAID, expettemeed. Yf?nted.—&ppty M, Btch. tj. moNCt-terrace. H'fn-k.pl?ce. CMdtS.337a 0 A4 ene strong, who anders"ads w&it- H.tmg. tea'ured att oace ?e &bout ZB.—Appty Btvnone Xa&.lS. Wa!ters-ro<td. aw&ase&x882a t-? pMttculMS. to ?Ira Gottwtdtz, BLHIsld??en*tth.?i <r ADIES united with SerYants: Sitn&tioas secured for JtJserva.nts fee la.—Waiter. P?ge-street. S?MttM. xn t\ AnoiT. wnh referencee. atattng a?e Mtd Wtt?ee, to MM PtcMMt!, T&e Ftelds. Newport. Mon. x942n houaewotk. &t)Att 16 ye&ra; o steep Clan co. t 733n rttRDSTWOB'Em <?Mterai Sev?nt w&ntea;to a!eep &t J? hem?-124?thedf?t.ro<Mt. CMdia.9i7B TrfFANTRDtgoo<t Xttohaa Ha?p tor bastnesa h<MMe ?W ?oreUa?le Gener?.-Appty Mrs tSVtUM. 5. Ttdbot. gtreeLcar-d.M _°_ WANTIW UBmedlttteiy for OmbM-stey.MMt. good Ww Genera), able to UDdenake oooklBK.-A.Pply Mts Alfred Stone. 54,York-place. Newpon. intTANTBD.a good C?ner?i.—Apply 153. aereta-tOtKt ?V?Moa.CMd.iC.ZOn AK. Cook..General. <Hao INUrSO-HOUSMISI&- JIIrs N_n_t>.a!k. irtTANTED. good?Rouse-P<n-!ou!'mtdd by Znd week 1? October. ?or?. The P?r&de, C<trdH!AppIy letter. 1íMiDg p&rS1C11_3t!ardS.13WYdtyrob.n ??TTxTXD eood Cook-?ene?t by 2nd week October, WtM?.'?eP??de. CMd?-Apply by letteR ?t. jug ]Dsrtioulars, Mrs Edwards- Bronwydd. Pentyrcb-%6n ?Tt?ANTE? ?t once. 3 Girts (ladies) for cooking Md ? ?.Hd aouaework ?ood home; c?ps Md MMM. Write N 9M. Echo, CttrdijS?_H'Mt_ 7ANTED, Uerierti Serva.nt or useful Help itt ca&e.- ? Mrs CMT. Fmdea Houae?Aberg&venny??9Mn? <ntTAKTED?nniedi?!eiy. HonsemMd-Wai?ees.'?ao ? KitchemaM?d. wha Mdetntrntte coeMaer-??' OMe-CM?? f<y ANTED at once. 3. clean superior Young Gir! as Hoasekeeper, 118. High-street, l?racombc. S72n Honsekeeper. 118, ig 3'72n '?tT'ANTEU, respectable f?r! for housework ou Satur- T v days.—Apply Mr? Moore. 68, Bridge-street. 980n "-X! ANTED, a Nurse Girt: also a General.—Acpiv 6. V T Ryder-street. Canton 965n 'M7ANTED. cood Giri. a.-isiat with housework and one child.—218. Invernass-p!ace. Boath. 964n ?V in the kttehen.—Address Mrs M.H-.LIandcfaUe ReTtory. Talgarth. 970n W small family; plain cooking: early riser: help given; stae age. reierpnces.-}.irs Stephens, Clinton- ville. Worcester. 968n '?tT'ANTED. reapeotable Girl from 16 to IS as G?era.1. t T —Appiy 3S. Albacy-ruad. 954n Yt/ ANTED aii'onoe, a GYrF about 15'or 16.-123?Sp!ott- VT road. Cardiff. _956n Vt7 ANTED. General Servant: good wages to a good W .srirL-J. Williams. Butcher. Forth.997n 'Y? ANTED at once. a Rood Genara! Servant.—Aoply V f 104. Claude-rond. Cardif. 596n ']{T,,¡'r-El> immediately, good General Servant r f small famUy good lOS, Catnedral- roa.d. 995a '-7 ANTED, Rood General Servant; must thoroughly understand piaia ecokin9:: only 2 tn f:>,mily.- Apply CouDtV Seaool House, Aberdare. n '?57'ANTE.U.a, -{nod Genera.! Servant; a small fa.miiv.— W Apply I3H.C live-street. Gi-s-nRetown. Cardiff. 922n ?TtTANTED. Rood strong Girl to hetp with housework TV and children.—23. Woodville-road, Cathays.90Cn ,1ir Allin. -espectabie General: small family (one TT chi!d).—Apn!y immadiateiy. 8V. Donald-street. Roath Par&. _390n ?rAN?ED. Cook-General: small tami!y.—I48,Cath3- W dr&roa.d. 356n \T<7'ANT.HD.TwoServantGirls. (.horoughty acquainted W with housework mast b" reliable: goodwr.ges W with housework mast b" reliable: goodwr.ges cymmer. ?923 263n 1t?7ANTED. a good General Servant.—Appiy?j. The t< Walk. 378n YT?7 ANTED immpdiatety. experienced General; iour tH7 ANTED, thorough Pte.tn Cook 3 in family.—Apply Mrs Moxon, The Lodge, Malpas, Newport. 81611 ?/tTANTED. a young girt as General Hetp.—Appiy 120, ?? LiMdatT-road.EC9n ?tTANTED. Yonng Nurse; sleep oat.—17. Gtenroy- W street.723u ?XrAN'fED. good General; ao washing.—Apciy Mrs Vv Dr.Davtes.NfiWTredegar. 745n Vt7ANTED. GM about 16 fcr houtewotk sleep in.— tT Apptyarter6p.m?57,PIasturton-avenuR.Caruia.t! ""T A.iTED, exDerienoed Cook-General, capable do plain washing; houaenjatd and mother's heio kept; one child.—Mrs Hotmes, 116. Newpoi-ii-rd.,Ca.-din'.n YY Mrs Morris,' 6? High-street. Merthyr Tydtii. x3?6n ?t7 ANTED, good General for small famUy nuTse- VT honSMnaidkept.—3.Park-Krove.301n W vant; no washtne;.—Apply Mr': Evans, 2SC. High- street. Dowlaia.x947n in?7 ANTED at once. good General, nbout 30; good TV character.—94. Kiugsland-crescent, Barry Dock- n f?7 ANTED, good General able wMh, irou; small tv fatuity: good wages.—Re?au-y.lO-KlnR's-rd.Cardlifja '?TtTANTED. respectable Mother'sHelp (minister's comfortable home; 145 monthly; treated as one of the family.—L- 52, EUvey-terrace. Swacsca. M3u '?t7'ANTED at once. respectable General; character cooking conitorta.blo home.—A'pply 164, Cathettral-road, CardiC. B39n V!? ANTED. respectaMe G.ri. 16; 5 iniMntly.-Mrs 'T PhiIUps.M.RHiot-?treet.Ne?Tredegar. 522n_ A-NTED.exr,crience(!Ge.uerat Servant, wases JE12 w to .E14.—Appiy 10. TyQcca-roaet. Pontypridd. n ATt?ANTED. respectable Girl: good home; small ?V family.—W. Harris. Grocar, Budry. Caerphll:y.707n t.?ANTMD, expertenced G&narat for London; fare easy situation no sWrs.-71. I?aLrk-street6 Bristol. 686n tH7ANTBD.aCook-Generat: must have good refer. ?t eooes.—Apply 14, Newport-road, CardlC. 682n ?tTANTKU. good General and Nurse :limamily.— WV AppIy4.\Ve';tboume-roa.d,Fenarth. K9u "'¡XT :iNTEr) byOct,-llth-for enuiitry house near Bir- W tTig)-,z4w. good Cook (£18), Hoasemajd (£Hi); also Under-Kouscmaid.—Write iirat instance 'L' 618. Echo. Cardiff.618n ?XTANTED at oaoe, a General Servant: wages Ms per tt month.—Apply MrsGuv.lZ.Windsor-esplfUMde, Bute Docks.Qln ??rANTJED. Genera) Servant, able to cook.—Ar.nly rV evenings Mrs Harris? 6?, Oakae'd-street, Cardiff.? Y?TA?TED, ?ood s.ctive Genera.1: pood homo Mid V< wages to suitable girl.—63. Colnm-road. 600n ?rANTED at once. good Generai Servant.—Apply W. ?V Morgaa. 2j. Carma.rthsn-street. CanMn, Cardtn. 65'3n ?t7' ANTED."t?ood General; [LSSistance given; Bo tt washing; country girl praferrea.—?, StanweU- roltd, 616;1 V% Apply peraotMtlIy between 1 and 5 o'clock 8.t Fem W. ANTED, good wilting Girl; country preferred.— V V Apply 149, Carlisle-street. CardtEF.G56n ?tTANT MD immediateiy. General Servant; family 2; good Thomas. Bank House. Triangle, Hacknov, Londou. b71n General; 2 in W 11 to 6, 22, Gordon-road. °' ?" n '-=XT Al.¡-'fEi>, a strone Girl aboaf 15 as General.—Apniy 11 4& Court-road. Saltmead. 't€2n '??ANTED. Plain Cook, RN. one lady. 5 servants, iE18. family 2 ta.dtes.-92, St. Iich<\el's Hill. Dristol. 466n ?t7'ANTED, a respectablo General Servant; expert- 't.?T ANTED, a caoabto experienced He;p fof invalid ?T lady; servant kept.—Apply nrst instanc: 57. 505n ?,'&7ANTKD. strong Girl as Gerernl, used to chUdreu. vV —Apply 97. Arabena-street.Itoath Park. 35in '?t7'ANTED, General Servant at once sts.te wa?cs :tfd ?67'ANTED, General. <).bie to wash and iron; 3 in ?TtT ANTED. p:ood stiong Girl, 15 to lP.—App:y Ja'.ues, WANrED, good (}-eral Se;¡;n-t-; ea.sy place 3 in W ftUDiIy.—Mrs Reea. The Square, Pontlottyn. 410n ?t good references.—nJckiand, 90, Holton-road, Barry Dnek. 427n tH7ANTED immediately, "ood General Servant.— ?Y Apply with references, Mrs Samuel, 35, High-street, .Vr,orky. t,t/ANTHD, a good Genern.) SerTan.. age 20 to 25, waxss W jU p"r moTtth.—DavIe?. Hock Shop. Btfidgen'9.399n ?Tt/'ANTED uameftiatcly. llou?ma.id, Waitr<a, .kitT- ?t ehpn[nMdior?rivatebofu'<.UNS-house.—Manageress. South ViRw, Un.ndr.ndod. 4C4n ?tT'ANTKD, an Under-Nurse, not under 18; muat be YT nsedtocui)drenan<l thoroughly respectabie.— Appty Mrs David, P&rk-road, Penar?h. 367n Tr?T'ANTUD, food Gen"ra). able to wash good?fer- t V ences.-95, Holton-road, Harry Dock. 5j9n ANTED by the 25th, Gen val Servant one used to W children.—128. P!\g-et-street. Grange.3Kn WANTEL), 7th Ockknr. good General; two in family. VT —Miss ?oore. Ely. _5SZn ?t7 ANTED, clean rcspeciiable<tir! about l&tta Genera!. W —Apply 11. Hryngwyn-road. Newport. x877c TX?ANTEiyLy Cctober 7th. a Housem').id: good refer- TT fnces.—AnBly42.C'nth'!(i?I-roa.d.Ca.r(Mif. 239n \7 ANTED, expefiejicea Nurse, age 2U to 22. for one VT baby 18 montha); good reffrences; coutttrygirt preferred.—Apply 47. The Parade, Ca.rdiB'505n ?tT'OL'NG Girl to assist in housework, momtBga only.— JL 13, The Walk. TZSn 1601t! :JtrtTnatS. inrARMAIDS, Waitresses, Chambermaids, others; 50 JL) for Australia.—Da.vies and Co., '<8, Cuaries-street. Cardie.853n ajtARMAIDS, Boots. Markers. Hon?ema.ida. Chamber- ? Boys, Gener¡;.J;3, Grill Chefs number wanted; Hotel registry, Castle Arcade. n T? OOT3 (22) reauires Situation, stngle-handen, or JO Stockroom Boots.—Raleigh Hotel. D'u1,month.749n '.[7'XPERIKNCEn Pr.rlourmn.id wants vacancy as Head JEj Waitress in lirst-ctass cafe or restaurant: tail; good carver; (litirers and with var- ticulars, R.. c.o. Mrf Rust. 24, Pearl-crescent, J3ar(UfM14'i TDEQtJtRF.D iinmedtately, House-Chamberma?t; good JLt) references.—Central Hote).274u ??TANTED. a iroodTcock or Chef.—Apply Mrs Bentley. W Centra.! Hotel, Merthyr.n T?7ANTED.Wattreas.—Apply Royat Temperauce TVHotel. AberdaM. _865n WANTED, gc!oll General, ab]e to do plain cooking: n also Girl of 16 to 18, of good behavtonr. to do light housework aDd 8w&n Hotel, Aberaman. n '?7 ANTED. Xoath for bottling and serve in the bar W and make htmseif generally useful; must have nrst-olaee references.—Dauix, 'i'emperMice Bar, Tony- t'andy.5Mn '7 ANTKD. an experienced General; fromth&coantry Bisea House Hotel. Pontymister. S874 ítuatíø1ts u:ant.. A N experienced Young Man wanted for the FMcitore A. Trade.—Apply 94. Woodville-road. Cathays. 860n A PPI?NTICE. Gon.fectionery.—Hlghiy-fespeotable tioner. Ltd.. Queen-street. ??L???L- A PPRENTICE wanted for the?PitntIng Department.— AApply Sonth Wales Printing Works, Westgate.street. Cardiff. n .kRERS'NIV anted about October 4th. Baker of good B experience, aocusk>med to steam oven, wllllug to daliver abstainer: fir,;kl&Sf! references state expert- I nce and wagas.V. Y?AK-ERS.—Wanted at once, a first-class Bread Hand f]t good wages paid to good man on!y experienced men need apply.—J. Evn.ns and Co., The Royat Stores, Mertnyr. _o895—259n T?OOE-Buidm?.—Al[-fom!d Forwarder and Unisher J) required for stationery and letterpress work per- E. Davif-s and Co" Fisher-street, n DOOT.' Tra.de.—Wanted. 2 Men. used toWbtle Yon jDWait; good wages.—AppSy t0. Frogmore-street. Aber- gavenny. 903n T)OOTTra.de.—Wanted at once. au.rol1Dd Bep&irer. t) bench: mnst be steady mtUt.—Appty Price, 20, Bich&rd-street. Cllfynvdd. _M6n f?OOT Trade.—Wanted, steady Man a6 bench; ajso JD Youth lor repairs.—HU). Barry Dock.812n ir?OOT Tr&de.—WMHied. smarc La.d.—App?ySte&dand JD Simpson, Ltd.. CowbndKe-road. _781n YtOOT Tra.d?.—W?cMd. sm?rt, Lad as Apprentice.— JDAppty B. Sheldri&k, 1?3, Ulve-s?eet, Lower Gra,n?e.n OOY, smart, wanted M once.—15, ?!ewport-ro<td. J[) 707n_ TEtBICELAYEBS a.nd Waning Maaons are requested to Pcndin?StSD?te. _x893n t.) UlLDINCr Trade.—Advance inWa?es. -Wttnted.Ca.r- JD penters. Joiners. Plasterers, Bricklayers, Banker Mtsons wa.<es for good workmen Std hoar experi- enced Labourers. 5td honr.—Apply Secrttt&ry.MMter BnUders' Asaocmtion Onioa, Pen&onvUie. Newport, xn TO LTCHERS.—Wanted tiamedia.teiy, steady YonJis JL? Mttn. used to serve in shop no htud work f:ocd hotiM indooM.—Apply Boch James, Batcher. Haver fordwest. 944a B UTCti R,4.-WiLii tee, a steady Young Man.&btetu 0 at?ushter tmd aNStst in shop.—Apply to A. Edwtu-ds. 2. CtMence-pIttce. Newport. _xMjn UTCH.EM.-Smart YooEs Man tor shop and stfmgh- JO t&r and do ronnd.—WitchelI.CUMon-e.treet. 697n tu and de round.-Witcbell, CUnon-¡¡.tree'. 697n ABINET Makerwanted.—Apply J. WiUtajns. 3. C BLajnes-ptace. Adfunsdown, Cardiff. 392n ?ABPENTKRS. Jotnet3.P!cmber8.PtM?rers..BMker ?' MasoM. Painters. Bric?ayets. Laboarers, andaU oocnected with buthlinKtr'? are Requested to Keep Awayfroni Newport, asthere ts a dispute now on. x900n ?ARPBNTKB8 aad Jotoera are requeat?l to Me \? Bt?nch Seoretariee bafore seeMn? emptoyment in CtttdMC. 189a CLOTHING.—Aasistant wanted, about M; tive oct.— c Appty C. BMliok. S. Bute-ore" Cat-diC. 704n ?<OACH Patmter wanted at once constMt job ptenty ? o?e?ime.—Croaa. Aberdare.lOa COACHWlUw..L¡andrl»ders good ooo- C stan, Job to exBerlencad Wheeler and Body Maker. _<78n ?lOOKiB ?cd Co.. ElactEtctMis. 18. Qtteen-street Area.de, ? have a Vacancy for an Apprentice.444n ?fiREDtT Dtapery.—Wanted, one or two reiiabte mem ?' asStockkeepersandOccaeion&I Travel;Hng; 0]')y arpty.—Jatme?Scott. 2. Park grpTe. _M9n ??AnN?X.—Wooted?? exs?ettbtt) YocthjM A?tMrn- I Assistants.—C. and A. Daniets. of 178. M5-' 207, 209. 2U. 211a. 217. S19, and 242, KenUsh Town- r0ad, London, ha.ve Vacancies for sever,,1 Junior Young Men in tile General Dr:1Je;'v Depirtment,; also at their Br:mch Establishm.ent, :09 and Sû9a., G1:aY8 lnn-road.- Apply by tetter to Z07.Eeniiish age, reference. safary.—Mr PaRe. Monmouth.x894n TT?RAPERY.—Wanted, Young Lady Sateawoman for JL? sho'Toom.—Appty. Rtating fuii particntars.toJ. Jjues and Co.. Pn.lldY.8<1:rare, Toaypz.ndy. _573n D" -llAP-ERY.- \V;; ted immediately. experienced Younc: Lady for show-Mom first sales We!sh preferred. —B'uU particulars, Stuchbery. Bridend, Giam. 550n I?RAPKRY.—Wanted imme'liately. a. smart Junior: JL?Wo)ah.—E. Jones, CardtG House. Pontardutais. 433n 'S"M;ri;RY.—Wanted. smart JuciorTland; Welsh; C&rc;?." '?°??.- PPY wen. rapery ??.r. an expsrienoett Young Lady for -6-7 L-J"utles and serve through in show-room.—Apply, stMlnn fuU rtlcnla.rs, E. HnghesandOo..20an<tXl. !\1arke¡¡.square, Ponoypridd. 393n Apprentice waited at once.— Apply 11. Eclipse-street, Roa.th, Cardiff. 29n D. RES8 and M<mt:e Makers.—Wanted at once, cx- perienced Bodice. Skirt, and Mantle MaJters. Im- pl"Over! and Apprentices.-19. Charles-.street. 986n t? NGINEME?. Stokers. and OutStde FiMers are ro- JE?qnestcd to Keen Awa.y from Monnmouthshire, Dow- :a.is. MerthyT. a.nd Poctypridd; dispute pending. x916n 'LlRBNCH Polishers wanted.—Apply F. Downint:. 101, -t' Gtenroy-stieec. Cardiff. 754n l-i,iÜ<NCHPol1sher waited a.t once: constant job for Jt' steady man.- Trapneti and Gane, Qcteen-street. 'M3n ?00 U HMtd?w't.nted.—Appiy West End Ta.UN-s? '?r IS. Dnke-stMet.TZGn ? ROCERT &nd Bakery.—Wanted.expertencedHanHei ?Jf fof- t&rge bread round; mxat be sober, trustworthy. !Ioble to keep acc01m"s, and good sa1e>:man ;.>crmaD,o:ncy to Guitaole lnan.=.bn\ham, Pe!:Ydren. Merthyr. n GROCEny.-Wu.u,ed. As!!istant for gr<Jccrvcounter; out ta.te age, hclgllt, s3-la=y. rp(er;;DCes, am1 when dlseDgad.-Apply by iette! in nrst instance to E. Hall Mul Sons, New]joi\. Mon. n ? ROCERX.—Wu.nted.experiene.?Assistant for fa.mi!y ?ytracte: ?blesoiicHi; indoors.—Richards Uros?Pentrejt G vacB.ncy for exerienceù llauJier M their Norlon Bridge Hr&nch outdoors most be experienced. 17n G,RJ;.c;Ia'¡Gro[h-Fflhtic; (olltdoon;) ,D. Jones, Crown Stores, Gorselnon. 12n 1_1"öCEn.Y._1Ni.d.trongJulJ¡or. well Ui> In ocery '-Jf and provilnons, solicit occ¡¡'Oll!J.¡Jy; first-c.a.ss re- fel'pnces; sta.te wa-ges inù;:¡ors,-W. Simon, Mer'?Í1ant, Pembroke. ° _852 n GuõCT.Ry.-Wa.nted. a Young Man to deliver goods \jr and assist at counter peMona.1 anpUc&tlon pre- ferred references required.—Apply Da.vies, Einporium, Ebbw Va.te.344u GHOCKR.Y.-A. H!IoulieT wantieö.-Ifall ptU-tiCTHMS to 'iiliam" I,nå Co., Tonypan<lv. 84'1n ? BOCERY.—?V anted. smMt Assi?tM);: state wages ?J)' mdoors.—Ketr), Grocer. Whitcinir<*h. CardMT. H42n ('" HOCEI.Y.-Want.ed 0.1; once, sm'lrt Junior.-AJ>piy with fulll!&rttcul:us, Co-operative, ]t'dale. 828u G- Juniors for the grocery counter; a)so a smart Youn lVIo.n as wa.ehousc- maj); outdoors.—J. EvM)s and Co., The Roya.1 Stores. Merthyr. _3896-26Cn (}tg,E;Eilir:EDe:vlt:t;Lb?; GROCERy.-Wan.ed, stronK Junior a!so Aporeotioe. 'UT—Appty PowetJ and Sop, Gadlys-roa.d. Aber<laro.695a ? ROCE1.Y.—Wanted immedtately. sharp La.d as a.p- ?jr nrenttce.—App!y J. Jones, Grocer, maearhondda. Treherbert._ _689n GJOCERy.-Wanted, a Young ttan. about 18 ye&rs ot ?J) age. as ha.nUbr &ad assist in warehouBe.—AnBly Kinsey Shears a.)]d Co.. Tonypandy.579 n ?J!' siona: oblifing ?ood reIereBoes Welsh oretfrred. —B. Lewis and Co., .LIantrifaant. 409::1 GROCERy.-smart .Jnnior, willing to make himseif g-cncl:ally useful: chs.t'aoter must ht.!1or stnctest investigation; ouèoors,Jones and Sen, 49, Castte. road. CardiS. u 254a iSJiOCBRY.-S"roI1g Lid vented immediate)? must 'Jlr live in neighbotu-hoott.—Apply Rmest Molyncux, Cathedral StorM. 538n -GRÔCE.P.x.va.n1ied immedlAtely. strons Improver. wWiul! to look afGE'r horse a.nd deliver; lndoors.- }!'nU D'uticlllars W. J. Edmunds, Mill-street, Abenlare. TTAIRDBESSING.—WaBtad itcinectiatciv First-class Haircuttcr a.nd Shaver.—Acply Gt!), 103. Donald-st. TT;FAlRDR:HSSERS.-W:).nted. a good RaircuMer and =.J.. Sha.ver: !lve in,- Write, stat-iug w9.es a.nd refer- ences. to A. J'IoIorgn.n, 'l'ob3.cconist, '.rredO'ar. n H.- A.illDnESEBand Shayor wanted.—Apply S. Fish- JL1 man. 143, ja AJRDHESSHRS.-1'wo Additional Ftnt-ctass Genta' Hands wanted at once.-lOO, een-street. 495n 'JryAlHDREasiNG.-Wanted7 a e prover, about 18; mnst be good shaver; refer- enees iDdispensa.bie. Also an AppreDtice.—Apply A. H. Ponsonby, ISO, Comm8rcI!J.I-road, Newport, Mon. :x878n TOINEHS are requestea to Keep Away trom Newport. tj DiSlJute on. xSOln MorJ,(an and Co., 3-I1!Hane. Ca.rditT. 3946 r AD'?trouK' ??.Qt.e<t to make himself generaHy use- JtJ fui in Machine Boom.—Apply Daily News Onioe. W estga.te..streetDtrance. irAU'SDHY.—Exptirieuccd Ironers wanted atcnce; tj standing wanes 15g to 20< constant ,olk a'l tha yea.r roun't.—Appty Victoria Hygienic Laundry. Mr<.n- da.a. near Ca.rdif:. _5l4n L- AY1!:R-ON w!nted for Wharlcdn.le o.nd Cropper; good W3.es 'loud perUUloIHmcy offered to comnetent ha'1d. —Leunox Bros 19, West Bute-titreet, CardiC. Cain jTEWIS Lewis n.ud Co., Drapers, Swansea, have vaoan- JUctes for experienced Ladies: Weisu personai 3.iJpijcatlon prefrrd. n LEnfif::ae;lCr l:ttr r:: London branch.—AppUca/tlonadlrect to Hast India.-roa.d, London. n ''?,1! ASOKS-—<.rood Workmen immediately.—Appiv a.t HJL the Works, CUhant-terrace. Thomas, Builder, MountaIn Ash. _9t0u_ "II ASONS.—Wilted imuMdia.eiy, a lew Roott Mawns if. to Dress Ltas Stone Ch!Imel.-Apply !úu.c.it:y and Dr..vles. 127, PIe.sH",y.stree, Pen¡o,rth. 893u _Il!N, requirin-. 9,.iaploymeiib write at once; Guide free; busy time; tht)nsp-nets Men late A.r!DY or Navy ",¡so \V:nte<.l.fa.nner a.nd Co. fta.ts Newingiion Causeway). Box M. 64. Alvey-street. Surrey-squllore, London, 732n l\l-n.¡JiŒiiy.- W;ïDte(:CÃpprenlcf;s.=Mar1e,16:íith ?i. street Arcade. CMJ!?. _?' H/X'lLLINERS.—PractK?l Hands of good experiencf 1'.1. for worlnoom: persoD:1.lJy 'wllcl Hall. Cardif! ?'_ 3.35n ??iLLINEi??t'n.n??ex?rieMed I.imi;Dpr. a.e to ?.VJL serve: comfortabie p!ace.—Write E. M. 125, DaUy News. Newport. xS26a ?,<ILIJNKR wanted, to take and execoteown orders l?i. n.nd sfrvG thresh CTenerat J?rn.pery.—l'un par- -l\ITuiNERy,=vi;-jlt;;¿¡:II.-yiÚJÍ;' -t;) 1.1. serve when To:¡nirlJu; stae I\e, experience, and salary. -Apply D. Davies, Compton Hoe. J)ow1a!s. 37811 ?jTO?K)UT.H?HIRE Asytum. Abo-?n.venny.—Wanted, it a l.'orer. who must be abie to write a good hamt Meuicaf .Superintendent, in own handwritintr. with copies or two rooen5 net la.ter than the 28thSeptembpr. 3915 O -CTFITTI(i-sroa.t't Apply full pa.r\1cul&rs firzt letter, PhUUps, London House, Kisca. 14n 0_ UTJ,-fT'mG.- Youu'!i Man desiresSituation at onoe a..s bro.nch m.nager first-cJ&93 referenees Iilld 10000 :,li round hand sta. siJarv.—S &¡J. Newi). Cardia. 849n ?UT'TJL?INa.—W?nKd. a smart Junior:Wetah; ? outdoors.- R.'I. P'-iee, Outattor, C<Mirphi)ly? 515n TDLASTRRERS wanted at once winter's work.—Apply JOI:es, Plasterer, Bargoed. 9?.5n JL Compr..ny, Ltd. CarditT 1,urnlshers," St.Mary-st.n SALESWOMAN, Cenerat Drapery; also Female !? Apprentice; outdoors; Canton.—W 887, Reho OfEce, Cardie.887n OfEce, Cardie.887n SANITARY Inspectorships.—Saiaries..S130 to £250 numerous vc.cl!oL!cies, perrcancnt. appointiaents. Postal course of Loasons for Cardiff exam. now com- mencing. Had ove:' 200 successft:! candi(tat<:s previous exDt:rience unnecessary cpen to atl: Iad;ca etiglttie.— Apply RoM. ;W:ushens, Science Teacher. Sauderht.nu. 62n SHARP -re:;Pecli&ble Jjad wanted to!- Casit Deck.— i.j Appiy J. Williams, Grocer. Cowbrlcge-t-d.. CardiiT. n HOO-Ironers,Vant8(], experieEced Hands: also k) strcnKT)oang<iir)saBlearnen: good prices paid: large, bea.ithy workrooms—Apply Cheddar Valtey MtmufacturinK CompM-y. Cheddar. Somereat. 28C1 used to t.j oonntry work constancy.—Wiilisms, Wheelwright Llan¡,Yfelach, SW>l.DSea. B<l2u QTADLB Boy.—Wa.nted.Lad, aged 16..asabove-;ura.s6 o have ba.d e:xpelience in driving a pony.-APply to Dr. Vacheil. 11. Park-p)Me. Carols, at 9 a.111. 306n TRO:NO- Youth wanted as porter.—Apply at ODceM i0 Jacobus. 2. Duke-street.2894 -2jt!n fTMAILORS.—Wanted, good Coat Hands for tadlcs' nnd JL gentlemen's trade.—JonM, Eros., Bridgend. 9C3n FrtAiLORKSSBS wantiedttsed to coats; alsoBattonhole JL Apply S. Moore. Tinptate Worker, Bridge-street, n rt10 Brick)ayers-—Tenaer reouircd tor building Stack JL a.t Pentwryn Co!!iery. Bndry, near Cacrphil!y; materlats fonnd.—Apply Heweltyn and Co., at the col- liery. or H9, Exchange. Cl\rdl.tï. U32n rtTO Pork Butcher!—Wanted, respectable Yoath. aMe I. to kiU and assist geoendty; <Med to horses.— Apply, with Chftoo-strMt, Cardi<T. n ftIO l'al!or" —Wanted, Improver who has been ahont 2 JL yeM)! at tra<te:boMd in.—Write particulars what can do. N 815. Echo. Cartti:n.815n r?10 Tailors—Wanted. Qrsnera.) H&nU also Improvers JL permanent.—Apply WtUtams. Stores. Hundred House, Radnorshire. rtnt) Tailors.—Wanted, good General Hands constant JL work to suitable men.—Apply Cledan Williams. New Tredegitr. jll rrO Mac, used to tight Carrtafe Works. Ca.erleon-roa.d. Newport. x891n Lady wanted as JL Apcrentiice.—UtO, Queen-street 65511 V pennaneNovf or ftood sat esmaN: abstainer preferrea Eo.a(,e wage,r3ferences.-GoaieJderch&.nt,MUford.H2..ven.n t?T ANTED. Improver tu Sboen? and General Smtth- W im?.—G. PriMhard, L!ajitamam. Mon. n WANTF,I), & steady raUab Ie Man tor mUk round T t married preterred.—P 25. DaAiy News, CardiC. 25n; t)t7ANTED, good ShoeinK Smith for Rhym'oey Branch Raitwa-y.—Apply Holmes. TaS's WeUYa.rd: UnB WANTED immediately. resmet&Ne middle-aged Wt person 2 m lamUy.—Appty 24, MaAn-st-CaJocdoujl TtUT ANTED, a. good Shoeing Smtth. to keep ia reptir !n the llUo'Ila.nds; permanent situation for a competent. reliable nt&n.—Apply, better oniy. Mechanical Engineer. 52. Topaz-street Kcath. C d* 973n '?Tt7 ANTED. Boy fot Surgery, age 12-M.—App)y Dr. VT Eya.ns, 19. Wndsor?spt&na.de. Docks. 975n 'iifÃNT.&rJ. a. Sa.wyer, accustúIDC'l to sav/ine; round ift timber on tt rack bench: winter's work to a. suit&hlemMi.—Appty. st&t?BR wtWM required, to John Norm&n, Co&chbu)!der. C&iiton. Ca?dttf.Sein t?t7 ANTED, a?good*F!oughma.n, without enecm- tT br&ace preterred; cotta.ge a.nd ga?dea.—Mrs ThomjK. Ccg Farm. Sully, Penarth. 5n ??ANTEsb? Cabinet M&ker or good JotBar. aeonstomed VT to tnmitcre m?ing.—P eZ?D?UyNews.CMdia. 9n '?J?ANTED. a good Generat Smith a.tonce; f{ood 'V wages Rtven cons?nt?work.—Price. Treharr)3.932B \H7 ANTED. Yoath, abk M jiouJd &md mttke do'?h.- vT E. PoweIL. BHti View Bakery, l?dlutog. 9j4n ? t ANT?D, Young Ma.n to deiiver mi)it: good milker refereBcesTequtred.—PT*teh.n'd.C<tn-y-Chydr,Ke?' TredegM. 927n tTt7 ANTED.'Burmera.?etters ;HoSma?ki)na): w?gfs T T 6s 6d per d?y.—Appty Jotm Davtes. Contntotor, South-Et.starr: Pr?ck M]trTerr& Cotm Wort-?, Godstone, Sarrey. ,,¡in ?rANTRDTz?nMU-t JL&ds.—Apply Bute PoatlrngS?Mes, tV Pontyttan. _84tn \1t7ANTED, etr<mg Youth to drtve cob.—A?tyAtl&n I T Btotuu-aa. Con?ttetor. BMry Doek.903n W, a IJJDaá Yonth. from 18 to20, for de!brer- w tn{; bread.-Apply, &&&I[Dgw&resoukloors,W. Datwson. CtrocM. MBca. Mon. n '?tjr ANTED, smart Yoacg La.<ties ?a apprentices to the PtantMdTait.ttMen-a.reet.cS?t. ? ??h ?X7ANTKD. Mti?Ne Man M Haallet, Moaatomed to ?' tM?yMtdeom trade: Kood ohazaoter necessary. MMSMtt. NewAdrec4, CMttXf.095n MTANT.ED. sm&rt Bovaa Krrand-Lad.—Pn?Mc Benent VV Boot Co.. 79. St.tttry?trMt. tB<n \'?'ANTED. smM't Boy?for'houseT?sIeep out.—AM? w 14. WOrWIllforth.uvenne. 87.5t) \?7AJ<TED. a ?amttm &t onec.—AKpiv Isa&c Price, 102. V Cemetery-roa?. Ttea.)aw. Rhondda Valley. 8.!3n %?7 ANTED at once. atas.oty M<m fOE eha.ft octtlof:. Ac. T t —Apjohn. Htty MeMtumt. Tfeal?w.CMm ??aNSBH?? tieuja.'rs to G 725. Echo Omce.Ca.rditI. 725n wAN, T I -P, D, Two good Tailoresses; also Improver for ¡ -£Ie3' and Bute.street. n '!i.T ANTED. respecL!i-jle LaclasPigeboy.-Dr. Piiiilit)5, ?V V2.CMlis)e-stMC-t '<6?n AN'[J,,j)immedlately. Sties(ly Mau, abletodrive w pt,'r of horses or liltisoin go,,)d carriage waslier. Vic oria X[c %vs, Ll an d-Lffl. WANTED once, smart Youug Man as to watch and clock must Good refer- elice.I,ppi y CamD bell, Z3. x919n "T ANTiD. smrt with ences, B, 7G!1 -TANTF.D, flrst-cinss Hand-sewii co i- i start work ftnd Lest wa-,es; also ood P.oger-qt, 13, x922n \?7ANT?'ET\ Srft-cia.ss Wbeet'.vripht: fight Sprtn!; TT Tcuck for Sa.te.—W..T. L'phiU. \Vheetwrif:ht, Co:tch- bHUder, Shoeing Smith. I'e&t-strcet. Hoth. C;i.rc!if'. 7Mn Vr mitker; cotta?a nnd ga.rden near the fM-m.— Aup!y Long Ba.m Faj-Dj, Dana.rth.near Abcrga.vcnny. n ??7'ANTED, a. smart La.d. about 14.—Appiy!3,?ute. V? street. CMdtlf. 569n ANTT,D, r, steady Yonng M,,ti (Welsh) for the W wholesgle hosiery. tecustomed to book-kceplng wholcsa.le hosiery, Itcclttomed to book.kcerin" WiIHams&ndCo-.ParkMU!s,]L!amdHo.' 3Mu' ?* job;subd?Jy.—&.W.'H.W!dRning Work". Peny- ¡{l'80ig, I,lantriss&T\t, H60t!Wa.y at once, an active Ye.)utig Man as liaulier; his v7ork and used to iiadoors.- Ap-i)ly Merchant. BlsLiiaa. 55211 "-XT ¿,IITED, nxpertenoed TilismUh.—App!y D. Moi,-gau, 64, Wtnd-sn-eet. Keath. 5Mn tTXTANTEU.BItM-ksinith,accustomed to coantry wotk m?n; coDslant job.—Apply Ma.Mhews. R?g!a.n. 440n '?TtT ANTED, 20 Wa.UerH. Brickla.yers, 1 M?n for stea.m Apply after 5, 18. Nesta-road. 33n 'A'CED, steady, resl)actable Man, used AV yard-Apply with references, 6, Shoji-iow. Tr6- (legar. 349n ''7 A.L-TRD, expcriouced. steady Maa. drtve pa.ck t T mules, pitwood carrying; regular.—Lewis, T)mbar Merchtmt. Pontyprtdd. 355n tL,t7 AJ?T?D, YoojtKMnn.titkoohtt?e of horse and trap, self Wt —At?p)y ThonMM David, Contractor, Newton Down near Bridgend, 429u at once, Two ::1ho.rp about gav, 23. Camarthen-strees, Can' on. Cardiff. 284n ?tTATCHMAKEH.—Thoroughty experienced Work- T T !ca,n wa.D ted, wett up in pivottin? perma.ner.oy.— Abertiliery. 943n <,?3s 6d Week:y.—A sa.ta.ry of 7s 6d to ii?s 6d oHered to work may be dope particulars send ad- d-,es,,e,l- envelope to M. Trnscott and Co., G]eadower. 76411 £-. 3f>a Month can ba made with .SlO.—For partlcuta.rs ifnatÍJ.nts 'ijli;'tntdtù. BAKERS.-SitTI::Ltion wanted as Single Hmd: 8,b- JD stainer state wa-;es.—Haker. 24, Whitcomb-street, Aberaa.re. 16n JtH ma.n hot plate.—B.. 5. Cyril-street, Kewport.xSMn C-OOK dlsenlffil1:ed; Ri8-. good cook: sober, economi- c oat; all duties; referencea.—Gray, 10. Qaeen-st. n COt?X'Generaldi@engaged; r,,ood cook, vastx-j; wash. iron; 10, Queen-street. 959n ? ENERALS and Houf.eatMds (8) for uubucs disen- ? EJSERALS (12) <Hsen?a,Ked wa.s;es from 2.3 9d v.'a.3h* \3r piaincook: references.—Gr&y, 10, Qnaen-stroet. n ?1 ENERAL disenga.ged; jElO: cook. wash; eariy ? t ROCERY.—l?aenhfLged, Young Man. 17 years' expui-t- Echo, Card's. 446n ?1 ItOCKRY and Provistona.—As Assist&nt of Branch TTH AlRDRESSING.—Wc.nted. a Situation as Improver JuL to tua above.—Address Btitet. Ettho ONce. New. poro. x948n AIRDIIESSE, RS.-(4ood Gent' He.nd seeks PeEma.!i- JH. enoy s.bsta.tner.—Write Y 8S9, Echo, CardtS. 899n TJOU?EMAn) di.pnga.ged soo? reference ta.:t, nef-t, QuMn-a4reeti. _959'n -J'I'iWELLE\Y,=-ioD¡: Maa, 20, tteslrMsitQa.tion&s improver in front sl1op; willing to at bench: lmowJeàe of stght testing *Hrst-c!MS rcferences.-O 21, Da.Uy News, Cardiff. 2l!i TDEALLy good-ntl round WhectwriKhtwa.ntssitua- rtESPECTAcLM Pfrson woutd tike Plain Sewm?- J? WrUe A 1&S3. Echo OSce. C?rd?ff. E03n T!JE-pn?:cmeu<i by trnstworthy eMsr!y :vidow, Work? JH; in,; Honsekeepfr to gentlema.u references.—M 553. Echo, <Jtn'dia. S53n ??-f L?-pIONS wsjttcd as Genera.) Serva.nts?for?3vcra.t ? sMc???n??yg???j.j?.g???? Registry. Gioi- cese,' 941.n CattLr seeks age26: exect- Tll"ent London anfi eduiitry experience in taUorinK and outfittlng.-Apply X., 39, Locha.ber-street, HnaLh. 7Ma_ W orkm-;Ji -JL Heeks situation as Ttrst or SmRte; digatigaged.-C 53, :N'"¡a.nd-stcet, :Bany Dock. 353n %?7ANTRD. Situa.Hon as Cterk or Book-keeper good v v corrasronder't: Quick ard accurate at Hgarcs re- ic-rence avd D 716, J)aiJy Newf. Cardiff. 716n A.N,TP,D, uy'i-ustivorlhy peisou, Re.enga,s;emenl; &s .w Hoaciekeeper to gentIemMiorbus;nf;nshonse; good re) crrcoc.—H.. 106. BLa.mott-st., Ca-thiys. Cardiff. u g r T?'ANTEU by respectabte Young Widow. Situa.HOn a,H ? t Housekeeper to working ma.n where s'irl <t) eouid. he with in or nea.r Ccrciift prefened.—Apply G., 20, Crma.rthen-sH;et, TIandpff-ropd. 493n '??ANTJi!jD by YouuK.Lu.dy, Situa-tton in swe?t bual- W.. 14. Green-?Mt. Ca.rditT.M7n '<T67 ANTEt), Situ&Mnn, Storek,.Jeper, Timskeoper ?V Double .Entrv Books, any pos1t.ioa trust. W.. Echo pmce. Newport. x679a ?7X)UNO Lady seeks Sitr.a.tlort tn Conlec'dofjry ex- JL perience t; or woaid accept good home a.'j Mother'H Htip; \vell-oduclJ.wd.-L 793. Daily News. Ca.rdiH. 7S8n y 0 0 N Cr 1, a (I y reqahes -ii-č-er;-gagenwD't m Office. Book- -X- se!ter. St&tionf r.Wno!. or Fancy: 4 years'fxpert- ence J.. J45. ltrks, lhtanag tIS, ? BOCERY.—WMited a.t once. a. Cjerk ior the a.bovc Sjf nuist he weH up 1)1 book-keeping.—Jones, Kmlyn HoQ6f,T&H'BWe)t. _363n TUNIOH Clerk wanted in brewery Onioe state expe- -4 MART Offlee 33oy wanted' nood writer.—Appty by Cttrdi?. __? 737n wANTED imme"Wy, competent. Cierk for Ccn- know lel1ge of sary-App, by letter only, and and iNI-axy-st. Cardiff.n %NT ANTED, smart hitcUip'ent Lad as Offtco Boy must r V be good writer and IDlIoke Wm. Frarik, Confectioner. Riverside, Card1í1. 643n '?t/'ANTED by a. Tinpi?te Company, a.n Octtc.oor M&na- farfed.—ApJ'y. wtth j eferences a.nd sa.tary required to J. J- J. Daily Newa. Cardiff. 3935 T?ANTEi), goo<? Shortha.t?d Writer and Typist for 33N.D)??ew?C.).rd{.S'. ?5922 J\gru£it5. Q!;rahtUtts. &r. "tCTTVE ren?Mc Men waj'ted to represent a. wealthy j-JLOMi-estabhshed nrrn, doinf; la.rge bMiness; first.cta.s? Hx?er!. t'ox 971, Da-Hy News. Cajdiif._ 971n ? A GENTS wanted caUin? on miUs, mines, tronworks, -tTL &c.. to sen best. Machinery and cyUnder O'Js mode- ? rate pricea Hbsva.t cœnmission,-Addr'Jss Oil, Ctu'e of Deacon and Co., 154. LeadenhaJI-sircRt, Jjoadoi.Hn A GENTS, old-esta.btished? London ;i'n. a. few ener. agricult.uro.l distlicts; Drma.nent profitable t'mptoy- ment for whole or spare time; hIgh no risk.—Address Position, 19, Pitohford-street.Stra.tford. London. 26u jH Agenta requtre<t in Merthyr, Dowiais, Cs.rdin', and other pM'ts of South W&ies.—AtP?Y Superintendent, Rotunda BttlIdingB. C&rdHT. _977n ?OUTn W&les Pta?e CHM9 InsuraBoe Company re- ? Qtuj-e Agents.—Address Secretary, Westgate Cho.m- !? wanted in Briatot a.ad Ctu'diS by a.)i est&bii?hed In- 4anstrial LUc A.8s11tl\nCe Company, with most tivc tables; exceptional terms and romoCilCln certaIn to really good men.—Seed full DarMcu'fM-g to Y., ca.re of Hoooer e.nd Batty. AdveTtisInf! Coctractors. 15, Wal- brook. London. E.G.773n r)nOBA<'CO Trade—Leading Fii-m of Manufaotarera JL are oM:n to ?pcotnt RepresentaUve on Comratssion for coanttea of Pembroke, Ca.td)gan, Brecon, and Rad- nor; preference g-ivcn to calling on ani2 with established W. 't. Davtes a.ad Sons, Tobacco Factory, O?eHter. 279e tH) ANTED tn each of the counties of Pembroke, Car- W d??an, and Caj-marthen. a Representative for a Comp:tny of good standing; only those knowing the grcund and conHxtent to introdncc buaiijeM need apply; salary and comnHssioI1 on 01Vll reilults, also commisston on agents' ba-tiness.—Write, stating cjuati- noatioaa, to Honaeket.per, Daily News, Swansea. x920n iL artist'c work.—170, Windsor-road. Cogan. fRnarth. n ?iC?gtn?s? ?ari?mtis. ?je. suit one or two moderate terms.-2, College, ,UarAilL 987n A rAETMENTS weU iuruished: good oooMng a.nd Cui-tUCf. _J__ ?.L??__?'?_* 4 PABTMUNTH. FnmisheoL bult two tables or gentto- 11. men friends; ,erms moder&te.-5Z, Beauebamp- street, Canton. 729H COMFORTABLE ApMtmouts or Lodgings foe yoocg ? men oryonn:; ma'Tied couple.—175?roat!way,Ro&th.u nOMFORT.u>IJ< Bedroom and Sttting-room hot and "old b&th; piano.—13, Ci?mberiand-street, Ca.ntou. u OMFORTABLE Apartinents.one artwo ladies in C school orbaainess.-45, n school or bn¡¡iness.-45, Pla.sse;-street. Penllorth. n ?OMJFORTABL??SttMng-rocm Mid"Bedroom to Ijet? COlli'ORAbLE Home lor one or two young ta-dies C terms modemte.—87. P,.irtrid.-e-road. 497n OMFORTABLE TJodgtngs or Apar&ments; hot b&th; C near G.W.1t.-43, Tiesallian-terrwe. 407n triOMFOBTABIjEApartmentafoj-ono or two gentle- C men ba.th.-84..A.lfred-streeli, Roath Park. CMdiff.n ?OMFORTABLB .LodgtngsforoneortwoTeapeotabIe COMFORTABLE Apaa-tmenM for two youcg t&diea ?mear Cottege: terms modertLte.—'N<2N6, Echo.Caj'cttff.n jt? CRNISHED Bedroom <uid Sttttng?oom to i?et; ba.th: J' close Himdaft Ftelds-—?. FontetMuu?ro&d. 786n TrjIGHLY RMpectabIe Person would gtve Attention in H resurn for comfortable bome; coreful, trost- worthy no roa?h work have fcrnttnre.—L 215, Echo. GMdtn. 3Mn H ODGINGSforoneortwoyotiiigmen orUatuj-nisned JLj Apa.rtrr.wnts; coneerva.tory.—lM. Eiog's-road. S89n T UDOINGS for two respectabte worktng men.—Apply JLJ 39, Tredeg&r-street_ 8Mn f Ol?GINGS for 1 or 2 respecttLbie young men terms Jj moderate.—Apply 51, George-a&'eet.Ca.thtya. 295n ??NE LfH'ga SittiBe-toom and Two Bedrooms reqalred ?? by two KMiitemen; e:ood cookias necessary.— Repty, stating teraM. to J 310. Echo, Cardiff.3ME TtART of LarKO HoasetoLet.Unlnmished; use of J[. kitchen, b&throom.—Z 450. Ncho. CtH-diC. 4Mn DEQUIRKD l-aruished SittiBg and Bedroom with J?) qwet peoj?e; moderate tmd tNdusive.—E 9 8, Hews.CMdin. 928n TOEM'BCTABLE'LodKtBga tOl twoyouBg"]!tdi<Mor JLIL BMB.—Appiy 43. 'Creha);r!s<!t!'ebt. Roath. 9Mn ?UJPEKtOB FumMhed ApM?ments for two gentlemen t.3 in CiMd?-tOttd most comfortaMe.—P 759. Echo, CMdin.7.Sn (5 UPERIOR Apattments. v/ith a.tiend&nce; snit 3 k"5P gentlemen; terms on ttppUcation.—Ml, Richmond- road, CMOtC. 61ln SUPERIOR Apartments, C&thedrtH-ro?d7 2 xeat'emen ?jfrienda; terms 8s e&oh; bath.—A ZZS?Keho. CardiS. n ?OL?XUt?aBttahetlRoomB?t??J???art?die?— i Wttt?t?N9?0MM?' ?S'- ?ip0 Let. 1 Sitting-room. 2 Bedrooms, Large Room, for JL working men reasonable week-end or longer; r- A nished. Hear town terms.—F 929. News, Ca.rd!H.'&29a ',tooins, jv,i 3, Gd to r?WO Unfur:' .-hf'ct HoomH to .Let. respecta.ctema.r- g "va v,oOf1111(;?:ïmt Rooms tn bmth, &c,, SRIDe ün,)r near rail tr3D1. 'bus, &-c., pass; In002. r'ete.-R. H.. IM.'Pcn3.rth-ro:nJ. X60n :in .AN1'JD'HíttD¡{ and two lad!es, in Swan- t' sea., llelir Ross. x945n Canton pre{erre{!.—Write to V 335, Echo 6'Bce. Cardin'.n '?OUX&La.dy recmres Furnished Bedroom !).ndSit.- —0 820. D&ily NRWsOiRce, Cardiff. 82)n ?cii?? ?parimmts. '?iriNEREAL.—FurnistiadApart.raents, with orwith- m out bo&nJ, in Nos..J, 2. aud 5. The Espimia.de SDe large, rooms the set; good gardens; the coolest and nlOt position during the 'it, innier months .o r terms, &0., apply to I ,)l<NAE.m,-Lansdö;'lle Prtva.te Hotel, opposite rait. JL w&y si.a.ticn extensive Chanuet view soecia.t terms 78ùn tic hr tf. u '¡.ta1t5tZ.. 3£mtj) &t. Let; löt-a.nd-Č-ôllÍ batb. A '"b&ck entraiiee 12s inclusive 100. Alfred.streeet.- App.y No. 92. 612n A Honse to Let? 110. Pembroke-road modern convent- ?3L ences.—jLe.vis, Andrew's EuiMinss, Qaeea-si.reet. M B- I<:DFOUD.street.-CJean House: to respectable tenMi!i jJ'9s 6d: town Mid; reference r,-quired.-24,6 lenrov-st.n FI-EPSTOW.-To Let, September '29. sma.:t Sejni-de- c tanhc:! \'ii!a.; 8 rooms, buth, otHces: every conveni- ence; cha.rmint: situation: enctosfd.—ApptyHighTrees.n C-Ùi U:CH-¡:õ¡tl-W hi t;chur(; V;y- con venicn t Villft C (h.c.): aiae entrance tong back.—W. Davieii. 'i.'y-yn- ..E ?''iRWYS-roa.d. 57?hot a?d cold bath large garden ?. back entrance. Alien's B&nk-crcsceut. two. 5- roomed. with ba.ys. 7a; all good rep&ii-.—Appiv 11, Howard-gardens. Roatb. 1179n ?GK FURNISH.HD &nd UNFURMSjUED Residonces J6' Ca.rdia a.nd Pena.rth. see Messrs S. Hem ttud Pert <vM's R8fister.—34. St. Mary-street. CMdif!. 1049 j? OOD Hou*e to Let, Eidon-ron.c), 12s inotu?ive.— ?jr Knapp, Cory's Corner. Docks, Cit'-diS. 559n y LANISHEN-street.Cathays. heathy ueighbourhood JLt 3, 9s 6a 21. Bs.—Appiy La.ttey, 8, Wof!:ii!g-street.897n NICE liouse; 4 bays; bath, all modern newly C?rdi?. _7Mn D ICHMOND-road, Ko. 105, to Let with immedia.to possession; 2 reception rooms, 5 bedrooms, bath. room, !nd other oSBccs 'imail greenhouse rent R40.- Key n.u 99. Rtchmond-roa.d. _89n ?jno Let, 16. Wf-stmorei?ud-street; h. & c. bath.—Apply JL Mrs Rees. Stationer, 55. Cowbridge-road. 453n rj;?0 Let, 85. Geort;e.street, Ca.tha.ya: long Karden JL 9a6d.—RadcIiSe. 39. Woodv;Ho-road. Cardiff. 876n f?O Let,96. Windsor-road, Penarth snmi-det&cbed 6 JL bedrooms.—Apply 2. Paget-streat, Penarth. 803n rglOLet, 18, P&trdga-'oad, B.oai.h immedia.te possea- i. sion.—Apply 58, Ciaude.road. 790n '0 J.e. 40. Stltcey-ro30d, or for Sale. I3.rr-:e conveoient residence occupa.1iion.- Particula.rs 58, Claude- road. 791n rpO Let,:)G, Siilott-road, sevln-rouraed house.-Aoply .&. Mortar. 54. Stacey.road. Cardilf. 7(Zn fit'?0 Let, Primrose ViDa., 22, St.Joi'n'a-crescent.Ciui- Webb, 34. Lower 68011 fSIO Let. Woodneld House and Park of 25 acres, near tithe particulars apply L. D, Nicholl. 4, Trinity-place, Sw¡¡, x921u ?310 Let. 105. Di?n?-streeL, !ls 6d 4 bedrooms hot and rg10 Let. 6 and 7, The Pa.fa.de: hot a.nd cotd baths .E52.—Appiy Tregaskis, Crown BMCott Works, CardiS. n r?no Let. 17. TeUo-s?roet; 2 reception roams, kitchen. W.C., rooms uV3ta.irs; hot and cold water Appty 6, piastnrtoa-a. venue.0:n f910 Let, 194. Ara.b3ila-8t.ree! Pajk end 6 rooms, bath. JL w.o.: nnwty renovated erery conveniencs renta.1 ICs weekly.—Appiy 1EO, Clifton-street.Hon ra'?0 Let, 220, Ctive-atreet. Grs-UKCtottn: 9 rooms, with JL Kood stab'.e (tnd loft, ceUaj-, and hack lane enlra.nce. —Key 22?. Ms c!an.r.356n ?jTOLRt. No. 5, Ha.veIock-street.—Appty DaJIy News -B- Omoe. Cai-diff. _n raiWOCottttfestoLet Hear Msvane Churh.—Appiy JL Fr&ncis, 5:. Moorland-road. Ca.r<HR. _48!n NINl)50R.terra.ce, ËTi.=Si:x: rooms, with scuUery. vT bath ()i. A c. lavatory, w.c., targe gardens centre of vU!ftKe a.ud otose sta.Hon: rent Cs 6d with stsMe, 9s Ed.—Moore, White Lion. E)y. 6'tpn tJU IKDSOH-pi&ce. Cardia.—To Let. from !'ieptember W 29th next. No. 3. Windsor-piace. aJ1 residence, ofBce, or surgerv.—for p&rtiou?rs &ppty to A. Thoma.s, Daity Ne-.w= O?ce. C?rdiS. 5144—914n ?9, CrsMldock-street,Rivet-<j}de—Apply en the Premises, C? or at 59. Cta.ucie-roaf!. Cara?S. 951n ?i- tion: Sse'J.—e.DeBargh-street. _473n 2. Pyder-s 'roet to Let; reëently v venie.. out e erY COD _Ice.-A,,)Ply 90. I-Lyder-streeL n J.¡jOUStS, &t.. T'iôItanftb. ?MALL House wa.nt.ed in f:oott Ioca.lity.or Part of parHclJ.lp,¡:, Bcho Newport, Mon, :x!!49n :-W ANTED to Purchase or Rent, House, w"th four or five hedrooros.-A pply, wHh full particulars. to F 236. Echo ORioe.C.ird'n'. 296n !IoC- tEo3te.t.-3J.;usíuts9.í 'rtutiSt. &r. B- A:X'¡':HO UBg-ïõLët-jnË-aV;lock-r,tnet, Ca.rdlS.— JD' Apply South Wales Daily News Office. Cardiff. n APITA.L 8hop and Preiutsea, best position, Vere- C, strRet. Cmdoxton-Barry, nfM new docks; rent moderate .-Âpply Stationer, oton-BaI'TY. 416n ?t:?JL.Al;.—Tc Lct.Lar?c Dry Cellar.—App!y Lloyd, 1, ? Ada.m-atree!Ca.r<HS. 734n br¡;(8 and Cellur to Let c under Rotunda Buildings; immediate possession. Apo!y W. Heneock and Co., Ltd.. The Brewery, CMdiS.n ?<ONVHNIKNT DouMe.front Houac, Sa.tisbMry-rpa.d, Itomill y-oresc:t,. rit, 59511 ?0<?b Yttrd to LeiT?n?CMrns-street, Ca.tha.ys. with ?jr ra.t!w?y sidtCK. snitable for buHdor.—Acpiy Bc.kor Stnd Co., EnKineers. Ea.st Moors, CMdiG. 73on AR(4E I?,iom to Let,, se.-Apl3,ly stut rany. pul Thomv.s's Boot Factory, Me thyr -po L-õêKUY Shop,"NoT77 CMYisIe-atreet, doaMe*'f!-ont, plate-¡th1.SB; any btisiness; low rant; splendid posit'ou.—Appty 85, RnHwa.y-stroet. 270n Tt/yKRTfIYR.—?ooct Shops to Let. centr&iIy'"Bitua.?T; ItJt suita.ble for a.ny arst-clasa ba?lnesa.—M 3897. Echo OSoc. Cardiff. 3877-2,61n 1\- lOUNTAÜ.¡ ASh.=Óapito,¡""House-aD.d-S;lOPto-J:ot: ItJt- doubie front; Rood position, Oxford-street; gocd fh::tlIres.-Tapscottr IIlountam Ah. 0 .r?tTICES.—a <food Rooms to Let-a. 'Ú-Castom- House <U' stre&t.—Flint Bros. H;93—301n HOP to Let, In goOd position; cellar can be ndded. S Apply 6117n 'LE to Let, hack of Havelock -street, D Apply South WKjes Daily News Omoe, CardiC. n STABLE to Let Alfred-street. ILoith Park. Cariliff.- s Apply 63, Cardiff. 470n OY, Hairdresser, Fazicy Business to TL el, with possesrion.-I)avies, liock t3hol). Bridgend. __J_j9?n r<10 Let, Omce?. Hevem Chambers. Weat?nte-street. tn 3.3. ltoath. 993n r?O Let. good Hoom ?or foothf.H ttocontmodation.— r<10 Let, CorB<')- Shop, St&Me.a.ndLoft; good thorough- jL fMS.—Apply el. Htaeey-roa.d. 593u 0 Let, (4,3ioral HoLselten-iring and WhcelwrJght TO S, ¿ldaur:iNhiif.1W¡1t FtKyLet. 2 Capital Lock-up Hhops.junction Ktn!s-ro&d, jL Sne.vd.stcf'.et. and Pontoanna-street; good open- iag for (imper, ironmonger, or hairdressing J. J..t)a.v:d and Co., 16. St. J'ohn's-squ&re. 29on nnO?LetTbest pa.rt of Ca.rdiS.THoasc. Shop, and Ba.ke- _B. honse; double decker; rare opportunity for a good mMl.—Apply Alpha., 38C3.Da.ilyNews.Ca.rdia. 785n 1110 let, ¡,wo 11.0GW;> as onices, on 1ihird floor of Caia- TdoWan Ch.%mbers, 104, SL Mary-stree$.-Apply Soath Waies Daily Newn Oftioe. CardM. U'fS x25n %!FguMsa JrtlntStS 'ijijtatttt. ANTED, small I:ock-ut) Shot). iieighbou,:hood w Wooa-iitrect.—Address 69,hidor-roa< 18Q Jor aft. -Ik' ousts, 1tanù &t. nonse for Sale in Ll=dou-gh-street, .atb!t.ys.- A Saunders. Auctioneer, 29.8t. Mary .street. 914n Olt Sale, 3 Ntce Cottages. Cyfarthfa-atreet7 one YlUn. 6' in Eeppoch-sh-eet. and one in Kincraig.street.— Kna,up. Cory's Cotner. Docks, Cardiff. 731n Tr??B?&le, the Stock and Crop <t a Market Garden, of fL' 4.} acres; the !a.rd is to be Let.—Apply D.Lewis, Easttf.nd (iarden. Neath. 431n ¡-MMEDIATE Sa.le.=i'wo HOU3e.s. n¡>e to]- conversion JL (bntcher and ohemiat wanted); also handsome Shop and DweUinf (suit smart grocer); stock opitional: best positioti in MR distrtct; also Wholesale Premises: low ground rent; a bargain.—0 57{'. Echo, CardiS. 573n ? back entrance oS PenaTtb-road '?rico JE335 -? X 200. Hcho. Ca.rdia. u SOOn SUBSTAYIIALLY built House, good situation, o PeDM-th; 5 leoeptiou. 8bedrooms.JE1450.-OM7. Echo. CardijfT. 357n rBTWO weil-btHH! Houses for Saie. on Wood-road.— JL JMnes Griatths, BtrUder. 165, Wood-rd.. Pontypridd.n ;¡¡1tí1ttStz for tisposal, -C' A Goof! ConfectiMMty Business in Cadoxton to be j?L sold cheap.—J 755.Bo)to OiEce. Cstrdiff. 755n ?lOMPANmS a.nd Syndicates formed. Amatga.maticns cMtyand Agency Bnsijtoss transacted.—Ritfhton and Son, a.n<ll-!ee,-Br1st_ 1179 ?noNFECTIONERY Business for?)isposat; nxtores ? o.nd stock a.t va.lafttlon.-3, Frederick-street, near Einpfo. 678n D- .&A.PERY. Hosiery. a.nd Fancy Bufanesa fOTDisposa.); most seil; iU.hetttth: best posttton in Cttrdtff; stock at vlloluo_n:e857.l!;ho, Cartliff. 8S7n ?IREWOUD f.nd Shedding Timber Business to Sell M JtJ Let.mtMhtnery amd buUcUng; goodyMd; iong le&se.-J. LAne. Market-road, Ca.nton, CardtS'. 282n OR Disposal, FrtedFtshJjKsiaess. with a ane range. jf —Fa!l pfu'McuIa.ra C 920. Echo. Cardiff. 920D .FOR SCash Drapery Bru;iuess; su-)ck at valua- JL' tion; fixtures zC45: tmmcdia.tepoMMsion.—Harris. I)rapc- and Mi!!jner. Market BuUdings. Newport.Mon.xn ,OR Disposal. Grocery and Genera.! Business; good JP Uvlnff acoommodMioB and sta.Me; suitable tor be- pincers: owner f?Ting up buslneM sote caase of tesving. Write N M3. Daity News, Ca.rdia. 53:n ?j'UR Disposal. Batcher's BnatNessTu thriTlns )oc?ity j[l neM CtrdtS. doing JE10.-B 2?7. Kcho. CardiiR. 237n BOCERY aad Confec.ionery Busmces for? H?le*?.<ra. G going concern; well situated clo¡¡e tQ ClythK.Pa.t-k a.u<l (ioid Top: exceUent posltton ior branch shop in Mresent hands over 9 yef!'s-A!jp!y Parsons, l.CiTtNa. Park-road, ewport. x943n TOBItmO Joinery .Cabinet, and CphoJHterIng Businesa ? for DispoMtI; dweUi:'g-hou:.e .?ad side entra-nce HuH?ble for a.bove work.—125, centfe Ca.sUc-rd., C&rdiLff.n nnO?be Disposed of a.t once. Barry district, goocT Shell JL Fiah.<Med ?iah. Chip Pot&to Badness; owner te<tv- ing dtstrict'—D 9M.Echo, CardiC. _9Mn Fro Let, Hawkins's weU-known Tobacco MMtCtgM jt. Stores, 4, Bute-street. C&ratn'; for tnany years a large whoIeMteaEd retaJUradeùone; no experience teqatred to work the business. K8n JiUStUtfiStS .s:nttb. GOOD Milk Round'wanted'itT Ca.din'.—WrtteK945' G NchoOOce.Cttrdia. M5n 'nhlir 1j'nust.s. ?OU?TRY?oMistde Inn. rant JE24: sptendid fruited ?/ orchard. f4:).rdM;s. DigKery much frequ?nte' JE125 Newport. x9.38n II..i1 in prosperous 001- .Fliery and worka town; sevemt large elmbs: valuailOn omiv tbomt A-b- TTJOTEL.ca.pita.l market town. fairs held front of 1 house fo tniclitly -1 stabl'n, garden: free except beef; livingtrade; Yi85.- f i Newport. x938ii ASONS' Arms, Hirwain, to Let: double-licensed hiuse.-ApplyTrecynonBrexvery.Aberdtre. n NEWl'OH'.r.-TO Let, ear!y possession, the old-esta.b- lished apd well pa.tror<ised Castle Hotel, Shaftes- hary-street; beds. stables.—Particulars write Joseph Hees, present Droptletor. x8 AltE oid Inn. taki gs avera,-e ZAI; everytt'ng as it I stands, 422t); tolrltune real.ised here; sever'st other I Bridge-street. Newport. x93Bn JL accommoctatiou incoming about .E100 f?ood open. ing.—Apply Johji F.Haj-vey and Sons,Goat-st,Swanses6n ?180 Only.—Capital Houae, doinga.good medium clatss country town barrelae 5 weekly and good spirit T, H, Touildns. Auctioneer, Aber- ga.vency. 939n .Bt1tsí£aI. BEAUTIFUL W?tnat Pi&no. peffect coBdition. wtn- ra.r?° ?" b ?9:ln '?INJ?Ot?FiddJe?Widow'ofceIebra?ed?otoist wishes tone. worth 10 garnctM, with handsome o&se. fully moanted bow. strtnsi!. and accessories having to aeli at OI1ce will 28 6d; approval free before pay- Ime.'S.W? ? a a, y ttro '??e ItfA.Ilii)OLIN.-Nlandolist offers genuice Ita!ia.n Hose- 1' wood Mandoline. by Stridente. perfectly wm saoriaca to'' 25s'; approval post tree.—Wrtte G 751, Echo Otaoe. Ca.rdiR. 751n ?M. Ifud, swe'et'tne, ca.6c, tutor, worth JE? 10s. unaoUed, accept 16s 6d; Wilson, Shane's Castle, DetiKes. 472n IANDOLINE. Gutta.r. Ctarionet.&nd Theory: su urbs !<. as nsutti.—George Stnctair. "C.M.. 9, Clare-gar- deps. Ca,t-dUf. 961n H/riSS Ida. Coombes (pcpU and a.ssista.nt of Ma.da.m for pupils, and theory; terms IOs 6d and 158 Pd Assi&ta.nt, Mtss WUklDS.—Address 65. AYIndham- crescent. Canton. CMfUff. 679n Tt/WISS Astte. a.tter 15 very snocessfui yee.ra tn UMdm ItJL hasmaohpteasirein a,nnouncing tho.t she con. tinues glYing Lessons on the and twice weekly. Lessons gIven at the rell1. deDoes of pupils, or ttt20, Pembroke-terrx.&e.C&idUt.oloso and Stations. moderate. '?VR WiUiam Co!eK:a.n.BaMo.of MMda.S Cathedr?. is ?.tA now Booking Eugagemeats for Oratorios. HaUad T)IANO for SaJe cheap.—Write X 889. Echo. CM-diN. -E_ 839n NO. nearly new. &li the Itttest improvements. jE17, J. genuine ba.rKain.-3, Clive-place, Penarth. 441n P-IANÓE'ÓRT]:i'UUing.-ølr 'R. F, Webb (I&tewith P lTes5rs Heath and Son ); terms 38 6d wIthin the borough-Address 523n t?rANTED.bytheFernda.Ie Prize Band. TwoAasis- t V tant Cornet Players work foand fot tradesmen or miners none bnt good readers, steady men. need Ferndale. 'M7ANTE!). old Piano Md old Furniture in any cordi- W tion must be cheap.—F 806, Echo. Cardiff. 806u 9"a irgrlts. grirlicles, &£. A IjIjDAY'S Cycles.—The World's Beat Cycles, from jEM AIlday and Onions, P. E. Co, Ltd., 49, Weatgate-street. n COVJ<JNTRYGent' Safety to be Disposed of a bargain costly machine, high grade, ligtlt high gea.r. guar- auteeddeiachabletyres, new last mantlv, machine not pumpjail new: no use to owrer: lowest ?ESlOs lot; wili send on approval; penuina ba.Tgtdn.-W. James. 1, Tf?OR Sale, good strong Pneumatic Bicycle. jES.—Davies, -SJ Chimney Sweeper. 68, Arcot-street. Penarth. 266n 'BjlUK Sale. Lady's Bicycle: will eeH cheap to immedi- o' ate pnrchMcr.—2M, Batlway-etreet, Splotlands. 668n G-ENT;si899- Rac.ing-Ï!\chiÏ:io?-Woõdštoék-t:Ÿres-}2 \3r &ear. 241 b; cost 18 guineas, take £6 10s.—Apply W. Lates, Royal Arcade, CardLK. 454n TLriGH-CIass Rover Roadster. Duniop tyres. excellent JLiL condiaon. bargain.—Apply 3.Cyfarthfa.street. ?29n ?fORRIS Bros.. Cycte Works. Foniiypridc).—Three jUJLCushtons. 50s ;4 Pneumatics, ?5 lady's Cushion,jE3. t?M'AIRS.—AIi t;o to Morris Bros.. Pontypridd. No SAFETY:—Lady's. j55; also Gent's. JE5; both &20 extra.—Write L 978, Echo. Cardtn. 978n d UITABI/E'' for' Working" MM.—Pneumatic Cycle k3 easy termE.-26, J.Jlandough-st., Ca.thays, Cardiff, n TtrTNREDEHMED Gent's Royal Hampton Cycle, in good <J condition.—FinsbutK ajid CoheN. 2. Bnte-terrace.n :r AN(,ED, n.ny f)ua.ntitv of Cycles, t<.ny condition, -V immediate cash.—WarrUow, Cycle Manufacturer, Weston-super-Mare. 412n !t1'tíagts atib 3D'tJ¡ides. A Ba.rgn.in.—lO Tra.ps. suit business a.nd pIeMure. a.U ?TL sizes and prices; exchanges made.—42. Kirn- street. Roa.th. 485n A?BMga.in.—ZZ Sets pf Ua.rNeas, oew and second-h?nd. J'?L a.U sizes and prices; 2 ChafE Machines, fcod at new; also Lot Odd Harness, cheap.—42, E)m-street, Cardtff. 486n A?Da.rc&'n.—Kew F)at Caj-t. H&nMS? a?d Biding A Saddle. lot JE9.—136. Cowbridce-road. CarditT. H4n A N exeeUea: Trap ior sa.le. ae&t 4, excellent condition. A. reeenMy reMovs.ted; made by Holmes, Derby bar- gain.—Apply 83, Cftstie-road. 543n HEAP Second-ha.nd Pony Trap. suit 13 hands; C Phaeton, 3 hiteohapels. 2 Detivery Carts, Hpring Tip Cart.—Avery. Coachbui!der. Newpor)' xS98n ?' or exchange for Cob 15 to 14 handa.—74. WaU':er? roat). Cardiff. 742n t?OB 8a.!e, strong Crank-axle Cart, .just soiled, cheap. -9- —10. A!exa.ndnt-road, Canton, Ciu-diU. 688u ,)OR C- Lamps, Shop Lamps, Stree, Lamps, best Work?, 43, Merchant-street, Bristol. 2917 T?OOH new ti(;ht Crank-a.xie Miik Cafts. snit 12 to 14 CardiS'*?'? ? '"? ? ?' _J S?u ?'KTTMpHa.niess. suitipony, i7s, worth douMe.—S. kj St.MH.rie-street,?tid?nd. __?i_ AUBREY CMt. only used a mouth: splendid offer.— S Cardiff Cfn-ri&RR Co., 44, Fi-cdericb.streRt. 255n TROLLIES, \'ans,WasK<'n, Crank-axle Carts, Cobures JL Bakers' Vans. Grocer?' imd Hutchcrs' Carts, Builders and Contractors' Carts and Barrows, MiUt Carts. Ac., new Ceaohbnitder. Market-road, Canton. CardiS. National J:c¡ephon. 470. Listsouaaptieation. 1224 142nS.i Vy must be .n arst-oi'ass condition.—Send fcU par- tioalars Glass. Victoria Mews, L1a,ndaff. 775n '-t: 50 Sets Harness, ne<v and second-hand, any sizes! M) Pairs Lamps. Saddtes and Bridles at lowest prices. 1' Haretock-sheet, feiupet-ancetown. CardM. 950n Os 9d Pair Carriaeo Lamps, patent loek handie.— C9 Apply Saddlery Co.. Atexandra-ro&d. Swansea. x940n .tT:rt5 !Hti& 3C, itit t.lTdt. A selection of 8 Horses. Cobs, and Ponias. suitable oarts, heights from 13 to 16 hands, from 5 to S years. prices from .ES to A12; good workers and quiet, war- ra.nted can be seen any time; giving MU cheeps—Apply 12' Tudot'-road. Uiverstdo, Cardin'. n jjL SprinR Car!: and Harness, in grand order suitable any business; tot d515, or sell apart; bargain.—1, Green.street, opposite Sophia Gardens. Cardiff. 948n A Cart, Harness. Scalee, Weights. Baskets, complete, bargain.—10. Park-street, near Post onice. CardiC. 943n A Very Styiiah Tumont, comprising Btapk Cob, 4 Set of Now'Harness.—42. Elm-strfet. 487n 'AThtck-aet Cob. 15.2, DctRiness Trap. and HMness. ?'L price fEIG; seU together or separately.—App]y Cross Inn, Canton. CMdiS. ?OiQ JDAJRGAIN, Mawkers.—Smart Pony, 13 hands. 6 yea.rF. with Flat Cart and Harness. lot jES: warranted sound; trial -B ARGAIN S. The choice of Two good Harness Horses 16 hands. suitable for traõesmen's vans, 629n B'\RGAÏN:lõïõo;.fÍIors' Cobs. and Ponies, gooct jLt workers and qutet.—42, mm-street. 48Su YT'OK ?9 the Ijot, honesti. good Pouy, good Fiat?Carc? JU acd E&rness, or soU aeparately; suYt greengrocer or ol!man.—127. Tudor-street, Cardiff. 948n 'tjlOR 8&ie. Pony. Flat Caj-t. Harness; suit greenKrocer J?r oil.—2't. Pentrebane-street, Orange. 817n Tjj'OB S&!e, Pony. F)at Cart, Harness; also Donkey, -&' Cart. Hamesa.—70, P!'tnoeR-s&reet. Barry, 734u 1jj10H h!L!e. Horse and Trap. suit any business JEH.— -!L' John, Cemetery-road, Treforest. x932n t?OR Sa?e, Cob, 14t, 4 years, fast. Kood action eood -a' Tradesman's Mare, 15 hands, good worker a.nd last. —31, CKve-roaa, CMdift. 28jn DjjIOR Dtspofa!, a poweffui Cart Horse. 17 hanaa hiKh, 7 JU yeara o)d, warranted a eood worker, price ?20.— Cross Inn, Canton, CMdUt.. M3n G-ÔÛj)- WõrkÏIlgIÎõrse;good -õõndi¡¡ê;r7:îiffunds 7 \3r years: stUt troUey. crank-axle, van: t7.—Hay, Corn Stores, 1, CharehiU-terfaoe. Moors, Cadoxton, Barry, n IGH-class l,ield Spanieii Puppies:for Sate; sire Rose- jLjLhiU Royal, dam Manaelson Eva,; maketsurewitmers; ?09 each approval.—T. Daviea, Butohor. Llantrissant, Sa CST SeU. prettyThicksst honest Cob, splendid Fiat in Cart. and H&rMss. lot 410, bargain; or sell separate. —14. Havalocj¡:.strt, Temperancetown. Cardtft. 948n 1?/tUST Selfhood honest quiet working Pony.?6?- ItjL Appiy 38, D<?forct-streot.Roath. CardtS. 892n WNElt leaving Farm. offers several Cobs. 12 to 14 0 hands. Flat Cart, and several Sets Harness, cheap Common Faian, Canton. T)ONYriyhMds7FIa.t Cart, and Harness. E9; also a Cob. 14 hands..6; owner leavtnK.-M. Albett- street. Canton, Cardiif. _L- /?,UIET Donkey, FtaT'Cart, attd Harness for ?a!e— ?B Apply 27. Bioadway. HoaAh. _M5n Apply 27. Bioadway. HoaAh. _M5n L ?JALJE. Sow fmd 10 Piga—Aopiy fenrnos nottso. ?en- ? with-road. Canton_—'L- ClAjuM. chestnut Horse, 15 bauds Flat Coat Cart and kj Hamesc.-1, Frankten.street. (rrangetown. 766n r)?OBuiMers. HauJters, and ConSr&ctors.—Ca.rt Harse. JL 16 hMds, 7yrs. active; Ha.uUng Cart. eanat MiW.Mtd Harness. lot JE22: aJso active Cc.rt a.re. 16 hands. ZS, or seH either separately cheo.p.—127. Tudor-street., Rtvet- s!de.C!U-dta. _<n r?O H&a)iers. BuiMej-s. and oihors.—Active C&rt Horse ± 16 h&uds.stMtnchworkeT?eiS; HachngC)t)t a.md Har- ness. in exceDent order..SU: also Cart Ma.re, 16ha.uds good worker, <S12; work Biaok ctmse s<MiiJtg.—l, Green- street, oppostte Sophia. Gardens. Cardiff. 948n ftIO Scaven?Jnf! Contractors a.ud OthefS.—For Sate, JL chestnut M'u-e. 16 h&nds. 7 years o!d: <Mt and HM- o&rt 'comptete; tot <et6.—App)y t.ewis. Pontrhondda. F&rm. LIwynytnit. Rhondda. VaUey.827n T- UADFJSMA.I'S Buslnes:> Turn()\lt, consisting PreAty JL thickset Cob. Spring Business CM-t. and RiM-nees, the lot ??6. cheat), or selt apart: deaters need not apply —10.PtH-k.streat.uear St. MMy-street. C&rdtE. 948n -i ittnlttJ1 'il1eøtti kt. ?)ANABrES.—Qrand stock, Yomng Cocks.' Ss ?ach.— ?Jt?eker. Empire HatrdressinR Satoon. Caro!tne-street. Carain. 915n D' IVE Geese. Duckit, Fuwis. hundreds for Sa-te .a!M jLjwin Ptirohaae Live PonH.?. PIt?eojos. Ra.bMts.—Send price Poatterer. 2. St. Marte-street. DrtdReT?.?_??Oij?_ ?Tt/EEB.LY an-lvals of Uve Oeesa. Duck? prices iow. r T —Senders. 155. Oommerclat-foad. Newport. x925a -< 00 F&tMet?tyH?na.can-iftge p?m.ZIs dozen regutur JL aappiyMraBged.—HltchenHewlsa.BrlatoI. Z67n IC- "'11: yxn'n:tnM. A LWAYS Buyim)! SeoomdIiMMid Fncnttare. any qoan jH- ttttea; fuU TfJue Riven.—T. Woodrcn, 41, CasMe- road. Boath. 522n A NY Quantity Seooad-htmd Furniture Bought for ?.oaah; best prtoea.—Metcher, 74, Wood?iUe-)'oad.<39n ID EDSOONSalte. very handsome. ma.astve wardrobe JtLt CMh onty JE12, cost 18 KnIneM.—'JE. WoodmC. 41. CaattM-oad? Roath. Card!S. AKo aad<Ueb&K Satte. 5Mn INING-RoamSulte.sulwm!kwqualiby.Moromole"her, beavy so!!d w&tnutfr:tmes. castors throughoat, ontv B7 IQa. cost j625.—T. WoodruS. 41. Castle-road, Cardiff, n t? LEGANI' Chtppenda.le OveriB?nte). heavy, superior rofn' 521n Stand and 2 Chairs, solid oak, sett bargaii).- JuL Woodruff, 41. Castlo-road, Poath. SMn ?ABGEKachen Dresser ior Sate. 6tso cne?oUdoak, 8tm?E?oSSM'S<?? SeooaMta??B?me I ihnttt.s!íc 1\rtidts. TDIOR Saie, a. tan MaUcajt. double, good condition.— JP 39, Upper Kincraig-street. Roath.906n tJ<OR?a.le, in Cathedra,l-road. 6ft. sideboard, diningi JL' room suite, dining table, small square table. writing table. small open bookca-se, all walnut. best make. per. feet order to¡-¡ethAr or separately no dealers.—Write K ?55, Echo Mice, Cal'£li1ï. 765n ?t? ?0??" T</fRS Robins. Commercial-road. Newport, Purchaser iT-i. of Cast-oS Clothing packages sent receive imme- dia.te attention.x911n ES Gormart, 13 and 15, Bridge-street. CardiH. also men's. Children's Wardrobes. Furniture; town or country. Established 1863. 406n T?/!j RS D&wes. 2o, Severn-road. Canton. CardiH.Pnr- i?JL chaser of Ladies'. Gentlemen's, Children's Cast-on Clothing. BiRliest prices given. Letters, post-cards. punctually attended to. Packages sent receive imme- diate 361n "?/BRS Carter. 0, Snipe-street, Cardiff, Purchaser of Cftst-oa Weaj-ing Apparel. Best prices. Orders promptly Httended to.516n jftfr alt. Atisrtllatttolts, A. astronomiciU lenses, fitted sanah'&des, solid leather free.—Miss P.. Pool's? 25. Houver'ie-street. H.C. *152T A WNING3. Sun Blinds, 'fenta. Flags. TM-Mmlins (Sale A Hire). livrness. &c.-Pred Morgan 4t Co., Cardiff. n t3AHGAIN8 —Ladv offers Bear Crossover Necklet with JD Russian Taiis. 76 6d, worth 508; handsome Sable Necklet, with Russian Ttuls, 10s 6(!. worth 75s; both new rich new Russ!r: Fur Lon? Boa, silky and bashy, 6s 9d, LondoD,'S'.??°? a. s n s?ro? 'OIRMINGHAM Goods, every Icind wholesale, buyers 411. Birmingham. Established 1871. 432n HINA and Earthenware beconds.chinil onps, saucers C bowls 1)lates, jugs. &c., all gold decoration, is per doz.; ha.n<1some toilet, clin-ner, ten sets, in great variety: hawkers' iarge ohe&p cratea, contain. in)! about 1-.OM articles, 38s 6d. Free tea sets to new bcginnera. Write for free tllastrated lists.—Arthur J. Hull. Kormacott Works, Nonnaeot-rd, Longiom. StaCs.n C U1'I.i,:i (sterling silver Hall-marked, tnotrntea).— \J TJjosoiled 10-sained Service. 27s 6d; 12 !MiM. IZMBttll Knives, Meat Carvers, OMne Carvers, also Steel. mMsiva ivory ca]&nced handles, heavily silver-mounted; ap. proval paid- W oot, 23, Lower Belgrave-gtrect. London. n 'a*?Rt PKRY.H.abfrd?shery. Millinery. Hosiery, StatioM- Wholesale Jenkins, 40, JttZOs upwajda 15 dozen seconds. 178 6d list tree. Cash TTIE?D Glasses <25 mile range).—OfBcet's Widow JL' offers genuina achromatic lenses FteM, Race, a.nd ca.se, for immediate money would accept 11': M would send on approval nrst.—Mrs B. F., 4, Duke-street, S Char ing Cross. _3142_ ?ISH.—The?Milford Haven Fish Suppiv Association Jt' cteliver. carriage caid to a.ny part of the kiagftom, Baskets of Fresh Fish ole.ueJ for table from 2s, 2s 6d. to 5s. SDeoia.1 terms to hotels, institutions, and large t,VUDu.LUt:L..ioU ".VJ.u \Uaa,i'J:lU¿U\lLUCUU CNJ.U UU .OUl.ç despatch and beat quality, note the old address.—AD communications to the Direct Fish Supply Co., Milford HaveD. Ml T?-RESH FiBh aU alive Dally.—Fishmongers. hawkers, 9' and friers, order your Fish direct from Grlmsby, and save middiemen's proSts you will save 40 per cent. by dealing dt'-eet with me I will send at the Mtowing 10s Mat. of Headless for frying, for 10's; Finny Haddocks. 2s 6d per box; Kippers and Bloa.ters, 2s per box: terms, cash with order.—Bethel Fetch. Fish Docks, Grimsby.28 E'NUINEB,srgains.-Gent's Winter Overcost.dark Ggrey Irish Frieze, tailor made, double bresfaed, silk grey Irish F'ricze, tailor made, double breB.5ted, sUk ZSs a.'so Nttw B)ue Ser?e 8uit? jacket' cat. worth 58s, ta,ke 25s both Ht man 36 breast: new condition; appro- va!.—Thomas, Locke's Advertising Onioes.Newport.x9Mn ? IRDERS fo?S?Ie. -Several very strong."suitab!e for \3r bridge. &c.: carry practicalty any weight; 16ft. long.. —Shaftesbury Chambers. Newport. Mon. x886n ?? OOD Buiidms; &nd Fire Bnoks supplied in any Gquar.tities a-.ill the shortest notice.—Apply Tredesar Iron and Coal Co., Ltd., Tredcxar.1312 'fRON Hurdles, Continuous Fencing. Gates, Tree- JtLcuMds, Kennel Railing, Improved Fencing for Cottage Property. Ornamental Palisading and Entrance Gates Wire Netting, Wrought Iron Casements. Sashes. and General Elwell, Works and Showrooms Sheepoote-street. 13lrmingha.m. Contractor to H.M. Government and the Principal Railway Companies, County CouncUs, &o. 954 ADY wlshe- to of miLgnificeDt Blectro-stiver 'I'ea Tray, 24in. r6ng except.-Ionallv handsome; beautifuilyciiilse(i; sacrifice ('or 42s, worth JEtO approval.—Edith. 17a. Chm-ton-st.. LondonJ S.W. n 1!' ADY wishes to Sell Pajcel of Haby's First Clothes, -tU Ruperior quality, never worn, very ohea.p.—L.. 19, Whitby.road. Fa.I)owne!d. Ma,mcheater. 622n CAFE?'Fire?a.nd Thief Proof.—Severa.1 for Sale. in- t? c?udinR some good second-hand: state size re CtEALSKIN Jacket, enormous bargain, nulte new. i-j real A)ask&, exceedingly handsome latest fashion. three-qnartcr iecKth. storm collar, s&tln UDed, JE6 159, worth ?30; approva: paid.—Ma.demoiseUe, 52, Hugh- street. PunUco. London. 991n SHEETS and PUtow Cases—To be Sold privately. ?3 Two Pairs heavy Shoeta and four beautifully-MUed Pillow C:Ioses; perfectly new accent 2Zs 6d the lot; approval free.—Address H 752, Echo ONce. Cardiff. 752n ?ILVEU'ptated Al qu&iity SpooMS and Forks, 8-fcuinea ? ServiceforMd; I ? each table, dessert spoons, forks, stamped maker's Initials; unsolled; approva).—E..2, Cia.ylacds-roa.d. London. S.W. 606a rBIABLE Cutlery.—Four guinea bemoe for IZa 6d 12 JL Tabie, 12 Cheese Knives, Carvers, and Steel; white, pinned, batanoed handles: Sheffield make; unused approval. H., 55, Hfmdforth-road. Erixton, Surrey. 607n t??.LIGBLSTONE. The Popular Cardiff Pawnbroker, 22, Jt' Castle-road. CardiH. Graad selection of forfeited pledges. n 'C'MGEMTONE'S"for Lady's Gold Watches; largo .t' seteotiom from 25s each. warranted. LIGELSTONE'S. Castle-road.-Gent's Gold Jbever only 30s, cost 5 guineas. ?LIGELSTONE'S,'22 ct. Guinea Gold Wedding Rings. T?U&EIjSTONE'S, Castie-road.—IjMty'shandsome only 359 warranted five years. ?Li<?L8TdNE?8Uvet Lover W ateheit.eqTMM to new, TniLlGELSTONF'S'Lady?GoId Rings, Ss 6d. Ea? .tL marked Go!ct Eeeper Ring's, 3s 6d, HaH-ma.rked. 'Sj?GEMTONE?jufidy's?hsmdsom?SUver Watches, JU fn.ncy di?s. only 10s eaoh. wa.rraDted. HT'LlGELHTONH'S Lady's handsome Gold Albert, only j!' 2Ss, bargain worth doub!e. 'iLUJGELSTON?E'SGent's9c?Hali.marked GoM IFILIGELSTONE'S Lady's ISct. Gold 5-stone pnre white ajlLIQKrSTONE'M Gents?Gotd S)Rnet Rings. Hail- i J)L' marked, only 3s 6d 18ot. Goid Rings from 10s. 't?UGKIjMONE'S Gent's Silver Waltham Lever, eqQal t?MGELSTON? Ladies' GpldJbrooches.Hall.BMj-ked. -,ILIGELSTONE'S for Watebes.-Genst, silver Jf' Watches, 68; La. Silver Watches, 68. tD1LiGKL8TONE'S for Goid Aiberts.-Qents' Gold i' Alberts, from 25H Ladies' Gold Alberts, from 21s. TT?LIGELSTONE'S Men's Blue Serge Suits. 15s lid; i'Coats and Vests. 7s lid :?est value in CardiS. 'nLlGELSTONE'S Reat Welsh Flannel Shirts. 3s Iltd Jf Hea,l Welsh Drawers, Is 11? best value in Cardjft F- LIGELS'.fONE'S Wooden Clocks, 2s lid;Nickel j' Times. Is 6d Atarms, Is lUd. 1)?fjGELSTONI'S. 22, Caatl.road.—Highest prioea ftd ?' vanced on Gold and SUver Valmtbles at lowest interest- m -< COO Yards Pure Wool Vicuna, 3s 6d, cost 5s 6d to make J? Patterns from the Woollen Co. 556n ttO.OOMt. nrst-olass Dunnage Boards. DeaiaTscanttings, Bnssia.n and Dunnage M:<.ts. Ladders, Ac., cheap.— Sua.pland and Sona. East Dock, Cardiff. _923h C)ls 6d.-GenMetuen.for this price wo make a spiendia ? biaok Coat and Vest in serge or vicuna, stitched with silk and beautifully made. regular price 35s; pat- tern and particulars post free.—The Woollen Co., Bradford. 303u _isttUan.e.ous. A STROIjOGY.—Future business,moneyma.tteN, J'i. chants, legacies. mMriage. partner described, &o.; send birthtime, desenption, Is.—Leon, 6, Naytor's-row, Hull. 40 years' experience. gegQ A STROI?GY.—Ail Important Events in Life Foratotd A man-t?e. partner described, children, changes, journeys, I??acie?. &c_ send birth data, 12 stamps, and 'ASTROLOGY.—Every important event in your oareef A (except death) plainly foretold by LAdy Astrotogiat. Sond birth date, 12 stamps, stamped envaiope.—Celta, 24, Regent-street, Brighton. Strictly private. Imme- diate replies. _J?'L ??URE for Piles, perfect oure?tH.Ntmteed In most ? stubbon OMes post free 2s M. <s 6d.—La Trobe, Chemist. St. Michael's Hitl. Bristol.Mn W?ELLMONGERS.'&c.—Sk'?'Dreased for Tinpiate Jt' work. 3s M per dozetL—Z 9C9, Datiy News, Cardla. n 'CTN ATHER F B A T R B B 0 FEATHBRa FOR BJSBS. WIiy buy common shoddy Wool Beds when you can get Best ENGLISH FEATHERS at 6d per Ib, otwriage paid? Warranted dry and sweet. ]j'el\ot]lun Beds made to order. Send for samples Mtd peac liet to H HANDY AND CO FEATHER MERCHANTS. 16061 WELSHPOOL. NORTH WALE IMO .;Øtisullattt1TUs ««ants. BYSSINIAPump wanted on hire or purchMe.— ?]L Davies. 51, Castle-street, CaerphiUy. 829a ?W?????? ?P Wrappers wanted. 4d dozen alao ?.T.B.TradiTJK btamps. Id dozen.—Price.Hatter.Newport.n -I ILK.-Wanted, b7swa.tiseaCoaeo Publlc.house Co.. i?- ??"OhSdaUy from October 1.1899. to March 31. ISOO.—Adress, with price delivered, SeoretfU-y, 244. Htgh- street, Swansea. x8BSn SWANSEA and Nantgarw China wanted; high price ?? for good specimens.—Address Duncan, GionholnM, ?artb. _16759 1745 3Mn 'MT'ANTED bv respectable coupte. Baby to Nurse; weekiy payments.—B 83G, Echo. Cardiff. 856n t7? ANTED, Grocer's HantT Track muat be in pood t eoMUtion state price.—V 66, Echo, CtttdtC. 636n ?TANTED. Iron Spirat StatrcMe. about 14ft. M?.— vV Bttmgwanath Bros.. New-street. CtntHS. 457" ?t7A'NTED. Side-tip Contractors' WM?ona. ''?-S*?' Vt gauge: state capacity.-?. V. Perry. Neath. x923n agon5 a)t!) (ColliM J{tqnísitts. ?OR'm?me<;Uate'S&ieraboufi 60 tons of nearly new A' F.?Si,ee)R? <5H) P?'y?'????? chasers; completion of contraot.-AppiyPu?steyMid Co.,Princa-6t!-eet. Bdstol. '[JARKtSMTand Camm. Limited. Rotherham.neat JLJL ShefSeld, Builders of Railway Waggons for c&sn or on deferred payments, or on simple aire. Repairs and Maintenance Contractors, depots at all principal stations. Also makers of Bauway Wheeta.—AKCBts, Edmunds and Badiey. Cardln. l24S TtAILWAY WAGONS for Hire or Sale.CaaiTM- JH< defen-ed payments.—The Midiand Railway Car ria<:e and Wagon CotBpany. MmMed. Midland Works BirndnKbam. lØ82 ?WA? WAGONS. "T'? ???OMS KABTH WAGONS. SUPPLY CO.. WHEELS & AXLM. I, PEARSON-PLACE. DOCKS, STEELRAD.S. CARDIFF. PORTABLE BAII.WAYS. Telegrams- SLEEPEBS. "CETHING. CABDIHf.' Tetephone No. 45. Pest Oalce andNa-Monat. 1M6 w, lEt 0 2 B B TS. RAILWAY WAGON CONTBACTOB, M. RAILWAY-STREET. CARCtM'. New or Seooad-hand Wagons ot every description for oash. or upon redemption or simple Mre; also foammoe new or second-hand wa<;ons. 50. 10.TON WAGGONS FOB SALE; latest spectBea. tion English oak frames; nrst-class bniia. Atso 100 TO LET on simple hire for 12 months. 978 «00'15, &e. Tj?OB Sale cheap, t Foot-power Lathe for tarniNg -)L' meta! or wood, to take 2ft. 6in., with a)! ntttn?s. and a taM'e aseottmemt of toote; aU in thotough good and worMnt:<!oc<UttM? AlBO?Shed?or aMnB, bniit jtm aee- 885ft ?jrnomina.i; diHerent m&kes one 2 horse nominal.; aM repin.ciug by ]a.rf;er.— 912, EciM, Ca.rdUI. 912n )r OCOMOTlVUS.—New 1'tin. 4 a.nd 6-whee!ed Engines. JLJ early delivery second-hand 12in. 4-whee!, excellent ]22- '?/) INERAL Water Ma?hiiue.Bnrnett and Foster make. j-tJL Bottle Ra.ck. Stea.m Pa.n Water Motor, for Sate. cheat).—Aupiy W. Durose, Hewitt House, Westoa-super- Mare. 868n ALL CLASSES of MACHINERY. NEW and SECOND HAND. Cash or Hire-Purohase. Agents for South Wales and Monmouthshire, the NATIONAL GAS ENGINE, most reliable Engine on he Market. 'DDAEE and KNoWLES TDUMPS. ATLANTIC ENGINEERING WORKS 00. Show-room and Ofnces: SHAFTESBURY CHAMBERS SHAFTESB CRY-STREET, NEWPORT. MON. ——— 3M5 P-B.-Send for our Monthly Register, cost free. t???*??-? ?D OTHER ENGINES AND BOILEBS MORTAR MILLS. STONE BREAKERS. SAW MILL MACHINERY. AND ALL CLASSES SAW MILL MACHINERY. AND ALL CLASSES OF MACHINE TOOLS. ??BST STOCK IN THE KINGDOM. WILL LET ON HIRE. OR HIRE PUBCNASJB $N REASONABLE TERMS. PUMPS, VARIED SIZES. FOR LAND AND MARINE PURPOSES. DEPor FOR WORTHINGTON PUMPS. ?MACmNE?REoSsT??f'PER ?P?" ??D???S- 1174 NEWPORT. MON. Tt/TONEY.—If you require it quiok.cheap.and privately Jui.try the Ciu-Iton Bank.?td,. lO.Penarth-rd.Cardln.n H/rONEY Advimced from &5 to R500 on note of hand. Iti. or any other available seeurttv.—Appty to the aotoal lender. Sol Eamett, U, Dynevor-ptaee, Swansea. No ngents. x9M tt/) ORTGAGES.—S. Hern and Pertwee. St. Mary-street it-t. CardiS, Mortgage and Insurance Brokers, have numerous sums immediately avalla-Me for Freehotds Leaseholds, ReTersions. and Life Interests. 1049 .CZM.OMto Land by the Provincial Union BanHtmaum ?< of JE10 to £500, on Note of Hand atone, or on any other security, at a few notice to all olasses In any part of tha country; repayable byeasyinstatments; with and without aureticB; nodetay. Thie old-estab- tished Bank does the targeat bcainesft in the kingdom. Write or oati up<n the Manaeer. Mr Stanley Dowding, 1. WorMag.street.Cardifr. °? °_?9 9Mn rtlHE SWANSEA FINANCE CO.. LTD.. are prepared JL to make PRIVATE CASH ADVANCES from JE5 to LLWO at a few hours' notice to any respectaMe HouM- hoider upon Note of Hand alone. No Bondsmen or BiH of Sate required. Apply 16, Goat-street. Swansea.KM CASH ADVANCED by L SELINE. from JE5 and '? upw&rda. on persons! security, to aH olMses, repay- objeot. Apply nersonally or by letter. 9. GROVE-PLACE, SWANSEA. Private and conf-,dential as heretofore. NJB.— educed rate of charges. _1?38 rtlHE CHARIN& CROSS BANE (Estab. M?Q JL 28, Bedford-street. ChMinc-cross. tendon, W.C. Assets, JE512.475. LItbiHtiet. JE2C9.475. Reserve. JS3C3.000. Ijoans of J350 to JE5.000 made on any class of security. 24 per cent.interest auowed on current accounts. Deposits of ICIO and upwards received as under:— It per MB subject to 3 months' notice of with drawat 7? ? ? 12 ? Specia! terms for loneer periods. Interestjeaid qoar- Write or ca.11 for Prospectus. 116!5_A. WILLIAMS MMttger. ?Kto.EIb/MO LentPnv&teiy without bondsmen or note of banc1 alone, and at very interest. No lORn offioe fees or formalities and no preliminary charges whatever. Strictest privacy observed, a.ad honest :nd straightforward dealings gnars6nteed. Distanceno biect. Ltel)RyMents arrange(i to suit borrowers' ooit. venience. intending borrowers should write or callva before applYing e I sewhere, and may rely øn Imm. diat,e.%St,ention to their reqaireBaemta Apply E. MANN. 9Mn 3290 65. York-road, Montpeiler, Brtstot IT desife to LEND MONKY from E10 to ;E5.000, oa ONoers, rrofessionai CI&sses, 'J'rthdesmen, Hotel Proprietors. Agriculturists, and Househo'tdors en Note-of-H?nd alone; a.!so upou Fufniturc. Ftrrnhtt: Stock, &c., without removal. All commnnioa.tiona ooa. Bidercd STRICTLY CONBTDENTIAL. No Bomdamen. Sureties. Fees, or any )oau ontoe Formalities. Wonid wa.it ON Borrowers, if dMiMd. and MAKE ADVANCM !MMtEDIA'CELY. Wrtte or ott!. Mr J. NOTLET. Roseditte House (Private BeaMeact 274.1t5n__ Zetia.nd-ro&d. Bristol. NO PRELIMINARY FEES. TMTONEX PROMPTLY AND PBIVATELX and on BASX TERMS. THE LONDON AND BRISTOL MEBCANTtLE BANK. LIMITED (Bell.tereel under Companies Aets. 1862 to M9W, BALDWIN.8TREET. BRISTOL. LOANS PROMPTLY AND PRIVATELY MADK on Note-of Hand or on Life Insurance PoUcles, BeverBtons, Freehold and Leasehold Properttea. and Shares o< every desorlption. Principal may remain so ton<!M interest is p&id. No Bi!ls o fS&te taken. Written KHM- ttnteeaatoprtvaoyEivenlfManired. Nohea.vymtesof interest cba.r)!e<t. Fonns, giving all P&rUculars, FfM on appIlopMan to the MMi&ger. 3157 921n R. J. HEATH & SONS. t)IANOFORTES AND ORGANS JC BY ALL MAKERS. BOLE AGENTS FOR JOHN BROADWOOD AND SON8ANDJ.ANDr.SOHIEDMAYBN. REDUCEly INSTALMENTS AND SPECIAL DISCOUNTS. 18- Gs. PIANOFORTE. IRON-FRAME. 24 „ „ HENRY MODEL. 30 „ PARISIAN 38 II „ ASSOCIATION „ 45 „ „ QUEEN'S 55 M „ COLLARD 65 „ „ SCHIEDMAYER „ M „ „ BROADWOOD 95 „ „ HORIZONTAL GRAND. 150 „ „ BARLBSS „ Monthly iNBtaJmerta from Ms 6d upwards, by MTansement. 5* TO 6s IN THE je DISCOUNT FOR CASH. CMTUtSe P*M. GUARANTEED AND TUNED PRBE. Ch-a.Bd a.nd Upright Pianofortes by CoUtUMt, Bftma mead, Klrkha.m, Er&rd, Pleye!, Biniibner, Bechateia Stetnway, &o. ORGANS PROM 5ge.. lOM By Mason MtA Httmlin. Bell. Smith and OtheM. 51, QUEEN.STREET, CARDIBT-. 70, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. 31, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. MANUFACTORT: LONDON. 2< Nat. Telephone Cfu-din. 1.021: Pontypridd, 21. QUMMER R OLIDA YS. READERS OF THE QOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS Are informed that the Paper is on Sale early each momins at the foUowing Holiday Resorta :— ABERYSTWYTH. W H. SMITH and SON .Ratilwa.y BookstaIL D.'JENKINS, Mas. BM.?1. Nortb-para?e. EVAN8 BROS.17. Pier-street. W. JENKINS .Great DtM-kga,te-9treet and Bridge-stteet. BUILTH. MiMOWEN .?.?.?.?.?..?road?treet. H. LEWIS .Market HalL CLEVEDON. J.R.LOVEGROVE. Victoria Library. HiiH-d. J.B. LOVEGROVE .J4Brine-parade FERRYSIDE. A. GOLDSMITH.Newsagent. ILFRACOMBE. H. SANDERS fmd SON .Forstrest. TWIS8 and SON.The Library, HiglMfttoet. LLANDRINDOD WELLS. SMITH and SON .Railway BooketaN. ALFRED JONES ..??.?..Station-road. LLANWRTYD WELLS. TBLOS LEWIS .— Newaaeeat. LLANGAMMARCH WELLS. THOS. BOWEN Oace. LLANIDLOES. SMITH and SON ————Railway BookataU. Mr ROGER ————Newsagent. LLANSTEPHAN. J.DAVIBS. .Newsagent. MUMBLES. ? X??°??—————.?-?ew?ent. MtSOBMN .——— PnatfXHtft MME.JOHN _?7? "I?e?ageS' Mrs BOWELL.Newsagent. MINEHEAD. 8. COX .Bazaar and LibrtN'y,l,Pttdt-atmet. PORTHCAWL. D. RUTCECINSON Stationer. L. A. WILLIAMS Mrs THOMAS .L.—Newsagent. RHAYADER. W. BL SMITH & SON .RaHwa.y BookataU. MrsE. PRICE Newsagent 80UTHERNDOWN. J. VERITY .post omce. -7 TENBY. W. H. SMITH & SON .Railway DookstWL 0. FABLBY .46, High-street. F. BIEJjING _7 High-stMet. J. E. ARNBTT .Newsagent, Them.rMy WESTON-SUPER.MARE. SMITH A SON .RMlw&yBookstaU. J. MANNIN& cja.cemont <ceM Pim). W. LEVER .21. Bescnt-street. AU SHOPXNEPBRS VISITING CARDIFF will bt WNM. BEPAID for a VISIT <? the WAREHOUSB8 of T E. COMLEY AND SO The WeU Known Importers of FANCY GOODS AND TOYS, WHOLESALE MANCHESTER IVVABEHOUSD MEN. &o. The Largest and Best Seteoted Stock Outside London. Oldest EstiaMiahed Wholesate Dealers in C: NOTE ADDRESS 23, TMTOIRA TERRACE, CARDIFF. M3 .tUIW. ,J'