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.p- I Aftftresggs. jx^o o k s AAK C H E A P. WOtBOOKS BY STANDARD AUTHORS. BOUND IN CLOTH, at 5D EACH. BTYLOGRAPHIC PENS, 3/- each. 1400 BOOKS to choose from, 9d each. I FOUNTAIN PENS, from 1/- each to 21/ INK, 6d. BOTTLE for 4d. tl.tBuIœ for MIDGET, CARTE, and CABINETS all prices, from 6/6. ——— 1201 fllHE SCHOLASTIC TRADING CO. X. 51e 7, ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE. -+- CiUNG WHEN YOU ASK FOR TONIC £ ™O /"VWBRIDGE'S TONIC igga U T ONG mONIC TONIC K JLi JL TONIC LUNG BE SURE YOU GET IT. Starwn IT NEVER FAILS. TgNIC I Established 24 Years. TONIC HAVE YOU A COUGH ? T8NIC A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. TOglC HAVE YOU A COLD ? TONIC A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL T0NIQ REMOVE IT. TONIC Try it also for TONIC wrfoOMNG COUGH. TONIC #A_ A^ffkA. for BRONCHITIS, TONIC 1 f^CWSUMPTION and TONIC ° C&FLOTNZA. TONIC TONIC EmJo OWBRIDGE'S RMBROCATION, TONIC bDKO It is much safer, more effective. TONIC and less troublesome. TONIC ttUNGt ——— TONIC When in Bridlington last year TONIC LUNG I got a severe cold. The lady of the TONIC CiUNG house I was staying at recommended TONTf &ONO me to try your Lung Tonic. Since TONIC summer nor winter, for it does us TONTr ithen I would not be without it TONIC more good than the doctor's medi- TONIC ™n'v nf «Ve 'eco.nJmea<led it to TONIC W J>^v^h people, Who TONIC iTmsS^ TONIC r £ ansU*>d Grove, Round- TONIC hay, Leedt. T0NIC TONIC TONIC D TONIC Prepared by W. T. OWBRLDGE, TONIC Chemist, HuL Sold everywhere, In TONIC Bottles, at Is l*$d, 2s 9d, 4s 64, and TONIC jjUHO lis. 15711 1108 TONIC DR. BROWN'S COUGH BOTTLE, Is, 28 9d, and 4s 6d. Any size Free by Post for 3d extra SOLB MANUFACTURES— JESSE WILLIAMS, PARK HALL BUILDINGS, CAR D IFF. 1285—llle A MAGAZINE AND A NEWSPAPER FOR A pENNY. The brightest and biggest weekly journal issued nth Principality is The Cardiff Times a.nd gooth Waleá Weekly News," which contain 7 tong columns weekly, replete with the News of the Week, Serials, a.nd Special Articles. All tbo leading novelists o the day have contributed :0 Its columns a.nd a. new serial from the pen of Sir Walter Besant wi be commenced hortly. No trouble or expense is spared make the journal attractive, as will be seen from the following lis Of weekly features:— Three Serials, by Favourite Writers. A Complete Story. A Column of Queer Stories. Illustrated Fashions. The Household Garden and Field, with Hints on Poultry and Stock. Welsh Gleanings. Famous Welsh Regimentf Welsh Tit-Bits. Labour Topics, by Mabon, Mq-. Science a.nd Health, by Dr. Andrew Wilson F R.S.E Songs for th People. A Saturday Sermon Y Golofu Gymreig Wit and Humour <■ The World Over. The Open Council Children's Hour. AND ALL THE NEWS OF THE WEEK For all these features see the CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS. TWO EDITIONS WEEKLY. ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, My brother, who had Whooping Cough, found it the greatest relief."—E.M.D., The Eims, Faringdon. CURES COUGH. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HORE. t HOUND. The tnostcertaiu and speedy Remedy. g T O P S QOLD. I have tried it myself, and found im- mediate relief. Sale for children." Mrs BalliD, Editor, "Baby." 1022 NO NAME OINTMENT. This Ointment is confideDtia.11y recommended as an old, tried, and successful remedy for scurvy scrofula, glandular swellings, ringworm, old wounds, ulcerated legs, scald heads, blotches on the face and body, St. Anthony's fire, burns, chilblains, bruises, plies, fistula, rheumatism, bunions, <tc. It will soon heal up the most obstinate eruptions of the sUin of every kind. Please note the Trade Mark Label on each pot. o NAME PILLS. 1^1 For scrofula, scurvy, ulcerated legs, erysipelas, blotches on the face, eruptions on the body, piles, fistula, glandular swellings, «xc., &c. Thev may be taken by persons of either sex, are waj aU(j acting upon the secre- ttana area trSf valuable blood purifier, and S^be used ta conjunction with the No Name Ctotment in »U chemists. Price 7^d, iBlXd'and 23 9d eLh No family should be without tbem' SOLE PilOPRU^Oit:- T WHTTBHOubb, "^sSfefSS-J- !!ent.g w¡tnted in (.very (tI"uI"JC.. Tyr LANGLANDS & SONS' STEAMERS' REGULAB STEAM COMMUNICATION FORTNIGHTLY bktwef^N rAROIFF ABERDEEN, NEWCASTLE, HULL, and C^R Calling, -when inducement oue^, at S J-Ciddlesbrongh, or West Hurtlepo Jfor Freight. &c., apply to— E. C. DOWNING, 153 CONSULATE CHAMBEIIS,DOCKS, CARDIFt OOSTAL DELIVERY sou+H WALES°'DTILI NEWS beg^o S5UTH WALES DAILY NEWJ Postal Authorities twy sPecial concession of the Ffrst Edition Smyor^Utle^t0 Cardiff at 2.30 a.m. and s 45 the leaving residing within the limits of snbsenbers GLAMORGANSHIRE CARMALlTHK^smRw PEMBROKESHIRE CARDIGANSHIRE po" ™< £ EDITION Of the SOUTH WALES VTThe fnrvvarded (prepaid, to residents of the NEWS « f°l, u ot,her places within the Cardiff Jollovnng tiine forthe first morning delivery Postal Districtui Michaelstone-Je- St. Fagan's courtyralla Vedw Pencoed ninasPowis Castletown S Brides-sup.} radoxton MarshfieW Bt. Nicholas Penarth Pencoed F,I' ninasPowis Castletown S Brides-sup.} radoxton MarshfieW Bt. Nicholas Penarth Bonvilstone raerphilly Llandong Peterstone vedwas Liavane Iilandaff votradMynac' j Llanishen Kadyr vwllvpi^'t Whitchurch Morganstown Mellon's Tails Well Melingrtffith »; -{ Mably Tongwynlais Pentyrch | W'in'tTree'Bgd: St. Andrews. EnKiarid subscribers rec.-iT- London and West 01 publication their papers on tlie w11" PBB QXJAHTKB, POST-FREE 0 19 6 Pbb 1 19 0 Saint Mary-fieteet. Caraitt s.m. JIrery..uee 1;. C ISUSIIT £ SB Àbbrt.5st.fí. A For Affections of Throat and Lungs I cannot speak too highly of Scott's Emulsion, and shall recom- mend it whenever I can." I ALFRED HILLMAN. The many letters we are rceeiving daily from the thousands of people who are taking Scott's Emulsion reveal the strong hold which this great remedy has attained on the popular mind. Many of those who are benefited by Seott's Emulsion are kind enough write us, and b their co-operation we are enabled to show to the public just what this preparation has done to alleviate human suffering. Here is a case where a little boy suffered from complications of ailments affecting the throat and lungs. The father, in generously acknowledging the good which his son derived from Scott's Emulsion, writes as follows 32, Malthonse-lane, Washwood Heath, Saltley, Birmingham, November 12th, 1898. Dear Sirs,—It affords me much pleasure in informing you of the great benefits my little boy has derived from Scott's Emulsion. Some time ago be had a very serious illness, quite a complication-bronchitis, inflammation of the longs, and pleurisy. He kept his bed for nine weeks, and we quite thought he could not get better again, as he had been very delicate from birth, and was now a mere skeleton. The doctor advised us to give him Scott's Emulsion after each meal. This we did, and the wonderful im- pvoveiiioiii; i 11 "J; m in a she,d ttime quite gladdened the hearts of his father and mother. Sleepless nigh's were now a thing of the past, his appetite improved, and to-day he is a fine little fellow. I cannot speak too highly of Scott's Emul- siou, and shall .recommend it whenever I can. I remain, yours faithfully, (Signed) John Hillman." This great remedy, Scott's Emulsion, which did Mr Hillman's son so much good, is a com- bination of cod hver oil, hypophosphites and glycerine. These standard remedial agents are made into a perfect and palatable emulsion, which is sweet to the taste and easy of diges- tion. Scott's Emulsion is a standard specific for all affections of throat and lucga, and it gives strength and vitality to the human body when other remedies are of no avail. If the reader of these lines wishes to profit by the experience of others, he or she will procure a bottle of Scott's Emulsion and give this preparation n trial. You can obtain a sample of Scott's Emulsion by sending threepence to cover postage to Scott and Bowne, Limited, Mannfacturng Chemists, 95, Great Saffron-hill, London, E.C., aud men- tionmg this paper. All chemists sell Scott's Emulsion. 9 JNFLUENZA. JNFLUENZA. JNFLUENZA. <, JNFLUENZA. < GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS This preparation is unequalled as a Preventative. A few strong doses taken in time have often proved effectual in warding off attacks of this Malady, and always succeeds in allaying the symptoms while under its influence. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS Is a most valuable Tonic to those who have had an attack of In- fluenza, as i fortities the system, braces the nerves, and gives strength to those who are debili- ta.ted and weak. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS TESTIMONIAL. 18, Prescott-street, Off Clowes-street, WEST GORTOX, MANCHESTEE. DEAR Sm.-I beg to testify to the value of GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, and I think that vou can- not recommend them too well. About a fortnight since I left my work-I commenced my illness by feeling starved, and a nasty stinging and shooting pain in my head. A doctor was called in, and he said it was the Influenza, and I suffered for over a week with the pains in my head, and the doctor's medicine did me no good, till at last the mistress of this house (I am in lodgings here) fell ill with the same symptoms of illness, till her hus- band advised us to try a bottle of GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. He got a 1/li bottle, and I may tell you the first dose gave us re- lief. After this we got a 2/9 bottle, and now we are all right, and I am at my work now; and I have no doubt that if I had taken GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS at first I should have lost no work, and I owe my recovery to the beneficial virtues of your medicine; and I beg to tender you my sincere thanks for producing such a valuable medicine to suffering humanity. I shall reconmvud it to all my friends, as I camp, speak too highly of it, as it is wOlh its weight in gold. (Signed) JAMES SAGAR. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS Is the Best Remedv of the Age for Nervousness, Weakness, Chest Affections, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Liver Com- plaint, and Influenza. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. rp Sold everywhere in bottles, 2s 9d and 4s 6d each. Beware of imita- tions. See the name "Gwilym Evans" on label, stamp, and bottle. PROPRIETORS QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELIJY. SOUTH WALES. JNFLUENZA. JNFLUENZA. JNFLUENZA. INFLUENZA. FOR FINEST QUALITY SCOTCH POTATOES APPLY R. P. SYMONS, 15'e MOUN T6TUART-SQUARE CARDIFF. 9681 152e r |i KECARMAHTIEEN BILL-POSTING JL COMPANY BRIDGE-STKEE'I' CAI\MA"RT* Bill-posting AdvertiEbjfi: iu all ts Branches K 1 L,uulties Of Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan, s U** M. JAMSS, Manager. HAVE YOU I A BAD LEG ? WITH WOUNDS that discharge or otherwise, per- haps surrounded with inflammation and swollen. tha when you press your finger on the inflamed part it leaves an impression ? If so, under the skin you have poison that defies all the remedies you have tried which, if not extracted, you never can recover, but go on suffering till death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollen, the joints being ulcerated; the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured, or there may be wounds; the disease if | allowed to continue will deprive you of the power to walk. You may have attended various Hospitals and had medical advice, and been told your case is hope less, or advised to submit to amputation but do not j for I can cure you. I don't say perhaps, but I will. Because others have failed is no reason for not now i being cured. Send at once a Postal Order for 2s 6d to J. A. ALBERT, 73, FAHRINGDON-STREET, i LONDON, and you will receive a box of | GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT AND PILLS j which is a certain remedy for the cure of Bad Legs Housemaid's Knee, Ulcerated Joints, Carbuncles, Poisoned Hands, and Bunions. (Regd. Copyright. 15373—1242 joo Testimonials. 100 Testimonials. SAVE17.ME AND MONEY V | B USING THE v Bi*rBAaRB-0VF.s; ( Send for Catalogues to GEO R G E DAVIES, i BAKERS' ENGINEER, ABERGAVENNY. 1506 I All EIHOPKEEPU, RS VISITING CARDIFF will be WELL REPAID for a VISIT to the WAREHOUSES of J E £ jomley and j^0NS The Well Known Importers of FANCY GOODS AND TOYS, WHOLESALE MANCHESTER WAREHOUSE- MEN, &c. The Largest and Best Selected Stock Outside London. Oldest Established Wholesale Dealers in Cardiff NOTE ADDRESS: 23 M°mA'TERRACE' CARDIFF. 1289 CLOSE TO NEW INFIRMARY. 114e SHIPS I COAJJ JJ A S K E T S NAISH, jgRIDGE g T R B B T. 1210 49. I THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. Noft AOMMIN. I Amok& EPPS'S EB<a 3 8 GRATEFUL—COW PORTING. COCOA S BREAKFAST AND SUPPER. FURNITURE, We SUPPLY a Single ARTICLE or FURNISH APARTMENTS or HOUSES throughout on REDUCED EASY TERMS. Y,3 worth is 6d Weekly: f 16 2s 6d „ i ,CIO 4" I X20 6s < Larger amounts by arrangement. Monthly or i quarterly payments. Free delivery in private I vans. Liberal discounts to customers paying promptly. If you wish to sa,ve money, etc not buy until you see onr immense Stock. [ All Particulars Free. I j ONLY ADDRESS :— j LEWIS'S ANDREWS' BUILDINGS, QUEEN-STREET (Near Empire) i 1233-117 e CARDIFF. 1638 | THE | /CARDIFF rjll M E S AND ^OUTH^ALES^YEEKLYj^EWS Contains | A SENSATIONAL SERIAL STORY 1 ENTITLED IHBR DREADFUL SECRET.





