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RATES OF EXCHANGE ON LONDON LONDON, Monday Evening.—The following were the ra.tes of exchange on London to-day P&ns Cheques 25.32 Amst'rd'm.Cheqa'a 12.11X Berlin Cheques. 2C.45 Antw'p short 25.29 to 25.43 Do. Sda,ys'sight 20.42; St.P't'rs'bc.3mths93.75 Do. Sda,ys'sight 20.42; St.P't'rs'bc.3mths93.75 Berlin Cheques. 2C.45 Antw'p short 25.29 to 25.43 Do. Sda,ys'sight 20.42; St.P't'rs'bc.3mths93.75 Do. 5 months.20.25 Madrid, sight. 34.55 H?mborg. 3 months 20.24; Do. 5 months.00.00 Frankfort, short 20.43 Cn'stnt'n'pl'.3mthal09.37; Vienna,, sight.120.65 Ijisbon. 35? Vienna,, sight.120.65 Lisbon 353i AnmterdajB, short 12.0 1 Rome. S montha .27.09 KW8INXZK IOSNP,-BIMLTISIK ITfJ6KS. erj!<t 12.0 1.13 <.L. ÄI1 CeMolK G?sc?M'sZ?Mny' UOiUO?llOA? 110)! Bo. d?. Account 110? 110? 110? 110§ D«. 2? <te. 104; LoM.1 St<tck 110 Bt.nk of EBghmd Stock 359 Inftia 2? per Cent. 115? ?.. 3 do. J 1064 Metrepolittm Ccn. 3) p.c, 116; Be. "< 3 p.c. 112 lH<:i!).RareoPa.per3;p.c.! 621. Ins. CMmdia,n 4y.c.JM).Jly 109 I<t8.C.&9odHope4p.c.MH 114 I?s.N.ZeaJ&ndC')n.4p.c. 114; na.N<!vrS<nthW&les.Jll5! Iw.s.Tictari?4p.c.lM2-3-4'107; Ins.Soo.thAnstia.lia.n't?.c? 109 Ixa ?QeenslaRA4p.c. 109?x Iv-s. T,-ctoris 4 p.c. 1882-4-4; 1071 Ins.Soo.thAnstia.lia.n't?.c? 109 Ixa ?QeenslaRA4p.c. 109?x BRITISH RAlIjWAYW. Bright?nRa.Hwfty Ord. H7 Ke. Do Deferred 179 178, 178? 178? 17S Cttledama.nConsalida.ted. 150 'Be. Preferred Coa. Or4. 92 N?. Deferred Con. Ord. 53? 5?g 5?' Cha.thMnMidD?erOrcL.. 2')?? 20? 20?! 20 Bo. Arbitn. Preference 134?) No. Second Preferen.eej ICit Fnrnesa 75? Gla.ago?&S.WKtrQPreIOrA 82 Do. da. Oe! Ord sg .? Gre&t Eastern Ordina.ry. 120? &t.Xthn.Prefd.Con.Otd. 121 ?.. Defrd. Do. 5S? 53? 58 57? 57? ?o. A'a. 55 Qre?t Western. 167 167? Great Centra-lPref Ord. 65 Great Central Pref Ord 65 Bo. Deferred Ordinary. 21 214 MuUa.ndBa.rn?oy. 55? London Mid North-Wstm 193? 2M Lendona.nd8oath-Westrn 22 L*n. & Sth. Wstm. Defrd. 92 MetropoUtfuiConsoUdAted 126 r." Bo. L&nd Stock 91 Bo. District Ordhmry. 331 33} 32i¡. Do. Preferred 108 I. MidtMd Preferred Ord. 84? :? 8? So. Deferred Ord. Mj, 8? 8? North British Ofd. Pref. :9? Do. Ordinary Deferred. ?i 4? ? Ntrth-Ka.stern Ordinary. 17<: H?rth Sta?Gordahire H7 d Ntrth-Ka.stern Ordinary. 17<: H?rth Sta?Gordahire H7 South-Eastern Ordin'u'y. 150 &p. Deferred. 10S 1052 105? 105? TtSV?eAct 1&83. 75 .? AM-ER1CAN RAILWAYS] tLtchMon. 17i 17i' 17; .?7 ? Bo.Preference. 4? 47; ? Centra! FaciRc. 3? 32S 32: Chicago. Milwaukee 117? 117?, 117? 117§ 117? I Sen?erOrdinMy. 16? IS i5? Do.Preferred.?.. 6t 63? 1 ErieSha.rea.?. 14; M < Do.IstPreference. 36? < Uliaeis Centra.). 114i < Louis and NiMhvilte t?A! E5 64? 6? Miaa3Ttri,KanHa,9.& Texas 12?' 12? New York Cet.tra.1 122 .t New York Ontario 16; 1S? ISg Nor?elk Preference 563! 57 58? N-rth Pacific PiL ef 7'7I"" I 77f¡ FcnnsyIv&nia.Ordiaa.ry 61? Philt.delph4a, a,nd Reading 9S S? S? ?oathernRy.CommonStc]: 10?? 10? Do. Pre!arred. ?43 UBionPa.ciSc 39 3S! 38? Do. do. Preference 713 .). Wa.ba.sh Preference 22? 22? Be. General Mortgage. M? .). OTHER RAILWAYS. C?na.dia.n Pa.ciac. S7? 379 ?.ra-ndTrnnkOrdiBMy. 7? .7? ? Po.Gua-rMteed. 78? 7?i 7& E-o.FirstPreferenee. 69 S8S 68? Uo. Second Preference. ?7 45? 46! 46i Do. Third Preference. 216 214 21 Mexica.n Ordinary 19? Do. First Preference. 7H Do. Second Preference. 30 Lombards Ordinary Pi Mexican Cntl. 4 p.c. Bonds 63 69j: Be.Firstlncomc. IS BneBoaAyres&t. Southern 142 SuenoaAyresa,ndRosMi9 69? Ccntra.1 Argentine.S5'? —* FOREIGN STOCKS. ?recntine 188S. 91) .j Do. Fanding 90! 91 fo. 4; p.c. Sterling. 7i Do. Treasury. 70 .? — Ar?entimo Cedntaa A. 333 .< .< Do. Cedala.aB. ?! Do. CedulaaE. 39? BaenosAyresCedulaaI. 7i Do. J. 7? .? Bra.zilia.n.1889.?. 53 52? 63 Bulgarian 6 p.c. 188S. 96 ChiUau. 1886. 7'; — Do. 1892. M Chinese Silver Loan. Dti.i Do. 6 p.c. Gold. M7 ..? EgyptiMiUnined 107? .f 106? Do 3t per Cent. 103 Do State Domain 102 Do Dfura New 10!% French 4per Cent. Rentes! 103 103} Bo. 3 per Cent. Rentes 101? .t German 3 per C. 1891-2-3 03? .? areek.lMl.?. ? .= Dc. 1884 434 -? GnatemaIaExtema.lDebt 2<; Honduras. B! ? .? HungMian 4 p.c. Gold 191 Italian 5 per Cent. Rentes 94J 94: Mexican 6 per Cent. 934i ettoman Bank Shares. U5 12 Pera. Corp. Ordinary 2? Do. Preference. 0 Por??ae'3perCent'? 23? 23; ? 233 Rassiam 4 p.c. Con. 102t: 102 Spaniah 4 per Cent. 412 41fa 41 TnrMah.1894. 39 Be Ottoman Defence 103 Po. 2ndGronp -471 Bo. 3rdGronp. 27i ?. ?. 27t Bo. 4thGreap.?..?.. 22? .? Transvaal Loan 5 percent? 105 .? .? 10S UragTMy34perCent. 43: — INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL Arthur Guimnesa Ordinary 570 AUs"ppsOrdm?ry. 149 .? AtgIo-Americtm Te!. Ord. 65) — Do. do. Pret. 115 jEra.ted .?..? 13i Cc&ta Ordinary 73 72; Oensett Iran. 31 CnnMd Steamship, JMOpd. lOt Birect United States C?ble 1H BublinDistiUIers. I* E&stma.n'a. 2? EbbwVstleSt.&I'aCo 5; Hudson's Bay 20 LtaotypeDeIerred. 7jt ?. — Lipton Ordumry. 2S .? Nitrate Railway Ord 6: 69, 7i PeMs'SoapOrdinMy?- Ij .? .f.? PeBdnstdMA Orient? Pr? 147.? -? Ba. DeioBced..—?..? 237.4 .t Stttt Union Ordiaary. 1' .? .? '"? j Suez Caual A 144J.' .J s. "A G SOUTH AFRICAN MINES Aa?ela. 6? RMitjes. It .< Bama-to Consolidated. 1M Bechua.na.lfmdEx.?. ? ? Bena.nxa,?. ? BritiahSouthAfrica. 3 City a,nd Saturba.n New. 5?, 5; Con. Gold Fields. Del. 5h 5s Crownreef 1" 14ji Be Beera Diamonds 25i 263 26¡ 26 Ea.stRa.nd.?.? 5? 6 Ferreira.s .?.. 2? 25? Geelonf; .?.?. 2? 2g GeIdeniinisDeep. ? — GeIdeniinisDeep. 9 — HeDderson Trast, Est. B .-? Henry Nonrse 9s 9: Johannesbargcons. Invest li\ Ju'oilee 10 n Jnmpers.?.. ? ?s Knights. ? — KIerksdcrp ? La.ngl&a.gtie Estate.?. ?jn: Do. BtocHB. J Ma.ta.bele Gold Reels. 67.1 Modderfontein 6A Mozambique.?. ? ?. NewJagersfontein.— ? Nigel.?. ? ttce&na. Land .?. 23_? Pioneer. ? Priacess ? — Ra-odMines. ? Ra.ndfooteia. 21\ Reitfontein .?. ? Rhodesia. Exptera-tiou 5j 6a.lis.bnry ?.????.? ? 4 oheba, 1A Simmer a,nd Jack .£5 New 5fi i;.uth African Exploration 121, South African Gold Trust !A TM.MSTa.a.l Gold 1 Ii lM WeMmers 11¡ 12, 12t 'W.lhutcr 4 — AUSTRALIAN. Assecia-ted Gold Mine 5?, B?yley'sUnited. 2/9 Broken HiU Prop .?.. 2? Golden Horseshoe. Mg 14i 14 8rrea.tPoulder 2113 21 Kampten Plains & Ha.nna.n'sBiowBLhiIl. 7it n!<.naa.n'aGldEst..?2Shs ?, I?nheeNew. 6A ? Ka.lgutli 6)2, 6 Gte LaAy Loch 2/0 LtSLdyShettton 2 La,ke View Consols. 9? 9? 9? La.keViewSouth. ? La?.&WestAaatra.iiaExpr. Nsrth?lgurh. ? Noj.'ii.hcrnTen'itiory.27-32 Hill .2. 3 S'llS cf Gwalia. IHII — It South Ka_l-Ilxli Wostr&li.mMa.rketTrust.. 8/ 7/9 -VestAustrablia.nGoIdFields 1 West Aust. Jt. Stk. Trast 9/6 9/ We&twart.h 8? London GlobeFin&nce N'w 20/ 19/9 MISCELLANEO US. jSurmtt Ruby. — Coliu.abia Ca,pe Copper Mines. 4U <! 3/ô Ma,ssa"&ud Barry .?.. ? Mysore Gold 5. 5n Mysore Goidt'ields. 9-32 Mcntajia-a 8/$ 8;3 Mount Lyell 6i 6 eoregum Ordinary 3 Rio I'mto Copper 3ok kil 30 Th&rsis C?pj?c.' .Jt_ ,„„,„„ "°**??M??t'S9??f'.?S??Sa''SEBS'SS?.3'S<B?? LONDON MINING RXUilANGE fEXCHANGE TELEGBAPH CO.'S TELEGRAM.) YESTERDAY'S CLOSING PRICES. BRITISH MINES. Ba.saetb.FuHy pd. 6/C 8/0 Polberro. M ? CMNBrea.&Tin't2/6 2/6WeatKitty.6% 6? Dolcoa.th .16/0 17/0 Whea-1 Grenvllle 7% 7% Ea.5tPool&Aga.r..4? 5? Do. Kitty.10/0 12/S SOUTH AFRICAN MINES. Angelo .6? 6?Doipa?rdsVlei,N ? Apex Mines. 3? 3?M:ayConsolid'ted3? 3? B.mtjes(New).l? lAMeyer&Chadton4? 5 Baj-rett. 9/0 10/OModder'teiuNew6A 6? Bonanza. 4? 5 New Balfonteiu nf 1'e Buffelsdoorn 7/6 8/6 New Primrose 4? 4? City & Sab. (New 5? 5? Nigel 2? 2? Comet. 3? 3? Do. Deep 1?; 1? Con.Baliontein. 1% lio!\Nth ltandíonteinY- 1 Con. Deep Level.. 2% ? Nourse Deep. 5? 6? Crown Reef.?.M? It Hose Deep 7% & Do Deep.13? t4? Pioneer .?U Il?s Do Beers .263, 25'$ Porgea R'df'nt'll 1? 1? Drietfontein '']- ?Princess .?- 1? 1? Durb'n-Roodep't. 51i 6 Ra.ndfontein 2Y. 2 East Rand.5?í1 6 Ra.nd Minea .32% 33 Ferreira 25 577. Reitfontein New 1 1% Geldenhuis 7?, In. Robmaon(JE5Sh) 3 BY. Do. Deep 91i 10 Do. Deep 9% 10 Do. Maoin Beef.. ? RoodepoortDeep 2% 2 Glencaim.?.?.. 1% 1? Salisbury New.3? 4? George Goch A ? oheba, 1? 1? Ginaberg (New).. 3 3? Sunmer&Ja.ck. 5? 5?t GoIdSelda Deep.. — — Spes Bona New ? ? Henry Nonrae. 9?, 9? Sta.nhope .?. A A Heriot (New) 7 7?4 Steyn Est&te 1? 1? Ja,gersfontein_ 9% 9% Transvaal Gold Jubilee .10% 11? Mining Egta.te. 1? 1? Jumpers 5 5? Onit'd Boodp'rte 4 4? Do Deep 5 5? Va-nRynNew 2? 2? El'nlo'te n (Cntt.) 2% 2% Village Madnreet 7 77!á Knight 4? ?Vogelstrnis 1% 1% LaJisI?a.Kte 3 3?'e?Vemmer .11% 12), Do.BLockB.? ?WoIhQter.?..4% 4% Do. Deep 2? 2%! LAND AND EXPLORATION UUMfANlKS Atricn Explra?nl2 12?: Mata-bele Gold.. 6? 7 Anglo-French.2? 2?Moza.mbiqu&2 2? Beohu&na.l'ndEjE ? ?NewAfrica.n.?, 1? Ba.rna.to Consols. 1% l%0cea.na, Cons ? Char. B. S. Africa. 2? 3?) Orange Free St'te 2 2% Con.Gol'Rel'sDet 5j? 5&Pochefata:ooni 4/6 5/6 Exploru.tioa?Co.. 1? 1? Rhodesia. Dim 1? 1? G'ldTr'st&l'ves'j 4't 4% Do. Explot 5% 5? HendersouEst. ii tITa.ti Concessions 1 Joh&nuesbaEg Tra.nsv'lG'ldFI'da 1? Z Cous. Invest. 1? 1? United Ruodesia. ? ? Joha.nnesb'g\Va, ? l?WiUoughbyCons!? 1? Londona.udFa.ris A A Za-mbesiExpIo. ? Mash'ia.'dAsency 1:& lîà AUSTRALIAN AND INDIAN MINES Ata-ddiuDamp ? %¡Kalgurli South 1* 1* Asso. Gold NV. A. 5i,9 5;19 Lady Shenton 2 ya 27 Do Southern 5/6 6/0 La-be View Cons. 9? 9? BellevuePropa. ? Do.South.? H Boeder rerse- London & 'West vera,nce. 3? 4? Au.ExpIor. ? ? BiitishW&traH.a,Q 4 4 Do. & Gl'be Finl9/6 20/o Brookman'sB'Jd'r N Moant Lyell 6% 6% Broken Hill Ptop. 21% 27i. „ „ Do. North 2 2 Barbanks B Gitt.. lYs 134 Meant Morgan 5& 517, Cha,moionReef.4% 4Ya Mysore 5 5. Day Da.wn .U/S J2/6 „ Goldfields Y4 A „ r.C.?/6 4/0 „ Reef.2/5 2/9? G'dea Horse ShoeM ]4? „ West. 6/6 7/6 Golden Links Y. Wyna,a,d 6/0 7/0 Gr't Boulder,Neiv 20/6 21/6 Korth Boeder 1\ Do.Ma.in Bee'1? iMN'thernTer't'riea ? ? Ha.ina.ult 1?, 1? Nundydroog 3? ?, H?n?na Brown Ooregcun 3?a 3? HiU.7? 7? P):el.3%4 Do. Gold Estate ? ?PeaJk?HUl. 2? 3? Do.Oroya. 1 Wentworth. ?, ? D? Props. 4/9 5/3 W. A. Gold Fields 1 1? Iva.nhoe New. 6? 6? Do. Joint Stock 7/6 ?/6 KaIgnrU. 6,?, 6? Waihi Gold.?.. 4? 4% Do.North. á MISCELLANEOUS. Ana,conda, Copp'r 5? 5s,.Coromfmdel 2? 2?j[ Asha.nti G'ldn'ldsl7? '18?)MMon& Barry. 3? 3?i Do. 10s paidl6) 17WMountain Copper 4?s 5 Brilliant Block. 17,1 f¡¡iNamaqua Copper 3* 3% Do. St. George 3? 3? Rio Tinto .?0 M? Bnrma? Ruby 4/6 5/6) Prefs. 6 6? Ca.mpa.na.C'na'la 9/0 10/0 RothdBlock .20/0 2'/0 Ca.peCoppei:4% 5 Sti.Jno.DelBeyZo/O 27/0 Copi&po Zlli 2%1 *CaIl p&id. DAILY STOCK AND SHARE LIST SUPM'IED BY MESSRS THACKERAY & CO. <tock and Share Brokers, 5. Dock Chambers CMdtS RAILWAYS. Paid. Prices. Mock Barry Undivided.100 .260 26 100 Do. New, JEEOpm paid .50.15t 155 ;tock Do. 4 p.c. Preferred Ord.l00 .121 123 Do. Deferred Ordinary .100 .140 142 „ Brecon & Merthyr .100 9 10 Cardin4p.c.PTdOrd .100 .111 112 Great Western.100 .166? i67? London & North-Western .100 .199% 200 II Midland Pref. Cons. Ord.l00 84 84}i Do. Deferred Cona. OrdlOO 88 88% 10 PortTalbotRy.andDocks. 10 9 9 10 Rhon.&S.Bay Nos.1/42,165 10 5'4 6 3ck Rhymney .100 -.257 261 It Do. 4p.c.Preien-edOrdlOO.U8 121 Do. Deferred Ord 100.140 145 „ Taff Vale Divided Stock .100 75 7 PREFERENTIAL Stock Alex. Dk. <& By. 4* p.c A Pf.100 .124 126 Do. do. 4Mp.c.B.100.UO 112 Baj-ry By. 5 p.c. lat i'rei .100 .16S 168 Do. Con8olida.ted4p.c.l00 .135 135 Brecon & Mer. 1st Pref.1861 100 83 85 Do 2nd PreL 1862.100 47 52 Cumbrian. No. 1.4 p.c.100 66 70 Do No. 2,4 p.c.100 30 33 Grea.fi Western, 5 p.c.100 .178 180 10 Pott Thibet 4 p.c. 6 6% 7? 10 Rhon. & S. Bay 5 p.c. 1138,535 10 11% 11 10 Do. New 8 9% 9% Stock Rhymney'tp.c. Consold.l00 .130 133 „ Ta,a Vale 4 p.c. Consold .100.130 132xd GUARANTEED OR LEASED 50 Aberda,re 10 p.c. 50.265 170 Stock Qcea.t Western, 5 p.c. guar.100 .179 182 „ PenMtih 5 pc loo .178 181 Vale of Giamorgiui .JOO ..J20 125 ,KAILWAT AND OTHER DEBENTURES Stock Alex. Dock <& By. 4 p.c,100 .124 126x Baj-ry Bnilwa.y 3 p.e.100 .103 105 „ Brecon&MertihyrA4p.c.lOO .125 127 Do. B 4 p.c.100 .108 110 Cardiff Railway 3 p.c.100 .100 102 Cambrian A 4 p.c.100 .132 134 Do. B 4 p.c.JLOO .128 131 Do. C 4 p.c.100 .118 120 Do. D4p.c.non.cnm.lOO.M5 107 Great 'Western 4 do.100 .145 147 Midland 2? per cent.100 .93 95 Mid-Wales A 4? per cent.100 .132 135 Neath & Brecon 1st .JLOO .126 128 Do. A 1.100.115 118 Do. A 2.100 .63 68 Rhondda.<S:Sw'nsea,Bay4p.c.lOO .127 129 Rhymney 4 ditto.?.?..100 .141 143 TanVale5p.c.l00.104 107 Va!eofGla.morgaji3p.c..?.l00.102 104 BANKS. 50 Capita! and Counties.10 .33? 40? 60 London City <& Mdiand .12?. 52? 53? 10 London & Provincial .5 21 21 10 Do. New 5 207S 21 50 Lloyds Bank..— 8 31 32 50 Metro, of England & Wales 5 13% 13% 75 National Provincial .IOYa 5J 52 60 National Provincial .12 rA 59% t0 North <&Sonth Wales .10 J6 J6}3 GAS. 10 Aberdare 10 20)6 21% Stock Bristol 5 p.c.100 .126 127 CardiH A. 10 per cent.l00 .M3 2t3 Do. B S per cent.100 .19t 199 Do. C 7 per eent.?.?..l00 .170 175 Do. D 5 per cent_100 .125 127 Do.t?P.c.-Pref.Stock-.?.100.?122 124 II Newport A 10 per cent.100.238 243 Do. B 7% p.c Stk & ShslOO .177 182 Do. C 7 per cent.l00 .165 170 2'' Swansea 7% per cent 25 43 45 25 Do. 7 per cent. 25 .tO 42 GAS AND WATER M Bridgend .?.?.?. M M? M? 12 Pon?pool (Max. 10 p.c.) 1? 16 16? WATERWORKS. .25 Bristol.——— 25 62 ;ZQ Do.?.————.——-20.-J4'? 4? M Pontyphdd ICper ct. Oi-d- M. 22? 2? M ?Do. 7 p.c. do.10 .16 16M BREWERIES 10 Hancook 6 p.c. Prefd. Ordy. 10 13 13%xd 10 do. Deferred Ordinary 10 16 16xd 10 do. 6 p.c. ?< 10 15? 15?:d Stock do. 4 p.c. Deben. StocklOO .108 llOxd 10 Nells Ordinary 10 13 ISY2 10 do. 6 p.c. Pref 10 11 ll 10 Bhondda Valley 5 p.c. Pref. 10 10 11 Stock do. 4}i Deb. atocklOO .107 109 GOAL AND IRON 10 Albion Steam Colliery 10 11 11 100 Do. 5p.c.Deb..red.100.103 105 10 Cambrian Col 6 p.c. cMMt?/. 10 .10? 10?[ 100 Do. 4? P.c. Deb.MO .103 105 10 D.Davis&Sons .10. 83i 93i 10 Do. 6 p.c. cu Pref 10 .10 10}2 100 Do. 5 p.c. Deb., red.100 .102 104 100 Do. 5 p.c. B Db. (1906) 100 .102 104 23 Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron,&Coal 20 5" 5 5 Great Western Ordinary 5 4 4 5 Do. 10 p.c. cu .Prey. 5 9M 10 10 lnsoleaCy'm'rC't6p.ccuP/10. 9 10 100 Do. do. 5p.c.Debsl00.100 102 5 International Coal. 5 2 2 100 Lockets Colliery 5 p.c. Debs.100 99 100 100 Miller & Cory 5 p.c. Dobs.100 .100 102 62}jj Nantyglo&BlainaIronPref. 62*92 95xinstarr 10 Newport-Abercarn .— 10 6 7Y4xd 10 Do. Participating Pi,ef 10 8, 9xd 5 North's Na.viga.tion Colliery 5 27' 3 5 Do. Mp.c.caPret. 5 7? 7}? 100 Do. 6p.c.Deb.J.OO .?103 105 10 PenrikyberColUery. 10 4 4 10 Do. 5 to 73ip.c. Pref. 10 7 7 100 PoweUDnfh-yn&p.c.Deb..JOO .-106 107 100 Do 5 p.c. Deb.l00 .105 106 5 Bhymneylron 5 .27s6d28a6d 5 Do. New 2 credited 272.-178 6d 183 6d 100 Do. 5 p.c. Mort. Debs. 100 97 100 17 South Wales Colliery Ord 17 8 8xd 3 Do. 10 per cent. Pi-ef B 3 3% 4xd 3 Do. New .Pr< B. Ili. 1% 2xd 11 TredegtH-Iroa&ndCoa.lA.. 7YI. 2i 2} Stock Do. B 100 23 31 MISCELLANEOUS. 10 Barry Gracing Dock .10 .20 20xd, 10 Do. Newl8SM6pmpd 6 15 16xd 10 Do. 5 p.c. Preference. 10 11 lld 1 BanEvansfuid Co. Ord. 1.20s0d 21sxd (Sabjeot to Founders' Shares.) 1 Bland & Co. 1 ..J3a 6d 14s Od 10 Bl. and So. Wales Waggon 3 5, 5% 10 Bate Dry Dock 10 14 15y& 10 Cardiff Channel Dry Docks 10 10% 11 100 Do. do. 5 pc Deb. 100 .103 105 Stock Cardiff Corporation 3 p.c. 100 .114 116xd 5 Cardiff Empire 5 8% 9}jj 5 Do. 6 p.c. Pre!. 5 5 6 10 Cardiff Ice 10 11% 11% 5 C diff & Pen'rth Tramways 5 4}¿ 4% 50 Cardiff Junction Dry Dock 40 46 48 25 Cardiff Workman's Cotta-ge 25 40 42 1 English Crown Spelters 1 33s 348 20 Hill's Dry Dock 18 8 9 1C Mercantile Pontoon Ord. 10 17 18 10 Mordey Ca-rney 9 13 14 10 Do. do. 10 14 15 100 Do. 4* p.c. Deb. (1909) .1M .105 107 50 Moontstmart Dry Dk A & B 40 '77}- 78}5 Newpt. Water JE1 Annuities 26 27 Stock Park Hall 4 p.c. Deb Stk 100.100 102 50 Penarth Shipbuilding 50 27 29 10 Provincial ',rrc!.mwa.y;; 10. 6 6 10 Do. 6 per cent. Pref 10 13 14 10 Spillers & Bakers Ordinary 9 15 15%xd 1G Do. 6 p.c. Pref. 10 14 14? M SpUlers Nephews Biscuit Co 9 4? 5 1 Stranaghan& Stephens Stores 1 .lls0dl2s0d 1 Do. do. 6 p.c. Pref. 1 -16s Od 17s xd Stock Swansea Harbour 4 p,c. Stk.100 .112 114 10 Weaver and Co. Ord. 10 ll 12 10 Do. 6 p.c. Pref-. 10 10 11 100 West.Ma.i14 p.c.Dbl909/20 100 .105 107 10 Do. 5 p.c. cittn Pref. 10 10 10 Pf< when printed in Italics, indicates that the Shares are Preferential aa to Capital as well as Dividend. ,_„ H?nT< Bate rfused irom 3 to 4 p.c. 13th Oct. I'KM.














