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36usintss .AbÕrt55t.s. JJEN JJVANS & QQm LT.D, JpRINGXPAIj SHOW Of yjy INTER J1 ASH IONS AND OPENING OF QRAND JJAZAAR AND TOY F AIR, B. E. & Co., LTD., have the pleasure to announce thab THEY ARE NOW SHOWING 4 most atbractive selection of the very latest productions in Costumes, Mantles, Jackets, Capes, Millinery, Ladies' and Children's Outfitting, Dress Materials, Silks, Velvets. &c., and a Magnificent Stock of Reliable Sealskin Jackets, Capes, and Fur Goods. THE FANCY SHOPS include a charming variety of Laces and Made-up Lace Goods, Gloves, Ribbons, Hosiery, Trimmings, Art Needlework, Wools, Men's Mercery, Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, &c. THE BAZAAR AND TOY FAIR contains I thousands of Useful Articles and Novelties from every quarter of she Globe, and is located in the centre of the Premises, easily accessible from aU entrances. D. E. & Co., are also offarine an unprecedented Stock in the Household Lnen, Blanket, Flannel, Furnishing Drapery, Carpet, Furniture, Glass, China, Lamp and Ironmongery Departments, Visitors to the Establishment will end it SECOND to NONE in the Kingdom. having regard to the Chartett-r of the Stock, the Novelties iltJown, and the Excellence of the Value offered in all classesi of poods. The favour of a of inspection is anticipated, best attention bsmg at all time? assured, "glN JjJVANS & (;0.. L TD., SWANSEA. J M AttSU and COMPY., | UNnMBTAKFRS. ADULTS' FUNERALS 1st Class, with Ret. Glass-si do hoarse, er Victoria Car, Two 'Bf"!ql C'nacluv- ami Pxirs to Match, lin. Kim SIIPII, full iinpil, FIN*. Satin-Trimmed Robe, Tin. ontside O ik Coflin (polished) with B,t Brass furniture. I{i:lhora.ln Name Plate (engraved). Bearers, nn'l SeH-at tendance 1; 12 12 0 2nd Olas*. -M Ibove. Without Shell and Benrers 9 9 0 1st Class, Tin. RIm Polished Coffin, with Brass Furniture and Carriages and At- tendance Above 5 10 0 With imitation Brass Furniture (En. graved Plate) 6 0 0 2nd Class With Xhellibier and 4 4 0 OM.V AUDRK.'S- SO. S'r. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF. 13ó5 ¡ ()H ARLgS COLLIER'S M ACHINE-MADE C A K E SOLP BY GROCERS THROUGHOUT FOUTIT WALES. OBTAINED TIIF nIGHEST AWARD, SILVER MEDAL, LOXDOV EXHIBITIOy, 1304. {ctenrliuj: Cas.'oiuere should send for New Prise Lists and Samnl", Cakes. M A 0 TIT N F, BAKERY, I NEWPORT, MON. 6904 M. APT SIRS V Co ] MASTKRS & Co. MASTKRS ft Co. MKN'S MASTRRS & Co. IVTA«TFI!« Co MASTKRS & Co. MASTRRP Co. OVERCOATS MARTRRS & Co, MASTERS k Co. MASTWUS fr Co. MASTEi s ,V Co. from lfts lid to \f ASTVKS iV Co. MASTKPS k Co. MASTKRS Sr. Co. MASTKRS & Co. MASTERS & Co. MASTERS Co. YOUTHS' MAHTW*S & Co. MASTERS & Co. MASTICKS & Co. MASTERS ft Co. OVERCOATS MASTKRS ft Co. MASTERS ft. Co. r MARTURS ft Co. MASTERS *r Co. TO MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co MABTRRS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co. MAPTKHS ft Co. MASTERS CO. MAPTKHS ft Co. MASTKRS ft Co. noys MARTUR? k CO MASTKRS ft Co MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co. OVERCOATS MASTKRS ft. Co. MASTKRS A* Co C MASTORS&CO. MASTKRS ft Co ? MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co MASTBRS & Co. MASTKRS ft Co. BNTC WIN MASTWKS ft Co. MASTERS Sr. Co iNA.r MASTERS & Co. MASTERS & Co REEFERS, MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co. lid MASTERS ft Co. MASTKRS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co. MASTKRS ft Co. MASTERS ft; Co. MASTERS ft Co MASTKRS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co » «• A CTPRC: MASTKRS ft Co. MASTKRS Sr. Co. JVL MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co. AJJp MASTERS ft Co MASTERS ft Co. MASTKRS ft Co. MASTFHS ft Co >rkATX> a xr-e MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co F } 'MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS & Co 9Q (MASTERS ft Co. MASTKRS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co. ORP MAPT OT MASTKRS & Co. MASTERS ft Co MASTFRR ft. Co. MASTKRS ft (Jo. 0Q0 ■PTTTT? <JT MASTKRS ft Co. "NIA'tTRRl & CO MASTKRS ft. Co. NM MASTKHR ft Co MASTBRS & Co MASTERS ft Co MASTERS ft Co. (Corner of St. MASTERS ft Co, MASTKRS ft Co. John's-square), MASTERS ft. Co. MASTKRS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co ARDIFF. MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co VY MASTERS ft Co. MASTKRS ft Co. Also at MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS & Co. SWANSEA, MASTERS ft; Co. MASTERS ft Co MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS & Co. SWANSEA, MASTERS A. CO. MASTERS ft Co. NKWPORT, MASTBRS & Co. MASTERS ft Co. MKRTHYR, MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS °* Co. PONTYFRITIB, MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co. HKRKKOKD, MASTERS ft Co. MASTKRS ft Co. ABKROARK. 'MIkSTW.Rg kr CO. MASTERS ft Co. FONTYPOOT^ MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft Co. AEKI O.AVKNXT, MASTERS FT Co. MASTERS & Co. AEKI O.AVKNXT, MASTERS FT Co. MASTERS ft Co. AND MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS FT Co. LLAN-FT.T.Y. MASTERS ft Co. MASTERS ft CoJ 15<6-69« 'MASTERS & Co. ASKFOlt JOt E 7 N O L D S' CHOICE r, L O-U R, In soill bags, for the next U o M E S U P P L Y. Sold by aJI leading Stores and Provision Merchants in South Wales. Wholesale from J. RIiYNOLDS AND CO., ALBERT MtLLS. GLOUCESTER, ASK FOR REYNOLDS. 1596 gTONE g R O S Sons of I be late Aid. Gmns Augustus Stone), COMPY FTE F(TNERAI, FURNISHERS AND FUNERAL DIRECT RS. E»ery requisite for Funerals of all clauses. Proprietors of Funeral Cars, Hearses, 8bllh biers, and Coaches. Superb Flemish Horsea* Ac. Price List en Application. Ptea.se Note ihe (,i,ly Address:- I 5, WORK 1SG.STRBBT Telegraphic Address :— "STONK UltOS.. CARDIFF.' 6962 JPRYS ODGES I J £ IDNEYS PRICRS ON APPLICATION TO HENRY DENNY AND SONS, LIMITED, BACON CURERS. LIMERICK. QVICB: ROUTE TO WALES by which good4 can be delivered th day after killing. 6634 fllEETH.—Complete fcict, One Gui»ea. JL Five years' warranty. OoODHAit AMP Co., 10, tI and 56, Qnow-street, CardiS, 13041-1114 Iggaintss Mitesses. jg^OOD'S g A RJS A PARILLA Is carefully prepared by experienced chemista trom larsapanlla, mandrake, dock, pipsissewa juniper berries, and other well-known and valuabie v.g-table remedies. The combina- tion, proportion and process are peculiar to Rood s Sarapanlla. and known to no other mediciuc, thus giving it curative power not possessed by any other preparation. B. OOD'S SARSAPARILLA Creus scrofula, salt rheum, boils, pimples, all humors, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache, indigestion, general debility, catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver complaints. jJOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Cures that tired feeling by making pure, rich bio d, which carries vitality to all the organs of the body. It builds up the whole ( system. It creates an appetite, strengthens the nerves, and seems to make the whole man anew. JJOOD'S gARSAPARILLA Is Rold by chemists; 2s 9d and 4s 6d. Either size sent by post on receipt of price by C. I. Hood and Co., 31, tfnow Hill, London, E.C. TIOODIS PILLS are just riftrhto to take after dmnar. Prevent distress. Is 1 d. 6050a DULCIA CAKES I ALWAYS GOOD, DTTT „ Rich, Economical and ULCIA f^AKES Appetizing. D ULCIA i^AKES Bl "nil Retailed by all the 40 VARIETIES. Leading Grocers. WHOLESALE FROM THE DULCIA CAKE QO., PENARTH-ROAD, CARDIFF. 7061 rjpTo U T C H E R S Q ROSSLEY'S OTTO" GAS ENGINES, GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. NEW OR SFCOND-HAND ENGINES SUPPLIED, WTTH SAUSAGE MACHINES. FOR CASH oa ON HIRE PURCHASE. QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION SOUTH WALES OFFICE 22, MOUNTSTUAKT-SQUARE, CARDIFF. TELEGlUMS-" 0 no." CARDIFF 1099 G. A. STOJSE & CO., UNDERIAKERS. ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEARS. AT THE OLD AND ONLY ADDRrSg- 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET, CA flDIFF. UNDER THE MANAGEMENT QV Miss STONE, ass an Efficient Staff. Te egraphic A<ldre»NI— "Stons, 1 Working-street. CardiR.' ¡¡,qOR NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Contributions sent to the South Wales Daily News should be plainly written in ink, and invariably on "ntO "id of the paper. Wa desire to urge upon fir numerous correspondents the value of concise, ness and the desirability of curtailing the length of tlleir communications. It cannot bo too clearly understood that brief and pointed letters receive the first- attention. All communications intended for insertion must be authenticated by the name and address of t he write-, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. No notice will be tn.ken of anonymous letters. Rejected communi- cations will not. be returned.

Family Notices

















-----------LOCAL WILL SUIT.



