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| "—————————. t, From the Standard- A MODERN MIRACLE WORKER." that harl cures Dl- Bridgwater has made 5>08Dirala reatecl by otlier practitioners and aee f as, Wltb°!-tt avail. makes it a.ppear tbe tIuracles 113 not yeb over." DR. BRIDGWATER, THE EMINENT SPECIALIST, Of 20 Years' Practical Experience in NERVOUS AND 0HRONIO COMPLAINTS, May be Consulted Daily from 10 to 4 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m., at his Rooms, 18. CUSTOM jp| OUSE STREET, j QARDIFF (UPSTAIRS). CONSULTATION FREE. SPECIALITIES: j^Pepsia, Bilious and Liver Complaints, Heart -^eaae, Consumption (in early stages), Bron- tle« Asthma, Catarrh, Rheumatism (both acute "t1d chronic), Dropsy (abdominal, of the cbest,and Epilepsy or Falling Fits, Paralysis, jf^eral Debility. Nervous, Head, and Mind ^^Plaints, and Chronic Complaints. CtTRE GUARANTEED IN EVERY CASE UNDERTAKEN. if. THOSE MEN AND WOMEN „ ?' before their time, enfeebled in health, jjj in energy, debilitated in body, misan- les 0t hypochondriacal in mind, ambition- ju life, and who have become broken down in °«bitution, DR. BBIDGWATER'S treatment d CUlarly recommends itself. Avoiding, as it) Gee, the use of mineral drugs and poisons, it "faces the latest discoveries and benefits oon- on humanity by the rapid 6trides of Progress. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. following are a few of the many creditable hces Dr. Bridgwater has received From the Northern Argus. Dr. Bridgwater's reputation as a clever and practitioner is thoroughly established." From the Maclcay Herald. Dr Bridgwater is well and favourably known, the Press and the public are unanimous in ™?eir praise of his cures. His specialities are -Leases that other practitioners of medicine have to cure." From the Inverell Times. Dr. Bridgwater, who ha3 been practising in Inverell, Jeft for Bingera yesterday. The gentle- man is now no stranger in Inverell, where during "is first and more recent visit he was highly successful in the treatment of a number of impor- tant oases. We wish him success during his tour Ju. the west." From the Tamworth News. Dr Bridgwater has made a great name. This gentleman belongs to the ecloctic or modern lehool of medicine, and his method of treatment » highly efficacious." From the Auckland Herald. 25. Wellington-street, 4 Auckland. To the Editor- Sir,—Kindly allow me through the oolumns of your papur, and for the benefit of the suffering Portion of humanity, to publicly acknowledge and hal known the remarkable cure Dr. Bridgwater in my case. I had suffered for about 14 ni»hh W'kb lung disease, fits, loss of appetite, and with loss of flesh, loss of I J aBd distressing weakness. I had tried 10vera, doctors at different times, but without 4ne least benefit. A few months ago my health became so broken down that life seemed a burden to me. As no doctor had ever benefited me I despaired of ever getting well, when about six weeks ago I heard of Dr. Bridgwater, aud as a 18011\ resource applied to him, although I confess "Itb little hope of being cured. At that time I Was so Weak and low that I could .scarcely drag n: leg, after the other; in fact it seeraa to Wonta ,n!}Poss'ble that anyone could be bodv bat with the debilitated state of my breath- 8"ortne83 of breath, the difficulty of mental depression, lassitude, and X prostration I was then labouring under, aliVe ? bonder I am still living. Simply being Pre^owever, is not a description of me at the Ufcj. "• I am truly a new man. Pain, weak- en (j/ .Nervousness, and wanb of appetite are y dispelled. In one word, I am cured. eye 'de to Dr. Bridgwater, whom I shall inwio°lt upon as my greatest benefactor, •kin me 40 wr'te tbis testimony of his great aD(^ ability. No one can tell, nor can I ^ce"688* k°w grateful I for the good I have 'Ved.—I remain, sir, yours, &c\, ttr. GKORGB JONES, an^i*?ess—Thomas Chapman and Sons, Sydney Wellington. „ From the Palmerslon Times. j. Dr. Bridgwater's marvellous cures have •&»ed a profound sensation." „ From the Central Australian. g While the extensive studies, hospital ex- *i»nce, and high attainments of Dr. ridgwater recommend him to all, his well- ttested respectability in his profession gained for him the confidence of all classes of Ie community. His treatment of chronic and |Pp»ia,l afteotions has been phenomenally success- 111. II Nara/ndcra Argus. II Dr. Bridgwater is higu spoken of in hie Professional capacity." II D From the Mount Benger Mail. in hi. u a g.msleman ot great skill w HIS prof,asion » IT "Dr BriJ2m Narrabri Herald. lecturer on anaTa6er'eminent specialist and skilled in the tre^? a,)d Pbysio!oiP> 13 rheumatism, eatment of neural«uV nervous debility." la» llver complaints, and From the Dr Bridgwaler5xhUUin fihronMe- V obtained a liop." rePutation In his profes. From the WailcouriK n It cannot be said that Dr here a perfect stranger, J ^r'df<wafcAr comes effected in the diseases be has m^CUre3 ,^a8 are marvellous, and hav«» no|, Un speciality Ceded him. With the rpplltatíon ural.lY pr. OtagO and the Australian Colonies thcqUl,red In '"ST to consult him may do so with mtea^' ev«ry confi. Frnm tho Albury Border Posf. Dr. Bridgwater has be*u very success^ in treatment of several cases in Albury." „ From the Camden Titties. lor br. Bridgwater has earned a great reputation as a ourer of diseases that are supposed 10 be inourable." t«rr» From the Inverell Argus. notice the return to town of Dr. Talbot vi^'er. of eclectic renown. This gentleman ,ften J^vece'l some little time back,aud we have casfcgatKl baard of many difficult and chronio ^hich ^le'"lnK successfully to his treatment, dootor »e much to the crcdit of the worthy 11 j)r •?r.0.m the ArmidaZe Chronicle. 18 S his m •T'a'br introduction from "he coluin'^1* c°lIS c,,res <>avo already traversed -lUlStra)¥lncC of ,almoô paper in the an OloDles." DrPlBnritho and Adtenr, Times. tH«nervCnl^r s >" '-irnig d.seases of standing has d^plicated cases of lone M Kona abroad in tbe Colony." N-B.—The0 • • BMf be >nspectr^p°?'papers, with above extracts, *» any time. DR. RRIDGWATER. U.S.A., &c., 18. CUSr0Bl fjOUSE OTREET <UJ,STAIRS)| ° CARDIF9. ——— OALL OR WlUTB. ;SUsint5S Jlfrirrtssis* A TALE OF MERRY ENGLAND. f '< MISS BRA D D 0 N'B NEW S TOR Y IS NOW APPEABINU IN THE CARDIFF TIMES 'f" AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS. READ THE OPENING CHAPTERS OF "WHEN THE WORLD WAS YOUNGER," A TALE OF MERRY ENGLAND. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER IS THE I CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS. MOST NEWS! BEST FICTION! ■ ':¡: VARIED FEATURES! j SPECIAL ARTICLES. The following are some of the SPECIAL FEATURES which appear Weekly in its Columns. "ORKMEJS'S rjlOPICS. A Weekly Article, specially written for the Cardiff Times and South Wales WeeMy News by Mr WILLIAM ABRAHAM (MARON), on current Labour Questions and the Conditions of Labour in Great Britain. Read by thousands of Miners in the Rhondda. JJtlCTlON. WHEN THE WORLD WAS YOUNGER, By MISS BRADDON. NEW SERIES OF SHORT TALES, By VARIOUS AUTHORS. Y GGLOFN GYMREIG, By "DAFYDD MORGANWG.' The best Welsh Column published. Read by Welshmen the world over. WELSH GLEANINGS, Interesting Paragraphs of the doings and sayings of Welshmen in every part of the world. SONGS FOR THE PEOPLE. Andrew Fletcher of Salfcoun, in a letter to the Marquis of Montrose wrote :— I know a very wise man that believed that if a man were nfirmii-hcJ to make all the ballads he need not care who should make the laws of th? nation." Under this heading appear weekly Poems dealing with the life thn the sorrows of tbe People, culled from all sources. y BOOKS NEW AND OLD. deaU"g 'hS beSt "Mks •* within the gOSSIP OF THE DAY. Bright Tittle Tattle of doings and sayings in South Wales. OUR SATURDAY SERMON. A Pithy Homily weekly on life's duties, selected from the writings of the t: Great Ones of the Earth." Th{USICAL AND EISTEDDFODIO NOTES. Maelgwyn deals with all the more interesting Eisteddfodio and Musical matters of South Wales. GARDENING NOTES. A weekly column of interest to Amateur Gardeners. 0OUNTRY COLUMN. By An Expert." Illustrated. THE HOUSEHOLD. A collection of Recipes and Hints of value and interest to every housewife. A WOMAN'S LETTER TO WOMEN. A special illustrated article on Dress and the Toilet, written by a Lady Journalist. THE ORDER OF THE ROUND TABLE. The most interesting Children's Column published.—Conducted by Aunt Maggie Symington. WELSH TIT BITS, Neu Wreichion Oddiar yr Eingion. By Cadrawd. — yyiT AND HUMOUR. A column of selections from all sources. QUEER STORIES. Grave and Gay True and otherwise. FROM THE SOCIETY PAPERS. Interesting paragraphs of doings in the World of Fashion, WELSH ECHOES FROM LONDON. Political, Social, Literary; specially written by oar London Welsh Correspondent. "THE WORLD OVER.' Under this head appears the cream of the Foreign Intelligence of the Week. QAPITAL AND LABOUR." The Week's News in the Labour World. T n to these Special Features the CARDIFF TIMES and SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS contains rjIHE NEWS OF THE WEEK. TheLarsrest Brightest, and Best Weekly Journal Published in the Princi- pality. All the features of a Magazine and the News of a Great Weekly Newspaper. THE PEOPLE'S JOURNAL. 72 LONG COLUMNP or SPECIAL ARTICLES, FIRST-CLASS FICTION, JlNB thb WEEK'S NEWS FOR ONE PENNY. i i > ORDER FROM YOUR NEWSAGENT A COPY OF THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWfS. ONE PENNY WEEKLY. j Wottsilttzz :AbbrtSsl5. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Is the best possible Winter Medicine. It is admirably adapted for the preven- tion and cute of all winter ailments Especially should all whose occupations keep them indoors for a great part of the day protect themselves from the injury to health resulting from ivinds, cold and damp feet, ,u. to the weather. This can be easiiv done by taking a timely course of GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. "J THE BEST REMEDY FOR WEAKNESS. NERVOUSNESS., LOW SPIRITS. MELANCHOLY. LOSS OF APPETITE. INDIGESTION. BLOOD DISORDERS. CHEST AFFECTIONS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTER^ THE VEGETABLE TONIO FOR WEAKNESS. NJMtVOOSMESS. TESTIMONIAL 5. North-street, Ashton-In-Makerfield Lancashire, July 8th. Dear Sir,-Please send me a bottle of your Quiniue Bitters. I have taken two bottles, and already find great relief. I have suffered for over three years from Weakness and Nervousness accompanied by rising sensations in the head, Giddiness, and a Sick Stomach but have found great benefit since I commenced taking your Quinine Bitters T was told of tlie remedy by one of mv neighbours, whose wife had been ailing from the same complaint • buf- she is now as well as ever through taking your Quinine Bitters. ° Yours faithfully Mrs FAIRHUJIST. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC FOR INDIGESTION, SLEEPLESSNESS. TESTIMONIAL :— Harlech, July 19th. Gontlemen,-Ih*,tve suffered for Komeyears from. Indigestion and its painful effects, riz.Pain inthe head, toothache, sleep. lessness, and frightful dreams. I spent much on doctors and various remedies, but all in vain.5But at last I gotfridjof all these pains and troubles by taking a 48 6d bottle of Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters, and now I enjoy excellent health, refreshing sleep and good spirits. I can recommend this remedy to all who suffer from such pains. Yours truly, E. G. JONES (Police Constable). GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC FOR BRONCHITIS, PALPITATION. TESTIMONIAL. Courtia, Abor, near Bangor Dear Sir,-I have suffered fromiBronchitis June 21st. for years, and each succeeding attack has been worse than the former one. I have tried several doctors and patent medi- cines, but have had nothing to compare with GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. I have also suffered from Palpitation of the Heart, of which I am now cnred, I am now using the sixth bottle. I know several persons who have been cured of various complaints by using j our Bitter, I remain, &c., DD. ROBERTS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC Sold in 2s 9d and 4s 6d Bottles. Samples Is 11/2,1 sjao See the name "Gwimi EVANS" on St&aip ~Lah«i and Bottle. This is important, as there are numerou; imitations. Sole Proprietors: QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES.










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