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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. MMJTH WUES DAILY 14 THREE SIX .» WORDS. OKCB. TIMES TIMES 20 Words 0 6 10 1 6 I I 50 Words 0 9 1 6 2 3 TI>IKS IN '• NEWS 50 Words 1 0 2 0 3 0. -ECHO." Each extra » Words 10 Words! 0 3 0 6 0 9 2/" >30 Words QIQ. ~Z~ZZ THRTK six WORDS. OSCT. TIMES. TIMES. WORDS. OSCT. TIMES. TIMES. I 40 Words 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 5/- ■ ISach Ex(n 50 Words 0 9 10 16 lOWord* 1/- JO Words 16 1 6 2 3 ,0 Wordsl 13 2 6 3 9 50 Wordsj 16 5 0 4 6 50 Wordsj 16 1 0 4 6 These charges apply only to thet-lassegafadver- t specified below, and ctre strictly confined to those toktch are ordered for eonaecuiive insertion, !Inti paid for previous to insertion; if either oj these conditions is not complied toith, the Advertise- %ent be charged bit the Bwtvness Scale Apartments. Situations Vacant or Wanted, To If let or Sold, Lost Found, and Miscellaneous Wants. Notices nf Births, ilamages, mi Deaths, Is each, if iat exceeding to vmrds, eadM for each additional 10 1J000d: TtrsvttaL CONSIDERABLE advantage will accrue to John Rowland*. Joiner, of Packet-read, Menai Bridge, Dy communicating with hi* friends aft home. Anyone raving information as to whereabouts of abdve-named will be rewarded. 599 IP you intend changing vour residence, apply to Worn! Bros.. Limited, Furniture Removersland West Wharf, Cardiff. Estimate free. 79* lVmOKF. Archer'# "Golden Returns' Swertast Tobacco manufactured. *5 THOSE With SkatingQiiarters to Let wire at once to us. We will advertise same.—Perkins Bros. ami Co., Car-liff. 664 .41' .J-: iEairhmmta: ATHIMONYr—Lady (orphan), living in niral itt tlistrict, hatinff freehold land and household -roperty; also 85,000.—Address Miss Huntington, Advertiser Office, Bristol. ^*9 Jltnsual. 4 PPLICANTS sending replies to i\ addressed to initials or fictitious names, at this ,ty,ce, are requested not to send original testimonials tirh their applications, but to enclose copies of <i«tiwoiiials rtnly BANDSMEN requiring good new OT second-hand Brass Instruments—soprano comets, fugal horn, saxhorns, baritone trombones, euphoniums, bona bar- ions, and drums, send, stating wants, Turtle, Maker .nil General Repairer, Ardwick, Manchester. 599 MISS AstleT after 12 very successful years in Cardiff, jjjt has much vleiumre in announcing that she oon. (inues giving l/esson* on the Pianoforte and Singing "qarlb visited twice weekly.— Lessons given at the evidences of pupils, or at 10, Fitzalan-place. Newport- road, Cardiff, close to Tag Vale and Rhymney Stations, farm* moderate. 1224 Mil W. H. Higgins, Organist and Choirmaster of l St. German's, Roath, will re-commence his iessons on Monday, January 15th.—For terms. Ac., ippiy 38. Stacey-road, Cardiff. '01 OATH Music Academy, 63, Newport-road, Car. difiP. Established 15 years.—Organ. Pianoforte. Violin, Singing, and Theoretical Knowledge efficiently Taught* Next term commences Jan. 8th.—C. O. Thatcher, I.S. 'VT. 28^ OUNG Lady (Certificated) has Vacancies for few Pupils for Pianoforte. Terms moderate.—Apply W^Jlonnt^ituart-^qnare^lJockSj^CardiS^jTa^ f&ibuaL A VIES Bros., Chemists. 73, Oxford-street, Sw an- «ea, require an Apprentice every facility for inquiring a thorough knowledge of th bin. 367a (gfturgthmal. 4 PPLICANTS sending replies to Advertisements JV addressed to initials or fictitious names, at this office, are requested not to send original testimonial* with their applications, bat to enclose copies of tmtfm**Ms only ILIBENCH, Spanish, Italian, German. Private C Tuition. Classes. Special Classes for Commercial Correspondence an-I Conversation. Candidates pre. ;%red for the Medic,%I, Law Civil Serviee, Excise and C'tstoms Examinations Scholarships through the t Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Shorthand.—Mr W Haines. 25. Parfc-Streefc. Cardiff. 573 HORTHAND (Pitman's), IfrenTftg Classes.—PnpUa tawglvt. and qnaliSed for appointiseiits by an axpfTienced tntor, oraHy or by post: individual tuition, every QT £ p|ng from 7.. Corre^ondingjind re- porting styles, ahcl speed eiasses.—Apply Principal, §1, D« Burgh-street), Riverside, Cardiff. HORTHAND (Pitman's) taoght rapidly by o correspondence gratia, in cnmtler to advertise a new abothod. Proficiency guaranteed in a month failure impossible particulars free.—Professor Hennah, 30, Gowrie-road, Wandsworth, London. 661 WANTED, a Mistress for the Infants" Depart- VV ment of Pemarth National School, Salary £65. To outer on duties March lat. -Appb Rector, Penartb. Cardiff 3698 WANTED, Two Puwils in high.class Scho-.l. English, French, piano, violin, painting, drawing, leather work S26 yearly.-Pansy, "Daily ,News," Carws. ymly. -Pansy. 330 ffflst ani Younb. CtOTJND, Scotch Collie Dog. Owner ean have same I; by defraying expenses if noi claimed in three days will be sold.-Har.-rearee, Park-street, Brynam. ILS.O. OS' Re ward.—Los t in Upper Swansea Valley, aBlaci jj and Tan Toy Terrier Dog answers to the name of :Nell." The above reward will be paid to anyone returning the same to Sergt. Johns, Ystrad^nlais1__ Botmstir ^grtrgnts. 4 PPLICANTS sending replies to Advertisements j\ addres^d to initials or flctitions names, at this office, are requested not to send original testimonial* with their applimMw", bob to enclose copies of testi- monials only. COÓK.- Wanted, by 6th January, good plain Cook, who understands baking and butter- making,—Mrs Langley, Peterston-anper-Ely, Cardiff. G- ENERAL Servant required for private boose good wages given.—Apply 15. Pnke at., Cardiff. iTYRNERAI. Servant wanted; early riser; good »T plain cook: no baking or washing.—Apply, with references, Mrs Newell, College, Porthcawl. 470 MEKtHYR General HospitaL—Wanted, imme- jliately, a good Laundress. —Apply, with full particulars, the Matron, General Hospital, Merthyr Tydfil. ^8_ ANTED, a good Working Housekeeper, nofc itnder 30.—Apply £ Meredith and Sons, grocer*, Tonypandy. 7a WANTED, a good General Servant for one of our branch shops, in three weeks' time.—Apply, gming full partAclUrs, to W. Pegler and Son, Ponty- pool. \1&T ANTED, Cook, 25 to 3a—Mrs Williams, The diff TAnarTand, Mumbles, near Swansea. 567fr ANTED» a General Servant; able to wash.— Apply to Mrs Lewis, Prince of Wales Inn, Ebbw Vale. 564 ANTED, General Servant, ean do plain eookinj*; W must produce good references.—Davies, Victoria Hotel, Fern dale. 587 ANTED by Jan. 23rd, a good, trustworthy Children's Maid, for three children good leedlewoman well recommended.—G., 17, Oakfleld- road, Clifton. 446 WANTED, Immediately, strong, dean Girl (ftom country); fond of children.-Apply persomOly Caledonian Hotel, Elm-street, Boatb, Cardig. 38» WASTED, a General Servant; other servants Kept.-Apply 11, Park-place, Cardiff. 464 ANTED iraraediately, a good Cook.—Apply, slating age, wages, references, and all parti- culars, to Mrs Kirkhousev Brynbedw, Tylorstown, Pontypidd. WANTED, steady, dean, active Girf, able to wait at table. — Apply 8, Herbert-terrace, Penarth. WANTEDTServant, about 15 or 16, to sleep home. —Apply 29, Neville-street, Canton, Cardiff. 325 ANTED! domesticated Mother's Help for young W children; also General Servant, about 18.— Mrs Evans, 31, Bridge-street, Newport, Mon. 3693 "W"*T AN rED at once. General Servant, about IS or Y 16 years of age.—Mrs G. Phillips, Baby Cwtage, BiaaMioo^ Vm. 14i » ^Irr AirrED, a Working Housekeepwc; wages £ 15 VV to £ 18.—Apply Jones, Brackland House, Tyficca, Pontypridd. 36C4 "MTBT I IQIfi f I—General Servant, able to waurii ▼ Y required.—Apply M» Joues, Qelli4«^ SttuatiønS Itacant. 4 PPLICANTS sending replies to Advertisements J\ addressed to initials or fictitious names, at this are requested not to send original testimonials nltM heir application*, bat So enclose copies 01 tftti. ttoniats only. A"" md Salary weekly offered for spare time to either sex everywhere. Work can be dons MMaings. — Anply, with addressed envelope^ to WaUsr, 78v Pkiyhonse-yard, Qneen Victoria-street, London. 271 (jn VKrYoung Man out of employment, between A 18 and 25, should apply to Recruiting Offlctsr. Cardiff Barracks, or to any Sergeant Instructor ot Volnnfeeens, for all informaio. A pamphlet on Advantages of the Army ean be had free at any » Post-office. Weekly pocket money. 3s to 4s 8d. 1278 BOOT Trade.—^Wasted, a Machiniat en nail work.— AnplyT- Smith. (Tydach, Swansea Vallsy. 688 TPfc UtoHERS. — Wanted, resectable Young Man IS who can slaughter well and wilHngto make Mtn- self generally aseful— Apply E. Manud, Brecon. 397 /SARniFF Unioa Workhoase. — Wanted, Femalo Labour Superintendent, single or without eeenm. Labour Superintendent, single or without encom> nStoee. ass 25 to 36 salary, £ 18 a year, rising by £ 1 annually to £ 22, witii board, lodging. waehi»g, an4 uniform. Also, Matron's Assistant, single or without ewmnbrance, age 25 to 35; salary, BMa yetr. rising Iff £ 1 awmaDy to £ 20, with board, lodging, washing, and uniform.—Information as to duties and forms of implication may be obtained from the Master at ths Workhouse. Ml16 €OLLTERY Officials and Miners.—Lessons by post; the surest road to promotion; syllabus, Id stamp. —jl. A. Southern, M.E., late H.M. Inspector of Mines ihe Universal Mining School, Derby. 1481 litfMALB Attendants wanted at the Glamorgan F County Asylum, Bridgend. Must be tall and strong, and of fair education. Wages begin at £ 16, with board, lodging, washing, and uniform after pro- feation.—Apply, with fall particulars and testunonials, to tfie Medical Superintendent. 3630 GMCER' Rsnliers.- Wllnted iramediately.astmay X-T young Man, indoors; Welsh state full particu- le r4.- Apply Samuels, Grocer, Pontypridd. 390 X SltlOOM w nted "smart, active able to drive two \JT or three hoi ses good wages to good man pre- ference given to man knowing district.—Apply, with references, to W. Harper, Belle Vue Hotel, Briery Hill, Ebbw Vale, Mon. 147 XNTELLTGENT Yonng Men (aged 16 to 25) and JL Yoting Indies (aged 15 to 20), who can study for » few months in their own homes, to prepare by corrss- poudence for Situations nnder Government, with com- mencing salaries ranging to £1, promotion and pension.—Write Secretary, Civil Service Examination Agency. Dulwich, London. 307 EN under 25 seeking employment should apply to Recruiting Officer, Cardiff Barracks, or to Any Sergeant-Instructor of Volunteers, or for pamphlet "Advantages of the Army," free at any Post-office good pay, free kit, liberal diet, and hours of recrea- tiovi weekly poeket money from 3s to 48 6d. 1278 PORK Butcher.—Wanted, a thoroughly experienced Man for the pork trade must understand curing and omall goods.—Apply Dan Davies, Cattle Dealer, Merthyr. 620 RINTER,R. -.Jobbing Compositor wanted at once JL for a few weekL-Apply J. Swarbrick, Printer, ite., Tredegar. 675 TO Bakers.—Wanted immediately, a good and sober Workman also a man for delivery stats lowest wages indoors.—G. Morgan, Grocer, Morris- ton, Swansea. TO Bakers.—A good Plain Baker wanted nfc the Glamorgan County Asylum, Pare Gwylt, Brid< geiul. Wage 30s a week. Age not to exceed 35.— Apply, with characters and full particulars, to Medical Superintendent. Angelton, Bridgend. 3681 mo Butchors.—Wanted, a Man to slaughter a little, 1 and as».3t in shop must be able to do small things.—Anply Jones, Batcher, Commercial-streot, Aberdxxe. 396 rpo Butchers.—Wanted at once, steady Young Man X to slaughter, help in shop, make himself gener- ally useful.—Apply, stating ago and wages (indoors), W. M. Bowen, Butcher, Woodfleld-street, Morriston, Swansfea. 472 TO Hairdressers.—Wanted immediately, a good Hand at Haircutting and Shaving; sober man.— I Apply E. Davies, Post Office, Britannia, Porth. 727 W ANTED, Working Farm Bailiff (farm 27 acres) wife good laundress. Salary 25s, house and wa.J.-Applr. stating full particulars as to age and references, to W. Peg)er and Son, Pontyped. WANTED, a first-rate Pattern Maker.—Apply, stating age, experience, and wages required, to The Waddle Patent Fan and Engineering Co.. Llanelly. ANTED. thoroughly competent Black-plate T Y Weigher for Tin-plate Mills also Shearer.— Apply, with testimonials, to Severn Tin-plate Co., Limited, near Chepstow. 731 ANTED, tirst-clam Brickburner, used to con- W tinuous firing chamber kilns as well as down dra.ft.-Apply, with references, G. B. 3665, Daily News." Cardiff. 3665 X/CTANTED, Gardener, about 30, married, no T y family. Experienced in vines, tomatoes, meuons, flower kitchen gardens, fernery, greenhouse, etc.—State wages, etc., St. Lawrence, Chepatow. 583 W- ANTED, for the Tin-plate Works, thre* mills, thorough competent Pickler black and white (ilillbrook machine). -Apply Z., Daily News" Office, .Swansea. 365? WANTED, for a Tin Works in Italy, a first-class Roll Torner.—Apply, with references. Box 69, Swansea. 3668 «2 Weekly Upward may be realised by persona of either sex, without hindrance to present occupa- tion.—For samples (returnable), &e., enclose addressed envelope to Evans, Watts & Co. (P. 137), Merchants, Birmingham. This is genuine. 936 £ 50 a Month can be made with £ 10.—Address" H. 3, 82. Coleman-street. f.ondon. E.C. 102 bøp Assistants. tr-vzl PPLICANTS sending replies to Advertisements addressed to initiaLs or fictitious names, at this office, are requested not to send original testimonials with their applications.but to enclose copies of testi- monials only. A PPRENTICE.—Edwin Hampton, Limited, Manu- _J\_ facturirig Ironmongers, have a Vacancy for a well-educated Youth exceptional opportunities, for acquiring a thorough knowledge of the trade.-lubal- Cam Works and Stores, Abergavenny. 3688 A good experienced Milliner (able to serve through when required) wanted by 17th instant.—Apply Thomas, Victoria House, Newbridge. Mon. St& DRAPERY.—Wanted immediately, a good pushing hand must be steady. Personal application preferred.—W. Ll. Davies, Aberdare. DRAPERY.-Wanted, immediately, good stylish Milliner; must be experienced, and able to servo occasionally; Well'h.-Apply, with full particulars, D. B. Morgan and Co., Llanelly. ■TV RAPERY.—Wanted, an Exnetienced Young I 9 Lady to serve; mast speak Welsh.—Apply Thomas Yorath, Draper, Swansea. 3629 D^RAPKRY.—Wanted immediately, good pushing 1 hand for General Drapery; good window, drefser Welsh.—Apoly. stating full particulars, C. M. Williams, Aberystwyth. 198 ROCERY.—Wanted, respectable Young Man as JT Improver, willing to deliver and assist behind counter. State salary, with fuU particulars. B. Richards, Pontre Yetrad. GROCERY and Provision Trade. — Wanted, an Assistant and Improver most know W elsh.— Apply to William Jones, Grocer, Ynysmudw, Swansea. /GROCERY.—Apprentice or Improver wanted,in- It doors no premium.—Apply J. Williams, Grocer, 120/ Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. 595 ROCEftY.—Wanted, a young Man to drive out and assist behind the counter state salary.—C. Davie* and Company, Nantyglo. 566 ROCERY and Provision Trade.—Wanted, an 1" Apprentice mnst know Welsh.—Apply Wm. Harris, lit, High-street, Merthyr. 565 ROCERY and Provision*.—Wanted, a good Hand for Cardigan.—Apply Bowen Bros., Cardi- gan or Pontypridd. 3643 ROCERY.—Young Man, about 18 years, wanted to \JC drive pony ana trap, and assist generally.— Address Provisions. Daily News" Office, Swansea. LEWIS Lewis and Co., Swansea, have a Vacancy for a Young Man for Clothing Department; Welsh. 3654 ILLINEEL-Wanted, an experienced Milliner M able to serve.—Apply, with reference, stating salary required, to Mrs McIntosh. Arcade, Pontyprtdd. MILLINERY.—Wanted, sui experienced Milliner Welsh.—Apply, stating full particulars, William Draper, Maesteg: 515 UlTrMNG.-Wanteil, a good steady Young 0 Man, of four or five years' experience. -Williams and Company. Drapers and Clothiers. Trsorky. 750 ROVISIONS.-Wanted, a Man for Butter Counter; must be a good window dresser, us d to the block.- Apply, stating experience and salary required, to A. Z. 644, care of "South Wales Daily News." Cardiff. 644 WANTED immediately, Stylish Milliner, to take own orders se*"ve in showroom when required. —Apply Lewis Jones, Draper, Blackwood, Newport, Mon.- 654 ANTED, smart Milliner able to serve.—Apply Jones and Co., Carlisle-street, Cardiff. 5o9 ANTED Immediately, Young Man for the T V Drapery also good Junior for the Outfitting. —Apply, stating particulars, to James Jones and Co., Tonypandy. 356 fthrks, atanagtrs. &r. APPLICANTS sending replies te Advertisements addressed to initials or fictitious names, at this office-, are teqaested not to send original testimonials with their applications, but to enclose copies of testimonials only. ERST-class Certified Manager wanted for Anthra- cite Colliery.—Apply, with testimonials, stating salary required, to Carbon, "Daily News Office, Cardiff. 728 HORTHAND Clerk.—Wanted, a Junior Cler £ able to write shorthand.—Apply by letter, in own handwriting, to Mr Davies, Great Western Coliiery Offices, Pontypridd. 3672 fTK> Architects and Builders.—Practical Quantity X Surveyor has spar* time to assist above.—Z. 224, Echo," Cardiff. 224 Jlgmus, t. A PPLICANTS sending replies to Advertisements J\ addressed to initials or fictitious names, at this office, are requested not to send original testimonials with their applications, but to enclose copies of tendmenials only, AGENTS wanted in every town and village for Jewellery, Cutlery, Spoons, Ac.—Address W., South Wales Daily News," Cardiff. 245 A GENTS wanted to Sell White" and other Sew- big Machines; salary and commission.—Apply Bracey, Windsor-road, Neath. 3628 A GENTS waited to Sell Bibles, Welsh and Eng- lish; good commission Neath and district.— Apply Bracsy, Windsor-road, Neath. 3628 Apply Bracsy, Windsor-road, Neath. 3628 AGENTS wanted to Sell Pianos, Organs, and Musical Instruments: salary and commission.— Apply Bracey, Wlndsor-roaa, Neath. 3628 AGENTS wanted to Canvas-* for Furniture.—Apply Bracev, Neath Furniture, Piano, Sewing Ma- chine, and Mangle Stores, Windsor-road, Neath. 3628 DUIILDF&S IIVIerchante4 and Ironmongers require JO competent Traveller.-State age, experience and salary required, per letter only, to' Davies Bros., London Wharf, Newport, Monmouthshire. 581 WANTED, by fan old .established Manchester house in the heavy trade, an experienced Traveller for the South Wales ground, state full particulars, with referenees.-Address E. 729, "Daily News," Cardiff. 729 WANTED, thorough energetic Man as Traveller; good address Welsh indispensable.—Apply, stating age, salary, business experience, Palmer, AgricoUnraJl Merchants, qavacfo jjj& WELL-Known Firm of Brewers in Worcestershire, prodftcfrig high-elans Pale and Stock Ales, desire to establish Buving Agencies in the South Wales District.—Apply Beer Agwiey, "South Wales ^itnations ISKaniitr, BAKERS.—Tenth seeks Situation, assist in bake- fcoose and deliver, Ac. good reference.—John Gougb. Halstock, Yeovil, Somerset. 141 Barters or Confectioners.—Situation required by practical hand: decker or flue oven.—Baker, care of Mr Flicker, Uslr, Moomouthshire. am BUTCHERS.—Wanted, to Apprentice respectable Youth to the trade, including serving in shop.— —Apply, stating terns, Brown, Jessamine Cottage, Abersychaa. 569 ARDKNER (single); age 7b experienced in vines, peaches, melon*, tomatoes, flower and kitchen T> B-engagement as Working Housekeeper good XX references ago 2&-J., gT.Arcot^trtiet. Penarth. RK-KNGAGKMBNT required as Working House- keeper by highlr respectable person business ot P.l?'*4! 5?'ise US?! W«wn2*-Write U K. 5*7, South Wales Daily New* Office. Cardiff. 667 T° Bakf"-Situation required by a jjrong Man as Single or good Second Hand.; well up in both bmnches.-AWY X., "Echo" Office, psntypridd. Mæ nno Bakers.—Wanted, situation as Seeand or «v>4 X Third; highest references.—Address i ^ond Bakery, Ebbw Vale. 343 O Master Bakers and Confectioners.—A Tnmtg Man seeks situation as Second Hand; used to patent ovens.-The Retreat, Swiss-road, Weston* snper-Mare. -To Master Bakers-voung Man wants Situation as JL Second or good Third Hand, or Assist in Bake- house and Deliver good referenew. -Apply Thomas Williams, Post-office, Usk, Mon. fS8 TO Printers.—News and Jobbing Hand seeks a per- manency acquainted with both y.«gw>»h and W elsh. —Boweh, 97, Priory-street^ Carmarthen. 266 WANTED, a Situation as Hotel Porter; font ye* good reference; age 24.—Address J. Dunning, 3, Mount-street, Taunton. ':i WANTED to Apprentice a Boy of 14 to office slight knowledge of shorthand.—Apply P. 456, South Wales Daily News," Car iff. 456 WANTED by practical Tailor, situation ItS Cutter 8 or Assistant; not object, sewing during spare time age 25.-U. Ltwyn Einon, Newcastle-Emlyn. 393 ANTED, by a Naviii Pensioner, a situation as W Caretaker, or any place of triist.-Write T.J., South Wales Echo." 293 WANTED, to Apprentice a l^ad, 14 >ears of age.— Address C. 218, Echo Office, Cardiff. 218 WANTED. Situation as Barmaid or any light busi- ness willing to dolittle^ousework good refer- ence.—L. Jones, 22, Crumlin-street, PontypooL 317 loagings, Jlparinttnts, &r. APARTMENTS. Two eommercfal Gentlemen .tV require Sitting-room and two Bedrooms from 1st February.—Write, stating terms, with and without board, to E. 659, Daily News," Canliff. 659 APARTMENTS, furnished or unfurnished, front bedroom and kitchen, to respectable couple without children. Apply 99, Castle-road, Roath, Cardiff. 230 FURNISHED Apartments (front): suit one or two Gentlemen 'busses uear terms moderate.— Apply 29, Strathnairn-street, Castle-road, Cardiff. 691 £ GENTLEMAN highly recommends very Comfort- VJT able Apartments, One or Two Gentlemen.— Apply 27, Neville-street, Riverside. 572 PENARTH.—Lansdowne Private Hotel. Extensive Channel view superior accommodation moderate charges. Special terms to permanent residents. 141 Houses, &x., tiEaitieit. PREMISES wanted, suitable for a Reading-room for the Docks District. -State rent and full par- ticulars to the Librarian, Central Library, Cardiff. 326 3For 1tanb, &r. FOR Sale, Llwyntew Villa, LJannon, Llanelly sub- stantially built and well finished throughout in a superior manner, with half-an-acre of land (fruitful garden, etc.) and excellent new outhouses unexpired term of lease, 81 years ground rent, E2 per annum. Apply to Miss R. Price on the premises. 519 TJBNARTH.— £ 470, small well-built Villas, Oakley JL terraco, Penarth every convenience.—Apply F. Speed, House Agent, 2, Plymouth-road, Penarta. 383 ROCKFIELD House, 43, The Parade, Cardiff; two reception, si* bedrooms, bathroom, and lavatory, good kitchens, cellars, Ac. large garden and conser- vatory early possesiion.-Appiy on the premises. 180 flø In s, lani), &.C. CATHEDRAL-Road (Sophia Gardens side).-Wen- C built commodious Residence, dining, drawing, breakfast rooms, library, six bedrooms, cellars, and usual offices lawns; fruit trew.-J. J. David and Co., House Agents, Cardiff. 314 FOR FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED Resi- r dences, Cardiff and Penarth, see Messrs S. Hem and Pertwee's Register.—94, St. Mary-st., Cardiff 1049 EWPORT-Road. —To Let. Westonville, No 1821— Apply Coleman, Hawthorns, Llandaff. 8180 rjlO Let, 88, Richards-terrace, Roath six bedrooms, X bath, Ac., hot and cold water.—Apply 128, CUfton-streot, Koath. 302 fflO Let, Mount Pleasant House, Swansea, opposite X Grammar School, Mount Pleasant. Four minutes' walk from G.W.R. Station. Three reception and four bedrooms, kitchen, etc. Key-next door, No. 4, Stock- well Bouse; rent B30. 360 TjnO Let.—Fairlight, Stow Park, Newport. The X house has three reception rooms an<! six bed- rooms, with kitchens and all the necessary offices. The house commands a fine view of the Bristol Channel and the Somerset coast-.—Apply to Mr J. D. Whitaker, Caersws, Bryngwyn-road, Newport, 3455 (to &t. CORNER Shop, Dwelling-house attached excel- lent position opposite Neville Hotel; rent, £ 1 week. Oswald Coleman, Honse Agent, Station- terrace. Cardiff. 735 AESTEG.- House and Shop to Let at Maesteg. Best position, in central and main street. Suit almost any trade. New building, and now ready for immediate occupation.—Apply Mr Harris, Castle- Hotel, Maesteg, K.S.O. 619 EWPORT.-TO be Let, Suite of Offices, four rooms and lavatory; eentrally sitaated in Tredegar- place.—Particulars of Manager, Daily News" Office, Newport. isna PANARTH.—To Let, good Shop and Dwelling- JL house plate-glass front; main thoroughfare suit any bnsinefo.-Davkm, 8. Lord-street, Penarth. 310 SHOP (with Bakehouse) to be Let, at Argoed, near Blackwood splendid opening for an energetic man.—Apply to MrO. Edwards, Blackwood, Mon. 3699 SHOP or Dwelling-house, 2, Dudley-place, 15s weekly, including rates and taxes. — Apply Gottwaltz. Bowring, and Perry, High-street. 730 QWANSEA.ro Let, r, spacious Shop, with aldase frontage of about 45 feet, situate in one of the best positions.-Apply H. Hill and Co., Auctioneers, Swansea. 3635 rilO Hairdressers.—Shop to Let in main street, doing X good trade reasons for leaving going abroad.— Apply to Mnndy, Blaenavon. 366 WELL-enetosed Yard and Buildings to be had oa TT lease and moderate terms suitable for en- gineering or similar purpose, with siding, etc., adioin- mg Docks, Newport.—Apply Joseph Heald, Rolling Stock Works, Cardiff. 1259 £ )20, Bnt*-road.—A conveniently-astablisheed Photo- & graphic Gallery on first landing also Stalled Stable and Loft. Particularii on the premises. 573 Nusititists for BxspflgaL COFFEE Palace and Refreshment Business, near railway station, Bristol doing genuine trade about £ 10 weekly good living and money saved guaranteed genuine ingoing, £ 80.— Apply Tebhe, Valuer, 83, Old Market-street, Bristol. 743 COFFEE Tavern and Refreshment Business, near South Wales Railway Station, Bristol living for three parlions ingoing, £ 55.—Apply Tebbs, Ageqt. Bristol. 743 DINING-Rooms and Coffee Tavern, largely patron- ised by people from Wale*: genuine opportunity; ingoing, including furniture, £ 80; worth much more.— Apply Tebbs. g743 DINING-Rooms and Restaurant, splendid position, Bristol; magnificently fitted ana furnished pro- fitable trade about 22A weekly; ingoing, everything, 2325.-Tebbs, Valuer, Bi istol. 743 ROCERY and Provision Business. — Splendid VJT position, taking £ 30 weekly rent low in-going at valuation.— Apply P., "Echo "Office, Cardiff.305 ^kLD-Bstablished Sweet Business, in busy thorongh- \J fare, Cardiff; good living accommodation suit lady.—H. 513, Echo Office, Cardiff. 513 RARE Opportunity.—Out-door Licence and Ready- money Grocery Business in the business part of Cardiff; lease.—Write M. 703, Echo," Cardiff. 703 SfALL Manufacturing Business for Disposal, cheap price, £ 250, including plant and stock-in- trade.—Johnstone, 119, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 679 I a. SWEETS Business, pretty premises, tiearSuspension Bridge, Clifton, Bristol good living trade suit lady admirably; ingoing, including stock, £ 65.—Apply Tebbs, Bristol. 743 TO Let, an old-established Butcher's Business, situated at Barton Hill, opposite the Royal Table; includes excellent refrigerator, good slaughter- house with outbuildings attached, aud every con- venience for the trade; averaging 2 beasts and 10 sheep weekly.—Apply on the premises. 469 Unsiiussis otattub. MILK Business or a Dairy of 10 or 12 cows Wanted at once.—Milk, Echo Office, Cardiff. 179 "I Jftocljiittrg, ø&ools, &r. p ECKBTT AND ONS, LOCOMIVE JgJNGlNE; JgUILDEBS, BRISTOL, Have a Large Stock of NEW LOCOMOTIVES of various sizes, with all the latest improvements, ready for immediate delitery. Full particulars on application. Locomotives thoroughly repaired with promptness and despatch. iogi fmHE "BUFFALO AUTOMATIC INJECTOR, JL The Best and Cheapest in the Market. SOLE AGENTS: G. K STOTHERT & CO., Engineers, 3401 BRISTOL. OOR Sale, 8-h.p. Portable Engine, ia thorough J? working order; can bo bought cheap.—Write O. 723, "Echo-" Office, Cardiff. 239 FOR Sale or Hire, Two IMnch Tank Locomotives. Price and particulars, apply makers, Thomas Spittle (Limited), Cambrian Foundry, Newport. 370 MACHINERY.—1 h.p. Vertical Gas Engine! M Crosaley's Otto Langenberg, can be seen at work; also 50-gallon Jersey Creamer and a 501b Churn, by Tinkler.—Manager, Rose Cottage Dairy Farm, Billingborough. 417 w LOCKWOOD a Co. ENGINEERS. OCEAN WORKS ST. MARY'S-ROA.D, SHEFFIELD, SOLE MAKERS OF LOCKWOOD'S PATENT FLANGELESS PISTON RINGS. Sole AGENT for CARDIFF and DISTRICT- WAL*fiR J G. WAIT, 2173 BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF, EMOVING TO NEW PREMISES] W. WESTLAKE, MOUNT-STREET, SWANSEA, has the following SURPLUS STOCK FOR SALE 1 WALKER'S STEAM PUMP, ready for work, 14" steam, 6" ram. 25-Ton WEIGHBRIDGE. WINDMILL and PUMP, PIPES, complete, 409 ram. 2 4-WHEE:, TROI.LIES. carry 4 tons each. DOUBLE-ACTION WALL PUMP, 8" cylinder, 4" raw. BOOT 2%" WROUGHT IBON STEAM PIPE, equal to new. 1 OÂLLOWA BOILER, 111 long, dia. r. pressure lK) Ibis. 6-WHEIM TENDER LOCOMOTIVE, pressure 140 lbs. 30 BOXES, 1 cwt. each, of 7" SPIKES. ESESF1 PIPE^ COB and TRAP for BALK, at would eschange fov Horse and CiLrt. TO LET, 2 VVE1X-LIQHTKD OFPICflR AD wibject to being nnsold •p] TASS and IDOWFIEL», j ENGINEERS AND MERCHANTS, 5, BUTE-CRESCENT, CARDIFF. < Tele. address Brattice, Cardiff PROPRIETORS OF THE CARDIFF BRATTICE CLOTH WORKS. AGENTS FOR JOHN DAVIS AND SON, DERBY, ELECTRIC LIGHTING. HAULAGE, U. and JEFFREY COAL MINING MACHINES, which are a great success. Estimates on application. MM THE "HANCOCK INSPIRATOR," TMPROVKP DONKEY PUMP AND INJECTOR COMBINED Apply to G. K. STOTHERT & CO., Engineers 3401 BRISTOL. FOR Sale, KYTE and CO.'s well-known MORTAR '1 MILLS at Reduced Prices. Intending Purchasers should call and inspect them before going elsewhere Good second hand Mills tn Stock. Also a. large number ef New and Second-hand Portable Engines from Six to Eight H.P. Saw Benches, Pumps, <fcc., and all kinds of Machinery, VERTICAL and OTHER BOILERS. N.B.-Sole Agents in South Wales and Monmouth-, shire for Marshall, Sons, and Co., Gainsborough. GEO. KYTE, Mill-lane and Atlas Engineering Works, Cardiff, 1217 ^TEAMSHXP 0 W N E S 8 KEQUIRIXS NEW ARINE B OILERS Of the Highest Class and Power, apply to G. IL 6TOTHERT & CO., Boilermakers, 3401 BRISTOL. WOOD-Boring Machine wanted (new or second- hand).—Offcers to Cardiff Rolling Stock Co., East Moors, Cardiff. 738 tSEagons attfc MallittV Krqmsttsa. FOR Sale, 45 goo-3. IC-ton Coal Waggons, with side and end dooTs for cash, or upon redemption hire.- —Andrews and Baby, East Moors, Cardiff. 44Sj ~R NICHOLAS AND CO » RAILWAY WAGON CONTRACTORS, 14, EXCHANGE, CARDIFF. Ar.swm FOIL- Railway Wagon Co., Chorley. North Central Wagsn Co.. Rotherham. New and Second-hand 8 and 10-ton Wagons for Sale or Hire. 2773 Wagons Purchased and Let on Redemption Hire. AILWAY Wagons and Locomotives.—The Cardiff JUL R«UingStock Co. (J. Heald) always have good. Second-hand Wagons and Loco.'s in Stock, and New WAAonl in proeess of building.-Works and Offices, J, ast Moors. Cardiff. 2S07 RAILWAY WAGONS for Hire or Hate. CMh or deferred payments.—The Midland Railway Car, riage and Wagon Company, Limited, Midland Workio Birmingham 1083 WANTED, 80 or 50 Colliery Trams; also a qnan- tity of Tram Rails.—Lowest price to J. Lock, Penygraig. 700 ISitjjtUs, tlriryrUs, &r. ,"J|/| O R R I~S T> ROS., CYCLE WORKS, PONTYPRIDD. ^4 2,000 Worth of Cycles and Children's Horses, Ac. pit We offer the best show. We have taken the lead in South Wales for 20 years, and cannot be beaten. SAFETY Dunlop Pneutnatie. diamond, unscratehed, ball head, balls everywhere £ 10 10s, worth £ 22. -Apply H. 367, Daily News" Office. Cardiff. M1 SAFETY. Pneumatic Tyres, new machine, never used, l^i Macintosh Pneumatic Tyres, diamond frame, bail head, brake and guards, laced wheels, weight 351b.; cost £ 191CW, never used; cash, £ 518t 6d; weight 351b. cost £ 191CW, never used; cash, 0 lfk 6d; bargain.-F. Meaker, 45, Great Alfred-street, Wettton- supcr-Mare. 598 SAFETY, pneumatic tyres, new machine, nevor used, l%in. Macintosh tyres, diamond frame, ball head, break and guards, lace l wheels, weight 351b6, cost £ 19 10s, never used cash £ 5 18s 6d, bar. gain.- F. Meaker, 46, Great Alfred-street, Weston- super-Mare. 220 ltørsts. litit Carriages. BLACK Curly Retriever Dog, two years, good guard nnd scenter and will carry price £ &Oslm, 1, Third-row, New Houses, Blaina. 5ó8 -IA]TDI P.- Sale, Cover's, Wharton-street, j Two New Hauling Carts and One New Spring Cart, suitable for grocer or gentleman's luggage cart, and New Spring Truck. 421 ARRIAGE Lamps.—Inspection invited.—Best øe- C lected Stock in the West.-C. B. Gurnsey's Carri- age Lamp Works, Merchant-street, Bristol. 5301 GURNSEY'S Carriage Lamps, first quality and best valne eter offered. I<ampa repaired. Large stock new and second-band lampp.-Works, Merchant-street, Bristol, and 18 and 19, Bnte-lane, Cardiff. 3301 £ ^RACKED Heels, Grease, Ac., quickly cured by \j Coady's Fluid. Veterinary Dook free. Horses suffering from sore shouldere, sore backs broken knees, &c., cured in a few hours by batning with dilated Candy's Flnid. Of all Chemists, 8oz. Is 20OE., 2s. Insist on buying Cond/s Fluid.—Veterinary Book free from Coady's Plaid Works, 54, Tarnnrill- street, London. 34, |7K)R Sale, white Bull Terrier Dog, 18 months, B about 401 be good house guard, fond of ehildren, and game to death. Will sacrifice for 12s.—Evan Evans, Tin-row, Brynamman. 617 ( OOD, strong, useful Cart for Sale suit butcher X or grocer.—Apply Dan Davies, Cattle Dealnr, Merthyr. 619 HARNESS.—Wholesale Manufacturer's; largest stock in Wales; half saddler's prices; 500 Carriage Lamps. Old Lamps Repaired.—Saddlery Company, Alexandra-road, Swansea. 3591 B POULTRY, Pigeon, Bird, Dog, Horse, and Cattle JL Food.—Write for prices and samples to Noah Rees and Son, Hay, Com, and Seed Merchants, Cardiff. TRAP and Harness on Sale; suitable for Grocer^ Batcher, or Greengrocer, or Pleasure.—Apply Reynolds, Coach Builder, Merthyr. 577 JOB N O R M A N~ OOACIt AND VAN BUILDER, L. I MARKBT-ROAD, CANTON, CARDIFF, Qas a Large STOCK of NEW and SECOND-HAND VEHICLES of every description ready for delivery. Repairs and Painting Executed with Promptness and Despatch. Canton Trams pass Showrooms and Works; 3215 fJanltrjr, ^tgeans, &r. ~A Quantity of Yenng African Grey Parrots for J7X Sale just commencing to talk 10s 6d each.— C. May, 119, VVhitefield-road, Everton, Liverpool. 108 SALE, Pen of Black Rose 1 omb Bantams, big S winners, for breeding, 30s; black Sheep Bitch, good worker both slieep and cattle, 30s also very nice- young cock black Bantam, 103 6d, or offers.—Apply to Allen, Oak View, Mldklehursfc, Manchester. 570 fax joalt.JMsituatu ]aUS, BANKRUPT Stock. New Furniture. Kitchen BANKRUPT Stock. — New Furniture. Kitchen Chairs, 2S 5d Cane-seated. 2s 3d. Feather Bed, bolster, aud two Pillows, 50s, worth £ 5. Couch, in leather, 163 6d. Sixteen Diuing-room Suites, 18 Drawing-room Suites. Handsome Marble 8. day Clock, 60s.—Eues, Old Curiosity Shop, Newport. 3700 BUILDERS and Contractors.—Paving for Sale,- BUILDERS and Contractors.—Paving for Sale;— Apply John Thomas, 5, Blandy-terr*ce, Gilfaeh- goch, Blackmill, R.S.O. 520 jt 1IGARS, duty paid, carriage free equal 3d. 50 Specials, banded, 5s 6d return if not approved. —Maggs Bros., Wind-street. Swansea. 3679 CLAY Pipes.—Six Gross Best Clays, stamped with name and address, 10s; illustrated patterns post free.-Cm,wmn, Manufacturer, Lamb-street, BristoL URTOM Letter, Sit extraordinarily funny C Mounted Photograph", and Six Magie Cards, 12 penny stamps.—Hyams, 28, Myton-street, Hull. 353 DOZEN Table Knives, best quality, white handles, C03t £ 3 2s, sell 10s 6d; sent on approval post free; eash urgently needed.—Write N. 607, "Daily News," Cardiff. 607 EOR Sale, Rick of best quality Hay, about 11 tons, near Narberth Station.—Apply Mr G. P. Brewer, berth. berth. ■ jAOIc Sale, £ 300 Ballot in Perfect Thrift Society X; (Aberdare branch); please state offer.—Apply J. t7 Williams^ Bute VilH, Aoerdare 395 FUR Boa.—Lady has for immediate private dis- posal, a real Russian Tail Fur Boa, very dark brown, 10 feet long, immensely thick, soft; value 75s, sacrifice for 193 9d perfectly new.—Can be seen- by writing P.H., "Dally News," Cardiff. 562 G ALVANÍSED CORRTTGATED IRON ROOFING G SHEETS. Large quantity of slightly Defective Sheets. 5 ft. by 2 ft.— Is Id each 8 ft. by 2 ft.—Is lid each 6 ft. by 2 ft.—Is 5d each 9 ft. by 2 ft.—2s 4d each 7 ft. by 2 ft.—Is8d each 10 ft by 2 ft.—2s 3d each Galvanised Ridging, Gutters, Down Spouting, Nails, Washers, Rivets, ctc., and all materials for fixing can be inspected at BRUCE AND'STILL'S, LIMITED, 75. NORFOLK- STREET, QUEEN'S DOCK, LIVERPOOL, Contractors and Builders of Iron Buildings, Dock Sheds, Churches, Hay Barns, &c. Estimates Free. 1303 HANDSOME Present.—Patent convertible Play JLIL Chair makes eleven ptaythihga indst useful present; 9s 6d; worth double; approval.-<-E, E. Harris, Market-hall, Newport. 666 t ADY wi hea to Sell Parcel of Baby's First JLJ Clothes, superior quality, never worn very cheap.—Mrs L., 38, Rippingham-road, Withington, Manchester. 492 LOVELY Parcel.—Plush, Velvet, Satin, Brocade, one, Is 6d; two, 2s 3d; lanre bazaar parcel, splendidly assorted, 3s; 200 crazy pieces, Zs 6rt.— Madam Worth, llY, Godolphin-road, London, W. 506 8AFE, very strong, 33 by 33, double doors, suit jeweller or pawnbroker also Smaller One, bar- fjssSk"" s' SPECIAL value in Table and Dessert Cnil«y, Plated Spoons and Forks, Aocordions, Pipes, Combs. Brooches, Studs, Ac.; illustrated rltk b J. B. Rogers, Westgate-streot, Cardiff. 1353. TARPAULINS for railway tracks, machine engine, wagon antI eazt covers, in black, yellow, white Indiarubber, or green patent Willesden canvas, horse loin cloths, nosebags, stable rugs, &c.-F, Parnall and Co., Manufacturers, Sheene-road, Bedminster, Bristol' Telegramar-Canvas, BristoL 2651 15212 rilHE MATRIMONIAL HERALD X and FASinONABLE MARRIAGE GAZKTTE. Official Organ of The World's Great Marriage Associa tion (Limited). Its valuable orga- isation supported and recommended by the Clergy to all desiring happy and advantageous marriages (see Notice in current Issue), Brilliant success for 1893. Enormous increase lit Association s Marriages over any year during 11 read establishment. The Directorate honoured with the entire Patronage of the Nubility Professional and Business Glasses throughout the British Empiftto. AbooksU secrecy, Sent in plain sealed envelope, 5d.— Editor, 40, Lamb's Conduit-street, London, W.C. 2584 frtO Wholesale Coinffttionem-The finest and most I novel packets suitable for Valentine's Day and g- vy ELSH FEATHER B £ D S. THESE CELEBRATED BEDS ARE MADE IN WELSHPOOL, WORTH.WALES THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FEATHER BEDS NOW OFFERED. No. 1.—Single Bed, Bolster, and Pillow, 6ft. 3is. s. d< by 3ft. ran., weighing 401bs 30 0 No. 2.—Double Bed, Bolster, and 2 Pillows, 6ft. 6in. by 4ft. 6in., weighing SOlbs 37 ft No. 5.—Double Bed, Buster, and 2 Pillows, 6ft. 6in. by 4ft>. 6in. weighing 55ibs 41 0 WARRANTED DRY AND SWEET, TTiese renowned Feathers are put into Best ttnlon TleMng, and well made, sent carriage paid to Station in the United Kingdom. Any sized Beds made to order for 9d per lb. Samples of Feathers and Ticking post free. Feathers without Ticking, 6d per lb. All orders most bs accompanied by Cheque or P.O.O. payable to H. HANDY & CO., FEATHER MERCHANTS, WELSHPOOL. MM 10,000 feeb Deals, Scantlings, and Boards, all sizes JL and lengths, cheap.— Sliapland, 18, Loud square, Cardiff. GLASS, CHINA, AND EARTHENWARE TONS OF USEFUL ARTICLES (not rubbishy Dinner, Tea, aitd T6iRt Sets, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Dishes, Pudd ng Bowls, Vases, Lustres, Tumblers, Goblets, &c., &c. We supply the trade at mftnufactulcore prices- Shopkeepers see our illustrated lists, posbfreo Order our j31 sample cases. J. R. ROGERS 2641 WESTGATK-STREET, CARDIFF Mtstdlatxtons WLants. TT^ORKIGN Stamp Collection wanted, made 10 td X/ 20 years ago good price upwards of 1,000 afferent duplicates, old issues, to exchange with Collectors.—Particulars, H. Pitcher, 56, Plassej-street, Penarth. 463 WANTED, 20 or 30 Acres, of good Grass Land near Cardiff.—Apply W. G. Latty, Horse Repository, Cardiff. 459 iEisollamons. /"1UR$fcr Piles.—Perfect cure guaianteed; most \_S stubborn cases post free 2s 9d, 4s 6d.—La Trobe, Chemist, 155, St. Mich.tel's Hill, Bristol. 444 XF you are Married, or contemplate taking this faru portant step, we can send you valuable informa- Chemist, 155, St. Mich.tel's Hill, Bristol. 444 XF you are Married, or contemplate taking this faru portant step, we can send you valuable informa- tion which you ought to know; send your address and we will send you catalogue and pamphlet free Ad- dress H. G. Kerr, Westhili, Wandsworth, London. 957 JN DIGESTION.—The Medical Reform Society will send Free to all applicants an excellent tanic Cure for Indigestion, Biliousness, Liver Com- plaints, Piles, Rheninati m, Gout, and Bronchitis.— Address the ."secretary, Botanic Institute, Nottingham., mO Dipsomaniacs and their Friends.—Gentlemain X possessing specific Remedy, will be happy to arrange for permanent cure. Worst cases (loathing drink) cured in two weeks no failures; pleasant to take.—Particulars from R. Charleston and Co., 7, Nicholas-street, Bristol. 250 TVlUBNISH on our New Hire SvscenL Houses or X? Apartments completely furnished on a new sys- tem adopted solely by us, whereby all publicity< exposure, and inquiries usually made by other com panics are dispensed with. We have an immense stock ^Household Furniture of cheap and superior quality. All good>« sold on the Hire System at ready-money prices. We make no extrn. charge for credit, and au goods sent home in a private van free of charge. No stamp or agreement charges made; no bill of sale; everything private. Arrangements completed without delay, ana, Deinginanufacturers, we guarantee quality, and will undertake to supply fnrnitnre, etc., at 10 per cent, leas than any price-list issued fey any firm in Cardiff. Eleven showrooms. Call and inspect onr im- mense stock, and compare prices before purchasing aewhere. We will supply £ 6 worth for 2s bd weekly t £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £ 15 worth for §s weekly £ 20 worth, 6s weekly ana so on in proportion. Special terms for larger quantities. Please note the Address SOUTH WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31, Castle-st. (opposite the CasMe). Cardiff. 12783-1105-10 i&oittg. ONEY—ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT BILL OF SALE, PUBLICITY, OR FEES FROM ONE MONTH TO FIVE YEARS. FROM ONE MONTH TO FIVE YEARS. THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, BALDWIN-STREET, BRISTOL. EST. 1875. CAPITAL, B200.000. The Directors of this well-known, old-established Bank are prepared to offer exceptional advantages to all responsible persons n Beed of temporary cash assistance. Private and Prompt ADVANCES made daily, on borrower's simple Promissory Note, AT 5 PER CENT. INTEREST. The amount borrowed may be repaid by instalments or at the end of a stated period. SPECIAL NOTICE. This Bank is not connected with any Loan Societies or Advance Companies, and the usual objectionable loan office routine is entirely dispensed with, Apply In strictest confidence to 1m T. C. MILBUBN, 2277 Resident Manager mf ONEY LENT ON NOTE OF HAND AT SHORT .4- NOTICE, by a Private Gentleman, from:EIO to £1, at 5 per cent. Why apply to Professional Money Lenders, so-called Companies or Banks, when any responsible applicant can obtain an advance Privately, without sureties and the usual formalities of a Loan Office? For the benefit of Borrowers 1 am prepared to grant advances from one to ten years in any part of England or Wales, to male or female (distance no object), and if desired the in* tejrest can be paid quarterly or half-yearly, or as may be arranged, therefore the applicants get tfca full benefit of cash advanced Apply in confidence to the acluil lender, H. HUNTER, Esq., 1135 13564 130, Westminster Bridge-road, London. OSHt LENT AT FIVE PER CENT. iTX. F»OM £ 5 to £ 2,000. WHY pay more, when a Private Gentleman is pre- pared to grantAdvances to Male or Fenrtle, upon their PROMISSORY NOTE ALONE, in any part of England r Wales, without loan office formalities ? NO BILL OF SALg OR SURETIES REQUIRED. The advance can be paid back ft? easy instal- ments, or can remain put from 1 to 15 years by paying tW itfterest only. CaH or wtiM to the actual Lender, WILFRED WILBERFORCE. ESQ., No. 11, Stroud Green-road, Fhabury-park, London, N. jyJONEY LENT PRIVATELY AT SHORT A Gentleman is prepared to make strictly private and prompt Cash Advances, £ 10 to £ 1,000, to re- sponsible persons (male or female) in any part of England, Scotland, or Wales, upon NOTE OF HAND ALONE AT 5 PER CENT. Advances can remain out from one to 10 years by paying interest only. NO SURETIES OR GUARANTEES REQUIRED. Country applicants can rely on receiving the same prompt attention as those living in London. Before applying elsewhere apply, in strict confidence, to the actual tender, Mr H. P. CALVERT, 3472 35, CAMDEN-GROVE, PECKHAM, LONDON, 8.9 CCOMMERCIAL ADVANCE BANK J 19 QUAY-STREET, CARDIFF £3 to £500 can be obtained on the same ax.7 am applied for by professions, gentlemen, tradesmen, farmers, cowkeepers, and householders. Applicants may rely on the strictest secrecy being observed. Charges moderate, and no enquiry or other ees charged unless cash advanced. Country applica. tions attended to witiiout delay. Apply personally or by letter to Mr L. JOSEPH, OOMMERCIAL ADVANCE BANK, 1169 19, QUAY-STREET CARDIFF. £ 5 and upwards granted daily to householders, with- out sureties, no delay, no fees, and confidential.— Apply, by letter or personally, to F. Gould, 88, Pont- morlais, Merthyr Tydfil. 748 MONEY LENT PRIVATELY AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE A Gentleman having a large amount of Capital is willing to grant advances, upon note of hand alone, for any term not exceeding 15 years, from B15 to El-,OM. at 5 per cent., to Clergymen, Farmers, Hotel Proprietors, Lodging-house Keepers, Tradesmen, or to any responsible Person, Male or Female, in Town 04, Country. Without loan ogle* formalities or bill ef sale Distance no object, and so long as the interest is paid the capital can remain. No genuine application ro fused. All communications are treated strictly private —Apply to the actual Lender, H. Harrison, Esq., 87 York-road, Westminster Bridge-road. London 1115. MONEY LENT BY A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN UPON NOTE OF HAND Without loan office routine. From £10 to £ 5,000. TO Ladies, Gentlemen, and Traders genstally, upon note of band alone, and to assist persons into business. Also upon the security of reversions, annuities, private income, furniture, machinery, plant stock, crop in town or country without removal. Also on deeds and life policies at 5 per cent. Only a few hours' notice required to carry out all advances.— Apply to the actual lender, Charles H. Wheatley, Esq., No. MAy Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, London. N B.—If desired, Mr Wheatley will attend person- ally at applicant's residence with cash and Carry out the advance. 1294 HE DIRECtofes OF T- s YIELDING AND Co JL (LIMITED) Advance Daily Sums from B6 TO £ 1,000. > Method of Bosiness: FAIR INTEREST. EASY REPAYMENTS. • » ABSOLUTE PRIVACY NO DELAY. NO SURETIES TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED. Prospectus and Particulars Free. Apply at either Addresses- below Head Office THE HAYES BUILDINGS, CARDIFF ALBERT-CHAMBERS, STOW-HILL, NEWPORT ARCADE-CHAMBERS, PONTYPRIDD; 23, ALI RED-STREET, NEATH 8.GRUGOS-TERRACE, PORT TALBOT; 28. CLARENCE-STREET. PONTY POOL. 3398 Ft /WWV Ready to be Advanced oil good V/1/vf re^hcild or Leasehold Property, in sums of £ 100 to £ 10,000; also on goo^ personal sectt rity, reversions, annuities, Ac., Ac.—Mossis Hern, Agents, 94, St, Mary-street. Cardiff. 1049 ]%! ONEY LENT WITHOUT BILL OF SALE 1?X OR SURETIES BY THE UNITED KINGDOM DEPOSIT BANK 35, CRAVEN-STREET, STRAND, LONDON, Upon Note of Haud, as foQgwq ggl-M Morttfjly ins&fanenfs w £ 3 Ig 4 £ 50^-24 £ 3 51Q £ 100—24- It 1?4 11 a prospectus. A G WILLIS, Manager. ]V* ONEY Lent upon Note of Hand, without Bills of if X Sal« or Sureties, as follows :— £ 2§, repayable in 24 Monthly Instalments of £ 1 2s 5d. £ §0 „ 24 4, „ £ 2 4s I0d. £ 100 „ „ 24 „ £ 4 3S 7d; Largertumn in proportion. Strictr privacy guar^,nteed4 No commissions charged. Distance no object.—Apply D.' Williams, 16, York-rd., Waterloo Bridge. London, b.Ek t TpHE GREAT S P E 0 I g1 C MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HBRIN PASTE MAT Is warranted to cure all (AMERICAN MILTON'S discharges. HERB MAT Thoroughly reliable. Con- PASTE. MILTON'S venient to take. In tins, AMERICAN MAT 2s 9d and 4s 6d each Free HERB MILTON'S {by post 3rd extra PASTE. MAT —— AMERICAN MILTON'S HEWSON'S C MPOUND HERB MAT PENNYROYAL PASTE. MILTON'S IL1.s FOR FEMALES-. AMERIOAN MAT In boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d Haeg MILTON'S each free By post ad extra. PASTE. MAT ——— MAT MILTON^ Local Agents: Cardiff, MV MILTON'S AMERICAN Miuiday. Chemist, 1, Duko- AMERICAN HERB street; Newport, Mr J. HERB PASTE. Phillips, 92, Commercial- PASTE MAT street; Swansea, Mr KeaH, MAT NmTolws, 199, High-street; MMTO" AMERICAN F. H. Hewson, 8, Victoria- AMERIOAN HERB avenua, MAina«», Nflsj^ort, HERB PASTK Mori. PASTE, London, Barclay A Son. 1042- /CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL \J- POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING hi', COMPANY <LIMITBD) OFFICES: CASTLE CHAMBERS 21, CASTLE-ST CAKbiyy. SECRETARY: FRANK H. SIMPSON. Best Permanent. Posting Stations in Cardiff and eighbourdood. Contractors for all description* of Advertising Circular Distributing, Ac. 10-R 3SC01 All orders nrninpt-lv atrended to Sfogfoifig ^&&r^ss^s« '> "7;; .6- v "'t rr: ""J 7},tí, fjpHS Å TLAS Ft11UUMNé C. LIMITED, Tam HAYES JJATESj 0ARDIFF, COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS. We Maaafactrarg ajtit owa Goads in ottt Wotkv shops it ffes Of Oùr New Bttildings. W. emptoy ttfcai add {itadtioal Workmen. Oar Work- "hopa anjd R. if. OpGti tat View to ilh. PtlbliOv j, It Q. jplFTY rjlEOUSAND SQUAIm JlEfcT OF gfiOWROOMS VfELti STOCKKIX A sigbt worfch seeing. Open Free for Inspectioo, OVER OF STOCK TO SELECT FROM, An advantage no other establishment ia Wales can offer, DINING-ROOM SUITES FROM £4 10.- Haudreds to Select from. DRAWING-ROOM SUITES from .£5 SI. Hundreds to seleob from, BEDROOM SUITES from ;83 lSri 6dL Hundreds to select from, BHASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS At ALL PRICES. Hundreds to select frOfb. [ ÐEDS. BEDDING, CARPETS, FLOORCLOTH, HALL FURNITURE. FENDERS, FIRE-IRONS. FURNITURE FOR THE DRAWING-ROOM* FURNITURE FOR THE DINING-ROOM. FURNITURE FOR THE BEDROOM. FURNITURE FOR THE KITCHEN. FURNITURE AND FITTINGS FOR; OFFICES. >" )4iWifn-nu OF A1& NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Come and see, then judge for yourselves. PIANOS, HARMONIUMS, ORGANS, CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELLERY, WRINGING AND WASHING MACHINES, SEWING MACHINES, ANn BVnY Household BSQUIBITE. PERAMBULATORS, MAIL CARTS, OF EVERY IUND. We keep the Largest; Stock ia Cardiff to seieefc from. CHAIRS, &0. LENT ON HIRE. NOTE THJK?. SPECIALITIES.-Oar BEDROOM SUITES ia various decorated coloured wood, urell-niade and finished, consisting of Marble-top Wash- stand with tiled back. Dressing Chest with Toilet Glass attached, Towel Rail, and two Chairs; the whok lot for dB3159 6d, a marvel of cheapness. • NOTE THIS. PIANOS at 50 per cent, redaction. Call, see and try our Twenty-five Guinea Piano, full eompttss, brass tuning plate, iron framed. This Piano has been heretofore sold for forty-five guineas. No other firm can compete with us in Piattos. NOTE THIS. A SECOND-HAND GRAND PIANO by BROADWOOD will bo qold: At a great sacrifice; also a Second-hand Pianos to be sold very cheap. Don't miss thiS opportunity. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE. !'< If yotj call yoorself. Witt for ear Cata- logue aod reran, 'If III '4 SAtffiRlttS; f. ,u .Ut. NOTE OUR ONltf ÂDDttESS ^TLAS ^URNtSHtNG (LtlrllØD). HAYES B tf I .;0 t it 0 a. l IJIttB A t SSB »1 P r, ^Bttsimss ^5togsts> JjIG Q.AME JJUNTIN6 IN TWO CONTINENTS- A Series of interesting Articles under this heading is NOW APPEARING In the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS. They are written by the famous Hunter apd. Explorer R pERCY SELOUS; Whoso Adventurous Career has been FILLED WITH ADVENTURE. Wherever stirring events have been in progress Mr Selous has been found, and his Hunting Stories are replete with RECORDS OF HARROW ESCAPES and Stirring Stories of MOMENTS OF IMMINENT PERIL itt many lands. He has hunted every kind of big game, including LIONS, LEOPARDS, ELEPHANTS, TIGERS, B WARs, BUFFALOES, &c. The Author's graphic style adds to the moving interest of this remarkable series of articles. As an instance of Mr Selons' cdol daring, it may be mentioned that when a large leopard had him down and was worrying him with the greatest ferocity, he saved himself by ramming his veldt hat down the animal's throat, in this way, even when drenched with blood, choking it off until he Could use his knife. An additional interest is that Mr Selous is A BORN NATURALIST AS WELL AS HUNTER, and many felicitous touches in this connection will be found. A great hunter, this mighty Nmirod is always merciful. The series will include articles on :— L LEOPARD HUNTING IN BECHUANA- LAND. 2 AFTER "GRIZZLIES" IN THE ROCKIES. S. HUNTING WAPITI AND MOOSE IN NORTH AMERICA. t., STALKING GIRAFFES IN THE KALAHARL 5. LION HUNTING IN SOUTH AFRICA 6. TRACKING CAPE BUFFALOES. f. HOW I SHOT MY RHINOCEROSES. 8. SHOOTING HIPPOPOTAMI ON THE ORANGE RIVER. Being an unexampled record of moving HUNTING INCIDENTS IN DISTANT LANDS. ORIGINAL NOVEL MB THE CARDIFF nniMES AND SOUTaw ALES WEEKLY NEWS. HIGH-CLASS STORY TO COMMENCE ON JANUARY 6TH, 1894, BY MR WILLIAM BLACK, Author of ct Á Princess of Thuic." A Daughter of "In Silk Attire," "Madcap Violet," "White Wings," "The Beautiful Wretch," "White Heather," "In Far Lochaber," &c., &c., ENTITLED JJIGHLAND COUSINS. ]^R NEW NOVEL, JJIGHLAND COUSINS. Quite in Mr Brack's happiest manner is his New Story. From the outset the reader feels himself drawn towards these "Highland Cousins," and desires to know more of their hopes and loves, and fearn. Barbara. and Jessie MacLean, Kay J ck Ogilvie, studious Allan Henderson, smug Peter McFadyen, and the other charac- ters introduced form a little world in which the passion and fever of life have full play and artistic representation. Humour, Incident, and Pathos are con- spicuous in this story, which, without doubt, will rank as Mr Black's Most Successful Work. MR WilTiam JJLACK. Mr Black, the Author of "Bighland Cousins"—upon which work he is still engaged—was born in Glasgow in 1841. He studied for an artist, but drifted into journalism. In 1864 be went to London, and subsequently was war correspondent for the Morning Star. The scenes he then witnessed lie utilised in his first Novel, "Love or Marriage." For four or five years Mr Black was assistant editor of the London Daily News; but he practically ceased his connection with journalism fifteen years ago. As a Novelist Mr Black has achieved a brilliant success. Everyone is acquamted with bis stories. Recently his publishers have commenced to issue his novels in a. uniform standard edition, and as such they have had, and continue to enjoy, an enormous and continuous sale. MR BLACK'S NEW NOVEL M IGHLAND COUSINS, WILL COMMENCE ORIGINAL PUBLICATION IN THE 0ARDIFF fJllMES AND gOUTH Hj^ALES WEEKLY NEWS ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 6TH, 1894. A NEW FEATURE FOR t CARDIFF TIMES AND 8Qv:ti WALES WEEKLY NEW8" | UlWl^rt^gablioatkyn at onoe, with entitled "PROFITABLE RURAL PURSUITS," BY an EXPSBT- A Column for Fanciers, Fmit Growers, and all interested in Rural Topics. The "CARDIFf TIMES and SOUTH WALES WDKLT NEWS" ts a Magazine and Newspaper in one. 72 LONG COLUMNS Of Serial stories, Special Illustrated Articles, and the News of the Week FOR A PENNY, BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. They PURIFY the BLOOD. A mild but dectual aperient. They care Indigestion, Headache, Dys- pepsia, Constipation, Bile, Ner- WORSDELL'S vousness, Ac. They are invaluable Y' to Ladies, as the correct all irregu larities, remove all obstructions, and rest-ore to complete health. P ILLS In use nearly 100 years. Of all Chemists, price, Is ld, aø 9d 1333 and 4s 6d per box. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all derangements of the Urinary Otgaas (acquired or constitutional), Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Guaranteed free from Merrjwry. Sfrtd in Boxes 4s 6d each, by all Cbemibts and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company f003 CARDIFF. ST. CATHEKENEU CARDIFF* Nos. 3 and 4, PARK-PLACE. PRINCIPAL MISS COLLIN, B.A Seven Years Second MSstress in the Nottingham High School for Girls. SECOND MISTRESS MISS LAYTON. Former Student of Newioliam College, Cambridge; late Assistant Mistress "in the Nottingham High School and Exeter High School. Preparation for the Matriculation and IntermediaU i Examinations of the London University, Cambridge i Local Examina tions, and Stdiolarship Exam nations. I RESIDENT PUPILS RKCEIVED. KINDERGARTEN and PREPARATORY DE- PARTMENT for GIRLS and BOYS under the age of eight years. c SPRING TERM BEGINS January 22nd, 1894. Prospectus and Terms on application to tht Principal. 3553 MONKTON HOUSE SCHOOL^ CARIMFF. PRINCIPAL HENRY SHfWBROOKS, B.A. (Lond.; RESIDENT ASSISEANT MASTERS J. BART, M.A. (Durham). F. PERRY, B.A. (Lond., Honours in Latin, Greet and French). E. WERNER, Ph.D. (Univ. of Berne). A. WHITELAW. VISITING MASTERS MATHEMATICS.—R. H. PIKKERTON, B.A. (Math Lecturer, S. Wales Univ. Ctoll.) MECHANICAL DRAWING.—W. F. PULLEN (S. W. Univer: Coll.) FREEHAND DRAWING, PAINTING IN WATERCOLOURf AND OIL.-S. M. BROAD. « THE NEXT TERM WILL, BEGIN MONDAY. JANUARY 22ND. PROSPECTUS, Ac., ON APPLICATION TO THE PRINCIPAL. 649 gOUTH WALES & MONMOUTHSHIRE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 94, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF; Also NEWPORT BRANCH. PRINCIPAL .DR. JOSEPH PARRY. The JANUARY TERM COMMENCES on TUESDAY January"àld. PROSPECTUSES, containing Subjects taught, Stat of Teachers, Fees, Scholarships, Ac., may be had of t SECRETAJRY, 94, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF and Messrs SEWMABf and SONS, NEWPOBX 3618 (Ti ATHEDRAL-ROAD HIGH SCHOOl Vy FOR GIK«TjS. Principals :— Mrs and the Misses TAYLOift, assisted by Highly- Certificated Governess and Visiting Masters. Pupils successfully prepared fior Oxford, Cambridge, College of Preceptors, Trinity R.A.M., and London College of Music, and South Kensington. Good Art Studio. Painting and Drawing in al) Styles. New Photo Painting, Cirystoleum, and Wood Carving. Pupils re-assemble JANUARY 16th. 3556 gCHOOL R GIRLS. ST. EDMUNDSBU KY^ WETiiLFIELD-ROAD, CARDIFF. Principal: Mrs JENNINGS, Assisted by Certificated Teachers. Pupils Prepared for all Public E xaminations. Every Home Comfort and Person al care. Spring Term will begin MONDAV, January 22nd. Highest References. Turns on application. 3692 ENSINGTON HOUSE. WINDfoiOR-PLACE, CAITIFF. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. PRINCIPALS The Misses HARVEY. SPRING TERM, JAN 23RD. 530 CJT. MARY'S HALL SCHOOL, t0 GLOSSOP-TERRAC A. PRINCIPAL ALEX ANDER LOW. The NEXT TERM will begin on WEDNESDAY, January 17th. 3625 ARDIFF MIDDLE-CLASS SCHOOL (Boys'), Spring Villa, Cowbridg B-rd. (near Sophia Gardens).—Principal, Mr W. R. WILBIES,Inters. (B.Sc., B.Mus.), Lond. Next term commenoJan. 18th, 1894. 8) CYRIL CRESCENT, ROATH School for Girls and Preparatory Class for Boys.—Principals, The Misses EV AN 200 COWBRIDGE. r ^jOWBRIDGE SCCHOOL. NEXTTEUM BEGINS THURSDAY JAN. 18TH. The List of Successes for the past; ytiar includes Cla-sical Scholarship (£80 per annum), Oxford; Clas- sical Scholarship, Lampeter; First CI ass Mathema- tical Finals, Oxford; second Class Mathematical Moderations, Oxford First Class London Matricu- lation. During the same period Candidates have alSCI passed the following examinations :-Rc Iyal University of Ireland Medical Preliminary Legal Preliminary London and Provincial Bank; Cambridge Locate (Junior). For Prospectus apply to Headmaster. 3602 rriHE GREAT HOUSE SCHOOL X FOR GIRLS. Principals: MRS and the MIsSES CDLVESCWELL. PUPILS areSuccessfuUy PREPARED for the Oxford, Cambridge, College of Precep tore, the Asso- ciated Board of the R.A.M. and R.C<M., and Trinity College Local Examinations. References and Prospectuses forwandted on applica- tion to the Principals. The NEXT TERM will BEGIN SATURDAY, January 20tl1. 3563 SWANSEA. SWANSEA HIGH SCHOOL FOB IO GJRLS. LLWYN-Y-BRYN, WALTER-ROAD. SWANSEA, HEAD MISTRESS—MISS VINTER. The SPRING TERM WILL BEGIN on MONDAY. Prospectuses and forms of application for admissioi may be obtained at the School, or from the Secretary of the Girls' Public Day School Company, Limited, 21, Queen Anne's Gate, London, S. W. 3684 A Preparatory Department is attach>d to the school IRLS' BOARDING AND DA1 \JT SCHOOL, BELLEVUE, SWANSEA. Principals—The Misses PHELLIPS, Assisted by resident Certificaced_ English and Foreigf Governesses and Visiting Masters. Preparation for Local Examinations. The House is pleasantly situated in..it8 own ground; on a hill, and overlooking the sea. The Autumn Term commenced on IXTESDAY, SEP> TEMBER 19th. 1697 gT.ANDREW'S COLLEGE, SWANSEA Principal: G. GRAHAM SUTHERLAND, F.E.I.S. Re-opens MONDAY, Jan. 8th, 1894. Within the past 18 months, 16 Stodents of thi: School have passed the following University Ex animations l.ondon Matn- ulation, Honours ami Prize Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Honours, Distinctions, and Passes, Title»of Associate of Arts.. 3642 ABERAVON A BERAVON ACADEMY, ABC8RAVON -CJL PORT TALBOT. PRINCIPAL: Rev. T. RI HARDS, J.S.Sc. Preparation ior College, Preliminary, and Commer cial Examinations. SCHOOL RE-OPENS JANUARY 8th. 3581 MAESYCWMMER. THE gOUTH WALES SCHOOL FOR GIRLS SUMMERl IELD HALL, MAE8YCWMMER. PATRONS: The Right Honourable Lord TREDEGAR, Colonel th( Hon. F. O. MORGAN, M.P Sir GEORGE WALKER Bart., Sir WILLIAM THOMAS LEWIS, and ALFRED THOMAS, Esq., M.P. "t Ii School to meet the times; good, oheap; ant comfortable and situated in one of the healthies and most picturesque spots in the Principality."— Vi<U Press. PRINCIPAL: MRS R. H. JONES, Certificate—First Class (Government). Advanced Art Certificate—Drawing a.nd Painting (South Kensington). ( First Form and Matriculation Class S Miss S. E. THOMAS, Undergraduate London University (First Division). Senior English Form: 1 Miss E. WALKER. Certificated—-London University. Junior English Form: Miss N. CROSS, Certificates-Oxford Locals. Conversational French: Madame DAN ISAAC DAVIES (nldMIBAULT).. Pianoforte and Voice Culture: Professor A. N. JAMES, B.A.M. Pianoforte and Harmony, Painting and Drawing: Miss E. E. DAnES, Certiflcates-Senior Pianoforte and Harmony, B. A.M. Art Certificate-Soutb Kensington. Pianoforte and Leatherwork: Miss M. L. HOWARD. Pianoforte: Miss C. A. PHILLIPS, Silver Medallistr-London College of Masifl. Pianoforte (Juniors): Miss L. LLEWELYN. Violin: Mr O. COLEMAN (Conductor of the Blackwood Philharmonic Dancing: Mr F. G. ROBERTS, Cardiff. English and the Theory of Music: r Mr R. H. JONES (late Inspector of Schooftfc THE NEXT QUARTER WILL BEGIN ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1894. For Prospectus, Ac., apply to the Principat. 3569 KNIGHTON. /GIRLS' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, "PENRHOS' (late "The Chestnuts") KNIGHTON, RADNOR. In union with Londor College of Music. Principal—Miss WALL, asslstod. bj Resident English and Foreign Governesses. Thorough Education in English and Accomplishments liberal diet; home comforts healthy situation tennis lawn excellent references. All Pupils entered* f01 recent Local Examinations passed successfully. Governess Pupil required. Small premium. TERM COMMENCES SEPTEMBER 18th 1-