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Family Notices




















NEWS IN BRIEF. The Czar of Russia has sent to President Carnot a gift of six thoroughbred horses. Pulmonary consumption caused the death of It3 persons in the Metropolis last week. The emoluments of Sir Forrest Fulton, the Common Serjeant, have been increased by 2250 for the pa) ment of clerk and chambers. At the Bank of England on Friday 238,000 in Russian coin was sold, £ 70,000 was withdrawn, for Germany, and £ 10,000 for Holland. There are 50 miles of electric railway and 1,600 telephones in use in Grand Rapids, Michigan, an enterprising city of 90,000 inhabitants. Mr Isaac Sharp, the veteran Quaker preacher, is visiting the missionaries in the Indian terri- tory and the native tribes still existing there, The Working Men's Lord's Day Rest Associa. tion has arranged for upwards of 443 sermons to be preached, mainly during the present month, in favour of Sunday observance. It is stated that women's voices do not "carry well on long-distance telephone lines. Their high notes do very well over short lines, but are not heard distinctly enough on the longer lines. During the eight years following the War of the Rebellion, there were constructed in the United States 36,500 miles of railroad, or more than half the then existing total mileage of the country. The directorship of the Veterinary Depart* ment of the Board of Agriculture, a post which is worth Bl,000 a year, will become vacant at the end of next month by the retirement of Pro- fessor Brown. Mr Joseph A. Cave, the veteran actor, who hat been on the stage since he was nine years old, and is now playing at Drury-lane Theatre, was enter- tained on Wednesday by a number of friends who met to celebrate his 70th birthday. About 85 per cent. of New England farms are cultivated by their owners, and three-quarters of such farms are wholly free of mortgage indebted- ness. It need scarcely be added that farms do non go out of cultivation in New England. At Ohio Wesleyan University, which has .at present more than 60 graduates or students in foreign missionary service, a lecturer on Christian missions has been appointed. This is the first American college to make such an appoint- ment. The death has occurred, at Genoa, of the Duke of Galhera. He refused on his father's death to adopt the title, but took the name of Ferrari, and. worked for a livelihood. His mother, conse- quently, left most of her wealth to charitable pur- poses. AtOtley, near Leeds, on Saturday, a tbree-year, old child was drowned in the Mill Reservoir. It is alleged that the mother, a married woman, threw the child into the water and then attempted to drown herself. The woman, who had been suffering from depression, is in a precarious condition. A man found dead on Friday, in Charles-street, Stepney, was very curiously tattooed. Two stars were on the breast, with an arrow and shield on either side scars, shamrocks, cross flags, and anchors were on both arms; and there was a representation of the Crucifixion on the right arm and Britannia on -he left arm. It is no wonder that American girls are irre- sistible if the following is a fair specimen of theiff readiness in retort. An eminent personage, while conversing with a fair New Yorker, ventured to express his energetic disapproval of the practice so universally adopted by ladies of wearing, watches on their wrists. Well," she returned. I'm sure you have no objection to seeing clocks on our ankles." The current number of the "Strand Magazine" contains incidentally a memoir of the original Bob, best of dogs and most zealous of fire-heroes.^ So keen a saver of life was he tbat on one occa«| sion he emerged from the flames carrying an exhausted cat in his mouth. In any other dog. such an act would have indicated only a desire tct preserve* game; but Bob was nothing if not altruistic. At the initial entertainment given at Merthy. by Professer Baldwin on Friday night, Mrs Bald- win said one of the questions asked by a member of the audience was—When will thecolliers' strike in England be settled? Having given the ques- tion, she also furnished the answer, saying the strike would end in the middle of December. Some hours before she made this statement, terms of a settlement had been arranged at the Foreign Office. It was shortly after his appointment to St. Petersburg that Sir Robert Morier was attacked in the German Press on a charge of having during the siege of Metz given Marshal Bazaine secret information of the movements of the German troops. The allegations were promptly denied; but the agitation created a great amount of ill-feeling between the two countries, the unfounded attack on our Minister being naturally resented in this country. In a small room in the City the other day, not far from the famous corner" of Lombard-street, was enacted the final scene in the great Overendl and Grurney crash, which convulsed the cominer-, cial world in the early sixties. Not half a dozoo of the 2,200 original shareholders of the banltf attended to hear the account of the 27 yean/ stewardship of the liquidators, and of those two or three who recalled the terrible panic of Black Friday," one aged gentleman was so deaf that hel failed to hear a word that was said. At a meeting of the Dundee Town Council, on Friday, the town clerk intimated that the Lord Provost had received a communication from tht Marquis of Bute expressing rerrret that his lord. ship would be unable to visit Dundee in connec- tion with his election as Lord Rector of Sb. Andrew's University. His lordship enclosed f, cheque for £1,000 for the establishment and endowment of a Dundee scholarship or bursary in St. Andrew's, adding that the money would do more good than a half hour's address by him. The editor of a paper called the lempsranctI Caterer has been telling his readers something about a pheasant of which he and Mr* Editor" recently partook. He writes of th4 meal in a strain of almost religious fervour « Ob, but be was a lovely bird, and his life had gone inwards at the last to become flavour. Had those wings brushed away the morning dews it the long grass ? Even so did each morsel i f theiff prettily assault the palate and scamper down thf interior passages as if it flirted the whole father- tail behind it." Master Reginald S. Allen, 14 years of age, sol of Major Allen, of the Worcestershire Regiment^ has just been awarded the Vellum Testimonial cf the Royal Humane Society for saving the lific of his younger brother, by swimming out to his assistance, and rescuing him from drowning if tho tideway at Boulston, Milford Haven, ot August 10th. The case was reported to the societj by the Rav. W. B- Thomas, Rector of Nymaston, It cost as much to send corn from Bristol t( Bath as it does to have it conveyed from New York to Bristol. Cigarette smokers in Paris were rather dis. ;I mayed to find that for years one of the hospitah. there had contributed its quota in the manufac- ture of cigarette papers. The Hospital asserto that the cotton wool and lint, after being used ill the wards, were regarded as the special peiqui- sites of the servants, who sold them to manufaoi turers of the particular industry to which we ha-rf,- referred. This proceeding, which has now bee* put a stop to, was carried out sub rosa, and, it may readily be surmised, was never widely known, or perhaps consumers of Parisian cigarettes would have been fewer in number. The latest, and perhaps the most novel, case i. proof of the right of Wales to claim equality with England is furnished by a correspondent. -4, few days ago it was stated, in connection with the commg.of-ae, It near Leamington, of triplets, that such an occurrence was unprece- dented in England. The term England' here must not be taken as including Wales, for th6 writer states that years ago tie saw triplets M Bethesda, the children of one of Lord Penrhyo', quarrymen. The three g irlg, who are alive and in perfect health," are now married, and they hope to celebrate their 29th birthday on New Year's Day. A young Danish journalist, M. Waldemai Wiren, has just returned from a tour round the world under original circumstances. He wagered that lie would make the voyage without spending a farthing of his own. To accomplish the feat, he engaged himself on board the steamboats as a stoker, stewaid, or in any other capacity. At, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco he wat welcomed by brother journalists, who got up R subscription for him. He continued his voyage gratuitously, and having visited Shanghai, Singapore, Suez, Tunis, and Hamburg, finally reached home. It is said the wager amounted to E2,000, but the time be took to win it is not sta.ted. Interesting revelations of the mysteries 01 American novel making have been lately mad< in the Law Courts in the States. A lady novelist was sued for a debt, and she made con- fession as to her income. For one book written by her, which reached a sale of 100,000 copies, she received JB200. Another obtained half that circulation, and she was given L50. She is now engaged by a book and story manufactory at a salary of L8 per week. She is given the skeleton of a talc, and is expected to pad it out and covet all chinks at the rate of one story every fortnight. Her employers are altogether indifferent as to whether she invents or steals her dialogue.